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tv   Za Palicha  RUSSIA1  February 23, 2024 9:30pm-11:15pm MSK

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calm down, dear, now we’ll find you a new one, but i don’t need a new one, i love her , you know, i need it, i need to go tell her just, hey, now, oh, damn, they’ve arrived, you know him, where he came from , this is anatoly yuryevich makedonsky, he even has some kind of criminal group, like the solntsevskys, have you heard that? and next to him,
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who is that? and this is mr. winterman, or as we call him, mr. winter is coming, this is a connoisseur of russian culture, a money bag from europe, the macedonian carries him everywhere with him, with them it’s better not to get involved, now, but where, listen, what, i wasn’t listening or what? my man, my hero, your strong shoulders are behind you, like behind a mountain, these words are for you, my mi!
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darling, you're in the shade, my dear, protect me with you, i'm a fragile little thing, you're chasing, wait, you 're chasing, you're in the shade, calm down, that's it , let me go, i just wanted to talk. uh, leave him alone. who's squeaking here? let him go, he's my guy. this is my boyfriend. i said, let him go, we're going home. well then keep an eye on him, asshole. well, look, if you throw up everything, you will pay for everything. girl my, that's it, what to drink? so what
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happened to you? i have a day today. this is me congratulating. what troops did you serve in? airborne? nobody except us. well, once you were serving, some security guard knocked you down. yes, he also turned out to be a paratrooper. he served in the campaign for 2 years, it feels like all 10, my dad gives you away, he’s a paratrooper, they say that here, but you ’re like a taxi in general, they say taxis don’t take girls, i thought they don’t take dead men in the paratroopers, i watched the afterburner, yes i did , look.
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everything is quiet, slow down, otherwise you’ll wet yourself here? not everything, choirs, choirs, everything, i won’t tolerate sexism in my car, there’s no need for a task, 100 rubles is not enough, oh well, it’s a trifle.
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why did dembel stand up? go help. wow, grandpa, this is all your inheritance, this is the device, it was stolen from the museum, or something, now i’ll give it a go from the museum, this is my great-grandfather. mine, and your great -great-grandfather, a family heirloom, i understand, put it there in the corner, and what you haven’t shown before, but i showed you, well, you don’t have time, you have dancing, chmans, women on your mind, oh, and this is your
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order, grandfather, you know, artyom, although i’m old, but i didn’t live under pushkin, this is... “the order of my great-grandfather, service in the caucasus, this is not a remba for you, damn it, this is a real hero, and that this turns out to be all yours, what are you, a fool or something, well, this is family, a portrait for you , your order, my grandfather, he fought in world
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war i. “very dear, if i’m sure that you can improve your life, well, as you understand it, i’ll give it to you, there it is, no, grandfather, i have the order i won’t take you." what do you guys think, we’ll keep you, what are you guys, no one but us, i’ll go and see where he is, my
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grandfather wore an afghan on special occasions, vasily, where you’re coming, but i know the macedonian, he’s definitely not going anywhere from here. petrovich and palych went through afghanistan, and then he went into politics. vasily palyvich, we can talk to you face to face, guys, huh?
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vasya, you really believe that you can change everything, vasily pavlovich, that’s very good. serious people, you'll have to move
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out, believe me, i'm sorry, we've known each other for 100 years, but i can't help here, these serious people have houses higher than the bell tower, maybe you can tell me who gave them permission to build, who gave them, who took it, he gave it, i'm sorry, vasya, such is life, old man, tell me, why do you need all this, why are you clinging to this collapse, the world has already changed, the values ​​are different, and what are we, dinosaurs, we only have to breathe a couple of times alone once, breathe out, listen, maybe i can help you with a good plot of land, in a churchyard under some oak tree. my oak tree's flattery turns yellow and falls off, but
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the roots remain, oak tree, roots, there is no justice, no, so it will be, you.
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“vasily pavlovich, you have already damaged the property, it’s good that you didn’t damage it, so you would life can’t pay, so consider that today is your lucky day, a happy day is the one when you asshole won’t be here, hey guys, let’s resolve this issue peacefully. vasilich, otherwise it will simply be worse, for whom it is worse, just so. you talked to him, talked, yes, well, he turned out to be such a stubborn grandfather, well then blame
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yourself, if you don’t come to an agreement, then the life you lived for the last year will seem like a fairy tale to you, i understand, i understand, i have a very good plan, so what kind of plan, but there was none plan, it’s just that since someone decided to make fun of me, i’ve lost everything, hello, mitya, mitya, listen, i have the most rare collection of film masterpieces in the world, and at the all-russian art museum , yes, 100,000 rubles for you, but only because that you are my friend, you understand, 50, supplies are running out, yes, listen, i have a meeting starting now, i’ll call you back, okay, well, think about it, okay, that’s it, bye, what do you have, well , nothing, the last one is armanya, so, what are you, why, so, did you have a plan or not, but there was no plan. or rather, a plan later appeared, but it’s difficult to call it a plan,
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so the idea, why are you alone, there are suitable people, but they are married, the premiere on rtr, where i am at home, why are you talking like that, anya ran away from home, from whom, what kind of meeting, are you coming to me, it seems to me that mom is not going anywhere left, she just left... we'll continue on monday on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who on
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work, talks a lot and loudly, if distinguish, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now it’s beeping , if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow. on rtr , this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed.
