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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 9:25am-10:10am MSK

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can kill a person, it can lead to being like this, you have to think about who you are eating with and what you are eating, oh, my stove, says thank you, black magic in the food industry, how healthy products become harmful, how the food industry is useful, it would seem , makes foods harmful, doctor , are you crazy, with flour, and you make white rolls, and you cut out all the vitamins, it increases... bad cholesterol lowers, good, hello, says dr. myasnikov, showing, i have you in the clinic on belorusskaya on the russia channel one, on here we'll eat everything, and today we have a guest, a little puppy, he 'll help us talk about all the things that are permitted, we'll have a topic like this, just come here and see what's going on, because we don't have a section coming soon about permissiveness. in
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modern society, it is called expanded, let's talk about terms such as hemangioma, cytokine storm and other scary medical terms that people are afraid of, let's see how adequate this fear is, how to protect our liver, well, us today, of course, there is a session of black magic, we will talk about how the food industry turns... healthy products into harmful ones with a slight movement of the hand, in general, we are starting, it will be educational, interesting, let's go, let's start with the section, how to do it right, how to treat the liver correctly , how to take care of it, because the best you know about the liver is that you shouldn’t drink too much, they always say it’s a blow to the liver, well , at least you remember that. although
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, unfortunately, the liver has many enemies as powerful as alcohol. let's do it again let's remember, why do we need a liver? many people to this day have a bad idea, they think, well, it’s the liver, something like that, it’s a sponge, so to speak, it removes toxins. in fact, this is a biochemical factory, a lot of things are produced there, coagulation factors, cholesterol, hormones, and so on and so forth. this is... so to speak, the thermal station produces bile for digestion about liver function, that’s not what we’re talking about, but what we’re talking about is that the effect is unfavorable on our liver, it’s multifactorial, it’s not just you who have a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, well, first of all, there is a problem with coagulation, because coagulation factors stop being produced, the blood no longer stops , the brain can become bleeding, by the way, this is a problem with impotence, because cholesterol is something that also
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produces sex hormones, including, these are even mental problems, because with liver failure, a person suddenly becomes rude, inadequate, this is rude driving, cutting cars, in a certain percentage of cases - these are people simply with a diseased liver, and not idiots, or most likely it’s both, the problem with the liver is that it doesn’t hurt, when you run, sometimes you get a stabbing pain in the right hypochondrium, it swells with blood, it kind of stretches the capsule, but otherwise the liver doesn’t hurt, you can mock it , as you wish, but it doesn’t hurt her , no matter what you do, it doesn’t hurt, she dies silently, when bleeding already appears, when changes appear, one, another, the third, well, here it is... the main enemies of the liver, except
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alcohol. cirrhosis of the liver can be caused not only by drinking, but also by eating. this steathepatosis is is now spreading at an alarming rate, reaching 40% of the adult population. in fact , you don’t have to be fat, you know, as you can immediately see, well, a fat person who has a baby with high sugar, that ’s metabolic syndrome, no, you can be thin and fit, but i almost said like me, well, okay, also much. have steathrohepatosis, and what does this mean, if you go on a strict diet, lose weight and think about what you eat, everything will return to normal, but if after 5-10 years you decide, well, okay, how much can you suffer, i i’ll eat again, as they think is normal , everything will come back, so you just need to forget this, i want to say again, there are no miracles , we have several foods that you can eat without, uh, being punished... these are
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fruits, this sea ​​fish, this is a small amount, this is chicken meat, these are whole grains, these are dairy products, that’s everything else, but we... today, by the way, we’ll talk about how even from these products we manage to make entire things that are poisonous to our liver and body . the third enemy is viral hepatitis, b, c, d, e, a, a - this is runny nose of the liver , does not become chronic, yes, it does not become chronic, but there may be this banal hepatitis, which is a vaccine, which comes back through water, through... a disease of not washing hands, it can kill a person, it may lead to such a transient hepatitis, which can end in a certain case of death, so this hepatitis disease does not become chronic , it is also very dangerous, but hepatitis b is
