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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 15, 2024 10:20pm-11:27pm MSK

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history means the accusation that some of these spare parts for these machines in china were created in western china, the sedyan-ugur autonomous region, how to understand this, how did they understand this and so on, this is the third question, this has not happened before, before at most, clothes of the lenin brand, which no one knows anywhere in russia, that is, it means like a copy of adidas , or maybe they have their own chinese sports brand, that was the maximum, now these are premium cars that are for germany produces... with china, that is, this a simultaneous blow to china, to germany , that is, these are already signals for the use of this forced labor, at the same time before the chinese new year and during the chinese new year, foren policy a large article, gigantic there on page 10, how china is preparing for war, in fact, the way it is preparing it, china is already openly comparing it with japan in the 1930s, saying that china is preparing to create certain reserves of fuel and food there, and legal possibilities for a solution. problems of south china
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there is no sea and so on and so forth. another article: japanese, which means the publication is the same, china is creating, which means allowing its military to civilian fuel facilities, creating reserves, reservists, making it easier for them to access the old part, and so on. what are we talking about, and won’t this taiwanese operation to provoke the united states happen much earlier than the beginning, that is, directly, of vladimir putin’s interview with takir carson, then another interview, that is, a post-interview, and or there, that means, in which one literally in a word essentially, something is changing or in a word , who will be the candidate , this change begins, what is such a tragedy for the economy in the united states, it’s a tragedy, i’m just looking, i honestly don’t see it, they have a gigantic debt, but in principle, that’s how they service it considering the size of the economy, the issue is that there is discussion. already a trillion dollars,
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money can be printed, i think that money can be printed as long as the world takes it, as long as china takes it, a recession will mean that america now has the most interesting the situation is because, purely economically, china cannot play against america, because they have invested too much, the destruction of america will lead to the nullification of the funds that they invested there, coming out this year for a 10% addition, well, that’s still a lot of money there, may be. for china this is not the easiest situation, they don’t like to twitch, what the americans have done now, look, they said that through the mouths of the europeans, that they are not interested in a gas pipeline through ukraine, that is, they are completely hooking europe on their energy resources, which they cannot physically provide, of course, leaves it to the fact that when we want, then we will provide it, but it hangs out, that is, the americans still have a lot of unopened opportunities for economic growth, of course, that is, well , there are opportunities there.
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we’re starting to deceive, i’m not talking about china, we don’t know china so much that china treats us, the whole of china treats us ideally, but updating precisely these articles, yes, precisely these articles, precisely the fact of the appearance of these pressures, means arrests these ships and so on, these goods.
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on the yuan and so on and so forth, indirectly the russian federation really provides a lot of help for itself, including against america for us, because we are in the same bloc, china does not occupy anyone else’s. but definitely, that is, politically yes, but if we are talking about the economy, then we see that well, excuse me, the drones, where they were produced, which the ukrainians have, have always had an extremely pragmatic approach, perhaps this approach, well, that’s what i’m talking about perhaps this approach pragmatic, simply ending with yes, but it will end that perhaps the approach will be pragmatic, which means that china itself cannot, may not plan this taiwanese operation right now, but perhaps the united states will need a provocation. some kind of thing in the taiwanese war, they can do a lot to force china to this scenario, when it has already succumbed to this provocation, it is preparing for this scenario, so i apologize, it’s very similar to what nikolaev just said, repeated a repeat of how we have it all the time, today putin will attack
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ukraine, today he will attack, but no, he will attack tomorrow, now they will do the same with china, china will now disappear to taiwan, he concentrated this very thing, verbality. doesn’t have an impact, we , we didn’t have any other option, we saw how they didn’t preserve the minsk agreements, they’re trying to provoke it, the chairmen, of course, it doesn’t have an impact that easily either, i just think that the americans will try to shake things up from the inside, that is, they will try to find opportunities to somehow influence the uyghurs, well, that is, there are traditional points there, plus every day, every day they introduce new technological restrictions against china, china, yes. they are trying to heat up the temperature, as we know, american methods, how to convince a frog that nothing is happening, a lot of chinese business, unfortunately, is financially tied to american banks, on the contrary, a lot of american, they are therefore heating up, again
