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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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according to the list, he is engaged in such, well, attempted murders or murders, and in the past we actually saw the murder of our officials who occupy, well, some positions, or commanders, as it happened when, well, with motorola, with other guys, yes, who actually died there, precisely as a result of these... this one just uses new means, once it was an explosion, once it was chemical weapons, the group just continues to work, they once something else will be used, therefore, until the terrorist regime is eliminated, such attempted murders will not stop, in the same way, as we have always said, that the shelling of donetsk, we in this studio constantly discuss them, we constantly discuss the death of civilians, specifically from avdeevka. the main arrivals have always
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occurred, now there is really hope that the number of arrivals will decrease significantly, yes, they also have other artillery, yes, there are also drones that can be launched from afar, but this is still incomparable with the fact that when a simple barrel artillery was finishing off the city, so of course, everyone can congratulate everyone on avdeevka, but what’s going on on the screens? television on ukrainian networks , to be honest, i’ve already seen all kinds of absurdity, but here’s a new word in military science for many millennia, it turns out, it turns out that they are now discussing how many victims they inflicted on russia, there are 60-70 thousand, 12000 and so on then they say that avdeevka...
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they are already taking some things to the point of absurdity, well, they said that our ministry of defense had withdrawn to pre-prepared positions refuted, they withdrew a day after avdiivka was taken, liberated, it doesn’t matter what terminology to use, our konashenkov also said that in one single day, on that very seventeenth, yes, when we took this city under our control completely, 1,500 soldiers were killed, but it would be strange if... they admitted it, there’s nothing unusual here, they’re trying to somehow save ren, yes, and, as always, talking about a miracle weapon, that means it’s already exactly right, exactly, exactly , have definitely confirmed that they will be visited in june or july f16, of course they will help, and they even started talking about atomic weapons, who raised the question, all these years, it means that the west was thinking that there was not even a conversation about this, now they are saying that - there is
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such a hint, and we we demand, therefore, that atomic weapons be returned to us, and thus this whole story can be ended. well , the main thesis that is being thrown out now is that it turns out that territories are not important, it all turns out to be talk, starting in 1914, that crimea is fundamentally our history, that we are nothing we will never sign the donbass and so on, why didn’t we implement the minsk agreements so that the territories, it turns out, this doesn’t matter now, but the main thing turns out to be for them. to save the lives of people, the fact that they staged meat assaults continues to organize them, the fact that they held bakhmut, which did not have such serious strategic significance, they put 50,000 people there, it all turns out that it didn’t matter now, it turns out that means the territories are not important, and now they have saved the lives of several thousand people who left avdeevka, they are in the air, inventing whatever they want, in fact...
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you look at it like this, but all the joy about all this money that they are going to be allocated, the more they are allocated, the more dead there will be in ukraine , that's strictly speaking. a simple pattern, the more money they give from the west, the more victims there will be, the more destruction there will be, the more suffering there will be. no, don’t resist, yes, don’t set up all this, we would set up some kind of concentration camps there, or something or something else, but they would come and, if we came, they would speak in their native language, they would pray in the churches in which they prayed, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. and the land that now belongs to american funds, because over the past 3 years they bought everything there, redeemed it, so it was, so to speak, their land, and not someone’s, well, they continue to give money,
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continue to pour gasoline on the fire, to unfortunately, in fairness to the thesis that avdeevka is of no interest, it is not the dill of the district, but completely destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth. a tiny, so-so settlement was officially voiced only by zelensky, so he was somehow able to formulate it, although obviously it sounds quite stupid, i mean how much effort was put into protecting this city and how many underground tunnels were dug there , everyone else in the west understands that this is an important object, an important fortified, truly armed point on...
