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tv   Koroleva dorog  RUSSIA1  February 18, 2024 1:00pm-5:00pm MSK

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polchik, we’ll probably go too, andrei said he’ll help you, go ahead, thank you very much, thank you. did you see your aunties off? yes, she and her mother were friends all their lives, they were so ridiculously jealous of each other , they argued all the time about who was the number one best friend, and mom?
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tea, thank you, it hurts, i know, but you have to get through it, i also couldn’t come to my senses for a long time, when my mother died, i was then in moscow training camp and andrey, thank you very much for your help, i don’t know how i would be alone . for your support, thank you, this is very important for me, i will open it, oh, what are you doing here, i wonder.
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lyubov sergeevna, put it somewhere. cash, it's so good that you came, is everything okay? look, i wanted to help, come here, you are my best son.
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we don’t need anyone else in the world, butterfly, i love you, higher than the sky , i’m sorry, i couldn’t call, i couldn’t answer , i was very busy, i didn’t have a second free, if only i knew, i need you so much, i can’t be alone now , don’t pity me, please, i’m not going anywhere, i’m here, mine, really, i promise, 3 million, i found the letter, it’s important, i’m sorry, i looked, yes, it doesn’t matter, these are antiquarians about the icon , but really it’s like this... it’s more than 200 years
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old, we pass it on from generation to generation, the war was saved, the revolution was saved, during the blockade my grandmother and great-grandmother almost died of hunger, the icon was not sold, i i won’t sell, well, you’re late, well, i’ll try to get everything done, you can take a day off, you can stay at home, no, i can’t, i’m going to work , well, let’s drink some coffee then, let me make it, come on. look, i had no idea there was anyone else behind him. i don’t stand behind shumsky, over it. he is my deputy. well, yes, what i meant was that it turns out that his signature has no legal force? no, no, no, everything is fine, he is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the company, but since i could not contact him, i had to come in person. that he will see the documents, you need
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to clarify something by the numbers, yes, i saw him briefly today, but he has already left, but he’s here every day, every day, that means? hello, hello, will you pass, no, i’m just a minute, you left like that yesterday, i didn’t even notice or
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i said goodbye, i’m in a hurry, but i wanted to, in general , i came in to say thank you again, you helped me a lot, come in, there are so few people left who remember mom, and write, call if you suddenly need something, i always ready to help, ready to help, of course, what else are friends for, i'll go, bye. really, what else are friends for? dad, there’s someone whining there, it’s your car whining,
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no, look, matvey, oh! sostych, hello, he's kind of cool, what are you doing here? you probably had someone leave him alone, poor thing, dad, someone left him here and tied it up, let's take him, matvey , you and i just needed a dog, who will walk with her, me or grandma nyura, let's go, i myself, i will walk with her myself, dad, please, seriously, yes, then i i can stay home alone with him. dad, please , i’m sure, yes, look under your full responsibility , thank you, dad, did you hear, heard, yes, heard,
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i’m very glad that you’re back, it’s much easier for me with you, i’m glad that i met you, where am i was before, we would not have met before, did not work, if people are destined to meet, no matter where they work, come to me, yes, yes, why not, you wait for me here, i ’ll go upstairs and take my things. 5 minutes maximum 10, let me help you, so that it’s faster, stop it, i can handle it myself , turn on the radio, now, hello, shumsky,
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hello, len, how are you here, you have a plane in a week, yes, yes, i’m on broom , i'm bored, yeah, where's the money, shumsky , 3 million is written in the hospital papers, yes, but i didn't tell you, i contacted a company with medical equipment, there is an opportunity to save money, in our favor, i decided not to right away talk, and you decided to make a surprise, yes, yes, i wanted to surprise, are you an idiot, or do you think that i’m an idiot, kesha, everything is fine, we’re going, yes, yes, yes, cash, pay off the girl for false calls say that you ’re not going anywhere, what kind of false call, what are you talking about, and i’m talking about, my little bird, that my husband, say, isn’t going anywhere. how much do we owe you? well, husband, let's go and talk.
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oh! you're walking alone, i'm alone, hi, hi, your dog, well, it seems like yes, let's go for a walk. do you want to join us? no, thank you, i've had a walk, i 'll go now, olya, is everything okay? yes, everything is fine, thank you, bye, shumsky, shumsky, don’t put on a show, not only did you steal money from the company, but you also spend it on beautifully cheating on me, you’re completely. did, do you even remember how hard it was for me to persuade the shareholders to appoint you as my deputy, i’m
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here, i’m dancing in front of suppliers, i’m running all over europe to get you and me lucrative contracts, and what is my deputy doing at this time? , and at this time my deputy is cheating on me with honestly stolen money, well, that’s it, you’re in europe, and i’m in this hole, and well, yes, yes, exactly, of course, forgive me, the scale here is not the same, you would have had a blast there, huh, shumsky? that's it, len , don't get worked up, come on, i'm wrong, i'll correct myself, so, shumsky, firstly, you will return my money to me, secondly, you're fired, thirdly, we're breaking up, len, ah, len , come on, i’ll order food to the room, we’ll talk , i said everything, already, you have exactly 2 weeks to return me every penny, and... car keys, give me back, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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i give , i give, eh? your tea is there, thank you, would you like some candy? no thank you, you're kind of limp, bruises i’m not sick under my eyes, no, i ’m fine, you should at least take a day off, ol, you’ve already been on duty for the tenth day, feel sorry for yourself. sleep, take a walk, go to the cinema there, although
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the weather is not very good for a walk now, yes, yes, but where did your gentleman go, we had a fight, make up, seryoga, hello, yes, i’m talking about the money, well, you said tomorrow. i’m calling, no, listen, but if i have a one-room apartment as collateral, well, it’s easy to say, sell it, as i ’ll sell it to you right away, i urgently need it, it’s going to take a long time, well, well, clearly, i understand, okay, okay, sorry to bother you, yeah, let's have a day kind, alexander vladimirovich, i can hear, shumsky. yes, at kinta shumsk, we agreed, yes, what did you ask me to convey?
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clear, clear, thank you, yes, lenochka, lenochka, yes, i remember about the deadlines, listen, len, i wanted to be with you, good afternoon. hello, hello, are you sick or something? no , we have a planned vaccination, but now it’s clear why matvey is so harsh, you ’re afraid, i’m not afraid at all, i just don’t like anyone, well, who loves them, let me examine you, because the vaccination is given to healthy, strong people kids, turn around, i need your back, closer. heart murmurs can be heard, are the murmurs serious? no, these are most likely
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functional noises that will go away with age, but i strongly recommend that you get examined at the hospital. in the hospital? i don't want to go to the hospital, dad! matvey, are you acting like a girl? i'm not a girl, i'm a boy, are you acting up like a girl? ok, let's go, where? to your hospital! well, come on, friend, i opened the door and went, didn’t even look who came. what if they are thieves, or selling some nonsense, but will you have tea and coffee? but i don’t have coffee, only tea, polish guy, stop killing this asshole, he’s not worth it, well, really, listen, she turned off the phone, we were worried, by the way, we should be worried, not everything is all right, damn it.
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olechka, are you pregnant? i’m pregnant, there won’t be a baby anyway, i’ll have an abortion, are you crazy, what does the baby have to do with it? you know, we need to find this freak and get some money out of him, he’s a cool businessman here, i don’t want to hear about shumsky, that’s right. what can we do with you, we will raise a baby, but there will be no baby, well, that’s all, it seems, we
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put apple juice in the refrigerator, and tomorrow i ’ll bring you something else delicious. i accept any orders, within reason, of course, you are already leaving, uh-huh, don’t leave, i don’t want to be here alone, good afternoon, my name is roman viktorovich, i am matvey’s attending physician, and you, as i understand it, are his father, yes, andrey azerny, doctor, tell me , is there something serious with him, well, i can’t say that yet, the examination will show, don’t you worry, i’m in touch all the time, if you have any questions, call, okay, thank you, matvey , everything will be fine, you’ll see, you’re sure, olenka, you’re a doctor, you’re aware of all the consequences of the first abortion, i ask you, think about what caused this decision, in any case, this does not
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justify an abortion, believe me , when you hold your child for the first time, don’t , what? that there is no need for an abortion , you don’t need to persuade me, i decided everything for myself , whatever you want, here, take our laboratory, general analysis, biochemistry for sugar, well, you know how it will be ready, bring it, on the appointed day, thank you, goodbye.
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hello, sorry, i didn’t recognize. boys, denis polikov, which one of you? denis, it's time for you to go to the icg. yeah, now. are you dirty? well done.
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what is your name? matvey. i am olya. let's take it off. so, yeah, just don’t be upset, okay , it’s my aunt, she screams at everyone, she screams at me too, don’t pay attention to her, well done , you draw very well, you ’re really good at it, you ’ll draw something for me, and what do you want, draw me your favorite place in the city, okay, come on, denis, finish it! play, doctor you is already waiting.
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white, dry, just like you like, i’m driving, and you’re a clown, cash, why did you call me, brought me money, elin, forgive me, that’s all, listen, well len, well, you can’t take it, cross it all out, well, remember how... you and i conquered moscow, drove up in a lada, how we studied accounting at night, i spent 3 months on nothing but buckwheat, but i ’m ready to do anything for you, you know, well done, i’m prepared, then, well, i can’t borrow money now, it’s a big amount, but no one can borrow it, so it’s not now, cash, now it will always be like this, because everyone knows that this thief is a liar, but what do you want? i wanted it, i wanted it in a good way, what was stopping you from doing it in a good way, my dear, that’s it, look for the money, look, look, look!
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my mother died, i was left completely alone , i had a friend and he deceived me , so i was a little upset, but i will try not
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to cry, my mother died too, don’t cry, if you want, i will be your friend, i won’t deceive you , i know that it’s not good to do this, if someone offends you, tell me, i’ll call dad and we’ll protect you together, thank you, dear, if someone offends you, i will definitely tell you. and now it’s time for you to go to the ward, can i stay here, well, no, matvey, i need to work, and you need to sleep, but then i ’ll come to visit you, okay, really, you’ll come, go.
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everyone, sit down, i'm gotsman, barrels on the floor, quickly , david markovich, you won't believe this, your hands are reaching for the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello to you through the window, but the bullet really doesn't take you, i said guns on the table, fima , why are you here, where i should be, hit. into your brain, chaos of the ear, now they’ll start walk, guys, mom, don’t go until the wind, there are volgas, fyodor dobronramov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir
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mashkov, we gave the bandits a good punch here, film by sergei ursulyak, liquidation, all weekend on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. skip subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch. they say
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, they wanted to see me, it’s not like you , you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice, service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are official. we are entering syria, i am the head of air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look into people’s eyes, their love - homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element, let’s look around faintly,
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that’s right. heaven, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses her. february 23 on rtr. this is the news of the week and i'm dmitriv, look.
