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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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we are approaching position. heroes. special report by boris maksudov. it was important for him to see with his own eyes those whose ordinary life had turned into an everyday feat. premiere on saturday on rtr. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. on defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
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french farmers reached paris on tractors; in slovakia, farmers blocked the highway on the border with the czech republic with agricultural machinery. and more than a hundred mangled cars. what happened on expressway in china? in russia today they celebrate one of the main revered public holidays, defender of the fatherland day. in moscow, vladimir. putin laid
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a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, an annual ceremony for the state. together with putin to the alexander garden. defense minister sergei shaigu came to honor the memory of the fallen heroes of the great patriotic war, as well as combat veterans and students of suborovsky schools. the guests followed the president by laying red carnations. the ceremony ended after ceremonial march of the company of the honorable crawl. well, earlier today vladimir putin sent congratulations. to military personnel, veterans and
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civilian personnel of the armed forces, separately recognizing the participants in the special operation for their valiant and selfless service to the fatherland. at the forefront today are participants in a special military operation, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery in defending russia. you, our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage. we honor the exploits, we know that you difficult, and we will do everything possible so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty, for your honest, selfless service to the fatherland. dear comrades, in the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore the powerful potential and high combat readiness of our army and navy.
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this is a guarantee of russia’s security, its free, sovereign development. congratulations on defender of the fatherland day are accepted by military personnel and veterans throughout the country. special program at the international exhibition russia, where meetings are held with those who defend the country’s borders. in blagograd, an event in memory of the heroes on mamayev kurgan, volunteers laid flowers, students handed over letters and postcards for those who went through the great patriotic war, for the soldiers who are now in the special operation zone. the memory of the military sailors was honored in vladivostok, rallies were held to commemorate the military glory of the pacific fleet. in ufa, wreaths were laid at the monument to the hero of russia named after gali shaimuratov, who during the great patriotic war commanded the 112th bashkir cavalry division. to kemerovo the governor took part in the ceremony dedicated to defender of the fatherland day. in the sverdlovsk region , a military-patriotic festival was timed to coincide with the holiday, and in kamchatka, a winter sports festival. snowy path. at the headquarters of public
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support for united russia in yaroslavl , employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard, the investigative committee and other departments were honored. in a number of regions, the eve of february 23 was held for schoolchildren. patriotic lectures, master classes, sports competitions. this is how a freestyle wrestling tournament was held in ulyanovsk. in in orenburg, high school students were shown how to control drones. sergei shaigu and sergei sobyanin checked the readiness of the moscow military district headquarters building on kosmodemyamskaya embankment, where the military will be on duty in march. a huge job. thank you, thank you, yes, the revival of moscow, by the way, this year it was founded in 1864 . the formation of combat command and control bodies and the preparation of funds for
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the deployment of strategic command are now being completed; in the premises themselves, all work is being carried out taking into account preservation of cultural heritage. in particular, the installation of advanced communications equipment is carried out without damage to... historical interiors; in one of these renovated halls, the mayor of moscow handed over an act of acceptance of the facility to the minister of defense. the president's conclusion was prepared by the moscow edition, the act was signed by your colleagues, we are completing the restoration, reconstruction of the building, transfer, historical event. well, the western military district is being reorganized into two new strategic territorial associations: moscow... and leningrad military districts in accordance with the decree of vladimir putin. the military infrastructure of ukraine became the target of new massive attacks; geran targeted ukrainian armed forces facilities in the dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. a series of powerful explosions occurred in the ports of odessa and the odessa region on the border of romania. local media reported
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strong fires in the workshops where weapons were stored and drones were assembled. in dnepropetrovsk , an oil depot that supplied fuel for military equipment is still burning. in the special operation zone, russian military personnel repelled nine attacks and counterattacks on in the avdeevsky direction, santsepiok crews destroyed four strong points in the area of ​​the village of severnaya, the first video of the combat work of american abrams tanks on the front line is published by the ukrainian media, our tank crews show the first trophy at the abrams base, an engineering demining vehicle, it was knocked out on the outskirts of the village of stepovoye. nato believed that such vehicles would allow the ukrainian armed forces to break through russian minefields and overcome defenses; the ukrainian armed forces also use drones in attempts to slow down the advance of our troops. in this video our fighters are at speed they dodge an enemy drone, and then shoot down another one with gunfire.
