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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  February 18, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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before st. petersburg , we have been discussing and analyzing for a long time, if not a very long time, yes , for a long time, absolutely, when we were still working in st. petersburg, we already talked about it, everyone is in favor of this project, it requires a little modification, because it is very capital-intensive, but in principle the decision has been made, then which cities should the high-speed highway then reach, 20% of the total population of the country, sounds like a song, ryazan, kazan. and also
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yekaterinburg, adler and even minsk with the president of belarus. we discussed this issue with lukashenko, and he also supports it. in russia there will be not only new trains, but also new trolleybuses, they can run on batteries, super, such beautiful equipment. but, of course, they paid attention not only to beauty, but also to working with batteries. reliable batteries are even more necessary in the climatic conditions of russia; frost is not only felt, it is visible. when putin arrived in yekaterinburg, it was -23 in the afternoon, and half a dozen people were holding their hat in their hand. the president, apparently, took notice of this. two-day work in the stronghold of the state. the urals and here, of course, too, as and...
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what did i say, this is bad, and they distort the map, why? because i didn’t say anything like that, i didn’t say that the start of a special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where is it in my interview, there is a recording, let it show, i was talking about something else, that we were constantly deceived with from the point of view of nato’s non-expansion to the east, not inches to the east, then five expansions, a complete deception , we were, of course, worried and worried,
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“yes, this is an active defense with an improvement in our position in certain areas, but we we don’t hide it, and i want to thank the armed forces, the leadership of the armed forces, but above all our fighters, on the front lines, on the front lines, for their, for their courage and heroism. our program asked questions about avdievka in october, and our program saw this extremely
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important point, aviation is not needed. capture of avdeevka. how much time do you devote to the march? special military operation? well, of course, paying primary attention. this all starts with the day and ends with this. but at any time of the day or night they can report to you at 3:30 am if something very important is happening. well, first of all, i ’ve been going to bed quite late lately, but... of course, i should always be in touch, and that’s what happens, i always have a connection with me. on sunday afternoon, peskov said. putin is informed that offensive operations are continuing, the enemy is not being allowed to gain a foothold on new lines in the area ovdeevka, one of the oldest cities
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in donbass. why it is so important to know russian history, putin explained to foreign audiences in an interview with carloson, in an interview with our program, another important message. what about this? that in fact , russian statehood arose earlier or arose earlier, since even if we adhere to the norman theory, if the novgorodians invited rurik, and to be an arbiter and external defender, then novgorod already existed
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, at least it had the opportunity to invite him, so in fact the roots of the russian statehood, they are of course much deeper, but this simply gave the most famous theory of noorman origin, i think that for a western listener, viewer it was not easy, especially for americans, the history of the united states goes back a little over 300 years, and i started in 862, so i think that for the american audience it was not easy to understand, but still i think that for ourselves, and even more so for listeners and viewers abroad, it is still important to understand our train of thought. understand our condition, understand, how sensitively important this is for our country, everything that happens in the ukrainian direction, for them it is an improvement in their tactical position, but for us it is fate,
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it is a matter of life and death, and i wanted the people who will listen to this to understand this whether it was successful or not is not for me to judge, understanding how fateful for the country... what is happening, the vast majority of russians are contributing to the overall victory. at 3:00 am, flight number one takes off from yekaterinburg to chelyabinsk. they make russia even stronger. industrialists of the country, new produced in chelyabinsk, looks so impressive. to exclude cracks, everything that the president, clearly delighted with what he saw here , calls on the videographer to show the whole country, look, and the operators of our program know how to show what they saw, the aura of putin,
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he goes to one enterprise, then to another, moreover, once the president. .. i even decided to return to the workshop i had just inspected, because i learned new information and decided to figure out in even more detail how everything worked, the first mass production of industrial robots, the production that arose where everything was in decline, killed, just sites, killed, then pictures from today, it’s impressive, in chelyabinsk too, putin communicated with the workers in the literal sense of the word closely, great.
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help in resolving this issue, what? when the question was formulated, our program saw how it was helped. if they look, there are a lot of young people. while even venerable and experienced workers should hardly be surprised at such excitement, those in purely public professions are clearly nervous when meeting putin. carlosana after all they criticized him immediately before the interview, and after the interview they now blame him for the fact that... supposedly few tough questions were asked, he was too soft with you, you were
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very comfortable with him, that’s what you think, did you crush the american journalist with your authority? i think that your carlson, when i say yours, i mean that he is a representative of your journalistic workshop, a dangerous person, i, to be honest, thought that he would behave aggressively and ask these so-called sharp questions questions, i was not only ready for this, i this ... but he strictly followed his plan, and he
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carried out his plan, after this interview, calls immediately began to be made for sanctions against tucker carlos, and in general there was talk that he could almost be arrested there, is this even possible, well, assange is sitting, yes, that’s it, no one almost remembers him anymore, however, assange was at least accused of giving away some state secrets, it seems difficult for him to pin this on, because he didn’t touch any at all. secret, nevertheless, probably, theoretically everything is possible in in today's america from the point of view of, well, karfla himself, it would be sad, but this is his choice, he knew what he was doing, but from the point of view of ensuring that people all over the world understand what a modern liberal-democratic dictatorship in quotes is, this would probably be nice, they would then show their true colors, this interview was published immediately after the recording in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe to always be aware of such important events, everyone learned the details of the conversation between putin and carloson behind the scenes, turns out,
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the topic of demonization of russia was touched upon, including statements by secretary of state blinken about jewish pogroms. this topic constantly arises with the aim of demonizing russia to show what barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here. but in fact, if you look at what today’s secretary of state said, much becomes clear here too. for my family, as well as...
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perhaps the most painful thing for americans, well, there a person can die on the threshold of a medical facility and no one
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will take him into the walls because he has insurance no, nothing like this should ever happen here, human-centeredness should be at the forefront of all our work, chernyshenko and golikov were at work even before the start of the forum, but... during the event, the tasks of signals were also added putin about identifying diseases and test systems why such systems how to treat as in the soviet army comes two. one has a headache, the other has a stomach ache, take a pill in half, one half and the other half, go, take the pills, you’ll be healthy in a week, tatyana alekseevna, how they were arguing, listen, while your test system will tell whether a person is sick or not, he will infect 100 people around him, we will now speed up, speed up, but we have speeded up, okay, thank you, we did better than in other places, it’s true,
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exactly, we did better than in other countries of the world, but maybe even better, definitely better than in other countries, this is the center of... artificial intelligence research: putin sees something wrong.
