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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  February 17, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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with suppliers to update equipment, the total value of contracts for the steel smelting shop alone is more than 2 million euros, the total... our investment program for the twenty-fourth year is more than a billion rubles. never before have so much steel been poured here and so many long products have been produced here. the twenty-third year of records, new large programs are at the start, they are planning to modernize steel production, they are working on a project for another rolling mill, production volumes will increase manifold. lyudmila smirnova, alexander garelov, leading khabarovsk. at the krasnobrodsky coal mine in kusbas.
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technical excavators began to be equipped with intelligent video surveillance systems, maxim kutrunov talks about the pilot project. excavator operator anton konev turned on the all-round viewing system and is ready to work: eight frost-resistant cameras produce 4k quality images, the excavator now has no blind spots. you can view each camera separately, that is, switch, the best view, of course, you can see the belaz and the face. at night the view is better, the monitor is larger, diagonal, and this will increase the level of safety, firstly, it will improve the economic component of the work, and secondly, it’s all about the load and tires. the tire is one of the most expensive consumables when operating a mining dump truck. the rock mass must be placed according to the loading data sheet. if tires have different loads and are distributed unevenly, this provokes early wear and accidents. the broadcast is carried out in real time and recorded on cards. memory and cloud storage to
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become a teaching aid. the cameras are installed in a special way to collect datasets for training the neural network. this solution will help us monitor certain technological processes, such as the condition of the bucket, for integrity. in the future , neroset will take on the role of an assistant driver, warn about unauthorized violations of the excavator’s working area, help with loading, and pay attention to the appearance of signs of future breakdown. a similar project for the implementation of all-round visibility systems at quarry mines. the company's dumps have already been recognized successful, the experiment with excavators has just started, the forecast result is positive. maxim kudurnov, anshubnikov, conductor kuzbasov, prokopyevsky district. from museums to everyday life, the traditions of izhora ceramics, forgotten for almost a century, are being revived in the leningrad region, pots and children's toys come from the hands of masters ; vyacheslav novozhilov will tell about their work and how the ancient craft died and was resurrected.
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you do it, they’ll register you, well, i did it, i accepted the advice, lord, that’s it, i was registered in tosno, not far from tosno in the town of lyuban, young sculptor nikolai podrezov became acquainted with pottery in a small pottery workshop. i find pavle.
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basically they made a horseman, well, that is , a cossack, because this is the border region, starting from alexander, if a zharyan.
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there are few craftsmen - says podrezov, the craft can only be revived by endowing the toy dishes with your own author's features, without going beyond the izhora canon, in the main. the potters pass on these secrets to the younger generation; there is a workshop at the izhora museum, where most people come the youth. i already have a whole cupboard of these utensils at home, my mother constantly cooks in bowls, that is, my mother always does something in the oven, these utensils are always used very often, i have friends.
