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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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“don’t worry, it’s not dangerous , you can live with this for the rest of your life, i’ll write out recommendations for you, you understand, yangiomas have nothing to do with it, your nobel prize cried, okay, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we don’t betray our memory and don't go back on our words , we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovy. are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? on saturday? what's your name? lyuba? let's give it to mom. god, i recognize that look . anton, you are in love, you are drawn to simpletons.
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write life, choose brighter colors, you young, beautiful woman, by the way, i intend to treat you badly today, anastasia videnskaya, divorced, i would hold on to him with my teeth, pyotr boranchiev, i dream of a wife like you, alla yuganova, i’m different, we’re different, you understand, you’re a prince , and i’m nobody, lyuba, lyuba! draw me, happy one, on saturday on rtr, it’s practically impossible to hide here anywhere, everything is clearly visible, shot through, from the blind, borya will have time to send a short video of himself walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes, his last report, we don’t want to, we want to, who doesn't i want to know why you are here like this, the homeland must be defended, a point was born...
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whose ordinary life turned into an everyday feat. premiere on saturday on rtr.
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oshokov will kill me, he will do the right thing, no, they didn’t find anything. “hello, the boss is not in a good mood today, hello, thank you very much, andrei ivanovich, we didn’t find anything, we dug everything up, didn’t find anything, this bunin’s wife is suing us for violating the landscaping on her property, i believed you , and you, andrei ivanovich, forgive me, please, i know everything you say, stench, murderer, he killed
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at least five girls, but he buried it not in his yard, in the forest , next to the house, can you show me the exact place, no, that’s it, andrei ivanovich, we definitely need to find something on him, leave it alone at peace, everything, free, free, well, did you get it from andrei ivanovich? don’t be upset, everyone makes mistakes, will you have some cakes? not now, for coffee, thank you, but about the old lady and walter, you were right, i was thinking about it. the girl’s alebi is not plump, she could have gotten sick herself, but the old lady takes all the blame myself. what about the traces of gunpowder on her hands? ostarushka is smart, she’s thought of everything , you understand that the girl is facing prison, so she’s trying to justify her, you should talk to gonorovskaya, try to persuade her to confess, okay,
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vasily, i’ll try, thank you anya, you’re welcome, yes, and i not a cactus, a thorn. no more than vars, okay, that 's it, come on, see you, bye, hello, hold it, fresh, hello, oleg, ah, not already from a burn, and one part of the same, i’m helping with this.
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have you already given the transmission to gainarovsky? who gave it? grandson gainarovsky sm, hello, vasily, vasily, did you interrogate genarovskaya’s grandson, who is sm? gennarovsky semyon mikhailovich is 25 years old, so he lives in moscow, his granny doesn’t keep in touch, but here he seems to be having an affair with nagovitsin’s stepdaughter, oksana, how can you pass this off, but you definitely saw everything in your dream, but in what kind of dream, this is not a dream, that's it. i see them in front of me, hugging, standing , what should i do, do nothing, go to gaynorovskaya’s house, wait for me there, i’ll be there soon, okay,
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hello, boyars, investigative committee, and why are we keeping the doors open, guests or something? waiting on wake, huh?
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pasta, soon you will be sitting on state grub, i’m telling the sun, you ’ve been dating for a long time, i really need a lawyer, wow , why bother, have you killed the plague together? what is it to say, we didn’t kill anyone, listen, girl, you know what, come on, tell me, while i’m kind, and senya has nothing to do with it at all, he just arrived yesterday, i didn’t kill my stepfather, oksana, and you
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were watering the flower, that lyubov alekseevna asked me to water your ficus. oksan, we know that you were in this apartment when you were killed your stepfather, so you better tell the truth, believe me. he pestered me from the age of 13, every time when my mother left me on a flight , i told my mother why he was a lawyer, but she didn’t believe me, only grandma lyuba defended me, in what sense he pestered me, wanted to rape me, something like that. it’s clear, everything is fine, i believe you, please continue, he all boasted
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that he had found a gun, he wanted to give it to the museum, but i stole it from him for protection, he didn’t know anything, that evening yulets got drunk, came to me, i i pulled out a gun, he took it from me and... got scared, ran out of the room and hid with baba lyuba, he started banging on the door, shouting that they were going to put senya in jail to keep the weapon, who was shooting, who was baba lyuba , she went out into the corridor, they started swearing so that yurits would touch senya with her, then lined up , i came out, he was already dead, why did he shit? here she was on the street, grandma lyuba ordered, said that semyon could
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be prosecuted for complicity, since he had a gun, which means you will go to the department now, write everything you said, no one will put you in prison, understand? granny, god's love, she's a granddaughter defended himself, now he will be imprisoned, he will work for a couple of months for the state for free, and the grannies will also reclassify the matter as self-defense, so thank you mom, oh, excuse me, hello, far away, we’ll have something to eat, i guess i know where he is, i understand , thank you, olegov.
