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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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before you say some things in our gauguin, it’s not for you to teach us to love each other, i didn’t think that this would happen, you know, aside, you study our history a little, we ’ve known each other for 10 years, she’s not my own mother, according to the law, we are not married alone , there is no moral code, we are human, we are two people who love each other, we all remember very well, gauguin, how you treated your wife, it was not your mother.
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are you talking to katya now? no, what are you talking about, no, of course, this is my enemy, number one, just, now, looking at this couple, don’t you think that they will have the same thing after some time, when they won’t, i don’t believe in misalliances now, i think it will happen, but what you believe in, i believe in sincere love, this sincere woman is sitting, you see, her eyes are bright, open, she is raising your child, you know, she wants to bow, just kiss everything, it’s true, but you ’re a little girl, i don’t want to focus on you and somehow take you. i only hope for one thing, that after this program, when it was revealed so many secrets, you will still fulfill the promise you made in this studio and gather your entire large family at one gauguin table in your luxurious country house, and i am glad that today, for the first time in the history of russian television, you appeared in a completely different form, completely different. thank you! everything
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is possible live. unfortunately, that’s all for today, the time of our program has come to an end, and in exactly a week in this studio we will continue to discuss what worries everyone . love your loved ones. bye- bye. good morning my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well , did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention , today is a big day, a big holiday , pressure, we haven’t seen each other, virgins, whites, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them , who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions, they are still loved,
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform let's watch. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes , hot on the heels, not a day, as we call it, without sensations. so, war, now war.
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in space she will become the best hope for putin, with this headline an article appears in the daily mail, her biographer of the russian president, mark galiutti, wrote, interestingly. putin is aware that he has a personal biographer and lives in london. so this self-appointed biographer claims that the kremlin is ready to destroy all of humanity for its own purposes. washington itself, as promised, held an emergency briefing at night. so, kirby, biden's national security adviser, confirmed the information that we are talking about a threat to national security. it is connected with russian weapons against satellites; the weapons themselves are allegedly being developed by moscow. at the same time, biden gave the command to establish diplomatic contacts with russia in this regard. it turns out that the first
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contacts are first special operations. hirbi later said that washington’s contact with moscow has already took place. agreement on the ban on the placement of weapons in space, there is an immediate coincidence: the us national space development agency confirmed the successful launch of six satellites into low earth orbit to track launches of hypersonic missiles, and not just ours
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and ballistic missiles. well, that is, it is obvious that the americans are terribly worried that the russians will deprive them of the opportunity to monitor who is launching rockets and from where in the world, and the heads... the very space weapons created by russia look like, this is naturally a joke from well, now pay attention to the screen, as the internet can, but it’s as if they were in washington.
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placing a weapon in space is a favorite hollywood scenario. we are concerned. the soviets may be trying to use new weapons. it sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie: russian weapons are launched into space and are capable of destroying enemy satellites. russia is trying to make this a reality. this is said by american officials who have been monitoring developments for months. i can't tell you much about what this threat is, but i can confirm that russia is developing anti-satellite weapons, the national security team is keeping president biden fully informed of what is happening, and he has ordered preliminary discussions with
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leaders in congress, direct diplomatic contact with russia, as well as other countries around the world. biden administration officials briefed senior house members behind closed doors about the impending attack. threat, we remain in close contact with leaders of congress on this issue, this threat was initially reported by intelligence committee chairman mike turner, we left the meeting with a clear belief that the administration takes this threat very seriously and that it has a plan. the white house has not confirmed speculation that these are nuclear weapons; they say that russia’s goal is to cut off communications systems, including satellites used by the military. today our tv channel learned new details about what this weapon is, it is russian a nuclear-powered satellite that one us official says can carry weapons but is not a nuclear bomb. experts say the nuclear -fueled satellite is capable of carrying a
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high-power signal jammer that can block a wide range of signals. russians have long been based on the idea that if they lose the war, they need to try to equalize the forces and to do this they need to destroy. means based in space that collect and transmit information. there was just a briefing at the white house on russian weapons capable of disabling a satellite.