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already a chronic form, and the younger you are people, the more often acute hepatitis b turns into a chronic... form, especially in children, so it is very important to be vaccinated against hepatitis b, but, unfortunately, there is no vaccination, but a fairly effective medicine has appeared, these are interferons, and a whole range of medicines which hepatitis c can practically cure , but curing is one thing, but thinking about whether to get a piercing, whether to get a tattoo, whether to go to an untested nail salon, because all this... through blood, so you have to think, you have to think about who you eat with and what you eat, hepatitis a and so on and alcohol is hepatosis, you have to think about who you are sleeping with, because hepatitis b is sexually transmitted in 3% of cases, you have to think that
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you are doing hepatitis c, it is not very sexually transmitted, but here again with blood, all sorts of procedures and so on, this is very often, our liver... requires proper nutrition, because we already say, a fatty liver is a diseased liver, remember, foie gras, when these geese are force-fed there, and then the liver is just a piece of fat, so do you remember someone on the cut, it's just fat, we must not hammer her with alcohol, we must, by the way, not kill her with medicines, half of the medicine we take has a negative effect on the liver, completely harmless paracetamol, harmless, does nothing, only one thing, kills the liver, maximum dose 4 g per day, if you also drink, then 3 g. this is actually the number one medicine , which leads to liver damage and death from this, well, all sorts of herbs, dietary supplements, unfortunately, no one checks for the effect
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on the liver, what is written, what is recommended, this means it's not there saanium potassium in dietary supplements, that’s what someone checked, there is no such thing, and of course, physical exercise, physical activity. for the liver, it’s just honey, where we have the liver, on the right , take my favorite wheel, let’s go, from your feet into the plank, you can lie down, lie down easily, stay in the plank, oh, my stove says thank you to me, a torture device, i advise everyone , of course, it’s hard on your feet, on your knees, of course, the plank is very hard, lie down on the floor, but
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do it every day, your liver will tell you, thank you, and we move on. here you go, it's time to answer your questions, let's see what came in this week and what was selected. good afternoon, doctor, good, let me introduce myself, ekaterina litvinova, republic of bashkartastan, ufa, my mother is 75 years old, yeah, 2 years ago she was diagnosed with parkinson’s, at the moment she already has the fourth degree. please tell me, doctor, is this disease hereditary? and what primary signs should you pay attention to in order to stop or slow down the progressive consequences. thanks for the answer. yes, of course, parkinson has a certain genetic predisposition. and scientists even know those
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places in the genes that suffer and through which it is transmitted. well, the good news is that this does not mean that this is transmitted directly without options. the tendency is passed on, that is, roughly speaking, your chances of getting parkinson's disease are higher than someone who had parents without parkinson's, it must be said that ... parkinson's is a diagnosis that is made clinically, it is not something is it being done there, some kind of mri is being done or i don’t know, something else, no, this is it little by little, now i’ll read it, i even specially selected 10, uh, i had a publication, 10 signs, such as trembling hands, handwriting that has become small, a weakened voice, loss of smells, memory deterioration, when walking a person no longer swings. with his hands, he has stiffness in his shoulders, difficulty swallowing, you choke all the time,
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slow movements, decreased facial expressions and a frequent urge to urinate without a feeling of relief after it. it is clear that if we take the signs separately, everyone has them, the last point is that me, you have some other one, he has a third one, but in total it’s prokincyism. go ahead. hello, my name is elena renjina. this year i really enjoyed walking barefoot in the snow. and i want to know how safe it is for health. and are there any health benefits to this? and also, which is better, diving into an ice hole or walking barefoot in the snow. thank you. well, you do it because you like it, but because it ’s really cool. and...
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iceland and in the evening we had to get to the hotel, a small hotel, one and a half kilometers from the restaurant, there is no one at night, it ’s not the season, it’s not the season at all, it’s the polar night, everything is bad, so we’re arguing. what if we walk up to 1.5 km? iceland snow? we went, that’s just the reaction of the people
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who came our way, they looked at us like we were idiots, went over to the other side, and at the same time we spoke loudly in russian, commenting on our feelings, but i think they will remember the two crazy russians there for a very long time, so we didn’t put ourselves to shame, we got there, let’s move on, hello, doctor, my name is... skorikova anastasia, i’m from the city of novosibirsk, but what do you think about pills that suppress cough? my husband, he is quite a busy person, runs a business, and recently suffered from flu on his legs, he worked constantly , and the temperature has now subsided, but he still has such a macro cough that prevents him from even breathing . yesterday he couldn’t stand it, he went and bought pills that suppress this cough, i don’t know how they do...