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say hello, who are you? i , i work with your father, yeah, let's talk, valer, well, you're so young, you 're so handsome, but don't you understand that drugs are death, what if you ask, you'd go crazy, give me a backpack, come on, come on, well they wanted a book, i could have given it that way, but it’s possible
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, but the protein has no taste, it’s very expensive, the guys and i chip in together, we take it... he accepts it and doesn’t accept it, i read my poems to him, but he just averts his eyes and
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bites his lips, i’ll talk to him, yes, give me a book, please, goodbye, goodbye, come in, come in, just like that. well, my dear, let's continue, let's continue, what a smart girl you are, look what, look what your uncle has, like this, like that. so my girl, what a smart girl, and what’s good for herself, yes, good, but now, now it will be even better, even better it will be my girls, even better, i raised my hands to get out of bed quickly, on the floor, hands behind my back, that’s it, calm down, be patient a little, oh,
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wait, well, i told you that we ’ll meet now, but can i ask you a question, how are you? did they get into my brain? probably, you yourself wanted this, to be stopped, any maniac wants this deep down in his soul, that’s why you gave me this badge, keep it for yourself, come quickly, oleg, oleg, how great that you caught him, well, it was not difficult, we will periodically pay the bills for this house using our card, although it was registered to another person, the camera spotted his car nearby on the highway, so
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i thought that i was here, lucky, we made it in time, if these... yeah, you planted it, he’s not a killer, he’s not a killer, he’s not kill her, shut your mouth, well, where did you bury the others, show me yourself, let them remove her, guys, finally remove her,
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let's go. dad said that i have a special little thing in my head that gives me a superpower, and you don’t have one, but i have good brains, because i’m an excellent student, and you’re a c student, don’t lie, i have only one c, tell me, girls , don’t quarrel, this little clot in your head... doesn’t affect your abilities, it’s a good heart, so kind hearts, let’s go to bed, and take it, that’s it, good night, good night everyone night, good night, good night, what a reason, today is not
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a holiday, i’m proud of you. exposed the killer, thank you, zhanya, to be honest, i thought it was all a hallucination, but i’m really a medium, you know, even as a medium you need to rest, lift me up strong, strong, tomorrow. what did you see? she is dead. is it an accident or murder? do you look great? klimov fell for her. oleg has been in love with her for a long time. shark. what can she do to transform you? i don't mind. smart, beautiful, reliable, like a tank. i dreamed about your wedding. maybe it's time for me to call already? anna is a medium. we'll see the continuation tomorrow. on
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rtr. on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin presented a state award to military units of the russian aerospace forces. the ceremony took place at the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. dear comrades, our meeting is taking place in the eve of defender of the fatherland day. i am glad to have the opportunity today to present high
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state awards to aviation units and units of the aerospace forces. their personnel, soldiers and officers showed courage and prowess during a special military operation and carried out thousands of combat missions. demonstrated the highest skill in solving assigned tasks. through your selfless military work you have proven your loyalty to the oath and the best traditions of the russian military. these traditions have been formed over centuries. our great commanders, soldiers and officers, devoted sons and daughters of the fatherland. we are proud of their achievements and victories. their names will always be a symbol of the courage of the boundless respect with which the people of russia treat their native army. at
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the end of the ceremony, the president handed over to the command of the aerospace forces a list of the icon saved by the miraculous. it will be kept in the main temple of the vks, the ascension of the lord outside the serplov gate. dear friends, today to the high command of the aerospace forces. the image of the salvation not made by hands is conveyed, this is a list with a memorable icon, which has enormous historical value and special spiritual significance, it has long been the patron of the russian army, and is a vivid symbol of our military victories, our traditions and faith, for our russia, we... treat our brothers, representatives with the most attentiveness, they close to us and spiritually. i congratulate you
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on taking on this persona. the kiev regime is on the fly creating a so-called anti-crisis after the losses of avdiivka. in general, it should be noted that , perhaps, for the first time in my memory zelensky miscalculated so much, that is, he, as usually very subtle. feels precisely the pr component, here he set himself up in full, he really sneezed, while the stupidity of what he did is, of course , appalling, but it would seem that you want to get rid of the loser, so we don’t interfere, the fate of the baby was decided, our troops brilliantly decided task, while dismantling the heaviest, most powerful fortress.