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it is true, this is not a joke, it is stated in the relevant postulates of the ministry of health
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that this is exactly what needs to be done, i hope that this has already happened everything was eaten up, they were confiscated there, well, thank god, let’s multiply. an employee of the moscow diagnostic center clearly deserves applause for her unexpected resilience . when they worked at the clinic, what was your salary, lower than here, well, what is the average in moscow, this was 3 and a half years ago, she eventually told us everything, of course also, can i ask you, is it difficult not to inject drugs for so long? the president asks about the salary, i’m embarrassed that my husband will see what you’re hiding, it’s also a great joke, not a joke, not a joke, regional clinics have also been decided connect to this center, so moscow medicine is not only for muscovites, important
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news for primary care workers in small towns, 50 thousand rubles monthly in addition to wages.
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similar messages on other feeds, but next sunday again only our program will show you more than the rest. subscribe so as not to drown in the masses thank you, pavel, as usual, i ’m saying goodbye to you for the week, and we ’ll see you again after a short break with the audience, i’m waiting for you in the studio
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on good evening, that’s when the initial line-up i was in moscow, the kremlin putin, i don’t mean that this was the plan, but i’m listening to read from levitan’s intonation, when our army liberated the city of avdeevka, there’s a feeling of colossal pride in the guys, and it’s very important to note these people here who are looking into it, i in no way pretend to understand military affairs and will analyze this operation for a long time, but in fact this is a turning point in assessing the capabilities of our... troops, and we are talking not only about , that we took avdeevka, the most fortified, this goes without saying, but in the sense
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that there was a completely different level of interaction between fire weapons and assault operations, that they were not taken with meat assaults, as the ukrainians wrote, not even close, but it was here that a deep plan was manifested, the ability to implement it, implement it, a high level of preparedness. speed. a separate point, because you didn’t expect them to attack with such a look, purely psychologically, yes, they are abandoning
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the azov people to salvation, avdeevka, abandoning them in 2 days, like a cow licked it with its tongue, they are not there, they just dissolved, they are either destroyed, either fled or were captured, and for...
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that spending 2% of gdp on defense is just the beginning, since the americans will soon switch to asia, which is why europe will be left alone with russia. scholz promises that peace will not be
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dictated by moscow. yes, who will ask you anyway? you will also say thank you that we don’t call you on air the way dmitry anatolyevich calls you on the telegram channel, and he’s right, by the way, he allows himself vocabulary that we generally don’t use on television yet.
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then the entrance is open so that the kids can play sports from school, during other hours all people can take part and at this stadium quite a lot of people usually play sports. at the time of arrival there was an elderly woman who was doing nordic walking with sticks, a shell hit her right in the head, and she’s still here the picture is like this: not very good, that is, cannot be washed off, there are fragments of blood, a basketball backboard, which is cut by fragments, they went up, there are 20 m, 25 m to the school, residential buildings are on top, so it’s clear why we didn’t have anything else way out, the governor told me
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one story i want you to hear. what to understand in the donbass, they looked at what was going on with them, how they trained the children, but when they literally fell for a small moment, they immediately fell to the floor, their heads opened, their mouths opened, their hands closed, that is, they are so all-matic, but to me where did i find out, they told me in st. petersburg, children came from donbassazh, they walk around the midday gun. exposed, i was attacked more than once, everyone who was there cried, went crazy, this is the story, you know, this is 10 years, this means that a generation of children has grown up who are peaceful we haven’t seen life at all, and the fact that
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avdiivka was liberated doesn’t solve the... concept of justice, putin embodies what we consider right, that’s why he’s the people’s president, that ’s why there’s a level of trust, but who’s opposing us, oh well , the collective west, which hates us, but it is led by a person who does not understand where he is at all, just think about it, this is what it brings... just
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listen, the very idea that we will leave ukraine and allow nato to split is completely runs counter to the interests of the united states america and contradicts everything we have promised since esenhaur. so it's time for congress to come home and pass legislation to fund nato. this is critical. our safety depends on it. so, do you understand what he said? why are republicans writing to him? neither taiwan, nor israel, nor ukraine are members of nato. what is the nato funding law? we will leave ukraine, but we entered there? that is, what biden says, you will see that he lives in his own parallel world, like the whole west. and this is extremely dangerous. and we need to understand that this the war will not end tomorrow. that
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the strategic decision for war has been made, that they will do everything possible, andrei has an eternal phrase, she has not finished, no, andrei. it’s not going on, it’s not even close, war is when the whole people is at war, this is war, when everyone is really at war with you, all these phrases are proxies, shmoxy, that’s when, but for us war is always divided into certain stages, and we now, in fact, we are in a very difficult stage and the whole people must realize, the whole people must realize this, i’m not scaring, i’m stating, i’m just stating.
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this is the next thing, they cannot understand that for us this is a special military operation or a holy war, which will also be abbreviated as svo, however, this is not the same as for them another thrashing that they
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are trying to give to some iraq or afghanistan or yugoslavia, or tell me a place on the map where they have never tried to do this in history, they do it, you know how, women will understand me. “you have free time, you have strength, and you decided to do some general cleaning in the pantry, for example, well, clean up the pantry, then something got stuck, tired, tired , somehow she just can’t get the job done, the dust can’t be removed, you think, oh well, i’ll close it back, or my daughter will come later, help, clean up, we don’t treat it like that, we we treat this the same way as if you have a fire at home and you can’t leave it, you can’t close it, change your mind, wait, leave, you put it out.