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wanted to kill macron. and why secretary general uan guterres considers the cold war era softer than our time. the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces has been hacked. how are we progressing? hot reports from our military officers? this is not an electric train or a diesel locomotive, but a regular bus. and a great life small towns, ivanovo region, what is the strength of the textile capital of russia, the main site of parachute production, what will definitely surprise you, this is an auto-calculator, talk for weeks with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, but please understand me, i need to sell my apartment as soon as possible, a miserable one-room apartment in berezovka, khrushchevka
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yes... don’t count on this money immediately, so don’t count on it, you yourself said that you can sell it normally, if you had such a khrushchevka, let’s say in moscow, you could still be indignant, but for that money, that you want, she won’t go away quickly, you need it urgently, okay, set your price, just let’s sell it quickly, i heard you, the examination showed that matvey has a small mitral valve prolapse, it’s nothing serious, but it’s worth monitoring, you know what , let’s do this with you: i’ll make an appointment for you right now, in a month you’ll come with your son, we’ll see him, listen to him, but for now continue the prescribed treatment , okay, thank you, doctor, but no way, matvey, goodbye, goodbye , be healthy, well, let's pack our things, there's a delicious cake waiting for you at home, dad, wait, i need to say goodbye to salt and give her a drawing, well, if necessary,
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let's go... you see, she's kind and good, you'll like her, yeah dad, we even became friends with olya, if only she lived with us, son, you are big, you understand that you can’t just take a person into the house, this is not a kitten or a puppy, i understand, it’s just me, hello, hello matveyka, where is olya, and olya is not there, she is at night today. i just wanted to give a drawing, but i’m being discharged today, so let me tell you, i ’ll definitely see you today, thank you, don’t be upset, sometimes, the main thing is that you managed to convey the drawing.
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svetochka, hello, hello, olya, how did the duty go, it went normally, without incident, uh-huh, your boyfriend came by, matveyka, i ’ll go see him now, it won’t work, he was discharged, how come, we didn’t even say goodbye, don’t be upset. matveyka left you a souvenir, it’s in the staff room, thank you.
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gynecology, hello, irina petrovna, this is olya stepantsova, oh, olechka, you’re right at me i caught her on the threshold, something happened, i wanted to say that i won’t come tomorrow, i just made it up. sorry for the bother, but what a bother, well done, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, dear, smart girl.
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olya, i beg you very much, i want to see you for the last time, okay, come, i, unfortunately, cannot come, i am, to put it mildly, immobile, so going to the store is a feat for me, okay, i will come, me too i needed to talk to you, but where are you now at your grandmother ’s apartment? no, i sold it, i'm removable, okay, i'm on duty now, i'll be there tomorrow i’ll come, dictate the address, that’s it, dad, i’m tired,
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the dog still wants to play, well, the dog always wants to play, it’s time for us to go home, come on, come on, come on, let’s go. dad, yes , let's go to the hospital, why, you don't feel well , no, everything is fine, i just don't miss ollie, listen, son, she has her own life, you see, as time passes, you will forget about your will, i won't forget, ok, let's go visit olya, dad, you're the best, let's go dog, oh, these are the keys to the safe deposit box,
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there's money for the sold apartment, i just don't need this money anymore, so what? why do they need me, are there really no friends who can... eat, they opened a charity account to raise funds, but not so quickly. i won’t have time, oh, you know , only on the verge of life and death, let’s not talk about it, why germany, you know, i sent documents to different clinics, it’s just that in germany there was a suitable dollar, so how much money is still needed for the operation, the amount is big, but who cares, it’s impossible to collect it anyway, i was thinking about how to sell the apartment... it would help, but it wasn’t enough, but the car,
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the car is not registered in my name, of course, i can do it to help you, i’ll pawn the icon, it’s a family heirloom, you’ll write a receipt, as soon as you have enough money in your charity account to redeem the icon, it will return home, and if the operation is in germany... it won’t help, but if i, olya, not worth the risk, what is it? you have a reliable pawnshop that responsibly fulfills the terms of the contract so that they don’t sell the icon right away, you have a reliable antique dealer you know, but this is some kind of bad idea, talk to him, please, i’ve decided everything.
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"don't be upset, we'll come again, just first we’ll find out when she’ll definitely be at work, honestly, honestly, you promise, i promise , when we get the money for the icon, i talked to the notary, he’s ready to come to me this evening, certify the documents, and tomorrow we’ll be with you. let's come here, meet with the antique dealer , give the icon and get the money, you can
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come to me tonight, yes, today after work, no, let them stay with you, so what time should i invite the notary, i'll try to make it by seven, yeah, okay, thank you very much, olenka, why are you, you didn’t have to bring anything, it’s hard for you to go to the store, and the notary needs at least some tea, he’ll come to us from work, by the way, he’s coming soon, it’s already halfway through, she, a female notary, called and asked to tell us what she had in unscheduled client, she apologized , okay, when she arrives, oh, at best , she actually wanted to reschedule everything until tomorrow, i
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insisted that everything be done today, well, so as not to bother you, then we’ll have a snack before she arrives, i’m just home from work, nothing i haven’t eaten, but i’ll go make some tea, but don’t, you it’s hard, olenka, really, i want to court you. thank you, you wanted to talk to me, yes, but it will wait, it won’t run away.
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is the subscriber's device turned off or out of range? what a bastard you are, huh? girl, where are you in such a hurry? i need my money inside there. your money? then first, with the key and passport, go to the bank employee in charge of the deposit boxes, and then here. i had a key, but it was stolen. stolen? write a statement. do you even have your passports with you? with me, just the cell is not mine name, not yet in your name, girl, are you fooling me, listen, today such a sickly-looking man came, we were here together yesterday, well, you saw us, well , i saw, yes, he really came this morning, but only he doesn’t look like it hurts at all, he’s quite a healthy guy, he left with a suitcase, who are you all looking at, there you go
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girls, the premiere on rtr, do you see me? and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health , dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well , you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to,
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the disc factor frame should have its own tablet, where to look for help, you only need five: airborne major. god bless america. if anything, the hero of afghanistan. fear, bang, doom, fan. these are very serious people. you'll have to move out. for any lawlessness. this is our house. i
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left this place a long time ago. you will find your stick. paratroopers do not abandon their own. if. all back the nkvd was blown up by a mini, yes, he cleared everything, there is a pavlyche, you go there, like this, grandson, no one but us, break everyone without asking their names, yes, today it will be hot, pavlyche, february 23rd on rtr.
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olya, olya, wait, andryukh! did you blow yourself up, friend? lyokha, what did this girl want , the cell burst in, like he had money there , asked about the guy, about the guy, unavailable, about which guy, yesterday one guy along with... didn’t come to the cells here, it’s a pity, you were in odgule, the performance is still the same, i mean yesterday it was on, leaning on a stick, he looked like he was going to die by the evening, the girl
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was still holding his arm, and today he showed up early in the morning, so cheerful , cheerful, it’s clear, i’m handing over my shift , come on, please let me in,
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egor, hello, there’s a case, you can help me seize the records from the cctv cameras of my bank, wow, applications, i’m in a daze. i need to worry, this is very important, maybe you can tell me why, shumsky, this is enough for you, come here, i can’t promise, i’ll think about what i can do, i’ll call you back, okay, thanks, buddy, that’s where this one ran off to again dog, come to me, what can you imagine, come here, come here, excuse me, damn, this
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is impossible, you have severe pneumonia, we literally pulled you out of the other world, now you need to eat well to restore your body, especially , that there is a new life inside you, i can’t cope with my own, i have to cope, olya, i definitely have to, for the sake of the future. well, okay, rest for now , andrei came to see you there, i’ll tell you later, no, let him come, i’m fine, how is it, kirilaevich, you know, it feels like the girl doesn’t want to live, her body doesn’t fight, in 10 days she should have at least gotten back on her feet. i must warn you, if this goes on, she may lose the child, just don’t worry, i’m sure everything will work out, i said that you are here, it
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seems to me that you can help her escape, go, she is waiting for you, thank you. hello, how are you today, here i am lying , eating, eating an apple, smile, well done , yes, well done, you gave away the icon with your own hands, ol, the icons, returned it, god, the judge, it’s your own fault,
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but what is your fault, in that i trusted to a person who doesn’t deserve this, all people make mistakes, me too, my wife left me, right after she gave birth to a son, your son, yes, 6 years old, nadsha, don’t tell me? i have him, i have him wonderful, if it weren’t for him, i would, i don’t know, live a boring life, andrey, i will also have a child, i doubted it at first, then i decided to leave it, well done, and i made the right decision, the child is not to blame for anything. it’s worth living for him, believe me, it’s great, egor, there is news, there is,
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a year has been found. great, thank you,
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so shumsky came, nothing’s wrong with him. wheelbarrow, i hyped up another young lady, well, i went, just don’t hit him in the face right away, i ’ll be more careful there, i’ll try. hello, kesha, you still need to be here, hello, atoli, thank you. you just
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came for this, to say hello, here is olga’s story about what happened, a recording from the bank’s cctv cameras, and that this does not prove anything, he can show these recordings to anyone, olga gave the icon to me herself, in fact, by hand, well, you are scum, i am these i’ll send the notes to your fiancee. what do you want? return the icon. okay, i'll return the icon. in exchange for flash drive. agreed.
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i brought an icon, a flash drive, you’re normal in general, well, okay, let’s talk seriously, but we have video testimony of witnesses of the victims, you have nothing, icon. where i’ll say everything , i’ll say it, i’ll say it, ah
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, lena, you came for some alements, maybe you don’t even count on it, you don’t change, we don’t need anything from you, i’m on a different issue, well, great, come in. babnya, and my mother will be here soon, this is what dad told you, she will come here to you from moscow, women, from what other moscow, she lives here, i found her, how did i find it, well, i found it, dad didn’t looking for. what a fool i was,
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why did i get involved with this shumsky, shumsky was detained. we have a statement from the owner of the icon, recordings from the bank's cctv cameras , shumsky gave the address, said the icon is here, that's right, yes, i have the icon, of course, i will return it, i don't need problems, that's what concerns you and me, i think , you understand that i have been living in a different rhythm and a completely different life for a long time, i don’t care how you live. well, let's talk, how did you find someone for yourself? len, do you want to know how
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matvey is? how is matvey? okay, well that's good, listen, i made a decision a long time ago , not to change it... and he asked about me, asked, and what did you tell him, i said that my mother died, well, she died, that’s how she died, i’m behind the icon. well, olya, our affairs are getting better , you make me very happy, thank you, oh, sorry,
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nothing, nothing, we’re already finished, come in, why are you standing there, come in, hello, i’m not alone, with whom, with son, there was no one to leave with, do you mind, no, i really want to see him, mother. olya, matvey, olechka, so are you the same olya? he burned all my ears, we have something for you they brought it, the same ulya, andrey, thank you, dad, you like her, huh? honestly , very son, i told you that she’s good, we came to you, but you weren’t there all the time, we thought we wouldn’t find you, how good it is that you found me, we won’t
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let you go anywhere else, wow, how you like her. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, well, we’re starting the show with...