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let's move on. the russian military is also actively using it. and drones to destroy enemy dugouts, equipment and positions. and now to the news of the presidential election campaign. co-chairman of the central election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin, vladimir mashkov , held a meeting in tula with volunteers of the young guard and the all-russian popular front. first of all, he thanked the audience for participation in the first stage of the election campaign. activists in the region collected more than 27 signatures in support of vladimir putin. it is very important that citizens come to the polls. those who came or
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those who could not come voted online. it is very important. and at the moment.
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the united states will inevitably answer for the crimes that are happening now. committed against russia in ukraine. regardless of the party card in your pocket, regardless of place of residence, religion, age. today all of russia, like the most difficult periods of our history, when we experienced the moment of truth, right now we are experiencing the main moment of truth in modern history, standing shoulder to shoulder. the first volunteers of the world
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youth festival began to arrive on the federal territory of sirius. the large-scale forum will begin in exactly a week. a record number of participants is expected - 20 thousand people from 180 countries. preparing for a big international holiday with a russian flavor. pavel melnik. let's start the future. together! energy that will unite tens of thousands of young and active, volunteers of the world youth festival arrive in sirius, it’s much warmer here, but what about emotionally? emotionally, it’s generally super, the mood is fire, we’re really looking forward to the start of the events, it’s like a dress rehearsal for a large-scale international event this spring, several thousand volunteers who need to be met, accommodated with everyone , says janet kkhitlyanova, come to mutual understanding, this is one of the main goals of the entire festival. full carloads of volunteers
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from all over the country, tatyana from the tomsk region, i really want to give the participants only positive emotions, positive experience, and so that everyone leaves the festival with only one realization that we are together and ready to change this world for the better. on the eve of the festival , greater sochi is also changing for the better, the air gates of the resort capital are decorated, the airport and the road network are being transformed. last preparations and these. bright artistic images will become part of the urban space, youthful enthusiasm, for which there are no barriers. for the coming weeks, sochi and sirius are entire cities and territories of youth. photo zones colorful decor throughout the city, volunteers are the first to see the renovated resort like this. we are now friends and will create a fairy tale at the festival. there is a big international holiday ahead with russian colours. these are the first rehearsals of mass events; an entire festival city is being built for their participants in sirius. for the world
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youth festival , the security circuit has been completely redesigned; now everything is here so that children from all over the world can live, create, without being distracted by anything. the countdown is a week until the opening ceremony, which will be remembered for a long time by every guest of the world youth festival. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko and egor bushuev. news from sochi and the federal territory. for defender of the fatherland day, the concert was prepared by sports stars, the show took place at the irina winner gymnastics palace, the program included a performance by rhythmic gymnastics stars accompanied by live music performed by popular russian pop artists. guests of the charity concert included combatants. we have always had in our team very high sense of patriotism. our children are always on the pedestal when. the russian flag was engaged and played the anthem, all ages
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of our children, both small and juniors, adults always sang the russian anthem with pleasure and passion. today is a great day, today is the day of the defender of the fatherland. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. the largest cellular network outage has occurred in the united states. there was no connection for 6 hours. what happened? french farmers have arrived. to paris on tractors, in slovakia farmers with agricultural machinery more than a hundred mangled cars immediately blocked the highway on the border with the czech republic. what happened on the expressway in china? this is not only discussed after the advertisement. see you. what are the next tasks? i will tell you this separately when the cameras are turned off. where to go and what to do? did they just recommend that you never read american newspapers? fight from russia, from china.