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grow the cough with phlegm, you suppress the physiological cough reflex and it only gets worse, it’s all stuck in lungs, here are the bronchi, normally we breathe through them, everything is fine, if it gets clogged with macrota... we won’t be able to breathe, we can, but with difficulty, this macrota that you
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want to cough up and can’t, it gets stuck, that’s it , what you should do is really thinning agents, there are a lot of them, until recently acetylcinine was such a workhorse, and now it exists, but so to speak, science does not stand still. new means are appearing, and erdestine is probably the most modern means, because it was the last to be discovered in this categories of means that break the ties between. it goes through significantly with phlegm separately, but it doesn’t want to rupture, and many means are not able to rupture it, but it still ruptures it all goes much easier, because if this doesn’t happen, it will still get stuck, there’s also what’s good is that
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erdostain can act literally from the first days. that is, this is not a cumulative effect, you take it, it works, it is quite compatible with antibiotics, if the doctor, so to speak, considers it necessary to prescribe it for you antibiotics, and may also have a bonus effect such as an anti -inflammatory effect, it reduces inflammation, reduces the tendency to mucus formation, and there is even evidence that it can improve local immunity - in the bronchi, but...
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dental crowns, after that with i was surprised to find that my back began to behave and feel differently, my back straightened, my shoulders straightened, do you think these two factors are related? thank you, well, he says, master, you set tasks, it would seem, where the teeth are, where the back is, but this one is the top one jaw joint, underestimated by either patients or doctors, problems with this joint cause... pain in the ear, pain in the neck, because when the geometry of this joint changes, this entire muscular ligamentous apparatus tenses, and since all this is also attached in this area, all this spreads to the neck, well, imagine that your neck hurt and you were uncomfortable because of this arthrosis of this joint, you
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were given crowns, your bite was straightened, and this is basically a disease of this joint that is treated by dentists , you lost this tension, because of this, your neck, so to speak, became lighter, well, then you can imagine that your back straightened out, you know, i never knew, but hyenas, hyenas, how long i worked in africa, hyenas, hyenas, and then i i got here, uh, like a museum, not a museum , well, there’s a small bone near the park, i was surprised to learn that a hyena chews with its back, it has rectus dorsi muscles, which then pass through the skull. ends on the lower jaw, so it calmly bites through a giraffe’s leg, not a leg, but a fat-thigh bone of giraffes as thick as my hand, that’s how the temple is all, crunch in half, here, well, like this, we go for a physical training break, do some pull-ups, and by the way, this morning i’ve already done 100 pull-ups
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before work and not only did i do more pull-ups, but now we’ll do some more pull-ups, if you want to review us, look at this platform, the app or website, look. ru. next, black magic in the food industry. how do healthy foods become harmful? cetokin storm, extrasystoles and other medical terms. which ones are really dangerous? now let's talk about the food industry. makes seemingly useful products harmful, doctor, are you crazy? by the way, do you think there is healthy tea, antioxidants that fight cancer, what about flour, and you make white rolls, and you cut out all the vitamins, it increases bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol, cotton is a useful thing, what if they are made from medical terms, how they affect your health, the patient
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then became worse, worse, worse, worse, he stopped eating, began to turn pale. but this violation of intraventricular conduction has spoiled the blood of so many people, so it beats, but it happens like this, then a pause, and sometimes the body goes to pieces, it begins to grow more and more, everything, it all falls apart in pieces, this is human pain, the peninsula, kamchatka is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers. giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka are volcanoes, ice, stone, fire-breathing
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giants, the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group, the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka, the highest. active volcano on the eurasian continent, volcanoes of kamchatka, a world natural heritage site, where the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. i will give it back. thank you that we have you, alive, healthy, you know that we are waiting for you all,
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thank you for your brave hearts, for your courage and courage, return home, with victory for sure, happy february 23rd holiday to everyone. hear hello, andrey, special holiday episode, today on rtr, well, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia alone, now let’s talk about the food industry it makes seemingly healthy products