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observers work at the sites, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of all ballots in bags for redemption, boxes for voting and ballot counting places, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. all. transparent and under control.
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so all out into the street, oh, so you're yelling all over the street quickly. what, i’m about to suspect the house, my ass is already on fire, dad, what are you, i’m very dangerous, dad said that you’re a mug, where are you? i used to have a brain, but give it here quickly , everything, everything, everything, everything, dad, why are you doing this, son, well, you understand, in 2 years i ’ll buy him five such houses, i know how to pay off debts , my dear, go away, i
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beg you, but you don’t feel sorry for your grandfather at all, or what, you do, but who will feel sorry for me, and i’ll spend my whole life? i’m earning money, i’m raising this family, who will take pity on me, this old bastard sat on this house with my old ass sitting, why are you making noise, gregory, so stop, stop, let’s go, yes, you’re all not family at least. and you sleep? i’ve calmed down, i’m still packing my things, let
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’s leave, where are you going, but i can’t be here anymore , this is not a home, a pigsty, of course, in general, this is my family’s house, where you are, there’s just a pigsty everywhere. i ordered a taxi for you, at least for that, thank you, son, you will, wait here , take your monads, i fell asleep myself, everything is not with you, thank
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god, that this time, by your standards, these are trifles, just your father wanted to burn the house down , it happens that the house is still there, which means everything is fine, but anyway it will soon be demolished and a hotel will be built in its place, macedonian, yeah, we’re preparing resistance, what militias are you going to fight against the macedonians with? paratroopers, so don’t offend the paratroopers, but okay then, hello, woman driver, no, i’m not going anywhere, let ’s sit down, we won’t tolerate sexism, i understand, you can give him an afterburner, listen, i don’t have anything here he'll puke, my girl, so what? well, i have a drink at my place, it’s very good, well , you have a family, where are we going? sensor,
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oh, why are you, timushka, hanging your head wildly, help yourself, why rejoice? somehow it’s all pointless , they’ll just take the damn thing into the house, you understand yourself, that’s what kind of famane you believe in, who you are, and they still won’t leave, grandpa, that you ’ll shoot them later, well, yes, that’s me i don’t think it will come, but who besides you needs your truth, i just don’t want to fight for something that makes no sense, but to sell family orders for some money that doesn’t exist at all in... it makes sense, yes i in 2 years i’ll buy you 10 such orders, you know, of course, i understand, i understand that this is not your war, well
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ok, you know where the ordinates are, go with me . “pavlych, where did you degenerate , did you go for your pension? great, pavlych, hello, where are you going, pavlych, pavlych, are you going to the front or something, rest, stop, stop, where are you going, he has a meeting, where are you going, go back , cash out everything at once." i, vasily pavlovich , will call you back, vasily pavlovich , take a seat, you, you’re talking about, yes, i ’m talking about my land, yes, my land, yes,
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they called me about your account, vasily pavlovich, we’re such a cunning guy, in what sense, well, they decided. the footage, well, as it should be, plus an allowance for harmfulness, congratulations on your victory, it won’t be enough. vasily pavlyvich, there is no need to confuse our
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kindness with weakness, there will be no better offer, i have a better offer, what an offer, but i wouldn’t go. well, soldiers, let’s go to martial law, pavlych, it’s high time to cut down the tasks, commander, so, wait, maybe we still need support, i don’t hold anyone’s strength, i don’t mean in this sense that i’ve crap, that they’ve dug it out, we can handle it ourselves. move, look,
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there is, he lives here, and what you need, call, no, you, i'm not waiting for anyone. who are they, comrade major, captain petrenko, lieutenant bursakov, who have arrived at your disposal, well , what kind of men were they, what kind of men were they, well, you’d better ask us, but how do i know what kind of lieutenant borsukov is?
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pavlych lives there, pavlych is pressed, palycha, we need to collect ours, it’s accepted, well, they collected it, grandma, the stick lives there, there, there, thank you.