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who says that why do you write that you left a thousand wounded? so, but everyone was simply killed, in a couple of days in this one direction alone the losses were simply terrifying, but they need to be corrected, and the russian troops are building on their success , today they took victory, if you look at it like this, then novomikhailovskaya is already practically in such a very difficult condition for the ukrainian side, there is movement there, there is movement robotically, in the north, so, of course, such fragments of panic set in, it’s no coincidence that aristovich,
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he’s just already so hysterical, he’s now busy counting large russian formations before going to bed, there’s a group of fifty thousand strong in five places, this not to count, if you go by the little things, the first is the rabotina district there, orekhovsko-rabotinskoe , the second is... there’s a little less than 50, but that’s also enough, the third is ovdeevka itself, itself, then vakhmuty, kupinskoe direction , even a little smaller, but still in the direction of matchmaking, so we can say that there are five large and two two smaller groups on our front, where there are 40-50 thousand people each, where hundreds of tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces, hundreds of equipment, all this is joyfully bursting on our soldiers who have no shells if not for drones. not at all i know what we could do to stop the russian army now, the news is very bad, if help doesn’t come as soon as possible, the front will collapse within 2-3 months, collapse in several places, if western help doesn’t...
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this is what we are facing put the west, in particular, what the united states put us before the prospect within their terrible debates about the need to deal with the border there, it’s very funny, because it’s not that he said that... the russians have missiles left for a maximum of two or three strikes, this it was more than a year ago, yes, at most two or three blows, maximum, but now budanov says that the russians in general, listen, they have nothing, and they don’t have the strength, budanov, you promised to drink coffee in the crimea already at this time, no one of budanov’s forecasts did not come true, oh, but i really liked the deputy press secretary of the pentagon.
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unfortunately, avdievka, this was a strategic withdrawal of troops that ukraine did in order to preserve its artillery and ammunition. look, if we don't get more, if we don't get more funding, i stated this at the beginning, if we do not receive the necessary funding from the senate, excuse me, if the representatives do not pass the senate bill for additional funding, we will not be able to provide.
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so, well, well, this is helplessness, and the main thing, it turns out, was that they withdrew the artillery, but no, they kept it, they kept it, yes, they left the shells for us, so they left so much, that is , there is now constant news about how many trophies, what it’s just not there, but in fact i didn’t like everything, how in mukachevo they pinned this guy down with his feet another military commander, right? that jokes aside, in ukraine no one wants to fight for ukraine, and no one wants to ask themselves the question , how is it that if the military registration and enlistment offices are empty, there are no volunteers there, and polls supposedly show that ukrainians are ready to go
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to war, yes...
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we noticed that budanov is again celebrating his victory, saying: look, fewer russian missiles are flying into cities, this means that they are all running out of them. i specifically found a quote from budanov in december of the twenty -second year, december of the twenty-second year, where he says: yes, two or three attacks are enough , that is, i’m interested, but the ukrainians themselves read their own, they at least have something, they have some kind of memory, google it, these are their resources, that is, they can dial there and say, here is budanov. when he still said this, well, well, they continue to calmly lie to this public and nothing, without any problems, at the same time and everything, now it’s universal, it’s everywhere, everyone around is putin’s agents, that’s all, in all countries of the world, you’ve heard about restovich , yesterday, yes, we discussed spitting in the faces of europeans- americans, now the new york times wrote the new york times, but it would seem that he was already working like that, serving
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ukraine with propaganda, he wrote: against the british journalist who dared to ask the people of donbass, the residents of donbass in general, their opinion about this war, well, it’s just a crime, he serves russian propaganda, they say in ukraine, and demand, call for an answer, you will see later, they will open a case against him in britain.