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stays until late, late at night, starts work in the morning, but in general, at some point a person needs to sleep, in general, he should, in theory , have time left for some of his own affairs private, vacation, normal vacation, well , take it at least for a week, although we are supposed to have 4 weeks according to the labor contract, yes, well, at least go somewhere to the sea for a week, turn off the phone, spend a normal vacation, he didn’t have that for all 25 years, i worked in the pool, i remember that what was called the president’s vacation, the so-called working vacation, these are meetings again from morning to night, only the location changes, well, let’s say, before that i met in the kremlin, now meets there in sochi, even what the difference is, it’s all the same not a vacation is the idea of ​​any normal person, this is 25 years, just think about it, we have a choice soon, just
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think about one thing, 25 years a person is not doing this for himself, well, who would want such a life for himself, what is the idea , even if you have a desire to take advantage of some of the benefits of your high... position, you don’t have the time physically to take advantage of them, he does it for us, for you and me, for our country, and there is no end in sight to this, thank god for us, but every time i see i remember... these numbers, 4 am at 11 they reported, i just want to say a humane thank you to our president, i can’t even imagine that any other person would be capable of this, and most importantly, when these meetings take place at night, he has no irritation, which would seem to be completely natural in such a situation for any person who, for example, has been working like this for three nights in a row, and he has been working like this for 25 years, there is no lack of concentration in... this is really
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amazing, i think , this is my first time i say such things on your air about our president, but this time you know it , that’s how it pricked me that we just say thank you someday, just for this kind of life, which he himself rightly called a slave on the goler, returning . to our sheep here, this week, but now it’s past, i met with aleksandrovich basttyrkin, who heads our investigative committee, i wanted to tell this on air in yours, and i told him that i would tell him, because this meeting was amazing , very unexpected his reactions and his opinion, about some of the processes taking place within us, imprisonments, the application of justice, and he and i talked about the fact that what we need is not the humanization of justice. and this term
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seemed correct: fairness of justice, because, of course, what is happening now is increasingly striking lately, this is fairness, justice, has very little to do with one way or the other, and this is not a question of for the majority of law enforcement officers, this is a matter of legislation, this is a matter of our criminal code, this is how it is structured the criminal code, when you ask questions to law enforcement officers, why are you doing this, they say: well, it’s written that we can do, for example, what bastrykin spoke about, it’s incomprehensibly small sentences for murder, listen, murder is the most terrible crime, one one of the most terrible crimes , you took the life of a person for 6 years, i personally know the person, he was my neighbor, who received 6 years for murder with aggravating circumstances, was released after four, and there was a young guy, and this happens regularly, a young more guy there is no life, his family has a tragedy forever. he left no heirs and so on, so well
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, he was there for something like 4 years, ate a little worse, spent time in a little less comfortable conditions, and left. on the other hand, i was amazed that bastrykin himself started talking about this: exceeding the necessary self-defense , how many such stories do we know, your home, your family, your children were attacked, what will each of us do if your home is attacked , on your family, on your children, we will defend ourselves by any means available, me too, if... my children were attacked, yes, if i will have a knife at hand, i will take a knife, if there is anything at hand, i will take it, and i will not think about whether i am currently exceeding the limit of necessary self-defense or not, and what it even is, exceeding the limit necessary, if you know that they will kill you or your loved ones, what should you do? and how many such cases do we have, when people are sent to prison for saving their loved ones, i was amazed that bastrykin himself started the conversation about this, he also said the following phrase: why are they doing this? i'm even here
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i say to the investigators: there is no such thing as someone else’s grief, but i tell them, and you finish reading it to them, this is simonov’s poem, this poem to the end, there is no such thing as someone else’s grief , whoever is afraid to confirm this is surely either killing or preparing to become a murderer, this, by the way, concerns what we are doing in the donbass, and in general why we got involved in all this, because our people are there, and there is no grief for others, then he talked about the deadlines for these telegram... stories, well, it’s clear what it is this is all a very bad topic, how does our telegram work? there are many channels that have been created just to make money , they write nasty things about you, you pay them money , they stop writing nasty things, if you don’t pay the money, they will write nasty things again, it’s clear that this is essentially blackmail, this is definitely a crime, that’s how this market works, this is a criminal market, of course we need to fight this, but we still need to compare the deadlines. this is boezitova, whom i don’t know, yes, a very overweight woman with diabetes,
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an adult, older than me, although i’m no longer a girl, well, she was charged 14.5 years, that is, for murder six, for 14.5, well, okay, they gave less , these sobchag employees, we’re not talking about sobchag, but about these guys, of course they didn’t do anything good, but 7, more than for murder, and this is the lower limit . yes, of course, this is the lower limit in the criminal code, and even the head of the investigative committee, at least, was at a meeting with us this week, right?
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the living touches bastrykin, just like me, this citizenship is for russians, i will once again, with your permission, raise this topic, how many years have we been talking about this, but in fact it is still there, we see an endless case when some seventeen-year-old bastard got into a fight, insulted, hit veterans of the northern military district, or someone else, no matter who, suddenly finds out that he is a citizen of russia, that he received citizenship a year ago or six months ago. and we are fighting together with the ministry of internal affairs, we have a common project, where we just get citizenship for our russian people, who once went to kazakhstan for a komsomol construction project, for example, well, they left, they left, they stayed there, that’s it, you were not here, you are no longer ours, we are embarrassed to
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to this day, i want to once again urge you to stop being ashamed of this, to give citizenship based on ethnicity, even germany was not ashamed of this. who , due to her own history, which she herself has learned, is frightened by all questions concerning ethnic characteristics, and it would seem that she should have been vaccinated against uttering the word “ethnos” at all for centuries to come, but no, an ethnic german , can prove that you are an ethnic german, a certificate that your grandmother was there, please, welcome, as they are from here they were sucked out by vacuum cleaners, many are actually returning, but nevertheless, some are on your air, and russian germans. i remember from my native adler, many greeks lived there, greece announced: “you are an ethnic greek, please come.” the crowd has also returned. this is not about this, but about the fact that in the city i am generally silent about israel. well, they’re not shy, how long will we be shy until these people die, or their descendants forget that they are russian at all? we have a demographic
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crisis, we don’t have enough people, that’s enough for us to be ashamed of ourselves, we should stop being ashamed of the word russian, again this is a question for no one. we are running the well-known cossack , she sorts it all out with her hands, but this should not be like this, this should not be decided by the russians, we are waging a war for the russian world, we can first open the gates of our own country to this very russian world, this should not be decided by hand, and what did i say, there is also a reservation by russians, it should not be decided by hands, but
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by russians it should be decided, i ask russians in the broad sense of the word, in the one in which we all there are russians here, pay attention to this. well, somehow it’s high time, there’s also this topic that i can’t ignore, so i see, our opposition is not an opposition after all, it’s sectarians, i look at them, and they have signs of such an absolute , i would say, totalitarian sects, of course, have always been like this, while no one asks themselves reasonable questions, no one wants to wait for the results of the investigation. doesn’t want to understand what happened, so you’re talking about navalny now, well, yes, he’s still a person, that is, data zero, i have very little faith in accidents, but when this happens on the opening day of the munich conference, when