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granny, where pavlych lives, there’s palych, you should go there, thank you, come on, come on, colored robot, don’t pretend that, like pregnant begueds, we don’t invest in the standard faster, great, cars. park here at the wrong time okay, over there, everyone is going there, one here, one here, one here, he is there, come on, more, more, more, come on, maybe buy some apples, warriors
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, move the pistons, “nothing changes, everything is like in the army, some work, and others command, it’s great, granny, there are germans in the city, but there are no germans, there are only bandits there, he’s a good flyer, grandma, palych lives there, yes there, there, we’re tired of it already, thank you, granny, accepted, start, mashmak, flying, great, great"! well, we seem to be getting ready, but that was not all.
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great guys, well, what about this? we weren’t waiting for the bfg, so we got our first wounded man, uh-huh, that’s it, guys, the three hundredth is crippled, meet me, this is my dad, hello, comrade gordi the parter.
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the wind smelled like currants, the day shone with the white light of birches, this land is called my homeland, in this land i was born and grew up. here is my peasant village, it’s a pity that i left, the house is a dear patsinos, only there is a
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bench under a birch tree, it was good to grow rusty here, but... the earth was passed, sometimes when my death is frequent, remember me, my small homeland, like one of its sons, the horses run away from the dawn of the arcal. i see my horse among them, let them say, this is a small homeland,
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but for me there is nothing else. yes, dema, dear, what’s going on, where is the money, well , the little man can’t wait anymore, my, it will be soon, the last day is today, topic!
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what made you go to the pawnshop so urgently? yes, what is this? this is a gift for grandfathers. so, did your grandfather give you an order? did you immediately run to take it to the pawnshop? listen to you, i’m some kind of bastard, come on, explain what’s going on, now it turns out that you stole it, you didn’t steal anything
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, who do you take me for, i’m talking about a gift , yeah, a gift, i asked me what i wanted to do, but i answered that i want to invest in bitcoin, for this i need at least if only a lyama was one and a half or two, well then he suggested that you... ir, get out of the car.
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your mother, well, vadik, do you need help? mr. winterman is tyoma, tyoma is mr. winterman, nice to meet you, mr. winterman is a connoisseur of russian culture, he has a whole museum at home, i immediately thought about it, you can take a look, oh my god, this is also more beautiful than i imagined.
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today at 18:00 on the central square
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of zheleznogorsk the annual address of the mayor of the city ilya sleptsov will be held, who will talk about the progress of the work, plans for the development of the city’s infrastructure and socially significant projects. we have guests, there’s a whole bunch of people rushing towards us, well, it all started. grandfather, forgive me, i remind our viewers that there will soon be a live broadcast with the mayor of the city, which will take place on the central square, you can send your questions to the mayor, i have an idea, who can be put on the sniper’s gun? stop, hold,
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good luck. there is reason to believe that your academician has a direct connection to this. i don't know, no academician. one of your own? i propose to release all those detained by authority. do you want to prove that you are smarter than the marshal? film by sergei ursulik. liquidation. tomorrow on rtr. the ox values ​​shaking the walls, big changes have come. in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones out of this absolutely faceless room; ideas are overflowing; we want to turn the radiator into an art object there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work . plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac . our heroes’ living room will soon bloom. burning stone flowers, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, just look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr. are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? on saturday? what's your name? lyuba.
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let me help. god, i recognize that look. anton, you are in love. you're drawn to the simpletons. write life, choose colors brighter, you are a young, beautiful woman , by the way, i intend to court you today, anastasia vedenskaya, divorced, i would hold on to him with my teeth, pyotr boranchiev, i dream of a wife like you, alla yuganova, i am different, we are different, you understand , you are a prince, and i am nobody, lyuba, lyuba! draw me, happy, on saturday at rtr, an eternally young wonderful festival,
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with it we met the thaw and perestroika, with it we spent the velvet season. on the shores of the black sea, russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing, because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. march 2 on rtr. are we going to fight with the landing force or what? citizens,
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stop this amateur activity, i legally demand that you immediately leave this territory. is being demolished, get ready, grandpa, where did you get these fans of the cat matroskin, who are you anyway, these are uncle vasya’s troops, grandpa, listen, stop playing the fool, your time is already over , it’s passed, i understand, it’s your nineties that are over, listen, i’m asking you kindly, leave, okay? come on, let's cook, let's cook, come on, i think
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i know what he's up to, let's follow him, you got up, hurry up, come on, break everyone, don't ask! surnames, come on, come on, go around him , don’t be afraid, i want to break, break, break , to tell the truth , i want to fight, it’s whose toyok, it gives away his knees, he wouldn’t get his mustache log. trim him, trim him, the boss said that he is going to the city, to the square, you can’t let him there, i was born desperate and i don’t value anything if head, i was in the field in front of me, it was cold, it was all in the eye, guess by the key, i’m standing
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, just bite it, oh well, take it, it’ll come back to the road anyway, otherwise it won’t get into the city, hammer! your mother! come on, get closer,
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dema, figure it out, hey, you want to make fun, you want to fly, huh! wait, wait, irka, you're crazy.