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the army was also able to enter, we’ll be back in a minute, what did i dream about this time? they killed, but you’re a very poor corpse, the premiere on rtr, hold on, ah, come on , where did you learn that, i saw it in some tv series, she’s having strange dreams again, i went through but... that i had a dream, i said , robbery of this bank, i was there in this dream, you won’t get bored, down, invisible witnesses are coming again, who killed you, you’ll find the case, i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how does she bring it all up, new
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crimes have already been committed , and only she can reveal them, we urgently need to meet on the way home to the canal park, now i’m definitely i know who when... the zone's ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and there will be a little too much work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac, in
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our living room real stone flowers will soon bloom for the heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look. let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i will still give birth to a child, i will marry dima, the child died, we watch on the weekend, i am yours son, why did you lie to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you want? how did you know that seryozha was alive? now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and i ’ll turn the corner, i’ll solve this problem, it’s difficult
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to pass over the abyss of lies, seryozha’s student injured his spine , because of her, our son may remain disabled, she took everyone’s whole life, she ruined my whole life, we can’t live without you we'll handle it. it is even more difficult to take a few steps to love on saturday narterre. today we demand the truth from the civilized world, which is entirely, almost entirely, built on total lies, it is senseless, in one way or another they are trying to destroy the foundations that cement the country, the state, the people in the end, just think about it, in order to become happy, rational being, you must renounce everything that has made you
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who you were born, who you were raised by, we must defend ourselves, moreover, we must to defend ourselves by attacking, this truth must be conquered, in fact, that’s what we are doing, we are conquering the truth, and not only for ourselves, it is the truth for everyone, besagon tv. today on rtr. everyone sit down. david markovich, you won’t believe it. the hands themselves reach for the back of the head. you knew and remained silent. hello through the window. is it really true that the bullet doesn’t kill you? i said weapons on the table.
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on rtr. german defense minister boris pistorius called on europe and nato to prepare for an open military confrontation with russia in 5-8 years, he said in an interview with bloomberg. true, when exactly the time h comes is still important, in 5 or 8 years. pestorius did not elaborate, but said that he did not like looking into a crystal ball. and just guess, let's prepare in parallel
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for another scandal in germany, the publication beat reports that information classified as top secret can be obtained by absolutely any official during the construction of the nord stream 2 gas pipelines, data on the actions of nato submarines, the baltic sea has leaked online. began an inspection due to the possible disclosure of state secrets during construction gas pipeline nord stream 2. in january 2018, the mining department of the city of stralsunt published on its website a permit for the construction of a gas pipeline. on page 556 of the document there was information from the german ministry of defense classified as secret for official use only. according to the prosecutor general's office, this is information about the areas of operation of nato submarines and the types of weapons on board. during the planning of the northern. officials from the stralsund regulators assured in writing that the data would not be classified under any circumstances.
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published, as explained in the german defense department, this information allows us to draw conclusions about the possibilities of conducting military operations, and if investigators from the prosecutor general’s office establish that in this case there was a disclosure of state secrets, employees of the stralsund mining department face imprisonment for up to 5 years. we are transported to berlin, germany, via direct communication from the deputy. from the bundestag eugene schmidt. evgeniy, greetings. on the one hand, such indifference regarding gas pipeline explosions nord stream. on the other hand, there was such a violent reaction about what happened once regarding the discovery of information about the movement of submarines. how to feel about this and whether germany is commenting on putin’s new statements that if there was a desire to repair the nord stream it would take a month. one of the threads for the launch was a week old, yes, indeed, the bilt newspaper came out with
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a rather tendentious article, and the title was already there right away, that how putin’s agents could take possession of the secrets of the german bundeswehr, in fact we are talking about the simple negligence of german officials, who at one time, back in 1818, published, well, i think it really was negligence, including secret... data on the movement of submarines of nato countries in the baltic sea, moreover, and this all happened back in 1918, but today against the backdrop of this reigning one. anomania, hysteria, russophobia, everything is now being presented as some kind of spy scandal, so allegedly putin’s agents took possession of nato secrets, and putin’s agents today, well, you can write down anyone , anyone, anyone who criticizes the government, that is, farmers there went on strike against economic policy, putin’s agents, people
