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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  February 19, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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cookies, now they are all sitting there, the dogs are begging for sausage, not cookies, cookies, but the cats are not begging for cookies, but the dogs are begging, but that’s not the point , the point is that they don’t think at all, they are no longer there has not been concerned about ukraine for a long time , just as the top officials of ukraine have not been concerned about ukraine for a long time, they want, as if they...
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premiere on rtr. welcome to us, comrade major, justice. in my dream, your new girl will be killed, you have to warn her. is it you, or what? hello, whole evening is not all you think about. i have the right to my personal space. anna is a medium. tomorrow on rtr. favorite songs are playing in our studio , let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs are playing, real feelings know no boundaries for good people.
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on saturdays on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. let's see on the weekend. i, your son. what? you lied to me all these years, as best you could. you are my mother. what do you want? how did you know that seryozha was alive? now your wedding is under great threat. and this boy binds them stronger than your ridiculous courtship. if. everything
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could be returned back, let's start all over again, and it's a turnaround for me, i'll solve this problem, it's hard to walk over the abyss of lies, serezhanik injured his spine, because of her our son could remain disabled, she took everyone's whole life, she took everything from me life has been ruined, we can’t cope without you, it’s even harder to take a few steps to love on saturday on rtr.
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don't let her down, russia, russia!
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then you need a new model that ensures this world and this happiness, and you have people who grew up under another, under the old model, who were trained exactly like baboons under the old model, and from childhood they were forbidden
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to think differently than according to the old model, and what the new model is, no one knows that, but what is there to know, all the models that were built in the wealth of the west was on the robbery to absolutely right. the last ones, well, this last surge of happiness in the west was built, as bary said honestly, on available energy resources from russia and cheap goods from china, he really missed the third component of the printing press, the printing press, he did not name the main component, that these are all the results of the robbery of russia and the warsaw pact countries in the nineties, in the late eighties, in the early nineties, this is actually what gave the colossal america the opportunity to europe. absolutely true, but the latter, they still printed much more money than they stole, for this reason nothing is possible, there are no such resources on planet earth with which to compensate for what they printed and continue, listen, mikhailovich, you know me
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it’s surprising, and i haven’t seen anywhere that there is a serious analysis on this topic, but the whole west is thinking that russia has lost ukraine forever, so there are problems. but they don’t understand the main thing: the west has lost russia forever, the level of losses for the american economy, for the european economy, is colossal, and here it’s not only the issue of 150 million consumers and maybe not even that many, but logistics routes, energy resources, that’s all, if you look, then this is such a blow to the american european economy that no one has ever never tried.
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whose life activity is expressed by verbs of the imperfect form, so if you have people sitting everywhere who are not able to do anything, as barel told us everything, you have to be impotent - this being is all about doing something, that is, they don’t want to do, they talk are going to, but they can’t do it, it’s impossible, they can’t do it, for this reason they will...
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disappear along with all the stolen money, they’ll spoil everyone’s blood, a lot, you’re not an optimist, there ’s no , war, including nuclear, it will never does not happen according to plan, not a single world war began according to plan, and did not go on because they would not have been alone and not one, the second war b...
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as they write, in the occupied regions of ukraine, i talked with civilians, with
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by our military, well, that is, for the first time, the british are being shown this very war from another front line, you can’t imagine what ’s going on in britain now, demands to be banned under no circumstances, especially now they say you can’t show such things, there is complete censorship, that is, on they require a channel there impose sanctions, deputies, you are democracy , my dear, but here it is, you understand, what does he have to do with the fact that he is accused of,
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during macarthyism they fought with liberals, with democrats, who were called communists, which means russian agents, yes, they are driven with delight, all of me spoke with one of your colleagues whom i have known very well for many years.
