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tv   Na obrive  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 3:10am-6:06am MSK

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such housing that could not be sold. lyuba, why didn't you come today? as i understand it, there will be no more lessons, no one called me. i’m calling you, you’ll give me lessons. my lunch break is over. do you have a call? no, but it can at any time. i ’ll let you go at any moment, i’ll take you to the site, love, sorry about yesterday, nothing happens, then let’s go, sit down.
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don’t talk to me about him, the old days will never come back, he’s to blame, he’s alone in everything, that’s why the tears are flowing, don’t talk to me about him. don’t tell me about him, but you sing beautifully, thank you, sing again, i don’t sing by request, well then have lunch with me, uh-huh, uh-huh, just like my mother’s, my mother baked exactly the same ones, and my
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mother baked amazing charlotte, mm, uh-huh, she taught me, in general, my mother taught me to cook , but for some reason charlotte doesn’t work out like she does, i seem to still do the same thing, well, that’s not what mothers are for, wow, a sweet couple! who called you? i, you? don't you want to ask where i've been? did you even notice that i'm not there? vadim yurievich, thank you for lunch, i really have to go. but i understand, you decided to follow the example of the italian and feed servant at home. what did you like? do you want to lure a man with your pancakes? a? i want and
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i’ll lure you away, what, what, you saw, this is what happened just now, come on, get ready to leave, you heard, you exchanged me for this tattered cat because i’m tired of your stupidity. vadik, i went to the beauty salon, well, explain to me what i’m doing wrong, if you want, i’ll go and apologize to this fool, leave, don’t come back, you freak, i ’ve wasted so much time on you, the keys.
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oh, good morning, vadim yurievich, two more candidates called to appoint chief technologist no interview yet. call me
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filatova, yes, galina pavlovna. yes, i'll try to find time. fine.
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hello, hello, lyubov aleksanna, have a seat, have a seat. lyubovsanovna, i ask you to return to the factory, i already have a job, cleaning
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apartments has cooking lessons, but judging by the number of calls, it’s very... for the profession, well , in my personal opinion, this is not your level, return to the factory, to the chief technologist, you approach me, i approach, already the second one. i’m approaching, forgive me, so, to myself, i’m approaching, say, and you tell me, no, why, because you, you
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change your decisions too quickly, no, not too quickly, i looked at your biography, you came up with a lot of interesting technologies, yes, but what about you? they didn’t watch it, and why should i report to you or apologize, i’m offering you a job at my factory, you agree, i won’t work at your factory, love, you know, you, my god, my love, honey, what happened, he he... called me, well, but i refused, oh, well, what kind of fly bit you, but i don’t know, what’s wrong with me? found, oh, you know, here, eat some candy, because glucose, it calms you down,
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“i warned you that i would fire you if there was no repeat call from a client from an elite house, yes, he is not here, i am responsible for my work, everything was done efficiently, but how do you explain that to the client?” “he no longer contacts us, but i know because you work privately, which means you are robbing both me and the company,
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no repeated calls have been recorded, you are fired, fired. he ratted me out, who ratted you out? a.. i was shielding you, i didn’t ask you to shield me, i could just keep quiet, you know, when the bosses are interested , it’s more expensive to keep silent, god forbid such a husband, that oh, why do you work here, anatoly, hello, hello, well done, you came, i described the bosses to you in the best possible way, well let's go, let's go, it's great, petrovich, how... well, it's an old house, of course, it's problematic, but the housing market is stagnant, apartments are still being sold
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, but with the private sector it's just a disaster, well, the price will have to be lowered, anyway don't expect quick results, you're the same they said something completely different, i was describing the ideal version of the theory, you know, oh , why did they fool me, i would have turned to another agency long ago, i wouldn’t have wasted time with you, you think another agency will tell you something different, we all in one market, and... it’s standing, but what should i do? thank fate for coming to me, because i am the one who can offer a way out of your difficult situation, your house will go away today, it will go away or not, i ’m confused, i have a client who urgently wants to move to a private house exactly at in your area, but he doesn’t have money, this is exactly what i need, but he has an apartment that costs the same as your house, we make an exchange, he moves into the house, and you into the apartment, no, i need not. i need money, so we will put your apartment up for sale, it makes sense, lord, i
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’ve been trying to explain this meaning for half an hour, but houses are not for sale now, only apartments, you are just lucky that there is a person who wants to move into this house, and the apartment will sell quickly, yes, lord, in a moment, oh, well, well, i need to think, give me a day, in your area there are three houses for... sale, one of them, let's be honest, is better than yours, i'm actually obliged to offer the client all three options, just out of sympathy for your grief, i keep him in the dark for now, he thinks that your house is the only one, but what will happen when he finds out that you are deceiving him, these are my professional risks, you think about your benefit, one day on the housing market is a lot, miss the chance, you risk being stuck for a year, well... it’s definitely up to you, perhaps you still have time tolerates, does not tolerate, and that
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you can get an apartment right now, you can call a notary right now, and we will speed up as much as possible, the notary works until 3:00, now it’s 14:35, call, vadim yurievich , applicants are calling you, they ask whether to schedule an interview or not, there’s no need for more, the ones i’ve seen are enough, and should i remove the vacancy announcement?
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i won’t be here until the evening, but what should i do? stop eating sweets, well, it’s a disease, don’t go on a diet, i’ll fire you for your own good. i have very little time, i can't sign without looking, completely fair, read each paragraph carefully, ask questions, pavel ilanovich, don’t rush, women, this is my personal request, okay, okay, okay.
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it was just open, i walked in. vadim yuryevich, hello. i'm probably at the wrong time. well, this is a very urgent matter. we are launching new machines at the factory, we need a chief technologist. i need you, lyuba. i can’t discuss this now, i’m selling a house, here’s a realtor, a notary. good afternoon. selling,
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why are you leaving? i need money and i i’m selling a house, how much do you need and where will you live? and young man, please shut up, okay, so how much do you need, why? i need a large sum for the treatment of a child, yours? no, but it doesn’t matter, and lyubov alexandrovna, let’s go back to the agreement, ask your guest to come back a little later. “i’ll ask you to come back a little later, stop clicking the lock , well, it’s impossible, vladimirich, why on earth, who are you, what do you allow yourself, lyuba, at what stage is the deal, i’m reading the contract,
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great, great, young people , we are with you we’ll contact you tomorrow, now all the best, this is outrageous, yes, you know, lyubov alexandrovna, i must warn you that my client will be informed about the exchange options. if he chooses a house that is not yours, you risk being stuck with the sale , but you can leave this, you know, just wait, this is a disgrace, you know, you had a chance, and you take it, disgrace, this is go, goodbye, vadimir yurievich, what right do you have, none, but we’ll omit this point, whoops,
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tell me, are you selling the house or exchanging it, changing it? for an apartment, i’ll sell an apartment, it’s easier sell, have you seen this apartment? no, i ’m not going to live there, so that ’s what women’s logic is, let’s go. maybe, maybe this is not that house, but that one, if you want to see the apartment, tell
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me, what is this child, who is he, the daughter of my ex-husband. however, i will give you money, i will never be able to return such an amount to you, save the child, we will sort out the debts. what, did you rob a bank? one good friend helped. you have good friends. just, as they say, lucky. i don’t know what to do with my luck, my husband loves me, and he’s full of children. house, and no debts. listen, well, you really, really saved me, well, i mean, not me,
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of course, my daughter, that’s it, i would n’t save you. thanks, i'll go, bye. now you’re worried, you can’t sleep, and i still can’t forget how you sang, don’t
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tell me about him, the past has not yet been forgotten, he’s to blame. alone in everything that my poor heart is broken, oh, don’t talk to me about him, don’t talk to me, but about him, alena, why are you looking at me like that, we live, we’re here, now we’re going to the garden, and israel, what am i i thought. we immediately went for an operation, what kind of operation? masha, mash, you are here, please , run, just don’t run out onto the road, but
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i need to talk to my aunt, sergei told me that masha’s heart is on the threshold, he was collecting money for an operation, did you give him money, yeah, a lot. a lot, oh, oh , what a brute, he told such a story about his own daughter, and you, where are your brains, found someone to trust, he showed me the documents, in english, so he downloaded them from the internet, don’t be afraid, so masha is healthy, well, look for yourself, though she was poisoned last month, and we were just registering for kindergarten, why does he need it? what money is needed? let him drink i need to drink less! imagine , he got drunk at a friend’s wedding, he was inspired to perform heroic deeds , and in the parking lot he trashed two cars, and the owners there were serious and
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installed a meter, he even started stealing, somehow he brought the money right in his wallet, in a blue one, what? blue wallet? oh, oh, foy, or something, uh-huh. lyubochka, can you imagine, can you imagine , this sweater didn’t fit me for 2 years, now i’ve lost weight, lyuba, lyubochka, dear, what happened, and he deceived, who deceived you, who, this one, no , who, lyubochka, well who you deceived me, my god my, well, tell me, lyuba, dear, well, someone deceived me, i don’t know, lyuba, what happened , okay, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, oh, lord, calm, calm, i’ll deceive, calm, so. now it’s clear with the arrangement, what happened , who deceived you? seryozha deceived me, he said that masha was sick
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, she was healthy, he needed the money, so why are you crying, you should be happy, the girl is healthy, and you ’re freaking out, well, i’m glad that i’m healthy, but how much do i owe you now? , this is how i will give, you will work, yeah, this is what my salary should be. where are we going? well, be patient, it's a surprise! well
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, tell me, listen, just be patient a little, isn’t it scary? no, so, one, two, three, love, this is a victory! oh, i just can’t believe my eyes , oh, don’t tell me about it, i can’t see this romance anymore, i can’t see it, thank you, it started, that the mountain, so maybe wait , it will resolve, or maybe it will resolve, that the waters, it seems , water, oh,
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well, what, what? have i outdone you? did i sit longer? no, i sat longer. fine, fine. and where is grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, as much as possible, get out, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, stop fooling around, get out, grandpa, just finish it. in general, dad, what kind of joke is this? dad, we need to dive, father, what was your name? well, dad, come on, give up, weaklings, you're cheating, you were breathing through a straw, and you
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caught me by that very straw? it’s clear to the fool, uh, you’re smart, you lost by a landslide, it’s okay, you cook and i slurp, we’ll outplay, unfairly, we’ll outplay,
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hello, comrades, we now have to watch the synchronized swimming competition, you. they enter as a team, what an original figure, an original connection, or rather, pash, do you think it’s better here? a chain or a brooch, yeah, what wow, a chain, a chain, of course, or maybe a brooch, a brooch is much better. oh
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, well, lokova, can you tear yourself away from this box for once, finally notice that in addition to these cuties, there is a living woman who works for you, washes, feeds, waters, i don’t know, strokes, cuts, kisses, kisses, you are our king.