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paradoxically, but precisely because because of this pressure, because of this powerful lobby, sidinpin must act more radically in order to maintain his power, pin is generally a great fellow, we are, by and large, lucky that such... well, the economy of the united states is not bad, that is, we see, firstly, against the background of other g7 countries it looks formally the twenty-third year they ended with growth there in the region of 2.5-3%, more than forecasts, for the twenty-fourth year the forecasts are in the region of 2%, i think that they will draw about the same amount, there in reality, of course, the situation is more complicated, as it was correctly noted, because there are imbalances inside the american economy. what saves america, of course, is that well we are seeing a certain cannibalism now among developed countries, yes, that is, for example, in japan there is a colossal outflow of capital, mainly to america, an outflow of capital from europe,
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an outflow of some production, there not only to america, some are leaving for asia, but the point is the fact that america, of course, makes money from this, but at the same time, well, if we look at some others, yes, there are deeper data, because... what is happening in the united states, in the economy, but we we will see, for example, that for 19 months in a row they have industrial production is falling, well, it’s falling , yes, it turned out that way, it’s the longest such decline in recent decades, yes , problems with the mortgage market, obviously, they have been accumulating for a long time, again problems with some banks, very serious problems with corporate real estate, here, of course , other asian countries, south korea, japan and china, in particular, who invested, are again under attack. huge amounts of money in this corporate real estate in america, the construction of these skyscrapers before the pandemic, then a pandemic happened, it turned out that, well , in general, all these offices are not needed, so now we have to reduce their cost by 20, 40, 50%, this, of course, is hitting american banks and many financial institutions in
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asia, too, that made money from it money, well, they either tried to make money, but the energy sector is growing, of course quite actively in america, we’ll see how long it will last, but nevertheless it is growing, the problems with the military-industrial complex are really quite complex, on the one hand... we worked for twenty-two, twenty third a year of record profits, many companies are exporting arms, but indeed for many new programs, yes, the creation of new weapons, as was rightly noted there , the same new b-21 bombers, american military corporations are incurring losses, and decent ones, for example with these bombers, in my opinion , they lost 2.5 billion dollars, that is, this is , well, not such a weak blow for the norman corporation, but that is, there are really a lot of problems. and many banks, now the it sector has again begun to cut workers quite seriously force, and formally the unemployment rate is not growing, because this is covered by the creation of temporary workers locally in the service sector, that is, here it is as if one overlaps the other, but nevertheless such imbalances
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exist, and of course the question is in limbo about when america after all , it will start printing dollars again, yes, because i will remind you that for almost 2 years america has already blocked it. all these printing presses raised their rates, now the rate is still 5.5%, and they are not lowering it, because inflation could not be completely dealt with, yes, inflation is now 3%... not falling, partly also due to global instability, because of geopolitics, because of the war in the red sea, so i understand that in march there will be no reduction in the fed rate again , well, maybe it won’t happen in may either, but this will of course create problems for american business, for american corporations and banks, and of course for the private sector and just those who buy mortgages, because this rate is really very high, so servicing the national debt is becoming increasingly difficult in this situation, well, that’s okay, that is, i think that in fact it’s 22... america will somehow get through without recessions, most likely, there may be problems in 25, but especially if
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trump wins, i think that he will certainly create problems on all fronts, and as for this whole situation related to congress, marjarie taylor greene and lord cameron, let’s take a moment now to discuss this same serious problem right after the advertisement, who- i wanted it. girl, that's it, relax, i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone, who breaks into your voice without asking, anna medium, premiere from monday on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then it’s a problem . what character's name from pushkin's works everyone knows,
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how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what... geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, don’t let me god now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep?