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faces, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come in. back on sunday on rtr, are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? on saturday? what's your name? lyuba. let me help. god, i recognize
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that look. anton, you are in love. you are drawn to simpletons. to rewrite life. choose brighter colors, you are a young, beautiful woman, by the way, i intend to court you today, anastasia vedenskaya, divorced, i would hold on to him with my teeth, i dream of a wife like you, allaganova, i am different, we are different, you understand, you are a prince , and i’m nobody,
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the pain is decreasing, can it be useful? pleasant, fantasy, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, m , yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday, on rtr, double murder, not arrows, let’s go, there is reason to believe that your academician has a direct connection to this, i don’t know,
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no academician, one of my own, i propose to release everyone. detained authorities, you want to prove that you are smarter marshal? film by sergei ursulik, liquidation, tomorrow on rtr, you have to live and love, and believe in the simple.
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russia, russia in this word. big festive concert dedicated to defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast: on rtr. this is news, we continue to publish, it has just become known that vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov. the conversation took place in the kremlin, as reported by the presidential press service, issues were discussed. socio-economic development of the region, the conversation also turned to the republic’s contribution to progress of the special operation. the entire russian society unites in preserving the memory of the heroes of the special operation. vladimir putin spoke about this during his trip to chuvashia. there, the head of state held a meeting on socio-economic development, got acquainted with the work of the updated first aid station and cultural center, and also found time
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to communicate with local residents who were waiting for the president until late in the evening. putin told them about his goal. ukraine is confused in its own political and military problems, and the west is surprised recalls how he recently maintained a victorious mood, the british times writes about this,
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summing up the failure in avdievka, and overseas american politics clarifies that the united states and europe are tired of supporting kiev and hopes to make peace with moscow. washington tried to distract the world from such a cold shower with other news. the white house said today that they never abandoned the idea. long-range missiles , another package of anti-russian sanctions was urgently introduced, but ironically, few people heard about this, which is why dmitry melnikov’s report. six o'clock silence on the air is the largest failure in cellular networks in the united states. waking up in the morning, the residents of america discovered that they were left completely without communication. in the absence of information , there was talk of possible cyber attacks and even anti-satellite weapons. russia quickly found itself at the very epicenter of the election campaign again. us campaign. every election it seems the republicans are allied with the russians, using russian intelligence to interfere in the elections.
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remember how in 2016 donald trump said: "hey russia, if you can hear me, find hillary clinton's emails, after 5 hours they found her email was hacked. relations with moscow and further support for kiev are now the main fault line of the american elites, after the failure of ukraine at the front. the mood in washington is panicky. the russian threat on all fronts is whipping up hysteria among democrats. will president biden talk about russia in his annual state of the union address if congress does not approve a financial aid package for kiev, and if biden is even able to give this long speech. mister president, you dragged on with the spin about the state of affairs in the country in order to win the elections again? today, joe biden promises to introduce another package of sanctions against russia. what is their meaning? they don’t even explain it to us citizens anymore, although they admit it in washington. they still did not achieve their stated goals. the american press writes about the growth of the russian economy and
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export revenues. russia's inherent strength, based on its vast reserves of oil and natural gas, provides financial and political stability that can survive western opposition. guilty of the failure of the ukrainian project is now being sought among enemies in the united states itself. and there's nothing new here.