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no, you, lyudmila, today we have, well, just a wedding ceremony, no, dad, i won’t do such a stupid thing a second time, if you decide. and i, pasha, am just going to live, well, dad, you have humor too, grandpa, grandpa, stop, where are you going, over
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a beer, that you seriously offended them, that they called you in a storm, why be offended, why be offended, that’s right, they’re young, you’re young, i’m old, how old you are, well, i read in zhzl, academician zelensky, who invented the gas mask, he got married at 80 years old and gave birth to a child, 80 years old, a person had strength of spirit, i understood, yes, this is strength of spirit, listen, grandfather , yes, well, just tell me honestly, have you really decided to get married, who will get married? you, i’m a wife, yes, i haven’t invented contraception yet, well okay, now where did you go, well, for beer, well for beer, i, you know, they brought czech beer to the restaurant.
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oh, dad, good evening, good! smile at me, please, what am i saying , smile, please , i need it, i beg you, well, are you sorry or something, i
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’m mine, for a long time, open, smile, smile, thank you, that’s enough, sorry, you helped me out a lot, you’re welcome, do you still need my help? no, no, thank you, i’ll sit for a while and go, that’s fine. would you like to dance, you invite me, no, no, that is, yes, but what are you against? i, yes, i'm for it, i'm also for it.
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let's go, well, let's go, are you crazy or what ? and you drive well, good evening, dad, good evening, my dear, hello, hello! look, we’re a gal
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, well, i went where, i went to see my friend, i work opposite in a hardware store, no, no, i’m owed, you did this for me, kalyusha, champagne, just like that. mymra, why is mymra, in my opinion, nothing, yes , yes, yes, and what, nothing, it means you like this one, what are you, i love you, i’m here, and , and, besides, everyone is dragging, besides, happy to stay, uh-huh, "thank you very much,
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you helped me out so much, this is from me to you, no, no, no, i, no, this is for you, for you, you have such a wonderful smile, yes, how are you going home, yes, just like that, that’s it, i’ll take you , don’t be afraid, i’m not afraid, you are reliable. i don’t understand how reliable you are, but it’s not that these grasshoppers are jumping, young, if in your place there was a young man, you know what would happen, but you are all beautiful, no, a respectable man. perek is reliable, what are you all about
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reliability, like in a savings bank, it doesn’t matter, so what? here is our section head, she married a pensioner, 20 years older than her, and so that he doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, he’s a woman, you know, especially, well, in general, it’s reliable, let’s dance again. she's such a hassle, she'll cook him porridge, take him for a walk in the park , come home in the evening, sit down, look at the tv and his teeth on the shelf, she's the one joking, but he has a jaw like this, he puts it in a glass on the shelf at night, let's dance again, thank you , i danced.
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hey, pioneers, isn't it a little awkward? hello, sit, sit, sit, by the way, say good night, kids, you already missed it, but no, here’s the thing, i didn’t succeed math problem, and i went to maka. why is it so late, you know, i stayed late, had my teeth treated, and why didn’t they come for something, or what? no, masha and i have been watching no one for 2 hours. don’t lock it, yeah, why are
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they at home? what are you going to do? i am milk, i personally love kefir. quiet, jam, jam, come on, okay, here you go, take the cheese, no, don’t , leave it for the morning, you need more cheese for the night, you want some cheese.
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well, let's go,
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oh look, look how close it is already, but it looks like they're getting close to the house, we'll have to talk to the executive committee at the same time, they didn't touch either, oh well... him to break that they have no idea, or what? concept , concept, but i’ll brush it away so much that you won’t even recognize your own, concept, bye, and fluff, don’t bother you with practice, oh well, whatever, well, it’s still the first day, way to go, dad! thank you, grandpa.
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as a result of the exchange, the lukov family will receive a three-room apartment instead of a two-room apartment. labor, so i think it can be allowed as an exception. thank you, i am a friend, but there is no need to write down exceptions, exceptions for persons with the right to additional space or for promising families, just like that you see, that's not the case. just a minute. i don’t understand about the prospects, let’s agree that you and i, dear comrade lukov , can no longer be called promising, but don’t worry, we will consider your exchange, but the exchange is okay, we lived without exchange, we will live without exchange, but i want to understand , i’m like he’s alive, as they say, he hasn’t died yet, but why is there no
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prospects, but we’re talking about something else, about the prospect of forming a new family, great, my grandson is growing up, so we’ll talk about growing up. but i hope you don’t get married, oh this means perspective, and here suddenly at one fine moment i’ll get married , in fact, i’m always for humor, but here, well , why humor, no, let’s figure it out, if i get married, it means there will be prospects, comrade lukov , i’m sorry, i’m somewhat younger than you, but it never occurs to me to consider myself promising in this area, well, in vain, you’re a woman, i would say...
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“now i need to cut a groom out of you. well , okay, lyudmila, well i froze, i froze, well , i’ll go to this commission, well, if you want an order , i hope you don’t, simochka called, there is a more interesting exchange option after the new year, so every cloud has a silver lining, well, in general it’s good, don’t be angry with me, lyudmila, what’s wrong with dad, it’s all my fault, new movie, it’s your fault, well, of course it’s me, you have to be an idiot, entrust a serious matter to a man, that's it..." tell me, lukovs, at least once in your life you've done one good thing without me, that's it, sit still, otherwise i'll take your ear off and won't answer. no, grandpa, it's a pity why don't you get married, they would have left me to be raised by your wife would switch, just kidding, semyon ilyech, you
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understand me, yes, well, hello, of course , it worries me, it worries me very much, it worries me very much, you understand, go to class, guys, go to class, get your instrument ready, i’m on my way now, excuse me, yes no, do you understand? all some hints, omissions, whether to marry, not to marry , i don’t understand, semyonovich, all the hope is in you, you have to talk to him, find out everything, well, as you know how, subtly, unobtrusively, yes, here you are holding it in your hands queen, queen, queen, what thoughts come into your head, huh? la, well, you, you’re holding the queen, but what do you feel, it’s about something, and about something, and about nothing,
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forgive me, semyon, you may not be completely healthy, what kind of associations do you have, what’s wrong with you , with me, but nothing with me, what’s wrong with you? lyudmila can’t find a place for herself, oh, that’s it, that’s it, he ends up riding me around on a crooked goat, and i’m flapping my ears, yes, lyudmil, that means you’re glad to try, listen, lyosha, that you’ve decided to get married, and you can’t even imagine this, that you’re now a completely monk became, i yes... eh, you, yes, i also know
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, you know how, so tell me, you really decided to get married, what kind of people are you, getting married, getting married, is this really a prospect in life? , i’m thinking about something completely different, what? ksenia, are we really old people, who are we ? we ran to war, went to war, and now we’re running away from... why are you crying, you’re the first person in the house, at the factory, the director
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will crawl on your trousers after you, when you ask to retire, that it’s a well-deserved rest, a peaceful old age, it ’s like hypnosis, when i think about it, but i just turn into what you turn into, that’s how everything turns, i’m not me and no... and not from me, oh well, we’ll live a little longer , a second wind will come to us, although sometimes the second wind comes with the last breath, natalya, we need to talk, what should we talk about, i’m coming from work, i'm waiting for you, why not talk to the person? well, you see, my soul is like cats
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skribut, i offended you, i’m not proud, i forgive, that’s all, no, not everything, what did i think then, i thought you were human. whom you tell and he will understand, and you know how difficult it is in the world alone, yes, when my barbarian died, i also seemed to fade away, where are the children, i’m still alone once, see me off! whether ?
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dad, oh, i thought, dad, this is someone else’s grandfather, my daughter, come home, this is my little girl, go, i’ll be right back, she misses the little girl in hell. very much, and him? who, vitek? yes, your name is vite? i was fired from two jobs for drinking, and i acted stupid, couldn’t stand it, kept watch, he’s jealous, he promises to get married, but i don’t believe him, and you don’t really
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sympathize with me, i have young people... kozlov, that’s how many, they swear their love in batches, but they don’t invite you to marry, they don’t invite you , they don’t invite you, well, thank you for hanging out, talking, thank you, goodbye, goodbye. listen, this is the second time i’ve seen you here, keep in mind that the third time will be the last, i understand, who are you to tell me something, you’ll find out in the morgue, are you, are you stunned or something, you’re lucky that you’re
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old, otherwise, i would have been like you in my time. now i believe in my time, only your time has passed, and don’t argue with the witch, stop, so you’re a vitiok, natasha’s husband, no, just a vitiok, vitiok, who else, listen, this is a completely different conversation, then vidka, vidkova, well, now i’ll kill you. so, you’ve already killed three, what three are you, yourself, your daughter, your wife in a lousy bottle, if it were my will, you’re crazy, crazy, or something , vodka has eaten up all your memory, your mind, honor, conscience, and your body is stinking , vitek, for 30 years i haven’t earned my middle name, why peep from the corner, i would go home, waiting, my daughter,
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waiting, waiting, i saw it myself, yes, let me light a cigarette, no i smoke, i smoke. and this is rosa borisovna , our former neighbor, she’s cooking, you’ll love it, here ’s the most intelligent woman, the chief accountant from my music school, yes, dad, we have a scarce groom, a brides fair, and if lyoshka wants to get married, he ’ll find a bride for himself, we’re this nightmare we’ve already seen you in a restaurant, i don’t understand something, are you
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looking for a wife for him or are you looking for a kitchen partner for yourself? also, by the way, your whole life as a man depends on how a woman gets along in the kitchen, suddenly there will be arguments, quarrels, no, do you want dad to separate from us, left home, you want to break up our family , but i don’t want anything, that’s what i don’t want , dear, well, well, pretty, we already agreed, really, well, not for a visit, but just for a visit, well there is no need to dislike it.
