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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 21, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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okay, who is she? police agent. blonde with ample breasts and long legs. something like that. i need to change my image for her interrogation. well, let me paint you. come on, let's change your image. let's fill the tanks, your mother harry. to me, to me, to me, to me. why are you turning me away from the mirror? well, it will be more interesting, the result will be immediately obvious. shock. this is our way. listen, why do you wear brown eyeshadow? are you really something? a woman should be as fresh as a peach. let's go pink, sure, well, master says, uh-huh, mashenka, well, why are you stuck , well, god, chum, why am i, i called this makeup firebird, and what do you think, i can go to work like this now, well , you asked me to no one could be jealous of you, but it seems to you that my makeup suits me, you know, you’ve never been particularly beautiful, yeah. in your opinion, we shouldn’t start, so
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girls, let’s not quarrel, i hope this cosmetics washes off, it doesn’t wash off right away, makeup lasts a week, cosmetics are expensive, high quality, i hope this cosmetics will exist separately from my wife, let's go wash, lord, give me the towel, yes , give me the towel, let's go, hello, hello, what what? what are you watching? is there something wrong? no, everything is fine. what's okay? look right. did you bring it? did you bring it? well, so am i leading or what? well, then lead the way. well, i’ll lead the way. hello, maria
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sergeevna, hello, this is lyuda khanurina, chat, sit down. luda, how long were you and varaksin together? 2 years, yeah, did you take treatment together or take injections together? he treated me, he earned money for it, let me i’ll tell you how volodya was taken away, and then you ask what you need, of course, come on, we were at home near the metro station, fyodor mikhailovich knows where it is, at 8:20 the doorbell rang, some guy came and told him he needed talk, volodya got ready, left and never came back, have you seen this guy before, no, he never before... but volodya
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knew him, he called him by name, that is, as i understood, they knew each other, no, by name i didn’t name him, but it was clear, and you remember what he looked like, yes, height 180 cm, normal build, round face, eyebrows lighter than the hair on the head, short-cropped hair, not very clean, gray eyes, close-set, nose with... my, narrow lips, and what am i wearing? blue jeans, worn, denim jacket , the right edge of the collar is frayed, under the jacket there is a checkered shirt, on the feet are sneakers, size forty-one, with the inscription nike, but this is not nike, the left ones are like that, they are sold near the metro station at flea markets, i know , where, on the right sneaker the lace is dirty, on the other... there is no
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metal tip, but how many times have you seen it? well, i said, one, yeah, eh how long did he talk with varaksin? 30 seconds, uh-huh, wait, please, he has a piercing on his lower lip, a small ring made of white metal. fyodor mikhailovich, can i talk to you for a minute? why did you bring her here? if you need to lock up someone, you could have said right away and not made this show. what a performance, marya sergeevna, everything is going great, she even liked you. fedenka, such jokes don’t work with me, he brought some complete drug addict, they don’t compile information from someone’s words, from whose words, from yours? why from mine? yes that’s why a person can’t see the hem of a jacket, the brand of sneakers, or a lace in 30 seconds, and if he does, he won’t remember, especially when it comes to a drug addict. marya sergeevna, that is, you want to say that i brought her, taught her, she repeats everything like an ass, that’s it.
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well, check her out how, marya sergeevna, so now what should i do next, well, change something in your appearance, and i’ll turn away, i won’t even peep, so that you don’t later say that i gave it to her, yeah. well, yes, wait, well, everyone went. look at me, please check, you had a badge on your chest in the form of a diamond, you hid it, changed the ring with a green stone from your right hand to your left, and changed your watch from your left to your right, you have
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roman numerals on your watch, but you they didn’t even look at me, it seems so to you, i just notice everything, remember everything, and it makes me feel bad, find this one. the guy who volodya took away, fyodor mikhailovich said that you can find him. tell everything on record? certainly. how old are you? 23. what did varaksin do anyway? u his company was with shumanchuk from krasnoperov. at first they sold second-hand goods, and then tights. what kind of tights? polish, not very good quality. hello guys, how's life? pyotr anichenovich, and you are also in the smoking
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laboratory, yes, why didn’t you say, i would ask you to take your death breath, ivan ivanovich, i’m sorry, i didn’t guess, but what do you have, yes, i took a cast from the footprints with shoes, it looks like sneakers , this. from the last firearm, a severe infection, yes, i also have a cast, but you don’t have a crime, yes, but i’m there on the shore nearby i found a good footprint , it seemed like my sneakers too, well, i took them off just in case, i think let the experts take a look, these people of yours are just some kind of phenomenon , where did you find her, i told you that she is a born agent, i tell her our old operative was transferred from the department when he retired, he transferred all the agents, she and the agent’s papers, of course, everything is formalized, he recruited her when she was still working in a construction office, this is... now this is what skin to the bone looks like, and before she didn’t look like that, yes, drugs don’t make anyone look good, 2 years ago she was such a beauty, playboy is resting, you can believe me, the director not only used her himself, but also placed it on anyone, but she liked it, liked it, not only liked that
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they placed it, but that it was for a specific purpose , after all, marya sergeevna has a phenomenal memory from birth, including visual memory, observation is generally developed as hell, it’s for her to display any information, yes, i understand everything, we’re going, we found one companion, where?
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shimanchuk's body was discovered in the resort area. quiet, quiet, keep your queue, what did you get? ivan ivanovich, i... i give up my turn to the eldest. thank you, petya. during your examination on monday, your colleague took an impression of the shoe prints. said it was suitable for identification. here is the resolution. well, that 's a great trail. sneakers, size forty, forty-one. from the forest park? yes. there on the shore the sand is wet. the relief is excellent. what do you have? also a cast? same. only from a different perspective. come on, why are you fooling me? it's the same trail!
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hello everyone, hello, maria, why did you rush with such a kagal, here suicide, yes, i wonder how , yes, we write off packs of these during the season , they will come from the city, get dressed up, start waving weapons, but will not hurt themselves, but the murder weapon is lying around here, pavel, humane your fighters, or we will now be a weapon murders? play guys
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, don’t pay attention to them, nerves are to hell, they’re checking the title, an interesting little thing, a single-shot pistol, but you don’t think it’s suicide, no, of course, what do you think, he wrapped himself in a blanket, he shot himself in the temple, where he threw the weapon, and what about you this citizen is interested, well, naturally, why did we come so far away, well , great, take the material and complete the protocol yourself. well, actually, i ’d be happy to, like ivan ivanovich, of course , leave the doctor and the criminologist for us, here ’s the app, as you can see, with me, i have a bottle , call the city office, make an agreement, yeah, you’ll write out a report, yes, well, yes, yeah, look, there’s an interesting footprint from a sneaker next to the corpse, i wrote down its parameters in the protocol, but you can make a cast, okay, happily, bye. i wonder where they're from did you find out that this is shimanchuk? in the car in
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the front seat there is a purse, and there is a license and a wallet, and a photograph of this citizen in a hoodie. do you know the handsome guy? tatyana ivanovna, here are your daughter’s things, check the inventory and sign here. i’m in grief, i’m in grief, why should i
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bury her little blood? she has money to eat vodka, she has nothing to bury her little blood , don’t teach me either, don’t you understand, people from the cemetery will come to pour it, it’s necessary, why should i give such a crowd something to drink, they don’t pour it themselves and it’s pity, because i'm in grief. so take the things or i throw them away , wait, this is not her patience, but this is not her thing, but whose, mine or something, here is the skirt in which she was caught from the pond, here are the tights, these are not her tights, her skirt, here checkered, but the tights aren’t hers, why aren’t they hers, and because they’re not hers, because my little girl never wore black tights in her life, what are you saying? do you know that they wear black stockings? who? whores of easy virtue? who, grandfather infantry?
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tatyana ivanovna, also an expert on the happiness of the people, what kind of tights was she wearing? here in like these, in ordinary ones, in beige ones, okay, let the tights lie with the material, sign, okay, i persuaded them, i ’ll put the tights away too... i’ll probably tidy them up, why should they go to waste or what? well, of course, please leave deputy prosecutor shveytsov, we can look at the case, zhen, what does vinokurov say about your research? he says that the union of an honest opera man and a lawyer is an unnatural union.
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hello. masha, i have something about katya kroshina’s case. no, nothing to do yet. i hope it will. i restored everything the last week of her life almost minute by minute, no incidents, no street acquaintances. on friday, at 2:00 she left school and went to her art studio. metro. her art studio is located right behind the metro, behind the clothing market. too often we have this subway station. i have a wife. there’s also something, look, they seem to look like the crumbled sisters, who are they? this is dina korovina, she left home in march, disappeared in july, her body was found in a pond, there was no damage, except for traces of binding on wrists, yes, another important detail, someone changed the tights on her, from black to flesh-colored, on the contrary, from flesh-colored to black, i don’t understand anything, that’s it, i went to the boss, viktor ivanovich, what is it that zoy you i didn’t warn you, no, but what is it, put your feet up
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immediately on television, there is a live broadcast with employees of the prosecutor’s office, and the city one asks, well, say, two words about the crime situation in the area. viktor ivanovich, i don’t have time, and i have a lot of things to do, i just came to report on the latest murders, then report later, yes, this order, from the prosecutor's office, you'll be quick, there's half an hour left before the broadcast, you still need to be put on makeup. alochka, this is marya sergeevna from the prosecutor's office, from the prosecutor 's office, sit down, the name is marya sergeevna , great, you did the makeup yourself, well done, very good , you don't even need to correct anything, you really don't use the tone, yes, but we'll still
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put a touch on it , you look a little tired, but we’ll... now let’s disguise the bruises under the eyes , put a white dot in the corner of the eye like this, so the eye opens, hmm, put a little powder on it, and tell the operator to get you i didn’t take it off from below, okay, what wonderful sponges , um, now we... we ’ll make them even better here, like this, well, i like it, i like it, but you know what, i’ll give you my coordinates now, and if you will you need the services of a makeup artist, please, yes, hello, yes, i'm listening.