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all the main sectarians are there, when everyone has obituaries prepared, when everyone has accusations prepared, who benefits? when there is a frantic positive reaction to an interview with tucker carlson, you just need to interrupt the wave, that is, the last person who could benefit from what happened is the russian government and russia, but in the cry, in connection with this death, i am digging out of myself all possible christian humility, christian obedience, in order to evoke sympathy in myself, this is difficult for me. not only because i have been saying for many years in your studio, including that this man is a traitor, a traitor to the motherland, he must be judged under article 275, not even according to those that change him, despite the fact that 275 involves much more lines. this man cost me a tragedy in my family when he endlessly poured unimaginable lies on me, starting
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from the fact that i gave birth in the usa for citizenship to my child, i, of course , never gave birth in any usa, ending with the fact that traffic on rash2 is being persecuted by porn sites, at some point i was pregnant, they knew about it, and i warned that i had a difficult pregnancy, i shouldn’t be nervous, well , this happens to a woman, and especially since i’m not 20 years old , after all, wait , i say there they rolled out such a tub, intentionally, on purpose, i lost a child, of course, in this sense , it’s difficult to evoke sympathy for our family, our family , and yet we all walk under god, now god is a judge, righteous, long-suffering, yes, there will be deal with it myself, but the time when this happened raises big questions, it is absolutely obvious that for russia, for the russian government, this is the most important thing, and this, yes, is the only thing we still lacked. and for them, well, it’s just a great time, elections are ahead , the president’s support is off the charts, now there’s also support all over the world, which
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was amazingly influenced by this interview, amazing, because such a number of views is impossible to imagine, it changes people’s attitudes, and these people who, these are people who vote, voters who vote, they don’t care about anyone, i mean people in power there, about humane values, not about freedom, not about justice , not about anything, but they care about their own
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... you have an eye for an eye there, with us it’s more difficult with this, yes, that’s his whole sect, why am i talking about the totalitarian sect , i couldn’t find a word, when they killed vladlin tatarsky, when they killed dasha dugina, they were worried that they could not completely kill zakhar prilepin, they were happy , they enjoyed, they applauded this murder, the assassination attempt, they applauded the attempt on your life, the attempt on me, they applauded .
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i'd like to be in a position where i
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i believe that we need to understand russia; i will not parrot what the west is promoting. again, i don't know how long we can last in government because we are under a lot of pressure. i've never experienced this before. as long as i am prime minister, i will argue that ukraine’s entry into nato is just the reason for the outbreak of the third world war, nothing more, this is completely clear to me. i constantly hear this ideological nonsense, it’s unfair. what justice, where in international politics have you ever have you seen justice? when the americans killed civilians in iraq, was it fair, or anywhere else when they fought with libya? so let's look at this pragmatically and rationally. yes, the russians violated international law when they entered the territory of ukraine. but the war did not start
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now, in 2014. not in 2022, in 2014 it all started. i don't understand the european union, why the european union still blindly listens to what the us says. by the way, what did trump say just now? trump said incredible things: nato and brussels almost fell when they heard it. be careful, the world is changing significantly. therefore, if anyone thinks that the only solution is that the russians will return to the border where they were and leave crimea,
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one must go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need just five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important information from the most competent sources, take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy , about the most important thing, from monday to thursday on rtr, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i were not me, premiere on
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rtr. how are you coping? you are probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is? yes, from monday on rtr.
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mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile unit that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely runs so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like in a regular area. you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, ballots from them will be everything will be kept in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station. aleksan mikhailovich, yes, well, you started a very correct topic, that our wars
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show real... demonstrates heroism, but not only heroism, but also organization, in fact, we can say for sure that today the russian troops have acquired a new face, in fact, they were revived, revived for a new war, to protect the interests of our country, and the fact that they were able to do this, of course, is the merit of the supreme commander-in-chief, but also that new, new returned officers, generals who are being helped. do, but in your words there was another thought , margarit simona also said about this, that after all , the president, he combines everything in himself, he can give a very clear and succinct interview to carlson, he is involved in commanding troops, he thinks about our citizens , at the same time, he is also involved in economics, that is, he really personifies exactly the kind of president that
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any state can only dream of, but when we we are talking to you about the fact that today he... in his face we see a unifying principle, we see how life itself is changing, how the country is changing, and i, frankly speaking, when we touch on economic issues, can well state that society is really changing, management is changing. not only the government, not only business, but also citizens, because they support this with their attitude towards work, and i would like to say just two words that on the eve, literally, on the eve of the visit to chelyabinsk, the president held a meeting on economic issues, and he touched upon a very important topic there, he said that we need to be proactive.
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already for 6 years, what we are talking about, planning, even the transition not just to medium-term, but already in planning for a fairly long period of time. further, again in chelyabinsk, he touched upon a very important topic, that as an ethnic group, in order to survive, we need at least two children in the family, well , i don’t develop further, it is clear that more is desirable, because this is not simple, and expanded reproduction in this area. further touches on the topic of high-speed highways, saying that it is extremely necessary today to move not to discussion, but to the implementation of these projects. in different directions, what does this mean, that today this is not a call, it is a statement that these projects must be implemented, the president himself sees their implementation, he, among other things, summed up the results of last year, understands who
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he can rely on, here there arises, well, just an obvious contradiction with the financial and economic bloc, with the financial bloc, i am even calm here, i have become calmer in the conversation here when we raise the topic of the central bank, because i see how today... the decision has been made to move on, not paying attention, well, or at least, without focusing only on the central bank or the financial bloc, well, well, in the end, well, what we have, that is, what we have, we have, because look, on the sixteenth the central bank rate was kept at 16 %, but everyone already understands, you know, there is a very correct attitude, i came across this, including in the state duma, when many ministers came to us, from the lips of our ... the head of the duma, viktorovich volodin , the question was asked: and you yourself, it doesn’t matter, medicine, which means the question for a doctor is, how many are you visited hospitals, you personally, well, the other ministers have a similar question, here’s me, i
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have a question, and the central bank may, well , travel to enterprises simply not to satisfy curiosity, but simply to collect objective information and hear from the ground what such a discount rate is the destruction of our economy, we should not scare, but we must understand that the topic... which is associated with a decrease in growth, i’m putting it mildly, that in practice we can already observe elements of stagnation in production, associated, among other things, or primarily with such a high discount rate , what is the central bank talking about, how does it explain why it was necessary to maintain such a high discount rate, it turns out that in the previous period we were able to observe a picture when demand, overheated demand, exceeded the capabilities of our production, i want ask, what does this concern?