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she looks just like our class teacher, but i don’t know. can’t you understand, he needs a person , a close person nearby, and what about us, well, that’s how she is, but you won’t have any bridesmaids with lyoshka, not a bridesmaid, name day, tomorrow is dad’s name day, well, well, i can’t invite my older friend to visit, pasha, and you are at the table in conversations? so unobtrusively you create an image of a father, what other image , attractive, just the way he is, a hard worker, smart, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, gentle
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character, neat, leshka, blue, great, dad, what’s this matchmaker that got into a fight, got into a fight, from - for what, for what, for what, for what are they fighting, because of a woman, and why are you alone, there are suitable ones, but they are married, the premiere on rtr, where i am at home, why are you talking like that, what?
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if you ask, then with a hint. the surname of which character from pushkin's works, all know. and what is 7.8? 7,8,8, how much will it be? those who are at work talk a lot and loudly. if you answer, then with humor. i am an oak tree. no, pinch. problems with water and light. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid, we are talking now, if you win, then 100 to one, today on rtr,
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i will still give birth to a child, i will marry dim , the child died, he is watching... on the weekend , i am your son, that you lied to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha was alive, now yours the wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and i ’ll turn the corner, i’ll solve this problem, it’s difficult to pass over the abyss of lies. damaged his spine, because of her our son may remain disabled, she took everyone’s life away, she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even more difficult to take a few steps to love,
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today on rtr, together with him we met the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto. the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia. they are going towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. march 2 on rtr. listen. are
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you suddenly freaking out? didn't understand. well, i mean , you're performing. and even clearer. well, why were you so quiet and calm before, but now you have an emergency every day, it takes a long time to explain, and i’m afraid, you’re a motherfucker. “you won’t understand this until now, and i won’t understand, i’m better than you, actually i understand, it’s nice to hear, well, you’re laughing in vain , because you and i are oppressed generations, it’s like, well, i still can’t do anything, but you can’t do anything anymore, it’s curious, look,
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grandpa, who, for example, is always in the yard , you and we, that is, boys and old people, and these so-called normal ones, they sit at home, in apartments, watching tv, they pull us into the yard, into the entrances, to their own people, this is natural, a new class of the oppressed, pioneers because... you're laughing in vain, grandpa, look, they're talking about us, they still have everything in the future, about you everything is already in the past for them, but what do we have in the present? this is exactly what i ’m thinking about, think, think about it, tell me, yes, otherwise... you know, pash, for some reason we
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stopped by lyudmila a little, yeah, well, well, she didn’t come out, she was offended, well you see, you should at least please her with something, bring some flowers. what about little kids? i haven't been to the theater for a long time, maybe i should go? no, let's take fish soup for fishing, it cooks better, we'll make you happy, oh, i'm glad, it doesn't move much around your stove, i'm glad. well, we'll do some general cleaning.
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oh, you honest mother, i was confused then in the executive committee about the house, i forgot, yes , look, they’re already getting ready, in theory they shouldn’t, they should, they shouldn’t, they’ll demolish it, and why are you writing a funeral for him ahead of time, but i’m i’ll go up the hill, grandma, tomorrow i’ll go, where, tomorrow, well, on monday i’ll go, but i won’t allow it, listen, dad, why is he doing this, and why, i’ve been at home for as long as i can remember, and i, well, what are you asking? way to go, dad, thank you, grandpa.
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hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye, delayed, oh, i’m not here today i almost overslept, thank you. hello, hello, and i’m watching everything, you know , and i’m thinking, is it you or not you, it’s me, but i didn’t recognize you right away, hello, but i recognized you right away, that’s what i wanted to say, please excuse me , for that, if you like it , please climb to your health until the first melzionert, but no, i’m not talking about that, i’m saying, i’m sorry that i made a commission like this, i didn’t want to offend you. what are you talking about, where
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did you get the idea that i was offended? no offense, absolutely, yeah, i understand everything, as a doctor, that, as a doctor, uncoordinated self-control, why, why, uncoordinated, no big deal, a common occurrence at your age, but... spasíba, spasiba, tak.
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there, uncle kolya came for something, and you saw that we are preparing a surprise for lucy, general cleaning, sit here, since, thank you, grandpa. pavel , i need to talk decisively with you, but i ’m not needed here, no, young man, it’s you that i need, the cup of patience is full, yesterday maria returned home at one o’clock in the morning, but
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she offended her and lyoshka, they were barking on the stairs , they barked, they didn’t bark, they were hiding, they were hiding from, as they say, fair retribution from the indignant residents of the house and mine, hey, what? here he is. last night , he and maria were dragged into the elevator, you know, it’s a large cargo table, a coffee table, a floor lamp, what else, an armchair. two armchairs, sitting in them at home, with newspapers in their hands, he in shorts and a t-shirt, she in her mother’s robe, when academician udalevich, who lives in our house, called the booth. and opened the elevator, he decided that he was in someone else's apartment, fainted, and what’s funny, what’s funny, what’s so funny about what you did, academician in a ruffle, pavel, i
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came to ask, or rather, to demand, i hope our school friendship allows me to do this , to demand that alexey stop all contacts with maria, nikolai, tell me, what... oh, this will be a long story, firstly, he disrupted maria’s participation in the mathematical olympiad, invited her as if to mushrooms, why did i take her away, shut up, then he taught her to play the stupid guitar , maria sits all day long, jamming like crazy, and then he physically, almost destroyed maria. forced to sit in the river under water, not to breathe , who would outlast whom, the girl almost suffocated , because alexey’s game was unfair, he was breathing through some kind of straw, that’s why i categorically insist on ending all relationships, alexei and maria,
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wait, nikolai , you wait, and you alyosha, go for a walk before being called to the carpet, kohl, maybe you’re just being dramatic? after all , a boy, a girl, it’s like that, but what a boy and girls, it would be wonderful, wonderful and normal, if the first feeling and so on, there is nothing in sight, there is a duet of hooligans, a duet of uncontrollable individuals , in which, excuse me, your alexey plays the first violin, that’s why i categorically insist, but you already said this, you removed it very pedagogically, alexey, let’s discuss the child’s behavior . at our level, yes, well, we ’ll discuss the child, yes, well, first, let’s discuss at our level you, why me , and you, nikolai, why have you become a sclerot, and why have you lost your memory completely?
