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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  February 21, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the media, yes, it’s probably possible to zombify the audience, but mobilization is a completely different type of, as it were, a social, firstly , state, and secondly, a kind of personal psychological, mental attitude, they spent so much on in order to relax both our own and others for our corporate tasks, that i’m afraid that this seems to be not very possible, here comes the second antithesis, as it were, and related to this, i read all these same european
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experts, politicians there and so further, this is this, this is a curious thing, well it’s a curious thing that people who taught their own people for a long time said this to each other in their, so to speak, academic circles, by the way, forced us to think in exactly the same way, that in fact production is really a mess, real people - this is a post-industrial economy, if even now i open some russian-language
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wikipedia and open it. there, for example, germany or belgium, the economy, almost certainly in the first or second paragraph, here in the economics section, you will see that this is a typical post-industrial economy, that is, from 70 to 80, and in fact in the netherlands , more than 90 percent are services, well, that is, i install software on your iphone, and you please cook me some lat, that’s all, well, plus , of course, what kind of milk, and this, then the consultant
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appears on what kind? from industrial development, somehow not really explaining material things like how to produce on a 3-dbrinter, well, yes, this appeared later, this is when they began to ask not at all inconvenient questions, but developmental ones countries that are still just creeping in, there is a question of how much the industrial sphere is creeping in, it turned out that they suddenly needed hardware, needed material things, and somehow something is not accelerating very well, maybe shares, so to speak, of those the prices of the same enterprises are rising, but profits are not growing, in order to disperse this
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it will be necessary as... in america there are very specific corn patriots, very specific, very, however, resisting this matter, a war between them is actually inevitable, another matter, that these networks that you talked about, they will be used all over the world in everything in this whole game, this, in my opinion, you need to be prepared for, because in terms of the consequences, these can be very serious things, we need to study them , why i believe that war is inevitable, firstly, because war is a certain phase
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of resolution. and we are further trying to find a justification, but war, oddly enough, is such a catharsis, a cleansing of the entire system, which says, now, stop, wait, wait, what did you even set up here, this is
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nonsense, this option. it doesn’t work out, that’s why now in italy they are popping up as ostols, those states from which italy as such was assembled, germany is popping up as ostols, relations between greece and turkey will not go away, the balkans will be boiling, these occupation troops will be an external irritant , because the next generation of politicians will come, not raised by americans, but from within, who will say, so
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what? she didn’t feel the spirit of victory there, that’s all because, as she said, we are embarrassed by our strength, and we are much stronger than russia , of course, estonian strength is scary, but i would like to note that this munich
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conference disappointed not only mrs. kallos, it also greatly disappointed secretary of state blinken, who very much counted on the fact that it would be possible to transfer to the munich conference that ... hysteria that the american establishment is now experiencing, which suddenly discovered that it turns out that russia is threatened not only by the american strategic nuclear superiority, but also american space superiority, since russia is quite successfully developing, so to speak, a space tug with a nuclear engine capable of being armed with a high degree of power due to its high
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degree of power. and at the same time, this initiative, which , at least, is now being voiced by american officials, is that russia must repent, so to speak, completely
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eliminate all these new, so to speak, space weapons, uh, like this, so to speak, this the issue, in the opinion of the americans, should be resolved, and if not, uh, now the british have introduced sanctions against the employees of the colony, somewhere... far, far away, i can imagine how unpleasant it is for the boys, they have to hand over the ticket, they probably , they were going to london, yes, on february 23, yes, that is, they probably had plans, probably that sooner or later, so to speak, uh, all
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these american political upheavals, including this american active participation in the conflict in ukraine will end sooner or later, and sooner or later the question will arise about resuming the russian-american dialogue on strategic nuclear weapons and there is no need to talk to them, we came out of every dialogue deceived, we will not talk to him anymore. a completely different situation, they are beginning