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growth, we understood that the money supply was filling the economy, that the government understood and was doing everything possible to develop production, and we saw that the central bank, constantly declaring expectations about inflationary expectations, finally decided definitely, well, i think , that after all, this is an artificially created increase in the dollar exchange rate and, accordingly, the ruble has depreciated, accordingly imported inflation has come, well, since the exchange rate has increased, but accordingly it has become more expensive. spheres and we are with you we received as a result that the inflationary processes were instructed by the central bank , well, look, we waited and finally got it,
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well, we ourselves really helped this process, well we waited, now there will be such a discount rate , and so further in its explanations on friday, the central bank says, it’s even justifies these actions, but i just want you to, well, you suggest that they do what, so i... no, they didn’t justify it, they wrote a statement, they said, nothing works out for us, we’re leaving, the thing is that they don't really spend any effort at all to explain anything, they declare, they don’t understand anything at all, mikhailovich, now i’ll give you my word back, well... a simple question: what is the stake in the military-industrial complex? 16%, or what? no, of course not, 5.5 , what is it, 6, 7, well, depending on the reflection, there is also lower, that’s right, what is the rate in the agricultural complex, that is, the rate is also subsidized, in the industrial parks of moscow is absolutely correct, then based on this, the rate that the central bank comes up with, it relates to what share of the economy, that is, that they are making their crazy policies , i am allowed to say such words, i am an irresponsible person, with their crazy policies... they completely direct
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the investment process away from those areas where they put a ban, that is, they thus do not allow the development of a harmonious economy , but only the agro-industry or only the military-industrial complex concentrates it, that is, they deliberately distort the picture, and then, based on the distorted picture, they begin to invent measures to combat their distortion of the world, that is, this double distortion of vision, well, maybe they don’t want to do it, but that’s how it turns out. look at the explanation that the growth , the recorded growth of 3.6% of gdp, turned out to be inconsistent, and it really did not correspond to the forecast of the central bank, it turned out to be higher than this, then the phrase that we have already discussed here once, but i am not repeating phrase from the past period, it was voiced on friday, that it turns out that such a high discount rate allows our economy to move onto a trajectory of balanced growth, can you imagine, here what a... subtle strong thought, this
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goes on and on with a digital explanation of this, that it turns out, well, 1-2% hasn’t gone anywhere yet, but in principle next year it will probably be one and a half, one and a half-2.5%. listen, this is what we are talking about, this is generally an error , this, this, well, would we really deserve such growth rates, based on what the president says, how are we going, i’m not, i’ll start with high-speed highways, then we’ll move on to family with two or three more children, then we will tell you that... it is necessary to develop the economic the potential of the country is that with a percentage of 1.2% he generally speaks on this topic, because and because according to the law on the central bank he is doing this, i’m a little lower no, no, according to the law on the central bank in the constitution they have inflation they answer, this is in the constitution on the law on the central bank - this is an expanded interpretation, economic growth, and where is it, well, the question is not, well, this is the question , then their measures should be aimed at economic growth, and not at the economic inhibition that they are engaged in, economic growth 1-2% is not growth.
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look, there is the history of the usa, there i don’t even have enough fingers to list the countries , but i want to give another example, and i don’t even take the soviet union, and isn’t russia an example, look, these are indicative figures, i really want them , i want to name them here again, because they demonstrate the situation tremendously, here is the period from 99 to 2013, the money supply of russia, think about this figure, grew 60 times, from the period of management of the central bank from the thirteenth year to the twenty-second by three .
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gross domestic product in rubles in equivalent, it grew 18 times in dollar terms in 14, from 12 to 22, in dollar terms it didn’t grow at all, in ruble terms it doubled, well , because of the exchange rate when we were with you, well , doesn’t this demonstrate what can be that period, these numbers are open, anyone can find them, when we talk about purchasing power in the period from ninth to... 4.3 in the period from 13 to 20 by 27%, but these are all numbers that make you think, i don’t want to blame anyone for anything, but i would like to think about why we are talking about the fact that growth rates and growth dynamics in general is a complex process, we don’t even analyze our own, how this happened, today our country’s money supply is...
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in the dollar equivalent of a trillion dollars, you know how much in china, 47 trillion, we we are lagging behind in this indicator, we need to increase it three to four times in order to revive the economy and reach the solutions to the problems that the president says, and it is amazing to me that in fact the central bank, i thought it could - dependent on international monetary fund, maybe he lives there with instructions, well, i’m leaving this now, the fact is that on the eve of literally these days, the international monetary fund released a report in which a very simple thing was said, they just analyzed, in general, trends in the world economy and showed that if we are talking about an increase in the discount rate, then the consequences of this for the economy are observed for decades later, they said that if the lending rate, well, the lending rate only increases by... 1%, then through labor, through investment, through development there industry, they have proven for 12 years that domestic product revenues can fall by 5%, so even if our financial specialists don’t read this, it means
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there is no direct dependence, but it’s very sad that they don’t want to hear this and somewhere it’s gratifying that despite the government has 47% of 47 development-related programs by industry for this purpose. that they have the resources of opportunity, but by straining every effort, overpaying for it, they contribute to the development of the economy, that the president has set the general line, i just see that the majority of economic society concentrates on solving the most important problems for the country and i believe that the central bank , either itself or with the help of the president , will reconsider its positions, including possibly through the transfer of some functions from the bank’s board of directors to this supervisory financial council, because this has huge potential. there is a certain bias here and maybe in this situation it would make sense to consider these functions is not my competence, but maybe this is one of the solutions, but i wanted to end with one thing: the victory is ours, it
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it will not only be that our valiant troops will be destroyed, we will also take the central bank, and will possibly go on solving problems further. the fact that our economy will allow them to do this, to develop in our country not in connection with a special military operation and not in support, not in connection only with support for the armed forces, in solving the tasks that face our country and achievement of economic finance, i don’t want there to be a feeling that the central bank is the enemy, no, so it seems to me that it is quite possible that we we don’t understand something, so i invite representatives of the central bank here for the 150th time, so that they just... come to the people and explain the logic of their actions, but still, of course , i understand that we are not at the level of the central bank, that these are high thinkers, these gurus , well, please, well, somehow, if people have questions , we will select worthy opponents for you, so we will gather them in the studio, maybe we are wrong,
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well, just explain so that there is no feeling that your task is slowing down, maybe your task is stabilization and normalization, come tell me, literally yes a replica. absolutely, hourglass , please, please, please, please, by the way, don’t shy away from the question that margarit tinovna posed to the state duma, no, she won’t, please, no, raise the question, it’s still obvious that the criminal code in that the part that concerns types , types of sentences, has long been outdated, it’s still
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a fork, you know what’s the matter, a fork, so i looked into it, we also talked about this with bastrikin, cruelty, cruelty to animals, and even...