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the lines from this hit seem to have forever given the color yellow a not at all festive shade, but in these greenhouses such flowers are most in high demand, thanks to the efforts of florists, yellow tulips are not separated, quite the opposite, if you... draw it with this flower, with yellow , yellow, dark purple, and violet with white, very beautiful, i think designers will be delighted with this flower. the purple valley variety, a new product, a tall stem and a bright lush bud, so that the spring
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flowers will delight you not only on the holiday and not fall off the next day, experienced agronomist lyudmila shubina gives simple advice: do n’t be afraid, don’t worry, the tulip will retain its freshness, the only thing is ... you need to trim the stem a little by 1-2 mm, put it in cold water and not place it on a lighted windowsill, somewhere like this inside the room. at the end of winter for flower growers the busy season is coming, beautiful bouquets on march 8 should be enough for all the beautiful halves, for the workers of this enterprise such intense pre-holiday work is also a pleasant chore. beauty, march 8 starts earlier for us, naturally, not like other women. for flower growers, march 8 is one of those days that feeds them all year round. for men, they say, in the household the main gift for international women's day in the spring will not be burdensome. the selling price this season will increase by only 15-20 rubles. smiles, hugs kisses of wives, girlfriends, mothers, daughters and sisters with
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large percentages will pay for everything. arthur khlopotin, vitaly kudryavtsev, lead novosibirsk. the popular berengia dog sled race will start very soon . their four-legged friends are preparing for the longest race of the mushers, veronika kaberskaya will tell you. on march 2, the beringia sled dog race will be postponed as a participation event. back in 1990, the first berengia passed away; the secrets of breeding four-legged animals and the rules for creating sleds are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation by anastasia. before the race, the family made their own traditional wooden sled. yes,
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actually handmade from birch, not a single carnation can be found in such sledges, yes, everything is the same as in the traditional, say, way, but they still make a standing position. sleds are narrow, long sleighs into which the musher harnesses dogs in pairs one after another. traditionally, a team consists of eight to 14 four-legged animals. steering dogs are the hardiest, they are harnessed closest to the sleigh. these brave souls get tired more than others. before starting, the main thing is to understand the controls, it’s not difficult to get on the sled correctly and maneuver too, it’s like skiing, brake also in extreme cases, and to reduce the speed, but unfortunately, i won’t be able to go on the sled, because the dogs don’t listen to me, only the musher nikolai listens, i’ll take a ride, sitting in nart. nikolai, let's go?
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right, right, right, northern sled dogs have amazing endurance; in a day they can run about 100 km, carry heavy loads and sleep in temperatures of -50. despite their incredible endurance, sled dogs are very affectionate. and resist the charm of future furry racers is impossible, these puppies are now only a month old, but in just six months they will become sled dogs and will participate in the next bering. 17 mushers will take part in the sensational race; you can watch them not only live, but also remotely. it is possible to track the position of the mushers, thanks to a gps tracker on an interactive map, watch video diaries and video reviews about the race on the berenge 41 website, and well... and read news in all media. race participants will have to cover the route from the village of essa to
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the village of uskamchatsk, with a length of 1425 km. in the harsh kamchatka conditions, winners of previous years and newcomers will very soon be fighting for a large cash prize, challenging not only their rivals, but themselves. veronica kaberskaya, valery shamarin, ivan kulakov, broadcast from kamchatka. a little goat saved an entire family from death. at night, when everyone was sleeping, the wiring caught fire and a private house caught fire. even the dogs were silent. only one kid started screaming, waking up the family in time. the owners are sure that the baby has become real for them amulet. details of the unusual rescue from anton ivachev. it seems that even the pets thank stepan for the miraculous rescue. at 2:00 am, this little beauty just started. screaming at the whole house, he approached our bedroom, my husband opened his eyes , he says that he was screaming like that when he opened
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the door to the house, he just seemed to be in shock, the fire started in the hallway, immediately cutting off the path to retreat, according to the preliminary version , the wiring caught fire, the fire spread to the kitchen, then to the second hallway, here the central exit turned out to be a lifesaver, i my husband immediately said: fall on the floor, there was a small gap of 5 cm on the floor, probably a window, that’s how i got out of here in opole. hair all over, and then i woke up with the neighbors, the young hero was barely a month old, a few days before the fire, stepan was taken from the shelter into the house, he turned out to be not only our happiness, but our savior, but if he had not stood near the bedroom and started screaming , we just wouldn’t wake up in the middle of the night, together with the owners, the little goat saved five more dogs, three cats, now the whole family is clearing out the rubble, for now... they take color and electricity from neighbors , after learning about the disaster, they help fire victims in all villages, these are all sockets, but in short
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, look, but it’s crazy, it’s all for the whole house, the shelter also helps, the main task is to restore the wiring , and there is the whole house , fortunately the walls of the roof survived, but the main thing is themselves, today stepan still delights his family with his games, and the family never tires of thanking them for saving lives, anton ovachev, pavel pasechnik, news from kusbass, all news is always available on the media platform let's see. application or on the website, to this that's it, we're monitoring developments. see you.
