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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 22, 2024 11:30pm-2:05am MSK

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why are we drinking? so what's wrong with you? well, mash, i’m afraid, i’m scared, they say that they wanted to blow me up, maybe it’s true? well, if you're afraid, don't go to work, just take a vacation. go somewhere, relax , alone, i'm afraid, well, okay, we need to send the children somewhere, yes, we'll send him, let him live with andrey, or not, let him and his nanny go better to a holiday home, a sanatorium, okay, fantastic , in the last 3 minutes you agreed with me twice, said okay, i just can’t help but drink for that, you’re on the path to
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alcoholism, give me a drink.
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has nothing to do with it, okay, we ’ll put it aside for now, everything is in place in the wallet, i don’t know, i didn’t look in my husband’s wallet, probably everything is in place, you know, there’s a secret pocket there, oh, you say , you don’t know this woman, why did your husband put her in his wallet then, really,
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zoya, where is the bag that i took? and now, well, there’s nothing there, just a cosmetic bag and a passport. do you have money? no, it’s some kind of trifle, but the guy is arrogant, he carried the photo of his mistress right in his wallet. why mistress? well, who else is she? why does he need to admire her? or maybe he’s a killer and they ordered this woman for him and provided him with photographs so that the distillers could come in? but what about? well, let him look at me, you might think he has ever given you a wide berth? sviridova, valentina vasilyevna, there are no relatives, at least according to the documents, and no one comes for her body, she lived alone, but she was very generous, although the neighbors say that there was some kind of roommate, well... well,
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you are involved in his personality do you think this is mikhailovsky? who knows, but if it’s mikhailovsky, there’s no one to bury her. how old was mikhailovsky? 45. here. and the neighbors describe a middle-aged man. average, well, about thirty years old. can they find out from the photo? well, they probably can, since they saw it. just from what photo? we need to go to her apartment with a search. call the housing office and let us know we'll come. fine. who will go? and what? but nothing, it’s just a serious matter, i still do not rule out that all this was directed against you, so entrust it to someone efficient, since filonov left the prosecutor’s office, we are all efficient, you understand that i i want to say yes don’t worry, i’ll entrust it to the best investigator, who is our best investigator, well , actually, you, i’ll entrust it to myself, right here?
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well, let's open it, yeah. some things are familiar, i’ve already heard about them somewhere. maybe it's scrash orientation? no, it’s unlikely. i don’t read
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theft guidelines. but do you read the reports? maybe they went through the reports? no, not according to reports. i remember all the latest reports. let's take it away, then you can figure out where you saw it. okay, take it out and look for something that points to her roommate. sorry, you are valkin's roommate are you looking for? yes, i would like to find her, there was a roommate, there is no one to bury her, maybe he will take care of it. it’s good, we live on salaries, we can’t afford a funeral, but hey, he was not a poor man, he was young, well , how do you say, young for someone, he was about 30 years old, well, you’ll find out, i’ll find out. lately they had been quarreling a lot about something, and he was screaming in his deep throat, because of what, because of what , i don’t know, i couldn’t make out, i only heard screams, uh-huh, marya sergeevna, again, what is this, this is a card guests, such as are given at the hotel,
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look, there’s even a date here, july, this year, this, and the number is indicated, yes, the name of the hotel is not indicated, we withdraw, we withdraw, we set up a hotel and go there, i understand, three more... uh-huh, yes, good evening, marya sergeevna , hello, here, i came to see you , otherwise
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there are such terrible rumors in our department that they seem to have tried to undermine you, nonsense, come on in, you'll have some tea, no, no, thank you, yours, yes are you saying this is too much for me... well, what do they say, your husband is rich? do you have business management? are they doing it, or are they discussing shvetsov? sorry, sorry, nothing, these are eternal documents seized from the apartment of a deceased woman. so i’m sitting here remembering where i know them from? will you allow me? certainly. but these tchotchkes are in my business, well , yes, in my business, they are tchotchkes. pasukhanov? well , yes, about 20 thousand of them were taken from the victims’ apartment. that's right, i read their description. and this is because i described everything in great detail. and who is this woman from whom they were taken? valentina vasilyevna, born in sixty-eight, was blown up in a minibus
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. does this mean anything to you? no, no i didn’t glow like that. what kind of subject are you looking for? sukhanov's accomplices? yeah, smart guys, there is such a vakhlutin. this is the one who tapped the lady’s fingers with a hammer, i installed a hotel and it’s in zelenogorsk, the room was registered to mikhailovsky, what does vokhlotin have to do with it, what kind of vokhlotin is this, we hired such a vokhlotin 4 years ago, a rare scumbag, my certificate is clean , didn’t show up anywhere, but no, he had another certificate that he was a fool, a traumatic brain injury, amnesia, brain damage, and that’s okay, he cleverly excused himself, so why was he taken? we got a tip that he and a friend were carrying an improvised explosive device in the car, we stopped, found the device, but it turned out to be disassembled, not even a device, but a set of parts, we didn’t even register it for him for three days, held him until he got a certificate from an expert and released him , and where is this device, from
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the expert, if it wasn’t thrown away, ivan, this is shvetsova, 4 years ago an improvised explosive device was seized from a certain vokhlotin. already compared? thank you. well, both devices are made in a similar way, they have similar parts. it feels like the same hand. you took a long time, but to shvetsova. the head of the slaughterhouse ran in, they got caught in the tongue, well, how
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lucky, you keep in mind, they found an old explosive device with which this idiot was caught back in ninety-nine, well, that’s why sukhanov kept him, as long as i remember him, there’s nothing but problems with him, well, i hit this woman on the fingers with a hammer, and if she hadn’t run to the doctor, they wouldn’t have proven anything, i agree, but you... i mean, if he’s tied to blowing up a minibus, the case will be taken away from me, i’m already i won’t be able to do anything then, i understand that, and since you understand, my grandmothers, come on, perdanievich, that means, as i understand it, you ’ve concentrated. for two victims, on mikhailovsky and this woman sviridova, yes
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, we have worked off the rest , we have no interests, now mikhailovsky’s wife will come, then his comrade, i will interrogate them, well, this is how it should be, yes, okay, you understand, viktor ivanovich, you're offending me, by the way, i have a theory that mikhailovsky's wife could have ordered the explosion, and mateev, out of jealousy, well, yes, in mikhailovsky's things they found two photographs from veridova, the connection between them, “petanich , so far they have only established a one-way connection, she didn’t have a photograph of him, well, yes, but i don’t rule out jealousy, on the other hand, you can’t rule out jealousy, on sveridova’s part, i didn’t think about it , but the main version remains, of course, an attempt on the life of marya sergeevna, what is natural here, it’s even very unnatural for there to be an attempt on the life of the prosecutor?” “yes, you can, but lyudmila ivanovna, come in, sit down, well, i won’t bother you,
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we’re about to shake, we’ll shake. “by car we’d get there in half an hour, but in about 40 minutes for sure, i understand, but you understand me, i’m afraid to get in the car, you’re not afraid to get on the train, i’m afraid, but less, consider it a woman’s quirk, sorry, didn’t think , and did you think, when you tried your best to convince me, that they wanted to blow me up, so you convinced me, now get on the train, wave, besides, i’m responsible for your safety”? i’m just afraid for you, now i’m afraid for myself, don’t be afraid, i’m with you, and
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if they blow me up with you, tap your tongue, what did you suddenly come up with? i made this up you intimidated me and buevich, okay, okay, you intimidated yourself, we’ll find this bastard ourselves, yeah, tell me, where did your husband work? in a closed design bureau, 20 years. and you don’t connect his death with his professional activities? you know, i didn’t think about it, but last summer someone beat him up, well, well, he went to a holiday home in zelenogorsk for the weekend, returned late on sunday evening, all beaten up, his lip cut under his eye, his whole body bruised... horror! did he contact the police? where was he treated? no, nowhere, i haven't cried, i haven't
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i begged him, he flatly refused to go to the police, much less to the doctor, i thought at the time that he had a concussion, but thank god it turned out okay, and why didn’t he go anywhere? well, as you don’t understand, they are very strict at work there. god forbid they found out, so what, they could fire him, don’t you think he knew the one who beat him and didn’t want to hand him over. “i know , maybe, maybe i didn’t think about it, but now what? beauty, silence and tranquility, maybe they’ll hide you here while we
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deal with this explosion, and when we figure it out, i’ll tell you.” i’ll leave, but i won’t go to the clinic..." i feel that way , huh? hello, hello, what are you doing here? can i ask you the same question? please, well, i was the first to ask, and i didn’t make you a promise not to go out of town, you promised me to sit in the office and not stick your nose out, dim, i would have gone crazy there, well, i needed to unwind, well, understand me, after all, what are you doing here? yes, yes, yes, shlionskaya,
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please look." these are ours, prosecutor shvetsova, major vinokurov, and this is sergei, my security service, very nice, dmitry sergeevich, i found out everything. lyudmila ivanovna , please tell me, in your husband’s things, we found photographs of a woman unknown to you, how can you explain this, you want to humiliate me, because the first thing that suggests is that this is his mistress, well, maybe with her his beating is connected, that’s why he didn’t want to go to the police, i don’t know
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, later in august he told me that in our time it’s dangerous to deal with the police, yeah, did he have experience? we have a friend, a very wealthy woman , all hung with jewelry, dacha, car, well in a word, the house was full, so the extortionists attacked her, so what, they began to demand that the car and the house be registered in their name, she went to the police, they opened a case there, opened it, opened it.