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in this regard, when you ask, do they really think their voters are idiots, listen, they think, well, they think, the tragedy is that their voters don’t agree, you understand, here’s vladimirovich, today, today this year is the centenary of zenoviev’s famous letter, remember, the story when they essentially knocked it off. based on a fake, a primitive fake, yes, the first labor government in britain, this is just a century ago, you know what the british press is doing now, they have elections too soon, just on this centenary anniversary another fic is being formed, now in britain there is a trial of a russian super-agent, a super-spy, i ’m not kidding, this means they are no longer
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saying from the courtroom who the agent is, who has been in afghanistan since the age of five. nurtured gur since the age of five, you understand, and he is such a gur, and gru, gru, gru, yes, god, that they could have raised, so, you understand, and this one, this fake is also being prepared , which means to throw it into all these, now how old is he, now he is already an adult, he has already managed to visit nato, supposedly thanks to him, one of our agents received a pass to nato, just imagine, to the apartment.
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news that they found a body, many field wounds in the parking lot, then a few kilometers later they found a burnt car in which the killer was traveling, and that allegedly the one who was shot was this scumbag kuzminov, who hijacked a helicopter to the side of ukraine, killed two of... two of our pilots, crew members, but i wouldn’t be in a hurry, well, of course, i wouldn’t be in a hurry, although ukraine has already said that yes, yes, it’s him, this could be a cover operation to get him out from under attack and... they cover their tracks, of course , so i wouldn’t rush here, but in any case, he must understand that sooner or later he will never, never forget his betrayal, and
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all the enemies of our country should understand this, never, and i think , that we are in vain abandoning sudoplatov’s methods, and i don’t understand why all sorts of scum and scoundrels, such as budanovo and others, happily declare that they are preparing more terrorist acts on the territory of our country. well, today several terrorist attacks were prevented , they found a man who pretended to be disabled and tried to plant some eyeglasses under a car, well , you have to understand that there is no such meanness that the west will not forgive towards us, our fathers and grandfathers knew perfectly well how to deal with such citizens, great knew, and i believe that these methods are proper. should we return to the question of courts-martial? well, we need to return to military courts, there should be a different system for managing legal proceedings in the front-line regions,
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there should be completely different powers in military courts, in the military prosecutor's office, of course , it seems to me that this is obvious, but as a frontline commander, if there is someone something he should do, what should he do, be guided by what? no? here the question is, we must understand, we are at war, this is a holy war, there is a religious war, there is a war domestic, and this war against nato. the west openly sets the task of destroying our state of our people. this must be understood absolutely clearly. and all those who are not with us in this situation, but call themselves citizens of russia, they must understand what is in this situation.
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everything, everything has been buried, and this is probably the kind of thing that is burying germany, of course, this is very understandable, so in germany they probably treat this a little differently, not the way we talk about it, well, munich certainly provides a reason now. talk about a lot about many things , when hitler came to power, that ’s what we’re talking about now about the holocaust, it began unnoticed, that is, it wasn’t quite like that, just today he came, and tomorrow troops of stormtroopers rushed in in houses , they began to glue stars, they began to find jews there, pull them out, no, it was all very slow, i know this very well, i talked to people, i have been dealing with this issue for a very long time, it all happened. in front of everyone, no one paid attention to it, well, it was just clear, rosenberg, i mean, of course, his theory , which hitler used so well, that
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if a jew, he needs to be destroyed, everything else does not play any role, at first , over some time, this should have gotten into the brains of those people who they considered themselves, well, either noble bourgeois, or they were just...
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14th century, the first jews who came to brazil were moroccan slaves, moroccan jews, the moroccan community, they
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came there, there's even a name... they were brought there, they were brought there, yes, there's even there is the name of the first jew, who, with the first ship there, not a steamship, but the first sailing ships, brought jews there, so they settled there, they lived there for many years, in certain years the brazilian jewish community numbered up to 200,000 people, starting from approximately from 1944-45, brazil, as one of the few latin american countries, began to accept those jews who... fled from hitler, another community was formed there, if before that they were sifards, then then they gradually appeared there, well then there are eastern european ones jews who came from poland , who came from germany and, starting from 1948, only 800 jews emigrated to israel, well, first to palestine, then they went there to israel, that is, the community is quite powerful, respected, works quite well
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and enough...