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look. please, yes, let’s say a few words about david cameron or lord cameron, which
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he has now become, because i will remind you that he was appointed to the house of lords in order to make him the head of the foreign office, yes, he has long since gone nowhere was not elected when he left politicians, from the house in general, in the sixteenth year from the position of prime minister, well , to be honest, i hope that this is this composition of the eton mafia, it is living its last days, because if we look at all the other comrades, yes there boris johnson is now working off the rest of the money of the ukrainian wabbists and... they are playing on this, i hope he will also go somewhere into the red sunset, so david cameron, lord cameron, you need to understand, yes, he is spending
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his last months as head of forain office, although he was appointed not so long ago, but i i think that somewhere in october, when the elections are held in britain, the conservatives will lose soundly, he will generally resign quite calmly and will also engage in some kind of lobbying, now, of course, he is trying to gain additional connections, he was hired in fact, it was precisely because of the connection, and he really had quite extensive connections there with the chinese, including me... i think that there really is a person there who, well, to a greater extent, could somehow help the conservatives in foreign policy i found it, but another thing is that, of course, it doesn’t really help at all, this is an essay, i ’m sorry, i won’t comment in any way, it’s simple. here is such a word salad, absolutely meaningless, yes, a set of facts that lord cameron is trying to bring under some kind of agenda, but like boris johnson, i think he has a very stupid ittan habit when he writes one es with one position and another essay with the opposite position, then compares them, so they only showed us one essay, but i wouldn’t mind seeing the opposite, why isn’t it still necessary
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allocate money to ukraine, i think it would be more fun there, but as for that, you need to know that he has the same facts... well, but what’s curious is that now even ardent russophobes hawks are starting to change their shoes in the air, take the same lincegrema, who not so long ago came to kiev last summer, said that killing russian soldiers is the best investment in his opinion, and now he
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suddenly somehow doesn’t want to vote for the allocation of new tranches, that’s of course there are definitely serious changes in the country republicans and... it’s not just that linsigram reconsidered his values ​​and changed his shoes in the air, this is of course due to the fact that public opinion, especially among republicans, is already turning away from ukraine, well, in general , recent polls show that the majority of americans he rather opposes separation from the ranch, and there, in the region of two-thirds of the republican electorate, he also opposes it, but i think that in southern carolina he has all his sociology, this is lintegrem’s native headquarters, where he is elected from, he is all excellent at all this understands, so now he sees it as the right moment when it’s still worth jumping off this burning... ukrainian train , nevertheless, nevertheless, if tomorrow we imagine, yes, that the house of representatives takes it up for discussion, they put this to a vote the very bill on the allocation of ukrainian tranches, they will most likely get a majority, that is, well, firstly, the majority of democrats will vote in favor, except for the very, very left ones who are outraged by the allocation of a tranche to israel, well, there
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are very few of them, literally a dozen or so , i think 2/3 of republicans will vote against it. but somewhere around 1/3 will most likely vote in favor, that is, they will get about 250 votes, but nevertheless, speaker mike johnson is not yet ready to put this very linen to a vote, but he understands very well that these same trumpists will not forgive him for this, but if this happens, if he is accepted in his current form, then simply the same margery taylor greene will begin the procedure for recalling the speaker and mike johnson will be thrown out of office in the same way as kevin was thrown out not so long ago mccarthy. the procedure is very simplified now, and in order to declare no confidence in the speaker, five legislators and congressmen are enough to start the procedure, then they will vote against mike johnson during the main vote, in general, that’s where it all ends, here’s mike johnson, i think that’s it- he still wants to sit longer, so he’s not ready to commit such political suicide right now, but nevertheless , the democrats have a plan b, they
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started talking about it quite openly in the last few days, to try to convince some moderate republicans, vote with them. and thus , bypassing the speaker, still bring this matter up for discussion and then pass it, but i admit that this can happen, yes, although of course, even if you are a moderate republican, even if you represent such swing districts or districts in liberal states, for you such a move will again mean, most likely , political suicide, because there both trump and trump supporters will, of course, give them a very serious nightmare, but theoretically this is possible, which is why we should keep this point in mind that suddenly, somehow, bypassing mike johnson, everything... will be able to accept these 60 billion to ukraine. the second point , which is now being discussed, was invented by some right-wing republicans; they still propose to revive this very original original plan, carry out migration reform and approve the external tranche. migration reform, they simply want to return all the practices of the trump era, that is, the deportation of illegal migrants, and at the same time allocate to ukraine not 60
