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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  February 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:40pm MSK

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in a day it will escalate into a nuclear war, and of a strategic nature, this is so, because well, well, who knows, well, i wouldn’t verify it here, i wouldn’t, i wouldn’t, i wouldn’t, you proceed from the assumption that it will escalate, the americans say nothing will escalate, moreover, the americans say a preventive nuclear strike, and you will see it, either with the hands of israel or they themselves, they will inflict such a strike in the near future in the region. here is a preemptive strike in the middle east, i’m even ready to believe it, that, in fact, if they strike in the middle east, we will be sideways there , you see, how yes, this is what margarit sinovna was talking about, well, the poem, and you saw here, someone else’s grief does not happen, right away, but we what does it have to do with it, in the east, at least on one side, they are definitely not present, if if, if, but they diligently do not touch us there. russia at the same time, the same scholz
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says we will be at this conference, at the press conference, he says that no, we have a war of war, he says, but at the same time they say, we will give up all the artillery, which we have, then i remember, i remember another incident that apparently struck me most, it was with the general, with the boss. joint chiefs of staff chairman mil, when supreme commander trump says one thing to him, and he, or rather in the public sphere, and he calls his colleague in china and says: “guys, this is what this one is saying, commander in chief, don’t listen, we we are not going to do anything like that here, so the one who actually calls it, the one who is speaking now, is creating this common, the same kamala.
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will be able to grow until romania’s troops are drawn there, there is a certain definite one, we’ll watch how the frog is warmed up, it looks like everything is fine, no, just then, from what moment there will be a heap, what a heap at what moment, well, one is not a heap , two is not a heap, three is a heap or not , but four, that is, at what point we say , the guys are tired of everything, they are fucked, so the british say, why are they afraid of the russians, they don’t play any ro’.
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the question that we are in a state of war, we will conduct a special military operation, this is a certain legal status , but firstly, i want to remind you that a certain legal status existed in the united states of america, which did not declare war either in vietnam or in afghanistan, not so, yes, from this it ceased to be a war , well, how can i say, this is a military conflict, yes, but the difference is very big, it does not affect the inner life, war.
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not only did our troops liberate the city, not only is it a city that the enemy used as a springboard for launching attacks on donetsk, on our own to a large russian front-line city, this is still a victory, which allows us to note very important trends, such as those occurring in the russian army, since... which are occurring in the formations of the kiev regime, it is always more pleasant to talk about us, all the weight, most of this victory , of course, russian soldiers
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, junior officers, stormtroopers, and those people who, well, what is called on earth, achieved this victory, allowed themselves to do so, it is necessary... it is necessary to say, glory to the russian soldier, and what is very important to note, firstly , you need to applaud to the russian general staff, because of course, this is a victory over the enemy, and over the enemy, not over the generals of the kiev regime, no, this is a victory over the military leaders of the north atlantic alliance countries, over...
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complete adaptation to modern conditions of war, the third is also very important, we saw the results of the work of the military-industrial complex, the russian government, yes, because... industry is always inert, and the results of those decisions that were actually made at the beginning of the special military operations, which can be fully felt now, we saw the development of the aviation component, we saw the excellent work of the pilots who got the opportunity to work without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area, using. in general, inexpensive high-explosive aircraft bombs with planning correction modules, and
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the enemy, i will even say this, the enemy not only did not expect this, but this is a very serious demoralizing factor, a very serious factor of fire damage, which allowed us to save a huge amount of our lives soldiers, our commanders, and we saw on...
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the leaders of the kiev regime are forming in the public consciousness and reality, this
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gap, it is huge, and it is already very difficult to mask, perhaps, only the punitive apparatus, which is being actively developed, helps one, two, this particular thing is very important for me, it is very important to note this, there was no better solution than to lead into... azov, well, it’s hard to imagine more motivating actions of the enemy. i once watched how the battalion headquarters suddenly learned that on the contrary, the neo-nazis of azov appeared. this is this, this is the kind of thing that made the entire battalion, well, 10 times harder to fight than before, though. before that , we fought quite diligently, that is, to bring the azovites into avdievka
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, well, this is just a gift for us, because absolutely all the formations, all the units that were in the area of ​​​​these military operations considered it their duty to kill as many as possible and these criminals, well, in principle , the army is a child killer of cowards, it evokes... such emotions in our soldiers, which is also important, the enemy is certainly playing with politics, political goals are much higher than the military component, in military sense, we also saw this, what they tried to do, they announced the withdrawal of troops from avdievka, i mean now the military aspect with a delay of...