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marya sergeevna, what is it, what happened, well , the usual situation, our car broke down, let’s go to your market, otherwise people are already waiting, we agreed in 2 hours, in 2 hours, in 2 hours i ’ll start making sausage, well ok, let's go, maria sergeevna, well, how is it there, they filmed you, when to watch, well, well, i lost 2 hours of time. they said i wasn’t alone, but i ’d like to be filmed, no one’s filming me, no one, well, that’s right, we soldiers of the invisible front can’t appear in the frame, what the hell, they moved the tents, but nothing, i remember his face, thank god, fyodor mikhailovich, well, there he is, where, who is
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the guy who took him away, is he there, well, where? where the hell, he was here somewhere, i didn’t see him, i only heard him, i only heard him, are you glitch again or something? yes, honestly, he’s here somewhere, look, in my opinion, these are beautiful , you can look at this size or this model, listen, friend, the guy just didn’t suit you, so fair in jeans, in a denim jacket, with a ring in his lip, no, tago... what? criminal investigation, we want to confiscate your sneakers , from me, don’t be afraid, just one pair for a while, for that i have the highest quality goods, the cheapest, the most certified, the most correctly designed, our police just checked, everything is in order, you don’t worry, we have one pair for a while, so girl, what time is it, take it then everyone, so that i don’t wait in vain
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, don’t worry, so that i don’t stop believing in good people, we ’ll leave you the protocol, but you don’t need any protocol, take three pairs, you just need to try them on so that... the size fits, we have these, these, yes, yes, yes, yes, these are the forty-one ones, yeah, but at least they’re as good as they are, the main thing for me is that it suits you, but leave the protocol anyway, i’ll hang it in a frame on the wall, i’ll show it to the children if they start playing around. everything is fine, it seemed like an agreement, the policeman there at the picket turned out to be smart, agreed to help, he’s asking around at the market, did a guy appear with a ring in his lip, okay, can i...
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we need to look, let's go, well, let's break it, break it, we need to inspect the room, okay.
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marya sergeevna, i don’t like this smell, it smells like wood grouse, oh my! like this, look, they looked at the pipes of the redfin , there is also a hole in the head, also a through wound, yes, there are also no bullets, but there are a lot of boxes with tights, and some kind of documentation, you should look, it might come in handy, okay, ivan ivanovich, i’ll take a look , that’s how it happens, well, marya sergeevna,
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is there anything interesting? mobile number phone number recorded in the warehouse accounting book. tomorrow we will receive call printouts, but what’s interesting is that the tights taken from the warehouse are identical to those that were disguised, the girls who were killed, we still believe that the dead were, of course, viktor ivanovich, if you tie a person’s hands from behind and push him into the water, he will choke , but the rope can be removed later, but what about the motive? most likely sexual, and if there was a condom, then there might not be any traces left. both girls are the same type, plump with long straight hair, but from different social backgrounds.
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layers and lived in different areas. doubly so, it’s unclear, so what are we going to do? criminals have a clear attraction to the clothing market located near the metro; we work in contact with the metro police. okay, well, let's hurry up somehow, well, four corpses. in less than a week, that’s a lot , we won’t combine cases yet, work as a team under the leadership of marya sergeevna, yeah, that’s it, go, petya, wait, the criminal investigation found a girl who was friends with korovina, interrogate her, when now, yes, she’s waiting , well, actually i've never interrogated the youngsters , there's always a first time for everything, you start, and i
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'll come over, then start, let's go, let's go, hello, excuse me, can you come in, what's your name, who, me, you, you, who else, you , me, galya, last name what, whose, mine or whose, yours, galya, yours, whose else, why are you showing off, so if it’s mine, what? well, how did you not know, you
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were hanging out together, how did you not know? yes, i don’t know any bitch of a cow, leave me alone, i saw you all in a coffin, but what did you do on march 8? where were you? were at the station, her again they kicked me out of the house, so she dragged herself to the station, what she was wearing, she came in, it’s good that at least they let her put on tights, what kind of tights, don’t you remember, well, ordinary ones, i understand that they are ordinary, what color, so i say ordinary color, ok, what is the usual color, like mine? they are black? what are you talking about? are black people the only ones who wear these? who are these? well these? well, fyodor mikhailovich said: “you can’t express yourself like that.” well, the letter word ". but it’s clear, it’s clear. well, what’s next? when the mug from the shadows healed, she went to the wart, to
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the metro, or something? yeah." i glued myself a man there, what kind of guy, and i know, and what did she say about him, cool, awesome, a ring in his lip, he gave her tights, for her nightstand, her legs were ugly, so fat, of course, so what about the guy , he invited her on a date, she went, went and disappeared. zoy, masha is still here, you were here , masha, it’s good, at least you’re still here, petka whistled somewhere, and this representative of the victims already strangled me, that masha, volodya received a certificate of calls from petrov’s mobile phone, wait, i myself i can tell you before the owner phone blocked the sim card, petrov managed to make five calls, i have the addresses, let's go for a ride, let's go for a ride, zhen, you're with us , wow, if it weren't for me nothing would have happened at all, it's you with me, so what? for the addresses, there are
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underage girls in two addresses, naturally, but where did you buy them? let's go, let's go , zhenya, you'd better wait for us here, we 'll still go with our ids and scout out, otherwise where are we going in such a crowd? yes. well, okay, but call me right away if you find out something interesting, it would be better if there was nothing there for us there was nothing interesting, you trained her well, you stayed in the car without mercy, poor girl, but a year
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ago you would have thrown such a hysteria. last year i was a captain, and now i am a major. well, shall we call? yes. hello, is this the hvorostovskys' apartment? yes, and who are you? excuse me, can i talk to natasha? no. and you are natasha's mother? yes, is she home now? no, could you ask her to call this phone? no, why? who are you? you’re not from the police, otherwise you’d know everything, excuse me, we’re from a different area. there's something wrong here, yeah
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it looks like we went to the local rvd, maybe there is someone else there? are you also from the prosecutor's office? i’m an intern, we would like more interns like him, don’t get distracted, colleague, this is my personal intern, i understand , that means a pipe in rostov natalia was found in a vacant lot with a stab wound to his back. abrasion on the hands in the wrist area, were there any signs of sexual violence? were, the experts even gave us the blood type of the rapist, and what’s deaf? deaf, but you can’t cook porridge with our prosecutor’s office, if only we had such interns when it was, october 6, yes october 6 last year, volodya, look at the printout of calls, colleagues, do you have something,
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inject yourself, go to the second address also to... thank you, buddy, bye, all the best, we heard everyone, please look in the material in which tights was khvarostov’s, and why look, the mother curses that the girl left in beige tights, we found her in black,
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i didn’t like this confusion even then, well, that’s it, our case, yes, but what does a knife wound have to do with it, how can a maniac change something like that his way of acting, maybe he just became be careful and start using a condom. threw the knife, hello, hello, what are you doing here? i’m waiting for you, i want to know how things are going with solving my sister’s murder. alisa, you have a lawyer, we work on vkontakte, she knows everything, i should ask her, of course, let the parents ask, okay. marya selgeevna, it turned up , this same sergeant from the metro police picket called
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, he says that a guy with a ring in his lip was discovered, rubbing himself near the stalls, but he’s still watching him, well, you’ll go, of course i’ll go, and if he if he captures me, i’ll interrogate him right away. it’s too early to send petka, especially since he’s not here, he went to araksin to inspect the car. now he’s hanging out there at the market, so what can you show me? i’ll show you, of course, but who is this? this, this is deputy prosecutor marya sergeevna shveytsova. hello maria sergeevna, let's go. sit down marya sergeevna, thank you, sashok, let the deputy prosecutor sit here while my partner and i take a walk around the market, okay,
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yeah, oh, a spring jumped out or something, i got pricked, huh? what are you doing, girl, alisa, this is probably the second time she’s coming to romanevsky, he loves girls, looks like his sister, just as chubby, the bastard ran away. “i thought he would hang out there for a long time, but as always, while he was calling you, while he was waiting for you, while he was escorting you home to the picket, why should he hang out, let’s go, marya sergeevna, next time, first detain him, and then call , okay
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, what’s there? but it’s clear what i sat on? marya sergeevna, this is a piercing ring, cheap, removable, but what’s the name of the second policeman, whose name is sasha? just a second. “name is petrov, alexander petrov? what we are going to do? oh my, what it’s fortunate that i
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had conversations with this ramanevsky outside the picket, mostly on the street. marya sergeevna, do you think he will leak information to his partner? hopefully, we need to find out what kind of relationship they have and carefully handle petrov. no, well, you understand." it’s all the same, of course, here’s a roof over the businessmen, here’s the nine-millimeter bullets for you, wait, he’s a fool, how about killing people with a stable weapon, no, petenka, he’s not a fool , have you seen at least one bullet or... that’s also true, i don’t immediately i liked it, in a word, maniac. what a blessing that i didn’t make contact with him, but now it’s clear where he got ostroverkhov’s phone number, i detained him, probably picked up the phone while drunk. perhaps you need to check your blood type. from the murder of khorostovsk , the group of sperm of the criminal is known. how do we find out this cop's blood type? we'll figure something out. wait, but we find out his blood type, what will it tell us? we can even confiscate the sneaker, and he will say that he was just walking where we found the trace. will people recognize him? identifies as a person who went out with varaksin, mind you. came out voluntarily, are you saying that we have no evidence? no, masha