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not only that, but humanity allows a humanitarian catastrophe to exist before our eyes, so it’s still a catastrophe, i won’t even argue with you, i completely agree with you here, it would be enough for me if he said in his speech would mention hamas, but he didn’t do this, and then he would have said all his words, then maybe i would have reacted to this differently, but this is not the topic of my speech today, i just remembered it. about this president , i’m very sorry, because i kind of thought he was a little smarter, but unfortunately, i’ll repeat it again, and i’ll stick to it, he’s just an illiterate fool, if he doesn’t even know about his jewish community in brazil, but i after all, about munich, well, munich, of course, is what took place in munich, in general nothing happened at all, because for the first time in many years the munich conference took place without practically anything, not even some kind of
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final serious... this is the most amazing thing, but there was nothing, there was simply no document, they didn’t agree on this from the very beginning started, the fact that zelensky flew away the day before the end of the conference, why isn’t there, there’s nothing about anything, no one says anything, but here i just want to return to the idea that was voiced there that we need to create our own army, we need to think about what will happen if comrade trump comes after all... he will disperse nato, but we must understand very well that all these years, which are the existence of nato, after the unification of germany, when virtually all opposition to the north atlantic alliance disappeared, nato needed some kind of then in a way to prove to their voters and their taxpayers why they exist, because the main enemy has disappeared , he was not there, he did not exist, and those 2% about
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whom... seemed to make it possible to legitimize this whole situation of all these monetary costs on nato affairs, and then a wonderful arose, well, i think it’s just such a wonderful presentation from kiev to nato, when they realized that this conflict could be transferred to a completely different plane, then no one would ask the question of why we are needed, why spend
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any of your money on us. but in connection with this, this, of course, is the idea of ​​​​creating a new army, and there are three at once, but which can be immediately named, the first is completely unrealizable, the second - there is no such hegemon, who could take this new army with him, and third, if they agree to this and nato ceases to exist, well, in the sense in which we are talking today, then first, there is no country in europe today that could say, and i am the hegemon, i have the means, i have the capabilities, and i can be outside of this former bloc, but now i’m kind of playing a leading role, pistorius wanted to say this, it’s no coincidence that you’re seeing him today. mentioned, he gave such hints about it, he said: at the munken conference, we will declare that we will be a new country that will lead the military power of europe, this did not happen, there is no money, no opportunities, this hegemon does not exist. moreover, i think they
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understand well and understand the situation perfectly well, that if nato in one form or another ceases to exist, europe will go along the path of creating small blocs, blocs, some groups, but... as an attempt at such a good smile towards moscow: well, you think that everything is bad with us, in fact, everything is not so bad with us, but according to the results of the munich conference it’s still bad, because there is no unity, no
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hegemon, nothing happened from the point of view of the germans, who would, of course, as they said, want to create a serious coalition to help ukraine, as far as i understand, except germany... germany , germany will supply us with taurases, you know, a person who understands diplomatic language so poorly should not be the minister of foreign affairs, because if taurases could be supplied, it would inevitably not have been missed by mr. scholz, who would have come to the conference and spoken there and said: “yes, we, of course, will give it.”
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ukraine and germany, in which not a word is said that assistance will be provided, it is said that consultations about money will be held, purely declaratively, for 10 years, this means that for 10 years neither germany nor france will allow ukraine to join nato, because by and large this is exactly what the document is about, the second very important point, they talk about russia’s losses, this is nonsense, they understand this, but they perfectly understand ukraine’s losses.
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with the current method of formation will not be able to to provide the necessary number of people to close the front line and compensate for the losses that are leaving, which means they will need to switch to conscription, now the transition of european countries to conscription means such a change in the entire socio-economic structure, because immediately, firstly, the withdrawal of hands from that way of life that comes from the economy. this is a completely different level of budget expenditures, a completely different level of redistribution of budget expenditures, and of course, an immediate increase in social tension, because a number of you won’t force categories of citizens to go to the draft, i want to see how you
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force migrants of the first or second wave to go, that is, in germany the green party is the first party that opposed the regular army, which did everything all the time, which is what i ’m talking about , that is, this will instantly lead to colossal ones. ok, that's all, see you tomorrow.
