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tv   Zolotie nebesa  RUSSIA1  February 19, 2024 1:30am-3:14am MSK

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echoes of legends allow us to interpret that we are also mystical , our beliefs, yes, that the bashkirs descend not only from the wolf, from the bear, but also from horses too, the barskir breed can be recognized by the descendants of that same abuzad. we have a mountain, it’s called irendyk, and our horse is also like a mountain, like a rock. strong, like a stone , he gallops very actively, that’s why, well, a little about the horse, he’s a bashkir breed , not tall, but galloping, yes, we see that he has legs, unlike horses, yes, his legs are longer, so, and this is actually a descendant of agbuzat, this is the proof, yes, our horse also has wings, like agbuzat.
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well, you probably know the legend that horses jumped out of the lake after the akbuzat and galloped after it, yes, let's look here, the proof that this is a descendant of the buzata, on the side, where the front shoulder blade is, there is a drawing of a wing, here is a drawing, here this is a wing on one side, and the same wing, here on this side there is also the same wing, so this is our descendant of agbuzat. "the bashkir horse is an indigenous breed of horses, such a local direction, it is believed that it was created on the basis of forest steppe breeds, this horse probably went with the bashkirs, well, starting from history, its entire history, so if the bashkirs were such nomads, leading and the nomadic donkey method, well, how is life, yes, then they always had horses with them.” and since the bashkirs could not
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store any food specifically for them, the horses basically had to get their food on their own, so this is a breed that was created not only by man, but even more by nature, survived only the strongest and hardiest, so these horses still have the ability that they can rake 80 cm of snow and find this dried grass in themselves and can fully provide for themselves, that is, people still in zaura do not mainly prepare food for them themselves... under control and away from predators, this is still the case in zaura, what kind of exterior is typical for a head horse, it is a rough head, in principle, a rough head, not too heavy, a powerful short neck, a low neck outlet , the addition is powerful, deep chest, long body , voluminous body, because well, as if
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for a horse, for this horse it is imperative that it processes a large amount of feed, strong limbs, short, they are low limbs, here is a thick mane, a thick tail, here in bashkortostan, a horse and sesha animals and a provider and even a doctor, it is still believed that it is possible to treat with the help of horse sweat, for example, we really believe.
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crept up and saw the tulpars, who would be saved and spreading their wings, then the tulpars died, yeah, so yes, and even let’s say , to find a tulpar in a huge herd you also had to work hard, it could have been some unsightly shearer, and that too had to be found out magically, yes, which of these horses is a real tulpar , so that later the hero of a fairy tale or epic can later use it as a.
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let’s say, the same shulgan, let’s say, lives now, and this is such an interesting thing, why else don’t we attribute shulgans at all, why also the shurgantash cave, that’s my point vision is such that there is good in every person. another feature of this breed is that this horse is universal, it is also a productive horse, that is, the main thing is the production of mare’s milk, which is already used for the production of cumus, and now there is also drying of mare’s milk, which is used in many areas, so the meat qualities
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of the horse are also outstanding, and also today it is a sports and working horse, well, based on all these qualities we can say that it is unique, so, for example, in terms of productivity, this is by far the most dairy mare, although she does not seem to be large, this horse, but if you recalculate its productivity per live weight, per 100 kg live weight, it is the most dairy of all breeds, even heavy trucks, which seem to be powerful, large, they are also quite milky, but still the bashkir horse will be more profitable and productive. when i studied at the institute of world literature, my abkhaz colleagues from abkhazia asked me, they also have a cult of the horse, they told me they said how can you eat horse meat, this is a sacred animal, how can you eat
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a sacred animal, this is such a cult meal, when we eat horse meat, we feel a sense of belonging, through this identical eating of the meal the spirit of the horse is reborn, yeah. so to speak, islamic beliefs and before islamic beliefs, this does not contradict each other, but you know, as they used to say in soviet times, that islam was based on addat, precisely on addat, apparently our islam was based, that is, on our ideas, beliefs, our culture
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, addat is a traditional way of life, yeah, it turns out that all this is kind of intertwined, and let’s say, now there will be eid al-fitr and they can for... for example a horse, but that’s very, how to say, well , it can rarely be, because it is more expensive, and it is more honorable, and well, somehow we still regret it, of course, but, although let’s say, even in our family, we are my father , national poet, scientist, rashid shakur, during his anniversaries, for example, they always gave him a horse, well anniversaries passed, and we, the family, were very pleased, because we could do it for a whole year. there is horse meat, yes, now we also buy horse meat once a year, this is komis, this is also a daily drink, yes, well, now it may not be so, because not everyone in the village has the opportunity to graze there, but in in soviet times it was a daily, evening
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drink, we drank it, now we can buy it in stores, of course, this is not the same kumis, which, after all, besides kumis there are some other products that are made with milk, ayran is made. the ufa stud farm began breeding horses of the bashkir breed since 1954; since 1958 , kumys began to be produced here using an ancient, centuries-tested technology. our plant
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is engaged in the breeding of three breeds of horses, these are bashkir, russian-raced and... there are also farms that, this is a kfkha, which produces kumas, that is, such small farms, according to statistics in bashkiria , approximately 40% of kumus is consumed, if you take it from all over russia, that is, this is 40%, this is in bashkiria is used, well, there is a culture from time immemorial, in principle, this well, people use it for treatment, and that is, there is a special sanatorium where there is kumiss treatment. came, were treated in our
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kumiss clinics, there are a lot of doctors now who send the post-rehabilitation period after covid to be treated with fresh kumiss, yeah, for the nervous system, for treatment, for children, to increase appetite they use fresh kumiss, so it is recommended for children to drink, perhaps kumi... loses its medicinal properties, thanks an accurate study of the old kotshevnik recipe. yes, we adhere to the ancient technology, we, just like the nomads made from ancient times, also make kumys in linden chelyaki, we tried to make stainless steel, we tried it in plastic for food, but it tastes very different, so we stayed the same, we still we have been working with wood for some time now, and our stirrers are made from linden, our stirrers are made from linden, and our bowls are made from linden. in the production of kumus, we use only natural fresh milk that
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comes from milking, we do not pasteurize it, immediately we put fresh milk into production, due to which we have natural milk, not without any additives, additives, it is fasted, as we used to do it, and we still do it, sourdough is our yesterday’s koumiss, we made it today kumis, we left it for tomorrow, the next day we get a starter, we don’t use anything else , fresh milk comes, the process goes on again - pumping kumiss is obtained, aeration occurs, oxygen enrichment, kumus ripening, it turns out several times a day we already we simply rejuvenate this morning starter, that’s it, the next day we have kumys left , which is rejuvenated, this is our starter the next day, nothing else is used except fresh milk.