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“at least they caught the bandits , they only caught one, the rest ran away, they will soon be released before that, she was here with mikhailovsky, the number is registered to him, apparently they were caught by her partner, in general, gornishny remembers well the scandal with mordobitiy, some guy he beat up mikhailovsky, but by chance he didn’t get the man’s last name, didn’t introduce himself, and ran away before the arrival of the police , which the maids called." yeah, but mikhailovsky didn’t say anything, they say, it’s a family squabble, we’ll sort it out ourselves, well, the cops left , what kind of vakhlutin is this, and they blew up mikhailovsky with a model device, which is similar to the parts of the device from this vokhlutin, damn , i should have taken his photograph from the archive with me, they would have presented it, here's vakhlutin
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, wow, is that vakhlutin? i saw him near the courthouse on the day when sukhanov was arrested, but he should be wanted, not afraid to hang around the court, yes there is no search for him , no one has announced him, here is the investigator akhlomon, and this belazyurov made such a pleasant impression, here you are, at least i can entrust you with this, thank you, i will try to justify your high trust, so, take the major to the city , and my wife and i will get there ourselves. okay, thank you, i myself, you better take a good look at your wife, don’t worry, vladimir vasilyevich, i, in turn, will also justify your high trust.
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no, they fought in the corridor, you understand, because he had a woman, why are you like that? decided? you understand, they fought so much that fluff and feathers were flying in their corridor, and from the room someone was peeking into her bangs all the time, it was a woman, of course, of course a woman, why do respectable men come here from the city on weekends, m s twist the women, you see, we are doing everything to find them, if you don’t go to work today, do you really want me to see albina? i’m taking it, yes, and what am i going to do with it? well, what do you usually do, chat, go shopping, sit in a cafe, you’re not afraid in public maybe, well, i’ll give you sergei, but why
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will he walk around the fitting rooms with us?
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dimana for the sum, you have to choose the skin like you, it’s kind of crooked, everything’s fine. okay, yes, well, i don’t know
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, i don’t like anything, maybe i’m not in the mood, oh, i want love, you know, that’s what it’s like to faint, yeah, after all, dimka knows how to choose things, let me... let me try it on , straight , i can’t take it off, well, look, well, look, my eyes even sparkled differently, oh, after all, this is the best of everything i tried on today, yeah, okay, look at me like that, take it my skin, are you going to take something, let's go have a drink, wash your purchases, you've started drinking a lot, friend, you want to forget yourself, but no, i don't mind in principle, thank
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you, especially since i know a good place, thank you, listen, and how do you live with him, are you not bored with him, what are you saying, is he so reliable? i’ve never felt as good as i did with him, it’s a pity if it all ends, but why should it end, what if they kill me, what if they kill me, you talk about it so calmly, as if you’re not scared, but -yours, i insensitive, of course it’s scary, let me tell your fortune on your hand, oh, in your life line you can get confused, get overwhelmed, you will live for 100 years, you will still have time to get tired of everyone, thank you, dima, i hope, if you believe psychology, you and him are ideal combination, you are a woman-daughter, and you know why you and andrey broke up, i know, because he needs a woman-mother, and i need
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a man. father, well done, you're making progress in psychology, okay, let's have a drink because of your new clothes, oh, yes, some new things, consumer goods, that's what your skin is doing, you can see right away exclusive, let me wear it, why? i have a date soon, i have to hit him in the heart, it’s hard to surprise him with something, and you have nothing else to surprise, just with someone else’s skin, the skin will enhance the effect, at least now, no, now it’s not necessary, i’m afraid in advance, it’s impossible, don’t let me
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god will smooth it out, yes, her jacket is noticeable , you can’t confuse it, maybe it will work out, you saw what happened in court, the lawyer said that the case against dad is being transferred to the prosecutor’s office, and she’s in charge there, i understand, we can assume that the connection between mikhailovsky and sveridova established, in particular, they together they went out of town to a holiday home, where they were caught by a former lover.
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you don’t know this, no, i don’t remember , but you can ask someone, but ask these guys , but this one, thank you, marusya, is walking, doesn’t see anything, hello, hello, hello, hello, so you’re coming to me. yes, the hour has come, give me some skin, let’s go to the office. petya, go to work, his mouth opened, yeah, oh, a promising boy, that’s it, a boy, at least leave the youngsters alone. zoya, yes, call the head of the investigation, let
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him prepare a dry case for transfer to us. fine, ok, cool, i did my hair myself, oh , i spent 2 hours at the hair salon, it was all in vain , he likes brunettes, i’ll have to buy a wig now, look at the back, okay , okay, the skin, i’ll bring it home for you, and what am i going to wear ? , i left you my skin, don’t wish for me. no feast, not bad, no feast, to hell with it.
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hello, what about sukhanov’s file, who should i give it to, so quickly, and where is the accompanying document, here it is. is there a dock thing? no, then bring the case to the deputy prosecutor, and marya sergeevna, marya sergeevna, very good, it’s you i asked about vakhlutin, well, i asked if it was him, yes, he worked for us 3 years ago.
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he was a handy guy, but he wasn’t on friendly terms with his head, he was jealous of his girl and became a buffoon, but to be honest, she’s still such a prostitute, and did the girl know him? what can i ask for, could you inspect the stolen jewelry, present it to the victim, marya sergeevna, i would be glad, but the case has already been registered in the office, and the standard has been set, and we will cancel the registration, mar sergeevna, i beg you, spare me me from of this matter, i carefully cleaned everything,
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filed it, all the work is registered with you, okay, we’ll do it ourselves, yeah. why are you standing here, did you scare me? well, how are things going at the prosecutor's office? well, my affairs have been taken care of, everything, damn it, it’s a shame, you know, then one little thing turned up. i would like to do it with you, believe me, i stuck to the matter with my teeth, i thought i’d wait another week, shvetsova called, i started to see that the case was with me, bring it urgently, it’s offensive, yes, but you think it’s not offensive to me, that’s it, shvetsova was hurt i got it, there’s nothing you can do, that’s it, i ran, bye,
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bye. yes, masha, come to school urgently, andrey, it’s you, what happened, with kostya, trouble, what , what happened, i broke my leg, lord, i’ll be right there, oh, sorry, could you please. tell me that i had to leave, my son broke his leg , oh god, of course i’ll tell you, go, go, you’re by car, no, by metro, there are three stops, oh, i gave my jacket to a friend, there’s an id and wallet in my pocket , you won’t give me
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some change, how come you leave your id in your jacket, well, it’s more convenient in transport, so you don’t suddenly have to rummage, friend will lose, i shouldn’t, thank you. well, does your leg hurt? it hurts, it hurts, how did you manage? i fell off the parallel bars during physical education, that's it, andrey, should i catch a taxi? no need, i’m
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driving, my dad bought the car. the car is completely new, it smells like paint, it just came out of the showroom, and how did you do it, firstly you stopped drinking, secondly you took out a loan, thirdly your wife gave you money for the down payment, you’re a sucker! viktor ivanovich, i need a search of mikhailovsky, of the victim, yes, if he was not embarrassed to carry a photograph of his mistress in his wallet, then they should also find him at home something interesting, interesting logic, and where
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is sergeevna’s vismar, but she’s not there, ivan ivanovich said that her son broke his leg, and she ran away, ran away, didn’t tell me, she asked belyaev to tell you, but why didn’t belyaev tell me, i don’t know, sclerosis, probably sclerosis, yeah, well, they’ve blossomed, five corpses with... yes, it’s day, zoya, well, what, what, i asked you for tea half an hour ago, i drank all of this buevich, i’ll just pour it, i’ll just put a spoon as you like, the prosecutor is here.
