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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 20, 2024 9:25am-9:56am MSK

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environmental standards and as soon as possible. this is where the government can step in and start spending money differently to cover the costs, not just for these farmers, but in the case of increased costs that we see due to environmental damage, climate change, rising temperatures.
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trying to explain what happened to avdiivka, he said that biden was aware, he passed on the information, biden, then a direct quote, is aware, this already sounds like some kind of joke, so biden is aware the fact is that it was the inconsistency of the actions of the congress, the lack of money that caused the fall of the avdeevka, we are transported to the front, in direct communication with alexander khodakovsky, the founder of the brigade. i mean, well, avdeevka is so fortified that and how events should develop further, it has not been possible to take it for the last 10 years. yes, this
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is important, important for a number of reasons, it is now impossible to overestimate and take control of avdievka, despite the fact that this is a settlement with relatively limited proximity... proximity to the donetsk-makiyiv agglomeration, that is, the enemy was and maintained quite large reserves, forces in the immediate vicinity of donetsk, these are just a few kilometers, this is not tens of kilometers, in the immediate vicinity, literally, these are even hundreds of meters, not kilometers from
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the suburbs of donetsk and sinovataya, our relationship is based on this participation with the enemy, as they correctly noted, lasted for almost 10 years; we once held it. quite natural, and this is a consequence of the efforts that the russian army made, and not some accidents, any, say so, private decisions, such
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as, for example, the command, the decision of the command of the third assault brigade, not to enter avdievka there or to retreat, not to complete a combat mission, that is, here this decision could only take place if ... they saw for themselves that finale, that logical result, which, in principle , we are now seeing, which took place because they understood that entering a zone that is almost completely controlled by us and where we dominate in every sense of the relationship means exposing another one to destruction, quite, as was previously thought, an effective, productive brigade, which was basically... consisted mainly of representatives of such convinced nationalists, where people flocked who firmly believed in what they were doing, so, of course, avdiivka, despite all its fortification, it fell only thanks to the efforts of our army, only,
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there are no political underdecisions or decisions that did not work in favor of this, even if all the power structures. america voted to allocate funds or did they if they had acted quickly enough, it would not have changed the situation in any way, because the fate of the girl was predetermined. you just said this, yet zelensky and other western actors say that if the help to the ukrainians had been sufficient, avdiivka would not have fallen. do i understand correctly that the ukrainians are in avdiivka, a ukrainian garrison. there i didn’t experience any problems in manpower or equipment, well, any square kilometer of territory that is adjacent to the line of combat contact has its limits in terms of saturation with forces and means,
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it is impossible, let’s say, while maintaining some kind of reasonable balance, to push an infinite number of people into some limited territory, when ... the reasonable limit of this number is exceeded, then naturally the enemy and any of the warring parties begin to suffer disproportionate losses, therefore the number of armed forces , the amount of funds, including ukrainian ones, on the territory of avdievka around it was sufficient, it was optimal, and the fact that avdievka was strengthened for ten years and the fact that there was every opportunity to hold on for a long time defense, just means that... there was no need in a certain period for additional forces and means; the number of personnel and the means of destruction that the garrison had at its disposal, as correctly stated in the game, was sufficient in order to successfully restrain our onslaught, but the fact is that we have set
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ourselves the goal, not at any cost, but at a reasonable price , to take control of ovdievka and to realize the goal of this goal. balanced, correct, coordinated actions of the aerospace forces, artillery and
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hello motorized units led to the fact that even a sufficient number of forces did not help, even the fortification of this area did not help, in the end the enemy was forced to admit that further resistance was useless and began to retreat hastily, chaotically, completely unsystematically, leaving, and in in our hands there are some... pockets of resistance, which for a long time, naturally , could not resist and consistently surrendered, the bulk did not leave, i repeat, ran away from avdeevka, and of course, it says a lot there, says, first of all, that the ukrainian side was faced with something that over the past months, maybe even a year or more, it had not encountered, that is, on our side... the persistence was shown so much, well let’s say, so irresistible that despite any tricks on the part
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of ukraine, i managed to hold on to this fairly prepared urban-type settlement. alexander sergeevich, there are a lot of prisoners, there is some information, the key question is that now they won’t reach donetsk, where is their artillery, the one that was based on the territory of this not so large but important fortification. regarding prisoners, i am not ready to publish statistics now, because i think that the numbers are still being finalized there, in fact, this is not my right, prerogative, and as for whether the barbaric shelling from ukraine will continue, then unfortunately i have to admit that taking control of vdeevka alone is not capable of protecting the residents of donetsk and nearby settlements. from enemy air attacks, because various types of destructive