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billion, but 40 billion. well, like a third less, as if it would be easier to carry out. i'm not sure what. democrats will agree with such a reform project, but it’s like another plan c, let’s say, if plan b doesn’t work, well, plan d, which we also already talked about, and there i continue to believe that one of the most probable scenarios, if it doesn’t work out with b, then the next option is simply to include it directly in it in march, when the next federal budget will be discussed, literally the us federal budget, these same military tranches, well, maybe not in full, not all 60 billion, well, i fully admit 20-30. they can turn on, that is, there are many different procedural tricks, yes, with the help of which this money can be allocated, that is, we need to be prepared for the fact that suddenly congress will still agree on this, even if however, in the end this did not happen. when they are ready, we need to do what? well, we just shouldn't be upset, we should do what we don't it’s worth it, you shouldn’t be upset that this happened, at least, yes, that is
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, emotionally, at least i think that they, firstly, i think that they are already giving to them, yeah, there through other channels, but they supply everything they need, and then let them find a way to imple, there is also a plan, like this , in which biden allocates, in fact , simply the logistics from the warehouses of the us army, of course. thus exceeds his official powers, goes according to the twenty-fifth amendment, blame everything, he doesn’t believe so, but nevertheless, let’s say in general there won’t be a plan for them, well, it didn’t come out in alphabetical order, the point is that even if these 60 billion are agreed upon, i think that no catastrophe will happen, which means you need to understand that, firstly, 30 billion are going directly to the pentagon then to replenish everything everything all all the equipment that already existed. spent in ukraine, only 15 billion goes to new military tranches for ukraine, and this is until september of the twenty- fifth year, that is, 700 million a month, in general, not the amounts that were allocated in the twenty-second year or at the beginning of the twenty-fifth
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third, when ukraine was being prepared for the so-called counter-offensive, the rest of the money was either humanitarian aid, or some direct tranches, already the ukrainian financial budget, or what was allocated for training ukrainians in the west, but the point is that in any case , since this same bill is planned for a year and a half in advance, the money is not that big, and they don’t cover all the issues for ukrainian lobbyists, although they were of course happy when it was passed in the senate, that’s why you shouldn’t be afraid, don’t panic, if after all they will pass this very bill, it’s not bad , yes, it’s bad for us, but it’s not critical, they’ll pass it anyway, of course, we still need to win, they’ll pass it this way, they’ll accept it that way, we need to hammer them with all our might, yes, please, plans, and , b, c, f, e, we sometimes underestimate the enemy. sometimes it seems to me that we put too much into his consciousness, today you showed all these people from one ward, from another ward, no matter the upper, lower or psychiatric, because these people,
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the worst thing is that they think that they they are managing something, no, perhaps the worst thing is that they really are managing something, uh, but it’s scary that they think that they are managing the world political process, we must acknowledge the fact that we have no one to dialogue with , it is very important. the second point, due to the fact that these same leaders have degenerated, the west does not see the shores, it does not
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understand what is possible and what is not possible in the system of international relations. and secondly, which is very important, in this regard, there was a break in all existing international legal norms, they are simply swept away by the west. and along with this, the question arises, why are there some...
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after all, it already exists in fact, whether the americans want it or not, they may think that it is unipolar, monocentric, but in reality a polycentric world already exists, another question is that it needs to be built , built, but it won’t be built, it’s not built today , moreover, russia is trying to do it in the west, that’s all we hear, all these articles and so on, synonymous with threat, yes, that russia is a threat, all around her, around this very threat it is possible and necessary to unite,
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this blockade that the west is forming. that is why it is very important when he thinks that he is forming a wall with russia, that he is pushing russia aside, but in fact he is pushing himself to the margins of human development, after all.
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.. coalition, even went to egypt, it seemed like he was trying to unite, create this impossible thing, but he went to egypt trying to build a new configuration of the islamic world around himself, as he sees this configuration, this, like many other things, is what occurs in the non-west, in space of the non-west, and is the basis of the future world with which we have to work, but how can erdogan collect when he does not have the main thing, which again, he does not have the main thing? forces, but when china collects, it collects on the basis of fantastic economic power, when russia collects, it collects on the basis of military power. what is erdogan’s problem with the protracted economic crisis in the absence of real military victories with such eternal maneuvering, he has grown competitors in the islamic world, who are told: we are of course, effendi, we are very we respect you, but there are nuances, but we will buy bayraktar, but bayraktar is no longer interesting, iraq
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removed the bayraktar well.