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rifle, guards, force, the russian military was congratulated on this huge success and important victory by the head of state and supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin. he sent a telegram to the commander of the center group of troops, colonel general andrei mordvichev, who led the operation. the president expressed gratitude to the formations and military units that participated in the battles with. avdeevka. today , the center group of troops, developing the offensive, completely captured the city of avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. in the battles for avdeevka, formations and
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military units distinguished themselves. thirtieth separate motorized rifle brigade of the second army, thirty fifth - separate motorized rifle brigade, 55 - separate mountain motorized rifle brigade, seventy-fourth separate motorized rifle brigade of the 41st army. first separate motorized rifle brigade, ninth separate motorized rifle brigade, 114 separate motorized rifle brigade, 1454. rifle regiment, tenth tank regiment of the first army corps, sixth tank regiment, eightieth tank regiment, 239 tank regiment, ninetieth tank division. for excellent military operations, i express my gratitude to all the troops you led, who took part in the battles for avdeevka. eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battle while solving the problems of a special military operation. the liberation
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of avdeevka, which is almost 32 km, now significantly moves the front line away from donetsk, significantly protecting it from attacks by the kiev regime. now our military is clearing certain areas of ukrainian militants, as the ministry of defense noted, information about the advance of our troops was not shared until the enemy was completely defeated and the entire city was taken under control. but the neo-nazis are the ones who offend began a day before the order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky. sergei samokha will tell you about the retreat, how our soldiers brought this victory closer. russian flags appear one after another over key buildings and heights of avdiivka, but this, perhaps the most iconic tricolor, is planted at the war memorial to soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of donbass in 1943. 55th corn assault, motorized rifle, guards.
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a subdivision of the grouping of forces center quickly occupies key outposts occupied by the ukrainians the day before formations, the avdeevsky chemical plant and the train station turned into a fortress. today, soldiers of the assault detachment of the thirty- fifth separate motorized rifle brigade liberated the railway station building. the flags of russia and the ministry of defense are flying everywhere. our troops occupy the city center and its outskirts. the enemy is no longer resisting. shows the flag of the russian federation, this is the administration of the city of ovdeevka. in fact, the russian army captured a large fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces in one day, but this is the result of systematic months of work. over the past ten years, avdiivka has been turning into an impregnable fortress, where every house and building represented a long-term defensive position, starting from october last year, the russian...
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the ukrainian command continued its senseless defense to the last, at some point the soldiers ran on their own, we are retreating from the position, knocked us out, few of us returned and not all of us, and then the flight became massive , the remnants of the ukrainian army headed into a narrow corridor 1 km wide, which still connected avdiivka with territory controlled by kiev, under continuous fire from russian troops... only a separate scattered
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formation of ukrainian militants managed to hastily leave avheevka, abandoning their weapons and military equipment. the order of the evil commander vysu syrsky to abandon the city was issued only a day after the uncontrolled flight of ukrainian troops from avdiiv began. during the flight to iisa, on the last day alone, one and a half thousand soldiers were lost, and the wounded were abandoned in the city. now, in the status of prisoners, they are receiving assistance russian. and doctors, walkers tried to get out of the city themselves on crutches and cargo carts, abandoned by their command, soldiers left the encirclement, and no matter how you walk, and if like this on a splash, and some did not even know about the situation on the battlefield, this soldier transferred to avdeevka 10 days ago, his entire unit was killed, where to go and what to do was unknown , there was no communication, i had no radio distance, nothing. i didn’t know where to go,
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run, etc., so i stayed in this house to wait. information about the progress of our troops was not made public by the ministry of defense until the enemy was completely defeated and the city was taken under control. the liberation of ovdeevka was a precisely calibrated tactical operation ; it ended exactly as planned by the russian command. at the same time, the strategic situation on the line of combat contact also changed. our troops destroyed the most fortified one.
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settlements of donbass has finally returned home to russia. this was stated by the head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin. according to him , russian military personnel are real heroes whose feat has yet to be realized. for 9 long years, the ukrainian regime turned avdievka into a fortress, realizing the importance of the occupation of this settlement due to its proximity between donetsk and... and ovdievka in a straight line no more than 15 km, in some areas even less, it was from there that urag cynically fired at civilians neighborhoods, literally, terrorizing the population of kuibyshevsky, kievsky, voroshilovsky district of donetsk, krasnogvardeysky district
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of makeevka, yasenovataya, russky, city avdeevka, one of the oldest settlements in donbass, returned today. cnn called the liberation of the city the biggest success for the russian army since the capture of artyomovsk. according to fox news journalists, the flight of ukrainians from avdiivka was a key victory for vladimir putin and a turning point in the conflict. french channels showed on their air how russian
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military personnel hoisted trikalors over avdeevka. a france 24 reporter called the liberation of the city symbolic. he also doubted that kiev managed to build. perhaps in a few days we will find out how the ukrainians are doing with their defense outside avdiivka. there are already critical assessments that ukraine has not built a truly strong defense line, as russian troops did before the counter-offensive of the ukrainian army. cnb
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connects the flight of the ukrainian armed forces from avdiivka with a shortage of ammunition among the ukrainian military, which was further aggravated due to the fact that military aid from the united states was stuck in the american congress. writes that the capture of avdeevka will allow the russian army to successfully develop attack on other cities that are of strategic importance for ukrainians. observers of the newspaper, in particular, talk about pokrovsk, which ukrainian troops use as a transit point. the publication concludes: the liberation of avdiivka is another sign that russia has firmly seized the initiative on the battlefield, after the so-called counter-offensive of the ukrainian army, which turned out to be a complete failure. and our military was able to improve the situation in the krasno-limansk direction. in this area a strike group of the aerospace forces aviation struck the manpower of the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. they operated
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together with helicopters 8 and k-52. the famous alligators forged the positions of the kiev formations with unguided aircraft missiles from the closest possible distance. all crews released heat traps to escape enemy air defenses and returned safely to the departure airfield. all our pilots are real aces, each of them has destroyed many targets. at any moment , the artillery of the vostok group is ready to attack the enemy in the special operation zone. ours in action hail, they are capable of hitting targets at a distance of several tens of kilometers, and they are up to any task. the soldiers helped liberate avdeevka, and now they are ironing them out. other enemy positions, working as a single mechanism. from the donetsk people's republic. report by voenkor vesti, pavel prokopenko. fiery glow in the night. in the sky, volleys of fire from two installations at once, missiles leaving with an interval of less than a second,
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no one expected such fireworks on the other side. after night shooting, a short rest and preparation for daytime at work, in the process of installing maria, the name is emblazoned on the hood, the driver says to always be in sight, that’s his wife’s name, he admits that he loves the car no less, we love it. just like our wives, we are not at home as often as at work, so we treat her the same way as we would a beloved girl, a wife. you feel the car when you look after it, when you service it, it responds to you in the same way. during preparation, every step, every movement is measured down to the second. the driver checks the car, the gunner inspects the trigger mechanisms. dirt on the knee is not a figure of speech. this is what the donbass land looks like now, and even the city has to maneuver here in a certain way in order to occupy a rut. he leaves
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the shelter, drives to a firing position, a certain area of ​​terrain, the car has to drive through an open field, it needs to be overcome as quickly as possible. the shooting point is 30 km away, a serious distance, because the more you move, the higher the likelihood of being caught by otherworldly observers. slow down here for deployment for a couple of minutes, ready, artillery division of the first donetsk army corps , if necessary, works with a battery of five or six vehicles, this is the most powerful hail charge, which leaves no chance for the enemy, imagine 240 missiles, approximately simultaneously falling on an area of ​​400 by 400 squares, that is... how many are four football fields, and roughly speaking, nothing is left alive there
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, that is, well, if there was a landing, there will be no landing, if there was a building, well , the foundation will probably remain, maria’s crew sasha and sasha, both at the front for almost 10 years, in militia since 2014 we’ve traveled all over donbass together, i was born here, well, what’s there to hide with me, everyone is local, everyone in donets is gorlovka, the motivation is the same, to win, to return home. with each new trip they bring this day closer. sasha and sasha know for sure that they will soon return home to their beloved maria and anyuta, whose names adorn their combat installation. a formidable weapon that the enemy cannot resist. in the vicinity of donetsk the sky is cloudy again, and hail is expected at enemy positions.
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65 ukrainian prisoners, was shot down on january 24 over belgorod region. all ukrainians, as well as three accompanying russian officers and six crew members, were killed. almost 100 fishermen who were carried away on a breakaway ice floe were rescued in the sea of ​​okhotsk. a huge crack appeared in the area of ​​the village of starodubskoye. dozens of rescuers were alerted, boats, snowmobiles, and a helicopter were deployed. by this moment everyone is timid. successfully brought ashore, no casualties. snowfalls and cold weather
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continue to hit russian regions. severe frosts have shackled the krasnoyarsk region, the thermometers and columns dropped to -45. there are almost no people on the streets in winter landscapes. residents prefer not to leave their homes in such weather. a snowstorm hit arkhangelsk. the elements have been raging in the capital of pomerania for 24 hours. city roads. in snowdrifts, because of this , utility services switched to round-the-clock operation. the daily record for the amount of precipitation in february in the entire history of observations was set in st. petersburg. 24 mm of snow fell in the northern capital during the day. when everything melted away, the residents had to bail out the water from the front doors on their own. in moscow , snowdrifts grew again overnight. the city was attacked by a new atlantic cyclone, now it is rixa. today. it will not retreat again and will bring precipitation in the form of sleet. in primorye,
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a russian passport was received by a german citizen who lived in koblins, germany for 32 years. together with his wife and... children , he decided to return to his homeland because he did not agree that the scholz government was supplying weapons to kiev. dmitry berg became a participant state programs for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots from abroad. now it will be easier for others who want to join it. well, in particular , repatriates no longer have to prove their knowledge of the russian language at a level sufficient for communication. about changes for the better, ksenia kolchina. solemnly.
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that this is the wrong position, that i cannot continue to be in germany when she pronounces such actions. in germany , dimitri served as an official, now he is a school teacher and head teacher of educational work. in artyom, a satellite city of vladivostok, he settled with his wife and two children; he also met his wife in russia during his vacation. he was russian in spirit , so, probably, he and i somehow agreed on this, that he seemed to have german citizenship, yes, but he still had all these views, now this is what patriotism is like... they started a new life from scratch, they arrived in primorye with four suitcases, they took away only the most necessary things and certainly this plate, a family heirloom, my mother’s grandfather, she’s russian, he went through the war before berlin, and i brought this plate from there, just like before it was a trophy, and it was very important for me to take it with me, now it
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’s from germany, it came to russia, from russia it came back to germany with us and now again with we didn’t come to russia. dimitri speaks excellent russian, with a slight accent, and this is the result of his work. in germany, he did everything not to forget his native language. i didn’t save it, i learned it in germany, it was completely lost to me in germany, i couldn’t speak russian, i think i was in the seventh grade, i had such a desire to learn russian, i found an old notebook from my brother, he went to school here, only the russian alphabet was written there. dimitri still doesn’t seem to believe that he has a new russian passport, he was ready for the bureaucratic ones.
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builders work in the most difficult conditions , not only is the chigem a full-fledged mountain river, every now and then it tries to break through and flood the working surface, but no, no...
