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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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i’m in a little shock, you know , i don’t blame you for anything, we ’ll talk about this at home, this is not a topic for the program right now, in fact, you just know, it’s some kind of sore subject for me, children, well you understand what i'm talking about, well, you wouldn't understand , i wanted to tell you this, but a little later, if this child has a desire to get acquainted, to meet, please organize this meeting for us, i hope, please adopt, be a man no problem. from my personal side, no questions, we will accept this child, let him he has some health problems, this is a child, he should not be abandoned, but he will need care, constantly, he will, but we understand why this is such a painful topic for you, because you yourself grew up in an orphanage, you showed we need this orphanage where you grew up, and eslo was first your teacher, and then became your legal wife, attention. i
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spent most of my life in this orphanage, the only person dear to me, it was my grandmother, i called her mom, after she left it was very difficult for me, i didn’t live for a long time. i could get used to it, i don’t have any other relatives, my father died in prison, i don’t have any brothers and sisters and... it turns out that the biological one also died and i’m very glad that aiselu is in my life, because i really know what total loneliness is , how difficult it is when you have no one, and no one needs you, i was waiting so hard, hoping that someone would take me away from here, but only esela, with your relatives, with everyone, took me away , you just said that... died, others also
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died, i don’t know anything about my relatives, i don’t have them, that’s all i i know they all died, so you say everywhere that you are an orphan, all your relatives are in the cemetery, but the woman you buried, your stepmother, olga zaripova, came to our program. wow, we are all alive, your dad is alive, good evening everyone , good evening, biological mother, yours is alive , everyone is alive, why did you come, please tell me, we found out about your wedding, that you got married, why did you come to us i didn’t even invite you, i asked who you were, you just hurt me so much with your visit, besides... me, that’s right,
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please, this is my personal pain, which i have been coping with for a very long time, poverty, no education, it all really bothers me, and i, it’s just my pain, i want to forget it all, wait, that is, everything he said here , it’s all a lie, you left me , you just deceived me, uncle to my face, let’s talk about this better at home, okay, why at home, maybe you ’re still full, your mother... you how was he raised when you are so young, it feels like you are younger than daniil, well, i’m 37, i - came to their family when i was 16 years old, wow, i graduated from 11th grade, i met his father, i started living, i came when he was 3 years old, wow, i was raised by his mother, his dear, biological, left him in the maternity hospital.
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no matter how it sounds now, think what you want, i have my own reasons for this, yes, i crossed everyone out of my life and buried them. olga, you just said that his father was a difficult man, what does that mean, very difficult, he did everything. he drank, he was a drug addict, he was partying, i don’t know, he raised his hand to you, yes, yes, yes, i was very afraid of him, then we ran away with my daughter, so you tell me, daniil’s father is alive, alive, of course, yes, you know, i generally think that people like him
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should not have children at all , even in horror films they don’t show this, i just won’t talk about it, because firstly, i don’t want to push for pity now, it’s all like that, but i don’t want anyone to go through this. i tried to cope with this pain for a very long time, and it was hard for me to make these decisions myself, just forget everything, everyone, forgive me, please, of course, of course, but tears well up in your eyes when you talk about your father, it’s scary to imagine what he did to you, and what happened to your mother, her mother is now wanted, i don’t know what’s there, that is, my mother is alive, alive , alive, of course, alive, wanted for what, i don’t know, maybe she’s not from a good life. didn’t leave danil, you understand that now you not only have a young husband, you now also have a bunch of relatives with dubious pasts, yes, all these people will come to your luxurious house at some point, this is one of the reasons why i don’t
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i wanted to talk about my past, one of the important reasons, i hope you will understand me, i really hope so, understandable, understandable, but i am very glad that you came. olenka, i’m very glad, i’m glad to meet you, our doors are always open for you, believe me, you understand, she’s a very touching person, she still keeps your childhood photographs and looks at them every day , she remembers how little you were, daniil buried us , probably because we are no longer his... have become, we are probably no longer equals, but maybe he’s very shy about us, he ’s already grown taller, and we’re already simple people , it’s a shame when he forgot us, dani trusted me very much, he could tell me everything,
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maybe he couldn’t even tell his grandmother everything, somewhere to hide something, but he told me everything, we had such a relationship as a mother and son, when he... was taken to an orphanage, of course, i was worried, i went almost every day, brought him all sorts of goodies, well, food home, this is where danil and i went to the kotok, we went to kazan, the ice palace, this is an entertainment center, and this is the father with daniil, here daniil, of course, is unhappy with him, because i forced him. taking a picture with him, not really, he somehow liked to take pictures with him, when danya said that there were no relatives, i was shocked, and this is not true, we exist, i
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’m interested in my sister, welcome her to your home, we’ll accept her , we’ll definitely accept it, thank you very much, and we’ll gather the children. we will definitely welcome everyone first and accept you, can i hug you, yes, of course, he is very talented, he has a very good voice, he has always been talented, so even from the age of 3.5, i played it directly as a talent, even from those small years, olga, but you weren’t at the wedding, no, you weren’t. let's see and show you how it was, this is the most significant place for me in my life, because it was here that i proposed to my wonderful wife, on june 15, yes, we went for a walk, so i remember, we walked here, and looking at zaks, the coolest, the most
