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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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no, it’s perfectly clean and organized, and how can you explain it, we won’t even try to guess, it’s not our job, we’re just asking questions, and if yours. like in russia, a country that we are constantly told is just a gas station with nuclear weapons, there may be metro stations that people use daily just on their way to work or home, more beautiful than anything in our country, again, we are not going speculate, we asked a question and will wait for someone sane to answer it. hello. so i
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i’ll stop lecturing and just show you what the kievskaya metro station in moscow looks like now, in russia in february 2024, at the height of the war. look. concerning. from
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the kievskaya metro station itself, it is truly one of the most beautiful in the country by the standards of, well, let’s say new york, not a metro, a real museum or , say, an art gallery. the station was opened in 54, the year joseph stalin died, the cult of personality has not been debunked, the image of the leader is eventually present on seven mosaics, on the end wall of the central hall
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, with smalt pono, energy workers, builders, vegetable growers, railway workers, machine builders, shift workers, grain growers, livestock breeders and scientific chemists located, here is the pereislav rada and the battle of poltava, and pushkin in ukraine, and 1905 in the donbass, and liberation kiev from... only 18 mosaics main here it is look on your screens the panel created by outstanding soviet artists arkelov opryshka is dedicated to the three hundredth anniversary of the reunification of russia and ukraine as seen in the fresco insidious russian painters to the national ukrainian color with soul, that is, it turns out that the truth is one people of no kind...
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the kiev station was not renamed, like the boulevard, taras shevchenko embankment, as they say, feel the difference, but in this regard, in contrast, germany. under the heading why we know so little about our grandfathers, in the end it turned out something like, it’s okay, we’re all like fascists here. five germans, from a football player to
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the prime minister of saxony, spoke about their ancestors, nazi wehrmacht officers. bilt writes: there is no need to deny the past, how... his grandfather, who fled from the jewish pogroms in russia, remember, fled from the pogroms in russia, so, blinken said. there really were jewish pogroms in the russian empire, in 1881, after
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the assassination of emperor alexander ii, and the main pogroms took place in these russian cities, in the cities of kiev, zhitomir, poltava. odessa, kanatopy, warsaw, so putin rightly asked the question: if all these cities are for blinken, he fled from russia, russia, then where was ukraine then, and if then was ukraine, then where did blinkin’s ancestor flee from? in other words, blinkin, also a kremlin agent, our man, putin said so, since...
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the empire, he was born, in my opinion, somewhere in the poltava province, and lived then left kiev. the question arises, mr. blinkin believes that this is the original russian territory, kiev and the surrounding territories,
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first, second, if he says that he fled from russia from jewish pogroms, then at a minimum, at a minimum, i want to emphasize this, he believes that no... her last name is wrong, she represents the party greens, and many representatives of this part of the political spectrum in europe, they speculate on people’s fears and incite these fears of people about the events that may occur in the world in connection with
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climate change, and then, speculating on these fears themselves and inciting them, then carry out your political line. far from what they came to power with, this is now happening in germany, let’s say, coal generation has increased, it was larger than in russia in the energy structure. and in the winter of '45 my grandfather fought against this very river, at this very border, in
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my opinion, is hostile to his own country, because well, it’s hard to imagine that a politician of this rank treated the economic interests of his country and his people with such disdain, i won’t go into details in detail, but in practice this is exactly what happens, we see, well, the next part of what... i want to say, maybe it will sound like a dissonance with what i just said, i don’t think that today’s generation germans must bear full responsibility political responsibility for everything that nazi germany did. it is impossible to shift the responsibility onto the people of today's generation for what hitler and his henchmen did, and not only in germany, but in other parts of the world, europe, and so on. i think that it would be unfair, and in general to sculpt this label, this one, on
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the entire german people, this is a dishonest position, this is an abuse of what the peoples of the soviet union experienced, it seems to me that this is , well, not worth it, we must proceed from the realities of today, look at who really what does he do and what policies does he pursue? of course, we must be able to formulate this especially well about blinkin, we are also waiting for his reaction. right now, let's go to the front. the russian aerospace forces launched a massive missile strike on ukraine today. the first group of kha-101 cruise missiles entered the airspace through the sumy region. at the same time, they were joined from the southern direction by launched calibers. black sea in the capital of ukraine in kiev at least four confirmed
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arrivals at military facilities, in particular a uav production plant was hit. in addition, explosions thundered in mirgorod, chernigov, dnepropetrovsk, in vinnitsa at the starokonstantinov airfield, this is the khmelnitsky region. several hits at military warehouses at once.
