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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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as such an argument: look, russia, well, this is simply a super-argument, there are no more arguments, well, that is , when you need 100 billion, you will say that they have already withdrawn the money.
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putin is thinking at the ural carriage plant right now, he said that we have never made a difference between russian ukrainians, between russia and ukraine, no, there is no such difference, well, that is, we proceed from the fact that ukraine , ukraine is part of our country, but it was also very important to explain why the statement that bandera is not really a nazi, yes, there is a common opinion, an incorrect statement, then a direct quote, they kept their nose to the wind, they realized that germany was bandera.
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was losing the war, they began to try to improve relations with the allies, the germans saw this, they were rushing into the camps, says putin, so the idea arose that they were not really nazis, nazis, banderaites, natural nazis, one hundred percent, in russia there was no sympathy for them and will not be. we'll be back. bye then.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk properly ice, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, like
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macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, drinking yourself to death, that’s how a child sleeps, but you i don’t recommend doing this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well , i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is without children, anton madelyane, 12 years old, surname angela madelyane , you are still licking your heart early, you will treat me, yes i will, i invited you here, which means i am not responsible for you, but you like our doctor, i like it, so do i. it's a pity that i don't have
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such a dad. who sent it? who is this woman? choose, either me or her. they are very easy to inflict, much more difficult to cure. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr. there are 35 in the nana group this year. i congratulate you, thank you, thank you. thank you, nana’s group is classified as secret, i jumped off the stage once, i felt like i was being sucked right into the crowd, here i was really scared, because it’s very easy to die in the crowd, but there was a worse story, when they didn’t divide me up, i’m on that at the moment i was
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a free person, that’s why i led such a wild lifestyle, the girls loved volodya politova as a model type, and my grandmother’s children came to me. everything will change, dear, everything will change, understand, but life is good, you smile and hug, applause for our new soloist, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. vera had been an orphan all her life, and then suddenly her mother showed up. there’s something wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels on saturday, i want help first, i say, where is my daughter, where did you go, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait
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, and where did she come from, you will never be left alone again , everything will be fine with us, you called me self-confident, whoever wants to believe too much will deceive him, even his heart, you didn’t play too much, maybe you had to act theatrically, but quietly, she said , ver, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr. so, putin at ural-vagonzad, the president thanked the workers of the key defense enterprise, on his own behalf and on behalf of the direct
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consumers of the products, that is, from those who are fighting right now in the special operation zone. putin said that the work of the factory workers is worthy of the highest praise; the workers of the enterprise not only produce... they unconditionally supported the beginning of the official military operation, then we openly announced this at our meeting and then we noted that our enterprise is historically connected with ukraine, we will not go far, probably many of us have family ties in ukraine in one way or another, and the more monstrous
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for all of us it was to observe what was happening there in recent years, then how neo-nazism flourished there, how people were dying, the worst thing was children dying. nazi elements who collaborated with hitler, they fled abroad, fled to the states, to canada, the enemy made becoming, and those who once collaborated with the nazis and remained in these positions are now
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doing the same thing, here they are, you know in literature, well, it’s well known from history, that’s why they make an insert on bandera there and in life. with hitler they sought the independence of ukraine, and then the germans began to persecute them, so they began to persecute them not because they abandoned their views, but because they kept their noses in the wind, they realized that germany was losing the war, they began to restore, try to improve relations with the allies of the west , germans they immediately saw the tsab tsars and the camps, so they, so they the idea arose that they... well, now
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pay attention to the screen, this is what the cover of the latest issue of spectator magazine looks like , an icy tank, a fighter with the alliance emblem on his sleeve and a headline with a snowball in his hand , is nato ready? thus, the publication announces an article with attention from the estonian front line, that is, according to the authors, nato is already practically at war with russia, but attack. they can only use snowballs, because all the ammunition was sent to, that’s right, kiev. it is useless to look for logic, there is no logic, no sense today in the very existence of the north atlantic alliance. as putin said, nato is an instrument of us foreign policy. secretary general nad stoltenberg just said that the allies are going to transfer a million drones to ukraine to create a new training center for the armed forces of ukraine in poland. at the same time, about the invitation from kiev. nato is not discussed, because this requires approval from
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all countries of the alliance. but the west continues to instill false hopes in the kiev regime for some reason. british foreign secretary cameron has just demanded that the american congress, the british prime minister, demanded that the american congress, this same interference in the internal affairs of the united states, put aside differences and vote for the allocation. assistance to ukraine, he made this statement not in the usa, in poland, but his local colleague radoslaw sekorski immediately agreed, saying that the security of ukraine is the security of the entire european continent, judging by the situation in the war, the security of europe is now under threat. we are somewhere in the forest belt under kremena. a ukrainian fighter checks the antenna.
