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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  February 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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someone else's daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr. wonderful cover of the german trick, see the headline: putin’s new government, 2 years after the attack on ukraine, the despot, feels surprisingly good, how far he will go, well, that is, putin tells us. on the threshold of the victory of the collective west, it is impossible to look for logic here, these same people claimed that putin dismantled his last refrigerator in search of chips, but now putin is launching weapons into space, and his military-industrial complex of putin is stronger than the entire nato bloc. surprise while ukraine is looking for shells, russia has achieved a massive build-up over the past 2 years. industrial production
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that exceeded the expectations of many western defense planners when vladimir putin launched his invasion. total defense spending has risen to 7.5% of gdp, supply chains have been restructured to secure many key goods and circumvent sanctions, and factories producing ammunition, vehicles and equipment operate around the clock, often at twelve o'clock double overtime shifts to keep the russian war machine going for the foreseeable future. huge russian... and investment in the armed forces, which this year is forecast to be the largest relative to gdp since the soviet union , is worrying european military experts. they believe that nato underestimates russia's ability to wage a long-term confrontation. one of the key indicators for waging an artillery conflict is the domestic production of shells, which is estimated experts range from 2 s2 to 5 million units per year. deputy director of the department of policy planning and the ministry of defense of estonia mark riisik called these trends alarming. he emphasizes that
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production could increase to 4 million units in the next year or two. this number puts ukraine at a disadvantage on a front where russia has an artillery superiority of at least 3 to one, and often more. this is much more than we expected, risik said about the performance of russian production. firstly, the fact that western countries seriously miscalculated in assessing the potential of the russian military-industrial complex. this indicates not only that they are not doing well with analytics, first of all , that the units of the federal security service are working very successfully, which comprehensively provide protection, counterintelligence support for our most important strategic industrial facilities, from the introduction of various types of agents and from information leakage is critical for understanding the pace and volume production. i would note first of all, of course, the first service of the fsb of russia, then
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the economic security service of the fsb, and of course, the military counterintelligence department of the fsb of russia, the comprehensive work of these key structures of the central apparatus of the fsb and their local territorial bodies allowed us, in fact, to reach those indicators that turned out to be completely unexpected from the point of view of assessing the risks and threats to which the western coalition suddenly woke up today and discovered that the russian defense industry turns out to be a big deal. how else can work, and of course, the chips that we put in our newest smart bombs, missiles, these are not chips from refrigerators or microwaves, these are full-fledged complex chips that ensure the integration of the successful targeting of all the latest weapons that we have, this is the main thing joke on this topic, putin also launched into space, well, it’s not a refrigerator, they drew a washing machine, because well , we’re being ironic, although... we remember very well, in
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all seriousness, the post -pretty uk, followed by the post-pretty us voon, they talked about refrigerators and about the fact that we have entire enterprises where russian workers dismantle imported refrigerators, take out microcircuits from there and integrate them into rockets, well , well, our rockets have taken off, they have reached space, if western politicians make such statements in all seriousness, this is it simply indicates... a very low intellectual level of their development, because well, any person should still have a fairly clear idea of ​​how , for example, a refrigerator differs from, for example, a smart bomb or a cruise missile, even a fool can understand this, but unfortunately, the degradation of western elites gives us such amazing specimens who suddenly declare this, and moreover, publish about it in the media, now regarding anti-satellite weapons, i would like to note: what else in 2008 in 2009, the americans
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conducted the first successful combat test of an anti-satellite weapon; they had it as a sea-based sm anti-missile. three, starting from one of the american cruisers with guided missile weapons, entered near space at an altitude of 250 km above surface of the earth, hit the satellite successfully , direct kinetic interception, that is, it is called, like hitting a fly in the eye of a missile, your satellite, your satellite, they said that it was an emergency, but it was a cover story, because naturally the world generalization.
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from the point of view, at least, of such a general available texture, it tested an anti-satellite mobile system, and, as the americans say, a certain satellite in low-earth orbit was successfully hit, that is, then it carried out the same, well, in fact, full-fledged combat tests subsequently china, so at least three countries today have such weapons, if the americans are so seriously concerned about, well...