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maybe you don’t need to go to obusk anymore, what are you talking about? collect the evidence base, you had lunch today, by the way, not yet, well, let's go, let's go, let's go, at the same time you can tell me, excuse me for god's sake, but where is maria sergeevna, shvetsova, her office is closed. she left, something happened to her child, a long time ago, but
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just now, tell me, she won’t come back today, maybe she will come back, maybe not, thank you, no problem. lyosha, let’s get to the starting positions, she ’s not here, she might show up at home any minute, well, i don’t know how long you’ll be stuck here, but it’s necessary today, my husband might be back from a business trip to return and it is unknown when he will leave again, i understood, well, that’s good, it’s nice here, and why haven’t i come here before, well, it’s great that i brought you here, you need to know the places, hello, good afternoon, i’d like this, please, uh-huh, and this, uh-huh, and for me
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, and for me, too, as for him, it’s good, come on , tell me, well, vakhlusin was identified in the garage of the car park, uh-huh, he, by the way, used to work there, well, the sviridovs too, well, and before the explosion, he was hanging around there, like visiting former acquaintances, well, that’s it, that’s when he planted the explosives, well, yes, of course, motiv elementary, he lived in the village with sveridova and was terribly jealous of her, in the summer he caught her in a holiday home with mikhailovsky and beat him, now he wanted to take revenge and blew up sveridov ’s minibus, so i didn’t understand who he blew up, mikhailovsky or his woman, both, and this very wise, because it takes a long time to wet them separately, but in one fell swoop he got rid of both the woman and his rival, you just call, trash can, you have to take vakhlutin. so there was a trifle left, take vakhlutin, please,
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thank you, oh, look, marya sergeevna, please, thank you, it’s not her husband, who is she with, husband, husband, ex, so she’s with him now, and she’s cheating on the current one, that she’s cheating right away, well, look how they’re having fun, so what, petka? you’re young and still green , you don’t understand anything, in life everything is never as it seems at first glance, you think so, you think, but i know this from my own bitter experience, well, well, you work with mine, baby, come on sergeevna, let's say so that she doesn't worry, but wait, don't bother her now, we'll say tomorrow, well then, hold me, i i can’t wait until tomorrow. i liked
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sbruseyev falling. ugh, what are you saying? how else will i see you both and we also went to the cafe. andrey, take kostya with you. dima left for moscow, and i need to drop by at work. okay, so let's go, we'll take you, we'll take you, we'll take you. yes, it’s not on your way, in such traffic jams it will take three hours to get there. and it takes me half an hour on the metro, yeah, that's it, bye, bye, bye, mash, hello, "hello, we would like to see the things of your late husband, please, but for what purpose? for the purpose solving a crime, do you want the criminals to be punished? yes, please, take off your clothes and what would you like to see. fedya, you take care of things, and i ’ll look at the photographs, if possible.
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yes, of course, but they are understood, for now without them, why crowd here , we’ll draw up a protocol, then we’ll call, uh-huh, uh-huh, please tell me where i can call from, here’s the phone number.” oh, oh, mash, i didn’t know, what are you here, what's wrong with kostya? thank god, everything is fine, i just got hit hard, the boss was looking for me, it's better not to approach him, he's in a bad mood today, he's behind half a day twice he promised to retire, yes, well then i went home, i read sukhanov’s case , i’ll report tomorrow, about tomorrow, buevich called and said that you can ride the minibus again, he promised details tomorrow. say, no, i’d rather take the metro , i’ll take a walk from the metro, get some fresh air, bye, come on, wow, tell me, friend petro, who is shown in this photograph, well, the late owner
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of the house with friends, hmm, no just with friends, with benefactors, here he is... the main benefactor named vakhlutin, lyudmila ivanovna, yes, lyudmila ivanovna, tell me who is shown in this photograph, and this is at our dacha, this is my husband, uh-huh, this is our son valerik, and this is my nephew lyosha, and you know the last name lyosha, how can i not know the last name of my tribe? lyosha vakhlutin, god , oh, oh, what is this, what is this, how come you don’t
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know where your beloved nephew lives, but i don’t go to visit him, he comes to us himself, well, at least the phone number you know him. well, say you cut the sausage? yes, she ’s alive, call an ambulance, look, no wonder, the citizens quickly dispersed, it’ll happen now
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tight, victor! well, doctor, she’s alive, but unconscious
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, she’s lost a lot of blood, i’m a doctor, maybe i ’ll go with her, dear, we know who she is, we’ll do everything possible, let’s go as best you can. “maybe i’ll quickly take them to the hospital here, well, there’s no body, you’re lazy, shut up for a bit, otherwise i’ll hit you for the body, let’s go, wait, you can’t come here, what happened, i live here, there was a murder here, murder, i'm from the prosecutor's office, who was killed here, the deputy prosecutor, who, ma' wait, wait, where did i see the stretcher, i see your red jacket, dark hair , but most importantly - well, how can you carry an id in your pocket, well, i forgot, i showed it in my pocket on the subway, volodya, call the hospital,
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but i called 5 minutes ago, call again, hello, good evening again, criminal investigation of distillers, yes, i understand, thank you, while the operation is underway, they can’t say anything concrete. listen, why did we decide that vakhlutin blew up sveridova precisely out of jealousy? well, of course, you yourself interrogated the maids at
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the hotel, he caught sviridova with lover. by the way, no one said that sviridova was at the hotel, we ourselves decided so. we knew about the photographs in mikhailovsky’s wallet and about the guest’s card in her pocket, so we took it as wishful thinking. what are you getting at? vakhlutin was in a quarrel, yes, with sviridova, well , because he was caught with her lover, and then... he brought her a bunch of jewelry worth 20,000 bucks, don’t you think this is strange, maybe he wanted to make peace with her, and then blew up, yes, it’s not clear, listen, he’s sure that he killed me, well, yes, it was me, he even i checked my id, it looks like i’ll go interrogate him before i’m recognized as a victim, do you have a table lamp, preferably a darker one, is that there, is that where you are? with a candle on halloween, they confiscated it, great, answer vakhlutin to the toilet, no, he doesn’t need to go to the toilet, the less comfortable he is, the better,
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let his fingers roll away, and while we decorate the office. bakhlotin, how did i bother you, with a knife in the back,
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why, this is not a manly thing, dad ordered it, zukhanov, but valerka came up with the minibus. and mikhailovsky’s son, his godfather, figured out what it was we shocked our aunt, why did you beat valera’s father? in the summer, valera dragged me to my godfather for money at the rest home, but he didn’t give the godfather any money, well, he hit me again, so i threw it at the old man, stood up for my brother, and he blew up my own father, and... and that the godfather wanted to hand him over, so valerka came up with an idea to kill him so
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that no one would think about us, valka, valka said that she often sees him in the minibus, where mikhailovsky sr. got a photo of your girlfriend, valka , well, i took valerka, valerka was with us, with the woman who we... took the woman while we were processing the woman, valka was rummaging around the room, picking up some trinkets, father valerkin wanted to show the photographs to the woman we robbed so that she could identify her, but they would identify her, no, the woman didn’t see her, valery was there, no, the woman knew him, she was a friend of his mother, my aunt, valerka just... gave a tip. well, lyosha,
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we’ll write everything down on a piece of paper and sign each piece of paper, or you can ask each other questions, i don’t have any questions, but i don’t have a question, but an addition, that’s all he, lyosha. "i know that he crippled this woman with a hammer, he made an explosive device and blew up my father, i know this from his words and i have nothing to do with it, the accused vakhlutin, what can you say, vakhlutin, and what about vakhlutin, you can refute
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mikhailovsky’s testimony, but why me? i’m still sick, i’m declared insane, yes, yes, we will naturally apply for a psychiatric examination, we have organic brain damage, do you? man, tell me, did he know that his girlfriend would be on this bus? he didn’t think about it, even though he was declared sane, but with his head is not right, but it’s some kind of horror to send so many people. to death, you know, in the sixties, one jealous man blew up an entire regular bus to take revenge on his wife’s lover, but don’t think about it, it’s not hard for you to walk, but not anymore, listen, forgive me that this happened to your skin, you’re crazy, you’re still apologizing, but still, i turned it off for you, and here your new promising boy was interrogating me, but i’ll have to
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go to court, right? i don’t know how scared you are, i’m scared this villain, don’t worry, kurochkin will personally guard you, but it’s impossible for me to be personally guarded by a young and promising guy, listen, you’re incorrigible, when they discharged you, they were supposed to yesterday, but i pretended as if i was worse, why, masha, here there is such a doctor, you can’t imagine, when he does a bandage, i just feel sexual arousal, he has such hands, and his eyes... do you know what his eyes are like? let's decide who you need, a doctor or an investigator? but why can’t we have two? but as what about the third one, for which you took my skin? oh, no, i now associate it with troubles, although to be honest, you know that from these troubles i made global philosophical conclusions, what? each masha must wear his own skin,
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so you can’t escape your prosecutor’s skin. yes yes.