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is right, there is plenty of evidence, but they are all indirect , we don’t have a single direct piece of evidence, and now all this evidence will acquire significance only if he is admitted, which is very doubtful, either, or we have to take it on the episode, easily say, people, if you go into the subway, look at the policeman, you have no doubt, i will recognize him immediately. well, it’s definitely him, there can be no mistake, it’s definitely him, i recognized him. needed
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a decoy, and where can i get a decoy so that she looks like a fifteen-year-old girl, and so that he has plump legs and long hair, oh , look, just such a girl came herself, hello, marya sergeevna, marya sergeevna, marya sergeevna, i know who he is, we agreed not to engage in amateur activities, why did you go on the picket? thank you, zanu, and let it be, alice, let’s better
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think together about how we can provoke the criminal so that he gives himself away, i already found out that all the girls he killed, they looked like katya, or like me, can i go seduce him, and you yourself, what do you think, just wait, sit. after all, it was my sister who was killed, that is why
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we need a person who will work professionally, who will not arouse suspicion from the criminal, who will not burn himself out, you will ruin the whole operation, no, chief, well, talk to evgenia, why did she blab everything to the girls, yes it’s not zhenya’s fault, who would have thought that this shamako-girl would undertake a private investigation, you ’ll deal with her later, but for now we’re left without a decoy ducks, yes lyudmila. can promote him to the fullest, even pull new episodes out of him, do you think she can promote someone else, not just someone, but the killer of her beloved volodenka, she will do the impossible for such an opportunity, he won’t fall for her appearance, even though she will do a striptease on the subway , to be honest, even if you put on a wig, it’s still clear that her build is not the same, but no, we don’t have a better candidate than lyudmila, wait, what if you weight her down, after all, skinny actors play fat characters , a who will engrave albina? alla
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pavlovna, yes i am, hello, shvetsova is bothering you, remember, you did my makeup at the television center, of course, i remember, we need your help, with pleasure, at any time except tuesday and friday from 3 to 9, make-up for you, no, we need portrait makeup, and not for me, and i don’t even know if you can do it, well, you say, and i’ll tell you whether i can or not? we need to make a fat woman out of a skinny woman, but this is a crap operation, but it’s much more difficult to make a skinny girl out of a fat woman, yeah, but also is it possible, when now, when?
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okay, thank you very much, goodbye, well, we need to take alice with us. the make-up artist needs a sample of who to model the agent for, maria sergeevna, why are they fussing for so long? are you bored? please rate our work! well, wow, how did you manage to get this out of her, it’s not a problem, that’s what we
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should do with her legs, to be honest, yes, we need to hide our legs. shall we dress her in trousers? exactly. luda, yes, you should try to enter the metro without paying, and then get them to take you to the picket line, that’s it, you’ll be seduced petrova. the most important thing is that he pays attention to you, then we will act according to the situation. i understood everything. wish me neither fluff nor feather. let's go to hell. stay here, wait, uh-huh.
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i don’t understand anything, luda fits the type and behaved like that. defiant, he should have paid attention to her, why did he ignore her, it’s possible, it’s possible, you already know, but i don’t understand anything, why he didn’t make contact, we looked at the log of detainees for last year, petrov detained khuravtovskoy polevich for trying enter the subway without a badge, and
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kroshina, katya, no, we didn’t look at the magazine for this year so as not to scare him away, there was one for last year, masha. “i compiled a table of the victims, by dates, by circumstances , by causes of death, by clothes according to their figure, maybe something will come in handy, look, all the victims have full legs, they are wearing either a skirt or a dress, and the people went to trousers, maybe this is the reason, but because this is not her standard, i told people, “you need to eat something”? do you understand, now what to do? listen, maybe a few of her steam tights to roll? let's try, we have no other choice, but today you can't go there anymore, twice a day, that's too much.
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what is wrong with her and look, i don’t understand anything, but what is this not... armanevsky went with her, let’s go, you? have you seen it, fedya, write down your last name, first name and telephone number, why? write, and i’ll explain to you why
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petrov didn’t go with her. well, i wrote it, i still don’t understand anything. fyodor mikhailovich, when you write, you put a dot after the name. so what, well, i don’t bet, what difference does it make, i bet, i don’t bet, what does that mean? this means that petrov is not surname, this is an abbreviation for patronymic, our maniac alexander petrovich ramanevsky, oh my , well, he safely took alice to school, oh, thank god, at least until 2 o’clock we can breathe calmly, well, yes, vinokurov is watching, and if something . by the way, he’ll call ramanevsky today is his day off, well, we’re in full combat readiness, yes, but instead of a decoy we have a minor defendant in the case,
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so what, that’s okay, let’s hope he doesn’t rape her or kill her us in front of our eyes, yes, i understand everything, we’re going, who is it, vinokurov, ours the maniac picked her up at the school, he’s waiting in the lobby , let’s go
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, damn, the whole traffic is in full view, you can’t follow them, here’s the girl, boss, we have to go, otherwise we’ll have another corpse.
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you’ll be banging on the door, pretending to be drunk, boss, are you crazy, he knows me by sight, let’s change our appearance, hold on, let’s break in, what are you doing, he’s me. he knows by his voice, tanya, open up, open up the bastard, i forgot the key at home, but
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you drunken freaks, get out of here, and who the hell are you, i might live here.
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you are a real man, i would like to have a brother like him. what are you doing? it seems to me that i am your sister, are you looks like her, i like these. if you want, i
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'll show you something. what a thing, let's play! you're a cool girl, well, it's scary, but no, it 's great, you see, this is the blood
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of a girl just like you, it was on you. it looks like there was another one later, i’ll show you later where i buried it, well, it’s scary, no, you’re my brother, well, everything’s fine, the main evidence is a knife with fingerprints with the blood of a murdered girl, in the top in a sideboard drawer, i don’t understand anything, why did he kill the men? last year in august i joined them in in the form of a roof, got them off the hook a couple of times, borrowed their cars for a while, and shemanchuk once saw blood in the car and began asking questions about how he suddenly blurted out that
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he told the others about it. hello, hello, maria sergeevna, i will insist on a repeat psychiatric examination. do you think he is insane? there is an extensive psychiatric history, well, for example, he changed the tights for the victims, explaining that life is different, sometimes black, sometimes white, do you think this is the explanation of a normal person? in
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after all, all killers are beyond the norm. is this his pathological passion for girls who look like his sister? this also happens, for some reason he could not commit incest, so he was looking for an object for replacement. evgenia anatolyevna, are you on the side of the prosecution today? so, that means yes. hello, it’s because of these wolves in eternal clothing that the scythe looks at us all, i, by the way, am an excellent police officer, and who are you? so, stop talking, please stand up, the trial is underway.
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they say he wanted to see me, not that you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of airborne tactical training. how will i evaluate the flight crew if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and
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an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element , let's take a look, look around, that's right, the sky. kostya wrote: the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, his wife the boss is bored. february 23, on rtr, the most cruel aristocrat in history. i am the power here, i am the power. bloody barenya and other historical series, only on the platform let's watch, watch.
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sorry, it didn’t work out today, it’s an urgent matter, no, it’s not what you think, so just don’t give me business advice, i ’m somehow on my own and there’s no need to sulk, i promised, why don’t you believe me, because that you have been promising for the second month, but every time something happens, so i turned on the recording, swear, please, i can repeat it, to on saturday i finish all my work and fly out, you can book a hotel. zaya, don’t make me angry , if i said it, then it will be so, no accidents,
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listen, andryush, just today i won’t give you a conclusion, don’t even dream, no, i don’t dream, the only thing i want most now is a big mug hot tea , three spoons of sugar, keep me company, i ’ll brew it as you say, i’ll sort it out and call you back, andrei petrovich, you attended to the accident, come to me, do you know what it is, the law has been returned? no, is this something from physics? no, it was when i just wanted
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to take a break while on duty, yes, and they stopped you once, drank some tea, let’s go, well, calm me down, tell me it was just a traffic accident. well, unfortunately, we can’t yet, there are clear signs of crime, boris , this is the driver of a car, your division, exactly in the forehead, the entrance hole corresponds to 7.62 caliber, there is a bullet , there is no bullet, it went through the air, it seems there is no bullet in the car, what do you mean it seems, well, it was impossible to look properly, i don’t know, where in the car, on the road? it's not easy to understand where the car ends, the road begins, a head -on collision with a truck, engine detonation, the passenger is generally a mess, but what about the truck driver, alive, he was more fortunate
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in intensive care in serious condition, where the shooting came from, they have not established it yet, but there is one circumstance for 50 meters before the collision, the car drove under some potholes, what kind of potholes, this is a simple outcome, we looked at all the tracks there. they found it, looked at it well , looked as it should, but something was wrong, there are some doubts, comrade lieutenant colonel. i have no doubts yet, but i want they didn’t just look there, i want everything to be dug up there, so, andrei petrovich, it means you involve everyone you think is necessary, i need concrete results as soon as possible, yes, but this one is in vain, what a big deal, or something, yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, boris fedorovich, well, we’re already working on it, yes, of course.
