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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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i remember this day, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair; as we all remember, he enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel. hello, oksana kubaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. celebrations in honor of defender of the fatherland day ended with a grand fireworks display in russian cities. capture of the outpost, footage of combat work. storm groups during
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the capture of avdeevka coke khima published ministry of defense 500 new anti-russian sanctions were introduced in the united states. the white house is using the ukrainian issue to fight trump. zelensky's mission failed. poland ignored a meeting with the ukrainian delegation at the border, which is blocked by farmers. red descent from a helicopter into a snowdrift. the parachute landing service of the amur air base is preparing for the fire season. russian athletes have become the first champions of the games of the future in cyboletics, and finals in digital disciplines are ahead. the ceremonies ended with grandiose fireworks in russian cities. events in honor of defender of the fatherland day.
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in moscow, festive fireworks were launched simultaneously from sixteen venues; the evening sky of the capital was decorated with more than 11 thousand incredibly colorful flashes. the most spectacular pyrotechnic show was organized in victory park on poklonnaya hill. in addition, fireworks were observed by residents of the cities where the headquarters were located. military districts, fleets, combined arms armies and the caspian flotilla. at 21:00, festive fireworks thundered on the embankment named after the 62nd army in volgograd. the volleys were fired from artillery pieces times of the great patriotic war. in murmonsk, according to tradition, fireworks were fired to the cape's congregation. hundreds of residents came to the city center and the maritime terminal to admire the spectacle. 30 colorful volleys burst into the sky in a novorossiysk military salute and were launched from the western pier of the seaport. in samara, a bright light
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show took place at the favorite place of the citizens of the volga river embankment, the artillery of the combined arms army of the central military district fired 30 salvos from the 30 gunnery gun, and from fireworks installations based on the kamas vehicle in more than 350 fireworks were released into the sky. in kupinskoye, the direction of the calculation of howitzers d-30, groupings of troops from the west destroyed camouflaged strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. also ukrainian military equipment. in one of the forest belts, our scouts spotted several mobile sabotage groups that had equipped caches with ammunition and fuel. the enemy's coordinates were immediately transmitted to headquarters. the saboteurs destroyed their equipment with gentle artillery fire. moreover , no more than 2 minutes passed from receiving information about the target to the first salvo. crew the newest multi-role fighter su-35 was escorted by a flight of bombers in the kupinsky direction.
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pilot, we directly observe the enemy’s movements, using a map of applications known to us, we directly determine where it is located. on the ground, we transmit the coordinates to the firing positions and they deliver a fire strike, the enemy tank advances to a camouflaged firing line , our reconnaissance officers immediately transmit the coordinates of the target to the artillerymen, we have both special and cumulative shells the shells, well, worked as high-explosive fragmentation shells, so there was no point in the fact that they were hiding there. the caliber of our acacias does not leave the enemy a single chance, the armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine are on fire, a column of thick acrid smoke is visible for several kilometers, our assault units are moving forward, the closer to the front line, the fewer intact trees, all the pines here are cut
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by shrapnel, ukrainian militants are hitting our positions from all artillery, this...
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next month, a unit of the headquarters of the moscow military district will be located in a renovated building on cosmodomianskaya embankment, the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu and the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, inspected the historical site after a large-scale renovation of the building, which belongs to the cultural heritage of federal significance, not only restored, but also equipped with the most modern equipment, about what the result of dmitry castro looks like.
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under 800 works in the city center, in a building on cosmo, domenskaya embankment , services and divisions of the headquarters of the moscow military district will very soon be located, which will appear by spring, according to the decree
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president of russia on the reorganization of the western military district into two new strategic territorial associations of the armed forces, the moscow and leningrad military districts. sergei shaigu personally monitored the progress of the work. i hope forever. to understand the level of complexity of the restoration , just look at these frames. in the mid-nineties , renovation work had already begun here, but it was not completed then. the facades of the premises were badly damaged. the supporting structures were in disrepair.