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on at the forefront, we can greatly interfere with or destroy the enemy’s communication networks, without which nothing is possible now. in general, in every sense. our group has done a colossal excellent job, from soldier to chief of general staff and minister defense, special thanks to general mordvechev, i hope this time justice will prevail, he took mariupol, then
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general sichevoy took command after being wounded and received the title of hero, and we all hope for this, we all hope for this. as you know, there are guys in the assaults, for example, kazan , which generally did a brilliant job, removed the railway station, guys from veterans, well, that is , i think that there will be many awards, very well-deserved, absolutely amazing, both the first corps and the central military district, of course , the units , fantastic, twenty the fourth brigade, you won’t find such professionals in the world, in general, the twenty-fourth brigade is very good, for us, for us, for us. another aspect on the line of combat contact is that the enemy, i mean the totality of troops, this is now a very heterogeneous structural economy, i mean a huge number of people forcibly mobilized there at gunpoint were actually taken to the front line,
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who then understandably begin act like the whole organism, well, due to certain... the heterogeneous mass sees that, in general , in kiev absolutely no one cares about their lives, their success or failure, and we take advantage of this very well, thank god, and besides the fact that while also preserving humanity, we take everyone into captivity, yes we accept, we treat, this is very correct, thank god, and i am proud of our
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troops and our people, but this does not bode well for the enemy, and the russian army will build on its success, will look for those opportunities that allow it, such as with avdeevka, protecting our own personnel, in general, using our advantages, of which there are a huge number, to achieve their goals, not paying attention to what western advisers are doing, what they are trying to do there in kiev, that’s not the point. and naturally - these are the terrorist attacks that occurred in belgorod, and i myself was born in belgorod and lived as a child, i know very well, by the way, those places that were shelled, such attacks, on the one hand, unfortunately, their intensity will be increase, because the army is a child killer of
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cowards, it has been doing this since 2014 whenever there was some success... militias, always, when there was success of the people 's militia, always when there was success of the russian army, the ukrainian military responded with blows to children, women, and old people, this does not surprise me at all, and it is clear that kiev will try to increase the activity of intelligence networks, terrorist cells, they will... try to hit us harder, they will try to force us to make an emotional decision, on the one hand, on the other hand, such actions are criminal, they also make us very angry, they make the stormtroopers angry, they make us angry pilots, anger the generals, and i want
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to win quickly, i know that... those state borders that operate in belgorod, so they general officers there agreed among themselves that they would do everything possible to personally punish, that is, eliminate those people who are involved in these attacks, and i know how these people, and these are very professional people, how they try, i have no doubt that all the scoundrels will be found, some have already been found, the next day after the shelling of belgorod, a car was destroyed , vampire jet system a volley of fire is a modernized analogue of our hail, but the enemy’s personnel were destroyed, there is a large amount of ammunition, and this is now a matter of honor for our officers, for our generals, for our soldiers, this is actually very important for the residents of belgorod to know, and moreover
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, in this sense, of course, belgorod now has, for example, donetsk, and belgorod also has a unique position, because it is actually located there, less than 40 km from the line of military contact, a huge city 70 km from kharkov, and... .here are those - bastards, i can’t find another word, who pushed the salvo fire rocket system to its maximum range, so they used ammunition with a range of 42 km, that is , this is the maximum range for the rszz, for these rockets with a very large dispersion, it’s as if it’s impossible to shoot there at such a range, that is, they drove out the car and hit it in the direction of belgorod, realizing that these missiles would definitely fall.
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maybe sooner or later it will happen, but we know from our chechen fighters there and the terrorists know that even 10 years pass, they fall within the zone of action of our justice, or perish, or rather die, in general, even in germany, even in germany, yes, the enemy must know that sooner or later, better of course sooner, they will have to answer for these crimes, and not here. just developing the topic that evgeny evgenievich started, on friday i was in the belgorod cover group in belgorod itself, and i just spoke with valery nikolaevich,
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the lieutenant general who is responsible for this area, and now you will see, he will just tell you how they tracked it and how we destroyed these scum, now we will continue advertising after it, it seems to me that something is happening to me. as if i, not me , were premiering on rtr, and we had never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, why is she normal, so pretty, i would fall in love, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to figure out the criminal, that sanya, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he has taken possession of me, i see. on women just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you’re crazy, but how do you cope? you're probably very tired you want to rest, somehow relax
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, it’s just written all over your face, you’re sure that you’re not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is, yes, from monday on rtr. one must live and love and believe in simple things for those who do not know fear, for those who always do their duty, for those who can be entrusted with the most precious things, do not let her down, russia, russia, a big festive concert dedicated to
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defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast, february 23 on rtr, they say he wanted to see me, let alone you? an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element,
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let’s take a look around. that’s right, heaven, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him, february 23 on rtr, russia, traditional... so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia . this
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week i went to the belgogorod region, where i talked with governor vyacheslav glodkov and the commander of the state border blocking group, lieutenant general valery solatchuk, learned first-hand how life in the region now works, and what is being done to protect it. despite the tragedies and terror from the kiev regime, the residents of the belgorod region do not lose their fortitude and continue to defend their home. let's watch the movie and then go back to our studio. where we are, we are in one of the areas of concentration of the main efforts,
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where we assume. it’s a shame, it would be better if i moved forward there with the guys, well, we are military people, we set a task, came here, accordingly, well here i also want to say, there is enough work , the weather is more or less becoming normal, if they were working, now they were conducting reconnaissance there with quadcopters, now we are raising aircraft , identifying the enemy, especially after yesterday, yesterday there was another shelling of belgorod, yes, i want to say right away, so that...