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so we are confident that our city can become a center of investment, we have opened a food court, which presents literally all the cuisines of the world, well, cool, what is this, this is my set. moreover, luck is already on its side,
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that's it, go, go, i'll stop them , go, ready, links, come on, go ahead, thank you, dad , i serve the soviet union, with you, and i , son, if the first steps in our project are successful, and luck, literally,
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literally haunts us, luck, here , dear fellow countrymen, “now they are hanging noodles on your ears, i’m sorry that this happened, but allow me to point it out, yes, i said, these people think that if they are richer than us, it means better, yes, i think so myself , but now it’s a question of life.” death, my grandfather vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne troops, veteran
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afghanistan, fought in chechnya, now he is fighting for his home, for his land , which they want to take away illegally, we don’t want to move anywhere, we want to live on our land, and my... grandfather, he is an honest man, i am very proud of him , well done
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, well, here we are, yes, the story is wonderful, yeah , by the way, can we talk about this movie with it, so you let us go, yeah, you’ll go to troyon for a long time, yeah. well, guys, amnesty, you can start to rejoice, hug, kiss, okay,
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i won’t embarrass you. well, grandfather, it’s all in vain, what are you saying? i was fooling around, nothing happens in vain, but you, dear son-in-law, you’re still on the way to correction, i understand, it’s getting the job done, huh? never gives up,
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you too son, thank you dad, let's go. we were already ready to start a new life, but it turned out that my words on the square did not go unnoticed, even if it hurt, eh!
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“i see you need help, soon you will need help, i attacked the wrong people, clearly, we are neti to you, neti is who, ai-aiki aishny eli aleksanich, we have been following you for a long time, how much evil you have done, and at home to me i liked your new ones, so stylish, modern, tall, taller than the bell tower, and an excellent horseshoe, he literally walked under it once today. “immediately luck, yes, yes, for that much money you won’t even be able to put us in jail , for a long time, to hell with you, not new stars, okay, i’ll check until three, so stop, do you even understand who i am, all i have to do is reach the phone and you will be gone, that’s it, it’s over for you, you understand me, no, this is how we
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defeated the last bandits and corruption, a quiet life began in our city, grandfather has no time to be bored, he is building a new house, father got a job again at the mayor's office and even won the elections, my well is clogged, son, marya vasilievna has the question under control , tomorrow we will decide everything, and what tomorrow he decided right now, he has become a real people's favorite and is always ready to listen to every resident of the city, and mom now works together with dad , but after everything she went through, she began to hate corruption with all her soul. next, and mr. winterman built his hotel, for this he found the most picturesque place in the region, on the site of the houses of the mayor and makedonsky, which, by the way, were built it’s illegal there, it turned out to be not difficult to demolish them at all, but you can burn it, well, i have my own house now, and take milk and bread,
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yeah, then... look, well, yes, what am i like last time, take cheese , which smells, so it’s already the third one i have, pickles , okay, why does it all end so quickly? of course, i made a mistake with bitcoins, now i could have been a dollar millionaire, but i almost don’t regret it, well, i’m mine, damn it, damn it, damn it, but i acquired something more and it’s priceless, so give us a chocolate bar, your beloved.
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oh, great, grief-stricken, great, guys, great, great, great, and what, what, vasya, do you remember the emergency, he needs help, give me the hog. jump , let's go, well, vasya, there's an emergency, and he's in an emergency, or something, yes, yes, i would love to, but i have a wife, a child, a shopping list, alive or dead, will you come with me, well then, rather dead, my wife don’t let go, oh, let’s go, let’s go, there was a little man, he became a little boy, hello, hello, hello. okay, go, but what about the stinking cheese, go while i’m good, became a little man,
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i forgot what it looks like, let's go, cheese, don't forget! so i became part of a brotherhood called the airborne forces. there were many more adventures, but that's a completely different story. where, look, what did i stir up for you? the control center for the moonshine still, we lower the pressure, raise it, add a little sugar, how nice, but why do i need this? i mean, grandpa, this is how we live, this is digitalization.