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our main thing, but i would say with such a moscow, it would be very useful for the president to have a meeting with this academician yuri solomonov, general designer of strategic solid fuel missile systems, there are a lot of proposals
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that can be reported to academician solomonov, president putin, and some decisions made, perhaps the americans are afraid of this, some of those new ones, maybe developments or... technological solutions, but the most important thing is political will, in our country a decision of this level is made by the president of russia, we remember how our, you say, oppositionists today, who turned out to be foreign agents, giggled and the world community giggled at them, they were completely crazy, they were drawing cartoons , shows the world with pictures that were and suddenly, out of nowhere, after that the avangard missile system materialized, which... is not subject to missile interception, because it flies along an unpredictable, jump -like trajectory in the dense layers of the atmosphere, suddenly out of nowhere a sarmat missile system capable of attacking target territory in the united states, not only through the north, but also through the south
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pole, where the americans do not have any missile defense system. therefore, i say again, russian scientific and technical potential, russian intellectual potential. defense industry, it allows you to implement any military technologies available at the current level of technical development, matters only in a political decision, and of course, those political military decisions of the strategic plan that the kremlin will make, they will be directly tied to how we assess the prospects, whether this further confrontation with the west will be pushed towards a situation of a hot phase, or whether they will turn on some kind of reverse gear . if they understand that no matter how dangerous this is all becoming, the main understanding is that russia has the potential to respond today to any strategic challenges, it’s only a matter of a political decision, and political decisions are made depending on the current situation military-political situation, whether they will give
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back or not depends on our invention, otherwise the famous message to the federal assembly , we recalled during the commercial break, three missiles were presented, you named two, one of them is poseidon, to the point that, well obviously there is a weapon, and if we use it , then, as they say, the wave that... will be raised will wash away the once great, but now small, but this is a weapon of retaliation, it is important to say, a weapon of retaliation, that you yourself reassure the americans, let they're afraid, we'll come back, there's a big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, airborne major. god bless america. if anything, the hero of afghanistan.
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these are very serious people, you will have to move out, in case of any lawlessness, this is our home, i would have left a long time ago in that place, you will find your own stick, the paratroopers don’t throw all their sticks, everything goes back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine, but he cleared everything , there is pavlych, you go there, team. like this, grandson, no one but us, break everyone without asking their last names, yes, today it will be hot, it’s hot on february 23rd on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, what’s our the task is to open the whole board, can we handle it? if you ask, then with a podbokh. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works.
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7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light. housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now pi, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty,
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rapping, from the first phrase, better than a bird in your hands, than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we have been together since first grade, we are also responsible for everything we do together. in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, slow down from the car, begum, the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, russia.
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german finance minister lineber just spoke at the munich security conference, they talked about money, berlin can hardly afford to spend on defense at the same time.
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tighten into bsa. vladimir zelensky plans tour of western european capitals for the munich security conference as the ukrainian president seeks military support amid a funding battle in washington. zelensky will likely visit paris and berlin as part of the trip, sources said, emphasizing that plans have not yet been confirmed. the ukrainian leader is expected to take part in the annual conference in munich. as ammunition supplies dwindle, zelensky needs to make the case for more. rapid military assistance to repel the russian invasion, he will likely push for talks on security guarantees, the source said, and meetings in london are also being discussed, although zelensky's team is focused on countries that have not yet signed security guarantees, one of the sources said. we are transported to germany, berlin is in direct communication, member of the bundestag, evgeniy schmidt. evgenia,
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hello, just a message, yes, berlin officially reports that if the americans. that is, scholz has already ruined his own bundeswehr, according to the latest data, in the event of some kind of military conflict, we there are literally a few hours left of ammunition in the country, and yet zelensky comes, demands more, and scholz opens all possible sources in order to
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satisfy these wishes of the president of ukraine, so most likely even today. by the way, macron, but if you look at what britain signed, it says that the fifth article will not be used, that is, this is a security guarantee that does not guarantee zelensky’s security, that is , it’s okay, just some kind of formal another moral support regarding the global conflict, if it reaches this level, how germany feels,
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today we showed how the germans are training to fight russia, in general this... is in the air, especially bearing in mind our history, what it’s like is this talking about war again? i think it is absolutely unrealistic to have some, some completely wild fantasies of a war with russia, that is, in fact, since the beginning of the conflict - the number of germans willing to serve in the bundeswehr has decreased significantly, that is , the country, the ministry of defense cannot to increase the number of soldiers there, in my opinion, up to...