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i don’t understand you, you don’t understand that masha yours, she’s all about you, it’s okay, i ’ll refresh your memory, do they tease you like they did at school? in the eighth grade, my deceased varvara mikhailovna ran to your mother, tearfully begging you not to let us in, so that you would let pashka finish school in peace, and i, if you remember you. after all, he let me into the attic , where you and pasha were building a rocket, from which our
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fire burned out, ah-ah-ah, such an old castan, mm, why so old, and if, and you are our guys from the class ? “i haven’t seen you for a long time, for a long time, pash, i even think maybe one of them died ours, indeed, have become old, no , if you come on, i don’t mean about old age, in the sense that you have become boring, but no, you said everything correctly, no, but as a father, you are of course right, we are leshki what he is entitled to legally, we’ll pour in, well, he’ll get what he deserves”? no, please, don’t, let’s forget, well, to be honest, i
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wouldn’t have come to life myself, ninka sent , well , she, a child dies, some father, saving a child, no, well, my little masha really beats math at once, no, in general my masha i’m a girl with a head, but of course, i’m all like you, of course, and that my head worked worse than yours, worse or better, if. 100 times better, come on, take off your glasses, why, well , take them off, i’m telling you, your head worked better than anyone else, come on, oops, patya, hey, hey, quiet, come on, come on, come here , oops. yeah, listen, let's get ours together, that's right , let's get them together, pasha, let's play in a vacant lot
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, monday after work, and monday in a vacant lot, lyoshka, oops, that's it, instrument, instrument, instrument, before... good afternoon, hello , lyusenka, lyusya has come, lyusya, here they’ve prepared a surprise for you, they’ve decided to do some spring cleaning, kolya has come, here. “hello, kolya, he wants
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to thank us about lyoshka, he was for the son you raised, you know, he is an example for my maria in literally everything, really, yes, a wonderful boy, well-mannered, full of imagination, charming, you know , anyone can expect a surprise from him, anything at all , thank you, this is for you, lyus, thank you, and pasha to you, to you, alexey palovich.” well, that means on monday after work, if you’re in a hurry, if you’d stayed, well, let’s play some more, but look how many vases are worth, this is next time, lyusenka, be healthy, well, wait, i’ll take you, it’s a pity, there won’t be a game, there won’t be any game, why won’t
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it happen, what do you think, how much did you drill, or what , won’t you come, or what? i won’t come, i have evening lectures on monday, don’t be sour, what are you doing, son, it’s okay, dad, everything’s fine. lyoshka, it seems like we haven’t had a holiday for a long time, yes, for a long time, listen, let’s have a birthday party for the kid, and what’s sunday? anniversary or something, they will give you gifts, grandfather, we will invite all of us, dad, in general, you know, since childhood i loved gifts and jam. hello, hello, a man's old age
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is when the sight of a beautiful girl evokes memories, not hope. yes, no, yes, yes. yes, let's go, let's go, let's go. only the first page of the dark book is written in poetry. the rest is harsh prose. leave this nonsense. i've been teaching you all my life. an aphorism not of stupidity, but of wisdom. yeah. you can write a whole novel, anna karenina. but you can only say one phrase: in love he loses his mind, in marriage notices this loss. not really. what is the theme of your aphorisms? listen, why open all the bottles, it will run out of steam, don’t grab it from the table, well,
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at least this is good, it’s gorgeous. “listen, ba, yes, the striped ones are better, but in my opinion, i actually can’t stand them, even for your yulia, well, you’re in vain, you’re yulia vasilievna, you don’t know, you’re a good woman, they say she’s so cheerful when it comes to the kitchen, she’s generally, pash, what’s
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your mood today, otherwise you’re making me look like this groom, or you’re painting vasilina as a bride”? well and what if you were in his bosom, like christ’s, what i say, i say, if you sold it with her, well, who sold it, whom, you sold your own father. you’re luring you into a trap , well, what a trap, well, you wanted to get married , lyuska decided to help you, listen, son , when your son becomes a man, and dad, don’t sniffle, how long will they turn you around like
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a tail ? dogs, no, not men, you can’t say a word in such a way that it’s clear to everyone, pasha lukov said it means that’s how it will be, you’re not a man, it happened that way, dad, what happened, how it happened, like this , lokuum never felt like a plowman, at first there was a son, that son, alexey pavelich lukovo, then he didn’t have time to look back, he was already a father, he was coming, ward, the boys were yelling, he was lyoshke lukova, the father went, that’s how it was, first someone’s son, then someone’s father , it’s like i’ve never been myself, well, dad, soon, well, semyon, they’re screwed, oh well, dad,
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just blink. but we are trampling, and you thought about this about a woman, how could you, how unashamed of you, after all, she came with hope, how can i look you in the eyes, well i don’t know what to do, but i’m not going there , listen, pasha, stand on the door, stand to death, so that they only pass through your corpse, and then they come, what do you know, he got sick, died,
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our patient, then i look at the burglar , he’s not going where, where, comrade sergeant, this citizen looks like what a burglar, what a patient, i, i, hello, hello, i just had guests at home, yes, they came to you, and you left, you wanted go for a ride, and we just gave you a car, what a car, stop playing the fool, the usual method of self-defense attacks, well, i’ll go, because to me, you ’ll go, only this way or that way, but no, i’d rather
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go there, all the best, you’re taking me to the madhouse. where, well, somehow to this mental hospital, why? well, you yourself said, i had to come up with something to let you go, thank you , well, you have a habit of hitting the wall, then the window, so hitting the wall for me, in short, going to work, going out the window for me. they wanted to get married, but you are under the wheels of our days, as soon as i hang around, but
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thank you very much, you helped me out, i ’m owed, just like that. quiet, like, yeah, 100 years of such silence, no i heard, and i walk here every evening, come here and walk, if i don’t interfere , of course, why bother, please,
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if my company suits you, why not, you’re a woman, well, i remember, i remember, as you said then, in the saku itself, no, sorry, i completely, i forgot about it, and i forgot, well, that’s good.
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nice guys, yeah, but explosive ones, who? these are cute, isn’t she preparing a new concert for an academician with an elevator? where should you carry out prevention? hey, you're musicians, let's go home now! what are you doing, grandfather? don’t you dare talk to adults, don’t you, then what kind of grandfather is he to you, what kind of dear, i said, stop, here, you see, we ’re all our own here, our own, i don’t understand anything, i ’ll explain, this is my dear grandfather , alexey pavlovich lukov, me too, alexey pavlovich, also, by the way, lukov, this is my friend masha, for some reason grandpa didn’t introduce us to you, popova, vera semyonovna, very nice, sergeevna, otherwise grandpa somehow attacked us that he forgot your middle name, forgot to tell us, hello, yes, hello, and before
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goodbye, let's go home , otherwise i'll have to listen to a reprimand again, no, we still want to go for a walk, well, you never know what you want , you know, you want, you never know, for many years, i 'll think about it myself and decide, oh, so, so, and i thought that you and i had a different relationship. well, that means i was wrong, and i don’t need this at all, i’ll figure it out myself somehow when i go to bed. who to study, who to marry? well, go home, we’ll talk there, groom, sorry, i forgot, the groom is you, it’s still a bit early for me, this is just right for you ripe, just like that, i saw.
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the groom was offended, and the bride ran to catch up with him, if only she could get there. yes, that’s how life turns around, everything that’s dearest to me is suddenly gone, everything that’s important that i lived with, i love him more than anyone, even more than my son, my whole life was focused on him. i lived,
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i thought, i dreamed, i hoped, here it is, the future and it’s all in vain, it’s not needed, yes, nothing worked out for me, what i dreamed of, i couldn’t, i couldn’t do it myself. “alexey pavlovich, everything will work out for you and nook, he was the one who asserted himself in front of the girl, but i probably didn’t adviser, i don’t have grandchildren, it’s your happiness that you don’t have such brats, happiness,
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the same”? happiness, if a person did not return from the war, forgive me, i didn’t know, forgive me, but what are you, what are you, i’m used to it all my life alone.
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message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly . live broadcast on february 29 on rtr. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to international
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exhibition. forum russia, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? did they just recommend that you never read american newspapers and fight right away at the russian pace? nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends there, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, they smoke and don’t run, on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about it alexander grigorievich, hello again, let him go, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show this? pasha, you are filming this , hello, hello , where is it happening, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more
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in the first person, you just tell me what and the rest, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr, it’s a double murder itself, not arrows, let’s go, there is reason to believe that your academician has something to do with this. direct relationship, i don't know no academician, one of my own , i propose to release all those detained by authority, you want to prove that you are smarter than the marshal, a film by sergei ursulik, liquidation, today on rtr, those who want to be in the know are watching... news of the week, a program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr.
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here and there, the disobedient ones, we need to stop , and then we’ll see who is there to stop him, and how do i know, i’m a representative, a vorano, an auditor, wait, wait,
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stop work here for now, this, this is why, why, why , emergency? circumstance, who are you? who, who? representative, me, what happened? what's happened? it’s been said, everything is about the circumstances, just like that, but i have a plan for your circumstances, wait, now i’ll tell you everything, here. that’s the reason, not silent, the bomb has just been discovered, the competent authorities will arrive now, the rumor is not spreading, silence,
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stop, stop, dad, what are you talking about, i’m crushing you. i can barely hold the brakes, you ’re interfering with my work, but people are gathering, you’re a guy, forgive me for the bomb, but i had to stop you somehow, but you can’t destroy this house, it’s impossible , but turn off your chatter, you tell me, dad, this is your house, not mine, but it must be preserved, wait, wait, it must be preserved, well, is it historical value or what? , historical, just like that, come on dad, with houses like this, but wait a minute? guy, wait, you don’t know if you’ll understand me , what’s your name, mikhail, my name is, look at that bank, you see, over there, you saw
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, i suppose, there’s all the dug up, trenches, i’m right i sat in these trenches when the fascists were from here they were driving, well, you know what was all around, the fortress wall over there, and it tore it apart, what ? that night, roar, death, in the morning it’s barely cleared, we look, and the house is standing, tomorrow again at night, and in the morning we look, the house is standing, enchanted, as if it turns out, though, somehow i’m not doing well, listen, listen to me, there is no way to break it. it needs to be preserved, you understand, misha, misha, he restored the fortress wall, that’s right, but you’re breaking this house. yes, we, our fellow soldiers, we gather near this house every 2 years,
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right next to him, because the memory of him is like russia, or something, i’m pushing the point again , but no, just what’s your name, alexey pavlovich, alexey pavlovich, well, before you should have gone to kolkolat, well, it’s my fault, it’s my fault , you yourself understand, every day is bustle, bustle and we put off the most important things until monday, i’m playing today, if tomorrow. it won’t happen, excuse me, yes it will, misha , it will definitely happen, have a light, i don’t smoke, neither do i, here you go, keep your collar and this show-off, and i’m in the city committee, tell semyon to ask for me day off, but i’ll come in after work and check, nothing, the guy is reliable, well, otherwise he played tricks here with the wire.
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here she is, after how many years she caught up, well, nothing, alexey pavlovich , you can’t touch her, she won’t touch her, she’s going crazy, mikhail, urgently go to the police, there is, pavel, call the military registration and enlistment office, it’s clear, alexey and i will block the roads, so they’ll take this fool away out of town, and there they'll rush, and you alexey, stop to death, what... no one got through, it's clear, look, grandfather, brakes, stop,
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quickly, i say, let's go, let's go, grandfather, what are you doing, lie down, what are you , quickly, we need to go upstairs, me if your leg won’t reach you, i’ll help you, hold on to me, i’m telling you, hold on to me , you won’t reach me, i’ll tell you, well, no, no , hurry up, sit down, areshka hurry up, let go, lie down, let him go, no, let me go, no, right here, it worked out, well, let me go, well, these yellow ones, teska, well, find yourself someone else. take it easy, okay
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, perhaps there’s no need for anything else, we’ll make do, oh ! water it a little, but the wedding will heal, teddy, i was wrong, i was wrong, but if you look into it, i’m more wrong, i raised my hand against you, i’ll never forgive myself for this, i’m young, i’m the first i had to restrain myself, but... i’m old, so your nervous system is nowhere, but where are you?