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weapons are used and most often these are weapons that work from long distances, they are able, of course, to reach our peaceful neighborhoods with the arsenal that they have in their hands and not only to the outskirts closest to them, so our task is do not stop at taking avdievka and do not be guided solely by the need to protect the residents of donetsk. kokeevka, other settlements from the threat from ukraine, and was guided by the need to deal primarily with the administrative borders of the donetsk region, so that this entire territory becomes part of the russian federation, and, naturally, the guidance of other strategic considerations that currently prevail within the framework of our military confrontation with ukraine. thank you very much, alexander sergeevich khadakovsky, founder of the brigade. thank you for the work you do, and of course, to the fighters of the east. ask. of course,
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stunning, heart-tugging footage of alexey, the watchman of the surviving church in avdeevka, who meets our soldiers. and by the way, he historically very correctly calls vasaushniki germans. the fact is that on these lands, even in the 19th century , not only people were called germans. what our soldiers are fighting for, performing their high feat, they are fighting for these
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people, they are fighting for the restoration of justice, including historical justice. speaking of historical justice, today we probably cannot help but mention an unpleasant but important date: today marks exactly 70 years since the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr was adopted transfer of the crimean region. from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr. the decree was adopted in flagrant violation of the constitution, because neither the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, nor the presidiums.
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this is what was behind all this, why such decisions were made, unfortunately, one has to suspect that behind this were narrow, selfish interests in the apparatus struggle. apparently, the initiator of this decision was nikita khrushchov, formally a meeting of the presidium of the cpsu, which
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preceded the decision of the supreme council of the president georgy malenkov st. but there are no documents that would confirm that khrushchev initiated exactly this, but there are many memories of contemporaries, and dmitry shepilov, who joined them later, then he was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper pravda, remembers very well that in the first year of fifty-three at a meeting on agriculture, nikita khrushchev put forward this idea, then later began to push it against him. when molotov spoke, well, he spoke with restraint, nevertheless he began to push through this idea, why? because that at this moment an acute apparatus struggle for power begins. stalin, as you know, held two positions: he was the head of the government and the secretary of the central committee. after his death, georgy malenkov becomes chairman of the government, everyone believes that he
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is the successor, but in september of fifty -three, nikita khrushchev becomes the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, and he begins to little by little take power to himself, in this struggle he needed to rely on the party apparatus , and his support point, his base was the ukrainian party leadership, for many years he was first secretary of the central committee of the party of ukraine, in order to receive appropriate support, to gain popularity among the apparatus of the ukrainian communist party, he is pushing. the decision as a gift for the anniversary of the perislav rada, the reunification of ukraine with russia. what can we learn from this bitter history lesson? those politicians who make decisions based on their current market interests are terrible. yes, then in 1954 no one could have thought that this would have any
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significance as part of which union republic crimea is located. but not in a few decades. it really exploded, as titov predicted, it exploded , thank god that now we don’t have such a situation in russia and not such a politician is leading our country, but if we look at today’s munich conference, we will see a gathering of just such politicians there, so the conference gathered in terms of security, you have now compared stoltenberg with khoroshov, and therefore in relation to the interests of europe. yes, of course, he is going to, but frankly, there is something to discuss, europe is bursting at the seams, a monstrous migration crisis, already their own farmers, as they say, are hitting with a battering gun, shouting that we don’t need ukraine here, it will destroy, stop, the agriculture of europe, which means a terrible financial
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crisis, and what are they doing, applauding each other for a long time, saying the duty anti-russian speeches, intimidate each other with the russian threat, that’s all, the end of the comedy, why are they behaving this way? because in their struggle to retain power they count on relying on what we call the washington regional committee, the washington regional committee is quite cynically shifting responsibility for what is happening, including financial, increasingly onto europe, we started this mess, now we have other interests, we need... to gather forces for the conflict in the far east, we are in a new bloc there military man, and you guys, let's go on, on your own, on your own, it's a pity for the people of europe that they chose such politicians for themselves. and it’s good that this is not the case in russia now, we’ll be back in a minute, urzik,