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wait, wait, gas, number , write down the number, she's pregnant, she's about to leave, call an ambulance, call an ambulance,
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i don't remember anything, i just have a memory loss, but you don't have any failure, you remember everything, no , i don't remember anything, so who killed pechorin? lensky or vronsky? i have sclerosis. this is fine? yes, you don’t have sclerosis. you remember everything. come on, don't beat yourself up. put this book down. well, the truth is, you won’t learn more than you have learned. you'll just freak out. good morning. good morning, anna mikhailovna. i think i'm sick. no, i'm definitely sick. i have memory loss. “i can’t be allowed to go to the exams, i’ll start sneezing and infect everyone , what are you doing, well, of course, you can’t
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go to the exam in this state, then you undress and lie down on the bed, mom, what are you doing, i feel sorry for you, you have memory loss, inflammation, panic and these like them, the veins are shaking, you know, in fact , all of ours are shaking, you know how scary it is, me? i have no idea, you’re the first one to pass the exam, thank you very much, you’re still kidding me, don’t worry, i ’ll go with her and make sure everything is fine, thank you, natasha, ksenia, you took your passport, what kind of passport, i took it, i put it in her bag, that’s it, let’s go, well, that’s it, as soon as you pass the exam, call immediately, don’t worry, yeah. yeah, that's it, let's go, let's go, let's go, i love you i love you,
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you can see me off, no, thank you, well , happily, mama mikhailovna, good morning, good morning, irochka, isn’t this belkin by any chance? belkin was there, i was standing at the bus stop , and he drove by, well, he gave me a lift, of course, and how is he doing, judging by the car, clothes, he seems to be in perfect order, it seems that way, but he says that he misses real work, so - he’s invigorated, but he’s always invigorated, you know, but his eyes are kind of sad, i even felt sorry for him, understandable, hello, natalya kstatya, they called, hello, andrey petrovich, come in, sit down, hello. i want you to listen for yourself. please, sergei nikolaevich. a week ago, my daughter alesa was hit by a car, right at a pedestrian crossing. soon i took her to the nearest
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maternity hospital, there she came to her senses and said who to call? as luck would have it, her husband was on a business trip abroad, tell me. my daughter, you have her, alisa malysheva, malysheva, malysheva, she was recently brought in, she was taken by ambulance after an accident, like after an accident, so you don’t know anything, she was hit by a car, she had a caesarean section.
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alesa died during the operation, but our granddaughter managed to save the child. death has not been established, but how did they explain this to you? they said that it was necessary to conduct
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a toxic examination, toxicological, well, yes, toxicological, they said that the tests would take some time, but i feel that they are doing something chemical there, well , what tests, what are they... i understand who is to blame in the death of my daughter, the bastard in the car or the doctors at the desk, that ’s what the examination is for, my wife also heard a conversation between two nurses, one another she said that alice died from painful shock, the anesthesia did not work, they cut her alive, tell me, is this possible? sergey nikolaevich, let's do the following . “we will request the hit-and-run case
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and medical documentation, and andrei petrovich , together with experts, will conduct a thorough check, check, check, find the culprit, you won’t get my girl back, but this scoundrel must be punished, andrei, andrei, wait, what are you, i i forgot something, something happened, happened, you don’t want to tell me anything, i mean, in every sense, why should i i didn’t say, well, i love you, i said in the morning, thank you for breakfast, i said, stop explaining, i’m not in the mood for jokes, how are you feeling in general, okay, but what is it that i want to know, that’s what, my pills, andrey, i love you i ask twice a day, morning and evening, are you the medicine?
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i took it, you took the medicine, what are you answering me, i took it, yes, i feel fine, but you measure my blood pressure yourself, tan, such things are no joke, how long have you not taken them, 10 days, a week, 8 days, well, listen, well, it even says in the instructions that they cause drowsiness, and now i have work up to my neck, i realized that... what, i can’t live without water, there will be water for you, open your mouth, drink, that’s it, thank you, now it will be like this twice a day, then, i'm not small, worse.
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you can re-experience the little one, that’s it, go to work, stop, now go, and no coffee. well, what do you say, petrovich, where are you rushing all the time? it takes time to figure it out , while the main thing that catches your eye is that the body should not have been opened by a pathologist at the hospital morgue, they should have handed malyshev’s body over to us, and me too paid attention to this, okay, i ’ll find out, but how the research itself was carried out, well, this... she was already buried, but three days
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ago, so it wouldn’t be necessary to do exhumation, well, okay, let’s see, and the blood samples for borisovich has them, yes, he already has them, and the preliminary results of toxicology were also given to us, petrovich, that you write all the time, you dictate, dictate, i ’m inspecting, you know what interests me, but could it?
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mikhailov, come with me, and come on, sergei nikolaevich, this is avdeev again, tell me, you took alice’s things from the morgue, and those in which she was taken to the maternity hospital, well , outerwear, shoes, i understand, thank you, no, they didn’t take anything, that wasn’t the time. in a hurry, who knows where they can go? philip, i’ll tell him to come and pick it up. listen, if i'm not mistaken, this is her from the description. wait a minute, excuse me.
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we didn’t find a wallet and a mobile phone, there was no handbag , we didn’t find any exchange card, birth certificate, or insurance policy, of course, but did you see any damage after the car hit? i didn’t notice any external damage there was no blood either, the daiziwaki said that the car just hit her, she fell and hit her head, okay, thank you very much
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, yeah, philip, listen carefully, where at what time, yeah, what are you doing? kind of nervous , ksenia is taking her exams today, it’ll be over in an hour, you’re worried, oh, that’s not the right word, listen, i’ve passed so many exams in my life , i’ve never been so worried, it’s like a bad student on a retake, honestly, so syuh, smart girl, she’ll never give up, why did you even say it, now spit it out over your left shoulder, spit, i say , i’m sorry, please, what have you done, mikhailov, i spat on her, i’ve already described everything in detail twice, to be honest, i’m in shock, the girl is very sorry, i mean the mother, the baby is fine there. alexey ivanovich, what do you think happened, the symptoms were similar to anaphylactoid
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shock, but i can’t imagine what, but they did tests for allergens, but we didn’t have time for... we didn’t have the documents she wasn’t there either, minutes were counting, the child could die from asphyxia, all drugs that were administered are indicated in the documents. tell me, could this have been a painful shock? i couldn’t, the anastasia worked normally, i made an incision, began to take out the baby, then respiratory distress syndrome began, we did everything we could, but she suffocated. excuse me, but did you know that the baby was brought to... after an accident, maybe she had some marks on her body or internal injuries? the ambulance informed us that she lost consciousness as a result of a head blow, so while they were trying to stimulate her, they did a ct scan on her, but
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the tomography did not reveal subdural hematomas of the brain, i did not see any traces of injuries on her body. it's clear. thank you, i understand. and you believe him that he himself doesn’t understand anything? why not? in any case, we must wait to see what kasyanova says. yes. sorokin will call, ask, and have nothing to say. they are taking the girl from the maternity hospital today. and i remember the first day of sushi at home. lord, how i didn’t collapse, then i jumped from each of her squeaks. why doesn't he call, but you he said in an hour it’s too early to call him to look into the eyes of those smart guys who came up with it, everything is so bad, how bad, everything is terrible, they don’t teach them to think now, they teach them to remember from now to now, in the right
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cells put a cross, and these exams are not for people at all, but for some kind of robots, where philip, the baby... took the clothes, it took a long time, let's go, so, well, what should i do with this wardrobe, these are malysheva's things, in which she got into an accident, that malysheva’s blood was sent to me for examination, yes, she herself, look on there are traces of blood and try to find at least something that you can cling to in the search for the car that hit her, what is the car number, well... i understand, find at least something, oh, sorry, ksenia, well, i wrote everything, but did you check? smart girl, you're home now, yeah, where's natasha?