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harmful, just with a moment of your hand, understand , the food industry does not mean that there are villains and scoundrels sitting there, their job is like this, you will eat something tasteless, no, that means you need to give it taste , we need to make it marketable... it needs to be stored for a long time , it needs to be in line with purchasing power, that is, not very expensive, because we can make something all out of ourselves, but it will cost the price of a small car, so how to make it delicious, very simple, more salt sugar everywhere, in sausages, in drinks, okay, i'm talking in cakes, in instant porridge . there’s a lot of sugar everywhere , it’s already tasty, if it’s not quite tasty, it means salt, a lot of salt, again it’s good that it lasts for a long time, but these are only trans fats, you
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can’t take any healthy fat, vegetable oil, say olive oil, clarified oil, not purified, on the contrary, refined , it will all be both expensive and short-lived, what we get at the output, look, tea, but... hot, well, yes, if you really want to drink, then yes, but if i put sugar in there, how much i put it? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six lumps of sugar , i think, doctor, are you crazy, put six lumps of sugar, how to drink it, you know how much sugar there is, make tea quickly, you know how much sugar there is, now you... let's see, if it's a liter, just don't fall, 25 pieces of sugar, in this bottle, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and
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five more, in this bottle , i put it on the cup... six, by the way, do you think there is healthy tea, antioxidants that fight cancer, which prevents the likelihood of atherosclerosis in the pigs, there are teas, extracts tea, or 1%, well, in general, nothing that is here, there is 25 pieces of sugar and artificial flavors, you have no idea how much they are, but wherever you take it, here is tris, did the gentlemen give you? well, collect and eat, but no, we need to clean everything, we refine the flour,
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we can’t find whole grains. you see, this is the point, that with flour you make white rolls, and you cut off all the vitamins, all the fiber, everything, microelements, everything that is useful in grain, in rice, only pure starch remains, in fact, if you look on a map of the world and... on a map of africa, asia, poor areas where they collect rice themselves, and where humanitarian aid is provided, mostly imported, or where rice is polished, then bere bere the distribution you can simply see where it is distributed, of course, here the population eats polished rice, well, there is not enough vitamin here, but where they eat regular rice, not polished, the distribution there is very very low, fats, we say, healthy fats, everything
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that flows is healthy. what fat that flows is beneficial, the fat that lies is harmful, this is what once flowed, vegetable oil, but for more than 100 years the process of hydrogenation of vegetable fats from a healthy product that really reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol through simple manipulations. a substance like margarine is made and converted into trans fats. trans fats are normal; we can and should consume a certain amount of trans fats, but these are tiny percentages. all baked goods, all sausages, all meat cooking, all cooking in general, code cutlets, whatever you do there, these are all trans fats, this is what kills us in the first place. trans fats are the most harmful thing that can happen. margarine, it
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increases bad cholesterol. lowers good cholesterol, butter is much better, butter increases bad cholesterol, but also increases good cholesterol, and this is important, good cholesterol cleanses blood vessels, this is a direct death of blood vessels, a direct path to insulin resistance, then obesity, diabetes, cancer, and you you can’t do anything, because how much of the food industry there is, everything is based on the hydrogenation of these cheap fats. flakes, flakes are a healthy thing, from what? should they be made from whole grains? yes, of course, but if they are made from this, then come out the same starch with sugar, that’s all your porridge and cotton. exit: you buy whole foods at the store, and buy them,
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preferably now, now. you buy chicken, you buy meat , you buy vegetables, you buy fruits, you buy legumes, grains, already bread, i would think if i were you, because it must be bought from whole grains, now there are places where they do this, yes it is expensive, but bread in general is a product, sorry, it is a product of trouble, this is a product when there is nothing to eat, it is salt. 100 g of bread is, so to speak, uh, 1 g of salt, this is sugar, this is practically pure starch, so if you find bread where the bakery makes it, where the flour is milled from whole grains, but it is only useful if you cannot find it or not if you can afford it, then just try not to buy it, you’ll be healthier. remember a simple thing: everything you buy ready-made, ready-made tea, ready-made coffee, ready-made cereals, ready-made porridge, these... rolls,
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sausages and so on, yes, you will satisfy your hunger, yes, it's delicious, but it really shortens your life. remember, at the beginning of the program i said, but a sugar solution. another thing is that getting used to healthy food is not so difficult. you can say, well, yes, the chicken is loaded with antibiotics, and the meat is loaded with hormones, or vice versa, you say. you buy, so to speak, vegetables, fruits, they are there and it is not known what origin they are, and what is there, listen, there is something, there are some vitamins, there is definitely fiber, there are definitely microelements, you can’t eat fresh , unavailable, canned, please, canned, get used to snacking and want to snack, carry a carrot, carry an apple, not these chocolate bars with something unclear, you know, more