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to lag behind in the strategic nuclear arms race, not only from the russian federation, but it is quite possible that soon also from china, in addition, that is, another nuclear superpower will appear, whose nuclear warheads are known to be aimed against who, this situation for the americans is absolutely unprecedented, so to speak, this has never happened, here again, here it is... will create very serious problems within the framework of this dialogue, well, the americans demand from moscow that it liquidate its, strategic nuclear systems not included in the strategic nuclear triad, such as poseidon and petrel. moscow, in principle, agrees to talk about this, but will demand reciprocal concessions from the american side, but we don’t need to demand anything from anyone, they always deceive us, why should we? putin said every time this
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happens. therefore, in the modern world
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, diplomacy looks different, and we need to understand this, we saw how all the canons of diplomacy were violated by the west, yes, that’s yes, that’s true, we’ll have to teach our western partners diplomacy, no, well, they should aleksandrovich, for now, well it’s a pity that karen georgievich is not here, because today is a significant date, 176 years ago, 176 years ago. engels did not lisp, but we love him not because he did not change his mother-in-law by marrying two
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sisters in a row, these are european properties civilization, he loved his mother-in-law very much, remember, we talked about the zimmerman strike, open the internet and look at the biography of mr. redgin, you will find everything you want, except his parents, interestingly , there is no column, but his parents, there are children, there is a wife, there is name, yes, there was such a thing there, but who it was, who they were, that there is nothing, neither on
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his page in the bundestag, nor on wikipedia, nor on other pages that were published, published by various media , you have nothing you’ll find, i’m not talking about... well, now a few more words about that now everyone’s favorite kaja kallos, well, probably not everyone knows her well either, that firstly she was an outstanding pioneer, and secondly, her dad was the chairman of the union, the trade union union of all estonia and was a deputy of the supreme
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council. what was conveyed to him from the center, well, now returning to today, well, about the tefton spirit, well, if we talk about the tefton spirit, of course, well, it’s difficult to say that these are just... occupation troops, but the question is, what are they doing in germany? that's 30,000, now there are almost 50,000, what are they doing and what have they been doing all these years in germany? well, let’s say we can talk about the fact that before 1990, when there were two systems, when two military blocs opposed each other, this was still somehow
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justified. germany always had its own bundeswehr, it always had its own army , it always had its own command, it could always... work independently as a military force, without agreeing with anyone, what functions were performed by the united states of america on the territory of germany, well, for except the air base in büchel , where the atomic nuclear warheads are located, it really can probably be said, yes, they are there, although i’ll tell you again for those who don’t know that these atomic warheads belong to the americans, but they are on german planes and these planes are piloted by german luftwaf pilots. true, they say on the command of the united states of america, but this does not change all this, but the situation changed in 1990, it is no coincidence that i read today that the question is being raised in russia, which i... on your program spoke many times about the unilateral denunciation of the 2+4 treaty, i want to remind you that the treaty that was signed
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for the unification of germany was signed at one time by west germany, east germany, and the four allies who won the great second world war were signed this treaty, which provided for a number of very important points, including the non-proliferation of nato, although it was not signed there, but this... there is evidence and there is evidence of a video when genscher says that there will be no nato expand to the east, under no circumstances. i have evidence of a person who at that time took over the gdr army, this is willivimer, he was the deputy minister of defense, who just when the unification of germany took place, he was the same person who from west germany was the chief inspector who took over the entire this military machine, he told me a thousand times, he told me, never... there was no such conversation, no one ever said about it, that we will move somewhere, well, the territory of the gdr, it’s clear, it was generally like a taboo, and