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the russian spotter, the ukrainian crew missed the target, it turned out that it only gave away the position, and a minute later, which is logical, our russian lancet flies over the installation , the military personnel say that the biggest threat at the front is drones, which the russian army widely uses along the entire line front, i’m not talking about the provdeevka, there is simply progress there. that's it, look
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, it's constant, there are very rarely breaks, some kind of calm for half an hour, and no more, almost continuous artillery cannonade, which from time to time is replaced by the echo of rifle battle. just a forest, yes, yes, just a forest, drones appear in the sky every few minutes, the ukrainian military speaks worse than them, only cab. style cabs, and a lot of cabs are produced, well, the last time there were 12, that’s for a day, that’s for a doba, that’s for an hour, that’s for an hour, that’s a segment of the front northeast of kupensk, it is there, on the eastern bank of oskol, in the middle of the damaged dvurechansky forest, that very heavy, grueling infantry battles are now taking place. on the eastern bank of the kholm river, this is the
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famous dvorchansky forest, then senkovka, here is probably one of the most fierce sections of the entire war. after the new year their intensity increased a little, they are increasing it, the most intense assaults in the estuary direction are in the direction of the thorns of yampolovka and torskoye. towards yampol, dronovka, serebryanka along in the western part of the forestry itself, where the battle line now passes, russian heavy artillery shells and guided aerial bombs fly every day.
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it happens in our country that there are 12-14 arrivals of burls per day. come on, come on, come on, i'll open it. close it, close the lid, hold it!
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the encoding of russian frequencies is cracked by a team of 15 people, and they do it as quickly as possible, sometimes it takes months or more to intercept the airwaves and the code, or even more, for example, the word cucumber means a mortar, and a potato means a grenade launcher, then there is a combination with different colors and shades, of course, the russians know that they are trying to listen to them, because they constantly
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change such designations, but the ssu still manages to intercept information, for example, footage... aerial reconnaissance, so they can warn their comrades , which are about to be attacked by russian forces. if this unit does its job correctly and in a timely manner, the assault troops have enough time to take cover. in addition to monitoring the situation in real time, these fighters can intercept the airwaves of units at the forefront and in the rear. sometimes we manage to find out where new equipment, ammunition and fuel columns are being delivered. with such information, ukrainian forces can maneuver to avoid a direct attack; due to the fact that russia is not only outnumbered, but also better armed, radio intelligence is of great importance. the russian army is trying to occupy the forest, which will make it easier for them to reach the liman, that is, a direct and easy road to the village of torskoye. that's why real-time broadcast interception time is so important for the armed forces of ukraine. rabotina,
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as we remember, is a small village owned by ukrainians. they began to liberate at the beginning of summer, now the russians are advancing from all sides, especially from the west and south, trying to return the village under control. russia does not want to give the ukrainians ruins where 2,000 people once lived. moscow wants to clearly state that the entire south belongs to the russians. we should also not forget that russian forces want to return not only these villages, but the entire zaporozhye region. they say it's the most important task before talking about peace. russia is trying to conquer the entire region militarily. ukrainians waited for the results all night, after all day, they just realized that the west organized a new trick, in short, the breakthrough did not happen from tangible
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results, what can be touched, canada will allocate $44 million to ukraine for the purchase of spare parts and ammunition for western f-16 fighters, but the f-16s themselves have not yet been delivered. lithuania will donate armored personnel carriers for 1 million euros, not a billion, 1 million euros. in addition, nato created an air defense coalition of fifteen countries, headed by the now completely unhappy germany and no less unhappy in this regard, france. we looked at the issues of producing artillery ammunition; they will decide how much they will produce next time.