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i’ve been waiting for you at the school all this time, you’re great , okay, i love you, i kiss you, come on, ugh, what about the exams, yes, damn them , well, my eyes never twitched, now i’ve started, but hold on, well, did ksyuka call? yes, it seemed that i wrote everything, well, you see, but you were afraid, i told you that everything would be ok, let's watch the movie, what kind of movie, colleagues passed it on, this is a recording of the incident, or rather two recordings, one from cctv cameras, the second one was accidentally recorded by a guy on the dvr and passed on to the traffic police, what a smart guy, conscientious! well , let’s see, so, here is our victim at
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the crossing, so-so, little movie, not a masterpiece, you can’t make out either the license plate of the jeep or the driver’s face, but i don’t understand, did he hit the baby? no, let 's look again, come on, the umbrella flies off, the package flies off, by the way, there's something soft there, some things, witnesses say, big teddy bear, yeah, okay, let's watch the recording from the recorder, just a second.
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“i still don’t understand, but i have a feeling that he didn’t hit the baby, he just caught the bag with the bear in the bumper, and that made her fall, but this doesn’t relieve the responsibility of the driver of the jeep, for responsibility we still need to find him, but for now we have not the license plate number of the car , not the face of the driver who was driving , nothing, of course, we’ll work on the notes, but listen, did they find this bear? apparently not, we need to find it, and the car that jeff hit, too, also borisych, blood tests , yes, yes, receive it, sign it, yeah, so they don’t differ at all from those that hospital toxicologists conjured. they are different, well, you must admit, this is already good, this is wonderful , borisych, why are you alone, there are suitable people,
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but they are married, the premiere on rtr, where are they at home, why are you talking like that, anya ran away from home, from whom, what meeting, you come to me, it seems to me that mom didn’t go anywhere, she just left.
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i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr. are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? on saturday. what's your name? lyuba. yes, i will help you. god, i recognize that look. anton, you are in love. you were drawn to simpletons to rewrite.
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fought tooth and nail for him, borancheev, i dream of a wife like you, allaganova, i’m different, we’re different, you understand, you’re a prince, and i’m nobody, lyuba, lyuba, draw me, happy, on saturday rtr. such things are no joke, no matter how long you haven’t
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taken them, 10 days, a week, 8 days. well, listen, well, even in the instructions it says that they cause drowsiness, and now i have work like this on the forge, open your mouth, no, i didn’t see who was driving the jeep, the license plates were in the mud, i definitely noticed that, and what were you doing when the girl fell, like everyone else, she ran up to her. when i saw that her water had broken, i started screaming to call an ambulance, she was going into labor, and then the men carried her to the sidewalk, and what are you saying? did you do? and i ran, picked up the bag with the teddy bear , there was dirt all around, a car, and he was so nice, completely new, and what was happening at that time near the victims, an ambulance was trying to revive her , the guys arrived quickly, uh-huh, but you don’t remember,
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the girl had a purse with her, a purse, no, definitely not, just a bag with a teddy bear, the doctors also asked me to see if there were any... to the ministry of internal affairs, you to everything you think, who are you making worse, to yourself, to me, you are making the state worse, it raised you, taught you, treated you, now when he needs a return from you, you’re a bastard, you don’t
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take pills, but how do you know? i’ve been 18 years old, natalya konstantinovna, i know everything, you surprised me avdeev, unpleasantly surprised me, from whom, from whom i didn’t expect such an attitude from you, natalya konstantinovna, i won’t do this again, honestly, i’ll definitely improve, where you’ll get away, of course you’ll improve, but you need to be punished, i’m ready. who would doubt it, you? me, who did you expect to see? you? well, what kind of
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punishment do you deserve? cruel. pick up the phone, are you finally sleeping or something? take it, avdeev is listening, yes , phil, i’m listening to what you have, the speed dispatcher said that they have a corner where they put not such finds, yes, i understand, petrovich, i already understand where you’re sending me... you’re sending me before you will do it, come on, i gave the results of the blood tests to
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kosyanova, but there are no surprises there, yeah, but in terms of clothes, ordinary? dust and debris from the road, what did you expect? yes, i don’t know, i thought there would be at least some clue, hello everyone! hi, i found a bear that was injured in an accident, it’s the right place to put it, come on here, thank you, phil, you're welcome, bye, the package was hit by a car bumper, maybe there were some traces left, i understand that hope is weak... what if? the package is torn, that's good. let's see.
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the preliminary conclusions are as follows. malysheva’s death was due to anophylactoid shock, the autopsy was carried out competently, she was given nekitamine and lidocaine necessary in such cases, but it was they who gave the reaction, the doctors could not know this, since they did not have time to take tests for the allergen, and her exchange card, and avdeev, what kind of clouds are you in, avdeev? please forgive me, costantina, i ’ll be like this again. of course you won't. i ask: doctors, have you seen malysheva’s exchange card? yes, i mean, no. they had neither a medical
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nor an exchange card. even if there was one, it wouldn't help. there are no records that lidocaine and kitamine cause allergies in babies. apparently, she had never encountered them before, so no one knew that they caused such a reaction. why didn’t they do a test at the maternity hospital? and there was a critical situation, or save the child. do an analysis, which means you are sure that the doctors are not to blame for malysheva’s death, yes, i’m sure, natal konstantin, okay, this matter is clear, but what about the jeep? of course, we can conduct a second autopsy to clarify the damage from the car collision, but in any case, they were not the cause of death. the recordings show that the car did not hit malysheva, only for the incidental matter, but she fell, hit her head and... lost consciousness, you still need to find the driver, the reason for the investigative connection between his actions with malysheva’s death is obvious, in dev you are still
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you won’t fly away, no way, we have to look, yes, lord, i scared you, forgive me, please , forgive me, how is radionova, she said that the experts are great, but... the order was to look for the driver of the ship, oh, great, listen, let ’s go somewhere well, let’s sit, but come on, i have the right, ksenia passed my exam today, but i’m tired, for some reason i’m fine, but i ’m warning you, girl, i have very big plans for you, yes, for today or in general, for today and in general, you have a phone, that’s it. kitty uh-huh, yes, alexey dmirivich, i’m listening to you, yes, of course, i can, yes, okay, i’ll grab the documents
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, business, yes, yes, varlanov asks to drive up, she’s as hot as always, i’m sorry, i can’t even let you down, but that’s okay, well, i’ll go then. i know i did something wrong, but i’ll correct myself, stop it, that’s it, bye.
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are you a little elevated, but within the normal range, coffee today. just be honest, not a little bit, honestly pioneer, look at me, but what i will punish, yes, just promise.
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well, what a thrill, but of course the general’s uniform would be better, come on, come here, what? go, go, that's also raised, uh-huh, now lower, put it on!