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nuts. more vegetables, more fruits, more ocean and sea fish, and yes, this is easy, quickly harmful, let's move on. now there will be a very interesting topic, my, one might say , long-awaited medical terms, how they affect your health, but i already have a family history, my grandfather received a doctorate at the age of 30 without defense for a book of liver disease and he was considered a specialist on the liver and he entered. into the ward, looked at the patient, left, and then the patient got worse, worse, worse, worse, he stopped eating, began to turn pale, and so on, a week later the grandfather comes into the ward again, clearly sees that the patient is worse, he says,
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and what’s going on, he says, how can i live without a liver, the grandfather tensed up, i mean, well, you said it, and the grandfather looked, felt it, said, well, he doesn’t have a liver, he left, meaning that he doesn’t have one , we write a violation of intraventricular conduction, this is the norm, but this violation of intraventricular conduction has spoiled blood for how many people , and we hang a monitor for extrasestoles, we hung it correctly, but
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there is a huge number of extrastics, sometimes many, sometimes thousands, doctor, i have 200 extrastoles, what should i do, but we say what extra, we... here it is beating , and it happens like this, then a pause , this is the next contraction, everyone has extrasestolia, at one time we
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examined all cosmonauts at the union institute of cardiology, karology center, all cosmonauts have extrasthelia, the healthiest people have bardycardia, bardycardia - this is a pulse below 50 at rest, i have... 48 at rest, well, now it’s 60, but i’m moving, 48, i have bradycardia, yes, yes, any athlete has brodycardia, this may just be a natural state, and there are a lot of them, that’s what we all have, remember, covid, here’s a cytokine storm, a cytokine storm, this is not only with covid, a cytokine storm happens with the flu, with many viral infections and... what happens? yes, the body produces its own soldiers in response to the invasion of a virus, a microbe, this sting, cytokines that will kill, but when it happens naturally, when
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it happens in some kind of, well, adequate system, it happens purposefully, and sometimes the body goes into overdrive, it starts eating everything, everything, it all spills out in pieces, it ’s nothing anymore spares. it’s like everything, everything is going to hell, it’s a cytakin storm, how can you not be afraid of it, well, you need it, you either didn’t have it, or you’ve already passed it, because during the saka storm no one tells you about the cytaquin the curtain doesn’t say, you are being treated in intensive care, oh, i had a citacine curtain, well, it was, then what, you never know who else had it, then, here it is human pain. there lived a man, he didn’t touch anyone, he went to the doctor, whatever the doctor will send, for an ultrasound, it doesn’t matter what you came with, he will still send you for an ultrasound, if
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he doesn’t send, then you ask him or force him to send, he goes for an ultrasound, here for him puts a sensor, oh, you have a hemangioma, you see, and the person turns pale, hemangioma. this is a tumor, this is a vascular tumor in my liver, well, in the vertebral body, there may be many, now i’m taking the liver, what should i do now, doctor, surgery, how to live? you begin to say, you know, that hymongiomas are really the proliferation of blood vessels, the incorrect formation of blood vessels , they seem to be entwined like this, they expand, corpora cavernosa appear, you know, where men have corpora cavernosa, but in that very place, well, in you not only there, but also here in the liver and, by the way, are more common in women, why estrogen helps the growth of these vessels, so, up to 20% of the adult population
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of developed countries have liver hemohyoma as an accidental finding, up to 20% every fifth in aged from 30 to 50 years, why such an age? when you go to uuzii , it starts before you didn’t go, you were born with it, you were born with it, what should we do, if it’s up to 5 cm, then we don’t do anything at all, we don’t even observe, if it’s higher, we we look, it grows, it doesn’t grow, if it grows slowly, it’s a little bit or it doesn’t grow. at all, well, then we even stop watching. operations to remove hemongioma are extremely rare, by the way, it can grow during pregnancy and so on, i say again, estrogens and so on, a hormonal-dependent tumor , so hemongioma, remember, you brought it to light, it’s not that you got it from drinking a lot of vodka or eating a lot of cakes, you were born with it, it was just accidentally discovered, but you shouldn’t have just go to the doctors, that’s all. i say, the doctor means high-risk. what else? oh,
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yes, you name it, i have tortuous neck vessels, a c-shaped artery, you name it, it’s included in the diagnosis, is it worth paying attention to? does the neck still supply the brain? well, i’ll catch up and say, do you want to... review the application or website, then, hemangioma of the spine and ground glass in the lungs, should you be afraid of these terms? and what to do when you are given the results of the examination, but you don’t understand a word of it? how to find the line between permissiveness and freedom? that's how
