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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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against, well, that is, in every possible way, i don’t have to choose words anymore, say it as it is, well , they set it up against, so that there would be no communication , i, well, i don’t want to say now, who and you probably guess, tell me, please, and you are suffering from that, that you didn’t receive something material or more emotional, what is the reason that is gnawing at you inside, i suffer precisely from emotional communication, i really wanted to communicate with my grandfather as a child, with my grandmother... i visited them in childhood guests, i have very good memories, well , let's listen to what she says about you, attention, natasha appeared in our lives as just a good angel, nona, nona.
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she was also in euphoria, she said, well , she’ll give birth to a child and maybe volodya will stop, so to speak, in general, as a result , she lived with him somewhere, probably for 5 years, how to live with a person who uses, that is, even if she had said to vladimirov , don’t use, kick out these friends, i think that the reaction would have been aggressive, when she gave birth to a sheep, of course, for some period there was peace and peace and but... she was happy, but it's all here it’s about her son, well, he didn’t stop , that’s all, the mother’s grief, it has different forms, and most likely she already developed this anger and rejection towards natasha, who continued to dance, that is, the son dies, and natasha dances when volodya died, he lived separately, natasha was not there at all, and of course, when natasha appeared at the cemetery, let her.
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and here, he says, i can’t , i don’t understand, i don’t know, then it was nona viktorovna’s birthday, but it was around ninety, maybe nine years old, there were relatives, well , of course, the bell rang, the door rang, there i i open the door and see this disgraced one, so to speak, natasha is standing with her son, everything is with flowers, i opened it just like that, i froze , i don’t know what to do, natasha says you’re not
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letting us in? i say: how, what did you agree on? do we have to negotiate with grandma in order to see her? then the performance began, that is, they entered, nona pretended that it was necessary, as if their, so to speak, visit was planned, she played it, of course, she just didn’t move her eyebrow, then natasha, seeing that nona she seems to be loyal, she says, but he now he’s singing, and nona began... grimacing, he ’s sitting there, grimacing, i think so, well, at least he’d pretend, well, he’s trying, well , he’s a grandson, yes, in general, everything looked orderly, calm, good, and then the next day she had an attack, she called, sobbing, my mother, begged to call natasha to forbid her, so to speak, to come, i didn’t see volodya at all anymore, i only heard from aunt natasha that he tried to call and communicate, once was this is still a big
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question, maybe they told her something there, so it turns out, look, and this child is so they asked a lot from you, because they thought that this child would stop his bad habits and bring his father to his senses, yes, because i can’t put him back in, that’s right, so wait, and since... you don’t need him, why should you put him in? it means that he should receive this emotional component from you, i raised this boy myself and gave him a higher education, but you cannot blame me for not blaming anyone, blaming us, it’s terrible when they asked me for a child, and i gave birth to him, wait, where you, i gave birth for myself, yes, well, it turns out strange. you don’t say thank you very much
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, but not to viktorovna, that she once told me, well, the harvest, come on, but you are ungrateful to her, you say, she asked, here you go , why didn’t you leave anything, well, this is nonsense, i i understand that you don't see. i’m sincerely glad to see volodya, because i remember him as a boy with whom i read books, studied, walked, well, when you came, i remember, yes, yes, yes, he was an absolutely wonderful child, very pure , open, with big eyes, receptive,
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there were no problems, yul, why do you think, nonna viktorovna, it turns out, put a ban, so i say one version, they don’t agree with me, but in your opinion, well, we heard that the name volodya was in effect at her? and of course there are problems in the family that cannot be solved, that’s why we are here, okay, but even if not an apartment, there are some things, photographs that can be given to the boy, they didn’t give anything, he didn’t get anything, i ’ll explain now, i let me explain, the fact is that i tried to contact vladimir on social networks,
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but apparently he doesn’t use social networks, perhaps i rarely use them, yes, i even sent my phone number, but i didn’t receive any response, the fact is that i’m already the second generation, there’s an aunt in my family, yes, that’s my aunt there was natasha , whom i looked after, nona viktorovna’s sister, there is my older cousin, and somehow it turned out that they decided more, yes, and i was in charge of their decisions, but it was never said, invite your grandson, never i haven’t heard, much less share a photo or archive. as soon as she died nona, natalya found herself basically without money in the same difficult situation with her son as in general in our family, you see what’s happening, that is, the sons are weak, they need help, they need to be led there by the hand until they are 40-50 years old , yes
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, well, unfortunately, i have to admit it, my son is exactly the same, natasha, exactly the same, this happens when you lead him by the hand, well, i mean, it requires attention.