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they went to russia, the only people who fought for 14 years against, here etingol, against the invaders, these were the bashkirs, they could not be taken, that is, they went into the forests, they appeared again, it was all impassable here, forests, mountains , if you were in the trans-urals, can you imagine, if it was like this everywhere, that is, no railways, there is nothing , it was quite difficult to capture this territory, how to imagine life when there are horses everywhere and there are children... when children begin to ride horses, girls and boys alike, there are some rituals associated with
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this? well, for example, even in my memory there were games at sabantui, this means catching up with a girl, the girl is riding a horse, the guy who catches up with her can kiss her, as if yes, but i put my son on a horse when he was one and a half years old , another thing is that he never learned, but i considered it my duty to put him on a horse at the age of one and a half years, my father, who... 86 years old, he recently rode a horse, he went to the region and rode a horse there, that is , it’s like, you know, it’s like every bashkir should at least once a year...
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then, probably, i don’t know, maybe in a past life, that i used to ride a horse, was a warrior, so it’s somehow, probably, something like that in my blood, that’s why i well, i wanted to continue working with horses, i learned to ride a horse very quickly, and then continued
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to practice archery on horseback. well now there are different ones, now i am in charge of various equestrian sports areas , that is, there are guys, we have a team, so we are engaged in wrestling on horses, it’s called ulak, we are engaged, or rather ilak is goat wrestling, if you’ve heard, it’s such a tough game when two teams, like in hockey, play only on horses, they... they play the goat among themselves and have to score, and the audarysh is a fight, it’s two riders, they have to throw each other off the horse, and the fight goes on without a saddle, it turns out that this is exactly how it is historically life developed on this territory, that
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this is the end of precisely this nomadic or semi-nomadic living of the people and... it turns out that soad tyulaev is depicted on the flag, yes, he is also a horse, such an image, yes, because the image of the batyr of his horse also runs through the entire bashkir culture, yes then a hero is always on a horse a hero is a hero yes, but nevertheless, little by little, of course, then when they still find oil during the soviet period in the soviet period when they still find oil then industrialization, of course, that’s all it gradually goes away in general and remains to a lesser extent, but it appears possible.
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tv channel my planet presents. the first full census of the population of russia was carried out in 1897 on the initiative and under the leadership of the vice-chairman of the russian geographical society, peter semyonov tinshansky. she found that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, about 125 million people lived in russia. and nicholas ii. in the column roth of occupations he wrote: the owner of the russian land is no more and no less. beyond northern barei, where it is six months. on the face of the day people live without sorrows, worries, hyperboreans. they do not know troubles and strife ; they die only from an excess of happiness.
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this is roughly what the historian pliny wrote about the hyperboreans, and by the way, he had this place in mind. beyond the northern boreas - this means beyond the ural mountains, and the six-month cycle of day and night occurs only in the far north. for a long time, the legend of hyperborea was considered speculation, but all the discoveries are recent. years suggest that civilization in the north appeared much earlier than was commonly believed. hyperborea in ancient greek mythology was considered a distant northern country inhabited by blessed people. according to legend, her patron was god apollo himself. the roman historian pliny considered hyperborea to really exist, but for modern historical science, the myth of the hyperboreans is only a utopian idea of ​​the greeks about the life of distant peoples. such myths meet.
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the lack of roads awakens some resourcefulness in the local residents; here, for example, they even decided to domesticate the moose in order to use it as a means of transport, for which they even opened a sheep farm, on which we are heading to. yes, elk would probably definitely come in handy here, but ordinary cars can’t cope with local directions called roads. among the local peoples, the elk was something of a sacred cow. it was considered a symbol of beauty, nobility, strength, and even personified the ancient man’s idea of ​​the harmony of the world. fina, let's go, let's go, fina, fina, fina, fina, let's go, my little one, let's go, let's go, my little one!
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soviet geologists became moose on harnessed animals; they made their way to mineral deposits, the moose was convenient, in in its natural environment, it could feed on foot food, could make its way through swamps and taiga windbreaks, in front of which even horses would graze, well, of course you do... you see what kind of weasels, don’t say, but they are so capricious, it’s very difficult how you manage to find the way to the heart is an eraser, it didn’t work out, it’s all possible, hello, hello, so i’m deceiving everyone with candies that you just lure them with candies and cookies , it seems to me that in some other way your affection, affection, affection is needed, yes when you spend several hours following a moose cow so that milk it, she recognized me, melted and gave us a whole liter of the most valuable product, please try the milk, it’s fresh
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, guys, a little bit, try it, the milk is delicious, very much so, you can feel the light notes of the pechora meadows, the milk itself, as it turned out after numerous experiments and from... research, it has a unique composition, it contains a very high content of not only protein, not only fat, but in addition, it also contains a large amount of lysozyme, and this, in general, allows it to be used as a health treatment, even with treatment radiation diseases. dominika yurievna talked about the moose farm, and i couldn’t take my eyes off the stuffed moose hanging above us. i was interested in only one thing: why is the elk white? the fact is that... in the seventy-first year, a project was launched to turn the northern rivers south, and several underground nuclear explosions were carried out to change
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the course of our pechora river, just at that time work was actively underway to study the biology of elk, just at the moose farm, why the moose suffered, as an assumption, perhaps because this is precisely the population of the pechura elk, it is just migrating for the winter to this area, where... march 1971, several scientists in a strange form disembarked from their cars in the area of ​​​​the village of vasyukovo, residents were asked to pack their things in a few days and move to other populated areas, this is how the taiga project began, information about which is still classified. this project of turning the northern rivers gave the impression of a monstrous surgical operation on the body of the country. such
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when, then, let’s say, we would take, they would begin to treat a person and begin to reshape his circulatory system. the nuclear explosion at pechora became part of a huge project to divert northern rivers. it was developed for about 20 years by more than 160 organizations of the ussr, 32 institutes of the academy of sciences. the goal of this fantastic and multi-billion dollar project was to direct part of the flow of siberian rivers to central asia. they were supposed to fill the drying oral sea and irrigate the fields of cotton, a strategic raw material for the production of gunpowder. pechora became the first link in a global experiment on nature, the consequences of which still remain completely unexplored. according to the commission created in those years at the academy of sciences, which included mikhail ilyevich zelikin, the turn of just one northern river would have provoked a whole chain of irreversible
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consequences. permafrost specialists, permafrost experts, told me that if you make some change in one place, touch this very permafrost, the consequences can affect many hundreds of kilometers.