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year architect legrand, as part of the ceremonial river facade of the ancient capital. ancient lithographs and photographs give us an idea of ​​what this masterpiece of architecture looked like in those years. building. built in the 15th century and the crix commissariat was located here, that is , the department that was involved in supplying the russian army. among others , the father of the famous architect matvey kazakov and the father of the poet alexander pushkin worked in his office. it turns out that this building has served its fatherland for 300 years. and in this sense it modern history is the continuation and development of a high mission. the building was already the headquarters of the moscow military district. it was located here from 1933 to... 2010. on the facade you can see memorial plaques with the names of those who headed
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the district in different years or served in it in different positions. the names of budenov and meritskov, moskalenko and govorov, victorious military leaders, are known throughout the country. working according to historical models, restorers recreated the original appearance of the building and its interiors, and put the main staircase in order. central building. two 122-mm howitzer guns were returned to their historical place.
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now all the premises of the historical building are equipped for the full and efficient work of the headquarters staff, who will be located here in march. dmitry kaistra, victor prikhodka, lead. immediately 500 new anti-russian sanctions were introduced in the united states; they are directed against military factories, retail chains and communications enterprises. for joe biden, the defeat of kiev could also mean... in the elections, about how the white house is using the ukrainian issue to fight trump, why americans had their phones turned off in the midst of the election campaign, in a report from our own correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov. the largest failure of cellular networks in the united states. waking up in the morning, the americans discovered that they were left completely without communication. this morning's news. cellular communications have been disrupted throughout the country, with tens of thousands of subscribers affected. from a massive failure of a mobile operator, rescue services and police urged citizens
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to seek help through social networks, while experts explained the failure by solar flares, provider companies remained silent, in the absence of information they started talking about possible cyber attacks and even anti-satellite weapons, russia again found itself in the epicenter of the us election campaign. every election it seems the republicans are taking advantage of an alliance with the russians.
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cannot afford to utter the word defeat, but the american press draws quite clear conclusions. as the second anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine approaches and congress freezes the latest aid package for ukraine, we must look clearly into the future. ukraine has no chance of winning this war. american support will not change this reality. the russian threat on all fronts is whipping up hysteria among democrats. will he talk about russia in his annual address to '? president biden, if congress does not approve a bailout package for kiev, and if biden is even able to give
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this long speech. mr. president, have you delayed your state of the union address to win the election again? when everyone in the usa got tired of ukraine, but how it is unclear how to get out of the conflict without losing face; the white house announces another package of anti-russian sanctions, totaling 500. joe biden has a statement about this on the white house website. export restrictions on 100 companies that allegedly help russia circumvent previous sanctions. the meaning of these useless steps is no longer explained to us citizens, although in washington itself. admit that they still did not achieve their stated goals. the american press, which predicted the collapse of the russian economy, now writes about its growth strengthening russia's inherent strength, based on vast oil and natural gas reserves, provides financial and political stability that can survive western opposition. those to blame for the failure of the ukrainian project are now being actively sought among
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enemies in the united states itself. and there’s nothing new here, they’re blaming each other. republicans in...
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cellular communications in the united states have been restored, americans learned about the historical event. for the first time in 55 years, an american spacecraft landed on the moon. mission odyssey is a project of a private company that, as experts explain, it was possible to launch the apollon project after the loss of technology, when the americans flew to the moon without any problems, walked on it, and then triumphantly returned to earth. a small step for one state, big questions for everyone .
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this is how farmers greet their neighbors, tractors block the entrance to the kotovitsy international airport, and several wagons of ukrainian grain were dumped at the railway station in darohuska . germany. hundreds of trucks traveling to ukraine have been parked for almost a week traffic jam due to protests on the border with slovakia. the demonstrations also stopped the operation of the checkpoint on the czech-slovak border. more and more protesting farmers are on the streets of paris, where the agricultural salon, the country's main agricultural exhibition, opens today.
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demonstrators set up camp in front of the versailles gates. major flooding in brazil. cars were carried away along with drivers and passengers; passers-by tried to save people. a family with an eight-month-old baby died in one of the cars. ten victims were reported, more than 100 people are listed as missing, dozens of houses are flooded, thousands of residents are in temporary accommodation centers. the flooding was caused by heavy rains that will continue for several days. news is following the development of the event, stay with us on the russia channel. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live
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stream. february 29 on rtr.


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