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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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the easiest thing is to put it on an ultrasound , the easiest thing to put it on a ct scan, the easiest thing to put it on an analysis, why not, no need to think, everyone is happy, the patient is happy, i’m happy, the manager is happy, there are no complaints, the patient is a good doctor who sent me for a ct scan, i really had a pain in my elbow, but he sent me for a ct scan of my head, well, let him look at my head, everyone is happy, only then what to do about it, but then at least if you please explain to the patients, they need to decipher in detail, and the patients should not ask me, who directed you to this ultrasound? who ordered the mri for this? so you’re asking him, and what are you asking me? why do i say this, very often half of my social networks have a doctor come to me, go there, find this and what did the doctor tell you? oh, i haven’t seen him since now, well, go take a look, of course it’s easier for me to write, such a hot topic, it’s ruining our medicine, why? you say you have a violation of intraventricular conduction there, or there is an incomplete blockade of the right leg, you are twitching, you are running to the echo, but the echo is standing still?
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normal rhythm is sinus rhythm, you are knew, no, then i give you at the end of the section, we move on, here is a section for the soul and body, the topic is this, permissiveness in our modern society, how should we treat it, it seems strange, but to people of my generation we all see the trend very clearly: but still, we grew up,
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developed, worked in a society where certain moral laws of the concept were observed, yes, then there were selyagi, then there was an attempt to break out of this, which seemed to be strangling us, so say society, go there no, this is not allowed here. three steps there, a step to the left, a step to the right, escape, i wanted freedom, that i got freedom, i don’t like it, so i don’t like it, you know, i understand, now i won’t do all these naked parties, but the lazy one didn’t talk about it and so on, but it’s still somehow humiliating. no, not
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for those people, those people have their own concepts, although , well, they probably can’t be changed or remade, for me, it’s humiliating, for me it’s offensive, not because i’m a prude or something, here it is, what does this symbolize here? it would seem that you can grow from him into a kind, soft, fluffy one, or you can grow into a vicious one that will rush and bite, you can. beat, punish , feed, praise, it’s interesting, if you don’t touch him , how he will grow up, but we all have something in our souls, some are drawn to one thing, some to another, and i fully admit, that people may simply have such a need to express themselves, well, there are all sorts of exhibitionists and so on and so forth, there are mental deviations when they force a person to do such non-standard actions, i am firmly convinced that you know how
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, it is impossible to live in society and be free from society, this is 100%, and morality is not an empty word, what is permissiveness, i have a whole dictionary of the russian language that already says: permissiveness of behavior of someone who in his actions feels free from any socially established norms and rules. yeah, you know that at first i somehow... a little misunderstood why such strict measures were being taken based on the fake article about the russian army, someone said something, wrote something, and god be with him, he is attracted and given years of prison, real, now i understand, i remember the events in chechnya, the war in the caucasus, when the fighting... actions there were practically
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leveled out and sabotaged and poured out here in the rear, they did the right thing from the beginning , initially they cleared the rear and said not to dare. and look how everything is going, if it hadn’t been for this, we would now be a society that would be fighting among ourselves, and quarreling, and so on, now this is not the case, now we are united, it would seem, a draconian, probably unfair measure, but it really works therefore, i personally think it is justified, no matter what anyone else thinks, i don’t understand. why did it become acceptable to pee in a public place? to this day, of course, i might want to be on the road, but i’m walking through some rocky rocks, and the last time i stepped into a ditch, and there was mud, in short, i almost drowned
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in this ditch, trying to cross to hide behind trees, but this is not possible, a man stands, takes out a hose and waters everything around, he is calm, he has women in his car, children are sitting, it’s like... you know, some kind of a crime, or what? permissiveness is a demonstration of contempt for others. permissiveness is contempt for the laws of the society in which you live. permissiveness is humiliating for those who observe it. but i can't stop. take this man who is peeing on the side of the barrel for what he is peeing from, and tear it off him, although physically, perhaps, i could do it, no, we pass by, we pass by there, we pass by here, many children things are also considered possible, you know
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that all our lives we live according to certain laws, somewhere, and we can , so to speak, think that they are in different countries according to... he will not say that everything is allowed to me, he will never say, he will always have obligations to friends, to women , to children, to people, he will not boast of wealth, he will not boast of something
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, he will not despise people, he will not despise human laws, this is correct, because it seems to me that even this... and those that are inside him, after all he's peeing anywhere now, he'll grow up, he won't be there if don’t even poke him, he’ll still go into the bush and raise his paw. laws are not shackles, but certain rules must be within us. because this is what makes us human, and to go into all the troubles, you know, it’s like tolstoy wrote that pierre bezukhov only now, probably, understood the meaning of wealth, because the most important thing in
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wealth is that feeling when you finally indulge in everything is heavy and you break everything you had before. you lose everything, throw it into the fire and say everything, but this is about wealth, about moral standards, i i think you can’t do this, ogdar misnyakov was with you, this lovely creature, we’re leaving, until our next meetings with you, goodbye, let’s go baby.