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the premiere on rtr, welcome to us, comrade major of justice, i have yours in my dream, new dish, you should warn her, zhenya, is it you, marina, hello, the whole evening, not just. do you think i have the right to my personal space, anna medium, today on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, and... one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy. we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she carries this cereal, priyuudy, says: baby, feed
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the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help. did not survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, a big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, the hero of afghanistan. tract bam, dum fand. "these are very serious people, you will have to move out, in case of any
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lawlessness, this is our home, i already left for a rented place a long time ago, there is nothing, palych, they don’t abandon their commandos, everyone back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine, but he cleared everything, there’s a stick, you there, just like that, munchok. nobody except us. breaking everyone, not a terrible surname. yes, it will be hot today. with a bang. february 23 on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. how to train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma,
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how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. let's see on the weekend. i am your son that you lied to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha remained alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and
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this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be brought back, come on let's start all over again, and it's a turnaround for me, i'll solve this problem, it's hard to walk over the abyss of lies, seryozha 's student injured his spine... without her , our son could remain disabled , she took everyone's life away, she ruined my whole life, we are without we can't handle you, it's even harder to do a few steps to love, on saturday on rtr, news from the russian ministry of defense, the head of the kherson region salda was poisoned with ricin in august twenty-two.
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not only during military operations, but also for carrying out terrorist acts. so, on august 9, 2022, the head of the administration of the kherson region, vladimir sayda, was hospitalized with symptoms.
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this is a very significant event. this is what the current munich conference showed, that munich did not take place in the format in which it was planned in 1993. i let me remind you that initially the idea was this: there is a gromozian ineffective obsr, in which there is a lot of bureaucracy, decisions are difficult to make, now we will create some kind of effective forum where the east and west will quickly agree. europe, bypassing the entire bureaucracy, will solve any problems, find solutions, and the osce will then only prepare the relevant documents, that is, munich will be the head, and the osce will always be, let’s say, the acting office. now we see that this did not happen, munich has turned into something with what did it start with? nato forum. in fact, this has become such a political addition.
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to nato countries, what the so-called euro-atlantic partnership council used to do, in which it is no longer a conference between east-west europe, it is no longer a conference of dialogue, it is simply a political addition to the north atlantic alliance, which in itself already lowers the status of the munich conference . the second point: the current munich has proven the final collapse. the idea of ​​a pan-european home, that’s what we’re all with, as they say, they have been circling since the late sixties of the last 20th century. in principle, if you look at modern europe, well, let’s be honest, the helsinki agreements are dead, the paris agreements of 1990 are essentially dead. the idea that we have a common security space, that we have a common security system. this
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is already the property of history textbooks, this is a good paragraph in the textbook, it was, this is a sad paragraph of this, well, like everything, once upon a time the iven congress ended, it’s true, eugene, someday everything in this world ends, that’s the idea the pan-european home has ended, it began with the expansion of nato to the east, and now we see that it is irrevocable, returning to the old europe, to the europe of the nineties is already... impossible, this is already a dead idea. point three, what can the west offer us? i think they are really considering the option of a second georgia. if things get really bad for ukraine, if the ukrainian army really starts to disintegrate, then it looks like they want to impose the georgian scenario on us. let's fix the new promotion boundary front line, that's all, get yours.
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part, but the anti-russian regime in kiev remains, the bridgehead on the main thing for them on the left bank of the dnieper is preserved , access to the black sea is preserved, this is the main thing that must be retained for ukraine, only unlike georgia, it will be a large country with a potentially large army and some kind of military industry, which the west can restore, and then zelensky , like saakashvili, will be put in prison? and not only saakashvili, how many were removed such active leaders, remember the same zviad gomsakhurdia, well, they will imprison someone outwardly more a little more compromised, like shivardnadze, who outwardly will smile at us more, in fact, will pursue the same course to strengthen, revive the ukrainian army and military industry, that is they are already
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thinking in categories of schism. they no longer think about the categories of a general security system, they think about where to spend it.


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