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good morning this morning, petrovich, i sent philip to talk to the owner of the damaged car, do you think he saw the owner of the jeep? anything is possible, judging by the protocol , the back left door was badly damaged, that’s great, let philip somehow deliver it to us, and we will look for traces of paint, and if the owner straightened it and painted it, then the traces will remain in any case , sure, of course, thank you. hello, computer genius, there is no genius, he went all out and didn’t understand, but you, and i’m like a fish flying around, yesterday i sat until the night, i’m sitting here this morning i’m trying to improve the image and pull the car number out of the mud, but where is it, the only
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thing there is... a sticker on the rear window of the jeep, a logo like, bkc, i wonder what that could mean, free kaluga cement, broiler brown chicken, i i don’t know , ira picked up about 20 abbreviations, but none of them fit, their logos are not the same, but you can’t look for them in the picture, it’s too primitive, big, red, okay, i understand everything, you go ahead. next, if i recognize anything from the door, i’ll call, uh-huh, sorry, yes, borisoch, yes, no, not far from here, okay, i’ll be right there, yeah, well, barley, oats
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, sunflowers, chalk, table salt, and also yeast and a premix additive with a high phosphorus content. i don’t understand, was it all on the bear cub? that's right, did the victim happen to live on a farm? i don’t think so, why go to farms? because all this is included in the feed. so i thought, well, maybe the toy was accidentally dirty on the farm? pet food? or maybe they just have a horse? or rabbits, as i say, a pig farm, this combination is used when fattening boars from producers, well then , yes, but this version doesn’t work, the bear is brand new with a store tag, the only way for it to get dirty like that is through contact with a jeep, the bumper hit the bag, tore it and stained the bear’s skin, that
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is, a layer of feed was... on the bumper of the jeep , but not only, there was ordinary road dirt, but i excluded it, which means that before the collision the car should have been standing where the feed was spilled, not even spilled, but it should have been hanging, swirl in air, this is not a farm, borisoch, you are a genius, yes , i know, it would be nice to note this in the order, boris. “i didn’t say, you’re a genius bezsernik, yes, they say, he wanted to see me , it’s not like you, you’ll receive half a million rubles a month, you’ll work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice, service a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of air-fire,
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tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer. “an officer is when you live for others , don’t live for others, their element, let’s look around faintly, that’s right, the sky, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him, february 3 on rtr, there are places that fascinate , because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear,
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simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is movement, there are 10 million moped drivers. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says: eat your mind! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday. on rtr, according to the owner of the car, the door was due for replacement, yeah, but the broken one is where, he says, i left the service, there is an address,
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well, petrovich, i called them, nowhere the door won’t go away, but i’ll finish my drink, you can put the glass down, but mikhailovna. i’m not talking about you , there was mixed feed on jep’s diaper, yes, borisovich and i found out that this is exactly the composition, no one produces ecology itself, there’s a workshop in the region, that no, not far away, in bobrovka, there’s a bobrovsky compound feed center, yes, yes, bkts, come on, bye, well, borisovich, take your suitcase, go get some feed, no,
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major, are you even listening to me, i seemed to say clearly, the owner’s car, we don’t have directors, there is only the shop manager pukhov and the owner razin. wait a second, i need to now it seemed, or are you too greyhound? and so what, i’m thinking, shouldn’t we continue the conversation on my territory, what do you think? am i okay, well, since it’s okay, let’s start over. razin’s car, i told you clearly, razin’s car or not, yes, razin, but he’s not here now, hasn’t arrived yet, show me where he usually parks the car, well, here, andrey petrovich nipel system, from the bunker with
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the products there is a corrugated pipe, bags are filled through it, dust flies in all directions, and the door is open for ventilation, and what is it ecological pure compound feed, not some kind of chemical, let's see, let's see, i'll take it... i'll just have to report to pukhova, well, who 's stopping you, report, but first, write down the car number and address of this razin of yours, you know him, i know. i gave bukhov a lift from a corporate party, you
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also hold corporate parties here, and why aren’t we people, people, people, write, hello, vitali borisovich, you accept scrap metal, what is this?
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it looks like you scared him with your uniform, finally i’ll take part in the chase, vasya, start, lights out, vasya, don’t start, the boy was found to be doing something stupid, the duty officer in the city, this is major avdeev. announce an interception, record information about the car. where did you get the idea that it was my car? there are about two hundred of these in kaluga, if not more. i agree with you, but you see, on the rear window there is a sticker with the logo of your feed mill. and on the bumper of this car, traces of mixed feed were found, the composition of which is similar to that produced by your workshop. there is a conclusion, but it’s okay that hundreds of these feeds are purchased
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farms in our neighboring regions too, hmm, and as for stickers, we stupidly hand them out in packs for the sake of advertising, well, i don’t think that farmers park their jeeps where they package feed, no need to think, you prove it, i could i wish i could call my lawyer right now and in 10 minutes he would put you all on... this is your right, but i won’t do it, do you know why? because i physically couldn’t hit this woman, why? because i have an alibi, i wasn’t in russia at all that day, i was in bulgaria, in varna, it’s an elementary check , i’ll check, check, i hope that now i can be free, yes, only after... you tell me why you didn’t want
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to communicate with us near the workshop, you turned around so nicely and left? and i have an idiosyncrasy for mondirs, such an explanation will suit you, so prove it, detain, otherwise i’m leaving, leave, just not far away, that’s what this squeak is out of place? circus, yes, mr. radin, it looks like you have a lot of goodies, right up to the tomatoes, so, yeah, here’s another beauty. yes, i see you are not bored here,
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this means that i did an extensive analysis of the feed from the workshop, this composition is a complete coincidence with the discovered stuffed bear, all this is very good, only the owner of the jeep was abroad on the day of the collision, so what, the collision was carried out by a car, not a person, but the car was the same one, i swear, and if we compare the spectrograms of the jeep’s paint and the marks on the door, the evidence will be ironclad. well, that means, that means, it means we need to compare, here’s citizen radin’s jeep, yeah, oh, here’s an external surveillance camera, well, well, i’ll tell you right away, the bumper was repaired, it should be take a sample of paint. you need to, take it, and
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now i’ll find out where the recording from the camera is, and then i’ll visit citizen razin, come on. viktor sergeevich, to you from the police, what the hell, i told you, alebi, get out bye, your car was leaving the yard in the morning of that very day, who could be driving? i have no idea, there must be one of the guards, who exactly, first name, last name, and i don’t have to know all the guards by name. viktor sergeevich, why do you think so, we don’t know that you have a son danilo, 23 years old, who, by the way, was prosecuted for drug possession,
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there are photos of him in the file, i don’t know where he is now, danilo doesn’t live here. where does he live? i have no idea, it’s some kind of girl, he’s an adult, now i ask you to leave my house immediately, otherwise i will complain to the prosecutor’s office. kira, see me off, then see you and bon appetit. left, yes, viktor sergeevich, there’s no need to serve a second meal , i’ve lost my appetite, hello, it’s me, danila, now outside
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the city, in the village, they still have a house there from their grandmother, ramadan courtyards house... victor sergeevich sent him there and told him not to stick his nose out because of the collision? i don't know, but i think not. don't you love cyrus the master's son? you know, i don’t like those who give up. and he also has a gun. sorry, i have to get back. thank you. the paint from razin's jeep is identical to the paint. found on the door of the damaged car, the nature of the damage also coincides, so anna mikhailovna, the fact of the collision can be considered fully proven, excellent, thank you, valer, now avdeev has a full set of arguments for a conversation with razin’s son, in
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the house seems quiet, well, well, god bless, let's go in from the street. is there anyone else at home, there is no one , now my lawyers will arrive, let me in, with a gas pistol, my hands were shaking so much that i didn’t have time to use it, i’m probably stoned, so what, in my house, i have the right to beat off pregnant women at the crossing, you also have the right, we will carry out the lowering, we will, the dog handler here, fell here, anna mikhailovna, the situation is as follows, yeah, yes, everything that you find
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during your visit to us, well, okay, but if anything happens, call, and yes, please give it to yours gloves, otherwise... there may be problems from the penal base, well, come on, don't worry , well, the partisan has recovered, i have the right to call my dad, he told me that you already called, well, it's your dad i’m not in a big hurry, i won’t talk without a lawyer, you don’t have to talk, i have something to show you, but what about?