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now we proceed from the fact that the enemy’s tactics of action are directed along road directions, the soils, uh, are not so frozen, heavy equipment will not pass if the enemy acts, of course these are paved roads, well the equipment of these strongholds, we are looking straight into the future, spring will come
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, it will dry out... and the need, of course, to tighten the battle formations and build the defense in such a way that no mouse can slip through anywhere, yes, pay attention, one of the first things to be done right away . yes, it’s not normal, that is, so that the anti-drone, plus it’s not noticeable that it was, yes, but i see, it’s done so that even if when everything starts pouring, so that it’s not still in the mud, engineers, of course, we have everything ahead of the planet, well, one thing is clear that last year was the year of the russian engineering troops, that is, they went down in history forever, syria, what did they command, syria in the sixteenth year? uh, probably remind you of the battle for aleppo, i got there in the summer, we first surrounded the enemy in the eastern part, then we were almost surrounded, the next year was palmyra, derezor, then
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again the second or first, second, second, it was after the liberation that we expanded the zone of control , already in palmila, and uh. were the first to enter dorizor after the sukhel broke through the corridor, they were awarded and the order of merit by the lord, the fourth, the fourth, the third, already here, no there, yes at the end, what for the guys, this is all the storm squad, my subordinates, who have been here for a year already. they have been fighting with me since the formation of the detachment, they were initially mobilized, then after the events of the month of june, as was the case here at tavalzhanga, most of them are all here, they have
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already signed a contract for 5 years, then it was very difficult, yes it was, everyone was mobilized in the detachment, you were, where were you then, you were here, that is , you had everything, yes, it was a neighboring unit. began active actions and by the end on the same day, the defenses along the front line along the state border were restored on that side, there were seriously groups of 15-20 people with... the composition of the groups was about 10-12, plus there was fire impact on both sides, a free aircraft with release devices, also a jet
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the multiple launch rocket system worked periodically, they periodically inflicted fire on mortars and haloblitzers , respectively, and tanks too, that is, you then only had mobilized ones, yes, that’s right , and at least you go on vacation, right? and how seven how would you like to have the contract signed? with understanding why? because they see what is happening, i live in bryansk , there is also a border zone in the black gern region, there are also these shellings every day, civilians are dying, in what rank, that is, i was a contract soldier, then - i was in the fleet for over 20 years, i came here here, they gave me the rank, why did they offend me, why not captain third?
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to a very adult private, how can i say how old, 43, an adult private, and a year ago who ran into the enemy, all participants b they were all there, and what was your specialization, he was a machine gunner, now , and what do you echo the tourist, there are fagods, which one you like more, more fagods, of course, he is more powerful , stronger, flies farther, but i haven’t been with him on a mission yet, a medic , no, in command.
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but all the guys were not fired upon, yes, this was the first battle for everyone. the most important thing is that there is no panic, there is no panic, as it were, that means it’s good, i had to manage everything accordingly, but this, let’s say, is my job directly, a hereditary military man, no, why did i suddenly decide slovenian school, well, i don’t even know how to answer, well, actually, i’m a military man from the soviet union, probably any kid wanted to become a military man. my grandfather went through the great patriotic war, was wounded twice, as
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a child we all played war games, so my parents came up with the idea, and it was natural for me to go to the sorlov school, why peter? absolutely, banally, two svorov schools where french was studied. and french leningrad and kazan suvorov, but why french? they taught french at school, well, apparently, apparently it’s necessary it was, this is perhaps the most unusual choice, well , as french remained, that is , you can conduct an interrogation, easily, zhufety, dalekol, suvarov, well, they hammered it in, well, they hammered it in well, okay. they started talking about
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the pro-sovorov military school, i really wanted to go to the moscow general school, but history intervened there too, of course, they said that most likely you won’t go there, there is someone there to go, so that’s it, but everything is fine, normal, it’s normal, until the last moment before the medical examination the chief of the school gets up, says, says comrade general, the head of the school, general konstantinov, he says his health is not improving, he says the enemy should under no circumstances be underestimated.
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in general, the direction in terms of battle formation has been strengthened quite well lately , they have condensed, i already said the unit came with such good combat experience , carrier artillery, counter-battery counter stations, a strong group of unmanned aerial vehicles, an attack drone... well, naturally the build-up is in the names of explosive barriers, by and large the construction of a border that never existed is counting, well, really, who could to think that someday there would be a need for borders here, well, of course, we had to urgently build serious fortifications.
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at the moment, the crew has turned around, a repeater has been installed, the pilot is in cover, the mining field is behind this hole, now i will demonstrate it to you so that you can see, that is, we all practically throw it off, then destroy it, accordingly, let’s control everything. here is our weapon pvc-1 for this mine pom pom2 ztp, all forward, anti-personnel mine pom-2, which means, with the installation is triggered by the readiness system, a tripwire type is fired in four directions at 10 and accordingly.


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