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of course, as soon as something becomes clear, i will inform you right away, thank you, yes, we will try, well, moscow is already in the know, this zerianov is a member of the board of directors of kpg, kaluga industrial group, and this, if someone doesn’t aware, and the hand of moscow, and leg, and some other parts of the body, so if you and i don't hurry up, we'll all have a hole like this. and it’s not in the head , so it’s not zyryanov who has the hole, but his driver, but what’s the difference, they shot at the driver, but they made an attempt on zyryanov’s life, hello, hello, do i think you’re upset about something, i’ll tell you later, you smell great, yes, someone will give me perfume, who? i won’t say, can you imagine
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, i don’t go anywhere, everyone asks me where you get this perfume, what is sold in stores is actually bottled from one barrels, and this is a selective perfume, yes, and how do you understand women’s perfume so well, this is the wrong way to pose the question, not in women’s perfume, in perfume for one single woman, please.
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well, what's there? nothing, nothing, where did they shoot from, from the outskirts, or what? no, it doesn’t look like the driver received a bullet directly in the forehead, maybe he turned his head, it ’s unreliable to shoot from the side. did they shoot from an oncoming truck, or what? well, personally, i don’t exclude this option, yes, without a driver, the truck can’t be figured out, ipatiev moves, and zryanov supports, i supported our varlamov’s candidacy in the elections, you know, to be honest, not very much. the murder of zerianov is a signal to those
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called regional elites. don't bother, otherwise the same thing will happen to you. yes. why the signal? and those who have already taken their place at the feeding trough do not want to share. varlamov has been drinking heavily since yesterday evening and wants to withdraw his candidacy from the elections. i was scared, life speaks more dearly, although you know, i understand him. so, anh.
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troshina maria igorevna, is that you? what day is today? tuesday, twenty-second. still twenty-two, why did you wake me up? do you know what happened to viktor pavlovich zaryanov? i know you were on close terms with him? so, were you planning to get married a little bit? do you think this is a little bit? listen, what do you care? all this is no longer important, he is gone. we are investigating a case and want to find those responsible for an accident or murder?
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what's the point? you find them, they will pay you off. he will pay you so much that you are your own. write in all the reports an accident, that is, you accuse me of corruption in advance, do not be naive, those who killed victor, they operate with such sums that an ordinary, normal person cannot resist, they didn’t even let me into the mall last night, they said there’s nothing to see there, it’s a mess, a complete mess, maria igorevna. get out of here, let's get out. i do not want to talk to you.
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hello, sorry. borisovich climbed on all fours there. on the overpass itself there is nothing along the sides, yes, shooting at a moving car at night, the main thing is to hit it, this is the work of a super professional, listen, maybe they really shot from an oncoming truck, i already i wouldn’t be surprised, oh, wait,
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please, thank you. allow me to pass, yes, of course, thank you, man, ahalat, sorry, i forgot, what do you need, and we are also visitors, wait here, i ’ll give you a robe, my friend, i don’t know him , he seems to know us. andrey gennativ, i am investigator avdeev, and this is expert morozova. how are you feeling? yes, i seem to be alive,
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thank you, i’m just a little nauseous, but it’s tolerable. do you remember the accident? still would? you can’t close your eyes right away, there’s a movie in front of your eyes, could you tell us in more detail how it’s going? it happened, i’ve been driving trucks for 20 years, and i’ve never seen anything like this, it’s some kind of komikaze, he went for a tarantic attack, i didn’t even have time to turn the steering wheel, i was scared to death, and my fellow traveler, what an attempter, who was in the cabin with you, i was probably scared too. why did i hit my head so hard? what is it? yes, there was no fellow traveler, i was traveling alone, don’t worry, don’t worry, alone? so alone, tell me, maybe you managed to see something else, there were no people on the road,
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maybe on the side of the road? no, i didn’t see anyone, and you didn’t notice, or maybe the window of the oncoming car was broken, and as you will notice, at speed, and even at night, two headlights, that’s all that is visible, by the way, the bmw that overtook me, i think i remembered when it overtook me, and just before an accident, at night on the road you don’t remember anyone, a black bmw x6, he made me stand up and whistled into the distance, but what was good for him, i also wanted to drown him, but then this poor guy flew towards me like someone who had been shot, as you said, shot? well, yes, well , why then fly towards the oncoming one? so maybe you actually got shot? who? well,
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let’s say, those who were in the bmw, they overtook you, which means they met him earlier than you? no, no, as for the shooting, you figure it out yourself, maybe i couldn’t see the bmw too well, but it was dark, you know, i ’ll tell you now, you ’ll bring me to this matter later. and in general, maybe it wasn’t black, but dark cherry or blue, uh-huh, thank you, get better, listen, well, in my opinion he was scared, well, of course he was scared, it’s one thing to walk through an ovar as a witness, and another the showdown with the shooting is generally incomprehensible. why did you talk to him about this? in terms of? well, these are the basics of psychology. if you want
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a person to show true feelings, you need to take him out of his comfort zone. brought it out? yes, and how does it get you down your comfort zone? well, somehow not very much, but we have one clue. agree. yes it's me. check on the regional database, data on the owners of bmw x6 cars of black or other dark color. well, what do you mean which one? look on the internet to see what colors there are, and on your own, second, were you exhausted? what does insane mean? well, take us to us, she’ll come to her senses right away, anna mikhailovna, good afternoon, good anna mikhailovna, can i ask you a few questions about the night murder by zaryan, but i have nothing to say, but isn’t this a murder, as you think? the fact that the general director of the kaluga industrial group eliminates
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large shareholders who disagree with his position, as in the legendary nineties, here is an expert forensic center, not hollywood, no comments, i understand, because of secret investigation, isn’t it, it’s not obvious, it’s a pity, but as an expert, don’t go into details, could you conduct a preliminary analysis of the current situation? as an expert, i can only perform an autopsy for you, have a good day! thanks for the interesting story! when was the last time you saw victor? we talked to him until his death. how is that? by phone. he called me from his car. where was he going? i don't know. he just said it was urgent. who could wish him dead? don't know. but someone. i definitely was, that's me i felt that maybe this was his general director, maybe someone from moscow, maybe
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someone else, every time he left for work as if he were going to war, he mentioned some names, he didn’t want to tell me anything, he was taking care, i’m a doll masha, with her eyes clap-clap, lived as if on a keg of gunpowder, she only tried so that he would not see anything, smiled, got ready, endured, then he said that all the work was done on saturday, we were flying on vacation, i was so happy, even i wrote down my cell phone so i wouldn’t get away with it, as a joke, of course, i’ve been listening to it ever since a promise, the only thing i have left, so i turned on the recording, swear, please, i can. repeat, on saturday i finish all my work and fly out, can you book a hotel?
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zaya, don’t look at me, if i said it, then it will be so, no accidents. zaya, don’t make me angry, if i said it, then it will be so , no accidents, strange, yes, i was also surprised that, well, as he says clearly, distinctly, members separately, as the staff captain, myshlaevsky would say, is achieved by exercises, guys, what are you talking about, the analysis has arrived blood, the zyryan has more than... two ppm of alcohol in his blood, what are you saying, that is, in this state he should neither sing nor draw, oh well, strong men go into big business, oh yes, masha,
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do we know each other? of course, i have something to do with you. and who are you? i worked as a sweetie. do you know who killed him? maybe, but you don't need to know that. why is this not necessary? well, because none of these matters concern you. how do you know whether they are touching or not touching? if you were his friend, you should tell me. or maybe you are not his friend? yes. thank you, i'll do this i’ve listened enough, for your sake, for your safety , why the hell do i need this safety if i’m left alone, stop it, i wanted to talk to you about something else, but i’m not interested in anything else, you know who killed him, tell me, don’t want to say, get the hell out.
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valerie, can you turn the voices down to a minimum and bring background noise to the foreground, i’ll try it. well, that's a truck horn. yes , it’s clear with the truck, one more sound is missing. well, yes. which one? glass broken by a bullet? exactly, even with such quality records we had to hear it. it means they shot him through the open side window from an oncoming bmw, well, it’s actually miracles that at night and at such speeds you can kill the driver of a passing car through the side window, well, you have to hit him with a burst of fire. did it
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fire a single shot? i’m telling you this as a ballistics specialist, i think that... they were shooting from the windshield, we just don’t hear the sound, so what, the boss will say, the boss won’t say anything, the boss doesn’t have a single sensible thought in his head, although sometimes there is only one weirdness multiplied by another oddity, they give the amount of sick leave, or even better, vacation, otherwise i ’m already going crazy, valerie, play the recording again, so i turned on the recording, swear, please!