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the fact that europe would go somewhere further there was no talk about it at all, but all that has changed, and i want to remind you that such a moment is still important for germany, it’s on me opposition politicians attacked that i once said in your program that a peace treaty following the second world war was not signed between russia and germany, but it was not signed. 2 + 4 it was supposed to replace this peace treaty if a number of conditions were met, including, by the way, there were also reservations that related to the german constitution, including words that related to the full implementation of all issues regarding reparations, including with poland , all these points were left aside, no one fulfilled them, the peace treaty actually remained unfulfilled signed, well, i ’m asking these questions today, i don’t have
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the tefton spirit there, that’s understandable, but... they don’t hate the most or the majority, as far as i understand, these are still americans, i just always, when i think about today, force pay attention to yourself on the history of the past, could germany of the twenty-first year, in a nightmare , think that there would be a germany of the thirty- third, but finish, well, let’s take discussions about what kind of diplomacy should be like, this is serious. although it may seem like some kind of caricature, driving past the building on the smolenskaya seine, the imid building, since
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my student years, i always thought, it seems to me that this is a covered giant soviet ballistic missile, at the right moment this building will open up and take off from there - our weapon that will destroy all adversaries, this is how it should be combined. the world moves apart, a rocket flies out, then moves in, so here you can find, here , agreement between the foreign ministry and the ministry of defense can and should be found. i was completely surprised by the discussion, about who is helping who? as you know, there are three types of hands: the invisible hand of the market, which is most often quite visible, and specifically the hand of the kremlin , the hairy paw. bureaucratic, there are people sitting in the apparatus, the apparatus, there are people who support all this, some for friendly reasons,
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some for corrupt reasons, like clean out a separate one? the topic, well, and seriously, relatively speaking, whether there will be a war or not, now i ’m trying to prove in three theses in sentences that there won’t be a war, the global is like this, the west will not decide, despite the fact that the callos is screaming, with for another purpose she was instructed to shout: first , when there were wars - those that we call world wars, there was napoleonic and the first ... second, the west was confident in its technical superiority, technical over everyone else with whom it fought wars, well, it ’s quite obvious, including hitler technical superiority over soviet russia and the soviet union, now they are not sure of this, that’s why they shout a lot of ridiculous things about our weapons, second,
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the americans, well, no world... arabs, how many millions of palestinians are there on their territory, those that they will, they will become orderly detachments in their ranks, or something, these are serious changes, everything is different for you , in order to come and say this, we will now defeat russia, so they will stop, vitalich, the first world war is absolutely equal to each other in technical and military
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development of the country, whose nobility was connected by family ties. don't worry, the world is designed in such a way that war cannot be avoided. that's all, see you
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tomorrow. let's go, kostya, kostya! get away from the water , you'll get your feet wet, you'll get sick, dim , he doesn't listen to me, because he's the only normal man in our company, let the child play, he'll get sore throat , please, pull him away from the water, please, now, okay, i’ll pull it out,
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come on, i have kebabs, kostya, come on... stop, kostya, you’re cold, come here, come on when zlata will return from the sea , she misses you, yes, why are you looking at me like that, this is not part of my immediate plans, i must first make a career, and then have children, well, about a career, this is not for me, this is for fillonov, volodya, well stop, it’s not funny anymore, in the peace of poor filonov, oh-oh-oh, poor, why is he poor, in that he turned out to be just a tool in zhenya’s deft hands, a tool of which, a tool in place for your neglect of me, and in general filonov you can’t touch him, he’s the boss now, that’s it, let him get anal he’ll jump, now he’ll teach you about life, god, i don’t feel like going to work tomorrow, but i
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want to, of course i want to, i’ll look for villains and... get to the bottom of my business, but it’s a bit late for the guy to come to sunbathe. maybe he doesn’t sunbathe, maybe he has pipes in the trunk, he doesn’t know where to throw it, spit, and you, my dear, want to go to work tomorrow, i want to go to work, i don’t want to go to a bloody protest, yeah, ah why then go to work if there are no bloody incidents, shift papers, and i would i've been shifting for another week, but it just doesn't work out, guys, let's be more active, because i have to work
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today, tomorrow i have to be in moscow. kostya, i took some medicine, you can lie down, okay? “lie down, lie down, mom, and you won’t leave, well, how can i leave, i’ll leave my sick baby, i’m not a baby, yes, you’re coughing like an adult, i’ll call and come now, okay, yeah, come on, try, viktor ivanovich , hello, this is shveytsova. viktor ivanovich, kostya is sick here, in