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considering how germany is being ukrainized lately, everything can change there, well, that is, with america, germany has been their colony since the second world war, so anything can change , zelensky has now fled ukraine, during... his entire presidential term he very often leaves ukraine when something bad happens there, well, they say, what did i have to do with it, now i ’ll come and sort it out, so now, when it’s in the air there may be some good news, no
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for zelensky, zelensky is also away from ukraine, so that this news doesn’t hurt you somehow, now he’s asking for money there, so that they can give him more, well , he passed this ramstein and meetings in front of munich, so what did they give him, well, nothing, yes, they began to create some kind of coalitions on narrow topics, a coalition of drones. a million drones, well, zelensky has already planted a billion trees during his presidential tenure, well, yes, he planted it, but no one knows the money, already last year europe gave a million shells to ukraine, yes, that is, these shells are not there, they weren’t produced, now a million drones will not be given, they said it cannot, you know, there is an old french proverb that fits here, it fits this, even the most beautiful courtesan of paris can only give what she has, of course the usa can demand from europe, give 2-10 million, but if they don’t exist, well, that’s it. what i can, right now, yes, they have created this coalition of drones, you can create more coalitions there, i don’t know, a coalition of drugs for zelensky, a coalition of diapers for biden, well, we need to do something, now the same thing will happen on
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in munich, of course they will be loudly indignant , but they understand, now they are talking about space and the threat of russian space, but this did not arise now, but here is a horror story or something, just let me remind you, i came across the quote , it’s january 3 years ago, twenty -first year ost at that time was still a candidate for us secretary of defense, he said that...
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kievskoe, and this is just a museum of ukraine in the center of moscow, how they hate it, that is, in ukraine imagine the moscow metro, well, that unrealistic, it would already be covered with paints there, well, everything else was repainted, renamed, but here the station is also kiev, taras shevchenko boulevard, memory.
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you are probably very tired , you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, you are sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and
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you know who the killer is, yes, since monday on rtr, half giving birth, shaking hay, come big! and changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our... heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look,
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let them in. your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, where we go, in search of treasures, and what kind of treasures, we go to look for mom, we look at the weekend, look at me like that, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world. i miss you, kesha , everything is fine, we’re going, my husband isn’t going anywhere to kenty, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else , oops. what are you
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doing here? and you? frost. on sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism. this is parallel. continuation of the conversation in new releases of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe , listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, i thought that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, this is all here, play or don’t play, yes, yes, that’s it, there
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can’t be two opinions. because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just to see, let’s go, this it must have been edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own. used by many, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i, oops, five on one on saturdays on rtr, your husband may be completely paralyzed, order an implant, today, i understand, you need money, but driving a truck is it’s not a woman’s business, the road
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is not calm now. never stops on the road, no matter what happened, tatyana kosyuchets, queen on the road, meet queen of the road, stop, today on rtr, a little more about space, but without weapons, a unique event could be observed in the sky today by residents of dozens of cities in our country, we are talking about... rapprochement the moon and jupiter, a rare astronomical phenomenon allows you to view the celestial objects of the planet without any interference. in addition to this, the sun has experienced a new large-scale flare, because of it, this weekend the earth will again be hit by a magnetic storm, so watch your head and pressure, but there are good ones news, there will be no more snowfalls in moscow until the end of winter, 25% of the month fell yesterday.