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kyiv militants. sports in cyberspace according to the classics will begin on february 21 in kazan the first international tournament of games of the future with a prize fund of 10 million dollars a new day on the russia channel they begin to broadcast the main
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news in the studio! the russian army liberated avdeevka in the donetsk people's republic, the city was completely taken under our control, the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin about this. they fled the kyiv regime. russian military with the capture of avdeevka , the president sent a telegram to the commander of the center group of troops, colonel general andrei mordvichev, he led the operation, the head of state declared gratitude formations and military units that
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participated in the battles for this settlement. the liberation of ovdeevka, which is almost 32 km, now significantly moves the front line away from donetsk, significantly protecting it from attacks by the kiev regime. as noted by the ministry of defense. neo-nazis began to flee from avdeevka a day before the order to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky to retreat, how our soldiers brought victory closer, sergei samokha will tell. a subdivision of the grouping of troops-center quickly occupies key outposts that had been occupied the day before ukrainian formations. avdeevsky chemical plant and the train station turned into a fortress. the flags of russia and the ministry of defense are flying everywhere. our troops occupy the city center and its outskirts. the enemy no longer offers resistance. in fact, the russian army captured
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a large fortified area of ​​the ukrainian armed forces in one day, but this is the result of systematic months of work. over the past ten years, ovdeevka has been turning into an impregnable fortress, where every house and building represented itself. they tried to hold the city with all their might, even when it was clear: avdiivka will be liberated. zelensky assured that the borders were impregnable and took a photo of stella at the entrance to prove it. two weeks later, militants of the nationalist azov battalion are already running past the same stella, hung with ukrainian flags. and today there is only one banner - victory. under continuous fire from russian troops, only a separate scattered formation of ukrainian ones. the militants managed to hastily leave avgeevka, abandoning their weapons and military equipment. during the flight of the ukrainian armed forces, only on the last day they lost 1,500 soldiers and wounded were abandoned in the city. now, in the status of prisoners, they are being assisted by russian doctors. some were completely unaware
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of the situation on the battlefield. this soldier was transferred to avdeevka 10 days ago, his entire unit was killed. i didn't have a radio or anything. i didn’t know where to go, to run. information about the advance of our troops was not made public by the ministry of defense until the enemy was completely defeated and the city was taken under control. our troops destroyed the most fortified outpost of the ukrainian army on donbass, which means opportunities are opening up to consolidate success. and, perhaps most importantly, the residents of donetsk will be able to sleep more peacefully. sergey samokha, news. taking avdeevka is now being actively discussed in the western media. tsnn called the liberation of the city the most. a great success for the russian army from the moment they took artyomovsk. according to fox news journalists, the flight of ukrainians from avdiivka was a key victory for vladimir putin and a turning point in the conflict. french channels showed russian
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servicemen raising tricolors over avdeevka. reporter franz-24 called the liberation of the city symbolic. cnbc connects the flight of the ukrainian armed forces from avdiivka with a lack of ammunition, as military aid. the us is stuck in the us congress. the new york times writes: “the capture of avdiivka will allow the russian army to successfully develop attacks on other cities that are of strategic importance for the ukrainians. in kiev , there is panic due to the lack of financial assistance from the united states; they do not know what to expect in 2 weeks. chamber representatives refused to vote on joe's proposal biden package
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." in the history of the united states. on february 21 , the first international tournament of the games of the future will begin in kazan. all competitions will be held in the digital format, its peculiarity is the combination of classical sports competitions and e-sports. first, participants compete on gamepads, then in a real arena. based on the results the points are summed up. football players, basketball players, racers, snowboarders, mixed martial arts masters from more than 100 countries, over 2,000 athletes will take to the virtual sports ground in the capital of tatarstan.
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united in 277 teams. the tournament will last until march 3, the prize fund exceeds $10 million, and the mascot of the games of the future is the world's firebrand, a luminous creature with wings that looks like an angel. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the first batch of humanitarian aid was delivered from belarus to the dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, this is more than 60 tons of food, personal hygiene products and medical supplies. victoria shinkarenko will tell you who the support is intended for. sweets, tea, cereals, noodles, sugar, canned food - this is a small part imagine the cargo that was brought. with the help of the residents of belarus, with the help
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of caring citizens, as well as the efforts of the public organization bela rus, which organized it all, a load of 110 tons of humanitarian aid was collected for the residents of donbass, zaporozhye, and kherson regions. humanitarian kits were also collected specifically for frontline residents. these boxes contain humanitarian aid for residents of front-line areas. here are food items that can be prepared very quickly. first of all, representatives the humanitarian mission brought aid, and these are newts. cargo to aleksandrovka on the outskirts of donetsk. people here live under regular fire from ukrainian militants. then the aid was delivered to medical institutions of the republic. it included food, disposable medical consumables, and medicines. dozens of boxes with sweets, personal hygiene products and food products were also brought by dolphins public organizations. today we are receiving such wonderful humanitarian assistance from our friends. the guys are just at training now and have tea. and
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products, personal hygiene products for bedridden disabled people, and even shared wheelchair basketball with the boys. the last point on the way is the orphanage of the khamenets family in dokuchaevsk. the girls in charge joyfully greet the guests. there are now 10 children under the care of alexander and ella, and they have raised 19 children in total. throughout the year, we quite often bring various products and stationery here. well, in fact, everything necessary, all these volumes are only the first part of the help from the belarusians, but the residents of bratsk the republics have collected more than 110 tons of necessary products and supplies for the dpr of the zaporozhye and kherson regions; they plan to deliver the rest of the cargo in may of this year. victoria shinkarenko, denis vedyaev, donetsk people's republic. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website the news is following developments.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia! don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, good, our week is starting just magically, because we are with you today, february 19, monday , well, vladislav zavyalov and i are anastasia chernobraevna, it’s time to wake up, of course, but getting out of bed every morning is not at all necessary if it is self-propelled...