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general, i’m taking sick leave, the nanny also fell ill flu, husband in moscow. no, grandma went to the sea with the gold. well, of course, let him call. if necessary, that’s it, thank you, goodbye, viktor ivanovich, mom, since you’re on sick leave, let’s chat. open your mouth, oh, what a horror , close it and don’t talk, let me read it to you, no, better tell me something in your own words, okay, well, what
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should i tell you about, about exhumation , about exhumation, why do you need it, it’s a beautiful word , no, let's talk about something else, okay, then about vampires, about vampires, it's often not easier, no, let's sort it out then, yeah, now it's like that , yes, no, petya, i won't come today, tomorrow i won't be there either, well, let ivan ivanovich help you, also questions, oh, well, come, yeah, bye, ma, and you
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you go to work, no, work itself will come to me. care accounting, the boss took it with him, i for her, for whom, for the book, tell me where you are going, belyaev and i are going to masha’s house, lord, why, well, let a person at least sit with the children on the yard, with us it’s urgent, i have an urgent matter, i’ll give you a lift in the car, of course, hey, wait for me, i’m with you too, where are you from, and am i a redhead or what, you're a big deal, you won't even give a child a chocolate bar, go to a decent house, feed you, give you water, we're actually going on business. great, so i
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’ll check, oh, vampires are most hunting during the full moon, like now, like now, why do vampires need a stake, an aspen one, driven into their hearts, otherwise you can’t kill a vampire. cut off a blue heart or head, and a silver bullet, this is in america, aspen trees don’t grow there,
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oh, come on, lord! we made pelinkova telephone conversations, well, he lies everything, for 10 minutes before the murder, he was there, so we need to take him, without giving him time to come to his senses, shove the peling data into his nose, we’ll do that, you’ll definitely not be there tomorrow, volodichka, well, he won’t recover, kostya, until tomorrow, leave masha alone, except for her the prosecutor's office has a full investigation. you cook, so cook, the prosecutor ’s office is full of employees, there are few investigators , let’s face it, you can’t live without masha, but in terms of work, no, valod, you’re in vain, the team was very good, ivan ivanovich, karifey, petka is trying, true, they lost filonov, the detachment did not notice the loss of the soldier, by the way, i have everything ready, and you, volodya, help zoya, and i will call everyone to the table.
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so, children big and small, let's go to dinner, marya sergeevna, look at my delay, okay, while you eat, i'll look, i 'll clean up now, kostya, ma, well, i don't want to eat. okay , i’ll feed you later, you don’t want to, yes, viktor ivanovich, i have, yeah, good, he’ll just have time to eat, goodbye, so the boss called , we have a corpse, you’ll go see what kind of corpse, the corpse of a girl in a forest park, they pulled it out of water drowning, then it turns out that this is not a crime, so fell into the water, choked, okay, yeah, nothing good, yeah, i want to investigate a real case, a normal, bloody drama.
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we'll be there in 20 minutes, i'll bring the investigators , get ready, there will be a bloody drama for you, but what kind of drama is there, so drowning, probably not criminal, what does drowning have to do with it, the corpse of a man in a forest park, a gunshot, another corpse, the boss said, a girl in the water , damn it, the half-year is ending, and we have two new wood grouse, i understand that i will go with ivan ivanoch, of course, i’ll just call my wife so that
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i wasn’t worried, of course, like buevich so... in a word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed , without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday on thursday on rtr, are you crazy, i told someone to look at the project on
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saturday. what's your name? lyuba? let me try. god, i recognize that look. anton, you are in love, you are attracted to simpletons. to rewrite your life, choose brighter colors. you are a young, beautiful woman. by the way, i i intend to look after you today. anastasia videnskaya, divorced, i would fight tooth and nail for him. pyotr boranchiev, i dream of a wife like you. alla yuganova, i’m different, we’re different, you know, you’re a prince, and i’m nobody? lyuba, lyuba, draw me! i’m happy on saturday on rtr,
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oh, masha, if i were you, i’d quit my job and get used to wealth, it’s better not to get used to it, wealth. vano you know, today there is, but tomorrow there is no, tifu, what are you saying ? you know what i'm used to, i'm used to relying only on myself, at least on i will always earn a piece of bread for my children, no, but what about all this, i can easily do without all this, you know how i feel about pubs, crazy, why? i didn't say that i don't like it. why haven't the guys called for a long time? well, here you go. hello, marya sergeevna. hello, viktor ivanovich, i think you’re on a corpse?