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2 years of war, they are all now celebrating: 2 years of war, and there the residents of donbass all unanimously say, so we are the ninth here, the tenth year, well, last year it was filmed for basically 9 years, which means we are in this war, and the journalist says: local residents believe that the war has not been going on since, well, not 2 years, but it started in the fourteenth year, they think it’s not so for them, yes, as if it really hasn’t been 10 years since this... unfortunate donetsk has been shelled, well , putin’s most important agents are now, of course , entrenched in poland, that’s it, that’s it, the poles, absolutely, i’m looking at the reaction now ukrainian public, ukrainian media, ukrainian figures regarding this
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blockade of ukrainian agricultural products on the border with poland, that’s it, the poles are traitors, and it would be nice if some bloggers said it, you know, the ambassador blathers, constantly, is indignant, insults the poles, which causes him to... engage in self-criticism as much as you like, but it got there already to the point that zelensky is threatening an embargo on polish goods, now is the time for ukraine, it’s time for an embargo, an embargo, and for him deputy minister of agriculture koladejczak is on air on state polish television.
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at the same time, an article appeared in the newspaper today times of a full-time provocateur and chloyd, who , from the very first, or rather even before the start of hostilities in ukraine in general, until the fourteenth year, dispersed animal russophobia in the western press in ukraine , including, here he says: weapons, financial assistance to ukraine,
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students, well, up to 20, 22 years old, he says , that’s where they most don’t want to fight, it ’s precisely among young people, that is, they think that someone needs to fight, but not them, and yet virtually no one, well, more precisely no one, and why they should find out, he didn’t find any one person among young people who would say that crimea or donbass can be returned to ukraine. vlanovich, it’s not by chance that i’m asking this question, because it’s a narrative. which was from the fourth year, this is that the task is to enter europe, that is, when
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the main idea of ​​​​an entire generation becomes to escape from their country, and now they are told: you must fight for this country, they say: why? that is why this author noted, when he talked with young people, what kind of future do you see for yourself, they answered him: there is no future, they don’t see it, they this country has no future, and they deprived themselves of this exactly 10 years ago.
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not only revolutionaries, but also counter-revolutionaries who defended
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kiev then in the seventeenth year they were able to cope with the revolutionaries, well, that is , in fact, they demolished the monument, including over the graves of those who were generally a model for them, so to speak, who fought for the upr, and then i realized that i was seeing how the state was collapsing, because in the center of the capital, in the evening in the dark, people were committing an act of vandalism. in february, then in march contributed to this euphoria
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such a pessimistic note, a man who was considered, so to speak, a supporter of liberalism, the son of a very famous ukrainian historian, also a historian - the son of pyotr petrovits tolochka, alexei tolochko, some journalists from a liberal publication came to him there and said, that means, revolution of dignity, which means how do you generally look at all this as a historian, you know, he says, i look at any revolution, precisely as a historian, with great pessimism. because i know that first there is euphoria, then repression, then counter-revolution, and then the economic crisis and civil war, it will be exactly like that, to say that he looked at the water would be an understatement, there were still some moments when it seemed that it was possible to take a step back, for example, i remember very well how in april of the fourteenth year... the first landing brigade of the twenty-fifth, which was moving
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from near dnepropetrovsk to donetsk, people stopped it on the highway with its hands. as a result , the paratroopers, who had absolutely no intention of fighting with their people, surrendered , in my opinion, four units there near kramatorsk the technicians left. the brigade was then going to be disbanded. turchinov decided that it would be a bad example for the army and did not do it. then they used nationalists, nazis. azov entered... mariupol, there were events in odessa on may 2, and it became clear that there would be no dialogue between the regions, or indeed within the country that had arrived.
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among traffic cops, why is this? well, this eliminates the remnants of the soviet regime, then they not only changed the pony gate in a country in which there were 24 regions in the whole country with 48 cameras on the roads, that is, half of them knew them all were not connected to the system, in a matter of weeks the number of fatal accidents increased many times over, many times over, simply, that is , this state was crumbling just before our eyes, sniffing around today...
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what after the message that according to the new legislation perhaps they will block the funds of those who evade conscription , within weeks they withdrew 27 billion hryvnia, that is , this is more than half a billion dollars, well , a little, yes, well, it’s just clear, yes, well, it’s just clear that, well, definitely not many people are going to fight , absolutely, that's what they said that in this crumbling state they don’t understand, yes, there is some part of these very rabid ones, the basics there, forbidden, some people who have grown up on it, uh, here are the mobilized ones who managed to be caught, yes, huge the number of people in western ukraine who were
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and are still saturated with hatred, yes, but now we no longer see the point in fighting those who are now behind them. and it is no coincidence that all the time they say more and more often that europe is looking at ukraine with concern for one simple reason, if everything collapses there, then there are 20 million refugees in europe, why did they decide, well, there are already 10, no, because now it’s accepted that the genius there said the smart guy from the un, that no, everything is fine, you can return to ukraine those who fall under conscription, under mobilization, that is, in general, a genius.