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what - if representatives of the central bank come here, they don’t need opponents, the main thing is that they say everything, and then everything will be clear, because unfortunately, the current leadership of the central bank, it proceeds from the model that only they say, everyone else should do it understand, well, that’s why i think such people just need to be allowed to speak out until the end, and then, as they say, in accordance.
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they don't understand that a new country has arisen. yes, vladimir vladimirovich putin, let’s be honest, he created this country, but the country arose with its own mood, with its own attitude, completely with its new, absolutely different from both the early post-soviet period and the late soviet period, attitude to life, perception, including the situation in the zone of a special military operation, which is why it is , i
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have noted this many times, i will say it again, there is such a big difference in perceptions in our society, between what i remember very well, the war in afghanistan and the special military attitude towards the people of that war and the current one, yes, but there is one a nuance, because exactly this is that the matter is not about putin.
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but it will look very inappropriate, having still said a few words about, sorry for the rude russian word of munich, after all, it was such a rather interesting platform, we scolded it there, laughed at them there, but what was munich’s strength, it was strong because it was the main platform for voicing the western mainstream from the point of view of military-political and geopolitical things. but to some extent such
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an image of the future in the military-political context, well, because this image of the future was actually voiced to them by vladimirovich putin at one time, they did not believe in it, here, of course, i cannot reproduce this, in my opinion, absolutely accurate methodological term used by dmitry antolyevich medved, but it is very appropriate here today used a very methodological term with the same letter. which the word is methodological, this is exactly what we are hinting at, yes, but i, unfortunately, am constrained in the possibilities of lexical expression of my emotions, but methodologically, dmitry anatovich absolutely right, because otherwise, from the point of view of rationality, and also emotionality, to explain when everything was drawn to people, drawn to people actually 17 years ago, for 17 years people did not understand anything. that what they were told in 2007 turned out to be true, everything, everything in general, yes, they
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are still thinking about something, but i looked, and it’s a sad picture, it’s a very interesting, sad picture, and they there is nothing to say from the point of view of the future, but you know why, it’s not because they are stupid, no, there were a couple or three very smart people there, there are no more deep ones there, but smart ones. cunning , arrogant, cynical, cruel, it was full there, crawling, at least, and they finally understood the scale of the transformation, but they are not ready to say anything publicly yet, they think they understood the threat that arose for them, they understood , this pistorius, he really said, it’s not about two, not about 2% for defense, there will be more, there won’t even be five. they are rolling out into this big european war, this is the kind of thing
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that we must realize, that they have not yet announced anything.
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that the transition to terrorist methods of waging war against us is already obvious, and belgrade is simple, they just tested with a needle the level of pain of their own public opinion, not ours, their own, then there will be more, they will be forced to switch to terrorist methods of waging war against us, but they will be preparing for a big war, so we don’t need to gape here, because... a big war, like all expected big wars, begins suddenly, yes, but we are watching what the west says, we understand what challenges are facing us, that is, everyone is already talking about the fact that the new generation will work intellectually, optical recognition systems, it is obvious that the whole world will
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work on this, just as it is obvious that the whole world is working on rap tools, and here there is a competition of science . production, army, concept, and here we cannot lag behind, that is, every day the war changes, this must be taken into account, but the speed of update plays a fundamentally important role, so here, what i like is that we take into account the experience of the great patriotic war, speaking about the economy, where a significant share of military costs was provided by artels, that is , production took place at that level , including an element of capitalism, that is, competition, which is of course very important now.
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it’s better than me that there are many who decide on assaults, but how many assaults can one person survive, and here the question is the person’s psychotype and it is clear that at some stage the ideal option is when it is not a person who carries out the assault, when the assaults are already in position, which is destroyed, their task is simply to leg russian soldier, and for this purpose it requires a large number of completely different means, not only fp, but also various... unmanned, remotely controlled means that work on the ground, in the air, in water, that is, everywhere , for example , the west is happy, yes, that they are creating a threat to us in the black sea, then they went hysterical when suddenly they realized that the houthis now had what they were so happy about in the black sea, now there is some british ship on i felt it,
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and this is just the beginning, and there will be more, i’m hinting that these games, you know,
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combat and combined arms operations that we see in ukraine, so i repeat once again, this experience will be studied for a long time, and it, uh, thank god, is positive, positive, now i want a little let us reflect on the hysteria that happened in the west after another statement by former president trump regarding nato. in principle, this is not a new idea, trump talked about this throughout his presidency, about these unfortunate 2%, but how it shook up the entire western society. stoltenberg rushed into battle, everyone spoke out, all the leaders spoke about this, stoltenberg began to give figures that the growth of nato spending
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is phenomenal, he called the figures 32%, in the twenty -third year, that on average nato countries spent 1.7%, and if we add the united states here, it turns out 2.6 .