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do not give in to provocations, because that’s what it says in the service instructions, but this does not mean that rudeness will go unpunished, which is fraught with insulting a traffic police officer, sergei egorov understood. here. now across the road are traffic police officers, who are often the heroes of my videos. over the 10 years of maintaining an autoblog, dmitry more than once entered into disputes with representatives of the traffic police, sometimes conversations took place in a raised voice. true, dmitry admits that recently there have been fewer such clashes; meetings with
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inspectors increasingly often end in a standard exchange of pleasantries. now times have changed, traffic police officers have changed, there are fewer complaints, there are fewer such complaints. an autoblogger from saratov decided to provoke such a conflict out of nowhere. apparently, trying to make the content sharper, he began to complain to ariano about the blocked road, accusing the inspector of unprofessionalism. you why are you clowning around, inspector? afterwards, the driver became completely personal and even at some point decided to command the inspector himself. let's do some push-ups. take a lying position. i lie down to take the emphasis, i say. into a verbal altercation and did not succumb to provocation, i spoke extremely correctly, but this circumstance did not prevent him from posting an edited video recording, and therefore i decided to file a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity. the court, although not immediately, still sided with the law enforcement officer, having noticed the presence of inappropriate
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speech structures in the video recording. the speech in response, in relation to the police officer, contained a negative assessment, expressed in a familiar and rude manner of speech, use.
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today you proved to yourself that you are cool, smart, you humiliated someone, and tomorrow you will need the help of this person, so what? in addition to punitive measures for rudeness, it would be nice to return to school classes conducted jointly with traffic police officers; this practice was actively used in the soviet years in order to get used to school skills respect not only for traffic rules , but for those who monitor their implementation. however, the future is not far off, when we will travel not only on roads, but by air, the first tests of an electric air taxi have been completed. the american aircraft has successfully passed the remote control maneuverability test. when fully charged, it can fly with four passengers up to 160 km at a speed of 241 km/h. meanwhile, in russia the news is even more interesting: air taxis may appear in the country this year. in the state house
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have developed bills that will simplify the rules for transporting passengers on light aircraft. it is proposed to separate them into a separate category of aviation and partially. according to the authors of the project, this will help reduce the cost of operating vessels and attract customers. well, there is an opportunity to find out the details right now from one of the authors of the bill, chairman of the board of the association of small operating enterprises , sergei detyonyshev. hello sergey. well, you should probably immediately ask what to actually fly on, there’s this free one fleet of small small aircraft? well, some kind. we have a number of aircraft available for flights, but of course a number of problems arise related to the current regulations, that is, in order for these aircraft to be able to be operated for the transportation of passengers and cargo, they need to be carried out, they need maintenance, preparation, certification and so on, problems arise with this, and in order for us to do this work, we need exactly the same
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regulation that we are talking about now, and problems arise in which there are not enough air carriers, because they are foreign or in some other way, basically yes, that is, we have a fleet... they can fly, yes, well, if we take what we have today, yes, there from 3 to 4.0, in my opinion, in my opinion, if we create this market now, if we remove administrative barriers, airplanes will become
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a form of public transport, yes, which will serve the benefit of the economy and the country there and regional security, regional development, otherwise it’s 1.50, if not 100, who will manage all this aircraft fleet, today we have very big problems with the training of commercial pilots, and in order to carry passengers and cargo we need commercial pilots, there is a problem with airplanes at... ssr, and air taxis should be developed there, and some sources give the real price tag, 1300 rubles for 170 km, of course, yes
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, this is an estimated figure, we did this, we calculated an absolutely real case related to the operation of a test for 172, we calculated all the costs, the cost of the aircraft, leasing for 30 years, you tell us, just everything is possible v our country, yes it is possible, if the bill is passed, then i think that the industry will be formed in one and a half to two years, great, well, good news, thank you, about the prospects for the launch. in a taxi in russia we spoke with the chairman of the board of the association of small aviation enterprises sergei detyonyshev. have a good day. thank you. did you want to kill the girl? so just relax. i have to help her. relax. you can't help everyone who breaks into your head without asking. anna is a medium. premiere. today at 21:20. watch the special episode today programs 60 minutes. all the latest news about the situation. in ukraine in the world, don't miss it! 60 minutes, today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the
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russia channel. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. perform heart surgery, cut out the appendix, or make a diagnosis using an ultrasound machine. all these medical manipulations can now be performed with high precision, without even ... touching the patient. thanks to the national healthcare project , simulation centers are being created in medical universities, where students and practicing doctors can learn to improve qualifications using robots. but when the valve opens, the sound changes, right? the mannequins on which students and young doctors will train in the pirogovka simulation center look much more like people inside than outwardly. a complex of sensors, organ simulators, artificial tissues and computer programs is not only capable of depicting any pathology, but can even act in a completely human way. we
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will see there the presence of convulsions, for example, his forehead is sweating, he is crying, he is talking, communicating with the doctor, we can also carry out some kind of deep palpation, plunging your fingers into the stomach and finding some kind of tumor, but we program this tumor for... a student or a novice doctor no longer has to stand behind the shoulder of a senior colleague, trying to remember all his actions, now you can practice any procedure on a robot as many times as you like, a real patient-substituting technology that allows you to simulate not only an examination, but even a surgical operation. a feeling of great prospects. a student can already develop some kind of manual skill, train, make mistakes, without fear and the consequences of the mistake. the task is to prepare the patient for the transition to artificial
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circulation during open- heart surgery. the aorta has already been taken into the suture holder, please. on the simulator you can simulate any situations possible during the operation, monitor the patient’s condition and the accuracy of the manipulations on the monitors. the device records all errors. in this case it’s not difficult, i think, but on a living patient, of course, it will be a little more complicated. live patient. now it will be easier for teachers to be confident, because there will be practically not a single standard action left that could not be worked out first on androids. every year we graduate more and more cardiovascular surgeons who need to demonstrate these operations, they need to practice these procedures on simulators, so that it is easier for them to more clearly perform this operation on a living person, on a patient. each medical specialty has its own simulator, here future urologists and nephrologists train and... work with an endoscope, at the same time, they can see on the monitor indistinguishable from a real image of organs and even experience real tactile sensations.