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the rivers have stopped melting, the water level in the chegem has dropped by several meters, ideal moment for working in the narrowest section of the gorge. here it is most difficult for heavy equipment, either it will be carried into the river, or the cabin will rest against the rock, in some places there is no paint left at all, but this will not affect the completion date of the facility, the work will be completed this summer. there will be a completely overhauled, even reconstructed road 7 m wide along these retaining walls that runs here, 2 s wide there will be sidewalks, right above the river it will be very beautiful, even new observation platforms have been provided, but in the chegem gorge work on this the direction does not end, then the road goes to numerous tourist centers and two villages - gubu, the chayen2 bulungu road, this is
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a connection with the whole world, so to speak. about a thousand people every day overcome a dangerous path to descend to the plain. constantly crumbling stones, very sharp turns and a narrow road surface, that's how it is. characterize this road for all 25 km, but by 2026 everything will change, local residents are looking forward to this, they are expanding it and installing concrete walls, asphalt it will be, let's leave the uazs, now we'll probably sit down. the village elders believe that road repairs will even affect the demographics, they hope that now there will be work here, which means young people will return home, of course, all this is possible thanks to national projects, not only national projects. development of rural areas, thanks to which roads within
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rural settlements were reconstructed, and, accordingly , regional projects. thanks to the national project, lighting was even installed in the gorge, which, by the way, is unique for the kabardinian balkarian republics, rock. bulat shakieev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestyukov, news from kabbarzin balkaria. sightseeing in kazan and... this is part of the excursion program organized for participants in the games of the future, which start this week. athletes from 100 countries have gathered in the capital of tatarstan; they have already begun to actively prepare for competitions. all the details are in the report by diana dasaeva. this is the first phrase in the tatar language that leonardo, a basketball player from brazil, learned. translation: i'm cooking triangle, master class. held for the whole team, the south americans were among the first to come to kazan for the games of the future. good evening everyone, just like in our republic, according to the tatar recipe, add potatoes, salt, pepper, melted
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butter to the meat; it’s a little more difficult to give the dough a traditional pattern. it's complicated? there is a problem. the triangles go into the oven, and although the ideal shape could not be achieved, we enjoyed the process of cooking and cooking. renato always comes to kazan for the third time with pleasure. we are very different, we are brazilians, people with a warm heart, russian people are more rational, i’m glad that i was able to learn from you how to be cool in difficult conditions, meanwhile, hot ones are already on the tables, for them tatar tea with oregano and kostyby, i want to prepare this is a dish at home for your girlfriend, it’s normal, it was normal now, all the girls.
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snow, we were very surprised, because we came from the summer of brazil, where it is now +40, here it feels like -50-60, but there is no time to be especially cold every day of training, because everything they want to win. participants from mexico, america, brazil, peru, iran, latvia, and estonia have already arrived in kazan. now there is a team from mexico on the ice. this is how one develops mastery of discipline. hockey, or rather its physical part, because the digital game will take place in virtual reality. football players, basketball players, racers, snowboarders, mixed martial arts masters from more than 100 countries of the world will also enter the sports virtual arenas;
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there are no borders for the games of the future, and even international teams, antonio hockey striker teams play for mexico, but it’s his first time from canada in russia. the kazan kremlin impressed me very much. its history, your people really have something to be proud of. for the first time we... saw the kremlin at night, it is very beautifully illuminated, especially the mosque and its blue dome. excursions and master classes are included in the busy schedule of each team. kazan cream olustrov-sviyazhsk, temple of all religions, tuanovlam complex. you need to hurry to see everything, because there are only 3 days before the opening of the games of the future. diana dasaev, vladimir yurkov, lead tatarstan. alexandra gapanovich became winner of the thirteenth international competition russian silhouette. gola show of the collection of young russians. designers as part of the finals of the competition was held in the mir concert hall in moscow. each participant presented a collection of five looks on the catwalk, united by a single concept. the russian
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silhouette foundation has been working for more than 25 years to raise the prestige of russian designers. according to its head tatyana mikholkova, this is becoming especially important today under western sanctions. only now they have started to teach management how it all happens, do you understand? just like fashion is part of art and part of business, so during this time there were many questions, and now many houses have left for the vacated space. ours must come, this is what import substitution is for, they must be in demand by their country, and so that what is done in russia can sound proud. about one and a half thousand seberiks, despite the severe frost , gathered on the ice of the novosibirsk reservoir to take part in the igloo festival 2024. the national damaisky mosov was built from snow blocks at speed, all guests were told about
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northern traditions. to the sounds of a shaman's tambourine, as if in a trance, having forgotten about the frost , the siberians are enthusiastically sawing out snow blocks , they actually called for a barbecue, came, they said we need to build an igloo, so we had to help, like this, brick by brick on the water surface of the novosibirsk reservoir , first the walls are built, and then
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for this event, we put our souls into it, we made it seem like home comfort, as if we were going to live here, inspired by the beauty of the eskimos’ homes, the siberians built hundreds of snow domes. the festival collected almost one and a half thousands of participants, despite the frost, in just a few hours a snow city grew up on the ob reservoir. the teams were given 2 and a half hours to build the huts. freedom of creativity, but as in any construction, there is a set of rules. yeah. and i don’t even have enough, well, 90 meters high, the first thing is the diameter, the larger the diameter, the better, then the height is considered, well, the gaps, each gap there is 0.25, not only the judges monitored the progress of the work, but rescuers. a week before the start of the festival , we measured the thickness of the ice with the organizers, we were convinced that the ice here is safe, the thickness of the ice is 80 cm, but... nevertheless, we
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are here, ensuring safety, icy noses, eyebrows, eyelashes, some warm up with tea, others by dancing, we are not afraid of anything, the bravest ones, wrapped up warmer , they even decided to spend the night, at sunset the novosibirsk reservoir was illuminated by the lights of the snow huts, and songs performed by the festival participants were heard around the fire, the results of their work, the amazing snowy city will stand here until spring comes,
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the fires in the gas sector have reached a dead end, israel is preparing for a ground operation in rafah, which is home to a million palestinian refugees. each work is like a separate story. the country's best sculptors from leningrad to khabarovsk are now on the shores of lake baikal. the head of a dragon can be read in almost every splash of these baikal rocks. cover the snowdrift with sawdust and cover with straw. it starts in mid-february in the forest areas of the black earth region. cold work on making snow, well, in the forest there is a new harvest of cones for seeds, when they fall from here, we distribute them evenly throughout the bunker, someone wanted to kill the girl, that’s it, relax, i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone who breaks into your head without asking, anna
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is a medium. the premiere starts on monday on rtr, the interview with our president will be discussed for a long time. the main thing, of course, is that tehran and i both shed tears when at the end our president told the story of how the canine hunters were surrounded, our fighters shouted to them that you are doomed, surrender, on the other side, in pure russian. if the russians don’t give up, margarita simonyan in boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate on monday on rtr, everyone sit down, i'm a hotsman, guns on the floor, quickly! david markovich , you won’t believe it, your hands are reaching to the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello to you through the window, but the bullet really doesn’t take you, i said the weapon on
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the table, dima, why are you here, and where should i be, beat yourself in the head, chaos of the ear, now they're about to... start walking, guys, mom, don't go until the wind, they say, fyodor dobronravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir mashkov, we gave the bandits a good punch in the teeth here , film by sergei ursulik, liquidation, all weekend on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk to everyone. how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders
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act confidently, reliably, there are 8 vehicles, and we have one wheel there, the second tank flew in, the hero of russia. will be on the tour, we are all with you and i, including we will reach the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in the head of zelensky, they are a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look twice at day, see you, oleg, and if you seriously think about moving into civil aviation, everything suits me, and be straight. maria mironova. listen, come down from heaven. why are you ruining everything? why is this syria? is this death? death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. no, february 23, on rtr.
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just a second, literally, let's get everything ready. this is an interview. yes, you can come here. this is a matter of life and death, something new with us. and at what point it became clear that the western partners did not want to do anything. i already said. so what did putin say? in this this week we saw and learned a lot more
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than others. let's show, let's show. moscow, kremlin, putin. we are watching today on rtr. from time immemorial, the law reigned in russia , the people, princes, and governors chose together, this approach of democratic elections of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving the process. dec is truly a godsend, he votes quickly, clearly, from a laptop. from a smartphone across russia millions for people that without movement there is a convenient solution to call elections go home, take a portable box, there is a mobile voter, with the swinging way of life, the traveler votes freely, votes anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans
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freely, we choose a candidate on a convenient date for us, be calm at the polling station, video control is installed, except for the cameras at the polling station, like heroes and fairy tales, the observers stand. they monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can verify it personally at the site by looking at the cycle on the website. in this news we continue the release, again returning to the main topic: liberation of avdiivka from ukrainian militants. now our military... army does not allow the neo-nazis who have not
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yet managed to escape to breathe out in peace; they are delivering powerful blows to the places of their last deployment. let me remind you that sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin about the most important victory and enormous success of the russian military. this was a most complex offensive operation and the ministry of defense did not pay attention to its conduct until the city was completely liberated and the enemy was defeated. avdeevka was turned into a powerful defensive hub. this is where the militants come from regularly shelled donetsk, makeevka, yasenovataya and other surrounding areas. the capture of the city made it possible to push back the front line and protect civilians from constant attacks. this was preceded by heavy fighting: voesud’s losses in the past 24 hours alone amounted to more than one and a half thousand militants. many were captured, including from the forbidden azov. against the background of the flight of the ukrainian armed forces from avdiivka. zelensky called joe biden from munich, immediately after this the us president
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made a statement to the press, in which he blamed the failure of the ukrainian troops on american legislators. biden admitted that ukrainian troops could lose other cities until the us congress approves an aid package for the zelensky regime. are you sure that another city will not go immediately after this? i'm not sure, i'm not. nobody can be sure. meanwhile, elon musk agreed that the united states is lying about the situation in ukraine and how the conflict began. the american billionaire left the corresponding comments under the publication of another businessman, david sachs. the conflict in ukraine is based on lies. lies about how it started, how it goes and how it will end. we are told that ukraine is winning, when in fact it is losing. we are told that. conflict makes nato stronger, although it actually wears it out. we
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are told that there is no way to make peace, when in fact we have rejected numerous opportunities to resolve the situation through negotiations. ukrainian issues and the threat to nato countries represented by russia are perhaps the main topic of discussion in washington. these and other horror stories are masterfully played out there for political games inside the country. our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, was convinced of this. ukraine's defeat is a heavy blow to the biden administration. in delaware , the us president makes an unplanned approach to the cameras and begins to explain himself as he goes. i spoke with zelensky today, i told him that i am confident that we will allocate money to prevent the takeover of ukraine. there's so much at stake. i was watching tv, one of the republican candidates said that i never explained to the american people, why nato is so important, nato is critical . for our survival. zelensky’s threat from munich to remove the united states from
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the list of partners if washington does not provide weapons is now a much smaller problem than trump’s statement about the unenviable fate of nato. and the biden administration is already equating the money for ukraine stuck in congress to financing the alliance. the white house issues a statement that russia's victory is a direct consequence of the lack of western clinch ammunition in the american congress. and biden himself continues on social networks. i'll never give up articles proclaiming that the united states will defend every inch of nato territory spanning 31 countries, i can't imagine any other president would refuse that. the anniversary nato summit, which will be held in washington in july, may be the last for the alliance in its current form. dutch prime minister mark rutte, one of the contenders for the new post, also calls for europe to increase military production and prepare for the arrival of trump. it is symbolic for nato that the meeting of allies in
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washington will take place a few days before trump's final nomination as the republican nominee. he calls for bills to be paid, but for now they are forcing him to pay. a fine of 355 million in the fraud case could reduce trump's wealth by a third. but sales of the never give up model sneakers that trump presented will not cover the financial losses. but the court verdict, which trump calls unfair.