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precipitation norms, then only spring and look for the news, bye! tv channel information service. russia continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, the chelyabinsk robot plant vladimir putin is being shown the first mass production of industrial robots, only today several saboteurs were detained on the ukrainian border. a sabotage and reconnaissance group with explosives entered the territory of western belarus. in moscow today they said goodbye to
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the general. if there were no sanctions restrictions against russia from western countries, there would not have been such growth in domestic industry. vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting with workers of the manufacturing giant conor in
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chelyabinsk. the president continues his working trip to the urals. in chelyabinsk he also visited a robot factory. now alexey petrov is broadcasting live. alexey, hello, what interesting things did you show to the president? yes, maria, good afternoon, indeed, a very eventful meeting, but apparently , vladimir putin’s meeting with workers of ural enterprises has just ended, specialists of various professions, mechanics, adjusters, management staff gathered here, here in the hall there were also students of ural universities who are choosing a career for themselves in industry, in the ural industry , a lot of questions were asked and one of the main topics was immediately raised as soon as the president entered the hall. entered the audience, this is the impact of western sanctions on domestic industry, what kind of impetus the western ones gave sanctions for the development of the latest domestic technologies, that’s what vladimir putin said. i just now told the manager that if
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there had not been restrictions that our quasi -partners introduced against russia, against russian industry, i probably wouldn’t have had so many orders, he immediately confirmed, we say, we wouldn’t even have purchased then these are the competencies that have now been acquired and are being applied and scaled quite effectively, and in a variety of areas with the support of a large number of growing number of customers, this is very impressive, of course, one of the key topics that we have been discussing constantly in recent years is aircraft preparation. it is almost impossible to implement such high-tech programs without well-trained professional personnel, well, these words
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are the president of the entire meeting, indeed orientation, personnel training is in the spotlight, by the way, the figures were announced by the twenty-eighth year, within the framework of the professionalism program in russia , a million specialists should be trained, by the way , here this enterprise has its own faculty in...
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the people's republic, zaporozhye, kherson regions, so everything that concerns their pension rights needs to be regulated, now this work is being carried out, i think by the state , including, i think, hoping that in the shortest possible time it will will be completed, these decisions will not be easy, well, we have already done this in crimea, it will be necessary to count the internship work that people received while still in the territories. when they were part of ukraine, well, this is a special issue, i don’t see any big difficulties in solving it, well and of course, a very busy program of the president, here in chelyabinsk we showed
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the products of local enterprises, first of all, the stankomash industrial park, where we are now, they produce a variety of units, the latest technologies, units for pipelines, for the oil and gas industry, for example, we saw screws here... to launch the latest russian technologies, in addition, the president of russia visited the robot plant, which is also located in chelyabinsk, these are industrial robots, 30 kg load capacity, 60 kg, 120, this is what is very important, what is curious, first of all, is that they are named after the ural cities, these are kopeisk, mias and... cities in the chelyabinsk region, but it is certainly very important that
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now there are more such robots , and indeed, as experts say, production is now being launched, and this most important component for the domestic industry is being launched into mass production. maria, i thank you, alexey, alexey is monitoring the progress of the president’s trip to the ural federal district petrov. over the past week, the russian armed forces carried out 30 group strikes against ukraine using... precision missiles and drones. the ministry of defense reported this in the final report. the targets were factories for the production of ammunition, communication systems, and aircraft engine fuels and materials. this week the ukrainian air force lost a mig-29 fighter and a mi-24 helicopter, over 400 drones were shot down, and 36 missiles were intercepted. on the ground, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces exceeded 5,500 mercenary fighters. about 2 thousand were destroyed in donetsk alone. improved
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position along the leading edge. the crew of the vampire artillery unit that shelled belgorod consisted of neo-nazis from the banned ukrainian unit krakin. tas provides this information with reference to law enforcement agencies. the shelling of a peaceful city in the middle of the day claimed the lives of seven people. the number of victims increased to 19. four, including three in serious condition. thermo defense, glass fragments were removed, as were fragments of deadly iron.