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they don’t want to understand differently, that’s all , this is not, this is not the content, this is the form, form, form of conveying thoughts, i speak a language that they can understand, this self-name is idiots , this is a country of madmen, it will pay the full price the price for how crazy they are and what kind of madness they encourage and further install, you have no idea who you are, what you are? the most amazing thing is that at the time when ukraine was falling apart, i saw how...
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it was just clear that those people, yes, who were there, there also seemed to be few of them, because there really was such an absurd feeling that you you are driving at 10:00 in the morning in donetsk on a working day, and the streets are empty in august of the fourteenth year, just at one of the most serious times there was a feeling the offensive that was being prepared then was promised then by this same minister of defense, i no longer remember his last name, the former head of the state security , promise. it didn’t work out for them, but i saw, yes, but i just saw completely different people, uh, i, for example,
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remember, but it’s kind of later, i remember how in the eighteenth year, no, in the nineteenth year the rector told me donetsk university, how she went to class on september 1, 1914, and it was clear that a very worrying time, a very worrying time, had already begun the offensive, the roar in september, and in the morning , so look, i’m passing by the garage, but they’re standing... the main focus group, the drivers are standing there, they’re looking at me so warily, not seeming to understand where, why am i going on september 1st, everyone has left , he says, well, he says that svetlana vladimirovna can you hear, she says: yes, fireworks in honor of september 1st, and the man went, headed the university, now one of the, well, probably luhansk residents will argue, but that’s all i also think that one of the best in donbass, donetsk, and the most important thing is that i remember how in 1919 she told me with hot eyes, after all, we are, she says, i say, well , why did you stay, you are a man with a serious
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name, they called you somewhere, she says, yes, to moscow , so she begins to bend her fingers, because she is a serious mathematician, she says that they didn’t leave, she says, but how, she says, i’m part of the russian world, and you are part of the russian world, it was the nineteenth year, i just got out of prison, so i so slightly offended, because the word “russian world” is where i was 3 more weeks ago, well, they just said... with a whisper, if they said it, it’s collapsing in one place, growing in another, 10 years have passed, for history it’s generally like, well, nothing, well , like dust on the road, as they say, but well, it’s just clear that aristovich is probably right when he expresses his emotions in an unprintable form about the consciousness of those who brought it to this point. country before this advertisement,
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i will still give birth to a child, i will marry dima, the child died, we look at the weekend, i am your son, that you lied to me all these. how could you, you my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha remained alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let ’s start all over again, and i’ll turn the corner , i will solve this problem, it is difficult to cross the abyss of lies, seryozha’s student injured his spine, because of her, our son may remain disabled, she took everything all her life. “she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even harder to take a few steps towards love, on saturday on rtr,
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i would already demand, return nuclear weapons to me, how are things at the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles, and we have one wheel there. the second tank flew in from vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on tour, we are all with you, including me, we will go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in your head. with zealand, i’m not a wimp, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact,
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watch twice a day, see you, okay.
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spreading the loss of afghanistan over time and not possibly combining the loss of ukraine with it, this was the only motive, it turns out, but ukraine is not badly needed, that is , it turns out that biden had completely different strategic goals, but he forgot them, well, yes, he i forgot them, yes, it happened. that is , it is clear that while the pentagon is trying there, the same sabrina who was listening is trying to support that there will be money, ambassador in the united states in ukraine, then a woman says that yes, there will be money, of course, everything from boris berezovsky, there was money, there will be money, now there is no money, europe is trying to quietly crawl away, that is, in principle
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, there is a deficit in france. this is 5% of gdp, 5.5. the situation in italy is very similar, the situation in other countries is very strong, germany is relatively gaining, but obviously not for long. and in this regard, europe, of course, is ready to help with money, but not now, as boris abranovich said, yes, that is, well, give me a break, well, there are problems with 3 billions, but well, the problem is, that is, everything is slowly falling apart, everyone in their own holes, in this regard, the aggravation of the situation with the poles is generally typical, yes, that is. in this regard, this masyachuk understood perfectly what was at stake, he said that we need to quickly apologize to the poles, but say, but we messed up and somehow crawl to the side, because ukrainian telegram channels are spreading, well, fantastic messages, a bunch of marginal poles , who sold themselves to kotsopna, yes, they blocked it, so that’s what they dared to do, the railway crossing was dared, but the poles
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the famous polish kotsapnya, right?