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nikolai petrovich, i won’t have time to hand over the task this month; we’re on duty every other day. speaking of duty, why did you leave the scene yesterday without finishing inspection? the working day is over, and after 6 the city duty officer takes over, what a racket, you only have half a page to fill, i’m a man with principles, you know, i’ve overworked it once, twice. young, but very experienced, very strict,
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because the deputy, nikolai petrovich, our veteran, belyaev, come to me, there is something to do, i ’m free, sit down, let’s talk, thank you, i’ll stand on foot, well, as you know. what destinies? after the academy? to be honest, i wanted to work in the police, but they didn’t hire me. why? for health. polyarthritis in my joints hurt, they won’t take me to the police for this. of course they take you to the prosecutor's office. yeah, the prosecutor’s office, as they say, hires everyone. well, do you have a lot to do? enough, i know a lot of murderers. wow. but i can’t cope with complex cases, marya sergeevna
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, put me in my place, i don’t have enough experience , that is, you didn’t work on the investigation at all, but you’re familiar with me, marya sergeevna, don’t touch me, no, i didn’t work, well, at least you’re a criminal case i held it in my hands, of course, during pre-graduation practice, well, what was it about, but i remember, why did you want to work as an investigator, well it’s cool here, the money seems to be good and taxis work. don’t hit a lying person, it’s a pity that they didn’t take you to the police, it’s certainly fun here, but not in the way you think, well, i joked that you immediately, by god, i can say that since childhood i wanted to become an investigator, that’s good, i i’ll assign you to an experienced investigator , you’ll travel with him, then we’ll see if it ’s an old man or something, why does he smell like navtolin, he supposedly tortured people in the dungeons of the nkvd, what are you saying, well, no, i’m going to him don't want. to this, to this second i don’t want to either, i
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have better contact with women, yes, can i intern with you, please, please, can i, well, let me investigate something, some bloody showdown, a triple murder? a bribe, here's the material, look, share your thoughts, come on, oho-hoho-ho, yeah, he's lying all the time, why is that? look, here is his signature, the outgoing date is
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february 2000, uh-huh, right here below, right here, when this form was printed in the printing house june. 2002, well done, linden, will you come with me for a second inspection, of course, where go away, hi guys, hi masha, what's taking so long, well, well, well, wildebeest, we thought we wouldn't see you before korean easter, traffic jams, excuse me, where are the traffic jams, beckoning, ah, ah, here you go, ah, what kind of neophyte is this? your creature, mine, this is our new investigator, by the way, petya, who hasn’t worked a day for the investigation, hello, hello, petya, who hasn’t worked a day for the investigation, well, young man, first of all, look at this still life, petya, hello,
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well, any thoughts about what, petya, corpse? found on the ottoman, we have a detainee who said that the doorbell rang at night, the victim went to open it, returned with a head injury, lay down on the ottoman and died, so what, what thoughts about this version, but none, let him put it in this version, you know , where, where, where, where, but here the hedgehog understands, they killed him when he was lying on the ottoman, interesting, well, well, well, well, well, well, look, splashes blood. fan out upwards, traces in the form of exclamation marks, you see, were formed as a result of the swing with a bloody object, presumably a murder weapon, or from a blow to a bloody surface, the conclusion is, he
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was lying here when they hit him in the head, an a, almost a pass, and you probably said that... maybe it’s not worth it right away, i don’t i know how to conduct an interrogation, how to order an examination , it’s okay, we’ll help you, there ’s only a formality left, missing, you’ll start tomorrow, now sit down and write down everything you told us in the protocol, i don’t know how, let’s study, come on, now have tea let's go have a drink. dictate, good morning, marya sergeevna, hello, this is for you, in honor of what, so for a good mood, thank you, are you going to give this sap the material on the disappearance before us, and you prefer filonov, petrovich
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at least knows which way to approach the matter, if this is not taught, he will never know why he needs to be taught using materials from our department, let him work as a dog. let's go to the boss, as he says, it will be so. they gave you a flower, but you went soft, keep in mind that you will have to chew everything yourself and put it in the beak. you know, sometimes it's very useful to have a fresh look look at our routine. petya, you wait for us, we’ll go undress and go to the boss, okay? well, he says, it’s time to decide. are we going to initiate a case or not?