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there were riddled cars in the shopping center parking lot. their owners are awaiting examination. the blast wave knocked out double-glazed windows on the first floors of nearby houses. in total, after a tour of the special commission, destruction of varying degrees was revealed in 150 apartments, in the private sector and high-rise buildings in this residential area. in total, 14 missiles from the vampire multiple launch rocket system were shot down over belgorod. one of the fighters fell in the yard. this private house, this crater remained from it, the fragments scattered in a circle, the bulk of them ended up in this residential building. on the fact of a terrorist attack from ukraine , the investigative committee initiated criminal case. investigators are interviewing eyewitnesses; meanwhile, emergency crews have closed the heating circuit in the affected apartment buildings. elimination of the consequences continues today. as they said, it was lucky that they fell into the ground, they fell into the asphalt, because well, it would have been as if the asphalt had scattered on the harder side, the wife and daughter. walked side by side, well, thank god, everyone is alive, in total, as a result of another
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terrorist attack from ukraine in the peaceful neighborhoods of belgorod, seven people were killed, among them lyudmila gubkina, a mother of three children, a teacher at belgorod state university. she was a cheerful, cheerful person, a sociable person, it was always a pleasure to communicate and interact with him, for our team this is a great loss, we are all grieving. now nine people injured as a result remain in belgorod hospitals. all patients tolerated the journey normally, doctors have already begun diagnostic treatment measures. belgorod doctors are in constant contact with their capital colleagues. in addition, by order of the minister of health care , a group of psychologists will soon arrive in the regional center.
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today in moscow they said goodbye to the hero of the soviet union , colonel general valery vastrotin. the legendary military leader, afghan veteran, experienced rescuer, passed away on february 13. he was 71 years old. he died the day before the thirty- fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, where he commanded the parachute regiment, which included the heroic ninth company. friends and relatives came to the central house of the russian army.
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presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov today got acquainted with the products of the lytkarino meat processing plant; the enterprise produces semi-finished products, sausages, pates, minced meats are among the five largest producers of canned meat in our country. in addition, today nikolai kharitonov visited the city museum of local lore, together with fellow party members, and laid flowers. to the monument to the heroes of the great patriotic war, and then congratulated everyone on the upcoming holiday of defender of the fatherland. holy day for all men, young people, veterans and women who were also on the home front during the war they worked and fought. we wish you all good health and
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good mood, so that our memory may be eternal. memory, it consolidates us for new victories, and there will definitely be victories on all fronts. in simphepol, the co-chairman of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin, people's artist vladimir mashkov, met with youth activists and volunteers, with residents of crimea, which the artist called the mirror of greater russia and one of the centers of the russian world, the conversation was about different things, about creative gifts, about politics , about the russian cultural code. mashkov expressed confidence that it is a leader like vladimir putin, with his experience and strong-willed qualities, who will be able to lead the country to resist today’s. thousands of calls are received daily to the call center and public reception of vladimir putin’s election headquarters. today , proxies of the presidential candidate took part in the work of the call center ; nikolaidzy, singer zara, mikhail porechenkov, vyacheslav manucharov and nadezhda
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babkina listened to citizens’ wishes. even now the call is not about myself personally, it is about educational issues. and it concerns many, only some brave ones can express it, while others remain silent, it will resolve on its own, it doesn’t happen, a certain svetkin, vladimir ivanovich from the penza region, now expresses support for the word of confidence in our candidate. in the regions of siberia and the altai territory there are forty-degree frosts, in irkutsk there is record snowfall, and in st. petersburg a yellow level of danger has been declared due to wind and freezing rain. in primorye, due to abnormally warm weather , ice began to crack and break almost 2 weeks earlier. the ministry of emergency situations released an urgent warning, but not everyone heeded it. in vladivostok, carelessness almost led to tragedy. the cyclist went headlong into the air. the man was lucky. he managed to get out of the water without outside help and even saved his vehicle
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. a rich harvest of seafood delicacies on the beach of the village of volchenets in the partisan region of the region. at low tide. tens of thousands of shellfish washed up on the sandy shore. local residents collect seafood by the bucketful. the federal penitentiary service sends a commission to the colony, where today alexei navalny died. as reported by the vsin department for the yamalo-ninsky autonomous okrug, the convict felt unwell after a walk and lost consciousness. the correctional facility's medical staff immediately called an ambulance. the arriving doctors carried out resuscitation measures, but without results. the causes of death are being established. and here are the topics further in our issue. a group of saboteurs was detained on the belarusian-ukrainian border. zelensky came to europe to meet with macron and scholz. and today is the third episode grand show. come on, all together in unison. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. what are the next tasks?