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can destroy not only our satellites, but all electronics on earth, your phone, refrigerator, electricity, transport, communication system, absolutely everything, however, destroying a satellite is an act of aggression, if they would use nuclear weapons to do this, perhaps of course, if you want an electromagnetic pulse, you can achieve it with a regular explosion, but if you want more impact, you will use nuclear weapons, the question is why is this coming up now, because if this nuclear explosion occurs in space, then depending on how powerful it was
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and how far from the earth the explosion occurred, it can destroy all our electronics, really destroy the standard of living of americans and throw us back to the 15th century. in general, if the plan of the democrats' trap was really to create hysteria, panic to motivate the republicans' vote for 60 billion for... ukraine, then the plan failed, at least it failed by this minute, the us congress today went to holidays. well, on the issue of providing assistance to ukraine, they will now return only in march, and maybe later. biden, look, promised the republicans to never forget their betrayal of ukraine. in the case of biden , the wording “never forget” sounds, of course, like an anecdote. at the same time, bloomberg continues to scare himself and the whole world with the rise to
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power of donald trump. another devastating article came out today; in short, donald will cancel security guarantees for nato member countries that do not reach the two percent defense spending threshold. donald is going to force ukraine into negotiations with russia, threatening kiev with blocking aid. at the same time, moscow. supposedly he can also threaten, but this time with an increase in aid to ukraine. strange scheme. nato under trump may be divided into parts, but article 5 will apply only to those states that pay for their protection of america, and china, according to the same bloomberg. in a conversation with business representatives, trump avoided answering the question of whether he would protect taiwan from china, instead saying that taiwan. took business away from america semiconductors, in general,
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will probably not protect anything personal. the us allies in asia are already nervous. in europe, the panic doesn't seem to be stopping. the british times writes about putin's new imperial ambitions. they say russia may attack nato in the coming years. therefore, the alliance urgently needs to build dozens along the entire european border with russia. thousands of concrete pyramids, dig hundreds of kilometers of ditches, build millions of bunkers, in all seriousness, germany went the furthest, they decided to recreate the hitler-jugent units and attract young people for protection critical infrastructure, the case, of course, is war with putin. in the military barracks of the bundesfer, an entire regiment was created, the so-called national security, where german teenagers are enrolled. immediately after school, the goal is to teach german girls and boys
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to ensure the safety of power plants and important transport routes, nodes in the event of putin's attack. in germany, debates about increasing military spending are in full swing, for example, bundestag deputy from the cdu roberki zavettor proposed tripling the special fund for bundesphere. that is, immediately up to 300 instead of today's 100 billion euros. in turn, bundestag deputy from the sdp andreas schwarz called for increasing spending on the army, even if this means increasing the government debt. according to him, germany should also invest more in cyber defense, in the construction of new bunkers and in supplying military hospitals. there is still
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a lot to be done, for example, ammunition and long-range taurus missiles, the supply of which we have been discussing for ages, but the bundeswehr itself must prepare for a modern war, must including the ability to conduct electronic warfare, it’s just that the russian army continues to actively use the latest weapons in ukraine, moreover, now more and more new forms of warfare are appearing, and not only the bundeswehr, but our entire society must prepare for all this. will end in a real disaster, if we sit back, we must make solid investments right now, create another special fund for the bundesweir, we simply need to allocate much more money for military needs. fire, double shot,
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the russian aerospace forces carried out combined strikes on kharkov and the kharkov region at night, a powerful arrival at the location
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of the ukrainian crews of the czech vampire missile system was recorded in liptsy, from where the day before the ukrainian armed forces carried out another terrorist attack on the city of belgorod, from liptsy the russian ilsi was also shot down.
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ukrainian criminal regime, in other german, american, british newspapers they simply decided not to talk about bilgorod, well, that is, on our part, the only conclusion is to move the borders of ukraine away from our country. putin, visiting the urals, vagonzavod, said that there are enough resources, russia has increased the production of armor protection equipment by 10 times, infantry fighting vehicles by seven times and the production of tanks by five times. today, the publication reports that the russian military-industrial complex, despite all the expectations of western military experts, will be able to destroy the ukrainian military for a long time, the publication reports that the growth of the arms industry in russia has occurred
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; our russian army, unlike the armed forces of ukraine, was able to ensure the security of supply chains and increase the production of artillery ammunition, which brings the ukrainian warriors to agony. i'll take it, red! the third
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one is aimed, lined up, the shells are ready, shells are always needed , the war is not over yet, so we need a lot of shells and we need a lot of equipment, we need a lot of everything, if they give it to us it will be good, but for now we are using what we have armata, where is it .. 133 armor-piercing. in the east of ukraine
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in the kharkov region, exercises continue. the ukrainian army, knee-deep in mud, is preparing for heavy battles. the russian federation has collected a large amount of personal composition to try to storm. are preparing to deploy in the kupinsk area, they say that at the moment they still have enough ammunition, but they fear that as the fighting intensifies there will not be enough, they have been here for almost a year, no one expects the war to end soon, peace is here, doesn't seem like the best prospect. or we will cease to exist as a third way, no, i don’t know how europe sees it, but that’s how i see it.


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