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here, well, alone, i knew you ’d like it, there’s a way to upgrade, wait, what are you doing here, huh?
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attention, the train will not go any further. please free the carriages, someone help, citizens, the train is heading to the park, please vacate the carriages.
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stand up, hear me, sit down, shame on you, what are you looking at? should i have taken a taxi? hold it. hold him, i say. we. where did you meet? you, olya?
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wait, i was with vitalka, go, go, oh, no, no, i won’t go in a car, please sit down, to be honest, i’m empty today, how far is it to your house, three, telephone, i ’ll definitely return it, don’t go back, no, i won’t go back, now, forgive me, i’ll see you off, sit, just a minute, go ahead!
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chirov, why didn’t you take the template from mechov, tomorrow from lunch you will switch to pins, i have you, look, bragen, i look, i look , petrushin, igor, you have a voice, but what to help, you need to perform in the joint choir, i’m not in the mood, but the mood will come, slaughter anniversary, 200 people stage, orchestra, audience, just one rehearsal. give me 2 rubles before you get it, i won’t give it to you, hello patveevich, hello , we were watching football, it’s 0:00 again, patveevich, when do you think the rules need to be changed, it’s high time, like in hockey, of course, everything is in clear time, yes, that’s right , and change players as much as you like, and keep the emphasis, yes, two rubles you'll get, no, "hello, you were the one who put
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an ad in the newspaper about selling medicinal leeches, i found out, great, it just so happened , i was in the back, buddy, maybe you'll drop by and grab something, i understand, sorry, there's a puncture again, where's your tamarka with a full refrigerator, maybe you can take it from her"? she doesn’t let me take it out, and then you know, i’m going to get married there, dude, maybe you’ll rent, but no, at least have a beer.” yes, have a drink, well, nothing, but what is this phone, whose? vera, who is she, from both sides, come on, these guys have a penny, no, that one, in my opinion, nadya was, what difference does it make, you start calling, and then you remember, lord, you’re kind of great, come on, it’s work or home,
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faith, maybe, order. vera, hello , guess what, it’s not good to sell out old acquaintances, this is igor, and you remember, okay, don’t be ridiculous, we recently saw each other under very piquant circumstances, guess what, i feel very bad, my head hurts, i have a fever, the doctor has just been , there’s no one to go to the pharmacy, help me, but no, don’t buy anything, the recipes are all here, what? metro semyonovskaya budenov one apartment 21, waiting, be, now, listen, young, intelligent, educated, i remember, this is a barbecue waitress.
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oh, he’s coming, hello, come in, i’m his friend just came in, please come in, uh-huh, over there, thank you for coming, where’s the recipe? i have, i’ll say it myself, don’t worry about anything , yes, sorry, just in case, what if there’s not enough, igor will give a ruble, better than three, they think the more expensive they prescribe, so to speak, the better the doctors, thank you very much, sorry ,
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that you disturbed me, i’m running now, i’ll sit with sick, so if you are in a hurry, so to speak, as the doctor examined your head, tell yourself better... you, what's new? everything is the same, me too, how is work? yes, just like that, what are these arrows? my trips, oh, have you been to australia? yeah, so what, nothing, i got a lousy judge from belgium, i sued the second one, i let my apartment go with this disease, i haven’t left the house for 6 days, yes, do you have some kind of rag? igor, order, kolya, kolya, verchka hasn’t left, she ’s still helping us, but we don’t know how to thank her anymore, oh, this will take a long time, but the patient needs
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peace, and you know how the augean stables were cleaned out, who doesn’t know this, carried it. well, now i’m getting sick, and the ancient egyptians believed that when you have a runny nose, your brain leaks, how do you know everything? listen, you should go home, penelope. finally, i gave three for the medicine, i remembered yesterday, metro, taxi!