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the simulator is very suitable for my specialty, since i... want to become a urological surgeon, that is, my task will include exactly the same manipulations. simulation technologies are no longer exotic; they have developed enough that not a single doctor is allowed to see a patient until he has passed an accreditation exam using medical robots. since the beginning of the national healthcare project, more than 44,000 doctors have been trained in simulation centers, by the end of this year it is planned to create at least 114 accreditation and simulation centers and equip another 75 with equipment for continuous training of doctors. it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if it were me, not me. premiere on rtr. and we have never met anywhere before. why are you looking at
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her like that? why, normal, so pretty, i would fall for it. lah, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sanya, she is sick, we need think like a criminal, a sane, and he possessed me, i look at women exactly the same way as he does, he instills his thoughts in me, you ’re crazy, but how do you cope, you ’re probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax,
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doomed, give up, on the other side, in pure russian they answered him, russians don’t give up. margarita simonyan, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, today on rtr, they say, they wanted to see me, not that you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you work. you won't, i don't work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel, if i haven’t been there myself, how will i be to the people look into their eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and
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an officer is when you live for others. don’t live for others, their element, let’s go to bed, look around , that’s right, heaven, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him, february 23 on rtr,
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russia, russia festive concert dedicated to defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast on february 23 on rtr, in the air, you have bad premonitions, i need order and there will be it. liquidation all weekend on rtr
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the great ape has a sense of humor, and a very extraordinary one at that. scientists observed primates in zoos, in natural conditions, and realized that they love to play pranks on each other, just like children. either they hide the stick they need, or they throw in a banana, waiting for a reaction when they notice it. sometimes even unite to play relatives, yes, how similar they are to us, or rather, we are like them, we are like them, they are the ordinary abilities of the heroine maria poroshina in the series anna the medium helps justice, new episodes of an action-packed detective story, watch today at 21:20, kostrova told you about the camera when i was still alive, that it was exactly like that, tell me the truth, no one hears us anyway, you still don’t believe that i communicate with ghosts, some call it a mystical gift, others developed intuition, but the fact remains: somehow anna ostrovskaya knows
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more about criminals than the entire investigative committee of st. petersburg, and although her outstanding abilities are constantly questioned, there will always be those who believe her: congratulations, you forgot who we are, there ’s no need to talk there, she knows everything through these channels of hers. as you know, for great talent there is a high price, introduction to crimes from the past, present and future comes in nightmares, and the strange behavior of the medium subjugates the life of her entire family, there was a question, does anyone at home have access to your working documents, i said no, and this stupid machine decided that i was lying, when they didn’t find out who my wife was, they read the article, namely... the component, anna’s attempts to balance between a demanding gift, the desire to save everyone around and family is what interests the creators most. the character of maria poroshina is not a typical superheroine, but rather a typical housewife,
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whose worries and excitement, such as how to move to a bigger house or not lose mutual understanding with her rapidly growing daughters, are understandable to every viewer. empathy, empathy, masha heroine empathizes, empathizes with everyone, even most importantly, even a ghost, you know, she literally saves a... lives in order to become better. a gift that can help people or a curse, from understanding and figuring out what needs to be done in this which you need to get rid of. the heroine will search for the answer to this question every episode together with the audience; perhaps this is the main
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investigation in this mystical detective story. the first clue is already on our channel today at 21:20. well then, what is the earth full of, rumors? have you heard? they say there are two-stranded horses. and they never get tired, and they never overstrain themselves. but deliberately false information and what the consequences for this are for those who spread it after the news. this is the news of the morning, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad in the studio of karina ilyin, hello, during the capture of ovdeevka, our units advanced almost deep into the position of the armed forces. at 9 km, now russian soldiers continue to explore certain areas, and this is new footage of the ministry of defense, which shows how the ssu are randomly fleeing from ovdeevka, and this was even before the order of the commander-in-chief of syrsky to abandon
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city, let me remind you, he left only a day later. another video from a coke plant. the artillery of the second guards army strikes at enemy positions. let me remind you of the most important victory, the enormous success of the russian military. the ministry of defense did not pay attention to its implementation until the city was completely liberated. losses in the ssu over the past 24 hours , excluding data for avdiivka, amounted to about 800 military personnel, such data are provided by the ministry of defense. the department added that in the krasnolimansky area there was a blow to manpower the armored vehicles in the ssu were attacked by the aerospace forces aviation. mi-8 helicopters acted together and... 11 temporary deployment points for militants, four ammunition depots and
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countless control centers were destroyed. on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, tomsk activists went and sent a valuable cargo to the svo zone, this is a water treatment plant called tomichka. now it's a brand. region, which was highly appreciated by the fighters themselves and vladimir putin during a meeting with popular front volunteers. andrey novichonok, more details. this is the station, let’s do it this way say that she is twenty-four years old. this is the tamichka 75 model, a real favorite of all soldiers, light, compact, comfortable, it was created taking into account the feedback of soldiers, as it turned out, even such a little thing as the color of the lamb can matter in the field . at first they were all painted green, protective, then on - so the soldiers told us that if you drop a lamb, yes, then it’s hard to find it. as a result, the lambs stopped being painted altogether, it’s easier to search this way, and this is just one example.
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that an order had been received from the popular front. 70 stations for defender of the fatherland day, an excellent gift for our soldiers in the northern military district. in the coming days, the creators of tamichka will personally take their installations to rostov-nadon, so that from there they will be distributed to all the units where our fellow soldiers serve. andrey navichonok, anton zukhushin, lead tomsk. russians can continue their holidays in sri lanka; the situation there is stable and does not pose a threat to the life and health of our citizens. this was stated in russian.
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already this fall , an educational center for the development of drones will appear in volgograd, where future pilots will be able to hone your skills in real conditions. it is located, it will be located on the basis of a technological college, which will receive a grant for these purposes. report by sergei vichorkin. in just a couple of years, these guys will be able to successfully work in emergency services, in the field of monitoring or in enterprises. pkk, the areas
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of application of compact aircraft today are almost limitless, well, the drone itself, it is used absolutely everywhere, even in medicine, it would seem, well, what will it do there, there are air taxis, from which also you can transport patients, say, from one point to another, or go somewhere to russian railways. a technical college is now helping to fill the need for pilots in the region, the specialty operator of unmanned aircraft systems appeared 3 years ago, the students’ uniform corresponds to their future profession, in pairs... there is a small flight zone, very soon, as part of a national project , an ultrasonic navigation system for flight simulation will appear here , a grant of more than 60 million rubles will help carry out the modernization. his college got according to the national project unmanned aircraft systems. future pilots will finally be able to hone their skills. in real conditions. a large
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flight zone will be equipped in the college courtyard, and there will also be a design center and workshops where students will be able to create unique models of devices using 3d printing. the fleet of equipment will also expand, including multi-purpose drones with internal combustion engines and agricultural drones; in total, more than thirty units will be delivered. piloting will also be taught using modern simulators. in the future at the technopark site are planning to hold competitions. a very large-scale project, which includes: the formation of a completely new fleet of drones; different types of boards make it possible to train specialists for different industries. now the specialists are purchasing equipment, and finish it. modernization by september, already in the new academic year , 25 budget places will appear in the specialty operator of unmanned aircraft systems. sergey vichorkin, alexander pishchalka, lead volgograd from the gorodishche district. employee of the federal enforcement service punishments in the trans-baikal territory won the
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all-russian model competition. the man has an unusual hobby. in his spare time , he creates miniatures of tanks. his victory in the competition was ensured by a model of a special type car. a3 on which he worked for about six months. irina blozhevskaya met the master and appreciated a whole fleet of miniature equipment. the details are so small that you can't see them without a magnifying glass. but alexander gavrilov uses tiny elements to create models of military vehicles from different times in a miniature tank park. five-turret soviet heavy tank t-35. soviet light tank t7 t-70b during the great patriotic war.