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significant, the most beautiful, i don’t think for a long time, decided to propose to her, do you even remember what you answered? i was very surprised, but i couldn’t refuse because that your confident voice, that’s your everything, let’s go , but no, it wasn’t like that, wait, you told me that i have... oh, remember, this is our lock, we hung
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it up with you after the wedding, we threw away the key yes, the key, yes, they threw it away so that our love would be eternal, yes, and so that just like this lock no one could undo it, so kiss us, i say, to it, where, here, come on, thick water, from me yesterday more, no trace, oh, this difference of 31 years does not bother you, but if you are 15 years older than you, you would be happy, as long as the children were healthy, happy, the rest everything will work out, everything. and your daughter and his sister, does she know about this marriage? yes, she told
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me this, danil, he says, but she’s not offended when she hears that daniil is an orphan, that there is no one, well, she was offended that her brother didn’t call her, she was even very upset, he says, and that he doesn’t consider me a person, i say, well, he does, maybe he just, well, well, well, apparently, maybe he’s forgotten. well, you know, now he will have the opportunity to apologize to his sister, because your sister also arrived today and wants i’ll go to the studio, arina zaripova is here today, wow, some kind of beauty, i can’t, arin, that’s you in the photo, little one. yes, what a beauty, this is my wife islu, this
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is my dear sister arina, of course, i didn’t expect all this, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m still a little shocked, i’ve never forgotten about you, it just happened, you know, on there are reasons for this, and i will definitely explain everything to you when the time comes, i give you my word that now i will not hide anything, we will communicate, if you forgive me, certainly. here's an interesting moment: when this family was choosing a house, they asked the realtor a huge number of questions about the children's room, attention, by the way, about the children's room, is there a children's card here, of course, let's go see... the owners of this house, the children are already adults , so now it’s furnished as a room for
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a young girl, please look at how cozy it is, what if there’s a boy, this room will be for girls, well, you ’ve probably never seen a bathroom like this, it seems to me that the girl will be really delighted, oh, beauty, what, my girls will be absolutely delighted , it’s beautiful, now we’ve come to look at the second house, here... the head of the family is sitting, here is my beloved wife and beloved children, of course, you know right away, i want us all to gather here as soon as possible with the children, after school, we celebrated holidays, birthdays, any wish comes true, well, let ’s dream, you were so joyfully choosing the nursery, you weren’t offended by watching all these shots.
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why to your children, to your children, my excuse me, in their sixties, yes, this perhaps we are in for a miracle, but i’ll tell you a little secret, it’s just...
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we have the most important day, we will be transferring embryos. i’m very worried, tell me, can my husband stay for the procedure? today we have a very responsible and intimate procedure, and i think that you have the most interesting moment ahead - this is the presence of people, probably today you will allow us to remain on the ground, of course, okay, the most important thing is that everything is safe , i’m very worried, i’m very worried, i generally have it’s very difficult to talk now, because i’m just shaking inside, despite my young age. i take a very responsible approach to the birth of a child, it doesn’t matter to me who the child looks like, me or esela, i just want him to be born alive, healthy, strong and make us happy every day. i am very worried and want to give birth to a healthy child and a young husband. tell me, how many attempts do you need to make for everything to take root?
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of course, we must understand that everything is individual, after all, he also has age meaning, but i hope that we have. maybe everything will turn out the way we plan, i really regret that my mother is not around, my mother does not see my father, does not know about my happiness, in general i am worried that this happened, when we anaesthetize you, you will fall asleep for a while, wake up, and the manipulation will already be completed, we can congratulate you, you will soon become parents, right? congratulations, there is now a short pause immediately after the live broadcast, the young husband has no idea who wants to ruin their happy marriage, your husband may be completely paralyzed, order an implant, today, i understand, you need money, but
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driving a truck is not a woman’s job, the road is not calm now, trucks are being robbed, the main thing is to remember. never stops on the road, no matter what happens, tatyana kosyuchets, queen on the road, meet, queen of the roads, stop, today on rtr, you are looking at the hundred-year-old, what is our task, open all the boards, we can handle it, if you ask, then... with podkokh. which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows the name of: what is 7.8? 7.8, 7.8, how many, who talks a lot and loudly at work. if you answer, then with humor. i the oak should be cut down, not plucked. problems with water,
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electricity, uh, housing and communal services. i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repetitious, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something,
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from the first class together, for everything we do, we are also responsible together, in all of this shitters. we only look at the platform. i ask you to sign one of the most important documents. complaints, please, you will know how your life is, the mortgage agreement with the taraski family was signed, please, the book later...