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haggard against the backdrop of washington’s intrigues and the personnel shake-up of the ukrainian army leadership, zelensky gathers the military elite and representatives of the defense industry at the bank. the office of the ukrainian president publishes a twenty-second clip of footage of the meeting without sound. the report is made by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , syrsky, who has just returned from the front line. the situation on the ground turned out to be no longer difficult, but very complex and tense.
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works. one of the main results of the nineteenth ramstein meeting was the expansion of international coalitions. in the air defense and missile defense coalition included 15 countries, and eight more joined the drone coalition, said ukrainian defense minister umerov. the kiev delegation was not told when exactly the new western weapons would arrive at the front. for now, the ukrainian military is on its own.
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two ukrainian howitzers, which the militants hid in a forest plantation, become loitering ammunition, and these are the consequences of a hit on the m-113 infantry vehicle. on this video. operators delicately launch fpv drones directly into ukrainian fortifications, position on the front is complicated by the rains, they arrived , everything arrived, as always, and he is completely, ala, ala, forward, forward, forward, man, this
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is still human, yes, this is still human. yes , well, the ssu has reduced the use of artillery shells to a minimum, writes the american wall street journal. according to the newspaper, the amount of ammunition in the arsenal of the batteries of the ukrainian garrison near donetsk is already counted in pieces. absolutely all american bradleys and btr109s are in need of repair, while some of them arrived in ukraine already in disrepair. advisor president. us homeland security salevan is literally tearing his hair out. there is no alternative to us assistance provided to ukraine. as for how long ukraine can hold out, they will continue to fight, but they will have to do so in a position of strength if they do not receive the ammunition, air defense missiles and other capabilities necessary to resist
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the russian advance. all i can say is that every day, every week, the cost of inaction is compounded. in this footage from the kherson region, the russian artillery covered a group of ukrainian marines who were trying to land on the left bank of the dnieper, and this is the outskirts of artyomovsk, where airborne forces with the help of drones attacked a detachment of the ukrainian armed forces, which was hiding under the trees. despite the losses of armored vehicles and artillery pieces, russia. manages to maintain the number of its active reserves at a stable level due to the resumption of operation of old systems, increasing the industrial potential of procurement abroad, says a report by the british international institute of strategic research. the think tank estimates that russia could continue its offensive against ukraine for another 2 or 3 years, and perhaps longer. the report comes as moscow's forces carry out a flurry of offensives along
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a nearly 1,000-kilometer front line. near chasovo yar, a paratrooper from buryatia with... completed a raid to the rear of ukrainian formations, an armored group, under cover of darkness, made its way to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces from a thousand meters away and shot at a strong point with high-explosive fragmentation shells. these shots show the joint work of the russian aerospace forces artillery that level the ukrainian fortified area with earth. in this footage, a russian drone attacks an evacuation group of the ukrainian armed forces. yes, open the door bitch. help, help, come on, grab his belt quickly, body, quickly, quickly, close, close the lid, hold,
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they are preparing in the dnepropetrovsk region. to new losses and expanding the local cemetery, even those who managed to escape from ukraine die. a group of ukrainian conscripts were detained in romania, one of them froze to death. adal belirovich, please. yes, analysis of course very strange. who are now making strategies in washington , russia may still attack for 2-3 years, but it seems to me that the signal either did not reach the end, or the united states understands that they have another way out, no, we still need to push the european countries, continue to supply weapons, continue to weaken the economy of europe, but this is all american, but they don’t
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understand that we don’t have 2-3 years, we don’t have any other choice, in fact, except... or horror story, whatever suits anyone, but one way or another otherwise, when they run out of arguments, they always use the brightest, harshest and most ridiculous