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yes, what kind of disagreements are there in our time , he didn’t see those years, he’s too young, and that means you did, i got what i deserved and atoned for a long time ago, and compared to today’s olligavriks, we were angels with wings, in short, write down, manukyan, ruben ashotovich ,
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the agglomerate company, what is this, a gang, specializes in... lawyers from moscow are flying to the ministry, calls from business, well, you see, major , i don’t like it when a bastard treats me like a bastard,
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and i feel sorry for vitka, i hope you understand that your touching outpouring does not remove suspicion from you, now there is something against me, no , now. no and no here , all the best, no, ksenia , still go for a consultation, well, that means nothing interesting, well, firstly, suddenly you’ll hear something, and secondly, even if you don’t hear, just fresh air ... you’re breathing, it’s bad , that’s it, i’m sorry, i have to work, i kiss you, anna mikhailovna, yes, something like this happened here, i don’t even know how to say it, borisych
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, what happened again, where are you from, so pale, from the mortuary mikhailovna, borich, it seems we made a big mess, we messed up, well, like us, either we or the laboratory assistants, but of course it’s my fault, that’s what they decided , after all, usually a sober driver drives like a drunken boss, that’s why he is needed, yes, everything here, everything turned out the other way around, but this changes everything, rewrite
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the conclusion urgently, yes urgently , borisoch, i’ll do it, i’ll do it, excuse me, you’re there in the maiden are you sitting or standing, if you are standing, then sit down, well, he drank, he drank, listen, well, he didn’t... it’s his fault that zarian was again in a hurry to go somewhere at night, now they’ll pin everything on him, that’s right, and alyonka and i will be left without a pension, because don’t worry, they won’t pin extra charges, but you as a wife should have, yes, what now talk about it, so he said where he would go. so she admitted , she admitted, but it doesn’t make me happy, she didn’t understand, yes, they were celebrating a birthday, yes
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, zoryanov’s driver managed to get into a fight with his brother-in-law, yes, the driver got behind the wheel drunk, to put it mildly, he ate some chinese crap so that beat the smell forward, but what does it matter if his head is shot, your phone is ringing, and natalya konstantinon is listening. ovdeev, quickly come to me , morozova by chance is not with you, with me, give me a pipe , no need, both come to me, quickly, uh-huh, you ’ve decided, yes, radionova will be dining with us now, excuse me, excuse me, that’s okay. sit down, you’ve already seen what exactly , that means you haven’t seen it, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked
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, there will be a movie, there will be a movie, and the germans, and then i hope to hear your explanation, hello, network express and i are on the air boris bursukov, all familiar faces, and we continue. keep your finger on the pulse of the loud criminal scandal that is flaring up before our eyes. last night , a well-known businessman in our city , viktor zaryanov, was killed on the tula highway. in our data, the killer shot his driver nikolai denisov in the head, after which zoryanov’s car drove into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a truck. zaryanov and his driver died on the spot; the truck driver is now in the rehabilitation department of the regional hospital. according to our information according to the data, the killer fled the crime scene in a black bmw. it is curious that exactly such a car is in the personal
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garage of the main rival. this man is also well known in our city, his name is hermann volodikhin. coincidence? hardly. currently, germanikhin is the chairman of the board of directors of the kaluga industrial group, but there is information that a meeting of shareholders may deprive him of this post. in addition, we know about the diametrically opposed political views of zyryanov and vladikhin. isn't it here lies the key to the solution.
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and there will be such gifts more than once, caution in every word, in every action, go, viktor sirgeevich, stay late, mikhalovich, well, where did we leak from? “i vouch for mine, so you ask your operatives, it looks like someone’s tongue is too long. philip, where were you at the time of the death of zaryany and denis? at home, i don’t need to mince words. i know perfectly well when they were killed, they were coming to me. why? it was i who called zarianov
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for an important conversation, prepared the table with food, as they said before, set it clearing, if i knew such a thing, i would lie across the road, so what is this important conversation? yes , i had a couple of words, such that he understood that there is no point in giving birth to us, my interests are his interests, and specifically, what’s the point of talking about it now? there is, and where this car was last night, in the garage under the house, who can confirm this, is there enough seniority, drivers, all the servants? “as i understand it,
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you’re not going to tell the truth, comrade major, there’s no need to see you, she has an appointment in an hour, let her wait, i can’t wait, i urgently, you see, i’m busy, and i’m not coming to you , i’m coming to him, damn it, quickly and quickly, crazy, you ’re your life”? you’re babbling, you fool, why did you need this, look, look what you ’ve done, look , i don’t care, i stink of masha dolls, i truly loved this bastard, who took revenge on himself with a pistol for the purpose of suicide, what nonsense are you talking about, squeak
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at me, they say, a pistol, i stole it from a gutted apartment, where did she get the pistol from, from her grandfather , the award, general troshen became senile. he couldn’t surrender, so, wait a second, where are you from? you know all this, from there, she’s not worth a damn, you know, i was silent for the sake of her mother, i didn’t want to spoil her life, but when i found out that masha was going to get married , i decided to tell him, now you understand what kind of conversation was planned, there was no point .
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and it turns out that valadikhin had no motive to kill zaryany, he was quite happy with him as a future son-in-law, why didn’t he immediately tell troshenaya that she was his daughter, maybe it’s a lie, yes, daughter, daughter... he has preserved correspondence with his mother troshennaya, what are you, romeo and juliet, but she was married and, moreover, from a general’s family, and he was either a bandit or a copycat, such a stain on her name would not be forgiven, so
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he was nobly silent, uh-huh, okay, that means valadikhin is no longer needed, but someone was at the scene of the accident in a dark bmw, someone shot the driver zaryanov in the skull, maybe they were strays, but where are they? not a single traffic police video camera recorded a dark bmw, not entering the city, not leaving the city, just some kind of flying dutchman, listen, and you said that vladihi mentioned some a name from a raider company, yes, yes, there is one, manukyan, manukyan, ruben ashotovich, the sinter company, but not serious about them. you can’t come up with charges, you’re surrounded by lawyers like purebred, manakean, manakean, here’s the internet to help you, look, look , such a face, you can’t get it done in 3 days, wait, so this is the same one, and where, let’s go, where,
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to hospital, i think i know where the dark boomer came from, but what do i get from that? do, nemanukyan said, wait, how do you know manukyan, who doesn’t know him, their sharashka is all i've raked it up for myself, all the warehouses, all the transport companies, consider it only for them that we drive, so what did he say, he says that mutual speeding was recorded, that both drivers were to blame for the accident and that insurance does not cover losses, and that i will have to pay a percentage for the cargo, but what percentage do i need, well, look, i have only one percent left of myself. but then monukana says that they can fix the matter, just say that the black boomer x6 overtook you, well, well, understand, i didn’t know what it was then it wasn’t an accident, but a showdown with shooting
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, it turns out that once i said it, i can’t push it back, i incriminated myself, well, wait, but if that driver was killed, then i ’m not answering at all, but right? for the accident, no, but for the fictitious black boomer with which you misled the investigation, you can answer, well, i’m wounded under anesthesia, well, what’s the demand from me, he ’s driving me crazy, then what manukyan whispered to me, i repeated it , it’s all him, he, god forbid, you ’re crazy, the agglomerate is a reputable organization, we are absolutely legal business, we are improving the country’s economy, we are helping struggling enterprises get back on their feet, but in vain, well... did you also help get on your feet? this is an unsubstantiated claim. i emphasize once again that our activities are exclusively legal. and we have nothing to do with this terrible murder. and forcing
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the truck driver to give false testimony, and what exactly did he say, that a boomer drove along the road, well, don’t make me laugh, these statements do not have the slightest connection with the incident, some boomer could well have passed, at some point, so what? you directly told journalist barsukov that you ordered zaryanov. mayor, let 's not play cat and bear, what difference does it make to whom , what i said, well, i have something to do with murder, no, i agree, people driving don't shoot themselves in the forehead, but if there's a hole in the skull it already exists, why not take advantage of it, someone needs this hole, yes, so why not valodyno, this, of course, was a value judgment, okay, that’s enough, you will discuss the judgment with your colleagues,
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the kke lawyers. as far as i know, the shareholders are bringing charges of libel against you chairman of the board of directors. such bad people have conspired. this was also a value judgment. shut up already. well, it’s a funny story, one aunt
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found out that this one is not to blame, this one is not to blame, no one is to blame, all the bunnies are jumping, having fun , drinking, eating snacks and getting together like this, suddenly such an otkivara danced, danced, laughed, laughed, and a friend asks, who is the killer, not really, but kikimira in our case, who is it, who are you? the prosecutor's office, they will also ask us, there is nothing to answer, actually i asked commander, girl, we know where the zariyanovo car drove towards the oncoming vehicle, here, uh-huh, the driver was killed at that moment or a little earlier, we are building an area of ​​possible ballistic trajectories, we end up where in god’s light, anna mikhailovna, we end up like in a pretty penny, it’s hectares and hectares and there’s no hope of finding this damn bullet, uh
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-huh, well, yes, it sounds and, well, we’ll still go and look at the car, and what will we find there? and the working day ends, valer, and you admit the existence of such a phenomenon how's your intuition? no, absolutely not, well done!
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zerianov’s car was going from point a to point b at a speed of 100 km/h, a truck was going from point b to point a at a speed of 80 km/h, the question is, what can we find at point c, what is this? this is a bolt, or rather, a fragment of a bolt, one cap, you yourself are a cap, where is the leg, mushroom picker? well, where did the leg come off, or more precisely, in professional terms, the pin, and what diameter? m8, that’s it, m8, and if we see a hole in the head made by this bolt, then what will we all think in unison, wait, anna mikhailovna. the hole will be like from a caliber 762, absolutely right, and mikhalovna.