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there are on strike against massively uncontrolled migration, all are also putin’s agents, the alternative party. for germany, the opposition party, which is the only one that speaks from the point of view of criticism of the government, criticism of the collapse of the german economy, well, literally all of them are putin’s agents, so there is nothing surprising, there is nothing surprising in this, that the bild newspaper presents information in exactly this way, and with regards to the northern streams, unfortunately, that information even before this, when the russian side stated that you can at any time receive russian gas along the remaining... line , is not commented on at all , that is , russian pipeline gas is subject to sanctions, although at the same time european countries are buying liquefied gas, including from russia in record quantities, that is, well, such completely ridiculous excesses of german policy, they are of course harmful in general
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economy and put the german manufacturer at risk as a whole, and regarding the munich conference, i’m right... it turns out that germany really bears this burden alone. yes, the munich conference as a whole confirmed the current trends, that is, there were even republican senators who actually said that we have ruined everything for you here in europe. they started a mess, a war, you now clean it up yourself, and we will concentrate on china in the pacific region, so germany is simply now in its subordinate situation, forced to take on the main burden, agreements were signed on supplies and weapons and, most importantly, financial assistance
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to ukraine, that is, what germany had previously done voluntarily is now endorsed in documents. actually, i don’t see this as some kind of breakthrough for the country, but simply the enslavement of the germans with these supplies into a bottomless hole, the black hole of the ukrainian corrupt state. thank you very much, evgeniy schmit, member of the bundestag, berlin. well, germany can now sleep peacefully, because according to this in the agreement on security guarantees that you mentioned, ukraine guarantees the security of germany, as if on a bilateral basis. 8 years of bilateral obligations , moreover, if you listen to what this clown goncharenko, well known to you , said in munich, he asked each participant the same question, yes, the american republican senators locked up either nato or nuclear bomb, decide blinkin directly the american senator to whom he asked the first, practiced, on which he generally hung up in words about what you’re looking at,
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after all, ukraine can help you resolve the issue of the mexican border, yes, he didn’t say how i can imagine how, yes, probably throwing a nuclear bomb on the mexican border, so, but if ukraine loses, who will help you with mexican border , no one could honestly answer this question, well, zelensky was also on fire in this regard in munich, this is what you quoted when he said that the russians didn’t take anything there in avdiivka, yes, well, everything is destroyed, he immediately declares, well, you’re not worry, we will win it back, the question is, yes, if we do nothing. if they didn’t take it, then what is he going to fight back, but you see, nevertheless , such logic is there, and in general the logic of the statements on the ukrainian avdeevka, ukrainian statements is simply amazing, for example, tornavsky, and the general who commanded this direction, he wrote , everything was according to plan, we withdrew according to plan, well , it’s true that many ukrainians remained in captivity, but nothing, we will free them too, according to plan
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we remained in captivity, a generally normal approach, planned surrender, and the fact that even western newspapers now... that the road from avdiivka is littered with the bodies of ukrainians, yes, and several newspapers quoted this, and what’s more, today the dutch newspaper nrc even directly hinted that zelensky is directly responsible for the fact that he did not withdraw these troops on time, that is, this is already such , you know, a change in the coverage of events, small, of course, insignificant, but nevertheless, i look at the mood with which western media politicians react to this, this is such an indicator. you know, when before that, because how the news from the ukrainian front was covered, well here is a very important forte mariupol, forte severodonetsk, it means a fortress. here, but as soon as the liberating russian army entered there, well, this city has no strategic significance. regarding avdeevka , you know, even the western media really
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admit that they fortified this city, this koksakhim, for 10 years, there really were impregnable fortifications, this fortress really existed, it took 10 years to dig, the battle for avdeevka lasted for 10 years, think about it, and that ours performed this maneuver, right? eventually locking ukrainian troops in this impregnable fortress and forcing them to flee from there , literally abandoning everything, this will go down in the history books, it is to overestimate the significance of this victory, well, it’s very difficult, we will study this operation for a long time, this maneuver, honor and praise to the russian liberators, i really hope that this victory near avdiivka will indeed become a turning point, not even in the sense of... military operations, in the sense of truly moral spirit, that is, we see the broken morale of the ukrainians, and this is noted by all western observers, and
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we see how this is really perceived by our military, i really hope that we will indeed continue this victorious spirit among the ukrainians, let them figure out who is to blame for them, in this regard , i would also like to point out attention, since they remembered mariupol here, and yesterday...