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i see him, well, literally for the first time, i saw him only in photographs, and from natasha’s words, i apologize for being so a little towards you ugly, yulia, yes, you too , yes, very, very much, i haven’t seen you since the day of the funeral,
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well, i apologize, and that means i went to a creative meeting with natasha varley, that’s where i asked, of course. question, i said, we are almost relatives, well, our children are out there somewhere, she said that i have never dealt with any division in my life, this is just a matter of my whole...
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you see, that means we, you and i have a destiny very similar, i, too, was left alone at some point, natasha was biased towards me too, she towards all daughters-in-law, here is yulia, what is your facial expression , tell me, the expression on your face, everything is fine, in general, no, andrey, here you just need to say for yulia, yulia that liliana does not give her a quiet life, rushes into the apartment and says that they were captured by bandits.
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you saw on one of the channels that we came there very culturedly, we didn’t break into anyone, didn’t make a scandal, i really love everything that my fellow countryman vyacheslav tikhonov did in the cinema with surprise for several years now, i’ve been watching what
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’s happening in his to the family and family of nona mordyukova, women offended by life are sitting, they are sorting out some of their relationships , instead of really helping their children with advice on how to establish connections and not destroy them, i saw anya tikhonova, she even sang in our posad at events, an intelligent girl of the great dad, i don’t believe what happened it’s impossible to come to an agreement with her, just as i don’t believe that it was impossible to come to an agreement with the aunts along nona’s line, it would be better... to think about memory than to share cups, spoons, and spoons to remember who didn’t let whom in, look. another interesting letter, wait a second, from moscow, nona viktorovna lived in our yard and no one should deceive the country that they were the most wonderful relatives, all of us neighbors witnessed how natalya was with her sister until the last minute, that they were one, it’s rare to see such relationships in a family in principle , and it was only nona viktorovna’s business, who should leave what, i thought. need to leave it to the sister, that’s it, no one else should care about anything, that’s what happened next, excuse me,
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this is a matter for the relatives themselves, what kind of relationship is there between the grandson, i would like to say about nona viktorovna’s will , it is clearly stated there for my own sister, then about liliana, she wasn’t there at all, she wasn’t there when it was difficult, when she and her wife were interrupting, where was liliana at that time, and liliana in general sit, it hurts, tell me , have you ever seen liliana's son? i haven’t seen her at all, no, no, no, i haven’t seen her, not even once, so, please, let us all calm down now, a short advertisement, after which a meeting will take place, two brothers, vladimir tikhonov and daniil kataev will meet for the first time, that they will tell each other, don’t switch, a big film premiere, this is very serious. people, you’ll have to move out, this is our house, i’m very dangerous, the paratroopers don’t abandon their own,
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these are uncle vasya’s troops, then bang, fear, bam, doom, fan, zavalycha, the story is beautiful, february 23 on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly. will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always will support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep, this is how a child
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sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who you can... trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. let's see on the weekend. i, your son. what? you lied to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha stayed alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and i’ll turn the corner, i’ll solve this problem,
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it’s difficult to pass over the abyss of lies, seryozha the student damaged her spine, because of her our son may remain disabled, she... it’s even more difficult to take a few steps to love on saturday on rtr, watch today a special episode of the 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation on... once again, good day, today, if you only that they turned on their televisions, for the first time on television, vladimir tikhonov, the grandson of people's artists of russia vyacheslav tikhonov and nona
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mordyukova, together with his mother, spoke about the fact that it has been 15 years since the passing of the legend. russian cinema, they feel rejected by the family, and even the absence of an inheritance in the form of nona mordyukova’s apartment, an archive of documents, they would like, would like to become part of the family and celebrate the centenary of nona mordyukova, which the country will celebrate next year together with all relatives. today vladimir and natalya met with yulia kharlamova, her niece. artist, but i want to show you one song that was not included in the film 17 moments of spring, at first, according to the director of the film, this music was supposed to sound in the episode of the meeting of stirlitz with his wife in the elephant cafe, the wife was supposed to come to the meeting with a little boy, yes, and
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the boy was supposed to have a clown toy with metal plates in his hands, and during this scene, as if one of the plates... comes off, stirlis quietly takes it, then he has the whole film, a keychain with keys in the form this plate, like a memory of my son, but then this whole line went away, but the song remained, you grow up, son, you grow up, my little one, believe that the whole world is caring for you, your birth, thunderstorm, greetings, roaring, sun rises, the birds sing, do you hear, son, may the distance be holy, may your life be long
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, may there be 100 roads, and if not enough, then 200, it’s hard to live in the world, but it’s still great to live in the world, for now, believe me, and after you will find out, you will feel it yourself, but this is the song, you are a grandson, and today you are waiting for a meeting with your brother daniil kataev, he came to this program, let’s meet him, hello, daniil! glad to meet you, have a seat, neither one nor the other answered my calls when i
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called about the archive, about the cemetery too, an apartment for you, a cemetery for us, okay, that’s not what we’re talking about now, grandchildren of two dynasties, so famous, the mordyukov dynasty , the kotaev dynasty, and these destinies were intertwined, even in the film 17.