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president, but they will not return to consideration of the package on capitalist hill before march. this could be the last victory in office at the most critical moment for ukraine. congressmen went on vacation again. both kiev and nato allies appeal to the conscience of washington, but there is no one in congress. and even if the white house manages to push through
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the republicans when they return to work, the money won't turn into ammunition, and it won't change much. and for europe, refusal... tones of assistance to kiev will be the last warning signal that the guarantee of america as an ally no longer means much. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. anti-government rallies took place in several israeli cities. the largest event took place in tel aviv. thousands of people there took to the streets demanding speedy release. which are held in the gas sector. many carried flags of the jewish state and called on the government to resign if it did not reach a deal with hamas. however, it appears that the negotiations have reached a dead end. israeli troops continue shelling palestinian territories and preparing to clear rafah, crowded with refugees, on the border with egypt. prime minister
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netanyahu does not believe in peace. hamas's demands for he called the release of the hostages illusory and said that israel was on them. will not work, about the main events of the last seven days in the news of the week with dmitry kiselev, watch today at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday, our avdeevka, how we are moving in other directions, through vodka from our military choirs, while some in america are rediscovering russia, others continue to fear it. now also
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with russian nuclear weapons from space, why the hysteria? who wanted to kill why in kyiv? macron? and why general guterres consider the cold war era softer than our time. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. today orthodox christians celebrate the day of remembrance of st. theodosius, archbishop of chernigov. he took an active part in many church events. in the center of the struggle of orthodoxy against the pressure of attacks from the catholic clergy, a divine liturgy was held in honor of the saint in the trinity church in the moscow region, led by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. hockey, figure skating, gymnastics, swimming. opened in ufa
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a large sports training center where hundreds of young athletes can become real champions. the building was erected in just 2 years, and this is not the only sports complex. which appeared in bashkartastan. report by murat zaripov. they decided to start the first day of operation of the new pool with competitions. the strongest young swimmers from ufa determine the strongest in various disciplines, and although the tournament is more of an exhibition, the prizes are real, and soon one of the city’s sports schools will move here. quicker in total, it will not be possible to hold competitions here, because there are no stands, unfortunately, there are no stands, but the training process here can be done very well. organize and you can get good results here. very close by, literally in the next room, little gymnasts conduct their training. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. a hockey tournament is taking place at the same time, girls play against boys. several more matches follow. the training schedule
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is already scheduled for several weeks in advance. this is only the sixth sports complex woofe has artificial ice, so the rink will definitely not be empty, and hockey training will be held here. only girls, it will become the center of women's hockey in bashkiria. in addition to hockey training, classes in various disciplines of figure skating will be held on the same ice. every day from 80 am to 8:00 pm children's classes will be held here. sports schools, and there are also amateur teams. long before its official opening, the sports complex became one of the most popular in ufa. center sports training, named after the former mayor of ufa ulfat mustafin, was built in less than 2 years. several more modern multifunctional complexes are currently being built in the region. as part of the project of the russian ministry of sports, the sprint business will be attracted from the federal budget. more than a billion rubles. and we began the construction of the med sports complex, two flocks in ufa, a sports center with a swimming pool in neftekamsk, and
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we are also starting to build, we have just completed the commissioning of an ice palace in oktyabrsky, we are starting to build right away pool. and already this year in the capital of the republic the construction of a wrestling palace, fencing and mushroom slalom centers is being completed; the facilities are planned to be commissioned by the 450th anniversary of the city, which will be celebrated in the summer. murat zaripov, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you have a corporate party, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well,
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you don’t need a motive for a cunning murder, that it was on the strip, not i know, i think it’s a dog, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks are lucky, we’ll succeed. “i will operate, i’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, there is no motive for the murder, no connection between the murders, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation , let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head, i don’t even know, persha wants to read, please read, persha can’t read"?
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of course, interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends. when they come into our lives difficult trials, it is very important to unite , not to betray anyone, no matter what happens. live broadcast of the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. advanced documentary. and now the flag of the russian federation is rising on...
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igor nikolaev, may you be lucky in love, i invite you to our stage, our guest, elena vakhnya from omsk. may you be lucky in love, don’t be afraid , blind eyed, i was just happy, are we happy, everything passes, but love.
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i had a beautiful one, and i want, may you be lucky in love, and i want, may you be lucky in love, to everyone who, having lost love, was afraid to live, everyone in life did not... learned to swim, to everyone who fell under the brunt of human small, i sing to you, may you be lucky in love, may you be lucky in love, there are no different things in life, may
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love will come to you, the holiday that you are waiting for, when winter goes away, red summer will come, and i want you to be lucky in love, and i want you to be lucky in love, love for everyone. i was afraid to live in loss, to everyone who did not learn to swim in life, to everyone who fell under the storms of humanity, i sing to you, may you be lucky in love.
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thank you for coming, i’m just like that , losing love to everyone, i was afraid to live. to everyone who has not learned to swim in life, to everyone who has fallen under the storm of human rumor, i sing to you, may you be lucky in love, i sing to you, may you be lucky
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in love. well, let's get acquainted, thank you for opening our evening with such a deep song, i'm very glad to welcome everyone, i'm from the city of omsk, we're done.
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this is my big family, they all have been living with me for many years, these are all rescued dogs, laki, laki, laki, laki, they quickly ran, this is laki, he has been with me for almost 8 years, we learned about him. from social networks, lucky we have a special baby, he has a broken spine, nonhumans mocked him, kicked him around like a soccer ball, he ended up in a clinic, and when we saw him his husband, vitya, said: we’re going to pick him up , i say, let’s go, he came to me with bedsores and
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with legs beaten to the bone, and i healed, 2 months, i worked, but we won together with him, lucky, we still have that runner , he even walks on his front paws, but he will give any dog ​​a head start, let’s run quickly , let’s run quickly, alfushka, she’s our oldest, she’s already 14 years old, the alpha was taken from the shelter from foster care, alfushka, i don’t understand how she doesn’t belong to anyone at all she was needed, she lived in an industrial area, gave birth to children all the time, then they just took her and took her to foster care and put her in foster care on a chain, alpha is a dog that should not sit on a chain, she is too smart, garik, garyunya, garik breathes unevenly as a calfe, that is, he has such a special love for her. vitya went with the little one for a walk with the old dog , and the little one found it in a snow hole , that is, they just threw it away to death, so they raised garik to be a very kind -hearted person, the person wanted to say, but in fact
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, an animal of the kindest soul, each of my kids has both i wish i had my own apartment, they would lay out semi-insulated foam, insulate the walls, even though the person is already, in general, this is my husband. i was a big lover of dogs, 4 s2 years ago , my wife passed away, cancer took him, 30 years of happiness, boundless happiness, care, attention, love, i know that such love is not given to everyone, i wrote letters on behalf of our pets in him to the hospital, and i really wanted them to support him too, hold on, man, hold on, master, i still want to go for a walk with you many times, because... only you do this, i’m with you, my friend, with respect chernysh, chernysh passed away exactly a year after vitya left, chernysh fell ill with exactly the same disease
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, many told me, give them shelter, because you can’t handle it alone, but i didn’t leave them, animals are another planet, they’re not us, not people, they, they love so faithful devotees, they are so they understand grief when it happens to a person, they won’t betray you, that’s for sure. unlike many people, to the point of tears, there is no husband , but you continue his work, his love, but this also cannot be done very differently, that is, i did not betray them, i could not betray them for one simple reason, because loss his departure is, well, completely within ours. there wasn’t, and of course , my family helped me, naturally, but my dogs, they pulled me out, but because i wanted, i didn’t want, i could go, i couldn’t lift myself, but i had to
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get up, i i had to go, i needed to change my diaper , i needed to clean up, i sat down, cried, because the pain was unbearable, alpha came up to me, shed tears, and said, “ life goes on, i can’t sleep with you.” it will be good, but kids, you have kids, i have daughter, i have a wonderful daughter, i have an amazing granddaughter - athena alexandrna are alive, yes, mom and dad are alive, yes, they gave huge messages to andrey, but here this is generally a separate love from mom, what do you mean, when she said hello, dad to mom so he looked , like, well, yes, it’s clear, mom, mom and dad, loaded a shotgun,
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an idea, he wanted to make a real almon, i watched about the dogs, i also cried, but i shot so many films with dogs, the most important one is with the mukhtarchik, his everyone knows, it’s wonderful, i’ll tell you about one little touch our dog interaction with people, when he couldn’t kiss or lick the child in the frame, the artist just came up to him and showed him, you don’t understand something, you need to do it this way, and licked the child in the frame, the dog is so smart that... another one an outlet, your workshop, come on, i built myself a workshop.
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i create, paint pictures, pour resin into products, this is a very fashionable topic, it turns out beautifully, i was personally told by you that you like those... things, this is epoxy resin, it itself is fresh flowers inside, that is, on a stand, thank you huge, and one more work, i want andrey, you continue to fly, if suddenly there are any troubles , something happens in life, no matter what, break through and fly higher and higher and higher, you give so much good, my mother asked you say hello to dad, they said it was yours! the program
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today is the best program, in general, that we have on our tv channels, i would really like to wish everyone to meet in their life a person who will never give, we always had topics for conversation, he is very loved the way i sing, we, he made me a wonderful fiftieth birthday, on this fiftieth birthday we sang songs with him on the porch, you know, of course.
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we can’t navik, i’ll say goodbye, i’ll come back and walk, i walk until dawn, past your lovely burns, if i need to go through all the roads of the path, those who lead in happiness. i’ll go ahead and never forget, i love you so much that without a word there’s no way, you’ll never, never stop loving me, thank you, in general you look like an amazingly happy person, that’s me.
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would be incredibly happy, vitya, he would probably be today, he would be all the days that were with him, they were filled with happiness, and i think that he simply said, i am incredibly happy that you are present here today and that he is next to me, and would be proud of you, of course, 100%, i would be proud, i would be 100% proud. to introduce you to
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our guest from sunny turkmenistan, who is singing a song about the years, you said 30 years, ilyas rijepov, we meet him, the stage is at your disposal, life, another year has flown by, life, another year has passed.
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life, life, i have nothing to reproach you with, life, i’m not getting fat, not even a little bit, life, when you finish your troubles, life, i will say i am grateful to you for years, well, for... why are you flying so fast years, don’t rush, please wait years, i know that i can’t get enough
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, but at least tell me how to detain you! life, you have left me more than once, life, i return. love preserves life, so restrain your rapid running, i won’t be able to keep up with you for years, i ask you, you
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tell me the years, but where are you, where? and you’ve been flying for years, i know that i won’t get any younger, but tell me, at least how to stop you, what song, i just wanted to say, assala, alaykim assalaam. in the soviet union, you often went on tour to moscow in the ussr, because you were a soloist of the vocal-instrumental
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ensemble gunesh and toured almost the entire soviet amazing ensemble, look at all these drums, it was just a legend, the drums under the table are not something. i want to say , this is real wool, thank you very much, there is also such a feature of these carpets, that is, when... our turkmen carpet weavers wove these carpets, they threw them there in the sand or, well, on the ground, our akhalsikki the horses must gallop, they need to, in general , the more you gallop, that is, the stronger they become, they don’t, then on the contrary they
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give out their colors, their color, that is, they bloom our carpets, thank you very much, thank you, there’s a stage it will be beautiful, your performance as part of this famous vocal and instrumental ensemble will enchant you, you will never be forgotten, oh my.