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so pretty, i would fall for it, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sanya, she is sick,
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you need to think like a criminal, he has taken over in me, i look at women just like him, he listens to me with his thoughts, you’re not normal, but how are you coping, you’re probably very tired, you want to rest, somehow... it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that it’s not these, not hallucinations? , she is a medium, and you know who the killer is, yes, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquering the goth squad, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is
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movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh , it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it ... to see a snake charmer - this is the oldest profession in india, they say , a correctly made bukhara knife, became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, are you crazy, i told someone to look at the project, on saturday. what's your name? lyuba. let me help. god, i recognize that look. anton, you are in love, you pulled on the simpletons to rewrite
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life. choose brighter colors, you are a young , beautiful woman, by the way, i intend to court you today, anastasia videnskaya, divorced, i would hold on to him with my teeth, pyotr borancheev, i dream of a wife like you, allaganova, i am different, we are different, you understand , you are a prince, and i am nobody, lyuba, lyuba, draw! i was happy on saturday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they me they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one field
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is still in... no, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this cereal to the shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, they care, support them in word , hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, a big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily palovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, the hero
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of afghanistan. these are very serious people, you will have to move out. for any lawlessness, this is our home. i left for a rented place a long time ago. you will find your wand. paratroopers do not abandon their own. all back. the mini was blown up. yes, he cleared everything. it was 150 g, and now it’s 12 kg, look at the weight,
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bye. evaluate the flight crew, if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eye, their love, homeland, i didn’t deserve this, i’m an officer, an officer - this is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element, let’s look around faintly, that’s right, the sky. kostya wrote:
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the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses her. february 23 on rtr. on the russia tv channel. lead in tatyana remizov's studio and most importantly by this hour. more than 27 km of roads were checked and two hundred explosive objects were destroyed. the sapyurs use these red markers to indicate a planted projectile, that is, it has been discovered, it is here, apparently somewhere under the wheel. continues in vdeevka active mine clearance. avalanche danger in the kuban mountains and in residential areas of sakhalin.
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ice crust on the roads. in prague. polish farmers blocked the rails of trains carrying ukrainian grain and gilded the legs. trump sold a batch of personalized sneakers in a few hours. russian troops in the ovdeevsky direction occupied more advantageous lines and positions, and also completely took control of the territory of the coke-chemical plant. the ministry of defense reports this. the ukrainian armed forces units are retreating in disarray with the enemy losing more than 500 servicemen killed and wounded. new footage from the front line shows the destruction of abandoned enemy equipment, including a lancet hitting a ukrainian tank. in selidovo. this city is still controlled by
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kiev. a ukrainian military deployment point was destroyed by two missiles. these shots show the exit from avdeevka, where there are now dozens of burnt-out suvs in which the militants tried to leave the village. some of them wanted to leave across the fields, but even at night. it was impossible to hide from russian drones, and this is footage of how aviation worked against enemy shelters on the territory of cox khim round day, with powerful high-explosive bombs, according to the tas agency , bodies with american polish chevrons on their uniforms were found in the liberated fortified area. today, military engineers began clearing mines (report by pavel prokapenko). vavdeevka in an armored car is the surest, safest way of transportation, and the road along... which we are now driving is the only one so far cleared of mines in the city. our escort’s radar reacted to the appearance of an fpv drone, although the enemy was knocked out of the city, drones are still flying here. perhaps it’s their beer, that’s why it’s so cold. this is one of the fortified
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areas of the armed forces of ukraine, there are jivelins lying on the ground. the sappers of the central group of troops have a lot of work here. this is the real work of the collection group, so meter by meter ovdeevka is being liberated. the guys are walking along the road and really don’t know. what awaits them ahead , they are walking here for the first time, and we are with them, they are feeling the roadsides, there is special attention on the roadsides, any hill, any, any crater, a shell explosion, all this can be mined, anything that attracts attention, mines are of old soviet production, there are also nato weapons, a lot of them are present, there are also, so to speak, traps, the enemy is very clever in this regard, so we are working. carefully, step by step our sappers reached a small bridge, an experienced demolition worker knows the ideal object for mining, that’s right, they mined the bridge in order to blow up the equipment in the event of an attack by our troops, the sappers carefully removed the explosives from