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as they call it when you experience withdrawal symptoms, abstinence, but this is not surprising, the bags that were found during the search turned out to contain drugs, sorry. yes, i’m listening, andrey petrovich, hello, this is sorokin, sergey nikolaevich, yes, sergey nikolaevich, i’m listening to you, andrei petrovich , i don’t know what to do now, the girl we took from the maternity hospital is not ours, wait, what do you mean not yours, but can i come to you now, yes, of course, come on over, i on the spot, thank you, sorokin says that his grandson is in the maternity hospital. how they replaced it, a big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich
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safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, the hero of afghanistan. these are very serious people. you'll have to move out. for any lawlessness. february 23 on rtr, hide here with us it’s almost impossible anywhere, everything is passable to be viewed, to shoot through, from the dugout
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borya will have time to send a short video of how he is walking along the endless zaporozhye steppes, his latest report, we don’t want to, we want to, who doesn’t want to, why are you standing here, the homeland must be defended, a period was born you went on vacation with me, yes, you went, held him in your arms and came back, that’s right, we are standing in that trench. where i personally dug, tv, everything is there, in principle, so not detached, as they say, from the world, guys who are currently here, they are writing history, 15 km from us, there was no military contact, but we are approaching the position, heroes, special report by boris maksudov, it was important for him to see with his own eyes those whose ordinary life turned into an everyday feat, premiere on saturday. .. r, everyone sit down, i’m gottsman, guns on the floor, alive, david markovich, you
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won’t believe it, your hands are reaching for the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello to you through the window, but the bullet really doesn’t hit you, i said weapons on the table, fima, why are you here? it should be, drive it into your brain, chaos in your ears, now they'll start walking, guys, mom, don't go until the wind blows there, fyodor dobronravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir mashkov, we gave the bandits a good punch here, film by sergei ursulyak, liquidation , all weekend on rtr. the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation,
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a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality. yes, look, let big changes into your home. every sunday on rtr. st. petersburg news on
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air on the russia channel. olga rostova is with you. hello. the topic of this issue. feat glory. in smolny they presented a medal in honor of the hero vladimir frolov, it will be opened in mariupol museum. rare military equipment and wolf shooting lessons. large-scale gatherings of youth activists. what is a three-bolt gun and how divers beat the nazis in the german rear. new exhibition at the naval museum. the weather is getting ready to hit record highs; a warm front is bringing real spring to st. petersburg. petersburgers sent parcels to the front on the eve of defender of the fatherland day. townspeople and volunteers collected everything they needed for the fighters. medicines, warm jackets and shoes, generators, as well as
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special equipment, thermal imagers. starting point. office of one of the charities funds, caring people gathered there, among them those who had recently returned from the front line. the holiday cargo will be delivered to the soldiers in a new uaz vehicle. people call it a loaf. this car has its own name, in honor of timur rakhmatullin, who died a month ago. the suv will go to zaporozhye and serve as an ambulance there. these vehicles have proven themselves very well during military operations. they are also used for...
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the foundation, it is famous, will replace the enchanted oaz, which has become a new monument on the street alexandra matrosova. the vehicle was out of commission within a year, its entire body was damaged by mine fragments. in smolny today they presented the star of the hero of russia to the family of vladimir foralov. the major general himself died in the battles for mariupol. he raised the soldiers to storm and was hit by a sniper’s bullet. the officer went from deputy company commander to deputy commander of the general military army. southern military district. for many years his service was connected with st. petersburg. marriage and heroism shown by him during a special military operation. on behalf of president of russia, governor alexander beglov presented the medal "golden star to the wife of a fallen hero." indeed, he fought heroically, he was one of the experienced commanders, and we will work on this
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topic with the authorities of ariupol. we will definitely open the museum and invite you. here's to the exhibition dedicated to your husband. vladimir fralov’s military career is continued by his two sons, they followed in their father’s footsteps, both serve in the armed forces. defender of the fatherland day, special for those who protect it from fire. in st. petersburg , the rescuers of the victims are traditionally remembered while performing official duties. the date was established after a terrible fire in the leningrad hotel on february 23, 1995.
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a special meeting of like-minded people in the leningrad region was held by activists of the non-profit organization margaritov youth movement, read more. it’s one thing to read in a book, it’s quite another to see it with your own
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eyes. yaroslav is 14 and is seriously interested in the military. equipment, but behind the wheel of a real army, btr-152, it is designed to transport the steering wheel, pedals, you want to touch every detail of reality, this is one of the first armored personnel carriers of the soviet armored personnel carrier for the first time, dashboard, people, well, transportation. such armored personnel carriers have been in service for more than 40 years, and now they can be found in museum exhibitions. this car is not an original, but an exact copy; it was created according to drawings from the archives. and this is the brdm2 reconnaissance and patrol vehicle, it makes a difference. high maneuverability, ease of control, weighs 7 tons, can walk on water, by the way, this particular specimen, despite its venerable age, is still on the move. this is what an armored car looks like, which spent a couple of decades in combat dose. the guys look into the hatches, it’s a bit cramped , surveillance, navigation equipment , but they still climb inside, all the most interesting things are there, the control devices are rescopic sights, they get acquainted with the unique equipment at military field training,
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they are held in volkhov once a month, that’s how smart ksyusha is disassembles a kalashnikov assault rifle , the movements are precise , it turns out well, and even faster than the boys, but she says this was not always the case, at first it was very difficult for me to remember what it was for, this...
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which is used in the navy today. in the central faye has more than a hundred exhibits. they were collected by representatives of the russian maritime tradition club association. it was founded by submarine officers.
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cadets and cadets came to the grand opening. a separate excursion was held for them. they told us how the equipment has changed, what technologies sailors use today. special attention to the history of the second world war and the feat of the first diving combat swimmers. there is a special unit. marine fleet at the present time. among the exhibits are life-saving equipment, individual and collective, for example, a fetus an aircraft boat that has a keel, oars and a sail. the exhibition will run until the end of
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march. let's find out the weather forecast, word from leonid petrov. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov, light, wet snow in places is only a plus on the thermometers. they promise in st. petersburg and the region on friday. according to the hydras of the center of st. petersburg , february 23 in the leningrad region is cloudy. in the rook field, about 3° above zero is expected during the day. the thermometer will show the same amount in tikhin and baksitogorsk up to +4 in volkhv and kerish from 2 up to 5° with a plus sign will be in gadchin and vyborg. in st. petersburg on a holiday there is no significant precipitation. cloudy, maybe windy, definitely not colder than plus two, it will rain on saturday night, and the temperature will remain positive, good mood in any weather. this weekend in st. petersburg it will be
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spring-like warm, a warm front is already approaching the borders of the region from the west, it is bringing precipitation with above-zero temperatures, there will be no frost even at night, there is a chance that by monday all the snow will have melted. the same uncharacteristic weather for february. they promise in the leningrad region, it is possible that a new temperature record may be recorded in the city on sunday. on the 25th in st. petersburg, the daytime temperature reaches +4 -6°, here is an interesting point: the maximum extreme temperature for this day, positive temperature, is exactly +6°, here there is a probability of reaching this extreme safely. wind, it will be especially strong on the coast of the gulf of finland. this was the news from st. petersburg.
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the most precious thing - do not defeat her, russia, russia, in this word, a big festive concert dedicated to defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast, february 23 on rtr, i don’t care.
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look at the weekend, i am your son, that you lied to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha was alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy is connecting them stronger than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be brought back, let ’s start with... and i’ll turn around, i’ll solve this problem, it’s hard to walk over the abyss of lies, seryozha’s student moved his spine , because of her our son may remain disabled, she took everyone’s whole life, she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even more difficult to take a few steps to love on saturday, nartre, i’ll be back and before.. thank you for
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having us, alive and well, do you know that we are all waiting for you? thank you for your brave hearts, for your courage and courage, return home, definitely with victory, happy february 23rd holiday to everyone. the chuysky tract, one of the most picturesque roads in russia, today is a federal highway values, almost 100 km long, begins in novosibirsk. its development
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began in 1756, when the southern altaians voluntarily became part of the russian empire. by the way, at that time the tract was only a narrow path with rock ledges above the gorges. as they passed, the driver walked to the beginning of the bottleneck and placed his hat on the road so that the oncoming caravan would notice and let the travelers through. otherwise there was no way to leave. igor gennadievich, hello, hello, i ’m andrey, you’re waiting for me, yes, what did you mix in the crimean air, i’m going and resting, phytancides, phytancides, volatile odorous aromatic substances, you see, coniferous trees grow around, that’s what they emit, the embankment is there, yes, let’s go. igor gennadievich
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smirnov, a native yalta resident, an old-timer, local historian, tour guide, spiliologist, hydrogeologist, landslide specialist, all rolled into one. he wears a tan all year round because he works outdoors. in crimea, the sun shines 2,500 hours a year more than in central russia. he and i are walking along the embankment. until 1886, it was an ordinary coastal strip, then it was raised, reinforced with stone blocks. and railings that created the illusion of the side of the ship. a familiar hotel, have i seen it somewhere? probably in one of the old soviet films, the final episodes of the movie asa were filmed here. the main character of the film, krymov , booked two rooms here, for himself and for his girlfriend.
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that’s why it’s so brilliant in places , it’s somehow strange, here directors, producers and screenwriters should rather be rubbing shoulders with requests to launch a new film as soon as possible, to give more money for production, to write a decent script, and so on. film production in yalta is seriously ill, we hope for his speedy recovery, somewhere i saw this cable car, well , probably everything is in the same film by the ace, from the cable car trailer.