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there, read what doctors write about you, accelerators, in short, lesh, you’re wrong , but no, grandfather, it’s you who are wrong for thinking that you’re wrong, because i’m right that i ’m wrong , i, that is, how, just like that, call, it’s unclear, they’ll be there now, why are you sitting here, something happened, that our commander raised a panic, and a bomb? pedal bomb, rusty fool, oh, lukova, this bomb was lying around, didn’t touch anyone, no, you definitely need zoons in there mine. a nose, three noses, like three children, but
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what woman can withstand three men alone? lyudmil, don’t think, we appreciate, we ... understand, you understand, if you understood , you should jump into the fire, they put me in an idiotic position, who knows who, they also made me a clown at the fair, hello , you yourself were babbling about marriage , firstly, it was not i who was babbling, but you, and secondly, i have my own ideas about this, bless, bam, we’ve already seen that... there with ours i found it convoluted, because kindergarten, dad, yes let the grandfather marry whoever he wants , please don’t interfere, it’s none of your business, but what is this business, our family, you can be silent when the father is talking, but why are you making noise at the child, because i’m his father, and i’m your father, you’re my father, and i’m his father, yes, you’re my father, but he’s my grandfather, and
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your father, okay, enough of the onion, fathers and grandfathers, i’ll arrange it for you, i’ll arrange it for you, i’ll arrange it for you, i will give birth to your daughter, hello, masha, mom, you see, masha and i have a very important matter that needs to be discussed, we are about to. hello, oh, doctor, tell me, please, what’s wrong with them, when can i take them home, i myself would like to know about this, but it’s impossible to find out anything,
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the doctor on duty is not there, yes. pasha, let's go, we need to find the doctor on duty, sit down, thank you. well, you threw something away again, so, child, honestly, well, of course, it’s not my fault, it just so happened, thank you for coming, thank you very much, yes, what, what, you’re welcome, it’s just that when i found out, i
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was scared, thank you, you are a wonderful woman, you... yes, yes, yes, i heard, i heard, in saku itself, look, again we’ll quarrel, for no reason, and you ’ll forgive me for those words, excuse me, yes, well, i said that i’ve already forgotten everything, well, yes, you’ll forget it , it’s ours who will make a joke about you, that you’re in the deep end, and you’re right i got punched back then, that’s right, i understand, a compliment to compliments, a woman of your age, goodbye, wait, where are you going, we’ll sit still , there’s no time, i have to go to work, despite my age, oh, that’s not what i meant , i won’t let you in,
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i was waiting for you to come, that is, i hoped you would come? left, that is, leave, i won’t let you in, and you won’t do anything to me, that’s why, yes, because you yourself said that i have uncoordinated control over myself, will you compote?
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yes, and i thought i got it, the damned war, but no, nothing, the house is still standing and will remain standing, of course. and it will stand in front of our children, and what about in front of our children, and in front of our grandchildren.
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hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air from the studio, the main thing is this now. celebrations in honor of
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defender of the fatherland day ended with a grand fireworks display in russian cities. the russian army launched a new attack on ukrainian armed forces facilities in dnepropetrovsk. drone production workshops have been hit. zelensky's mission failed. poland ignored a meeting with the ukrainian delegation at the border, which is blocked by farmers. russian athletes became the first champions of the games. fatherland.
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in moscow, festive fireworks were launched simultaneously from sixteen sites. the evening sky of the capital was decorated with 11 thousand incredibly colorful flashes. the most spectacular pyrotechnic show was organized in the park. victories on poklonnaya hill. in addition, fireworks were observed by residents of cities where the headquarters of military districts, fleets, combined arms armies and the caspian flotilla are deployed. at 21:00, festive fireworks thundered on the embankment named after the sixty-second army in volgograd. the salvos were made from artillery guns from the great patriotic war. in murmansk, according to tradition, fireworks were fired from the myssa congregation. hundreds of residents came to the city center and the maritime terminal to admire the spectacle. 30 colorful volleys lit up the sky in novorossiysk, and a military salute was launched from the western pier of the seaport. in samara, a bright light show
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took place at the favorite place of the townspeople, the embankment of the volga river, the artillery of the combined arms army of the central military district fired 30 salvos from d-30 howitzers, and more than 350 fireworks were released from fireworks installations based on the camas sky vehicle. over the course of a week, russia carried out 37 group strikes with high-precision weapons on the military infrastructure of ukraine, according to the ministry of defense, these are military-industrial complex enterprises, military airfields, arsenals, fuel depots, and locations of nationalist mercenaries. all targets were hit, including ukrainian armed forces facilities in dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. in odessa, several drones hit the territory of a factory where a service base for unmanned boats was located. explosions also occurred at the port in the region. area on the danube in dnepropetrovsk, the yuzhmash and dnepr tyazh mash plants were hit. they carried out orders from ukroboronprom. after the impact, a series
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of explosions were heard and a strong fire began. in the special operation zone in the donetsk direction, our troops waged active battles all week and liberated the village of pobeda. the enemy on this section of the front lost more than 2,500 military personnel, 12 tanks and three dozen armored fighting vehicles. about how our artillerymen support the advance of russian troops towards chasovo yar, a report by military correspondent mikhail andronik, gun, shot! the crew of the d-30 howitzer of the volunteer corps as part of the southern group of forces strikes at enemy troops in the yar area, targets arrive one after another, a group of infantry, an enemy mortar, the successful advance of our troops in the direction is indicated by the fact that even the artillery has been moved far beyond the borders artyomovsk and solidar. each of our hits is a speck in this large sea, but
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it brings our victory closer. the main movements of the enemy at the front. volunteers constantly listen to the night sky, if you hear the noise of propellers , the algorithm of actions has long been worked out, it is advisable to go into shelter, if you are somewhere in the landing, carefully slowly move behind a tree, there is a chance that you will not be noticed, and even the slightest sound we need to leave, according to the fighters, the war is changing rapidly and we are not giving up in this race. enemy on on the side of which the entire so-called collective west is changing, and in a positive direction for us, no doubt - in quantity and quality, first of all , drone personnel, again, the war of drones is going on , accordingly, in ammunition, again , let’s say in the twenty-second year, we
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experienced a significant lack of them it even happened like that. is he gone now? no, thank god. after completing fire missions, the crew quickly camouflages the gun and goes into cover to rest and drink tea. in the bunker the artillerymen even have their own small underground vegetable garden, a source of fresh vitamins during the war. let's go, the fighters of the flame volunteer corps unit are working on clearing a populated area. something that may be useful to them in the very near future. we test each other out, because every time there’s a new fighter, every time this. we need to understand, well, yes, who is going by what number , where they are going, what they are looking at for what, it’s clean, the second floor, the second, more and more new volunteers continue to arrive every day in the area of ​​the special military operation, all the older guys who served in the army, they see, that the war goes on for a long time, they watch it, in the end they come for victory, to help, so that
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russia goes on. after the end of combat coordination , in the near future these volunteers will have to face the enemy, they are ready for this. mikhail andronik, anton musekyan, donetsk and lugansk people's republics. vladimir putin held a working meeting with the head of the chechen republic ramzan kadyrov, as the kremlin press service reported, the conversation was devoted to the socio-economic development of the region, as well as chechnya’s contribution to the special military operation. already next month , a unit of the headquarters of the moscow military. districts will be located in a renovated building on kosmodomianskaya embankment. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu and the mayor of the capital sergei sabyanin inspected the historical site after extensive renovations; the building, which belongs to the cultural heritage of federal significance, was not only restored, but also equipped with the most modern equipment. about what the result looks like, dmitry castre. presidential order, prepared a building for
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the moscow military district, signed act, your colleagues. we completed the restoration , reconstruction of the building, transfer, historical event, the comprehensive restoration of the historical building on the cosmo-domianskaya embankment lasted only a few months, large-scale work began only in october last year, today the minister of defense sergei shaigu and the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin inspected the ready-made operation of a historical city building. that on such a fairly compact object, and even with restoration, there were 500 works to be done at the same time, of course, because there are special requirements both from the ministry of defense and from the protection of the monument , nevertheless, i came here on record days, there were under 800 there were under 800 workers in the city center in
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a building on the cosmo-dominian embankment. very soon the services and divisions of the headquarters of the moscow military district will be located , which will appear by spring, according to the decree of the russian president on the reorganization of the western military district, into two new strategic territorial associations of the armed forces, moscow and leningrad military districts. shaigu personally monitored the progress of sergei’s work. and i came here regularly, i know, everything is for a long time. hopefully forever. to understand the level of complexity of the restoration , just look at these frames. in the mid-nineties , renovation work had already begun here, but it was completed then. were not, the facades of the premises were badly damaged, the load-bearing structures were in disrepair, specialists from the municipal services complex organized a 24-hour labor front here, strengthened the foundation, they made
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a new roof, replaced the ceiling and all engineering systems, all communications, the ground was taken out, uh-huh, everything is hidden, everything is closed, everything is hidden, everything is in the corridors, in the sewers, there is nothing open, energy and weak points, ventilation, the whole facility. cultural heritage of federal significance, one of the few buildings of the so- called pre-fire moscow. it was created long before the patriotic war of 1812 by the architect legrand, as part of the ceremonial river facade of the ancient capital. vintage lithograph photographs give us an idea of what this masterpiece of architecture looked like in those years. the building was built in the 15th century and housed the creek commissarat, that is , the department that was responsible for supplying the russian army. in his office among.
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it was housed here from 1933 to 2010. on the facade you can see memorial plaques with the names of those who headed the district in different years or served in it in different years. in fact , the names of budenov and meritskov, moskalenko and govorov, the victorious military leaders, are known throughout the country. working according to historical samples, restorers recreated the original appearance of the building and its interiors, the main staircase of the central building was put in order, and two 122-mm howitzer guns were returned to their historical place. a huge job, a huge job, i found gratitude, thank you, yes.