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the supports of the bridge and moved them to the place , where it can be destroyed, now there should be an explosion at place of the bookmark, so it was set on a timer for 50 seconds, like this. remote work, bridge demining. the fighters, having already taken positions in the city, are pushing the enemy away from avdeevka. we provided assistance to civilians, there were a lot of elderly people who needed medical care, and assistance was provided whenever possible. we are asked to follow the trail and not step aside, an absolutely correct warning. sappers use these red markers to indicate a planted shell, that is , it has been discovered, it is here. apparently somewhere underneath wheel, but this is not paramount for demining, there are more serious significant objects, in just today , more than 27 km of roads were checked, both from
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the city limits and in the city itself, more than 200 dangerous objects were destroyed. the sappers of the central military district have a lot of work ahead. kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. and today, in big news, watch a new exclusive report from avdeevka by military correspondent grigory vdovin, who the day before was the first journalist to visit the liberated city. what does the famous pipe through which the offensive began directly to the rear of the ukrainian troops look like? the length is 3 km 700 m , it emerges already well behind the former supporter of the enemy, the royal hunt. task the frightened eyes of the enemy did you see like this? no, why? they were already killed before me, the abandoned location, uniform, weapons, this was the enemy’s location, they ran away from it quickly, they even threw the armor here, left the cat, yes, here is our
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exclusive report from the liberated avdeevka from the highest point where it is now flying russian flag, such as to drive on kaksakhim will be released from there directly into the city center. a whole bag of hail, this will never happen again. watch in vesti at 20:00. the western press today assesses the prospects of the armed forces of ukraine and tries to explain the reasons to its readers. failures in ovdeevka, the german media suggest that the conflict between the former commander-in-chief zaluzhny and zelensky led to the failure of the front, and this is only the beginning of a series of russian conquests. the times recognizes one of russia’s biggest military successes and warns that an important transport hub in neighboring pokrovsk is now under threat. except in addition, defeat will strengthen russian influence throughout the region. france took a different route and decided to calm her down. the city was not of strategic importance and its surrender is another way for kiev to show how... how severe the shortage of weapons is, the financial
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times quotes the opinion of the chairman of the nato military committee rob bauer that western countries were overly optimistic, and now their task - prevent the ukrainian army from falling apart. and they used social networks, they remember the rallies that residents of devka organized against the ukrainian army for another 9 years back. here are the shots. this is what is happening here, from these ukrainian military, and not from behind the scenes, they are killing. participants in the special operation stood in line to receive free land plots in sevastopol, such data was presented today in the kremlin at a meeting with vladimir putin by governor mikhail razvazhaev, he reported to the president on the results of the socio-economic development of the city over the past year. among the key indicators of doubling the budget , roads are being built ahead of schedule, the healthcare system is being developed and...
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0.4 below the all-russian 2.6, we now have an unemployment rate, if we talk about investments, this is probably also a key indicator, for the first quarter the estimate was 26.3 billion, that is, budget 10.1 billion, extra-budgetary 16.2 billion , 96 billion will be an investment, that is, we are greatly overfulfilling, among the key social... facilities that have been put into operation in sevastopol in recent months, razvazhaev noted a new
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adult and children's clinic in cossack bay, as well as four kindergartens, three sports centers, including a swimming pool. voting stations for the russian presidential elections will be in all countries where there is a russian diplomatic presence. the special representative of mit announced this today at a meeting at the central election commission. at the upcoming elections there will be observers from the cis and the shanghai cooperation organization, but there will be no osce representatives, as the foreign ministry explained, the osce office for democratic institutions and human rights themselves refused to come to russia, according to the meeting participants, now this is not professional, conceptually weak the organization and structure that takes an openly russophobic position was so small.
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the co-chair of the election headquarters, maryana lysenko, the head physician of moscow city clinical hospital no. 52, is discussing issues of healthcare development in yakutsk today; she got acquainted with the work of the republican medical institutions, in particular , she visited the leading national center named after nikolaev. the medical center is developing on the principle of a multidisciplinary hospital, and not only a multidisciplinary hospital, but also a multidisciplinary team that provides and outpatient care.