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mikhalkov shot his graduation film here, pugovkin worked here since 1952, he highly praised local kefir and fermented baked milk, people worked here... ptushko and rowe, torkovsky and gaidai, and what films were made, classics. this is the valley of ghosts, a natural monument, not far from alushta. a cluster of rocks of unusual shapes on the western slope of the dimerdzhi ridge or blacksmith-mountain. with their shapes, the stone sculptures resemble people, mysterious creatures, and falsehoods. the valley is sometimes called the valley of phalluses from russian regions, from where tourists come mainly, mainly from moscow and st. petersburg, from moscow and st. petersburg, yes, basically, what
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draws them here so much, natural curiosity, they are interested in everything that we have there is history, nature, wine, springs. nature is the best sculptor in the world, she works with the sun, wind, precipitation, earthquakes, she has them for a hammer, for a chisel, for stones. grab it from here to my collection, this is from 800 million to a billion years old, i also destroyed the fortress, no, the ottoman turks did this quite a long time ago, they captured the south coast fortresses of the italians, genoese and... greek mountain fortresses, and this was the easternmost of the greek fortresses, oh, these turks, demerzhi - a wild place, but nice , cinematic and not at all dangerous,
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in the last 50 years there has been one accident, but very resonant, yuri nikulin, a dunce, fell from this very tree in sixty-six during filming scenes. good luck the kidnapping of a caucasian captive, the tree is called nikulin's nut, next to nikulin's nut there is a varley stone, on which the actress danced to a song, somewhere in this world, also a memorable scene, and now with both legs taram, my planet tv channel presents. i
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was born and raised in moscow. and believe me, this is an amazing city, for example, in the very center of the capital there flows a river that many generations of muscovites have never seen. this is not clay. the old life on dana was swept away by the so-called policy of decossackization. government the bolsheviks declared it immediately after the revolution. the united army of freedom-loving people was dangerous for the young state. as a result of the repressions, about 40 thousand cossacks died. by this time the don had turned into a sea. fate, but also an entire centuries-old civilization
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, but the tsemlyansk reservoir has a second bottom, a fragment of an ancient civilization remained on it, the khazar city of sarkel, once a metropolis, a fortress of its time, now it is far in the past, the khazar fortress is now located at the bottom of the reservoir, and when -that...
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eggshells have been added for strength , organic matter provides strength, yes,
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down there under the thickness of water, streets and temples, roads and houses, above what the waters of the don have hidden, time, as if it no longer has power, if in the times of hazard. century determined the power of the state, a source of energy. the tsimlyansk hydroelectric power station has a capacity of more than 600 million kilowatt-hours. this dam is perhaps the largest in the country, its height is 32 m. 13 km of hydraulic structures, which include platinum 92, sub-draining platinum -
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according to the elevator principle, the gates are closed at the bottom, the tower fills with water, the fish again forcibly rises up, the gates open from the sea side and the fish comes out, goes to the simlyansk reservoir, that is, rides on the elevator, one might say, all these huge masses fall. the persian king darius the first 25 years ago and alexander the great and peter the great,
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more than thirty projects are known, but only stalin, with his empire style and free labor, in the form of tens of thousands of political prisoners repressed in the thirties of the last century, succeeded. volgodonsky the channel is one of the most grandiose developments of the totalitarian regime. just imagine, during its construction , 150 million cubic meters of soil or 2.5 million trucks filled to the brim with earth were removed from the earth’s crust; all this splendor was built in an incredible 3 years, thanks to the prisoners. they say that the builders, exhausted by inhuman labor, managed to hand over a box of matches to comrade stalin himself. the box said: victory. it was not just a word, but a rebus that expressed their demands. the leader must was to decipher the message. platinum will be over if they give amnesty. stalin deciphered in response and sent them the same box with the same inscription. now it
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had to be deciphered in reverse order. the amnesty will be given if it is completed. an amnesty was given in '52, reducing the sentence by 20 years, and in gratitude for this the prisoners built this rotunda. this witty legend has a real historical basis. a day of work at a construction site counted as 2 days of detention, and 26 people were actually released early. many of them even received government awards, but most of the canal builders went back. and yet, on may 31, 1952 , the waters of the volga and don finally merged between the first and second locks.
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what beautiful music, really, alisenka, my dear musicians, our lesson is already over, everyone is free, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. hello, hello, sonushka, hello, virochka, yes, stop by vladimir rudolfovich, he told me to call you, okay, okay, go ahead, hello, hello, hello!
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hello, here is irina alexandrovna. hello, irina aleksandrovna, come in, come in. vladimir adolfovich, allow me. "and that's not all, but erinalson, next week we will delegate you to the regional music competition, to represent our school,
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let's applaud, thank you very much, thank you, dear vladimir rudolfovich, dear colleagues, i am sincerely grateful to fate that it gave me a chance i'm very happy to work with such a wonderful team." what of such a large number the most talented teachers chose me , but i can’t, i sincerely apologize, really , you see, my husband was given a vacation, and we had been planning it for so long and thought about spending it together, and i wanted to ask you for a day off, if possible for two weeks and i i am sure that any of our talented teachers deserves to go to this competition, so... what are you?
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you glanced. more often today they said to wait for me to come, and you and i, as before, together, we will continue the topic that we so spontaneously started, and i believe without hope that let's start again, oh, but you were somewhere, and i don't know, with no one, never, i was expecting you, you're late again, and so on all your life, all night.
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bravo, you see, you see, but for just one look, half a kingdom is no less, and so this is your lyoshka, thank you, thank you, thank you, my beloved, adored editor, my favorite poet, lyoshka, don’t you mind, these are flowers, yes little eyes, mom, well no, well, meet irochka - this is levushka, our rising star, and this is my daughter irina, mom talked a lot about you. "i'm afraid that the heart of the poor the poet is simply broken
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, what are you, will you allow it, oh, no, no, no, what are you, i, i don’t dance, go, dance, in some way, but no, really, levushka, read something to her something from your own, enchanting heart, the tenderness of your face. magic oval, my heavenly princess , insatiable ideal, wow, no one is dancing, we are alone, yes, yes, so what, the world was created for us, and not we for the world, dear, right? very gift, excuse me, i don’t need it, sasha will fix what mom prepared for us here, mashed potatoes,
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cabbage rolls, excellent, mashed potatoes, uh-huh, cabbage rolls, excellent. dad, can you do everything? and what you need? i don’t know myself, maybe write poetry, or give a postcard ready, although this is somehow not original. so, private, how should the task be stated? clearly, clearly to the point, well, just like that... next door, and if i give her flowers, i’ll be like a fool
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in love. aren't you in love? what more? no, of course, if i don’t give it to you, but he does give you kerosene, then it will be really scary. and who is kerosene? korosilov, yeah, also a classmate, also from the next door. dad, what about you, when was the last time you gave your mom flowers, how was it? mother came, wow? hold it, dad, look at what flowers mom came with, mom, who else gave you such a bouquet? today is teacher's day, isn't it? mom, dad is on vacation, and i took the kids off, so, are we going to a vacation home? it won’t work, irish, we’re going fishing with our men’s company with yurka, the warbler, well, i told you, we’ve been planning for a long time, our men’s
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company. well, yes, of course, slavek, put the dots on the vase, okay, mom, sasha, my hairpin is broken, you can fix it , of course you can fix it, but it’s easier to throw it away. lyusya, where are you going, we need let's talk seriously, your great-grandmother gave birth to me when she was 24 years old, yes, granny, i remember, put it aside, don't interrupt, i gave birth to your mother when i was 24 years old, yes
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, granny, i told you... don't interrupt me , your mother also gave birth to you at the age of 24, like my great-grandmother, like me, and how old are you, do you remember, 25, i’m an old maid, i remember, your grandfather commanded a regiment at that age, that ’s it, so you’ll have to travel put it aside, yes, granny, good girl. good afternoon, please! yes, so what you say
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means some hooligan is pestering our lyusenki, yes, we will protect her, but we just need one of your guys to accompany her home several times, so, to show her, my girl has a protector, i’ll send the best employee to you, but i’ve already got my eye on something here... who did i run into on your porch, who is it? oh, tell me, who is this, strong, so, athletic, well , we don’t hold others, guard, respectful, such a door opened for me, and a smile, well, just the whole soul is open, in case it’s not this one, he’s oh, but he’s not married, why does this bother you so much, married to professionalism? my
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employees have never had a negative impact, well, it’s somehow inconvenient to distract a married man from his family during non-working hours , he’s single, well, great, well, now we can take on your feasts.


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