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arguments, respectively, this is what concerns space, and what concerns national security and their strategy, if you remember, in the early 2000s for the first time after the terrorist attack in new -york, they did not mention the russian federation as - and we will adhere to national interests, but we will still take into account with all countries, with various agreements , the mutual interests of certain countries,
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america or russia, but the united states, that they always said that we will always have an advantage over all countries, and we will prove to the whole world that we are the only country that can use aggression against one or another country, even while they have not yet formed. as a great force, but if we think that they can commit some kind of aggression, then we will beat and warn by military means, in fact, everything that they did in the middle east, in all other countries where they launched military campaigns , there are dozens of them, that’s what, in fact, today the united states is guided by what they are doing here now, while they are going through the stage of internal showdowns before the elections, they are worried that... the authority of the leaders of european countries is not enough for further propaganda within their own countries, in order to convince the parliaments of their own countries for more help , although the united
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states itself has not yet approved these 40-60 billion dollars, but we categorically cannot have illusions, we have been saying this from the first day here in your studio, they will still seek any opportunities for further verification of support, but they... now what kind of technique have they used, what am i talking about in washington, the current government lacks authority, which means it is necessary to call in a reserve, here’s what cameron is saying today, he practically reprimanded the united states about that if the united states stops supporting ukraine or hesitates, then we will lose very much, i remember how margerrie taylor greene famously responded that she neutralized his call. frightening, in fact, my own population, i apologize
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for the taftology that if we do not support ukraine today, we will not support it further, then, in fact , the americans, british, germans and european countries will fight there, in general, but the interview that took place with our leader, right? well-known interview, which today, like a political magnet , attracts both putin’s supporters and anti-putin sentiments from all sides, they saw there clearly what would happen if there were not mercenary detachments there, as it turns out now, there would be troops of officially european countries, nato and the united states, they understand this perfectly well, you see, they themselves say that they will attack us from space with one weapon, so of course there is some kind of contradiction in all their statements themselves. but here it is also very important to note to say once again about the policy of intervening in the united states, of course, if
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you go back 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and even more so 30 years ago, it was the hegemon, you can absolutely definitely give such a description today, but today you you know, regarding the policy of intervention, russia has proven that it is possible to develop sovereignly.
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in fact, kazakhstan made the same decision some time ago, they are taking control of non-profit non-governmental organizations, as our country did, extreme, i will say, literally, only now i heard this statement from our leader that they are starting to talk about some negotiation processes, as far as i just heard, he just made this statement, when they start to lose and he gave the example of the germans in germany, when they start to lose, they say:
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there is always this chance, there, as for negotiations, there was a slightly different nuance, it was about bandera and bandera’s followers, their attempt to dissociate themselves from hitler, when they realized that hitler had already lost precisely for this reason, the nuremberg tribunal did not condemn them, it is for this reason that ukrainians often proceed from the fact that bandera, the national hero of ukraine, has nothing to do with hitler, putin said, well, of course he has, he was just trying. jump off, but the nazi didn’t have time for us and this is such a historical constant, as for the interview, the number of views is recorded right now impossible, very, very different numbers, if you look at twitter more than 200 million, but we understand that there are a huge number of translated versions, there are a huge number of platforms where the interview was posted, putin was
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asked the question: will they really understand something, look, well it’s good that they’re watching, let them watch, maybe it’s good that they’re watching and listening to what i’m saying, if today for some reason connected with them...