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with all due respect, you only came up with the bolt because we didn’t find the bullet, and we didn’t find the fragment of the bolt either, because we weren’t looking in the right place, but we proceeded from the firm belief that first there was a shot, then the car flew towards us, and then there was a collision, but everything was wrong, a piece of a bolt pierced the driver’s head right at the moment of the accident, and this is 150 m further behind the overpass, right here. well it's just i found the version that we will check,
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crap, admire it, we need dancoanalysis, blood and bone thread particles, so what? squire, as your english proverb says about firewood, which is a good job, everything is as you like, anna mikhailovna, thank you, natalya konstantinovna, no, well, who would have thought, but everything pointed to a contract killing, night. highway, a large businessman in a limousine, the entrance hole 7:62 in the head, but in fact the drunk driver seemed to have lost control of himself and flew into oncoming traffic, that's all we figured out the rest, because it was very similar to the truth, mihal, forgive me for yelling at you then, i’m just not
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myself, vorlamov found out that zaryanov had been shot, panicked, started screaming, i’m next on the binge he left, you won’t believe it, i held his... hand so that he wouldn’t write a refusal to participate in the elections, well now everything is fine, now it’s fine, again thanks to you, now he’s a hero and a future great politician, that’s what what would they do without us, come in, allow me, viktor sergeevich, and we are just talking about men, anna mikhailovna, tell me, what did you do without us, well, for others... of course i won’t say, but personally, i know for sure that no matter what i did, i didn’t shave, i always wanted to have a beard, and could never afford it.
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rtr planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! high-profile premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate event or something, what are you like, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning, what was it on band, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra,
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we’ll perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on them, we’ll succeed. “i will operate , i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even and i don’t know, pesha wants to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music” blogger, hope, my home is underground, it rests on the song of russia, in general russia is a very beer-drinking country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, basin i poured some hot water over myself and told my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things,
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peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what is more difficult, to become a good person or to stay, the question is of course. interesting, both are difficult, and another , you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, when it comes into our lives difficult trials, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone. biased analytics live program 60 minutes broadcast news, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls
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black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he is in the audience, as you and i remember , enters through these doors, everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. st. petersburg news on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, the topics of this issue. they are surrounded by a crowd, fighting on camera, two young people who beat a man in kupchino are detained. for courage and heroism to participants in a special military operation. presented new awards from st. petersburg. maternity capital for the whole family. the st. petersburg parliament
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is expanding the list of what the payment can be spent on? and an exhibition of the aromas of spring, the interior of the alexander palace in pushkin was decorated with fresh flowers. in st. petersburg, two guys involved in attacks on people were detained: an eighteen-year-old college student and twenty-one-year-old foreigner. we found the hooligans using new videos on the internet. one of them shows a man being beaten in a shopping center in kupchino. the victim is overtaken in a cafe, surrounded by a crowd, inflicted a series of blows, behaves brazenly and impudently, does not hide their faces, and is attacked in front of dozens of witnesses. a criminal case was opened under the article hooliganism. police are looking for the remaining participants in the fight. according to local residents, the young bandits are obvious followers of the so -called tural mamedov group. he was the leader of a teenage gang, according to
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which involved a dozen beatings of random passers-by. now tural and 15 of his fighters, including minors, natives of azerbaijan and tajikistan, have been arrested and are awaiting a court verdict. mamedov and his gang are accused of two counts: hooliganism, incitement to hatred and enmity. traditional afternoon. a salvo from the cannon of the petropal fortress was dedicated today to several significant events: the 105th anniversary of its foundation is celebrated by forensic services. the honorary right to take a shot was entrusted to a veteran the great patriotic war to vladimir berchikov. this year he also celebrates his anniversary. he is 100 years old. the hero entered the red army in 1941. he volunteered for the front, stood in defense of leningrad, fought at izhora, and took part in the battles near orzhev. in peacetime, he taught at the leningrad police school and retired with the rank of colonel.
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the head of the st. petersburg department of the ministry of internal affairs, roman flugin, congratulated vladimir alekseevich on the holidays. vladimir alekseevich, you have an enviable career path for any officer, any man, you have served your fatherland all your life. thank you big, happy birthday, happy anniversary, well , on my own behalf i will say that very... thank you for appreciating such activities, when you serve, you don’t think about it, now it’s probably time to talk, indeed, at the end of the ceremony the general photograph, the hero of the day was given a memorable gift, a still hot cannon casing. vladimir berchikov warmly talked to students, future criminologists, and gave them professional advice. on the eve of defender of the fatherland day in the northern capital, for the first time , memorial signs were presented for participation in a special military operation from grateful st. petersburg.
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the main characters of the ceremony were 30 soldiers who were wounded during the military military operation and are now being treated in a hospital for war veterans. the fighters were gathered in the hospital lobby. governor alexander beglov delivered a welcoming speech. you are real warriors. i want to say that you are continuing the work of our fathers and grandfathers. and the fact that at that time, well , according to their, so to speak, culture, our grandfathers and fathers did not finish them off, now their heirs are raising their heads, you are doing exactly this business, here here on the medal we, the fighters, are depicted , i really like it, it’s very beautiful, a worthy medal for our heroes, the fighters became the first owners of a new memorial sign, it was established literally 2 days ago, it will be awarded not only to soldiers, but also
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to representatives of public organizations and workers defense industry and volunteers. at the marinsky palace today they talked about maternity capital. deputies propose expanding the list of what the lump sum payment can be spent on. zhanna skvortsova read more. declaring openness of the city parliament in the marinsky palace hardly thought that this would bring anyone to tears, but second-grader olya, who was invited to the meeting, could not contain her emotions when her mother was solemnly appointed to the position of justice of the peace. later, the girl, of course, smiled, and so that now they smile more often... and the parents in the legislative assembly decided to expand the list of what else the family capital can be spent on, for example, paying for the services of a dentist or ophthalmologist, now a lump sum payment for the birth or adoption of a third child in petersburg - 2030 rub. we will give all this to mom, and a happy mom with a dazzling smile, mikhailovich, when mom is happy, believe me,
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the children are happy too. plot, treatment , education of a child, the city parliament has already expanded the conditions three times, buying a car or a gardener has expanded this list, the innovation, according to deputies, will help the entire large family , while we are expanding, we will see how the situation will change further if people also do not spending the funds that are in the budget accounts of st. petersburg will... think about new forms, deputies thought about the health of state hunting inspectors, there are only 13 of them in st. petersburg, and there are more than twenty specially protected natural areas. often, not all visitors behave properly; our inspectors are forced to take measures to protect nature and ensure the necessary order of behavior in these territories; sometimes conflict situations arise, including those that threaten their life and health.
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last year there was such a guardian of the forest in the sestroretsk swamp reserve. almost drowned a married couple, the violators were traveling on a boat, what happened next is already on the video recorder, an altercation, the inspector falls into the water, i’ll call the police now, such a swim almost ended with pneumonia, the man caught a cold, the deputies propose to continue to insure the lives and health of hunters of poachers, finally approved in the city parliament and an appeal to the minister of health, deputies ask to ban free sales to individuals, and... according to the people's representatives, first in turn, debtors must pay their employees and pay taxes to the treasury, and only then with creditors. the daylight
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hours are growing, so it’s not far from the white nights, but in the mariinsky. they talked about chaotic st. petersburg, according to deputies , there should be more lanterns, iconic objects need to be illuminated brighter, and for this it is necessary to allocate money for targeted items in the city budget with a perspective of not just one, but 3 years in advance. zhanna skvortsova, timofey chikamarev and galina rumenskaya, lead st. petersburg. underground import substitution, new equipment for the metro construction will be manufactured at the obukhov plant. the governor of st. petersburg visited the workshops today. alexander beglov inspected the production facilities, where two tunneling machines and 19 tube stackers are assembled. these are cast iron blocks that protect the tunnels from soil pressure and groundwater. the first batch of equipment should be delivered by the end of the year. the mayor of the city is optimistic about the capabilities of these machines. according to experts, they easily beat foreign models of similar equipment. new shields will dig a tunnel from station putilovskaya to obvodny kanal-2 and from
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komendantsky prospekt to the final one. shuvalova. let's find out the weather forecast, word from leonid petrov. hello, with the media forecast, in the studio leonid petrov, there will be light snow and rain in places, and the thermometers will be on both sides of zero, on thursday in st. petersburg and the region. potank hydrami of the center of st. petersburg on february twenty-second, in the leningrad region it is cloudy with clearings. the air temperature during the day on the property will be 1-3°. below zero, it shouldn't get any colder to be in tikhin and baksitogorsk, volga wine -2 from -1 to +2, weather forecasters promise in kirishi, gadchin and vyborg. in st. petersburg, during the day there will also be a thaw, a not at all strong south wind will blow and minor precipitation is possible in the northern capital, and during the day and on friday night there will be a slight plus on the thermometers.