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because not a single european country can withstand the double burden of double spending on nato and also on the european army. we are talking about the army, of course, not just
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the european one, but the european union. therefore, plus, of course, the european union, without the united states, i repeat again, nato's reconnaissance capabilities are 70%, this is the united states, in space intelligence, this is even more. trans long-distance transport aviation is about 60%, this is nato, well, in general - there are a lot of aspects that only nato can provide, so to speak. therefore, the americans, by the way, never came out categorically against, they always, well, rely on nato, well, if you want to carry out something, do it, but rely on nato, but there arose such a, so to speak,
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nuclear umbrella , a crazy idea arose, that we can do without the americans, we have the giant macron, but the giant macron has only 200-290 airborne and sea-borne combatants there, but he knows the word gulak, well , yes it is a gulak, that is, of course, the potential of france is incomparable, of course with russia, it wasn’t even close there, so without the americans this nuclear umbrella will be
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just like that, you know, from the sun. therefore , all these ideas about the european army are there , this woman gynecologist in the european union has already taken and announced that there will already be a commissioner for defense affairs, then there was clearly targeting the creation of this one, barel burst into tears, he used to think that he was de facto. if i remain in my position, i will definitely create one, that is, he still has doubts, and you know, after analyzing all these signings of these agreements on supposed guarantees, all designed for 10 years, he released an analytical report called. the end
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of the war, the strategic alignment after the war, strategic stability, the presence of american troops in europe, economic relations with russia, two hard options, two less tough ones, they are called there... wide, wide instability, limited instability, cold war 2:0, cold peace, well, in the hard options, of course, no concessions, no negotiations, placing everything that is possible in europe, putting pressure on russia on all fronts is less tough, well , let’s agree on european security, well, that is, everything is designed for 10 years, that is, they are going to, so to speak,
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wage this conflict with us and fight... russia abandons conscripts who are caught the streets, they twist their arms, prepare them for 2 weeks and immediately throw them into battle, that’s where these conscripts come from, then this is said by a crazy woman
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who says that she is older than biden. she thinks that’s why she still has the brains that biden lost, he says: russia is buying everyone, going around buying, this is horror, that is, well, at least they compared their own narratives, russia has disappeared, economically terrible losses, hello, wait a minute, we became the first economy in europe, the russian army has lost half of its potential, he says, wait, well what half of the potential, the number of armaments has become higher, the equipment has become higher, can you compare them with the fact that nato of denmark is not half at all, but 2/3 russia has already lost, and we have already lost all 2/3 of its combat potential, 2/3 of tanks , well, tanks , well, okay, the wording itself, we lost the tanks, where, but now we’ll look, we’ll find it, that is, we need to look at this, yes, that is, if you believe ukrainian statistics, we already have nothing at all, our entire population has already been destroyed , all the tanks are burned out, but it’s not clear why they’re not in
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suburbs, in general, as a jew , i was amazed, i didn’t know, we need to find out, that it turns out that in the city of kiev in 1904 there lived a jew named maris, i didn’t know that this was our common jewish name, well, moishi, i would have understood, well...
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i want to end it with this crazy idea about nuclear weapons in space, no, but it’s a good idea, but not now the whole world will be ruined.
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this is an electromagnetic pulse generator, it is also not selective. the americans agreed to the point that the russians came up with this ship with a nuclear a power plant from which an electromagnetic pulse generator is powered, which burns out the entire interior of enemy satellites and thereby does not generate debris, which can also, so to speak, just in case, according to us, we are now in low orbits. debris that could, so to speak, interfere, including the same starling, which i believe that, in principle, it would be quite possible, so to speak, to be disabled, because it is a commercial network, that’s why all these hysterical cries ,
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which have absolutely no basis, i am sure that ours for the americans, of course, anti-satellite weapons are a headache, i have no doubt that our specialists, so to speak, are working on this issue, but to arrange a nuclear explosion in space, i think, no one has thought of this yet, after which you will now say the phrase, well, there are other methods, then they will again be hysterical, yes, that is, then they will definitely be caught, a small advertisement, a big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, airborne major. god, bless america. if anything, hero of the organ , fuck bam, phant, these are very serious people, you will have to move out, in case of any
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lawlessness, this is our home, if i were you, i would have left long ago, you will find your own pal, they don’t abandon their commandos, everyone goes back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine, cleared everything , there's a pavlych, you're there, like that, grandson, no one but us, break everyone without asking their names, yes, today it will be hot, zapalycha on february 23 on rtr, hello, dear friends, on the air your favorite program. how are things going at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, guys
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they act confidently, the commanders act confidently, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have one wheel there, a second tank, but the bullet really doesn’t kill you? i said weapons
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on the table, dima, why are you here, and where should i be? drive it into your brain , chaos in your ears, now the guys will start walking, mom, don’t go before the wind, they say, fyodor dobronravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir mashkov, we gave a good deal here. ursulyak's liquidation all weekend on rtr, today we demand the truth from the civilized world, which in its entirety, almost all of it is built on a total lie, meaningless.
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in one way or another they are trying to destroy the foundations that cement the country, the state, the people, in the end , just think about it, in order to become a happy, rational being, you must abandon everything that made you who you were born, who you were raised by? we must defend ourselves; moreover, we must defend ourselves while attacking. this truth needs to be conquered, in fact, that’s what we are doing, we are conquering the truth, and not only for ourselves, it is the truth for everyone. besagon tv. tomorrow on rtr. ask. we already talked today about the fact that we are at war.
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was set earlier, the goal is a new security situation in our western countries, we will never achieve our goals, but the goal is borders, so that we can no longer look back to the west in alarm, and what is being prepared for us there, so that we can develop normally, build our country, to develop our industry, welfare, without looking back at possible western aggression, and
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here the criterion for accomplishing this task is a deep transformation of mentality western elites, when they understand that they will definitely never achieve their goal, at least by military means, you propose a lobotomy, it will have to, because... it’s easier, well, in other words, like a lobbotomy, i can’t, a political lobotomy, yes , i just can’t find another term, because this means a change in mentality, a transformation of the mentality of the elites, this is essentially the defeat of that deep state, mental, strategic defeat of the deep state that the west has now built under...
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the state must withdraw under the pressure of those people who will come into politics, who will have a different picture of the world, which will not be the one that has been built now, such is what we saw in munich, when our own fairy tales become reality, when the image of russia... with its weaknesses, with its
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political system, which they invented for themselves and so on, so on and so on, will be broken by the reality that they will have to... we have this phenomenon that it is useless to influence it, you can influence that business the base on which it sits on the basis of those people who actually manage
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money, manage companies, manage the local political process, that is , they work with people according to...