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the buildings are equipped for the full and efficient work of the headquarters staff, who will be located here in march. dmitry kayster, viktor prikhodko, lead. russian athletes became the first champions of the games of the future in kibatleti. people with disabilities compete in this discipline. in the tournament 10 teams from different countries participated, and finals in fidgetel hockey and martial arts were also held. the results of the fifth day of the competition were summed up by ainur valiakhmetov. the long-awaited moments of happiness and the moment for which they even had to play extra time. the hockey finals of the games of the future were in no way
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inferior to world competitions in intensity; until the last second it was unclear who would take away the main trophy of the games. maximum concentration during the part, because this stage determines with what score the game will continue on the ice, additional excitement. or four pairs, the most memorable fight of the representative of tajikistan, he promised vladimir putin to win at the opening, he kept his word, there was additional responsibility, he pressed a little, but
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after i came out in the cage, i tried to keep calm in my head and thank god , what happened, the games of the future olympics without barriers, the final competitions in the discipline of cybathletics, athletes with disabilities compete here, russia continues to be open, despite the complexity of the situation, we once again demonstrated that we are pioneers, we do not close ourselves, we give the opportunity to new trends to be realized, and most importantly, this direction is aimed at education, creating a culture among young people, the unusual format of the competition has already been appreciated.
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in general, everything seemed to be from the future, i sat and did not understand what was happening, were we really already somewhere in the galaxy, titled athletes themselves took part in exhibition matches, ahead of the games of the future, finals in digital disciplines. ainur valakhmetov, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, vladimir minyaylov, lead kazan. we receive new reports from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world, they will tell the news. are you crazy? who did i tell to look at the project? today. what's your name? lyuba. let me help. god, i recognize this look, anton
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, you are in love, you are drawn to simpletons to rewrite your life, choose brighter colors, you are a young, beautiful woman, by the way, i intend to court you today, anastasia videnskaya, divorced, i would like i held on to him with my teeth, pyotr boranchiev, i dream a wife like you, alla yuganova, i’m different. we are different, you understand, you are a prince, and i am nobody, lyuba, lyuba, draw me, happy, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore,
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why isn’t it a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch, watch on the media platform. substation, first. castes that we are looking at, we can practically hide here nowhere is impossible, everything is clearly visible , cleared, from the branding borya will have time to send a short video of how he is walking along the endless zaporozhye steppes, his last report, we don’t want to, we want to, who doesn’t want to, why are you standing here, the homeland must be defended, a point was born he went on vacation and drove me, held me in his arms and came back, that’s right, we are standing in the trench where i personally dug. tv is all there, in
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principle, so not detached, as they say, in peace, the guys who are here at the moment, they are writing history 15 km away from us combat contact, well, we are approaching the position of the heroes, special report by boris maksudov. it was important for him to see with his own eyes those whose ordinary lives had turned into an everyday feat. premiere today on rtr. my name is anna ostroskaya , i work in the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, four people died, a whole family, you see me, yes, this is my gift, we are investigating your murder, she is not afraid of ghosts, how could i not understand before.
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you are my destiny, get out, you can’t forget him, she’s afraid to be among them, i tell you spoke about death, it is inevitable. she is always there, i will die soon, anna metiu, continuation, we look at rtr on monday, immediately 500 new anti-russian sanctions were imposed in the united states, not directed against the military.
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the largest failure of cellular networks in the united states. waking up in the morning, the americans discovered that they were left completely without communication. we keep an eye on the latest news. this morning, cellular communications were disrupted across the country, with tens of thousands of subscribers affected by a massive mobile operator outage. rescue services and police urged citizens to contact help through social networks. while experts attributed the failure to solar flares, provider companies remained silent. in the absence of information, there was talk of possible cyber attacks and even anti-satellite weapons. russia is once again at the epicenter of the us election campaign. every election it seems the republicans are allied with the russians , using russian intelligence to interfere in the elections. remember how in 2016 donald trump said: "hey russia, if you can hear me, find hillary clinton's emails, five hours later they found her email was hacked. relations with moscow and
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further support for kiev are now the main fault line of the american elites." after the failure of ukraine at the front, the mood in washington is panicky, and president... biden has completely stopped following his speech. in addition to curses, the white house has another strategy for action in ukraine no, time is not on the side of the west. many people are now talking about this military conflict as a dead end. i'm afraid i believe that at the moment the situation is actually not that deadlock. the russians have gained momentum. so, i think the russians feel that the situation has changed and that, although there is still a lot of struggle, the initiative has passed to them. and the question, of course, is what to do about it. the russian threat is on all fronts, the democrats are whipping up hysteria. will president biden speak from russia in his annual state of the union address if congress does not approve a bailout package for kiev, and if biden is even able to give this long speech. mr.
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president, have you delayed your state of the union address to win the election again? when the us got tired of ukraine everything, but how to get out of the conflict? having lost face unclearly, the white house announces another package of anti-russian sanctions, totaling 500. on the white house website there is a statement about this by joe biden. export restrictions on 100 companies that allegedly help russia circumvent previous sanctions. the meaning of these useless steps is no longer explained to us citizens, although washington itself admits that they still have not achieved their stated goals. the american press, which predicted the collapse of the russian economy, now... writes about its growth and strengthening. russia's inherent strength, based on vast oil and natural gas reserves, provides financial and political stability that can survive western opposition. those to blame for the failure of the ukrainian project are now being actively sought among enemies in the united states itself. and there’s nothing new here, they’re blaming
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each other. the witch hunters have already labeled the republicans led by trump as communists; they have found a secret pro-russian faction in the party itself, which... is allegedly blocking aid to kiev. they surrendered to the communists, they surrendered. mike johnson has given up communists, former communists, communist imitators. mike johnson gave up, donald trump gave up to vladimir putin a long time ago, he gave up to the umpteen a long time ago. but trump is not going to surrender to biden, although the democratic campaign headquarters is now closely monitoring all trump’s speeches and also catches him with reservations, and the former president’s statements about the future.
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drastic measures. the chinese ministry of defense issued this warning to washington. china is alarmed that america is preparing to hand over to taiwanese authorities a new shipment of weapons worth $75 million. discontent. american congressmen who arrived in taiwan also called for the film. details in the report of our own correspondent in china, alexander baelsky. this, of course, is not former speaker pilossi, but the very status of mike gallagher, as the head of the us house of representatives committee on strategic rivalry with the chinese communist party, has already made beijing excited, because no matter how washington presented this visit as unofficial, they say the white house is for members of parliament not in the answer. gallagher is already in taipei said everything. for myself personally, for both american parties and even for the white house, which is definitely not about
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the fact that taiwan is part of china. we come today as democrats and republicans to demonstrate our bipartisan support for this partnership, which, thanks to your leadership, i think is stronger and more enduring than ever. the american hawk was being kind to lai qingde, who had already been elected but still had not taken office as the head of taiwan, from the invain who was still sitting in the chair, and so right away. it was clear the taiwanese lame duck is not at all foreign to americans. residents of northeastern wisconsin would gladly welcome your participation in our political race, but every joke is only part of a joke, because the pro-american party in taiwan performs its anti-beijing function regularly, the congressmen accompanying gallagher confirmed. the state debt approved the sale of an advanced tactical data transmission system to the taiwanese military for seven more. china calls on
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the us to stop selling arms to taiwan and its military contacts with taiwan, to stop create factors that could lead to tension in the taiwan strait. there is more than enough tension the other day. the taiwanese coast guard rammed a boat with chinese fishermen, two drowned and two more were saved, they confirmed they were fishing nearby. but it’s only 5 km from the chinese coast and people who come here to fish always criticize the harsh actions of the taiwanese authorities and even criticize their own people. the forces are following the orders of the ruling democratic progressive party, and if they look at this issue from the point of view of the so-called supporters of independence, how can there not be an accident? in response , the chinese coast guard began to actively patrol the waters around kinmein and even detained them. tourist boat, footage of how the officers boarded the inspection, it took exactly 30 minutes, taiwan then tried
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to present it as beijing’s abuse of its powers, but beijing considers this territory its own. beijing plans to begin the reintegration of taiwan into the general chinese economy in neighboring kin me and proposes to build a bridge that will connect all men with the nearest islands. by the way, the project has already been supported there. the pro-american authorities in taiwan look at this project, like any economic cooperation with beijing. kosa, i believe that china is simply preparing to buy the nearest islands. information has already appeared in the press that american military advisers are being sent to kinmeni. military maneuvers are also being carried out on the neighboring penghu archipelago, which is controlled by taipei. the next round of escalation in the tavan strait may be provoked by new plans of the pentagon. it is reported that they are ready for chinese shores pull together five aircraft carrier strike groups with escort ships. alexander baalsky, evgeny samsonov, nikolai petrov, news.