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johnson requested to discuss the aid package for ukraine personally with president joe biden, but biden has already refused. according to cnn's congressional sources right now. there are some consultations of the republicans, at which they are trying to develop new tactics. first option is to reduce the amount for kiev from the senate 60 billion to 50 billion. they propose to remove 10 billion of economic assistance, leaving only military assistance, of which the lion's share, we understand, will remain in the united states, creating new jobs in the united states. second option, part. funding to move the pentagon spending bill to the next budget year, that is, it turns out to postpone the resolution of the issue at least until october. according to cnn
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, there are still no decisions, while the head of the us government decided to intervene in the internal american squabbles, quite unexpectedly and scandalously. british foreign ministry david cameron. he sternly called on american legislators. urgently approve a package of assistance to kiev, according to agency b. cameron called everyone who does not want to help ukraine, that is, the republicans and trump, accomplices of hitler. that is, the very latest arguments, the so-called godwin’s law, have already come into play. when you start calling hitler names, it means that you have lost the argument. asymmetry.
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the uk has announced a huge aid package of £2.5 billion. the european union has already adopted its aid package worth billions of pounds. and, of course, right now there is a debate in congress
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about the allocation of american aid. and i urge members of congress to pass this bill to give this money for weapons to ukraine. they are fighting off putin's aggression and they need our help. we must defend freedom, defend this country's right to self-defense, make sure putin doesn't win. i hope they vote, but no matter what. in this case, we are going to support ukraine for as long as necessary. i welcome the us senate passed a supplemental homeland security bill on monday. this funding package being considered by congress, including support for ukraine, is of great importance for the security of the uk and europe. while congress debates and votes on this funding package for ukraine, i'm going to abandon all diplomatic niceties. i urge congress to pass it. i don't want us to show the weakness shown against hitler in the thirties of the last century, i want us to show a strength shown since 2022, when the west
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helped the ukrainians liberate. army in the azov battalion, we are all tired of these absurd name-calling, they will not force me to finance the war in ukraine. foreign secretary david cameron says you should vote to support ukraine. how can you comment on this? as far as i know, he tried to compare us with hitler, and if he uses such language, then i have nothing to answer him. he said that i vote against aid to ukraine, you are becoming like the appeaser of hitler, you are putin's appeaser. i don't really
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care what he says. i think it 's rude to call people names and i don't like being said that way, david cameron needs to think about his own country and frankly he can kiss my ass. in response to a statement from margery taylor greene, the ministry of foreign affairs, whoever doubted it, said, we confirm there will be no comments from our country. said. it is the republicans who are blocking dollars on the instructions of donald trump. speaker of congress johnson has recently been an ardent supporter. as for ramstein, everything really ended there, news comes from the final press conference with...
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nothing good for ukraine, here is comrade stoltenberg, who just said that nato countries should move to high rates of ammunition production, we we are all on the side of ukraine, we need to do the maximum to help ukraine, that is, the words that we have been hearing for 2 years, the result is zero, no money, no weapons, that is, from what can already be touched. spoke armored personnel carriers for 44 million, although the aid package of 60 billion has been suspended. once again, the difference is colossal. also, nato countries decided to create a new training center for ukraine in poland, stoltenberg said. in the twenty-fourth year we will begin construction, that is, the decision
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has been made. construction has not even started yet, well , the footage that we receive in real time is about an increase in the amount of ammunition production, but this is the ural carriage plant, this is not ammunition, armored vehicles, president putin came with inspection, we are, of course , waiting for news in this regard, factories in our country are at 96% capacity, military enterprises, if you believe them ...
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where there are successes, where we are moving, other directions, now we are politely trying to bypass, i’m provdeevka, it’s hot there, it’s hot there, we’re really looking forward to the result, for the rest , where, what are our results, olga, good evening, results in principle in all directions, in the zone of a special military operation, and all these directions with quite positive results. there it is in the artyomovsk direction towards the chasvyar there is progress in the ivanovsky area from the popovsky forest we are advancing, there is also progress occupied by quite serious strongholds in the bogdanovka area, they are at a height, which allows our guys to control just uh.


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