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in the world, here we are at home, here we live, we got this apartment 33 years ago, then there was the soviet union, the glunesh group and i often traveled with concerts throughout the vast country, gave concerts abroad, the memories , of course, are all about that time of nostalgia, yes, we didn’t think then, there was something missing, something was missing, we were cured by music, in 1989 we were invited to an all-union television program... morning mail, where i sang my original song jamila. at that time, my family and i lived in a hostel, and after
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the performance the state gave us this apartment, my two daughters grew up here, now i already have four grandchildren, hello, come visit us today, we have a boy, sirinka, and naturally we always make music.
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tsa cargo, my address is not a house and not a street , my address is the soviet union, my address is not a house and a street, my address is the soviet union, after the advertisement we will continue, friends, stay on your own, it seems that something is happening to me , as if i, not me, were premiering on rtr, and we
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had never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, are you normal, so pretty, i would fall in love, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy so that we need to figure out the criminal that sanya is sick to think like a criminal, so he possessed me, i look at women just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal, but how do you cope? you are probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, you have a professional look on your face, are you sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who to kill, yes, from monday on rtr . we
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gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers come running, they they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this , let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this kurba to the orphanages, says, from monday to thursday there is a big
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film premiere on rtr, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, god bless america, if anything is a hero of afghanistan, these are very serious people , you should move out, law, this is our home, i in the place he left a long time ago, you will find your own wand, the paratroopers do not throw theirs with this, everyone back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine. yes, he has already cleared everything, there is a pavlych, you should go there, just like that, muchok, no one except us, kiss everyone without asking their names, yes, today it will be hot, for a moment, february 23 at rtr.
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this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. while some in america are rediscovering russia, others continue to fear it. now also with russian nuclear weapons from space. why the hysteria? who wanted to kill macron in kiev? and why secretary general uan guterres considers the cold war era softer than our time. first line the defense of the ukrainian armed forces has been hacked. how are we progressing?
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hot reports from our military officers? this is not an electric train or a diesel locomotive, a real bus, the big life of small towns, the ivanovo region, what makes the textile capital of russia strong, the main site of parachute production, what will definitely surprise you, this is a car comb, talk for weeks with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. once again , good sunday evening to everyone, songs from the bottom of my heart are on the air, unique voices, melodies, songs that changed the lives of our guests, well , now our guests are from the arkhangelsk region, we meet taina zhukova and anna vakhtomina.
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my village, a hamlet, a very small farm, a tumbled-down native hut, a forest right behind the house, a tumbled-down native hut, a small forest right behind the house, and next to it is a collective farm farm. farm, without a window roof, standing, oh, grieving for something , probably, standing looking at the village, grieving about something, probably standing looking at the village, oh, sweet little pole, field, i’m looking at you, and definitely,
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today. i think it’s my will, how long ago has everything been so overgrown, today you seem to be in captivity, is everything really so overgrown, i look with my eyes and don’t believe it, that there was no one to plow, this suffering land was now forgotten, this suffering land was now forgotten, i stretch my palms towards him, and i remember such years, horses died from hunger, but they always plowed the land,
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horses died from hunger, but they plowed the field always. my dear village, i love you with all my heart, today, shuddering in my soul, i tell you the truth, today, shuddering in my soul, i tell you the truth, for our difficult time, but there is no loss of faith. the long-awaited time will come, the fields will be plowed, the long-awaited time will come time. your fields will be plowed, thank you very much, velyaminov, velyaminov, thank you,
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taina semyonovna, thank you anna konstantinovna, well, tell us about your village, this is the arkhangelsk region, as the district is called, the village of veltsy, a small village. there are only 39 permanent residents, about 100 houses, but summer residents come for the summer, children come, grandchildren and somewhere around 300 people already come in the summer, 700 km to arkhangelsk from arkhangelsk 700 km, well, let's see how you live there, considering what your gatherings say famous throughout the area. and this is my castle , when we closed it in the village, that’s it, there’s no house, i walked into the water, you’re a little village, a village,
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yes, a small village, the water is delicious, spring water, this is a well with a key, this is my village, my home, dear village, veltsy , 39 people permanently live in the village, and before there were more than 500. the families were large, at most there are five people in a family of children, it’s very painful when a village dies, people leave, they don’t come back, i’ve lived here all my life, here i was born, i came in handy here, and this is my home the current one, in total, is almost 50 years old, so this house, god bless it, it will still stand, let it. we ’re so used to it, so that we bring water , bring firewood, all this, we need a lot of firewood, so in the morning i’ll light the russian stove, then this
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flood to make it warmer in the house, the russian stove and stop, the soup will be cooked, and what do you need , i’m making porridge while it’s melting, now i’ll make the dough and cook it, i’m sowing flour like this. i got it from my mother, my mother got it from my grandmother, it’s isosin, let’s make a pie rye on a loaf, before it was difficult for her to get white flour, god be with you, the stove, bless my dear, bake my bread good and tasty, my husband died for 18 years, this is how i live, i eat, yes, i sing, yes, i will cry, yes , you’ll spend it all in the evenings, you’ll spend it all, my girlfriends and i, they’re all our village folk, we’ll get together , we’ll sing, we’ll talk, we’ll play lotto, shura, you’ll
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talk, of course, i have one eye, he ’s the other one, 88, listen , i won’t repeat it anymore, 21 points, but 21, come on, back and forth, that’s 69, let’s finish, let’s sing songs. what do you call shangi, what a potato in general, yummy, we are in narzhany juices. so i inserted the bakers and stoked the bathhouses, oh mother, mother, how right you would be
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, my girls are good, we have oh-oh-oh, mommy, an appetite, oh, my god, females, i was rolling around like that.
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the initial stage, where is the address of your village, and these are the rugs i weave, this is the answer in a handicraft way, oh some, you can put the seats in the car, i put them on computer chairs, you do it with crochet, crochet, crochet, crochet, crochet, please , andrey nikolaevich, please tell us
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today our group members are like this. group nina ivanovna buyanova is 85 years old, ninochka ivanovna, dear, many years, yes nina ivana, many years, many years, many years, many years, health, my dear, i have five children, eight five children, all. hi big, my son has been serving for 20 years on a submarine, severodvensk, here's dimushka , hello to you, if you see, you have a mother in general, just to all the kids, all the kids, everyone, how did you end up in waelz, tell me, i i was born in this village too, and my husband i also grew up in this village, we grew up together, we studied together, we got married, it’s been 23 years
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since... i remember him and everyone remembers him, there wasn’t a day that i didn’t talk about something about him , my relatives turn out to be somehow distant, yes, she my niece, her father is my cousin, and tabenovna, and you tell us , in general, the keeper of a forgotten profession, this is what needs to be told, friends, my mother told me ancient rituals, and this was passed on to me, then my aunt passed it on, then my cousin sister, they are each other and for me, for example, a funeral. you have how to bury the mourners, so i am the mourners, no, these are now traditions, maybe it’ll show you a little, well, look,
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all the words i say, i’ll repeat 100 times, i ’ll repeat 100 times i love you so much, but i can’t understand what happened to me. i can’t understand how i deceived you, it was all like a fog and i was not me, and the other one was not you, you are flowers, not flowers, in this drunken stupor i forgot about you , i saw your tears, but shouted, go away, oh fog ,
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fog, dear, i didn’t understand, i know, just in clouds, i flew for a long time. oh, god, ah, fog, fog, there was a dear one, but it passed, you say, i love you, i’ll hear you again. one day i will be able to explain everything to you
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, explain everything to you, i know it’s difficult to forgive, but believe me, dear, i want to be with you, to love even more deeply, to forget all the bad things, it was all like a fog and... i was not me, and the other one is not you, and the flowers are not flowers, but believe me, dear, i want to be with you, for the sake of our love, i beg you, forgive me, oh fog, fog, dear, i didn’t understand, i know i’m just in the clouds, i flew for a long time, oh god , oh fog, fog, it would be different... ilono has passed, you will say, i love you, i will hear you again, ah fog-fog,
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ah, fog, fog, dear, i didn’t understand. i know, just in the clouds, i flew for a long time, oh god, fog, fog, dear, it was, but it passed, you say, i love you, i’ll hear you again.
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i know it’s just in the clouds, i flew for a long time, oh god , and there was fog, dear, but it passed, you ’ll say, i love you, i’ll hear you again, yeah, yeah... we’re glad to welcome you to our studio, well, tell me how much how old are you, what are you doing? by education, in general
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, i am a car mechanic, well, by profession, but cars are not made from wood, yes, let's see your workshop, attention, hello everyone, from the city of artyomovsky, the house in which we all live, all together, uh, family, me, wife, son, mom and dad. my carpentry product, this is a garden swing, well, it turned out well, this is our yard, here are my products, this is a garden mill, sawed out, completely made by me, this is how i came up with a decorative well, i ask everyone for your skill, here are the machines, ordinary ones, manual, in the future i plan, if everything is fine, to make wooden toys like this, and they are made in a simple way, there are certain patterns with an ordinary hand router, all this is cut out like this, i am preparing a product for andrey’s son as a gift like this... a game one a wooden car, i also make it according to the drawings, here
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i have a drawing, i still have it in the process, we’ll glue the wings, we’ll glue the bumper, we’ve glued together such parts and we’ll start painting, here andrey, the car is ready, personally for your son, that’s it, we're going to see you in moscow on it, and with with the breeze, with the breeze, thank you very much, maybe for us, my first...
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i remember at my grandfather’s, when he lived there , right next to us, too, not far away in his house there, i remember probably 10 birdhouses, i probably made them, he had everything the whole garden was hung with these birdhouses and also dragged them to the poplars, hung them there too, next to us, carried everything into the forest, also did it as if maybe that’s where it all came from, but then somehow i started singing again, then i saw it, so what let's sing today, let's stas mikhailov, without you, probably, dash mikhailov, of course, without you, without you, everything became like nothing at once without you, and at sunset without you, i need you so much, my beloved. without you, without you, everything
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was no longer needed at once, without you, from the gathering until dawn without you, how i need you , my beloved, so i need you, my beloved, just a second, let’s literally prepare everything. but for us this is fate, this is a matter
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of life and death, what’s new for us, at what point it became clear that the western partners, they don’t want to do anything, so, i already said, so putin said, this week we saw and learned a lot more than others, we will show let's show, let's show, moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. “i ’ll give birth to a child anyway, i’ll marry dima, the child died , we’ll look at the weekend, i’m your son, why did you lie to me all these years, how could you, you’re my mother, what do you want, how did you find out that seryozha stayed alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if..." everything could be returned back, let 's start all over again, and it's a turn for me, i
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'll solve this problem, it's hard to cross the abyss lies, seryozha the student damaged spine, because of her our son may remain disabled, she took everyone’s life away, she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even more difficult to take a few steps to love on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore. nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world
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is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest... profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. they say, they wanted to see me, it’s not like you , you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service,
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a state decision has been made, to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i air chief tactical training , how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, an officer - this is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element, let’s look around faintly, is that right, the sky? kostya wrote: the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife. the boss's wife is bored. on february 23 on rtr, saker harlson in an interview with our president will be discussed for a long time.