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virunchik, help me out, the same request, he arrived again, i just found out, he’s leaving on a night flight, you can replace him, it’s that pilot, no, he’s a flight engineer, okay, you’re lovely. yes, i believe, now, ver, are you on the phone? yes. yes i remember, of course, but i don’t need it, show stubbornness
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somewhere else, i, i really regret that i gave you my phone number, people work here, yes, and don’t call here anymore, yes, this is the october library. you look at everything, your head is breaking, find your husband and come to him, mommy, can he help you? about 20 pieces, okay, i would have time today, okay, i’m now, bones, how good, autumn,
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i know, i’ll open, my respects, i told you, i ’m stubborn, how did you know that you need, burp, enter, no, who is this, is this for me, maybe? you'll come out yourself, sorry, i don't have time, we’re taking it as a relic, and we’re seeing someone off to retire, we decided to chip in for a color tv, 8 rubles. buy, things from amsterdam , i'll give you for six, no, five, no, i don't need your thing, i agree, for three, let's deal, no, please take away your leg for nothing, oh-oh-oh, oh- oh-oh, even if it’s just a ruble, come out, aren’t you ashamed? you're a low guy, come on, if you knew who was standing in front of you, this low guy, he used
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to have everything, a car, a wife, a beauty, japanese technology, i didn't get out of cutting , i lit certificates, but now he has there is nothing but boring work, he can’t even fall in love, only giving in helps , and what remains for this kind of person to do, work on himself, manage his feelings, that we work on anything and for anything, just not on our feelings, they are like street children, they were left to their own devices, they offended you, are you offended? insulted, you freak out, they make you laugh, you laugh, but where are you, where are you, you need to learn to manage your feelings yourself, i want to be cheerful, i want to adore my work, i want to fall in love, you know, and you’re happy, yes, i've been reading a lot lately, i think it's possible, you can find happiness in yourself, i 'm sure of it, you can, believe me, help me, to be honest, i 'm dying, save me, i 'll help you... something, this is serious, give me a ruble, message
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from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly, live broadcast, february 29 on rtr, i’ll still give birth to a child, i’ll marry dima, the child will be born... we’ll see this weekend, i’m your son, why did you lie to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha was alive, now your wedding is underway a big threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let ’s start all over again, and i’ll turn around, i ’ll solve this problem.
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have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes. yes. yes yes yes. once again, yes. every
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a person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure , the food formula on saturday on rtr, my name is anna ostrovskaya, i work in the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, four people died, a whole family, you see me, yes, it’s my gift that we are investigating your... murder, she is not afraid of ghosts, how could i not have realized before that you are my destiny? get out, you can’t forget him, she’s afraid to be among them, i’m telling you about death, she is inevitable, she is always there, but i will soon die, anna medium, continuation, look at...
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monday on rtr, sunday, i didn’t become piglets, we went for lard for the new year, and there we kissed, it hurts to smile, to smile, from that how sincere everyone is, everyone is kind, love bye, loved, bye bye.
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there, i don’t know, it turns into shavings, into powder, into splashes of sparks. here i have written detailed versions of the exercise according to working hours and days of the week, then you will look. wow, listen, maybe the job is easier more interesting? i like interesting work without self-hypnosis. secondly, you need to find some side interest. hobby, but i prefer the word hobby. the choice here is huge: collecting, stamps
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, coins, badges, keychains, postcards, tickets, forms , napkins, labels, bottles, lamps, teapots, here is a detailed list, then you look, choose, b, crafts, embroidery, burning, sawing, did you have anyone, well, before we met, did you have anyone, well, one of the guys, was, don’t interrupt, into hobbies related to nature, fishing, collecting medicinal plants, everything, i like postcards, everything, everything, everything, good, thirdly, it is necessary to cultivate altruism in yourself, a list of good deeds, donate excess books, plant trees, help the elderly without...
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.choose an object, worthy, good, do you have anyone in mind? no , it won’t work, as soon as you’re worthy, you don’t like it, you haven’t met, but here you are, i bit you right away, good, kind, but not my type, i’m telling you honestly, well, you’re not the hero of my novel, i'll never i liked handsome men, especially those who drink, but if i wanted, i could fall in love with you, according to your theory, yes, that if i wanted, i could fall in love with you, of course, well, come on, wait, wait, this requires mutual desire, and then we need to think, will we fit? each other, let's do the opposite, if we fall in love, then we'll think about whether we're suitable , well, we agreed, come on, what are you, well, well, okay, so, if you decide to get carried away with me, first of all, you must find in me something good, appreciate it, start admiring it, resorting to the help of the same auto-training,
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and try not to notice what is unattractive in me, we will meet often so that our meetings... become a habit and try to do something nice for me, tolstoy said, we love people, for that good that we do to them, and we hate for the evil that we cause to them. well, that’s all for the first few days, but it won’t be so easy to fall in love not at first sight, now about me, i’m listening to you, so, you are faced with the task of, in general, becoming pretty, for this it is necessary, but to do cosmetics, but my taste, i should like you, as far as i understand, let your hair grow longer, your eyebrows are so thin, well, when to pluck them, you know, then?
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no, we are entering a most interesting period in our lives.