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no, i'm by car. marya sergeevna, help me out. so you pass, viktor ivanovich, help marya sergeevna, i can’t tear myself apart, we have two corpses, both bad. city ​​already three he’s calling, i thought the investigators were working there , the city requires that the prosecutor be present at both inspections, help out marsergen, go, and for christ’s sake, of course, zoya will sit here with the children, but what’s true, zoya, you’ll sit, and i’ll quickly go there back, no , well, i understand there, but back means in the morning , thank you, viktor ivanovich, i’m still getting dressed, you have some tea, i’ll drink tea, let’s go , i’ll pour it, zoya, you’ll get it from me for abandoning the office. i didn’t understand something, or i’m babysitting, or i’m getting an incomprehensible amount of money, ok, ok, you are sitting with the children , you are twisting ropes out of me, women, oh, this, and the shape of the entrance
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hole is round, with a diameter of about 9 mm, there is a tissue defect on the skin around the hole, the belt is uneven, yes ivanovich, hello, yes, i hope it wasn’t here when we were resting, it’s quite possible that boris has been telling him for a day or two, what’s here, boris, what’s a corpse like? what a horror, and i think why they called me, the cause of death, brain damage, as a result of a gunshot wound, there is a bullet. i was daydreaming, i had a through wound, yeah, we were looking in the field, just now the criminologist left the metal detector, no, six beer caps, a paper clip, a rusty pirachina knife, at least we can get one in caliber , 9 mm caliber, makarov pistol, uh-huh, ivan ivanovich, where are the witnesses, pyotr
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anisimovich and i have one witness for two, soon they will, uh-huh, well, how is he there, thank god, everything is fine, a young girl drowned
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in the lake, hello marya sergeevna, hello, flowers for what reason? i'm talking about the corpse, that is, i'm sorry to bother you at home, come in, will you eat? no, no, thank you, i i had lunch, so, regarding yesterday’s corpse, as i understand it, there is no crime there, yes, we didn’t initiate anything, i just filled out an inspection report, today they opened her up, so what? death occurred from drowning in water, silt sand in the respiratory tract, experts say that for 3 days, which means she had been lying there since at least friday, a nightmare, and we were resting there, and even with kostya, is there any damage? the skin is clean, so, petya, it’s almost
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impossible to drown a person without leaving marks on him, but i understand that she’s not wearing clothes torn, and not even displaced, and the shoes are on her feet , which means she came to this pond herself, no one dragged her, so what bothers you, alcohol, drugs in the blood, the fact of the matter is that everything is clean, that's what confuses me, she has abrasions on her wrists, i wonder? and where did they come from? i asked the experts , they say there are traces of binding, and you looked around well, maybe there were belts lying around, ropes, marya sergeevna, i sniffed everything, just like the cheek, nothing, there are no traces of sexual violence, then we refuse arousal, oh, hello, not me apartment, i have a courtyard, please come in, wow, she’s also
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unhappy, oh, look, that’s a black speech? marya sergeevna, can i? come in. hello
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hi. well, welcome to work. thank you, fedenka. marya sergeevna, well, do you miss work? naturally. well, now let's get to work. marya sergeevna, i came to tell you that something nasty happened. and what’s immediately disgusting? well, i came straight away . i came to tell you marya sergeevna that we have established the identity of the murdered man. great, how did you do it? an accident, marya sergeevna, an accident, but you know that any accident is a special case of a pattern, well, share, i have one agent here, yeah, she comes running to me on monday morning and says that her roommates were taken by bandits, well, when the body was found, i figured it out, it turned out that it’s great who he is, how can i say, a mediocre businessman.