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you will have a good day in any weather. the alexander palace blossomed in the tsar's village, and the fragrant lilacs in the skating rinks were exhibited in the chambers of empress alexandra feodorovna. a tradition that existed in the family nicholas ii. the museum revived 100 years later for the third year in a row at the end of february in the interiors of fresh flowers, a total of 18 bushes were grown, they began to prepare them last fall, they were planted in special boxes, in december they began to wake up according to the methods of the 19th century, but this year the lilacs slept longer ordinary. this year we faced difficulties, the lilac exhibition was under threat, to be honest, yes, this is due to certain climatic conditions that we encountered this year. but in general, the honor of the gardeners of those generations that came before us, seemed not to be ashamed. modern gardeners have managed to get good color
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brushes. typically, awakened plants are paler. the first three bushes are already in the palace; as they fade, they will be supplemented with new ones from the greenhouses. in addition, a special support group has been created for winter lilacs, small but very fragrant primroses: daffodils, crocuses, cyclos. if fishermen or fishermen’s wives or fisherwomen are watching us, then surely everyone has some kind of their own sign that should
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definitely improve the catch, or at least the bite. and so i remember that you couldn’t release the first fish, you couldn’t lower the cage into the water until you caught it, and maybe we’ll find out some other little things that you can’t take with you fishing there. are there any other secrets? nikita, hello. good afternoon, philip. how to improve your catch? let's start with the hard stuff, or let's go, are you a professional here? well let's try it. yes, in general, fishing and hunting, in such a semiotic picture of the world, is a departure from the developed space into an undeveloped space, where in the undeveloped space, as we know, has its own spirit masters, if we are talking about such a mythological one. in particular, water fishing , yes, which you either believed in or didn’t believe in, and if it was sea fishing, then of course everything was more complicated, that is, people could really drown, especially if it was pomors and
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fishing in the sea, then it turned out to be a thing dangerous, at a minimum, pomors are people who largely lived, of course, from the sea, yes , who does not know the sea, does not know grief, that’s what they usually said about pomors, but you know the sea , you know grief, and of course, here in the sea is completely different from fishing in the river, therefore, if the river is signs, mainly some prohibitions that we are talking about, then in the sea everything is more complicated, well, how can you notice that there will be a lot of fish, there is such a thing, a word, called ropaki , this is when there is ice, when the sea slowly begins to freeze, a pile of ice forms near the shore, if the pieces of ice are small, then it was believed that this means that small fish will bite in these places, that is, navaga or small kambla, and if there were rapaki. large, large blocks of ice, then of course they noticed that here salmon will come. similar stories were associated, of course, with calendar holidays, in particular on easter, they added, these are just records of the beginning of the 19th century, the middle of the 19th century, and
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even in the 20th year, in the 20th century it was like this. now, if on easter, where it is dark, try to imagine, easter, where it is dark in the sea, there will be a concentration of large fish, but of course there are signs that on monday you should under no circumstances go out to see tanya. that is, for fishing, for artel fishing, because of course monday is an unlucky day and nothing it will be, this is tanya, yes tanya , this is, as far as i remember, this is a conventional seine, this is a structure that is erected on the shore, and then as a result of the ebb and flow of the tide, the fish sort of gets into such a labyrinth of nets and then takes it out, this is the pomeranian device, absolutely right, then instead of this seine device, tanya is the place where you really get tired of catching.
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under no circumstances should you answer, just like mushroom pickers and berry pickers, if you answer for mushrooms, berries or fishing, then the catch it won’t be, everything is worse, of course, with women , yes, because it was believed that traditional logging and hunting are men’s activities, so if you meet a woman when you go fishing, then there will be no luck, but if...
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then it is considered that it will no longer shoot , in exactly the same case, when if a dog was shot with a gun, it is believed that such a gun will also not bring success in the hunt, but there are, of course, the opposite methods that allow you to level out, somehow make, so that the gun and fishing rod work again,
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fishing has always been successful, now pay attention , you need to take a mole skin and in winter, winter, summer, it doesn’t really matter when winter is quite long, winter is long, but there is also summer, that is, you take a mole skin, remove the skin from it, dry it and prepare the skins of course , you sew moles into your palm, with this palm you go fishing, then you will definitely have luck, there is an interesting correspondence here, when you go to court, you would need to do the same thing, yes, take either... the paw or the skin of this very mole , then the judge will be merciful towards you, apparently, this idea of ​​mercy, and even a merciful attitude from the owner of the elements, extended to fishing, and the men, those who were smarter, in a rather curious way tried, well, to appease the elements, although it is not very clear whether they believed it or not , sometimes it took the form of a joke, in particular, they took tobacco or vodka, the first shot, we know, and they poured it out and let it down the river, and do you know why? no, because
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it is believed that the devil, he is also a merman, he is also a goblin, these are different iterations of these creatures, they actually created these products that we harm, vodka, tobacco, so the first treat was directly for them, well, if of course the tobacco drowned or the first bread or vodka, then that’s it, of course, you’ll catch fish, and such things really show how much this is the surrounding space, from which well as if... dependent, yes, it affects our catch, us, our lives, this whole fishing hunting magic turns out to be somewhere between, between the truth and between a joke, we know well, and you told at the very beginning that you can’t fish lower it into the water, because you are already ready , as if the fish will come, but there won’t be any, the same thing when the boys run with a bucket to the river, if you pour a little water into the bucket to throw the first one there fish, before you catch fish, of course, it is impossible not to see, but among
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the non-magical things that really turn out to be very important, and you can draw such correlations with fishing magic, they said that you need to tie a sprig of dill to a fishing rod for in order for the fishing to be successful, that’s all for sure fishermen, especially experienced ones, know that fish really love a pungent smell, so one day while fishing i was collecting this kind of thing, i was very surprised when a man put a worm in kerosene. in a jar of kerosene and that means he was catching fish, it was the only way to bite, the kerosene was taken by such men, yes, that is, one to one, garlic is the same, a pungent smell, so there are a huge number of ways, and some of them can even in our difficult times seem magical, although they have a completely rational justification behind them, sometimes the guests of this studio note that my eyes are burning, but it seems to me that they say that at some point they lit up, today it seems to me that they... the whole program, you know,
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you want to say, well, that’s it, let’s go to fishing, winter fishing, winter fishing, thank you very much, see you again. we all remember, we remember, the carpet on the wall, the sideboard, the dishes from which you can’t eat or drink, mm, well, crossword puzzles, that’s what i ’m into now too, well, in general, everything from this beautiful apartment. in which we all lived, probably some of us live now, some lived 10, 15, 20, 30 or more years ago , at some point , a plant became an attribute of this apartment, the same one from childhood, a plant
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that, to be honest, i always didn’t like , i didn’t know what it was called, but i found out when we were preparing for the program, this is a geranium, victoria, hello, i honestly haven’t always loved it, but at the same time it looks absolutely in the right place, on the windowsill, at an aunt’s, at a grandmother’s, it has a specific smell, and someone... sometimes he finds it unpleasant, but for me it’s the smell of memories, but this geranium, i was ashamed to show it to you, i’m still ashamed, as if there was something wrong with it, and you know, for example, i’m competing with a neighbor, we have this secret competition, who can remove the snow faster when it attacks, as it were , who is a better owner, who has a cleaner yard, and giran, who has a more beautiful geranium, is also a champion of the house, how to make geranium a champion, and is it even necessary, maybe throw it away, in general geranium does not have the most
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enviable fate , she has a rather tarnished reputation with just these, she heals, no, that's bad bad news, no it's not aloe. aloe is from the same apartment, but from a different club. gerain, in fact, is from another room. she's from the other room, yes. from the kitchen, usually. geranium, in fact, is also pylargonium, but we are mogelaria. and geranium is the same. not certainly in that way. in general, pelargonium geraniums appeared, they were brought from south africa. and when carlineus described it, he called it geranium. and then a french biologist identified especially beautiful species as a separate species. in pelargonium and geranium itself was brought to europe because of its smell, she was very fond of masking all sorts of unpleasant odors, because well, actually , nothing could overwhelm her, so yes, and oh, memories, yes, the memories immediately disappeared, but giran at the same time, so she became
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such a resident of navtalin’s apartments, some here, because champions, every home, champions every home, but at the same time, if you, for example, look... at a chalet in the alps, you will see that in the summer all the balconies are hung with geraniums, in fact geraniums or pelargonium, which in arrays blooms on the balcony, this is actually one of the most ideal plants for the balcony, because it blooms continuously, and if you bring it back to life, that is, simply by pinching off what has died so carefully, it’s still chick, man, it will smell a little more intensely, it seems to me, you just don’t like geranium, so you came to show it to everyone... how you kill it now, no, that’s not entirely true, we have a program for punishing geraniums, i’ll explain what’s behind it, the fact is that every plant strives to leave fruits, and if you take something from her, what could become a fruit, she thinks, oh god, what a nightmare, i didn’t have time to produce anything, i’ll bloom again, and this is
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not a simple operation of picking off flowers that have already begun to appear, it kind of stimulates the geranium to bloom more and again and again and practically beat his geranium. in general, yes, how to make it really fluffy , to make it a neat little cap, it can be cut, well, almost to zero, it won’t stretch, you, like a heroin addict, are hiding its medicinal properties from us, so i’m not talking about the medicinal properties i can’t say, because i’ll say a terrible thing, i don’t believe that they are possible, but how , well, the heroine doesn’t have any. but doesn’t it kill microbes in the air, it kills moths with its smell and they wanted to hide the belief that it is so bad that moths fall dead at the sight of it, and in winter how does it feel, in winter it stretches out, it