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who you slowed down, they hardly remembered the car and said that he probably had a power of attorney to drive it, but it doesn’t need to be certified, he could have easily drawn it himself, well... it’s not enough for implementation, the corpse was not found, yes, not a living one , not dead, dan ege, they checked it properly, viktor ivanovich,
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offend, most likely buried or water was dumped, well, in general, hiding a corpse indicates that the crime was committed by friends or relatives, well done , you can figure it out, well, while you’re figuring it out, my parents have already tortured me for money, he goes to the prosecutor’s office as if he were going to work, well, that’s understandable, how are you going to realize yourself, i still don’t i heard, yes, grab and stab , i’m going to check the license for the car with deinega’s parents, we’re in a hurry, we’re in a hurry, he will deny everything and then the court won’t let us arrest him, volodya, i also think that it’s still too early to grab and stab something to work out, by the way, our new an employee is in contact with the search , viktor ivanovich will take care of this, but you can still ask a more experienced employee, this is a serious matter, marya sergeevna will decide for herself, she is at the beginning. she knows better about the investigation , good, it’s practically
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impossible to hide here anywhere, it’s all clearly visible, shot through, from the dugout borya will have time to send a short video of himself walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes, his last report, no one wants it, no one wants it, no one wants it , why are you here salts, the homeland must be defended, a point was born on my vacation hit me, right?
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we have a special issue, starting with breaking news. 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, they’ve bloomed for a long time, masha, well, what else are we
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going to do, 3 months have already passed, volodya, i understand everything, time is against us, but still we don’t have enough to open up, well and what do you suggest, let’s open a murder case, we’ll postpone the disclosure and calmly finish everything through the investigation, hands, yeah? we’ll put a capercaillie on the department at the end of the month, i understand, it’s better to hand kolchin over to the kuduska, give the card to be opened, then he’ll be released, and even though the grass won’t grow, maybe we’ll split him up , if he was so easily injected, you would have received a confession even that time when you called for a conversation, excuse me, but what is the actual dispute about, and show, in short, volodya, we’re initiating a case or , or or we refuse to excite, but keep in mind that there are 3 days left until the end of the month, oh, and pyotr anisimovich, could you move the closet for me, which closet? i can’t, my joints hurt, well then the chair, you know, you haven’t tried a massage, if you want, i can
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do it, you know, there are so many people, i no one can help, maybe. who's there? open, please, this is an investigator from the prosecutor's office. hello. hello. sorry, i don't know you. i know everyone in the prosecutor’s office, investigators and prosecutors, but i don’t know you. and i'm new. sorry, i can't let you in. well, call my boss. who exactly is marya sergeevna shvetsova, her phone number, thank you, i know. “come in,
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excuse me, don’t misunderstand us, we are afraid, our son was killed, hello, hello, please, we are being hunted, they are even looking for those vasin girls with whom he has been with for a long time broke up, why do you think that he was killed, because we haven’t seen him for 3 months? well, well, maybe he was kidnapped, well then they would have let us know, they would have asked for a ransom or something else, well, yes, who could kill him why? he had a friend, kolya kolchin, they went to the same wrestling section at school, a disgusting guy, what
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’s disgusting about him, vile, soulless calculation. only money on his mind, well, since your son was friends with him , it means this kolchin isn’t so bad, he’s become friends, it’s... them again, who they are, criminals, yes, they always ask about vasya’s girls , well, well, at least you installed a caller id, everything works, but the number is not detected, and we write down the text,
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good day, don’t hang up, please, we agreed with you, we need a girl. olya, after all, your son is missing, so olya would help us find him, i asked you to think about where she can be found, you are elderly people, a little thing will grab you or something, a brick can brazenly fall, when you go to the store, people get hit by cars , well, if you’re not ready to say today, i’ll call again, we have such records three cassettes. they call very often, hello, come in, thank you, hello, hello, you shouldn’t have worried, this is really our new investigator, pyotr buevich, hello, marya