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when i was at school, i now have 18 years of experience as a modeler, but despite my seemingly serious age, the hobby is not obsolete; on the contrary, it is only gaining momentum, one of the rounds of development, the creation of a company car . at work they asked me, can you make a special car that we use for service, i said, well, of course, if it works out, i’ll do it, i looked for it, made parts, assembled it, painted it in the evenings, six months and made it, here it is, the model... az was made of plastic with 3d printing elements using metal elements. by the way, to make the model more authentic , alexander even added traces of wear and road dust to it, everything is like the original,
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features that the master knows very well, such is the interpenetration of hobby services. alexander himself, by the way, admits that passion for work only helps, concentration improves, attentiveness develops and...
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malakhov today at 16:30 on the russia channel. good morning, good morning, compose us company nastya chernobrovina, vladislav zavyalov, today is february 19th with you. oh, we’ll give you such warm news now. the most crowded holiday in the world is over; the annual carnival has ended in rio denero.
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samba schools traditionally compete there, demonstrating their costumes, dance skills, as well as the unique art of making incredible carnival floats. the culmination of the holiday was the parade of champions. at the famous sambodrome, samba schools, which this year became the best of the best, held a solemn march, but what else to study there, it’s summer for them, and it’s winter for us , they organize snow carnivals, masha borisova is a participant, good morning, what’s up with the weather, well , i’d like to start with the fact that today is the birthday of the synoptic map, february 19, congratulations, yes, that is it’s thanks to her that we... there are a lot of days today , but as for the weather, in the far east
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it was quiet and calm for a very long time, but now, with the approach of spring, cyclones are coming out, bringing precipitation, and on tuesday a very strong cold snap will begin in the south khabarovsk territory, in primorye in general, and indeed all of siberia we are also in abnormal cold, both in the south and in the north, and -20, -35 at night, yes, 16° below normal, that’s the story, but i’ll tell you now. listen, it’s already the end of february, everything is already inevitable, spring will come soon. in the south of russia, at the beginning and end of the working week, under the influence of atmospheric fronts, there will be light precipitation in places. the temperature regime will be moderately warm during the day in the lower reaches of the volga and don -1 +4 in the crimea and kuban to +7 +12, only in the first days it will be 4-5° cooler. on the middle volga, light snowfalls are expected only at the beginning of the period, and then the probability precipitation will be reduced to a minimum. the prevailing daytime temperature is -7-12, monday is... warmer. in the north-west of russia at the beginning of the working week, thanks to the anticyclone,
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significant precipitation is unlikely. daytime temperatures in the north and east are -3 -8, in the southwest up to 0. -5. in the second half of the period, due to the fault of the cyclone, it will snow; in the south, turning into rain, it will warm up by 4-5°. in central russia, too, in the first days there will be no precipitation and a cool daytime temperature of -2-7, but then the region will be covered by fields of frontal clouds and the temperature will begin to rise quickly. v thursday-friday at half hour -1 +4. in the urals, the background atmospheric pressure will be increased, so there will be no conditions for the development of snow clouds, only at the beginning of the period there will still be some light snow in places. during the day it is -8-13, and the first days are a little warmer. the anticyclone will keep calm, sunny weather in southern siberia. in the first days it will be quite frosty, in the afternoon -20-25. then the cold will weaken and the daytime temperature will rise to -13-18. in the south of the far east on monday the cloud ridge of the cold atmospheric front will shift, and from tuesday
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sunny weather will return to the region, as a result, daytime temperatures will drop directly to -10-15, in the south of primorye to -4-9. oddly enough, in central russia there is some kind of calm, and winter calm, yes, finally, we are not expecting snowfalls in the near future, and well, the snowdrifts are still there and it’s beautiful, but we are waiting for spring, we are waiting for spring to come. thank you, borisova, take a walk, the golden collection from azirchay is a breath of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful black tea, morning is the time to brew azir tea, well, not like that it will always be, but it won’t last forever, but for you, dad, how old were you when you met mom, ice. three and how do you really cope with it, these nightmares, ghosts, i live with them like
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housemates who sometimes really need my help. anna the medium, premiere, today at 21:20. do not do something useful, but something unique. japanese inventors have created an exoskeleton that will turn its owner into a party king. it will definitely be impossible not to notice this. the hulk is almost 3 in height and weighs 40 without a person inside. kg is clearly visible on the crooked streets of japanese cities, the exoskeleton can move freely, move its arms, legs, even fingers, it will be useful to carry heavy loads on the farm, but such a thing costs, though almost 6 million rubles at the current exchange rate, listen, we said about the party, how he will dance with a girl , everyone will run away, beauties, look what a girl, well, what is definitely not useful, on the contrary, can do harm, is the dissemination of deliberately false information. every year, hundreds of criminal cases are heard in the courts under the law on fakes. dmitriy zaitsev, more details. the trend of lying is gaining
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momentum. remember how many times you saw news on the internet, which later turned out to be , to put it mildly, untrue. here, by the way, is an example of how journalists have to expose another myth. the balun bear that fell on a person was euthanized. such information began to appear en masse on social networks. the favorite of the entire area , kosalapa, has been living in the enclosure of this roadside cafe for 20 years. after an accident. rumors spread throughout smolensk that the owners got rid of the bear. this turned out to be untrue. employees of the prosecutor's office shared with us fresh footage, which shows that the bear continues to live in the same place. but these are, as they say, flowers, much worse than messages that cause real panic. recently in voronezh , a horror story spread across social networks with lightning speed about supposedly contaminated drinking water in household taps. people are worried, maybe someone actually poured some kind of powder, but we don’t know anything. the eldest in the house, valentina boronovskaya , had to calm her down. installed on the city
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water supply system. supply of the capital of the black earth region comes not from rivers and lakes, but from closed underground springs. there are more than 200 wells in total. sewage treatment plants that use emergency filters filled with sand and gravel are quartz, and we generally determine the content of residual active chlorine at our stations on an hourly basis. water analysis - thorough quality monitoring based on dozens of parameters. the slightest deviation from the norm is no longer a normal situation. the station is a protected facility. it’s not so easy for even a film crew to get here, so no infections here there can’t even be any question, but as people say, for every sneeze you won’t say hello to the film crews, there’s also not much to be found in exposing these lies, so it’s so important to learn to distinguish grains of information from false husks, and it’s not so difficult, experts say, so that to see what is happening here in reality now , for this you need to slow down, brake
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, think, check with reality, but for all this you need time, because in addition to the fact that you become... a participant in the chain of causing panic, you are also a violator with the 2019 law on the protection of information for the dissemination of false news requires not only blocking of resources and fines, but also real criminal sentences. we are talking about circumstances that are caused by emergency situations, including natural and man-made ones. and here , accordingly, criminal liability comes up to 3 years of restriction of freedom, and if this resulted in the death of a person, then up to 5 years. every year, courts in the country consider about 300 such cases, last year alone, with distributors of fakes , 8 million rubles were collected from the country's budget in the form of fines. now parliamentarians are working on tightening the administrative part, they promise to unveil the innovations by the end of the spring session: record speeds on the race track: the 305