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the avalanche danger has been extended in the mountains of kuban and adygea; due to the wind, speed is limited on the federal highway in ugra. a storm warning has been declared in the chelyabinsk region, and there is severe ice in the moscow region. forecasters predict slippery roads for the next 2 days. muscovites are already sharing footage of its consequences. at the olympic base in the moscow region, the roof of the training center collapsed. previously, due to a large amount of snow, and this avalanche came down from a five-story building on sakhalin, passers-by managed dodge without getting hurt. the arctic cold and snowfalls returned to the far east, the roadway was covered with an ice crust, due to a snowstorm of low visibility , internal air traffic was disrupted, schools in nakhodka declared free attendance. near irkutsk
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, the angara has overflowed its banks, and the waters are already approaching houses. local residents are preparing to evacuate. our country has always had inexhaustible potential, and the discoveries of many russian scientists without any involvement changed the world. valentina matvienko recalled this today, opening a meeting of the council on intellectual property issues. even today we are proud of the achievements of our science and understand that, just like centuries ago, advanced technologies and scientific developments are certainly the key to the dynamic, confident development of the country. ensuring its competitiveness, sovereignty and security. issues of bilateral cooperation, deepening political dialogue and building ties in various fields, from economics to culture. sergei lavrov will discuss this in cuba today. the head of russian diplomacy has already arrived in havana in the coming
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hours to meet with president miguel deascanel and his cuban counterpart bruno rodriguez parilla. this visit began the minister's latin american tour, during which he... russia and the united states will continue to cooperate in space even after the completion of the international space station program. as the general director of roscosmos said, work will be carried out to unify the docking modules in order to come to each other’s aid if necessary. today, our cosmonauts on the iss began unloading the progress spacecraft, which docked with the russian segment on february 17. 2.5 tons of cargo into orbit, mainly equipment and materials for scientific experiments, as well as food, water and clothing for the crew, fuel for refueling compressed nitrogen in cylinders. vladivostok has become the international capital of children's sports these days, and the first winter games for children of primorye started there. participants in the large-scale
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sports festival are 1,500 young athletes from russian regions and abroad. what andrey kolesnikov will tell you in the program. the largest sports arena in the far east hosts the first international winter games children of primorye. teams from regions of russia, the republic of belarus, as well as china, north korea and uzbekistan participate in the competition. in total there are over a thousand young athletes. the excitement is unprecedented; here, under the roof of the fetisov arena , competition participants, coaches, judges and fans are counting down together in unison. go! guests the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav pozdnikov and the head of the national olympic committee of the republic of belarus viktor lukashenko, as well as world-famous athletes, high the status of the festival, which has already been named the most significant sporting event in the region, is not discussed. dear guys, at
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these competitions you will not only have to defend the honor of your sports club, your village, your city, you will have to defend it. the honor of your country, your treasure at international competitions. the competition program includes eight sports, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, hockey, short track speed skating, curling and a completely new direction, figital, combining virtual and real sports. particular interest to participants from the dprk, a once closed country that is opening up to primorye. the team arrived in vladivostok a week ago. athletes are ready to demonstrate their skills in figure skating and short track speed skating. we received a very friendly and warm welcome here. i am sure our athletes will show good results and perhaps win prize money. places, the sports program of the first international competitions for children of primorye will end on february 23, competitions will be held simultaneously in four cities,
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vladivostok, artyom, usurisk and arsenyev, athletes will compete for 31 sets of awards in eight winter sports. andrey kolesnikov, sergey svestilnikov, nikolay farafonov, vadim telegin, lead the far eastern bureau. next in our program. the houthis first used it in the red sea. kamikaze underwater drone to attack an american ship. we'll be back after a short commercial. it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if it were me, not me. premiere on rtr. and we have never met anywhere before. why are you looking at her like that? yes, normal, so pretty, i would fuse i think our mother has gone crazy. money! to figure out the criminal, that sanya, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he has possessed me, i look at
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women exactly the same way as he does, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal, but how do you cope, you are probably very you get tired, you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, you’re sure that you’re not having these, not hallucinations, it’s... cementing the country, the state, the people in the end, just think about it, for this to become a happy, intelligent being,
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you must renounce everything that has made you who you were born, who you were raised to be, we must defend ourselves, moreover, we must defend ourselves by attacking, this truth must be conquered, in fact, what we do is we conquer. i said weapons on the table, dima, why are you
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here, and where should i be, hit your brain, chaos of the ear, now they will start walking, guys, mom, don’t go until the wind, fyodor dobronravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, vladimir mashkov, we gave the bandits a good punch in the teeth here. liquidation all weekend rtr. voting at home. eh, it’s not the right time, i’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections. why? you vote at home, how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home, for this you need to submit an application to the precinct
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commission, in writing or orally, you can do it in person, you can through friends or relatives, by phone, on the public service portal, when do you have time to submit the application? from march 7 to 14: march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, but the polling members will come. and a box for will they bring votes too? well, of course, sealed portable boxes are used for home voting. that's good, and i 'll vote! big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, the hero of organa. these are very serious people,
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you will have to move out, no matter what. lawlessness, this is our home, i left for that place a long time ago, you will find your own pal, the paratroopers don’t abandon their own, everyone goes back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine , but he has already cleared everything, there is a pal, you go there, just like that, grandson, no one except us, break everyone without asking their last names, yes, today it will be hot, getting excited. february 23 on rtr. on the air, we continue our broadcast. in the morning, in the kirovsky district of donetsk, a local resident was shot after a shell was dropped from a ukrainian drone. another person was injured as a result of a strike on the center of makeyevka from a zalupov fire rocket system.