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in the forest park, please come in, the parents of the girl who was found on monday explain the situation, of course, come in, have a seat. the police told us that no criminal case will be opened, is this true? yeah, most likely it won't. why? death was due to drowning; there were no injuries to the body. believe me, drowning a conscious person without leaving marks on the body is very difficult. or maybe katya was already unconscious? we don't have such data. what was she supposed to do on the shore of this lake? we live in a completely different area. "she had nothing to do there, then they told us that she had abrasions on her arms, yes,
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there are abrasions, maybe she wore bracelets, she didn’t, i promise that we we’ll check how she ended up in the forest park, but i can’t promise you that a criminal case will be opened into the death of your daughter, i’m sorry, well, thank you for at least listening, goodbye!” goodbye, lord, we should at least know, who to contact , to whom to write complaints, we don’t know anything , they tell us something, but we believe everything, you know, i would advise you to enter into an agreement with a lawyer, with a lawyer, eh? why do we need a lawyer? a lawyer represents the interests of the victim in any case, he will tell you how to write
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who should i contact to complain? thank you, dosvi. goodbye, goodbye, yes, marya sergeevna , it seems that only you can teach citizens how to competently complain about you, well, never mind, soon you will start writing complaints to yourself, i feel sorry for them, how she ended up in this lake, only god knows, and even these abrasions on her arms mean she was tied up, everything needs to be checked, well, you know better, so the score is not straight, you said there is a witness there, it depends on you, whether there will be a witness there or not, in what sense? "the girl is capricious, testimony will give you only if she likes you, fedya, you’re impudent, i’m doing something with ivan ivanovich, i’m not sure that our magen te ivan ivanovich will like it, and petka is too young, maria sergeevna, tell me, this it’s true that once before the interrogation
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you dyed your hair, it’s true, because one criminal authority, the one from whom i
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needed it." hello, marya sergeevna, hello, i represent the interests of the crumbled victims. a criminal case has not been initiated, it is unlikely that it will be initiated. interesting , which, under what article
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are we going to initiate a case? murder, of course. you don’t represent the victims, you understand , a lawyer is what he is, a defender, the representative of the interests of the victims is some kind of midfielder, and a left one, nikolai petrovich, it seems that you are engaged in supervising the district prosecutor’s office, and there is no need for legal advice, so mind your own business, no, just think about how it blossomed as soon as i left the area, uh-huh, so what crumbs do we have here? and this is the one in the pond in the forest park? yes, i read the special report, you won’t even think of stirring up anything there , we’re already behind in terms of detection rate, the quarter is already ending, and you give written instructions not to stir up anything, well, here’s another thing, but written instructions, do you want me to take responsibility for all yours? these
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tricks won’t work, here it is, stop beating, let’s do all the suspended cases. zonka, how are we getting coffee, the zone guy has been in the area for 10 minutes, and no one has offered him coffee yet, hello, who are you waiting for, filonova? is it just to drop a brick on his head, i'm waiting for you, masha, let's go, where did we go, home, crumbled, why , look at how the girl lived, did she suffer from perversions, was she a drug addict,
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was she a member of a section, let’s go, come in, please, hello, hello! you probably want to see the girls' room, yes, if possible, yes, yes, of course, come on in. well, a typical teenage set-up, nothing satanic, yes, alice, can i
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look in the closet, so what? no leather panties, whips, vibrators, no hint of a secret sex life. alice, how old are you? 15, and katya was 16. you had a good relationship, right? did she tell you everything? yes, if something happened, she would definitely tell me. i even gave her advice. “maybe, she studied well, or
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maybe not, she didn’t have a personal diary, i would know, but when i found out that, in general, when katya died, i looked, here’s the notebook, and you don’t know where she went on friday after school, no, i was at..." i'll take her, uh-huh, thanks, if you came home with music, katya isn't there, uh-huh, can i remember, call, okay, if anything happens, call, ok, goodbye, goodbye, i only noticed one unusual thing, her tights were different, in what sense they were different, well, when we went to mork, when katya was found. she was wearing other tights, but she left the house in black ones, she was wearing flesh ones, well , maybe she changed clothes after school, no, i