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m race in the usa was truly historic. this is a classic distance for drag racing, that is, racing from a standing start, a specially designed drive on all four wheels, which minimize slipping when setting this world record helped and under the hood of the car there is a real record holder beast, 11,000 horsepower engine. on ordinary roads, the frenzied roar of engines is heard less and less often, and silence is in vogue. what else attracts buyers with new electric liftbacks? let's find out. for an electric vehicle, where every watt of energy counts, aerodynamics is one of the most important indicators. this means that the streamlined silhouette of a liftback is much better than a sedan in this regard. it is not surprising that
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more and more electric cars in this body have been appearing lately. let's take a closer look at some new products. the donf corporation now has. the e-py brand and its first the model was liftback 007. it has lifting frameless doors, 64 options for interior lighting. massage chair and a huge multimedia screen that looks more like a tv. you can choose a version with one electric motor with 218 or 272 horsepower, or an all-wheel drive version with two output units of 544 horsepower. cruising range 540 km. i am already accepting orders for i 007. liftback ziaker 001 became a real hit among electric vehicles last year on the russian market. and now gili’s subsidiary brand is preparing to release a restyled version of it. u the car received a new bumper and rims. the basic version will now be equipped with inexpensive iron-phosphate batteries, which will reduce the cost
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of the model. but even in this case, under the hood there will be a powerful electric motor with 421 horsepower, the top-end all-wheel drive modification has also significantly increased power, the unit will produce 788 horsepower, and the ziker 001 can now pull a trailer weighing up to 2 tons, summer residents will appreciate the updated liftback for sale waiting for spring. another newcomer, also essentially a relative of zeke, the five-door juy 07, is the fruit collaboration between geely and the chinese it giant baidu. so far, the developers have only shown the exterior, but that didn’t stop them. model will become the owner of two prestigious awards in the field of auto design, the liftback has no door handles at all, they are even recessed, the doors will open with buttons on the window pillars, the basic version will receive one electric motor with a capacity of 272 horsepower, and the top-end version will have a pair of engines with a return of 544 horsepower. the premiere of the model is expected closer to the middle of the year.
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domestic manufacturers will also not leave us without battery-powered liftbacks. expected, that this year the electric version of the moskvich 6 will see the light of day. we will wait. the battle for graphene will prevail. unique material for science and gadgets. about new ones.
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on february 23rd on rtr, every time i cry, it ’s very hard, i went into my house, a passerby sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours. from monday to thursday on rtr. oh look, your mother
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contacted a migrant worker. who is this? my new dad? on saturday. look how many young girls there are around. do you know how old i am? my daughter is already 20, and i know how to teach them a lesson. i won't give offense. draw me, happy, on saturday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure. how an air freshener can cause asthma. how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of pasta with cheese, it’s a saucepan, dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, that’s for sure health.. dr. myasnikov will be added on saturday, a red button will help keep artificial intelligence under control: scientists from the university of cambridge proposed to develop an emergency switch for the computer mind, researchers are going to build a kind of red button in each of... chips with support for artificial intelligence, such switches can operate remotely , but many experts called this decision extremely controversial, attempts to stop the dangerous use
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of artificial intelligence can interfere with useful developments in this area, the line between good and evil is often blurred. well, now let’s talk about what these red button artificial intelligence chips will be made of. russian scientists have developed materials for flexible electronics, they are transparent and elastic. and wherein conduct current no worse than their solid counterparts. in the future, these developments can be used to create flexible gadgets. bendable phone. today, some manufacturers are already producing similar gadgets. but except for a fragment of the display , nothing bends in such smartphones. to create a gadget that can, for example, be put on your hand or rolled into a tube, you need to make many different elements flexible. graphene has the necessary properties. in essence, it is a perfectly smooth thin film. it is created in the installation. with a sterile clean environment, we take methane, create a special atmosphere so that the concentration of this gas is acceptable, add gas diluents, hydrogen and argon, and accordingly, at
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a temperature of about 1.100 to 1050, this very thin film is formed on the copper surface . this makes it possible to make flexible conductive materials for making screens, solar panels, smartphones, tablets and laptops. in this laboratory, the technology for producing graphene was modernized. we do. step forward we we use the properties of graphene, together with the properties of other materials, particles, such as titanium, in our work, this is a new stage in simply working with... such thin ultra-thin coatings. they can be used to produce microchips, gadgets will work faster and longer. in addition, the material perfectly protects optical instruments, binoculars, telescopes or, for example, ordinary glasses from damage. in general, today they are trying to introduce elements of flexible electronics in a variety of areas, biotechnology, medicine, and physics. so tomsk scientists are developing wearable sensors. well, here we have samples of modified graphene on a polymer
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substrate. to create the design, a scientist. used an unusual method: contact layers are applied to the surface of the polymer using a laser, thanks to this approach it is possible to achieve maximum precision of the layers. we need to strictly maintain the shape of the elements we create. but we use a slightly different approach: we use laser processing to form conductive layers on a flexible substrate. such a sensor is not afraid flexion stretching. the sensor can be applied to clothing or glued directly to the skin, for example, in order to measure muscle... activity or the concentration of important substances on the surface of the skin. these are sensors for detecting various chemical compounds, including glucose. in the future , sticker sensors will be able to capture information about humidity, body temperature, and also receive signals from the brain and transmit them to a smartphone, which can be controlled simply by touching your wrist with a finger, so a tablet that rolls up into a tube will just the tip of the technological iceberg. but no matter how smart the gadget was,
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it could not replace the same teacher. never nastya, where will we study? here, mom, so what are you going to do with my daughter? regional studies? how? is that what economic and physical geography used to be called? why is it now most often impossible to do without tutors? and what to do so that classes at school are sufficient to understand the subjects, more on this after the news. ovdiivka came under russian control, kiev militants fled, throwing away their weapons and equipment, just went on vacation, the house of representatives of congress did not vote for help. sports in cyberspace according to the classics, on february 21 the first international tournament of games of the future with
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prize money will begin in kazan. a new day on the russia channel begins to be broadcast, the main news, in the studio of karina ilyin. hello. the russian army liberated avdeevka in the donetsk people's republic. the city is completely under our control. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigui reported this to vladimir putin. the militants of the kiev regime fled from the position, throwing nato weapons and equipment, their losses per day amounted to more than one and a half thousand military personnel. it’s already in the center of ovdeevka.