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well, let's begin. so what's good about it? ah, mind, highly problematic. b. soul, darkness. b. character. zigzag. what else? so. what's good about it anyway? well, the fact that the madhouse is crying for her is clear. but first, you still need to
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cling to something. well, why? legs, legs, like a goat's, figure, ask something lighter. face. face, blotter. nonsense. how did she get me into this? verunechka, do me a favor, mark liskov’s book collection tomorrow, i just can’t do it, tomorrow at 9, just not in my last name, it’s stupid, remember? why such a moliskov? veronchik, this is a wonderful, subtle person, such fingers, six tongues, an intellectual of the seventh generation. and his last name is the tragedy of his life, just be careful not to be late, so, i urgently
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need to prove that i’m crazy about work lucky, because if you smoke, who am i , i’m a mastermind over metal, i want to make a thing out of a blank, i want to wipe off the powder, no, sharpener , you’re a metal sculptor, and what are you vutetich, rodin, you, hina, come in, just like an exercise , you know, it’s not very good yet, this will help you, an initial course of auto-training from a psychologist, doctor of sciences, be careful, of course, don’t tear it, i gave my word of honor, don’t worry, but this is for you. thank you, this is the beginning of your collection, well, these three are so-so, this is completely unique, what do you think? this? this is england, the beginning of the century, the royal
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fox hunt, what do you think, looking at this, look at the suits, the way the men and women sit, how the horses have their bobtails, amazing, don’t you care, what are you talking about, i tell you i didn’t force you, postcards, you chose them yourself, no, i did later. i’ll look, i’ll think, you know, it’s hard for me to work out with you, you’re not trying, oh well, you didn’t do what i asked you either, you know, it’s hard for me to work out too, but the figure is a matter of time, well, cream, eyebrows could be done. in first place women should have inner qualities , come on, how can i bring sympathy, only beauties can not think about appearance, a thick list of good deeds, but they themselves have only one thing on their mind, i see right through you, primitive, cuttlefish, loser, so now shed from here.
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forgive me, please, okay, forgotten, you know, one writer said that people resemble a herd of porcupines, coming. icy plain, they are cold, they huddle together and stab each other with their needles, try from the rear, maneuver, my work has a sense, beyond anything, it brings benefits to people,
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looking for what kind, then? i must, i simply must , no, brother, not like a meeting, but what if , instead of these posters, venus is hung, naked, petrushin gives oak, and if you teach poetry, he goes to the right, starts a song, to the left he tells a fairy tale, there is a story in front of him, wanders, no, does not warm, bratsii.
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excuse me, can you tell me how i can find vera silkova? it's me! oh, verochka, darling, sunshine, irina lvovna advised me to contact you, i need to pick up my mother from the clinic, and the television master will just come to my house, on saturday, don’t sit, oh, you know, i probably won’t be able to on saturday, but you try, i’ll give you the address, i’ll write everything down, it’s very simple, as soon as you get off the trolleybus,
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the big one is immediately to the right. right next to the chemical shop there is an entrance, well, i can’t, what should i do, well, ask the master to come at another time, it’s useless to talk to them , i’ve been waiting for a month, but ask at the hospital, you’re so strict there, but i don’t i can, excuse me, i ’m going out of town on saturday, it’s strange, but you were recommended to me from a completely different direction, hello, if you come out, you’re okay, so what? listen, come on, at least it’s still fun, yesterday tamara was again given some kind of doll and georgian coinage, not an apartment, but some kind of museum, toys, trinkets, trinkets, every duty, someone gives something for some reason, oh , igoryuk, i'm afraid,
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what kind of film? have you heard about audiotrenin? and a person can control his feelings, manual, author, doctor of science, i am calm, i am surprisingly calm, the spirit of serenity fills me, all thoughts and worries are gone, dissolved, what kind of tramp, introduction, i listen to my muscles, they are free, relaxed, oh, this is to the point. let's relax, my muscles have rested well overnight, and i'm ready to face the coming day, to face it cheerfully, to face it energetically, attention, me! lightning , strike, funny little man, my whole body is filled with life-giving electricity, i feel the elastic trembling of my muscles, oh, let's shudder, syphilic oxygen fills my lungs, penetrates the blood, hello, no
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, i forgot to warn you, i gave you your phone number, yes, hello , here we start, nothing, just listen, good exercises invigorate us, let's cheer up, huh? tomorrow, where will we go? let's command station? at what time? i am a genius, bye, i am god, so i breathe, my breathing is even, i am calm, i am amazingly calm, sleep peacefully, dear comrade. all this igor, a man needs a penny, there won’t be a penny, no training will help, i don’t like you igor , you’re done, you know, nothing will change, if
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you turned out to be the way you are before you’re thirty, then don’t change yourself, friendly rust is born.