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i will tell you this separately when the cameras are turned off. where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers. from russia from china , nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends there, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, they walk and don’t run, by helicopter, we’ll find out about it first, alexandrevich, hello, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, who is showing this, pasha, are you filming this, hello, hello, did you learn how to do this? in the first person, you just tell me what and where is happening at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again. we apparently will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, i love you very much, yes,
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but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is without children, anton madegliani, 12 years old, surname angelom odilyane, before you're still licking the wounds of your heart, you'll be with me treat, yes i will. “i invited you here , which means i am responsible for you, and do you like our doctor? i like it, so do i, it’s a pity that i don’t have a dad who sent, who is this woman, choose, either me or her, they are very it’s easy to inflict, it’s much more difficult to heal, you spend your whole life healing other people’s hearts.” but you can’t figure it out with your heart, heart wounds on saturday on rtr,
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there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s incredible. the face to which you forgive everything, they don’t miss you absolutely, well, then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved a red snake into my head, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals in the circle of friends. among friends, a program for the whole family. on saturday on rtr.
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what did you dream about this time? they killed me, but the corpses are very warm. premiere on rtr. and only she can reveal them, we urgently need to meet on the way home in the park by the canal,
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now i know exactly who will be killed when. anna medium from monday on rtr. this news, we continue, a group of saboteurs was detained on the belarusian-ukrainian border. president of belarus alexander lukashenko announced this today. according to him, they transferred explosives to commit sabotage on the territory of russia and belarus. let me remind you that yesterday a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced in the south-west of the gomel region. just today several saboteurs were detained on the ukrainian border. using drones through the swamps, some of the ukrainian citizens crawled onto our border and transferred explosives. to commit sabotage, primarily on the territory of russia and belarus. western countries are striving
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to maintain their world dominance at any cost, fueling ever new conflicts. secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev said today in bishkek at a meeting with colleagues from the countries of central asia, as well as india, iran and china, issues on resolving the afghan issue, as well as the unprecedented aggravation of the international situation, were discussed. to achieve your goals, westerners are ready to do anything. the most striking example is the situation around ukraine, with the help of which the global west wanted to inflict damage.
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security with ukraine, olaf scholz and vladimir zelensky held a meeting in berlin on the eve of the sixtieth anniversary munich conference, which started less than an hour ago. more than 50 heads of state and government, as well as more than 100 ministers, are participating in the meeting. russia was not invited because moscow, according to the organizers, quote, does not show serious readiness for negotiations with kiev. experts conference called in advance a mutual loss or a meeting of losers.
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operation to protect our national interests, the citizens of our country, this is what any sovereign, independent, self-respecting state does, fully in accordance with the charter of the united nations. according to foreign minister sergei lavrov, it was the western countries that, instead of prosperity, led the world to one of the most acute crises since the second world war. they tried to promote destructive concepts of gender diversity. biological experiments were carried out with impunity...
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western vaccines were certified in europe in violation of all processes almost instantly, now no one is responsible for cases of severe side effects from their use. european farmers are expanding the geography of their protests. promotions take place in poland, moldova, greece, italy, spain, france. farmers demand support from the authorities. production costs are rising. the situation is getting worse.
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the central bank advocates the availability of installment plans for the purchase of goods for citizens now discusses available limits. the head of the regulator, elvira nabeulina, announced this today. according to her, the debt burden of the population is gradually decreasing; there are no artificial supports for the ruble now. the exchange rate of the national currency is influenced by fundamental factors. the key rate was kept at 16%. today are the results of the transmission. credit policy is quite clearly visible, strict monetary conditions have formed, under their influence savings activity is intensifying, credit activity is gradually
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cooling. as a result, the rate of price growth started to slow down. tonight on our channel is the third episode of the grandiose vocal show nuka, all together in chorus. there are no special rules in the new season, with the exception of one, only teams compete in it.
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stay tuned to follow the development of major events in russia and abroad. in the special operation zone, the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces in key sectors of the front per day amounted to almost a thousand people killed and wounded. the most fierce battles took place near the settlements of krasnaya, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, leninsk and konstantinovka. v donetsk republic, well, in the krasno-liman direction, a group of troops


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