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the main thing, of course, is that tigran and i both shed tears when at the end our president told the story of how the usuushniks and ours were surrounded. the warriors shouted to them that you are doomed, give up, on the other side, in pure russian, they answered him: “russians don’t give up.” margarita simonyan, in boris korchevnikov’s “life and fate” program on monday on rtr. good sunday evening everyone, your favorite folk show “songs from the bottom of our hearts, unique destinies, voices and melodies that changed our lives” is on air. and continues our program, our guest from the city of tver, eduard provotorov with the song “my love is alive”,
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it's arrived in a couple of days, oh. the shadow is wandering now, but it did not stop the rib from burning, again the rib berries are bright in small colors, in the middle of the desert oak forests they will remind me of summer, this summer it knocked once. i reached the threshold, but suddenly she didn’t stay like that for long and melted away, like foxes melt into trees, everything that was so close to me, everything that i believe, my love is alive,
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the baby’s cocal color. your love the foliage has melted like you, my love is alive, the bright light is shining, your humanity has melted like you, everything we talked about is so difficult for me to forget. i thought that you and i loved each other , our meeting, it seemed to me that there was no end to their... paradise, and now only memories remain with me, my love is alive, the color
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of cocala has dried up, your love has melted like you, my love is alive , cool color rebit, your love is empty cards. thank you ilya, dear. a very soulful
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performance of sergei drazdov's song. thanks a lot. what kind of guitar is this? how many strings does it have? i just can't count now? she has 18 strings, yes, this is a master guitar, as far as i know, there are only two of them, one your famous guitarist in moscow, and the other from a simple church bell ringer. soviet years, probably, but i played more, i always played more, played different instruments, and even were a drummer in
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a rock band, played concerts, in principle everything was fine, life suited me, but somehow it turned out that in as a result, i am sitting in front of you today in podryasnik, all this was told to me after a visit to athos , something has changed, yes, yes, probably, athos was the starting point after all, let's see what you told us about how one day a person's life may... lord, if someone had told me that i would be standing in a cassock in a church, singing in the choir, i would simply laugh. i came to church when i was 50 years old, i didn’t think about god, i lived my cheerful rocker life, concerts, nights, libations and others. i didn’t want anything anymore, i had enough, everything was fine, life was good, the point when everything changed was a trip to
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athos, when i climbed the mountain, i was practically crawling onto it already, and leaning against the foot of the cross, i was very i was surprised that i heard some kind of bell ringing, it was something magical, i began to ask myself some questions to which i began to look for answers, i decided that... i want to change this world, the world in which i lived, for me i have outlived my usefulness, i no longer want to go there, i decided that my path is serving god, bell ringing and the opposite path, i serve as a bell ringer in the st. nicholas church, bell ringing for me is prayer in sounds, we we put our souls into the ringing of bells, so that when people hear... maybe they will become a little kinder, a little better, they came to churches.
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there are a lot of churches in russia, many of them do not have their own voice. i realized that we need to teach children the art of bell ringing so that every church in russia has its own voice. when the school of bell ringers was opened, the question arose of what to teach the children, that’s when the idea came to make bell simulators, these are simple plumbing transitions for pipes, bought at a plumbing store, it turned out that they ring so well that i bought them, attached reeds to them and it turned out very interesting a simulator for training children, on this second one you leave it slow. oh, here they call kala-kala, you call malitva, pray,
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and the lord will hear your call. how did your family and friends accept this transition from one life to another? well, you know, in a rock group, my son invited me to a rock group, these are his peers, his peers created this group, which is popular there in their circles, and i played with them, they me, they, how to say, supported me after i announced that...
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they chipped in some money, i went urgently , my friends, who invited me to athos, gave me a drink, the bells rang, and i rang it, i realized, that’s it, i’m lost, this is mine , nothing else for me, that’s what i needed, you’ll play today, there’s simply an amazing story , i like it when people are indignant that... they are building a temple next to residential buildings, the ringing will disturb, one of our great, famous priests, he wrapped the bells with cloth every day , they did not allow the ringing, and he i took off one rag every day, and it got to the point that at the end he was already ringing clean bells and the public was no longer indignant, local residents and even came, you know , i have such a story, when i cast these
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bells, which i can already hear ringing a little there, i placed them where ? at home in the apartment, here my neighbors were of course very surprised, well, then i moved the bell to the church to teach other children, i installed a simulator at home, so that it was always possible for the neighbors to be under voltage all the time, and so that didn't relax didn't relax, yes, yes, that's it yes, it’s a colossus, that is, it was in your apartment, and what’s more, i was constantly carrying it alone, alone, alone, but how long is all this?
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from chelyabinsk, come on, let's invite her to the stage, be with me. every dark night, by the way, i dot the dots, my memory will not give me strength, in every new line, i drive away the old handwriting, doubts, remember you asked. gus and the day everything
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is as before, everything is as before, i don’t need you anymore, i don’t need you anymore, just give me time. yes, one more question, what are we to blame for, i’ll forget with my head, it gives happiness different to me, but i ask you to wait, for a moment, be behind me, just be behind me. just be behind me, just be with me,
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give me a knife in your arms, made it look like we were just friends in the thicket. maybe everything good in the past will be replaced by a new day of doubt, the nights will only let them go, the dark day everything will be as before, everything will be derailed as before, i don’t need more, only you, i need more, just you , give me time for one more.
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let's get acquainted, especially since you have such a biography, you can make a movie, i'm glad to welcome everyone, i'm very happy to be here today, my grandma , my family, your daughter, my daughter, she ’s one and a half years old, and this is my first time leaving home, i miss you very much, i’m fine, but your performances on the internet are getting 20 million views, who did you study with? and my grandfather was the head of the ensemble at the mayak plant, the mayak chemical plant, the city of azirsk , a closed city, and boris fedorovich kaplun, i
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was lucky enough to be his student , a very kind-hearted person, an amazing character of some kind, very kind, open, sensitive, yes, definitely necessary to say that you covered a foreign hit was simply done. they didn’t have any problems at the moment, none like we have, but by the way, let ’s see how they covered foreign hits in soviet times and how they also came up with their own lyrics, attention, the wires in the sky are dark blue light, only in the sky, it’s dark in the sky - blue, blue sing, pure blue at night.
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lita to us we are overtaking the globe, peters and govts are running away from the attic, you just press thousands, give-give, give-give, give-give, sunday, a joyful day, let the gaze of our shadow disappear, hey, hey, settle down, even the birds have forgotten
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on business, hey, hey, i'm afraid, hey, people meet, people fall in love, get married, no, no luck in this , it's just a disaster. finally, last night i met a girl, where the clouds of the train are buzzing anxiously, she went her way, smiled from the window, the train touched the light, and waved her tooth out of the light, the hair of her sisters.
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smiled from the window, i touched the light on the train, just waved my hand, where is gotsman, i’m quietly asking, gotsman is always there when there’s a holiday, but you can hear from your voice that you are beauties , the likes of which cannot be seen, for 3 days in a row, what’s that, the last glass
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, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, and health, dispelling myths we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to... land well, you need
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to warm up before that. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own tablet. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from start the disease takes two decades to manifest itself , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to thursday on rtr. are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? on saturday. what's your name? lyuba. yes. god, i recognize that look. anton, you are in love. you are drawn to simpletons. to rewrite your life, choose brighter colors. you are a young,
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beautiful woman. by the way, i intend today to look after you. anastasia vedenskaya. in a divorce, i would hold on to him with my teeth. i’m different, we’re different, you know, you’re a prince and i’m nobody? lyuba, lyuba, draw me happy, on saturday on rtr.
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russia, russia, in this word, a big festive concert dedicated to defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast on february 23 on rtr, once again good sunday evening to everyone, songs from the bottom of my heart are on the air, now at...
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the outpost, the trees of the sleepy river are sleeping , only trains follow trains, but i turn on someone on the way, why am i here all night you are completely right.
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i’m wandering and no matter where the path leads, it’s still a lot of traffic to the street, i don’t know how much i love your blond hair, how i admire your smile. you guess yourself by the voice, this difficult guitar of mine, you yourself guess by the voice, the string of the guitar, the water.
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tell me, tell me, early morning, without rest , thank you, thank you, it was very elegant , thank you very much, no, no, no, timur picked up, everything was beautiful, tell him, it was very beautiful, well done, more, wait, i want to you... to give as a gift, as a beginning, the beginning is how i want, i want the songs to sound, which is quite. was filled for now, so that
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we could all wish for a friend, what i was doing for you now, so that they wished, what i wished for you now, i love you, madly, for your youth. for your beauty, i love you again, 85 years old, friends, look at how he looks, how he sings, how he carries himself, what a great fellow, and sergei pavchu, how long have you been with him, oh, 61, well , you are also a creative duo, only, but i want to say that... she came to moscow, she had one desire, i know that you are a fan, tell me, dmitry khvarostovsky, i visited
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his grave yesterday, and let’s see how you realized your dream yesterday, no, that’s why it’s so often sad, we fall silent looking at the heavens. dimochka, i want to cry , i love him madly, dimochka, hello my dear, how happy i am to see you, he is a treasure for me, why i don’t know, there are many singers, but he touched my soul so much, no matter what song he sings sang, it sounded from him with all his soul, from his heart, i love him. for everything, for his bluster, for his gait on stage, for his timbre,
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for the purity of his voice, it was a shock , i couldn’t believe it, i worried with all my soul , it was real grief, when he died, i cried for six months, i’m like a mother myself, i can’t even imagine how hard it was for his parents to lose their only son. well, why did you leave so early, how much more could you give the audience of your songs? well, today i am very glad that i touched you, as long as i am alive, i will listen to your songs every day. the night is dark, the desert is silent to god, and star speaks with star. editors said that
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senana grigorievna has a lot of records, but one record by dmitry kharastovsky was missing, and today we want to give you a souvenir of this meeting, a huge thank you, thank you, and how many years have you worked as a hartmeister, tell me, i worked for exactly 50 years, wow, exactly . oh, i can’t speak like some, i worry as much as you can, but you read poetry fantastically, let’s do something from the heart, i won’t submit to old age, i won’t bend down, and the older i get, the more i live i want it more. let my heart beat in tune with his cheerful steps, there is still a lot of fire in him,
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a lot of cheerful strings, i will not be overcome by sadness and will not be embarrassed by anxiety, i am angry , i am working, i am having fun, i am young, by god, bravo, thank you, thank you. sergey pavlovich, you are also now a resident of the village of tselinnaya, kurgan region, since what year have you been there, since 2005, who is by profession, well, at the moment, concertmaster, then it seems to me that you should sing for us on stage, come on, your way out.