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i lost my father when he was 9 years old, yes, then daniila’s story is even more tragic, you just separated from my father, they didn’t even tell me when he died, and it seems you said that 50 days had passed, 50 days, let’s remember that moment, i was protected from communicating with her, i had a short correspondence. after the death of my father and yulia, if i’m not mistaken, in which she first wrote to me that my grandmother , in general, did not mind communicating with me, when i
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did answer, not immediately, after which i received the answer that my grandmother was sick, she doesn’t want to see anyone or communicate with anyone, that’s all, after that i immediately realized that i was stopped from communicating with her, i didn’t even talk to them, they passed away and... didn’t even say goodbye to me, there are documents about this entire inheritance, everything, they say, fed, watered, looked after my grandmother, as for me, everything is quite simple, prove that you complied with the annuity agreement, checks confirming everything, prove, i have no words, daniil, from yours, from your grandmother, she asked a question during her lifetime, my wife felt so bad, he i was sick, it’s your father, he says, daniel never showed up, not once.
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it’s just that maybe it’s all at the age of 13. at the age of 12, i’m already leaving for my grandmother, my mother keeps calling me, and so they kick us out. naturally, i stayed with my mother, yes, thank you, and after that i didn’t maintain any contact, only my mother maintained contact with my grandmother. with natalya viktorovna , turn to your mother, who was harassing nona viktorovna, nona viktorovna dictated this statement to the police, according to which you were later evicted, turn to your mother, she was in the hospital, you know, my mother didn’t harass anyone, but they were scandals, there was a situation difficult, but my father also behaved unmanly, why does a man, his age, how old he was, 50-something years old, go to his grandmother, he says, i’ll tell my mother everything. about how you nag me here, you got me, well, if my father is so bad, then why didn’t he tell us now that my father is bad, i said that he is a complex person, everyone should understand,
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he says, what is aunt lyuda, she is still in tears, she came there as if to her home, she is going to this apartment, we are walking like this, i completely forgot about everything, i remember, i think, three times, the door is open, it turns out that the workers are doing something there, we turn towards this apartment, the door is open, aunt, aunt lyuda , like this, this big guy, who i
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then say, maybe it’s... daniil, here you met with vladimir today, do you feel any emotions? well, i’m surprised, i ’ve never seen him before, and many times now all that comes to mind is how various close people tell me that we are similar, maybe not even in appearance, but in some features, maybe even this property of his character. that we are modest and it is difficult for us to take the first step, i listened to vladimir backstage and felt his excitement, i even somehow warmed to him, so he is worried, i am also worried, and this excitement is only intensifying, because everyone is talking about us against us material, about inheritance, and that when people are in grief, they immediately run to put up their inheritance for sale, without thinking that it could be memory, it could be a museum, these are some kind of
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mordyukov archives. what will you make of the film they showed an excerpt from the film, where these golden words, what you say, had to be said during life, then nona bequeathed everything to you, and what was left of my grandfather, you know, what was left of this well-deserved one, which my father threw away, they are there they were fiddling around.
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in general, he was led to illness, he explains it all, that is, you are ready to show
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it to vladimir and convey it to him.
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a little bit...


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