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just to get together a little bit, because to learn to correlate ambitions with reality, no, just to bring something to the end, for example, choose the side of russia, ukraine, well, for example, choose a side, i don’t sell weapons to either one, or the other, it’s impossible, then problems immediately arise, then it’s not very good there either, choose a side in the gas sector, if you say no, i won’t allow it, i’ll fight, don’t sell anything, you can’t, but at the same time the economy i still didn’t get anything from it, because the economy is in crisis, the lira is in crisis,
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that’s why. where there is no economic miracle due to political maneuvering, uh-huh, that’s the problem, well, somehow it still holds on to the same logic. and what will be better tomorrow - he says, ideology, the bird of happiness of tomorrow, of course, dear blue bird.
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i think we need to talk about this , it hurts us, this is our fault, but we need to talk about it, and you know, i personally am very grateful to this generation of afghans, because somehow in life they are these guys all the time were nearby when the generation
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of winners of the great patriotic war was weakening and passing away , for me personally, i think for very many, this was an example, because of these guys i knew, no one doubted the justice of their mission, that that he repaid his debt to the country and for them the national debt - this was not some empty phrase, so i would just like to say thank you, their fates were different, but for our country this is important, and even somewhere we must learn bitter lessons, i would like to return to what i was talking about the president of russia today, about an attempt to rehabilitate fascism with various such insinuations, yeah, but a whole industry of this rehabilitation has been created, this is not just some kind of controversy. are you right or are you wrong, special tricks have been created, tricks have been created , he named one of them, you know, this one, well, he was there, like the nazis arrested him there, listen, hitler, for example, spent the night of long knives, he repressed many fascists, did they become
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anti-fascists because of this, or what? then i remember in the nineties this was popular and still is some terminology, well, you know, well , this is nazism, you use the correct term, national socialism, suporom socialism, and fascism is something else for this for what for that. in order to hide these right-wing fascist movements and, as it were, abound in them, remember how popular pinochet was with many of our liberals, but this is such a path to liberal fascism, or these legal tricks, readings of the nyberg verdict, for example in the baltics, says: " no, no, not all ss were bad, not all, there you have to translate it like this, here they wrapped the fish, four translation, everyone will look, it turns out that it seems that he is not to blame, or ... "many of the germans are still confident, so everyone has found a figure of silence for themselves: the wehrmacht was not to blame, here in 1944, in january they liberated such a camp, to unfortunately, i know less about this than about the khatyn tragedy, you need to know the camp that the wehrmacht created on purpose, you need to read this,
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the ninth army of the wehrmacht azarich, 50,000 belarusians were driven into three concentration camps , they explained very cynically, you just compare with modern documents what they mean they they talk about our country, they talk about ukraine , they mean... there he says, well, we have a front, we need to feed these people, let's drive them into camps, and writes a report, one of the german officers, listen, they solved the problem, settled in their homes, there were fewer poisons, and the fact that people there were dying and suffering from typhus is , so to speak, other problems, then an attempt to compare the soviet union with germany, this is all a conscious policy, for what, and moreover, they are consistently examining has an anti-fascist heritage. okay, ours the feat of our ancestors, the anti-fascist heritage that degol, his glory is as great as it once was, but nothing like it, and the old man foresaw that pétain once died, georges pompedou came to him and said: pétain died. gol thought about it, said, yes
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, marshal died, to which he pompously said, the matter is over, he said, no, this is a great historical drama, great historical dramas never end, the west would like the matter to be over, fascism, the second world war. would become such silent figures, something like this from comics, along with with medieval knights, they constantly tell us: why do you always remember about that war, why do you need this war, why do you need it? macron appears and one of his first political actions , he was only president for a little over a year in 1918, he actually rehabilitates pétain for the centenary of the first world war, he says yes, he was a great soldier, well, he would have made the wrong choice there a little bit now they have pétain refers to the glorious marshals of the first world war , can you imagine that here we are when celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the defense of moscow, they said, you know, well, vlassov at one time was a normal fighter, a general, and then
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he made a choice, this was the plan, i’m just saying this to popov , once such an idea could have come to mind, but none of the modern russian politicians, real ones it can’t come to mind, the question is why they are doing this, with only one goal, to return to this practice, to return to the practice of using fascism for their own advancement, because fascism we remember its classic definition, this is an ideology in...