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into this web of lies, after watching this ridiculous interview that putin recently gave here , you can understand that he always lies a lot topic of the reasons for this war, because it is very easy to understand why he is doing this, he wants to get part of the territory of his neighbors, this is ordinary imperialism, and i think we need to do everything possible to support the ukrainians so that they can defend themselves, naturally he will use any form of propaganda, but i can tell you that canadians cannot. unfortunately, we see how far russian propaganda is willing to go in an attempt to influence public opinion and distort the facts. and they distort the map. why? because i'm nothing like that did not tell. i did not say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia. where is this in my interview? and there is a recording,
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let them show where exactly i am. i talked about this, i talked about something else, i said that we were constantly deceived from the point of view of nato’s non-expansion to the east, by the way, this was said primarily through the mouth of the then secretary general of nato, and he was a representative of the federal republic of germany, this is him said, not inches to the east, then five expansions and a complete deception, we were, of course, worried and worried about the possibility of being drawn into nato. ukraine, because it threatens our security. trump said the us should only protect european countries if european countries pay for it. trump has always been called a non-systemic politician, right? he has his own view on the topic of how the united states should develop relations with its allies. and well, it sparked before, so take it, take the exit
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of the united states. raise yours defense expenses, or, as he said, then let them pay us for the fact that we protect them, that we opened an atomic umbrella over their heads, and so on, well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves, it’s theirs problems, we'll be back in a minute, what did i dream about this time, they killed me, and you're a very thick corpse, the premiere on rtr, hold on, oh, come on, where did you learn that, and saw it in some tv series,
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again i have strange dreams, i had a dream last night, the robbery of this bank, i was there in this dream, you won’t get bored, to her they come again. our witnesses, who killed you, will find a case, i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how can she bear all this, new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, i’ll meet you urgently on the way home, in the park by the canal, now i’m sure i know who will be killed when, anna is a medium, from monday on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore nature, dear mother,
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simply incredible beauty, you already understand, what is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday. on rtr. where are we going? on the search. treasure. yes, what a treasure pact. we 're going to look for mom. let's see on the weekend. so look at me, confuse me. you are the most
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the most wonderful girl in the world. i miss you. kesha, it's okay. we go. my husband and... on kenti is not going anywhere , only new love can melt the ice in the heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here , and you're drizzling, on sunday on rtr. and provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that
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my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism is parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something was wrong with her, you can reach her through your channels, on saturday, she wanted an ambulance help, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone? very much, but i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from? you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us, you called me self-confident, whoever wants
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to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, you don’t she started playing, maybe you needed to act theatrically, but quietly, she said, ver, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something? and he wanted to kill me, his own stranger’s daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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did not place it somewhere else, but placed it in space, which became unprecedented. russia has acquired a doomsday weapon and a threat to the national security of the united states. legislators demand that the information be declassified in order to at least understand what they are talking about. salevan said the security adviser.
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i will not comment on the new report that is mentioned in the american media, but i will say that we in nato constantly exchange intelligence, and we are constantly monitoring all possible threats in all areas and in all directions, i have nothing more to add. that is, russia is so scary that they don’t even understand what the fear, horror is and what they are afraid of now. professor, let's explain everything. olga, mind you, as soon as the americans want to withdraw from some new agreement... they immediately start the same song as in russia, in china, in
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iran has some kind of weapon that they do not have, then the song begins that we need to catch up with them, and the agreement prevents us from providing it, it is not our fault, but we are forced to leave it. the popro treaty, where they started, that north korea is creating dangerous missiles that can hit us territory. they talked about iran for a very long time, when things seemed to have settled with iran, they said that okay, russia, yes, russia went in the thirteenth year testing missiles, although no one had proven or seen them, but nevertheless they went shouts to the entire congress, it always ended with the americans withdrawing from the next treaty, now the basic treaty of 1967, an international treaty, is next in line. and regarding space, let me remind you what this treaty presupposes: first,
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the international status of outer space, second, a ban on the appropriation of celestial bodies, third, a ban on the launch of nuclear weapons into space, fourth, it is prohibited to interfere with other countries’ conduct of space activities, let’s get down to business: americans want to get rid of their nuclear weapons in space, first they want to withdraw from this agreement, and then develop it. with a calm soul, both in nuclear and non-nuclear equipment, under the guise that the russians have already done it, and we must, yes, absolutely right, and we are poor, we must catch up, by the way, they have another story about space they love to tell you that for the last 30 years, pay attention to how many grants they have written on the topic of space debris, there is so much debris in space that it will soon be impossible to fly, well, by the way, we have seen at least. but proven collision with this debris, but not a single one, but
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at the same time the cartoons say: “give us the opportunity to develop technologies, shoot down space debris, well, shoot down space debris today, and shoot down your satellite tomorrow, that is, give us the opportunity to legally deploy weapons, anti-satellite weapons “just everything, it’s not a dangerous game to frighten with a nuclear threat”? here from scratch, again what’s next is that everything has already been said, then there’s only a blow, then there ’s a withdrawal from the agreement, then there’s more.