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yes, yes, i don’t understand, and it’s you, like at the grocery store, like 10, i don’t understand anything. i got up a long time ago, had breakfast, did all your exercises, exactly, yes, they are standing, excuse me, listen, maybe we can reschedule for another time, but it’s clear, clear, that’s it, i’m running, running, i’m already dressed, uh-huh
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, that’s what they’re open for? the kiosk, and you know , it’s very interesting, that’s the thing, it doesn’t heat up, which is already boring, yes, that’s better, i ’ll collect the matchboxes, well, it’s your business, yeah, well, let’s go, where are you taking me, the train won’t be soon now, here look, a friend gave it to them , a letter came to them from vukhtomtsev, read it without legibility, hello, dear museum, we bow to you the wife of the red army soldier ivan ivanovich muzhtakov, we already have him they took it on the second day , there was only one news, but when the german arrived, i didn’t receive any more sheets from him, the children and i asked for him for many years, but there were no results , there was no urine, we were tired of waiting, so one person wrote that he saw him nearby from your museum
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, a monument with his name, i cried a lot , kissing the envelope, can i really find out where he died, go see where my breadwinner is buried, dear museum, write to me if there really is such a monument, with gratitude in advance... "we talk, this is also happiness, look, i’m always surprised, he ’s driving bored, looking bored, but does he understand that he’s the chosen one, this alone can drive you crazy?” the chosen one of the universe, taken out
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of non-existence for a second and a second later again the eternal darkness of non-existence, for one second, but he should be screaming with joy that he lives, but he’s bored, but you don’t listen well to what’s happening, nothing penetrates him, so no sympathy will arise, and if you awaken a feeling of pity for him, the woman will go from pity to love one step, you have to imagine, he broke his arm, no, better a leg, or even better a neck , it hurts, he’s in plaster shackles, poor thing, poor little kitten, it doesn’t work out, what else could he break, and why invent something, he’s really poor, he drinks, he suffers when he’s forced to spend the whole evening to this imaginary fun, he finally suffers from shame, their flushed faces, because this is the eternal paint of shame, you are not a sock. sock yourself back straight, no matter how many times i talk, but
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there is no desire, no desire even to kiss, even if you decide, and the step is so heavy, not feminine, why? to catch on, well, not a bitch , not a little bit, not a lump, not a hollow, why is it so, why is it that nature offends the smart ones , to whom they say, pull your leg, you will remember in the end, start the step with the movement of your hips, and not my knees... well, what's the matter? i can’t, you can’t, pull yourself together, give it your all, it’s hard for me, but it’s easy to run with weights on the sand, it’s easy to do 20 tons of weights a day, but it’s easy to do 5 km of multi-legs, and even on one leg, well, anyway, i’m tired, i it’s hard, i won’t, i won’t, i won’t, we agreed, i can’t from under sticks, you can’t and you don’t have to, i saw your psychomic training in the coffin, please, but i’m not doing it out of sticks, because you’re a beauty queen. ran away, started up, i felt there would be one, they said, i hate it since childhood.
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he's right, he's right, he's right, i had to listen to him, i have to, since we started this experiment, i have to, otherwise everything will fall apart, fall apart, what will i be left with, with what, alone, always alone, no, no, i can , i’ll dig myself out, i’ll dig myself out, no one called me, no, but you didn’t go anywhere, just drink tea, well, here you go i knew it. keep in mind who you should always
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call. why did you come to invite me, i’m treating you, i don’t want it, i received a paycheck, i don’t want it, one at a time, i don’t want it, i’m tired, you’re sick, okay, just sit there, let’s go, don’t offend me, yesterday i spent the whole evening on the floor of the tamarkka, clearing things up surroundings, men mill around her, smile, make gibberish, more to come, i invite you to tea.
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no, it’s not for nothing that there on the pedestal oliver will tell the champion, you won, but he is the first in the world among all of us. for the first time, we found ourselves in places where no human had ever set foot. it was the first expedition in the world to search for this mysterious butterfly, and we were the first to record its existence. many world-famous scientists have become.
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pour, uh, uh, lightly , what you’re pushing, and if you didn’t manage to die like that before you were thirty , who said it, you’re the fat one there, it’s funny to me , i asked you for a ruble, i gave you ten myself, you badass, yes, they let you out, who he said what does it have to do with me, that’s all? i can, i can take a bottle, i may not take it, i can go north, save an old lady, well, i can, there are fires, where are the fires, who should we save, but i have a, b, b, i exist,
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i haven’t disappeared, listen, i haven’t disappeared, yes there is, there is, hello, hello, let’s go, train, in 7 minutes, don’t be offended by that time, in general it’s interesting, i myself regret it later.


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