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light and heat supply were partially lost in the village. today there are employees in the dpr. the fsb, the military commandant's office and the russian national guard prevented a large-scale terrorist attack using a british kamikaze drone. the jet-80 jet banshee carried 8 kg of explosives and was intercepted in the novoazovsky region. and in the zaporozhye region, the fsb today prevented a terrorist attack against one of the politicians. the assassination attempt was planned to be carried out using an improvised explosive device. for this purpose , the sbu recruited a russian citizen. while walking, he approached the car and placed a bomb on it. mikhail mishustin instructed today to intensify the process of modernization of combat systems used in the special operation zone as much as possible during a meeting of the coordination council for meeting the needs of the armed forces. dozens of such projects already exist, new troops have begun to arrive, and an equally important direction is the organization of peaceful life in the front-line areas. a comprehensive
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development program has been launched, including the economy and infrastructure. rubles, these funds are intended to help our children and their families in solving life situations, we are talking primarily about the purchase of appropriate medical products, technical means of rehabilitation for those dismissed from service. and on the restoration of documents for training or professional retraining and further employment. i ask the ministry of labor to constantly monitor the targeted and effective use of the appropriate allocated funding. more than 500 tractors occupied prague today. so czech farmers are protesting against.
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in europe's green policy, which, in their opinion, limits local agricultural producers. in total , up to 4.00 cars are planned to support the strikers. and the polish farmers, under the slogans no more hospitality, go home, they started blocking the railways. they do not allow trains with cheap ukrainian grain into the country, automobile checkpoints are also blocked, and the movement of passenger buses from ukraine has stopped. in a few hours. the eu council will discuss the new thirteenth package of anti-russian sanctions. delegations are already in brussels, but the statements of european politicians are far from rosy. they actually admit that restrictions do not apply to moscow and further pressure will most likely hit the old world itself. however, the main problem now - where to find weapons and money for kyiv? the politico publication sums up the results of the munich security conference:
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ukraine will not be saved in the current situation. sweden stood up in hungary, the only european country that is blocking stockholm's application; all washington's attempts to put pressure on budapest in the form of american senators who came to the country ended in nothing; the hungarian authorities refused to meet with congressmen. according to the washington post, against the backdrop of donald trump's possible return to the white house, brussels is urgently discussing the possibility of creating some kind
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of addition to nato, which would become an alternative to the alliance on the continent. however, european officials immediately faced a dilemma: who will pay the bills? well, donald trump himself demonstrated another example of a successful business model. he launched his own brand of sneakers and the first batch , with the motto bold, golden and tough, like president trump, sold out in a few hours. german media, citing diplomatic sources, report the eu's decision to launch a military operation against the houthis. in the red sea has already sent a german frigate with bundesfern soldiers. and the houthis themselves are a thing of the past.
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the gift of foreseeing a crime suddenly appears and returns to the screens. in each series in different genres there are dramas, there are melodramas, there are confusing almost thriller stories. don't you understand that if i see you, it means you were killed? in the second season, the heroine of maria poroshina, who works in the investigative committee, becomes an indispensable employee in the team of colonel zhogoov. andrey ivanovich, i have i have a bad feeling, can i go to court, what else is there to do? brilliantly solves the crime. crimes and even one of the operatives who is still skeptical about her abilities with each new case begins to trust anna’s conduct more and more. a real detective does not
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accept any unconventional methods of searching for an investigation, and if they do, then with hostility, but ostrovskaya’s charm wins. don’t be upset, everyone makes mistakes, you’ll have some cake, not now, here’s some coffee, thank you. at the same time, herself. with each dream, the gift that helps her save others, control anna’s actions, breaks her life with each new one. i think that this is not a gift, it is a given that she is trying to get rid of, she suffers from it, there is a choice, either you help people and do it.
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an important event for the orthodox world. in the crimean khersanes, 100 years after its closure, the st. vladimir monastery is being revived. the monastery was erected in the second half of the 19th century in memory of the baptism of prince vladimir in korsun in 988. during soviet times, the monastery in hersanes was closed, so now orthodox life is returning. from hersanes jan szczerbaty. through ancient ruins to the black sea. the divine liturgy in hersanes begins with a procession of the cross.


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