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several wagons of ukrainian grain, which was heading to germany, were dumped at the darahuski railway station. hundreds of trucks heading to ukraine have been stuck in traffic jams for almost a week due to protests on the border with slovakia. demonstrators also stopped the work of the checkpoint on the czech-slovak border. more and more protesting farmers are on the streets of paris, where an agricultural salon opens today, the main agricultural country exhibition. demonstrators set up camp in front of the versailles gates. major flooding in brazil. in the state of rio
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, cars, along with drivers and passengers, were carried away by the flood. passers-by tried to save people ; a family with an eight-month-old baby died in one of the cars. ten victims are reported, more than 100 people are listed as missing, dozens of houses are flooded, thousands of residents are in temporary accommodation centers. equipment, the presence of carabiners and ropes, another in the helicopter is already rising to a height, while one group is preparing ammunition, checking
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from there, air firefighters are performing a descent with a special device, now the helicopter is rising to a height of approximately 10 m , subsequent descents will be from 15-20 and forty, practicing the same actions helps to avoid mistakes in the future. skills honed to the point of automaticity are needed to deliver cargo to people in hard-to-reach areas where it is impossible to land an aircraft where other equipment cannot reach. the training goes on non-stop, dropping one group, the helicopter immediately returns for the next. in hand fire paratroopers only have a cord, they have a clear algorithm of actions in their heads, which is already... established during training on a ten-meter tower, they are very different from training from a helicopter, here the wind, weather conditions are completely different, the altitude is higher, in training, on simulated descents, it’s completely different there, there’s no such adrenaline, you need to perform five launches from different heights, this is practice for the employees
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of the amur air base, the final after a whole course in preparation for the next fire season. disciplines. extinguishing forest fires, airborne training, passing tests in physical education, safety precautions, radio communications , will receive permission to extinguish fires, to carry out their work to extinguish fires, well , to perform descents, compliance with safety requirements and the ability to work in a team, skills that save lives in the daily fight against fire, in a real emergency , there must be complete mutual understanding in the group, adrenaline, there is nothing complicated, their job. you know, you do, in total in the amur region this spring 168 paratroopers and paratroopers of the amur air base. annual training sessions where they practice their knowledge help them do their job perfectly. galina makushchenko, leonid kasuvan, conduct the amur region. emilia zmanyana from
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the lepetsk region suffered from a rare genetic disease in which the slightest scratch can lead to serious consequences. only the child can be saved. the girl urgently needs a bone marrow transplant , how can we help? alexander ivanov. the lipetsk regional children's hospital has already become a second home for emilia, twice a year. she has been brought here for a month for a blood transfusion. the girl has a rare congenital disease. emilia has a hereditary congenital disease called omegacoriocytic thrombocytopini. with this disease, the bone marrow does not produce platelets due to complications in the girl . bleeding, hemorrhages in the brain. after these medical procedures, the baby is cheerful and cheerful, laughs, plays, loves to draw, but after a couple of days the disease manifests itself again, children at her age are just discovering the world around them, they learn to walk and fall, and this is normal, but for emilia, any bruise can lead to very serious consequences. she is fragile, she has one wrong bone,
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she immediately has a hematoma, she even has a bruise under her eyes, how could she do this somewhere easily ? they grabbed her, she even has it all over her body, she’s crawling, she has these, what’s-his-name, bruises on her legs, because it all forms into hematomas, it’s impossible, no matter how carefully we are with her, as i put it with crystal vase, treat this innate it’s useless to use pills and mixtures , only a bone marrow transplant helps, but unfortunately, the baby’s close relatives are not suitable for this operation for medical reasons, and if everything is left as is, emily’s condition will rapidly deteriorate, that’s what? then everything progresses, it either turns into plastic anemia, due to bone marrow depletion, or into acute lycosis , followed by cancer, within 5 years this all happens. a phenotypically identical donor for the girl was found in germany, but to deliver him to russia and carry out the operation, funds are needed a little more than 4 million rubles.
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the geography of good humanitarian foundation has undertaken to help collect them. the girl needs this help very urgently, anyone can help her... just send an sms to the short number 8903 with the word miracle and indicate the desired amount of help through a space, for example, miracle space 500 to the number 8903. doctors assure that after the operation all the problems emilia will remain in the past, she will be able to develop like an ordinary child, but there is no time to waste; the faster the transplantation takes place, the greater the chance of a quick recovery. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, elena varantsova, olga allenkina and mikhail shum, conduct the lipetsk region. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website see you.
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you look one hundred to one, what is our task, open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then it’ll be a breeze. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. who speaks a lot and loudly at work , if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid, now beep, if you win, then hurray! and 100 to one, oops, today on rtr, you
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will return the money to me now, if you do not repay me the debt this week, in a day i will take away everything you have, everything, you will soon meet your father, well, your father died in accident when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat, if you find that person who is tormenting me... pure psychology, on friday on rtr, sunday, we went for lard for the new year,
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and there we kissed, it hurts to smile, because everyone is so sincere, everyone is kind, you love bye, darling, be jealous bye. won't we get to the water? no, we won’t get there, half the ice is almost one and a half meters, how much? one and a half, one and a half meters, yeah, so what next?
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well, now we need to pour restrictive drinks in there? no, i’m at work, i can’t, have some tea, let’s have some tea, so what now, drink ah... frosty, clean air, transparent , like a tear, ice, the most unusual kiss in my life, a kiss from nature itself, good morning, friends, almost every tourist here does this trick, it’s called the baikal kiss, i’m on alkhon, alkhon is the largest island of lake baikal and the only one inhabited, although when you rush along the icy surface kilometer after kilometer, without a soul around,
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you begin to doubt whether this is really so? lyosha, what is the correct name for this vehicle? is this a hovercraft? yes, well, this is the one common transport for baikal. tell me, here is alkhon island, does it happen that you are cut off from the mainland there due to bad weather or something else? yes, of course it happens, the wind is strong, for example, when it starts to unravel here, the ferry crossing stops, the khius begin to work, well, the crossing there is 500 m, well, these 500 m still need to be overcome, but of course, when there is a very strong wind, the khius cannot go , and how many people live on alchon in general, well , somewhere around 1400, somewhere around 15, maybe somewhere around 15 people, how do people live, tourism, by the way, tourists come here tens of times more than the number of local residents , they are drawn... of course, first of all, for the protected landscapes, it is very beautiful, and olkhon is also considered the sacred center of baikal and the place where the spirits of the lake live. we are where
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alkhon begins, or maybe, on the contrary, ends, its westernmost point, mysburkhan and the shaman rock. this postcard view is familiar even to those who have never been to baikal. it is on postcards that the shaman is most often depicted, and among the locals this rock is considered sacred. not by chance, not far from it there are these pillars with an erge. previously , horses were tied to them, but today they tie ribbons. this is why pillars are considered a place. in shamanism, a person turns to higher powers through a ribbon, he says a request to it, ties it, and the wind picks up these words and brings them to the gods, this has its own magic, just look at it, perfect and absolutely beautiful, rivals nature in creation a beautiful task is of course a thankless task, but in tandem with it something no less bewitching can come out. we already
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for the second year we are holding a symposium on lidoplasty, when sculptors come without sketches, and nature tells them images that they must refine, this is something that is not made from cubes, that’s what it ’s called, it’s called splashes, splashes that are formed as a result of baikal waves winds, well, this is really interesting, and this is such co-creativity, co-creativity of the master and baikal, water and soul, yuri, it’s very nice that you feel this way, right in my soul, yes, you understand our concept, i understand the complexity, yes, no anyone can come up, take it like this, see it and with a few movements of the chisel give this image a finished look, or just see something in the rock, yes, but perhaps this unique landscape can be
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delivered as a sculpture, this is also one of... direction of lidoplasty, and we have sculptors from all over russia, from khabarovsk to st. petersburg, there are even guys from mongolia, wow, yes, well, i’ll go meet the guys, of course, thanks, guys, hello, well, to be honest, who saw the fish, oh, well, that’s all, well, he says, that i, the first day we walked and didn’t see anything, we were already upset, these types were better that year, no, well, i walked like this, i said, oh, an angler fish and... i say exactly what is more interesting to make sculptures out of ice blocks or try to somehow beat this real beauty of baikal, here you can probably fully reveal your potential, in rare cases we add, here we have an anglerfish, we added teeth, added a fishing rod to it, and literally right here they mined these hummocks for fins, it’s all collected under their feet, they didn’t processed, that's how we raised them, so there in their original form, generally here on
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baikal... like nowhere else, every artist has the right to his own vision, this work is called the creator of the universe, so i see that this is some kind of fog, smoke and he something is blowing out, what he is blowing out, objects, images , planets, maybe, most likely, all these are small universes, but they are just emerging, everyone sees what they want, well, that is, yes, just balls, even just soap bubbles, at first you keep yourself within some limits, yes, usually you have a block, you’re done equally enclosed in some kind of frame, you have a sketch , everything you already... and here it’s just that you need to accustom yourself a little to free yourself baikal summer is special, of course you’re just standing on the water , cutting the water, the feeling is indescribable, tell me to make a sculpture out of wood, out of plaster, out of cement, this it’s practically for centuries and your creativity will melt away in the spring, it’s not a shame, it’s not a shame because well, these are our standards, we measure it there for centuries for centuries, here’s a melody at...