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they wriggle around in the neck, is that good or bad? hemangiomas of the spine, oh, frosted glass, when it becomes like such a fog, a person goes for an mri, he’s like, he has a headache, if you don’t insist, then you’re wrong, very often we we find a find that is x -ray similar to multiple sclerosis, the theme is this, permissiveness in our modern society, we live life according to certain laws, she will also follow certain rules and not the ones we gave him, you go to great lengths and break everything that you have you were before, you lose everything, you throw it into the fire and say everything, thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, let's move on and talk about... medical terms that can be
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important for a doctor, but for patient, if he does not explain may be quite such a disturbing condition. we talked about the es-shaped, like this the vessels of the neck, well, let’s put it this way, the neck is short, the vessels are long, as long as it fits, that’s how they wriggle in the neck, is this good or bad, this is no way, this is no way, this doesn’t say , you need to take aspirin, this does not mean that you need to operate, put stands, no way, the meaning that we sell for this corresponding change in the vessels of the neck, it is exaggerated, it can sometimes lead to trouble, sometimes it is extremely rare percent in special situations, not as common, because it’s also not 20%, like hemongioma, maybe five percent, hemongioma of the spine, the body of the spine.
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frosted glass, oh, frosted glass. frosted glass, this is a trengeological phenomenon , described, in my opinion, by x-rays, well, if not by x-rays, then by his students, this is just a certain type of lung damage, when it becomes like such a clouding with so many pneumonias, and influenza, with
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pneumocytic, with speedy, there is such a form pneumonia, that is, this is a normal medical term, it does not mean that you... it happens, here is the mri conclusion, because how often does it happen, a person goes for an mri, he has a headache, he goes to to the doctor, or the doctor sends you, you beg, how is it possible, you have a headache, you went for an mri, you either ruined the state for a certain amount of money, or you paid it yourself, and you read the result, no one explains the result to you, when we calculate the result of the mri , it will be written that such and such shadows, such and such lesions, such and such, and then you will ask, what does this mean, how many times do i answer, i know, lately i even said, the doctor sent you, he says no, but i decided, i have a headache and decided
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go, i say, i won’t decipher, stones, accidental findings, gall bladder stones or kidney stones, doctors must explain all conditions to you. “if you don’t insist, then you are wrong, if the doctor’s explanation caused you anxiety or did not satisfy you, you still ask. so i started talking about mri. very often we we find a finding that x-ray is similar to multiple sclerosis, a serious disease, and moreover, there is nothing clinically, there is renconologically, 25% of such patients end up falling ill with the real russian disease." but you need to ask about all this, your doctor will either reassure you, will either explain or tell you your layouts , some kind of layouts are always needed, that is, due to the fact that we all do unnecessary research, either by doctors’ mistakes, or we insist ourselves, we
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can be understood, you can be understood, in many places the research , well, not available like that widely, if they are not everywhere under compulsory medical insurance, so... we think, let’s take everything to the maximum, they owe me, i’m in the hospital, let’s see at the same time, this, this, i don’t have time, i don’t have the opportunity, look at everything, doctor, look, that's it, we're looking, that's it, we find something , we find a hemongioma, you have a cyst in your liver, you have stones in your kidneys, you have every ten stones in your gallbladder, you have a nodule in your thyroid gland, 45% of it is, you have hypertension, you have sugar, your tail is hanging out, and so on and so forth, then this is a fee, but... what do we so we go, these findings of unclear clinical significance are one, their description by doctors is two, so contact with a doctor is very important here, if the doctor, well, at least could not resist your requests or he did not have the time and desire to think about you, because
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that the simplest thing is to send for an ultrasound, the simplest thing is to send for a ct scan, the simplest thing is to send for analysis, why not , no need to think, everyone is happy, the patient is happy, i’m happy, the manager is happy, there are no complaints, the patient about... the doctor went there, found this and what do you want? the doctor said, oh, i haven’t seen him since then, well, go take a look, of course it’s easier for me to write, this is a hot topic, it’s ruining our medicine, why, you say, do you have a violation of intraventricular conduction, or is there an incomplete blockage, right...


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