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led the operation, the head of state declared gratitude to the formations and military units that participated in the battles for this settlement. the liberation of ovdeevka, which is almost 32 km, now significantly moves the front line away from donetsk significantly, securing it from attacks by the kiev regime. as noted by the ministry of defense, information about the advance of our troops was not made public until the complete defeat enemy and taking control of the city. the neo-nazis began to flee from avdeevka a day before the order to retreat from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine alexander syrsky. sergei samokha will tell you how our soldiers brought victory closer. a subdivision of the grouping of forces center quickly occupies key outposts, occupied by ukrainian formations just the day before, the avdeevka chemical plant and turned into a fortress-station. flags
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of russia named after are flying everywhere. nationalist battalion azov, and today there is only one banner - victory. under due to the continuous fire of russian troops, only a separate scattered formation of ukrainian militants managed to hastily leave avheevka, abandoning
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their weapons and military equipment. during the flight to iisa, 1,500 soldiers were lost on the last day alone, and the wounded were abandoned in the city. now, in the status of prisoners, they are being assisted by russian doctors. some were completely unaware of the situation on the field. publicized by the ministry of defense until the enemy is completely defeated and the city is taken under control. our troops destroyed the most fortified outpost ukrainian army in the donbass, which means opportunities are opening up to consolidate success. and, perhaps most importantly, the residents. the house of representatives refused to vote on joe biden's proposed
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support package for ukraine and went on recess. congressmen did not like the idea of ​​excluding funds for protecting the american border with mexico from the funding bill. it turned out that the country's internal problems were the president. the day before, his rival in the presidential election, republican donald trump, said speaking to his supporters in michigan, the former american leader said that biden has the lowest iq president in us history. on february 21, the first international tournament of games of the future will begin in kazan, all competitions will be held in digital format, its peculiarity is the combination of classical sports competitions and e-sports. first,
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participants compete on gamepads, then in a real arena. based on the results, the points are summed up. football players will take to the sports and virtual grounds in the capital of tatarstan, basketball players, racers, snowboarders, masters of funny martial arts from... march, the prize fund exceeds $10 million, and the mascot of the games of the future was the firebird of the world, a luminous creature with wings similar to an angel. snowfalls and cold weather continue to hit russian regions; severe frosts have shackled the krasnoyarsk territory. vovinki, the thermometers dropped to minus. 45 there are almost no people on the streets in winter landscapes; residents prefer not to leave the house in such weather. snowstorm in arkhangelsk. the elements are raging in the capital pomor has been here for 24 hours already. city roads were drowned in snowdrifts, because of this, public utilities
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switched to round-the-clock operation. and six fishing enthusiasts were rescued in the region. their car was so swept away that a snowmobile was required to evacuate it. the daily record for precipitation in february was set in st. petersburg. the first batch of humanitarian aid was delivered from belarus to the dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, more than 60 tons of pro...
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mountains were collected especially for the residents of the front line. these boxes contain humanitarian aid for residents of front-line areas. here are food items that can be prepared very quickly. first of all, representatives of the humanitarian mission brought aid, which was 3 tons of cargo, to aleksandrovka on the outskirts of donetsk. people here live under regular fire from ukrainian militants. then the aid was delivered to medical institutions of the republic. it included food, disposable medical consumables, and medicines. dozens of boxes of sweets, personal care products and groceries dolphins also brought food to public organizations. today we are receiving such wonderful humanitarian aid from our friends, guys now just...
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food, and stationery, well, actually everything we need. all these volumes are only the first part of the assistance from the belarusians; in total, the residents of the fraternal republic collected more than 110 tons of necessary products and supplies for the dpr of the zaporozhye and kherson regions; they plan to deliver the rest of the cargo in may of this year. victoria shinkarenko, denis vedyaev, donetskaya news people's republic. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the app or look on the website. the news is following the developments,
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let's, let's smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so... morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, this is your family morning program, nastya chernobrovina, vladislav zavyalov , here, happy baby, calm mother, panda dindin from the moscow zoo found time to meditate in silence on the big de.
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mom and dad are concerned about the growing costs of
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health, and responsible parents will not be able to save on any of these points, confirms svetlana maksimova, while sveta’s mother says her daughter dasha can safely be called an average statistical example, as calculations for current school needs have shown, even a little less than 3,000 is required monthly, if we divide the total spending on a wardrobe, about 5,000 per month, plus the simplest vitamins and cold medicines 2-300, a total of 10-11 thousand per month, while in these children the amount of expenses for children increases
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additional education, in the senior grades these costs are three times higher than in the junior grades. and the lion's share of the children's budget is consumed by tutors. according to surveys last year on the eve of the oge and the unified state exam, 80% of mothers and fathers paid private teachers. if, of course, this is a child in the tenth or eleventh grade and he is preparing for the unified state exam, then it can already start there and from one and a half to 200 and above. on average, a month to improve what was not received. for children of school knowledge, parents spend about 8.0 rub. well, according to the most conservative statistical estimates, more than 20% of schoolchildren study with tutors in two or three subjects, however, there is an alternative. nowadays there are a huge number of platforms on which children can participate in olympiads completely free of charge and can do additional tasks. according to experts , the state should also make its contribution to reducing the costs of children, for example, not just a reduction, but the abolition of vat on children's things would save money for the parent. up to 20% of children's expenses


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