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this is also realism, this is the original. the history of a big country, today on rtr. russia tv channel, live broadcast. their unequal marriage with an age difference of 31 years is discussed throughout the country. an older wife and her twenty-three-year-old husband are moving to moscow and have already chosen a luxurious country house for themselves. mansion, but most importantly, a woman in her sixties is preparing to become a mother, pay attention, how many rooms are there, can you tell me, now we’ll see everything with you, on
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the ground floor there is a living room-dining kitchen, this fireplace room is wonderful, and a guest bedroom, and your fireplace is this working, working fireplace , dravina, yes, here is all the equipment for him, come on, a luxurious bedroom guarantees that... you will get aesthetic pleasure, how do you like it, what a beauty the royal box is, we won’t use this word, beauty, oh, listen, straight, well come here, come on, oh, come closer come on, what are you, oh, oh, how do you like it here, listen, incredible, simple, i can already see how you and i wake up here every day, i bring you breakfast in... and how happy you and i are here, yes , yes, if you wish, you can easily adapt it to be a room for a little princess, please look at how
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cozy it is, in case there is a boy, this room will be for girls, well, you probably haven’t seen a bathroom like this, it seems to me that the girl will be truly delighted, oh, what a beauty, my girls will be absolutely delighted, it’s beautiful, daniel, i don’t even have words. i i can’t say anything, because you know, i’ve looked at it for you this time, please look at what a luxurious house, no one has lived in this house for a single day, the decoration is absolutely beautiful, pay attention, it’s all natural stone with heating , the height of the ceilings, the kitchen is also fully equipped, there is even a wine refrigerator, all the appliances are built-in, and you can, in principle, start living right away, just by coming with your own toothbrush. beauty in fact, listen, well, i like everything, at this table, for example, everything our family will fit, the head of the family is sitting here, here is his beloved wife and beloved children
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, as soon as he found out about your unequal marriage, he immediately came to the studio, and this is not prokhor chaliapin, we are meeting the hohens, wow, wow! and why are you here opposite , you know that i was watching, just now sitting from the dressing room, you know, there is no faith in you, i believe that you have no love and in principle cannot be, about you, aisulu, i generally i want to say that it seemed to me that there was some kind of deviation in your head, because to marry, well, roughly speaking, your own son, you, of course, excuse me, but it shocked me, they said, well, you too should marry a woman, you’re saying that, you were 26 years apart, but i’m i believe in this couple more than in yours, i thought, you know,
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that my grandmother would move away and give me an apartment, a car, a dacha, my grandmother turned out to be strong, and i myself almost died in this relationship; i came out of there a mentally ill person, but as for you , you understand that you will ruin his life, you are a cuckoo, you are all your children scattered, he is also still a child, in fact, maybe you are some kind of nymphomaniac, but why do you need to be young? there is already a moment, you know, when she rewrote her will for daniel, he forced her to leave everything to him, it wasn’t that easy for him either, it was outrageous, and honestly, i think that you will regret it, what you are doing, how could you write a will for the person with whom you are asking, how many months, two, three months, gauguin, but we have a serious conversation with you, it’s good that you remembered. about mom, because we had a video at our disposal , this is the last video of your mother from the hospital, you can’t look at it without tears, son, what
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do you like, this video is the first time i’ve seen it, as if she always asked for help, even when she was feeling good , was it bad for my mother? i didn’t believe it at all for at least 20 years, so of course i’m very sorry to see her in this state, and well, you know, it’s the same thing as she hid her son, she simply sent money to pay herself off, but it’s one thing for her son, she now seems to be saying that okay, i’ll take her with me v a luxurious house and this is my mother, there is no need to compare here the mother in a hospital bed, as you yourself
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she’s alive for me all the same, you know how i believe that our loved ones, they don’t leave, they are always next to us, and there doesn’t have to be some place where soulless bones lie. gagen, but the journalists were looking for this grave and found a terrible family secret, attention, i’ve never seen this gauguin, you know that lyudmila vasilivna died, i know, and ilya came, no, well, this is not her son. how come, did she tell you this? i know that she has one son, that this is a show, that is , ilya never came here besides filming, no no, i never saw him at all, it turns out that you have been since childhood, you know, of course, you found a natural mother, you already asked him , so now you’ll probably have to look for it, it’s not your own son and the woman
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whom everyone considered your mother turns out to be not your own, she periodically said at all the shows that this is not my son, in principle i never called her mother either , she was always there lyudmila vasilievna, there in in my childhood, in my opinion, there was aunt lyuda , i had an aunt, whom i called my mother all my life, this is my father’s half-sister, and my grandmother, that is, in fact, i grew up with these ladies, my mother and father appeared, well, for years. probably until i was 14, and then nothing at all, mom returned to the previous family, dad found the next one, well, you know, that’s how i am, of course, now i can’t judge them, and i would like to understand them, i’m on the same path forgiveness when i understand that i have completely let go of this situation, but for now it still holds something inside, while it’s time, maybe it’s not worth attacking them, but showing with your example what abandoning
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your family, your relatives can lead to. i’m only saying that if there is love, but it cannot be the same as yours, you see, you are like freaks, you understand, there is no faith in you, you will say honestly, i like this woman, i see a mother in her, that’s why i i want to be with her, but nothing can connect us except a close, so to speak, some kind of family history, i lived up to this moment when gagen solntsev our studio says: this is the love of freaks, i never thought that this would happen,


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