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well, for almost 40 years they were engaged in the warsaw pact countries, and as soon as we were gone, they returned with such speed to my anti-russian nature, i have nothing against changing their mentality, but we would like to deal with ours, because how do we want to change, with what? wait a second, margarine and i will say two words, they are already trying to ban us everywhere, to stop the west from speaking, we won’t run there at all for margarine , i’ll give it more.
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the most important, changing factor in the mentality of those elites who are there, and not just the people in power of the deep state, but the elites of real society, is that russia is a skating rink that cannot be stopped, now it has rolled on and on, it is impossible to stop it, after avdeevki, further. further, further , further, including the development of our industry, this is what the central bank is doing, it sends information to this deep state that there is a weakness in this skating rink, in this skating rink,
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which is rolling and must roll , there are traitors, that is, this skating rink is unreal, that's when...
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there were, how can i say this, so that we see one goal, so that we have one future, which we equally understand, in history always... this future is usually generated, either by a group of people, or by a political movement, or by a party, and so on . now we need, in addition to what the government is doing, in addition to what the president is doing, we need to consolidate people around this the future we want because look what is produced in china, yes, there the communist party, like in the soviet union, is the driving force...
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but are we chinese or indians? no, we are russians, what are we talking about? but we in the west have always had political power and we need it, our political power has always come either from the kremlin or from the winter palace. in our country it has always been like when the king is a tyrant, ours is more tyrant, when the king is a democrat, we have a democracy, our country is different, our soul is different, the land is different, the geography is different.
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lecture for 30 minutes, now with a revision of the norman theory and a different view, but what am i saying, to the point that we believe in russian weapons, we believe in the russian soldier, but we have no trust in the russian thinker, there is no third school of philosophy, we have names, but it’s the modern ones whether this is a problem or not, of course, it’s a gigantic problem, but we need to understand, i say, yes, but we need to understand why this is a problem, because if we try to take it.
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it’s also important to take care of your own, that is, you need to after all, to develop some kind of system, and what is the general purpose of existence that we need to go and develop, so we do this all the time, we have been doing this on this program for more than 10 years, that is, we are developing it, but structurally - what is it, what is it about what , well, for starters, to gather all the russians, then what is it, well... how many years have we been talking on this same program, oh, a lot, that is, the same donbass of the fourteenth year, yes, that is, we are talking about the donbass of the fourteenth year, about the russians in principle - it’s about the russians, yes, that is , what are we talking about at all, we don’t have an answer to this question we answer, we have our own historical destiny, are we part of some world or are we, as they have now begun to say, a civilization in itself, but we give ourselves answers to these questions only when the president pronounces some answers, but that ’s all they say: of course... we have institutions that deal with this, we have philosophical movements that deal with this, here is the problem, who is stopping them
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from organizing, so to the people on the ground who are puzzled by this topic, what is stopping them, what are you doing, that no one is stopping you, you have to take it and to do, so let them take it and do it , well, there’s a gathering club, great, so they take it and do it, there’s a swap, great, they take it and do it, there’s a voldai, they get together, that is, who’s stopping them, they do even more? we need to give even more platform, we will give even more platform , that is, we are all for it, somehow they are slowly doing it very much, but what needs to be done so that they do it faster, well, the war is coming to win , hurry up, merzh, i’m ready, andrey , why do you need a vision of the future, our vision of the future is simple, in a few years there, so to speak, a world war and a democratic choice, yes poseidon or...
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what will it happen, why do i say that it is happening, because it is much easier to see the enemy when he has attacked, when he is already there, when he is crossing the border, when there are arrows.
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well, in principle, of course, the main event , probably, in the west, they have this munich conference, i listened to kamala, kamala haris without sound, just turning off the sound, i looked at her, this is what they’ve already taught her to do, now she’s been taught do this, keep your hands locked, or just, well, in short speaking, within the confines of the podium, it must be said that this is what she brought, in theory, she and
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blinken were supposed to come and prove america’s leadership. and america’s leadership is proven very simply: 60 billion to ukraine, 14 billion to israel, 2.5 billion to taiwan and so on, she couldn’t bring this up, she begins to talk, of course, about everyone that the united states is responsible for everything that happens in this world that you must listen to us, obey, i'm watching the speech, stoltenberg's speech, which talks about the transatlantic industrial base, that is trance?
9:57 pm
can the hegemon force his own to follow his course? tomorrow the funny thing will start, i don’t think the funny thing is that, well, you know, yes, that the beloved moisenhauer has moved away from this strait, so now european forces will start patrolling there starting tomorrow, i wonder who will be there? germany agreed to provide its warships, or even holland,
9:58 pm
or something like spain, spain too. yes, that’s right, one at a time, two of them will patrol the strait, but nevertheless, no more , it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that the united the states forced the europeans to agree to this, this is a working system that, at its core, yes, it is failing, yes, of course, it is now losing the effectiveness that it had, but it works, and until it comes awareness. that this system needs to be changed, the west will resist, until then, in my opinion, of course, there is clearly more here, until then the west will resist with what? the west will resist any decisions that we make, china, which will lead this fight, but it will resist and lead us these are just sarmatians, poseidons, there is no one to resist , well, unfortunately, they also have such things, they don’t exist, well, not like that, but
9:59 pm
similar, you have to take it with your bare hands , you can take it with your bare hands, but no one does this, which unfortunately i don’t i make no decisions, maybe fortunately i don’t, because in this situation, you are against tactical nuclear weapons, i’m not against them, i’m not against them at all, i’m neither tactical nor strategic, i just understand. conventional war is about conventional means, here, here you can argue with the military, some say in an hour, some in half, in a day it will escalate into a nuclear war, and. of a strategic nature, this is so, because, well, well , well, who knows, well, i wouldn’t verify here, i wouldn’t, i wouldn’t, you proceed from the assumption that it will outgrow,
10:00 pm
the americans say, nothing will outgrow, moreover, the americans say a preventive nuclear strike, and you will see it either with the hands of israel, or they themselves, they will inflict such a strike in the near future in the middle east region, here is a preventive strike in the middle east, i even... you see how yes, this is what margarit sinovna was talking about, well, technology is not, but you saw here there is no other person’s grief, there is no other person’s grief it doesn’t happen right away, but what do we have to do with it? there’s definitely at least one side to the east.


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