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who to talk to, one is old, the other is in the hospital, they have no way to talk to us, they they are planning only one thing: to withdraw from the treaty and militarize outer space, this is their course, they will not deviate from it, even trump, even biden, even obama returns, i don’t know who else is there. please,
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from my point of view, america is without a doubt in danger and very much so. well, first of all, they are, of course. raises the question of nuclear weapons, what are they afraid of, it means, well, it is well known that now we are not violating any treaty, we are not putting nuclear weapons into space, we are introducing a nuclear installation there, well, nuclear they are also afraid of the installation, of course, what are they afraid of, if something goes wrong, we will extinguish all the satellites, and they have 10 times more satellites, unfortunately, so it turns out that we immediately reset the situation, and...
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yes, by the way , it was strong, yes, we are for biden, that means, but so, he’s losing the elections, that means they can’t replace him, that means they can only persuade him, one of the elements, one symptom of all senile dementia is stubbornness, persuasion they cannot, and therefore they are now discussing the issue of canceling the elections, for this
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... and let’s not forget, biden is the first president in us history as a result of a rigged election, the first, this has never happened in america for the entire time, and now, i repeat once again, they want to stay in power, they have already done a lot done, look what’s happening with the media, why did tucker play the interview so cool, not only because it’s cool, yes, but because, although primarily because of this. yes, but that’s also why we watched interviews with orban less, yes, with trump a little more, but i think we we’re catching up, and also because tucker, he’s just telling the truth, he’s forcing all the other journalists to lie, they’ve already screwed up the freedom of the media in
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america, look what’s happening to the courts, poor trump has been dragged through the courts, who can to say that this is a free independent court, or what we are talking about. i also repeat about preparations for a coup d’etat in the united states of america, under the pretext of escalating this wonderful nuclear idea: to start a nuclear war in order to cancel the choice not, olya, of course they didn’t they want to unleash, they want to dance, you know, on the edge, to scare everyone, that’s what the plan is, and this, of course, is a huge threat to the whole world, since it’s a threat to security, but this is a huge a... problem for the american people, i’ll tell you more since i want to say, comrades americans, they want to steal your democracy from you, specifically, biden, salevan, blinken, take care of them, i’m just saying... that this is a risky business, as if calling a nurse, biden, pressing the red button, didn’t confuse it with the main nuclear
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red button, then, of course, it will be completely sad end, we'll be back in a minute, big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless. if anything, hero of afghanistan, these are very serious people, you will have to move out, in case of any lawlessness, this is our home, i left in this place a long time ago, you will find your own man , the paratroopers do not abandon their own, everyone back, the nkvd was blown up in a mini. yes, he cleared everything , there is a peacock, you should go there, like that, grandson, no one but us, to break everyone’s not scary
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surnames, yes, today it will be hot, by the way, on february 23rd on rtr, catch a big fish. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes,
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every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, on saturday on rtr, i i love you very much, yes, but i can’t bear you a child. what is a family without children? anton madegliani, 12 years old, surname of angela madegliani. will you treat me? yes, i will. i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? me too. that i don't have a dad like that. who sent it? who is this woman? choose, either me or her. they are very easy to inflict, much more difficult to heal. all
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your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds. on saturday, on rtr.
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we are dashing, we are a pressure...
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the whole team is just on the platform, looking at the nana group this year 35, i congratulate you, thank you, thank you , thank you, the nana group is classified as secret, i jumped off the stage once, i feel like i’m being sucked right into the crowd, here here i was really scared, because it’s very easy to die in a crowd, but there was
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a worse story when they didn’t share me, at that moment i was on my own.