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what could professional sirsky do?
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nothing, he just found himself ready for everything, his defeat was prepared for.
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there is no gold reserve, so as soon as the guy has no reserve, it turns out that, in general, he reacts to the lack of reserve, excuse me, guys, there is not a penny, because europe says, i’m for it, but there is no reserve, the states say there will be a reserve , but they say, but when it’s already they say that no, we can’t give supplies, but the level is lower, please note, it’s already there, but it’s strange that they didn’t even think about in general, it’s surprising how frivolously they treat all this, so the wall street journal explained that it didn’t hurt what they wanted?
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he voices the opinion of the united states, what kind of concern? yes, he was given a temnik
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, he voiced it, built everyone and told them what they want, i doubt it, well, maybe, you know, i’ll probably start with zelensky, there is information there that today he is collecting for the first time in 2 years his faction, i... i think, of course, the leader of the democratic world is not eager to meet with some deputies who owe their careers to him, which is partly true, of course, but he is sure that these same deputies owe him their lives indefinitely, which is actually a great stupidity, the very fact that he initiated such a meeting, tells us that serious problems have arisen, you know, like koschey’s is immortal. that’s it, the chest has been opened, the hare has run away, the duck has flown away, the egg is broken, one needle remains, zelensky’s needle is parliament, all of zelensky’s power is based on the loyalty of parliament in the conditions of a parliamentary
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presidential republic, and most likely, i think, what is being discussed, maybe it will happen, i can only guess, because there is no information about the results of this meeting, i think the issue of the legitimacy of the government is on the agenda, on the agenda ... there is the issue of reformatting the government, on the agenda is the issue of making unpopular decisions, and the last law on mobilization, which they adopted in the first reading, i remind you, they adopted with only 178 votes, by and large, if in if ukraine had at least some kind of opposition to zelensky, they would have bluntly raised the question of the absence of a coalition within parliament, there should be one, and this coalition should elect the government, in fact, no coalition there already... actually exists, so i think , a lot of questions have accumulated there - to which it is necessary to give some , not just some answers, yes, but also to make
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some decisions, and at the moment they certainly cannot be popular decisions. now about legitimacy zelensky, you know what i want to tell you, it seems to me that it is directly directly related to the situation on the battlefield. it, and if there are victories and successes, no one will raise the issue of legitimacy, but the situation is such that the second option is not worth considering, there is only one option, what to do in the event of further failures at the front, the responsibility is political, which will fully lie with on zelensky,
9:02 pm
they are shot down, they shoot down a plane where their people are located who want to exchange, knows that there were thousands of military men there, listen , there are families who are waiting for these people, these people do not come for an exchange, the authorities do not explain anything, and no one is interested in this, so why do you want them to recognize these people as captured , yes, they will say, yes, we don’t know, these are generally missing people, some prisoners, missing one moment that was not included in the air.
9:03 pm
a substance that, that is, it cannot even be called human, this is the whole field, that is, this is the human psyche, when it sees it, it cannot stand it, well, this is how scary it is, danilo says , yes, there’s nothing there, i’m telling you , some kind of catastrophe has appeared, no, that is, it’s just our humanism, the fact that we don’t show these things, because i can’t imagine how we would react the families of these fallen prisoners of war.
9:04 pm
so what britain, germany and france signed is absolutely no different, in terms of its imperative in relation, it is absolutely no different, and the last thing is according to aristovich, according to the money of the united states of america, my friend. there is a saying
9:05 pm
let's imagine, theoretically, i can imagine that at some point he might say: a spoon for dinner is expensive, well , the situation will be such that the americans will decide to allocate funds, not 60 billion, maybe 30 billion or 20 billion, maybe in a month, or maybe in two, but we must proceed from what will happen in these 2-3 months, so they attack the krynki with the best...
9:06 pm
runs and so on, that is, i am leading to what, to that, that in these 3 months it could turn out that everything that else...


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