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war and they oppose this ideology, that's all, see you on sunday.
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please, bye dear, will you pick us up in 2 hours, okay, and in 2 and a half, okay, no, better in three, okay. you have gold, man, you might think
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it’s worse for you, but i’m better. oh, look, what a model, it’s called take what you want, how much? oh, i'll die of boredom here in 3 hours. listen, you don’t understand anything, these three hours won’t even be enough for you and me. firstly, i agreed that after the show all this can be measured. i don't need to measure anything. well, i know better what you need. first of all, you need to leave the prosecutor's office. so what will i do? what, give birth to children?
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lisa, why did he run away like he was scalded, you yourself asked about lenka, well, his wife wasn’t around, don’t you know anything, what? i’ll tell you now, lenka was arrested, she’s in prison, how she was arrested, for what? so don’t you know anything, yes, you don’t know anything, well, tell me, don’t let me, albert’s wife was killed, it’s terrible, yes, when, oh, well, you give, you where do you live anyway, she was buried a long time ago, i didn’t know, it can’t be, and
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why lenka was arrested, everyone says that it was lenka who killed his wife, lenka killed, but lenka can still be understood, i would i'm dying this myself. strangled, well, i’m surprised at him , he buried his wife, his mistress is in prison, he ’s a model from the ass, he pinched and pinched, he was white, okay, i ran, well, what did i tell you, 3 hours won’t be enough for us here , of course, until you collect all the gossip, we won’t leave here, well, why don’t you it’s a shame, my best friend was put in prison, and she’s gossip, the best, i wonder what kind of friend you have, and you’re the only one i have, okay, 5 minutes, tell me, i forgot my keys at home that day, i came home , i called, no one
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answered, i went to the neighbors, they broke down the door, and there... and what horror, and what was there? tatyana is lying there, i didn’t even recognize her, she’s covered in blood and her face is disfigured, god, why did she have to disfigure her face, they doused her with acid, and lenka has something to do with it, her neighbors identified her. "did she come out of the front door when she came out? yes the fact of the matter is that at the same time when the murder occurred, but this doesn’t mean anything, in my wife’s things, investigators found her photograph, and what, you want to say that lena killed your wife, because
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she stole her photograph, yes, are you kidding me, no, of course, of course.” i’m not kidding, i just want to understand the motive for the murder, and what can i understand, lenna and i love each other, yeah, but she knew that i couldn’t divorce my wife, why? well, i felt sorry for my wife, but for lena, i don’t feel sorry for lena, i feel sorry for him, so i hired a good lawyer, that's right. “well, now we’re going, well, it’s time for us to go , excuse me, well, mr. lawyer, where is our beauty? well, it’ll be here soon, but the watch is
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not bad, two thousand, and two and a half, i see, mr. selet, you’re wearing a watch .. you understand, i understand, oh, yours are no worse, but even better, only they were given to me, and you bought mine yourself, okay, okay, if you don’t be too humble, you ’ll go to football on saturday, but what, and then to the bathhouse, it’s swept up, walk, come in, hello, hello, lenochka, come in, sit down, thank you very much, thank you, your mother says hello to you, thank you today i will present you with the final charge of everything, the case will go to court, but what is it? now, lenochka , don’t worry, we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure out what it is, girls will always get involved with assholes,
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if it weren’t for your alec, you would be sitting at home with your mother now, but no, alec has nothing to do with it, it’s my own fault, well yes, it's only your fault. the fact that i fell in love with this freak, so, and why are you looking at me like that, not only did he fool the girl’s head, but he also broke her in full, what do you mean , what, who refuted your alebi, wait, nikolai petrovich, what do you want to say, that’s it, your client, boris boris, claimed that during the murder she and her lover were having fun with a rented apartment hut, but we weren’t having fun, we were just together, linochka, calm down, nati. admire how he surrenders his beloved, he was not at any house, but he was simply afraid to say it, but he was not afraid to say that you were with his wife... it can’t be, on the day of my wife’s murder i i haven’t seen gulyaeva, i ’ve rarely seen her lately, our relationship was
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on the verge of breaking, but he couldn’t say that, we love each other, how do you know, well, i love him, no, well, i believe that, but how do you know that he loves you? question, among your wife’s belongings photographs of elena gulyaeva and her phone number were found, how can you explain this? apparently, my wife found out the answer: everything is clear here, how about you, albertik, i can’t stand such skinny