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from monday on rtr. nuclear details are slowly emerging, as abc news reports on the problem of russia's dilution of weapons, nuclear weapons in space. american legislators were informed a week ago, and since then they have been thinking and making efforts to neutralize this threat. biden's adviser, also on national security, will hold a special briefing today. for members congress, and they will allegedly announce what kind of weapons they are, how many weapons they are, and how they will react. house committee chairman turner is calling on president biden to declassify information related to, quote: a serious threat to national security. this threat is associated with russian nuclear capabilities in space. national security adviser jake sullivan
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will hold a private briefing for speaker mike johnson later today. and other senior legislators. i can say that for all my at 47 years old, this is the most serious threat to us national security that i have seen. that is why we are asking the president to declassify this information. every american must understand that we must be able to use this information to effectively deter these weapons. the president must respond to this letter and do so urgently. and the fact that he sends jake salevan here is certainly interesting, but where is the minister of defense. threat to us national security, chief of our
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american bureau. dim, hello, tell us what’s wrong, why you were scared , and what and who knows at this moment. hello, olga , indeed, here, in a few hours on capitalist hill , national security advisor salevan will hold that announced special briefing for the so-called gang of eight, that is, the leadership of both houses of congress, where serious threats to national security that yesterday, well, literally. probably the whole of america was on their ears. will any statements be made or information disclosed? we will learn the essence of these threats after the briefing is completed, although it is possible that based on the results they may pretend that, in principle , nothing happened at all. one of the versions , besides those voiced by your guests , at least here in washington, is that these are such tricks of the white house, and pro-russian nuclear bombs in space are intended
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primarily, of course, for congressmen, especially at the very moment when ... the chamber, in fact, is now deciding the fate of ukraine, allocating money to ukraine, and of course, after yesterday’s urgent messages on local tv channels with the keywords russia atomic bomb and... but american viewers could literally only pray to survive until tomorrow, so great was the panic, so great was, at least the voiced threat. of course, everyone immediately remembered the hypersonic missiles that vladimir putin told carlson in his interview that they would supposedly threaten america from space, but almost immediately some doubts began to creep in, at least among journalists, that all this hysteria , by essentially a psychological operation against one’s own people, against. shifts, especially at the moment when the same jack salevana began to avoid a direct answer about whether there really is a threat to national security now, but when he almost without a pause began to demand
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money from congress at a press conference, everything literally fell into place space, money, i mean for ukraine, of course, and of course, now most likely the same thing will happen, the biden administration is putting pressure on the republicans openly, as we have seen, no longer at all embarrassed dirty methods, behind closed doors, behind closed doors on the capitalist... hill, but the public, as we see, is being taken on such an emotional rollercoaster of panic, while the threats are really in the spirit of classic star wars, yesterday seriously, for example, we have already reached the point where we have discussed the version that russia is building a death star in space, in general, we are following the new fantasies that are now being heard in washington, it is clear that, of course , these fantasies can no longer be called healthy, of course, we are waiting impatiently special briefing.
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why are you looking at her like that? why, normal, so pretty , i would have a crush, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to figure out the criminal, what a sleigh, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he has possessed me, i look at women, just like him, he inspires me with his thoughts, you are abnormal, how are you? you can’t cope, you ’re probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, you have a processional look on your face, are you sure that you’re not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you
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you know who the killer is, yes, since monday on rtr, there was no sadness, i bought it. piglet once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. well, then i clean up. i'm not bored either. after all, each of them is a real star. trink-trink. dreams, how you agreed to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in
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a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, for now. temporarily unavailable, why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing , for me, she is ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t
10:57 am
play with karbysh and shash, which means you believe, and i believe, queen of the roads, today on rtr. this married couple is behind their backs called grandmother and grandson, but despite all the condemnation, they celebrate a green wedding and buy a luxurious country house as a gift, but which ones? terrible secrets are hidden from each other, a wife in her sixties and her twenty-three-year-old husband, this a child from a very influential big man, he forbade it, i have no words. live broadcast today on rtr, vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get her on your channels on saturday, i want.
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ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from, you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us, you she called me a self-believer, whoever wants to believe too much will even deceive him heart, mother, you didn’t play too much, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly? said, ver, i just want to understand, no , you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, so, moscow was covered with a record snowfall, it fell overnight the three-month precipitation norm, look, the snowstorm does not subside and... they say this has not happened for 70
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years, during the day it was impossible to hide from the snowfall even in the subway, on open sections the snow penetrated into the carriages and covered passengers there, on roads in terrible, terrible ten-point traffic jams, there is no point in actually even trying to go somewhere, part of the traffic police crew specially blocked the passage so that snow removal equipment... could get to the most difficult sections on the highway, according to popular wisdom, if it’s snowing that day there's a blizzard, there's going to be a bad year, look, everyone has to stop instantly, because everyone just has ice forming because of the snow, they're standing over there, be careful, the door is closing. news, look, dear
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friends, see you tomorrow, thank you very much. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i, maria sitpel, hello, the newest high-speed train finist will fly in different directions, in the future the construction of high-speed roads to ryazan, kazan, yekaterinburg, adler, minsk. 10 people.


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