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can bloom , if you have enough light, these beautiful purple balconies, yes, purple pink balconies, these are all geranium lovers, most likely seedlings, but she is truly amazing. and in 2000, a boom in giran began, precisely because it is indestructible, it tolerates drought well, that is, if, for example, you leave it on the balcony for a week and do not water it with anything. it won’t, it looks great in masses, recently breeders have been busy developing varieties with dark leaves, geranium is amazingly cool, it is very tenacious, that is, it can be easily cut, that is, shared with a neighbor, and that is, what do you you want to say they didn’t buy it, but someone, probably once i bought it, but then it multiplied naturally, it really tolerates all sorts of hardships very well, it’s easy to reanimate, it’s easy to clean it... it ’s easy to care for, but that is, in general , it’s easier to become a champion at home with a giranya and it’s easier to become a champion in giranya than a champion
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in roses and other things, that this beautiful thing stands here, it’s here, you can spray it, you just need to spray it, a professional will still do it better, that is, you just do it until it you will become pleasantly moisturized, i something something i i lied, it seems to our viewers that i don’t like geranium, after all, i’m with you. she ’s great, so i understand that it will take quite a long time to restore this, it will definitely take several months, but make it symmetrical again? no, this is probably a problem , well, in the warm season - it would be a matter of just a few weeks, yeah, now , well, for about a month and a half it will be overgrown, if we put it, that is, if we want to make it symmetrical, that is we must limit growth on the side where there is excess, and it must appear here, you you can just twist it periodically, you just turn it like this, it starts to stretch in the other direction, this is actually true for almost all plants, well, no, if you just look at the trunk, it’s on
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one side, there’s a lot of foliage on it, on the other, no, he will compensate for this and these sprouts will come from here, and especially boring people make themselves a calendar and turn it a few degrees a day so that everything grows evenly, but that’s the price, if you want to be the king of the house, of course, so yes, who cares, make a calendar, thank you very much. see you again , see you again, soft power, diplomacy, reward, punishment , pandas, how does it all get along, alexey, hello, do i understand correctly... that for china the panda is a tool of soft
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power, i heard that with improvement or observing a certain increase in warmth in diplomatic relations, china transfers pandas for use on some basis, as far as i know, for compensation, and if these relations deteriorate, even though they were paid for, these pandas are recalled, yes this... absolutely is so, and this is not a simple story, this is - firstly, who generally determines whether to give a panda as a gift or not, this is determined by the central committee of the communist party of china , the politburo itself, i would even say, the standing committee of the politburo - these are those seven man, the areopak who rules the chinese, that is, the fate of the pandas is decided precisely at this level, and there are a lot of subtleties, nuances, on the one hand, the panda, well , who has seen it, such a soft, cuddly bear cub, joyful, in fact, a panda is predator, yes, yes,
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a healthy creature, this is also where such a peculiarity of china lies, on the one hand , it’s so soft, it’s very cute, it’s incredibly funny to watch, it’s incredibly pleasant how they swarm around in these. bamboo thickets, like a panda eats bamboo, she eats up to 40 kg of bamboo a day, yes, this is a feature of the panda too, she is strictly a herbivore, in general she can eat anything if given to her, but the panda is a very lazy creature, so she does not run away, yes, a panda can hunt, but he does not hunt, features of the panda's digestive tract they are such that they are digested very slowly, and you need a lot of food, bamboo , of course, can be very tasty, but it is not very nutritious, so you need a lot. stuff it into the stomach, while all this is being digested, the panda is sleeping, she is active either twice a day, morning and evening, or
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three times, there she becomes active during the day, so the favorite entertainment of pandas, and the audience, naturally, is when the panda lies on side, either asleep, or having grabbed the bamboo with its seven and four paws, it slowly eats it, but here too there is a peculiarity, because not every bamboo will be eaten by a panda, they are already spoiled , so pandas live in the highlands... this is the central province of china, huge in itself, the reserve is open enclosures on many hectares, which are spread out, and lives there , well, according to subordinates.
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if you say panda to a chinese person, he will not understand, pandas were called completely different creatures, they exist, they are of such a reddish color, similar to a large raccoon, but this is not a red panda, this is a red panda, here is a red panda, it is closer to raccoons, and this bear, they are completely different, they belong to different orders and live differently, but it just so happens that they are called both pandas, which is how pandas were supposed to be in ancient times, well then there are panda skins. were a special gift when - to the chinese emperor, the subject peoples who lived on the territory of sachua, not the messenger, this is one region, were presented with a panda skin as a gift, then everything changed, changed, in general it is assumed that the first panda that went abroad as a gift was in 1941 year, then china was engulfed in war with japan and
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the wife of the then chinese leader chinkai-shi, sunmailin, a beauty, brilliantly burning... english, she decides to give pandovo as a gift to the american government, is it a gift or is it a gratuitous use, or is it a paid use, then there was a gift , because there were no means of settlement, this is an irrevocable panda, this is an irrevocable panda, these revocable pandas began in the eighties, the last panda was presented to nixon as a gift, or rather madame nixon in 1972, when china was re-establishing relations with the united states, and then suddenly it became accepted that, in fact... a panda should be rented, and initially there was a simple story: for a year, 50,000 dollars, and you take a panda and exhibit it in zoos, then china said, no, this is not symbolic , we need to somehow complicate the situation, now the panda is really for rent, and not every country can take it, it’s a sign of respect, love, that’s actually panda diplomacy, and if i respect the country, i
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give it as a gift panda, for use, in use, for a limited time , is registered, or auto-renewal until the moment of termination, yes, well, everything is as per the contract , moreover, if any offspring are born, they belong to china, that’s what i wanted to know about, pads practically do not reproduce in captivity, there are several cases, the most extreme cases, they must protect themselves, here they felt something familiar with us, apparently, they multiplied in russia, because we had good bamboo, they supplied us with the best bamboo from china, or we had yours, no, from china, from china, from us this doesn't grow, unfortunately. yes, they tried to feed bamboo from sochi, but in general it’s not the same, usually they take a million dollars of deposit per year for a panda, so the americans, the british, they pay a million dollars each, plus they must ensure the appropriate quality of the panda’s stay, a special commission comes from china, they look , how a panda lives , so everything is very funny, there are a lot of negotiations around this, in
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diplomacy, this is such a symbolic game, and of course, this is soft power, but really... recently china has withdrawn, let’s call it this is so, at least two batches of pandas, one from the usa, the second from the uk, have finished, yes, this period has ended, and china decided not to extend it, because a panda is not exactly a gesture of friendship, it is a gesture of special affection, the point is , that pandas, except in china, you will not find anywhere, they do not live anywhere, do not breed, and in a separate region of china, so when they hand over a panda , it is handing over a piece of china, it’s like a messenger from china, these are the chinese with great . they talk about it with joy, this is a special topic for conversation, all the symbolism is associated with pandas, so when a panda arrives in russia or, for example, in the usa, the chinese say: we have our panda there, that is, everything is fine, if the panda was recalled, this is a sign from the chinese, with this the country doesn’t need to communicate much, so you can develop trade, send diplomats, but if there are no pandas, this is
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very bad, today pandas are arriving in general, in total about 40 pandas have been distributed around the world, and china is exactly... half of all the money it receives from renting pandas, he sends it to the wildlife fund, yeah, that's it, but in general, to be honest, i’ve just been to these panda reserves several times, i understand that maintaining this reserve is a crazy amount of money, yes, of course, and it’s all a very nice walk, but this is a huge research institute, it’s the pandas themselves to maintain a panda it is expensive to keep 1500 pandas in the forest in proper state of health and mood. for them to reproduce, i think it costs definitely more than the 40 million dollars they receive a year for these pandas, definitely, moreover, unfortunately, pandas get sick, there are a case where pandas even get gastritis abroad in china.
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please, it’s also a nice gesture , this is a special game, but now it’s interesting, before the americans thought it was the right gesture to keep pandas in a container, now they’re not allowed to do that, they’re not worthy of keeping them, these signs have been taken down, so pandas, of course , part of chinese soft power, oh, thank you very much for coming and talking about such a touching phenomenon of chinese diplomacy, because sometimes it seems that or sometimes they are trying to explain to us, prove that they are some kind of like this... not like this, they want to enslave the whole world, but if these people share pandas and , most importantly, call them back when they stop being friends, it seems to me that this is a sign that these are definitely
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good people, everything is for sure, thank you very much, see you again ,
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the games of the future in kazan gather distinguished guests. at the opening ceremony, vladimir putin, the president of kazakhstan and leaders of other countries. award for courage during the liberation of ovdeevka. chief of the general staff valery gerasimov heard the plan for further action. thin ice on the russian-chinese road. new day on the channel russia is starting to news, the main news in
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the studio karina ilyina, hello!
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of the future would take place in our country in order to continue this tradition, an initiative that was expressed in a timely manner by the russian federation. and with the president of the republic of srpska of bosnia and herzegovina milorad dodik, the leaders discussed not only sports, but political topics. thank you for accepting our invitation and coming as an honored guest to the opening of such
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interesting, i hope. in the future very popular competitions as the game of the future, we are grateful to you for the fact that you maintain regular relations with russia, support many of our initiatives, including such a noble event, in my opinion, related to the memory of the victims of nazism, you personally even take part in the march of the immortal regiment.
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central banks, after which it was reported that the closure was the first revocation of the license of offices in moscow, st. petersburg and kazan in a year and a half, and then about non-operating in branded terminals throughout the country. the central bank stated that the credit institution was involved in settlements with shadow business, including crypto exchangers
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and... several hockey teams, but also suv and kamaz racing. these are all the main events of the international winter sports festival. report by galina makushchenko. delegations of the two countries inspect the meeting place of the athletes. this is not the first year that the festival has been held. everyone has work experience, but the scale is growing. sports fields and heating houses are ready, special attention to ice, the load on it will be over 90 tons.


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