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sergeevna. marya sergeevna, have you come to check on me? no, of course, they just wouldn’t give the tapes to a stranger, yes, i hope you didn’t drink there, didn’t eat, well , didn’t pour it, didn’t treat it, but if they poured it, and why not, then, peter, we agree once and for all , among victims, detainees, accused, we never drink, eat or we’re not taking anything away, marya sergeevna, that’s understandable, good, that’s clear, but what do you understand about this? and he did something like that before his death, do you think they killed him after all? surely, why kidnap him then, if then you don’t demand anything from anyone, they don’t demand anything from old people, there’s nothing to take from them, but they’re still looking for the girl, i forgot to ask what this guy was doing, he wasn’t doing anything ,
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i didn’t work at all for six months, and before that i worked as a driver in a construction company that collapsed. i needed it, why do i need it? kidnap, kill? i don't know yet. come in, i’m kolchin, yes, yes, you called me, come in, sit down, they’ll be calling me for a long time, i already told the police everything, now here, you have documents, huh, where do you
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work? i haven’t been working, and i’ve been working for a long time, almost six months, what do you live on, i’m not working on a car, yeah, whose car? navaskiny, denige. don't you think that the car should be returned to your parents? why should i give them the car? you were friends? well, the person disappeared, and if i were you, i would return someone else’s property to the parents. what the hell, this is my property, yours? yes. “hey, look, so what, this is not a document about ownership, just a power of attorney, well
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, he sold it to me by proxy, it’s clear that i have to give my car back , i sold it to you, yes, i sold it, i gave him money gave it away exactly on the day he allegedly disappeared." have you instructed him well? well, yes, we even rehearsed. no problem, just a formal interrogation. i think he fell in love with you. he looks at you like that. i'm sure i'm old enough to be his mother. do you think you were the last person to see him alive? it turns out like this. met i gave him the money, he gave me the car keys, and the power of attorney was signed there, in a notary ’s office, she works until nine, i
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didn’t see him again, but for how much, 2 seconds, yeah, it’s clear. here you go, that's it, that's it , you're free, thank you for coming, thank you, they say, yes, i need a document, but a summons, kanya. an excuse for work, put a stamp in the office, down the corridor, it’s
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buevich, we’re done, he left, uh-huh.
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well, bye, bye, happily?
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"right from you, our client rushed to one office, which means he said that he was not working, yeah, and then he asked for a summons to go to work, he said he had to, he screwed up, where did he go then? well, we didn’t go inside, but it’s something solid, an office outside the city, with security, a mouse won’t get through, video cameras all around the perimeter , everything, the office has a name, there’s no extract, but we’ll install them through the local tax office, although maybe that’s all in vain, why yes, because this fruit kolchin could get a power of attorney from deinega for the car, and slam deinega so as not to give the money, perhaps, but we ’ll still follow him, we need to tell masha.
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hi, look, well, the company doesn’t need to settle down yet, so that kolchin doesn’t worry, naturally, we need to go to the tax office, let them give us documents on this farm, petya, you’ll master it, marya sergeevna, let’s go together, i’m the only one who doesn’t know where if she wants to go, then go, go, the youth themselves said. teach, yes, go, analyze,
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but what can they tell us at the tax office? they will tell us everything... about the company and does kolchin work there? well, let’s say it works, then why is he hiding it? first we’ll find out everything, and then we’ll make guesses, okay? it's clear, have you never been to the tax office? no, i ’ve never been, yeah.
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please, thank you for drinking, marya sergeevna, i’ll treat you, coffee and mineral water, girl, two coffees and two mineral water, okay, that means kolchin works there as a security guard. he
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lied that he had been out of work for six months, but he worked for a security company, that he didn’t want to highlight the company, what’s special about that, he was afraid that they would start asking questions?


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