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looked everywhere, not even in the washing machine, maybe they were torn, she just threw them out, no, not in the trash can either, or maybe they broke on the way, she bought new ones, well then she would have had less money, yes katya i wouldn’t have bought such tights, they were too small for her and generally tight, well, thick, okay, thank you, alice, if you remember something, call me directly on my mobile, goodbye, goodbye, yes, you’re right, home girl, such a person would hardly be hiding something terrible, she would probably tell her parents, which means suicide is ruled out, of course, well, are you opening a case, under what article? but i don’t know, zhen, i agree, suicide or accident, it’s all brushed aside, but we have evidence to initiate a criminal case it’s not enough, the city wo
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n’t let you initiate a case, she’ll cancel the resolution altogether, but what can we do, we need to carry out the pre-investigation work more thoroughly, but i’ve already talked to my friends, no one knows anything, she’s a home girl, she didn’t talk about any problems, no street dating, we need more once you look at this notebook, it seems to me that the answer lies in the last day of her life. surely something terrible happened that she simply did not have time to talk about. wait, it’s good that you’re still here, i’m actually bigger than tishka they don’t let you go for walks, but i managed to escape, i want to tell you something else. did you remember anything else? no, i just didn’t want to talk in front of my parents. can i give katya a book? certainly. here you go. here’s alexander petrov, i asked all of katya’s friends, no one knows him, and katya didn’t tell me anything about him, maybe this is some new
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teacher? no, we don’t have such a teacher, then this is not katya’s handwriting, it was alexander petrov himself who wrote it, and why with the letter r? yes, indeed, if alexander petrov himself wrote this, and this was the time of the meeting, then it was written on friday, the day of the murder, i thought about it, because if it were another day. it would have been written saturday 17:00 or monday, but it’s just time, you’re a good analyst, alisa, that’s what you want to become, an investigator, and katya too. i wanted, we wanted together, hello, are you at home, you miss me, it’s terrible, what does that smell like? now, who do you miss more, me or work, how can i tell you, it’s clear, i’m married to
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a heartless woman. can you imagine, we were resting on sunday, there were two corpses lying in the bushes, but this doesn’t surprise me, you and i vinokurov is drawn to corpses like a magnet, what a lie, i protest, oh, hello, hello, i hope this house will warm me up and shelter me, of course, we were just getting ready for dinner, dima , i beg you, today without irony, i need sympathy and want to get drunk. what's happened? i caught this bastard in my own bed with a girl, in my own house. i hope they are both alive, for now they are alive, well, i let them both down the stairs, i even broke a nail. oh, the nail is serious, actually it wasn't worth you, so everything is going according to plan, yes, yeah, according to what plan, masha, there’s nowhere to spend the night , i can’t go there, can i spend the night with you, of course, what’s the question, so
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girls, let’s go have dinner. i prepared lobio , satsivia, i didn’t know that you were preparing sotsivi, and i didn’t know that you were preparing lobio, ala, what do you even know about me, hold on, calm down, yes, you feel good, the backyard is like behind a stone wall, it’s just not man, some kind of gift for march 8th. listen, aren't you bored with him? no, really no, in family life there must also be adrenaline, that there were shocks like yours, at least, you know, i get enough adrenaline shock at work, it’s your job again, there’s nothing more to say, and you put on makeup yourself in the morning? no, gentleman, please , maybe you visit a makeup artist, why every
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morning, it’s not even... me, and then i myself am a professional makeup artist, by the way, tomorrow i will interrogate a girl, i need to put on makeup so that she won’t be jealous of me coper, let's be jealous, no, she shouldn't see me as a rival, at the same time, don't let me be a blue stocking, okay, who is she like this, a police agent, a blonde with ample breasts, long legs, something like that, i need to change my image for her interrogation, well, let’s put some makeup on, let’s change your image. let's fill your tanks, mata harry, come to me, to me, to me, to me, why are you turning me away from the mirror, well , it will be more interesting, the result is immediately obvious, shock, that 's our way, listen, why are you wearing brown makeup? shadows, you really are something, a woman should be as fresh as a peach, let’s go pink, for sure, well, the master says, mashenka, what are you doing
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stuck, how's it going? lord, what am i doing? i called this makeup the fire of the bird. and do you think i can go to work like this now? well, you asked me so that no one could tide you


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