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men that then girls run after him? not i know, but when a guy checks how he looks all the time, probably, but you just know, and his wife was a decent term, lenka is a good girl, why didn’t he get a divorce then, but remember yourself when you have andrey legs wiped it off, aren’t you divorced, i’m a woman , it’s always easier for a man, then albert had someone... someone to go to lenka’s communal apartment and such a fruit-poop wouldn’t exchange shvetsov for a shalazh in the life of her mansion, she went to the city prosecutor’s office for certification and the boss yeah , we’re waiting there, but now she’s not going to be a deputy prosecutor we've arrived, you're the new boss, of course , cranberry with cognac. actually, instead of her , it should have been me, the woman, the boss, this is nonsense, i’m also for the prosecutor, it’s with her character, with her character, she will make
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an excellent, magnificent deputy prosecutor, i’m very happy for her, for masha, for marya sergeevna, oh, we can congratulate you, you can, you can, little zone, gather everyone, nikola. and what kind of bottle do you hold on to, team, yeah, zhenya, cups quickly, that’s right, read the case, yes, it’s me who’s walking, also, mannekenchis, the case is pure, like he always did everything at the highest level, a mosquito won’t sharpen his nose, don’t doubt it, barchirin will look at it, approve it accusatoryly , we’ll consider it a baptism of fire, yeah, sort it out, my friends , i present to you my new deputy for supervising the prosecutor’s investigation, shveytsova sergeevna. yes, by the way, we
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haven’t washed the stars maria sergeevna yet. and that your lugansky has already understood that you are not going anywhere? you know, it seems to me that he understood this as soon as he saw me for the first time. oh, poor man. yes, girls, i'm a poor man because i love you. without any reciprocity, nikolai petrovich , you see yourself decently, oh, excuse me , generously, marya sergeevna, excuse me, sign the document, everything there is like in a pharmacy, purely beautiful, here, here, i affirm, listen, formalist, but you know, that i am a master of the highest class, and i’m just interested, i hope everything will be okay, well, for the junior counselor of justice, shvetsova mar, thank you, congratulations, congratulations, well, that’s it, the ceremonial part is over, i ask everyone
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to their jobs. let's go there now, guys, wait, wait. ok, we will see, yes. big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, a hero of afghanistan. these are very serious people. you should move out. lawlessness, this is our home, i left on the spot a long time ago, you will find your own stick, the paratroopers
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don’t abandon their own, everything goes back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine. the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints. here you are. you will know how not to report napkins later. he does not work. take it back. so that's why we fired him, because he didn't work at all. now get your
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anger management books. the serenity of bamboo. history of a big country on friday on rtr, well, for now. quiet, on friday, the blue one had an accident , everything will be fine, everything will be as before, it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what happened, i need money for the operation , loading at night, i advise you to sleep, change clothes, road intersections, this is very dangerous work, you in general, i’m sorry, but this is not for women,
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crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, but me, she’s ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play karbysh and checkers, and that means you believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr. mash, can i draw your congratulatory newspaper for you, otherwise everyone distracts me there. okay, just be quiet, good cake, i love these,
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maryaevna came to congratulate. no, i came to check in, i was accepted as a trainee lawyer, congratulations, what can i congratulate you on, masha, on a new criminal case, masha was made a deputy prosecutor, yes , congratulations, thank you, zhenya, why did you come here to register, i don’t know many people there yet in the consultation, but what’s the matter, look, zonka, just organize some tea for us, and i’ll come for you i'll draw. all the time they distract me with all sorts of nonsense, they don’t let me get down to business, god , what did they do to her, they poured acid on her, acid wounds - a typical murder of women, you think so, yes, of course, you’re right, old woman, my school is immediately visible, a model killed her lover's wife, and there is other evidence,
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in bulk, her neckerchief. was found near the corpse, she was seen leaving immediately after the murder, then she threatened the victim. why do you think that you are her handkerchief? oh, here i am calm, firstly, my parents identified this handkerchief, and secondly, i carried out an adorological examination and went to moscow at my own expense. yes, adorology gives a categorical conclusion. what about the husband, what about the husband? my husband has an iron albie. did you check? pigweed. well, offend, then zhenya correctly says: purely female murder, many stab wounds, acid, female style, okay , everything seems to be fine in business, what did you draw here, fillon, what did you draw here, what is it, how am i going to fix it, listen, i’m a flower for marya sergeevny, take it, or something, prosecutor a flower specially for marya sergeevna,
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come on, get me a new one, why, beautifully, did they approve gulyaeva’s case? yes, you will go to court to support the prosecution, which is beautiful. yes, what a horror, huh?