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a concert and a musician plays, it generally lasts 5 minutes, but there is improvisation, which was played once, it will not be repeated, it will not be repeated, but it remains in the hearts of people, and this is the most important thing, after all , i, a beginning sculptor, have not yet been trusted to work with splashes, but have been given an ice block, but i received one as a mentor one of the most experienced craftsmen here, lesha, he’s been working with ice for 25 years, although he never studied it professionally, being a metallurgist he built... the ice towns at the plant are so drawn out, i admit, it’s drawn out, that’s not the right word, just like that, listen, but it’s true that it’s a singing dream, but it’s fascinating, it’s a certain zen, no, this is a certain ding, listen, it’s very easy, i thought
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there would be such a resistant material, with ice there are, of course, its own difficulties, well, its fragility, do you feel when you can make a mistake, well, predict? it happens that you can see how the ice still shows and dictates, but how with your hands or hearing, somewhere by hearing, somewhere by eye, somewhere intuitively, now the cross turns out, it’s simple, but what to do when you ’ve taken one movement broke what i did for two days, maybe you have some kind of superglue, i don’t know, well, we have special glue, water, excellent, and quite inexpensive, yes. what's next? in general, i think ice loves edges, that is, one ray of light hits and the sculpture opens up like a diamond, yes, in fact, a few movements and the ice turns, ice turns,
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ice turns into a beautiful crystal, well, you’re just playing it, i’m not i understand, neither the force of the cut, nor the direction, how is this experience, of course, this is... i have behind me, one might say, a huge iceberg of chopped ice, every year i just turn it up by the dozens of tons. with your hands, you can finish this disgrace from this side, we will change places with you, because well, this part of my work, i already like it, me too, thank you very much, here is beauty, you can take it from here, baikal ice, baikal seal, everything next to which the word baikal appears automatically becomes somehow special, or , for example, baikal fish soup from baikal omul on baikal water, well, where else will you try this, what the heck,
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i brought the most important thing, great, you have how, only you i’m waiting, great, and not only you alone, but also omul, tell me, do you love this one, i adore it, it seems to me, no, fish than omul, because all the rest are already such raw fish, such as perch, sorog, on alkhon no one even eats red fish, although they can afford it, everyone only eats omul, but what is omul valued for, for its taste? the fact that it lives in cold water, because of this it accumulates very valuable fish oils, and omegas, which is why it has such a certain taste, in general, we crush the ice, drown it, and about preparing vegetables. don’t forget, tell me, is it true that the water on lake baikal is so clean that you can even drink it, yes, in the summer we always just take water from the beach in a mug from the shore, drink it, as soon as the water boils, throw potatoes into the saucepan, and at the same time cut up the fish, we were a little
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frozen here while you were getting water, well , to be honest, so was i, and what is considered exotic on the island, there are some products that are scarce, pineapples, for example, well, with the muddy roads some things become... these are scarce products in stores, for example, milk or some kind of sausages, delicacies, with fruits and vegetables, some problems begin until the road is opened, but this is precisely this period of winter, yes, well, in the spring as well, and what do you do then, well, how do we survive for those who, who can? , who was able to make some supplies, so, well, turn on the imagination, fantasy, soup from a rooster, porridge from an ax. that’s how we live, we chop the carrots into the soup , throw in the whole onion, when the vegetables are a little cooked , add the fish, a little later add a mixture of salt and spices and a bay leaf, well, in general it’s a classic, but sasha has his own
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chips to make the fish soup especially tasty, the first trick is not to remove the fat from the somul fish, the second is a stack of the secret hot ingredient, well, what exactly is this one? how's the scent? what else? cook for a couple more minutes and finally taste. be healthy. your health. great. very good. so hungry that i have the feeling that i have never eaten tastier bread in my life. tastier than fish, carrots, potatoes. because everything here is unique. are people unique too? yes, people. stern, but sympathetic, and romantics, when there are so many romance is all around, on baikal you can’t help but be a romantic, well, yes, strength at the same time fragility, strength, power, inaccessibility,
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purity, energy, all this is ice, but it seems to me that there are people who feel these manifestations of its essence to the maximum bright. baikal welcomes the multiple world and european champion. there were moments when i wanted
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to forget everything, to push it somewhere to the twenty -fifth plane, but i understood that we do not exist separately from each other, then when you can ride not for the judges, on your own pleasure, this is a completely different feeling, well, you somehow come to an agreement with it , you may have some kind of technique, somehow you tune in to it, of course, if you behave badly, you will get a tooth, good, but what about hockey players? then, we are not friends with hockey players. it’s clear, you probably know that ice can be hard, it can be soft , it can push, it may not push, our good ice and good ice for hockey players are completely different things, that’s why hockey players and i always have this unspoken struggle, we scratch the ice with them, we wear it out, but they don’t like it, but what kind of ice do you think baikal has, in a good way, it’s better for hockey players, it’s natural, it’s hard , probably, here it’s best to skate for fun, you look behind... these cracks, patterns, you listen to how the baikals
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talk, so it’s better to just have fun. tell me, are you a seven-time european champion? yes, yur, what does it feel like to be the best of the best? you know, yuri, sometimes i sit and think that wow, what records for me, and no one has ever broken this record, and i understand that yes, i am a record holder, i have contributed to the world of figure skating in the history of figure skating. irina, you have two olympic medals, a silver one. bronze, which one is more valuable to you? in general, i have three olympiads, i completed three olympiads, the first olympiad i did not get into the prizes, at the second olympiad i went as a favorite and fought for gold, but unfortunately i never got it, and it was very disappointing, after that it was very difficult get ready, and a chronic illness overtook me, with which i fought for a very long time and am still fighting , by the way, until now, when i went to the third olympics, i no longer believed that there could be sports in my life - i was just happy that i had the opportunity to go out on
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the ice, fight, skate, perform, so, probably, after all, in turin in the sixth year, this olympiad was physically and psychologically more difficult for me and it was more valuable for me. mind you, i haven’t done this for 39 years, nothing. scary, i don’t skate every day now either, the main thing is not to straighten your legs, yes, your legs should always be bent condition, as you know, how the springs are so springy, we don’t throw our shoulders back, we always put our body forward a little bit, you know, as i say, we put our soul forward so that we don’t bend, but let’s go with our soul, do ballet with our soul, beauty, beast, very ok, well done, why teach you how ... you can do everything yourself, thank you, thank you, let's go
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make a heron with you, like that, hop, we stood on one leg, hop, on one leg, well done, on the other leg, little snake, so , we're wagging our tail, we're wagging our tail, yes, like a swallow, we're up, hop, hop, hop, oh, right, i'm already dizzy spinning, here's a tulip for you, look, winter baikal is magic, here they believe in the power of the elements and the power of the human spirit, here the deepest lake on the planet lies literally under your feet, and you yourself want to bow to the ground, here you realize what victories in your life really matter, i take that with me.
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liquidation today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this absolutely faceless room functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how, look. let big changes into your home. every sunday on рrt. from the first note: beauty, repetitious, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, finely
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swim, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, fas! we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, from the car, i’m running, the whole brigade, just looking at the platform. “catch , fish, big, not small, well, in general , you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can
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something tasty be healthy, we try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, could it be useful?" " this is definitely the food formula on rtr today. oh, admire it. your mother got involved with a guest worker. who is this? my new dad? today. look how many young girls there are around. do you know how old i am? my
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daughters are already 20. and i know how to teach them a lesson. i won't hurt you. draw me happy. today on rtr, you will find all our issues on the media platform, watch, download the application or go to the website iir, ir, let's go home. ir, well, please, tea, coffee, hot chocolate.
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good morning! this is the formula of food program and we are in the yaroslavl region, why are we here? you know, why? and then to study chicken tenders? yes, here i have a question, because this is not the first time we are discussing chicken, and i already know something, we have already decided that we understand that the broiler is a breed, that chickens are not fed growth hormones, i remember that they don’t process bleach, what else can you find out, well, listen, in fact , there is a large amount of information regarding chicken legs, for example, right? look, if a chicken ate something that is not what you think, this is something harmful, it is evenly distributed throughout the chicken will it be or only in chicken legs? well, by the way, i heard what they say in the butts, for example, if the butts are so yellowish, what is it? it means, well, in france, in general , when a bird is a little yellowish, yes, it is considered that it is more natural, uh-huh, you see, there are, so to speak, white
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spots, blind spots, so i propose to find out what about this the residents of yaroslavl think, my god, yes, you need to know, you need to know, hello, you eat chicken, yes, great, when, look, chicken, that ’s when eating something is not very healthy, yes, that’s it it goes throughout the body or is deposited somewhere specially. actually accumulate in them, which is indicated by the yellow color of the chicken carcass and how to buy natural chicken legs that are not pumped with
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saline solution for weight. in addition , we will talk about how to use chicken legs to protect yourself from osteoporosis. for healthy bones you need a trace element such as cobalt. what substance in chicken skins will help you recover faster from a cold? promotes expectoration, reduces inflammation in the bronchi. and prepare a dish with spices for health thyroid gland. thanks to this combination of iodine and selenium, our dish is really very beneficial for the thyroid gland. we'll check everything and recommend the best ones. we begin to develop the food formula and go to production. good morning, varvara. varvara tkachenko, broiler chicken processing technologist. we are discussing your chickens, do you check them? of course, every chicken passes inspection. and there is an opinion that all toxins, yes, antibiotics, hormones. gmo, they are deposited in the crust. and then let's return to our survey on the streets yaroslavl. are all
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the harmful substances that enter the chicken’s body deposited in the crusts? well, that's what they say, yes. i read, yes, that there is such a thing, but i love them. what is a crust anyway? well, i don’t know, i think that if a chicken is poisoned, then the whole chicken is poisoned, why is there a mandatory leg? eight out of ten people believe that chicken legs accumulate the most harmful substances. at our enterprise, neither hormones nor growth stimulants have ever been used; this myth arose due to the fact that a broiler chicken grows into a very large chicken. they think that hormonal substances or growth stimulants are used on it, well, yes , there’s just no point, why in the scabs, also a big misconception is that antibiotics are deposited in some part of the heel, in fact this is not so, the antibiotic is excreted from the body birds too. from the human body after a certain period of time it’s good, so don’t be afraid, lovers, viewers, there are chicken legs , there are no toxins there, here are the useful substances,
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which we will tell you about soon, are located, tell me, they are doing something very actively there, you can try, of course, you can, great, let's go, yeah, so we take the carcass up to two legs, the back is towards us and we get into the suspension, and tell me, what is the use of a leg, namely a short leg? what i want to highlight is the benefits for our bones, everyone knows that bones need calcium, everyone knows that bones need vitamin d, but few people know that, for example, for healthy bones you need a microelement such as kobol, which is contained in chicken legs, and more than 100%, the daily requirement is only 100 g. especially important for women after 50, when bones become more fragile, so dear customers, you... you are a bother, they are very useful to us. cobalt is also useful for proper brain function, it improves attention and memory.


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