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the mudsplash splashed, splashed, spilled over the berets, even in the heart of blue, got lost, spilled with its a tempting color, even in... the blue got lost, spilled out with its tempting light, behind the edge of the plane, the blue lies on the wings like paint, don’t be afraid of the blue, you won’t
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drown, this... i remember as a child on carpets, airplanes, unknown people have opened routes, and now
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we have found work in the blue sky. filling parachutes, and now i have found the job of filling parachutes with blue, the blue splashed, splashed, spilled over the buttonholes and onto the shoulder straps, i want. so that our lives continue according to the harsh besan law, i want our life to continue according to the harsh padesan laws, to splash
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the blue, splash around the loop. spread like a beret, even in the heart the blue got lost, spread with its alluring color, even in the heart the blue got lost, spread with its alluring light. a scarce product, my chickens, your chickens, chickens, thank you very much, thank you, dear, well, here’s another thing, and i was told that when you were in the army, you met the leader of
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the vocal and instrumental ensemble of pesnyary , mulyavin, it’s absolutely true that he. .. he said what instructions he gave you, there was a matter in the army, we had a meeting, cosmonaut pilot klemuk, and the singers arrived, vladimir mulyan says, maybe someone will sing for the cosmonaut’s pilot, i say, well, vologna, that’s it, he took boyan, that means anatoly, i personally carry it to the post office, as if i were a romance. i’m writing the continuation, i know, i know exactly where my addressee is, at home, the pereznoy rake, where is my dark-skinned one, where is the drag, where is where, where is the drag, where, where, that, where, to pour.
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so what does he say, having heard this vologda, he didn’t say anything, he came up and clapped. speaks, this is our lad, and this is such a voice, i have a son, a daughter, a son lives in yekaterinburg, the daughter is currently salihardi, oh, she scattered everyone, what everyone is watching now, i imagine, they are proud of the smell, gender of russia, after the advertisement we will continue , friends, don’t switch, big movie premiere, this is my grandfather,
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family.
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orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new issues of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. first podcasts. then look oleg, but if you seriously think about moving into civil aviation, everything suits me, maria mirodova, the plot, come down from heaven, why are you ruining everything, why is it syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, february 23 on...
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on rtr: who are you all looking at? well, is there a girl standing in a sundress? premiere on rtr, can you
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see me? tick-tock, just a little bit left, i'm scared, zhenya, usually ghosts don't do that act only in very extreme cases, in what cases? anna is a medium from monday on rtr, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday, while some in america are rediscovering russia, others continue to intimidate breaking news with it. now also with russian nuclear weapons from space, which is hysterical,
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who wanted to kill macron in kiev, why secretary general uan guterres considers the cold war era softer than our time, the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces has been hacked. how are we progressing, hot reports from our military officers, this is not an electric train and not a diesel locomotive, a real car. and the big life of small towns. ivanovo region. why is the textile capital of russia strong? the main site of parachute production. what exactly will surprise you? this is an auto-number. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. today on rtr. once again
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, good sunday evening everyone. with all our hearts, in full swing and continuing our evening, an amazing duet from the kursk region, which is now appearing on our stage, meet galina galyant and timur parchiev with the song promise me love. promise me love, let it be cherished for you, i recognize in anyone’s appearance, her signs, i, in the whole world you understand most dearly to me, that promise
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of love is not... careful, promise me love, even for a moment, i want to experience this pain as a revelation, i will burn the bridges behind me, not knowing pity, i will forgive everything, but only you , love, please, love, love, please, love, love, please, promise me such tender love, and the world will be born again for us, my hope, so that it develops with living water, sad songs , love cannot exist. another,
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i feel it, promise me anything, even for moment, i want to experience this pain as a revelation, i will burn bridges behind me, ignorant of pity, i will forgive everything, but only you, love,
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promise me love, at least for a moment, i want to sweep away with a soul, like a revelation, i will burn my hair behind me, without knowing pity. i will forgive everything, but only you, love, please, love, love, please, love, love, please, love, promise me love.
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thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful duet, well, tell us how you relate to each other, we can start with a gift first, let’s go, bring it, bring it, bring it, and this co... svetlana, is this a cake or...
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such a song and when we went to this competition together, we simply didn’t have time to rehearse, because she lives in the city, and i live in
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the area and it turned out that we actually didn’t rehearse, when i still remember this phrase by the way, golina, she was right there in my head when you invited me home when my husband was not there. naturally, when you and i were rehearsing, well, on the piano, when they were selecting the key and when i introduced the second voice, i say, yes, i know, don’t worry, i know, and she says: do you hear, it turns out, it turns out that this is where the rehearsal ended, as a matter of fact, but your wife is not jealous of such a partner, your wife is in the audience now, but she didn’t let one go, that’s right , don’t be jealous, she says, i’m not jealous. creativity , well, again, i didn’t teach education anywhere, well, in the sense of musical education, i don’t have it, it’s just that at the university when i studied, i had a beautiful baritone, and where we studied at the university, well , it used to be called the kurzh state pedagogical institute, i am
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a primary teacher by profession classes, and your mother lives in the kherson region, how is she there? it turned out, well, in 1988 , when i was still studying at the university, she was with her father, well, he’s my stepfather, but i consider him a father, he moved , he was invited to the show, i looked at your children’s photographs, a handsome boy looked at me, i didn’t have time to look back, and you have already grown up, but for me you will forever remain a little boy and i want to go back to childhood
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to remember everything that happened, how i took you on a sled to kindergarten along the dry roads, and you fell and rose, as in life, you fall and rise, and i i know that... it's hard for you, son, but you got up , you graduated from college, educated your children, you are building a house and besides, you sing, and i am proud of you, i am also proud that i am your mother, your father was proud of you, i know and believe that we will meet, son, with you definitely, definitely, i love you, son, mom. let's wish all mothers health and that you tell mommy, here i am, mom, of course i love you madly, it's a pity , of course, that you are far away, but i'm sure that we
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will meet, everything will be fine, well, i was a little nervous, but it happens, okay, that's it, i collected, oh, your partners subduet, no looking at this... her beauty, too, her cheerfulness, also survived such a blow of fate, tell us in general, well, yes, 35 years of family life, raised wonderful children, now 35 years later i, it was a difficult period of my life, but it’s not easy there was some unrest, all this affected my health, my healthy heart could not stand it , i had to... have an operation, my life was saved here in moscow, and dear matchin, yuri georgievich, i told you when you saved me life, did... as the whole team of your doctors spoke unique
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surgery, thank you for giving me life. please know that i pray for my children every day and always remember you. what news is this? what happened when you returned? well, yes, my husband made a decision, he met another woman, and only my children supported me, and then , of course, music became my salvation. period it turned out interesting, i got some melodies, this saves me, this helps me, this is my salvation, that we will sing, give my mother my favorite song, scarlet dawn, ala dawn, ale lips, in in your eyes, in your eyes... your anger, you
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are my long-awaited love, do not leave me, do not leave me, do not abandon me, you are my long-awaited love, do not leave me, do not leave me, not... mine, on the shoulders with your ripe voice the hair is tossed, only the head, only the head on the warai, and with her, with your voices, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, not along... the road,
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with your kindness, with your voices, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, well, now our youngest participant of this evening, our guest from... from the novosibirsk region, maxim semyonov, we meet maxim, like a ram in the spring, the ambassador of the village sheep, katya postushka and... she liked, oh, black-browed andrei, black-browed
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handsome, andryushka, she liked, black-browed andrei, black-browed handsome, andryushka, come on katya with you, we will change the life of the village to the city one. i’ll dress you up, oh, silk velvet satin, i’ll buy you a blue shawl, i’ll dress you up, vishinka bar i’ll buy you a blue shawl, a year has passed, and andrei is still not there, katyusha gave birth to a baby. katya takes her son to the color white vetet, katya goes
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to look for her husband, katya takes her son with a white light and takes her, katya goes to look for her husband, she learned, the stage taught her to drink bitter vodka. andrei vanzil, for your betrayal, oh, for
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your disloyalty to me, that’s why i atoned you for everything. for your betrayal , for your disloyalty to me, that’s all i took revenge on myself, they gave me a short term, katyusha served time to live, she returned to the village, and as before she, oh, with the herd, from spring to autumn. walks, and as before she follows the flock of sheep, from spring to the blue paths, incredible, well done, what a simple
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a whole saga, so you're 18. and how old have you been playing? i've been playing the harmonica since i was 6 years old, it so happened that i started playing, i found an harmonica in my grandfather's attic, and after that i never let it slip away, cool, this is the same harmonica, no, that harmonica is no longer preserved, to unfortunately, it broke, yes, but in 2014 my parents gave me a new accordion for my birthday, well, let’s see how you live, you’re from the city of bolotnoye, that’s right, that’s my family. my city is bolotnye, i came to visit my parents, this is my home, where i was born and raised, i smell like pies, this is my dad, vladimir gennadievich, we made this lathe with my dad and with our own hands, from this log we get such beauty,
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barrels, testicles, rolling pins, crushers, everything that comes to mind when you sharpen, then he does. and this is my mother, larisa aleksandrovna , she works as a teacher in a kindergarten, my parents greet me as always, they set the table, i want to say a huge thank you to andrey for inviting our son to the program, we have a big family, our relatives always said when maxim, you we'll see on this show, the dream has come true, wonderful, the most important thing. a hobby is fishing, we catch fish, you caught it yourself, yes, i fish it myself, i land it myself, it’s what they call it, dace, we came to the water pumping lake, now we’ll fish , now we’ll drill a hole, our ice isn’t very big, somewhere about a meter,
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we probably have siberian frosts of 40°, but still we are not afraid of frosts, we go fishing, now we will scoop out the ice so that... what we just saw, yes, yes, great, and this i made it myself on a lathe, and this is it what kind of beaters, and besides all this i also do knitting, knitting,
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i knitted these traces, i’m a jack of all trades, but in general i love listening to chanson, i would like to sing all your braids and all your bandits. as soon as you passed by, you immediately captivated me, i realized then that you broke my heart forever, right in that first moment, forgetting about you. all over the world , only you, madly in love, i saw on the whole planet, all together, all your braids, all the bows, all the strands of golden hair on your blouses, you and the cute kurno son, all the braids
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all your bows, all the strands of golden hair, the fluffy edgings. we cried and laughed and waited and ate , had a snack, and it’s just amazing, it’s always like this, i’m looking at your parents now, such siberian people, silent, stern, but so much love, souls, i really feel their soul, although you, they will never upset anyone, they will never upset you. our siberian and ural rock, oh, let's try, i'll remember, you 'll help me, come on, i see, i see you again
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like this, in a daring miniskirt, what is my peace, my sleep? and the joke turned into you, a-ha, i i beg you, wear it, hey, let everything be the way you want, let your eyes sparkle as before, i’m with you again tonight, this night, by the way, by the way. next night you will want, if you want, i am with you again, you are 17,
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you are 17 years old again, everyone wants to add their birthday, but i will say no, your portrait, your children, i will tell them about that, your mother’s children are 17 again , just believe me, you will understand later, let everything be the way you want, let your eyes shine like never before, i’m with you again, tonight, this night, well, by the way, well however, the next thing...
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your hands themselves reach for the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello to you through the window, but the bullet really doesn’t hit you, i said weapons on the table, fima, why are you here, and where should i be, hit yourself in the brain, chaos of the ear, now they will start walking, guys, mom, don’t go until the wind, they say,
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the donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be in harm’s way at the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday, on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look. well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, subscribe, look,
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look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, hello, dear friends, your favorite is on the air program 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk, on all issues, they are in a hurry, to deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return the nuclear weapons to me... how are things at the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly!
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watch twice a day, see you later, you are such a good love, if i ever marry again, it will only be to you, draw me, happy, on saturday on rtr,


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