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hello, evgenia anatolyevna, hello, hello, that’s what you meant when you said, what a horror, of course, i was only told the client’s last name, but they didn’t tell me what the case was, well, what are you worried about, well, i mean, she was framed by someone, or at least her lover, what he says about the threats is not confirmed by anyone else.
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sit down, defendant, stand up, do you plead guilty, no, do you want to express your attitude towards the charges brought against you? this is a monstrous set of circumstances. would you like to testify? got it, sit down. let me remind you that you can testify at any time during the trial. comrade prosecutor, present your evidence. i ask you to question the victim's representative. well, sit down. can you tell me which room? third, fifth, where? and the fifth one, a little further, go along the corridor there. excuse me, which room?
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fifth. fifth? that's where the meeting takes place. is gulyaeva’s case being considered there? oh, what do you know, lenochka? yes, i want to listen. yes, breaks won’t be allowed anyway. tell us where you were at the time of the crime? i went on business to the company of my friend, with whom we have an agreement, and tried it there. from morning until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, someone is can confirm, there is an access control system , security, my visit is recorded in the log, comrade prosecutor, would you like to review the certificate, and
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an extract from the log book of visitors to the silk road company, albert ivanovich sorokin, passport details, on march 12 at 11:40 entered the company building , left at 16:10. thank you, please read out the medical examiner's report on the time of death. sorokina’s death occurred 3-4 hours before the start of the examination. that is, from 13 to 14 hours, with the injuries received, the victim could live for a period of time estimated at two or three tens of minutes, enough, completely, i ask you to show the victim’s representative the items that were found at the scene in his wife’s bag, sorokin, come here, look at this, what can you say, in the photograph of len and gulyaev.
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on the note is her mobile phone number, it even says: lena, how did these things get to your wife? i have no idea who wrote the note? my wife, perhaps, do you know under what circumstances this photograph was taken? no, we don't know. gulyaeva threatened you or your wife? no no. your honor, i ask that the testimony at the preliminary investigation be read out in connection with... with the contradictions that have arisen, there are no objections, there is no need to make it public, i told the investigation a lie that lena threatened my wife, this did not happen, why did you tell a lie? the investigator made me, he said that if, well, what if i didn’t say this, i would be suspected of murder, but you knew that you had alivi, right? but i was in such a state then,
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it was easy to intimidate me, i told her what required, the state prosecutor has no more questions, no, sit down, please call witness groter, witness groter, go to the fifth room,
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that’s why i didn’t tell you until everything was decided, so i decided, maybe he killed his wife himself , dumped it on alinka , what do you think, maybe this could happen, maybe, but only he has albi, and then he hired a lawyer himself, but why does she need a lawyer, isn’t it clear from her anyway, our lenka is not like a person raise your hand.
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what do you know, he had a girlfriend, lena, a fashion model, she demanded that he divorce tatyana and register his marriage with her. and what? and nothing. albert had no intention of divorcing her. and, as far as i know, he wanted to leave lena. alyona? lena was unhappy. and she began to threaten that she would kill albert’s wife. how do you know that gulyaeva began to threaten sorokina’s wife? albert has been complaining to me lately, but such methods can only scare a woman away. albert was going to leave her, did he? i do not know this. thank you, please call a witness bushmakin. yes. witness bushmakina
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, someone went, i don’t know, it’s her, wait, your name and surname, bushmakina, olga petrovna, wait, wait, do you know the defendant? no, where from, i didn’t know her, i met her for the first time, that day, sign with... that you have been warned.


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