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when cellular communications in the united states were restored, americans learned about the historic event. for the first time in 55 years, a us spacecraft has landed on the moon. the odyssey mission is a project of a private company, which, as experts explain, was launched after the loss of the technologies of the apollo project, when the americans flew freely, walked on the moon, and then returned to earth. a small step for one state leads to big questions for all of humanity. usa a moon over than half a century, which is presented here as a victory, has once again revived doubts about the entire american lunar program. how can we now perceive the seven previous, supposedly successful
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landings of astronauts, if only now the united states is mastering the basics of space technology? dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. the european union has turned sanctions into a universal tool for building relations with the outside world and... in anti-russian fever, he loses his sense of reality, such a statement was made today in our post-press by the arrival after the introduction of the thirteenth package of restrictions. the new list includes not only domestic, but also a number of foreign companies, along with individuals and legal entities that are associated with the defense industry, while the european commission recognizes the growth of key sectors of the russian military-industrial complex last year amounted to up to 40%. and the financial times writes that austria, the czech republic, hungary and slovakia have already warned about the possibility. french farmers reached paris today on tractors.
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against the background of falling incomes due to uncontrolled ukrainian agricultural imports the strikers demanded state support measures from the authorities. stop ukrainian grain. with such slogans, slovak farmers blocked the highway on the border with the czech republic. farmers from hungary also joined the action. ukrainian producers tried to demonstrate the cost of grain production. they brought rusty, damaged agricultural equipment to the border with poland. but the attempt to pity the rebel poles failed. however, military equipment is still being allowed through towards ukraine, as promised in warsaw. four people died and 20 were missing as a result of a fire in valencia, spain, which has already been called the largest in the city's history. the fire broke out last evening on
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the fourth floor of a fourteen-story residential complex in the campanar area. in a matter of minutes, the fire spread to the entire building. this was facilitated by strong winds with gusts of up to 60 km/h, as well as the synthetic material with which the façade was lined. dozens of people were trapped in their apartments, but some had to jump straight out from balconies and windows. about twenty victims were taken to the hospital. rescuers are still working at the scene of the emergency and do not rule out a possible collapse of the house. the authorities declared three days of mourning in the city. in china , there is a massive accident involving over 100 cars. the accident occurred on a highway in the eastern city of suzhou. the reason is severe ice. as a result of the emergency, several dozen people were injured. by this hour , emergency services had already cleared the road and restored traffic. and now we return to one of the main topics of the issue: celebration defender of the fatherland day. celebrations in honor
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of those who protect. our homeland is now guarding the security of russia, ending with a colorful fireworks display, deafening volleys in the evening sky have already died down in khabarovsk and vladivostok, but the main fireworks display of the country will take place in moscow, you can see it on our channel on the air of big news. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us. three peaceful a resident was wounded in the throat during shelling in ketem in the morning, troops struck the city center, and at least ten rockets of the rszz arrived. the night before , the kirovsky district of donetsk came under attack, one of the shells fell in a courtyard among residential buildings, another hit a nine-story apartment in the
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textile district, wounding three people. the ukrainian armed forces fired at least forty rounds of ammunition into the villages of the belgorod region, ikhanov’s report. you can even see how old the metal is and it’s broken through. resident of the village bordering ukraine, new tovolzhan marina voluyskaya shows his private garden. fences, house walls and windows are cut by shell fragments. the woman says ukrainian militants attack populated areas almost every day. it’s only 3 km from residential buildings to the border, militants are hitting civilians with cannons, tanks and hail, drones are hunting for people, the house of eighty-six-year-old zenoida tankless was twice subjected to mortar strikes. during the great patriotic war, zinaida feodorovna’s family, parents, brothers and sisters, died during nazi shelling, she remained one, recently
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her grandson was seriously wounded during an attack on the ukrainian armed forces. right next to the window there was a bed lying there, and it was so cracked, i thought that ours was beaten in the huts, ours, no, we only had glass, the glass was broken, they sealed the veranda with salakhvan, there, there, despite the danger in all settlements that were damaged by shelling, builders are working, they are restoring damaged housing, now cold weather has arrived in the region, so the teams are working in reverse mode. some houses cannot be repaired due to repeated impacts one time, the men say that here you need to always be on alert, carefully monitor the sky, by the sound, if a copter is flying, of course it’s better to leave, hide, the last time a copter flew in, it crashed into a regular bus. units of the ministry of defense are protecting front-line settlements.


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