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in 1911, st. petersburg newspapers reported the mysterious disappearance of the famous sixty-two-year-old chemical engineer alexander laurent. where the inventor disappeared remains unclear. according to one version , he became ill while walking in the forest. according to another, he secretly emigrated due to financial problems that plagued his companies.
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in the eye. all these means fought fire with varying degrees of effectiveness, but not every fire. before fires in the oil fields and in chemical plants of the first generation, the fire extinguisher was powerless. the situation changed radically thanks to the russian engineer laurent. alexander laurent, russian inventor, chemical engineer. among the main inventions are fire extinguishing foam and the world's first foam fire extinguisher. alexandre lorran was born in chisinau in 1849. his ancestors came to russia at the beginning of the 19th century from switzerland, where his grandfather was a famous figure in the masonic movement. grandson alexander received
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a good education, graduated from the famous reshelevsky lyceum in odessa, and then. polytechnic institute in st. petersburg. after an internship in paris, alexander laurent returned to the russian empire and worked as a chemistry teacher in one of the baku gymnasiums. at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the oil industry experienced a boom throughout the world. the economy of the russian empire was on the rise in the years before the revolution. her need for black gold was constantly growing. the center of the russian oil industry arose in baku on the entire abshiron peninsula. oil pumps have become an indispensable attribute of the local landscape, as well as the flames and clouds of smoke that rose from one area to another. the low technical level
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of well equipment led to... laurent sees the destructive power of fire, he understands that the improvement of pumps and other mechanical devices will lead to complete victory over fires. only a universal chemical composition that will suppress fire of any origin can help. there is
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a legend that one day, when he was sitting in one of the baku restaurants, the idea struck laureno that the composition should have a structure beer pens, which form an insulating layer on the surface of the liquid. in 1902, lorran conducted a series of twenty experiments in the chemical laboratory of the gymnasium, mixing alkali and sulfuric acid, he obtained the desired composition. later , a solution of carbonated soda and licorice is added to it to enhance the foaming effect. a year later , a modest teacher conducts public tests of the invention. a barrel is set on fire in a pit. oil. lorran fills it with a new composition and the resulting foam instantly extinguishes the flame. the effect was achieved due to the fact that the foam layer
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lowered the temperature, blocked the access of oxygen to the burning oil and thereby suppressed the combustion process. the result was phenomenal, instant fire and gas. the inventor named his foam lorantina in 1904. privilege, as patents were called then, for a new fire extinguishing agent. in his application for the privilege , laurent wrote: “i attach particular importance to my penalty when using it in the event of extinguishing fires of flammable liquids, since until now there has been no known means practically applicable for extinguishing such liquids, burning in open storage facilities over a large area. privilege.
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heat is not allowed, time is wasted, it is also impossible to store it in ordinary containers, it quickly lost its qualities. a device was needed that would be located in
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a potentially dangerous place; it could be used at any time to fight fire. a fire extinguisher is a portable or mobile device for extinguishing fires. when a fire extinguisher is activated from its nozzle. under high pressure , a substance that can extinguish the fire begins to emerge. it can be foam, any chemical compound in powder form, as well as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other chemical inert gases. laran was not the first to create a fire extinguisher; they had already existed for half a century by that time, but their compositions were not suitable for extinguishing oil and its derivatives. larantin was the first suitable for this. means. in the same 1904, lorran invented the eureka manual foam fire extinguisher, which was refilled with the already famous lorantin foam. he was given
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the privilege to use a fire extinguisher and foam. the official test of the new manual foam device took place on may 20, 1905 in st. petersburg, in the courtyard of the vasilievsk fire station. burning wooden booth embraced. at the international construction and art exhibition held in st. petersburg in 1908, the eureka fire extinguisher was highly praised. the fire magazine wrote about this. by its appearance it can be distinguished from others. it has a cylindrical shape and is made of sheet iron. there are three compartments inside, two of them are floor-standing. to bring to use it, you need to turn it upside down, then both liquids flow into the third
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empty compartment. they mix in it.


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