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the case of stolen military uniforms grew like a snowball, but all the emerging leads seemed to be deliberately cut off by an invisible hand, the uniforms were missing. taken out and burned, david gotsman's friend ffima, who was helping the investigation, was found killed,
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the intermediary of the bandits, gray-haired greek, was arrested, but on the way to ugro, gray-haired greek was killed. it was only possible to find out that the operations were carried out by a bandit chakan, and behind him stands a mysterious academician. at night, the chicana gang tried to remove weapons from a military warehouse and were caught checking the passwords entered by the city's military quartermaster vorobyov. password, comrade captain. a secret agent, an academician, yes, there was one cadet, but no one saw his face; while
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trying to arrest chicano, he killed two counterintelligence agents and escaped prosecution. chikan's mistress, spotter ida, persuaded him to flee with the smugglers to turkey, but this did not fit in with the plans of the academician's gang.
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tikan leaves. what you eat, how it goes to turkey with the smugglers, i saw it myself, where are you headed, well, take it off, what did you just see, why didn’t you stop it, yes, i need it, there ’s a hole in my head, well, here’s an academician’s little head. if you turn away, not stehel, then he will turn away for you, well, bite your tongue,
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he’s blabbering here, and you stehel, don’t bother me, i’m a free thief, i’ll leave if i want. well, what are we going to do, little one? then your sadness, the south wind, they won’t come out until the morning , yeah, let’s gather your guys, in 2 hours i’ll tell you what to do, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, winewives, come on, come on, come on, come on! ivan
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markovich, maybe i was mistaken, oh, sorry , i can’t see without glasses, oh, here’s david markich , great, sorry, i took my place, please introduce yourself, lieutenant kalnysh, on the night of the murder of quartermaster vorobyov, lieutenant callendzh, as part of the guard, was passing past the house of the murdered man, i noticed a captain and a woman walking away from the house, a beautiful woman, it seemed to us
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that the captain was drunk, he was not walking very firmly, they checked the documents. no, why? i thought, such a beautiful couple, why spoil the evening? the lieutenant managed to notice on his temple captain's scar, this one? that’s right, why didn’t they report it to counterintelligence? you knew that a murder had been committed, right? lieutenant, you are from the baltic states, no, from chelyabinsk, his father is a civilian, and his mother is russian, mikhail mikhailovich, send the lieutenant to counterintelligence, let's go, give permission to go,
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go. he wasn’t drunk, but wounded in the warehouse, but he still made it to the detendant, wait, vitaly, we need to think about everything. you want a hole in the head, where is the captain, what do you need, guys, where is the chikan, what chikan, i don’t know any chikan, look here, i’ll give you half a minute,
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then i blow it up. guys, i swear, i don’t know, i don’t care, let’s go, otherwise we’ll fucking explode with this cold-blooded thing, what’s needed, or what, one of our friends asked. tell him, or you will meet him, or i will blow it all up, sorry, chikan, i was ordered, chikan, dear!
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the academician asked me to tell you that while we are on our way, we are taking it from you. you're wasting ammo.
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calm down, then listen to the next task, take the patient to the burdenko hospital, let him be examined in front of you. make sure they put it down if there are any difficulties, telegraph to me, comrade arsenin, i have a department in moscow for 2 days for a week, you’ll take care of the rest of the business later , if you don’t have time, i’ll add a day or two to the business trip, lieutenant, let’s help,
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sorry, comrade lieutenant colonel, it won’t start, hold the steering wheel , andrey vigorich, let's go one-two, well, one, two, one, let's go, go, go! calm down, calm down, let him first declare the goods. so everyone went back to the main room, i
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didn’t understand something, tolya, outline our conditions.
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introduce yourself ifrekhlyatin private luzhov new so just hammer it into your brain to those arrested should not turn their backs, but i tell them to eat. nope, i didn’t have time, well, who’s here, whose? just like that, this will be the first, this
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will be the second, and this will be the third, well, what, waving, waving, the mint had a girlfriend before the war, thief gunner ida koshetinskaya, well, let me see, oh, oh, like a father, and where lives? we find out the message of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast: february 29 on rtr. russia, traditional, modern,
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russia. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in ourselves. orientalism. here. this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. together with him we
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faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia opens its arms again to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival, live broadcast on march 2 on rtr.
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you motherfucker, now you'll eat off the floor, you know how many of these i've had in 3 years, countless, that's good, with a stick, some with knives. with bayonets, the worst thing is an awl, they’ll hide it in your palm and you won’t see anything , next time i’ll use an awl, come on, come on, as soon as i tell you, close your mouth, the rotten one goes away, you fool, okay, i’ll leave, you’ll be fine ,
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can you tell chikan something, oh, and i also have a pencil. don’t sing mansa to me here, i have one, but exceptional question: where did you get the lolyna? then some guy before me threw this barrel into the gateway. right off the bat, give me back my bean, boss, well, i’m not a big deal, but i gave it, i started drooling, and
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i took the bagpipe as a souvenir. i swear to my mother, otherwise the guy gave it to me at the delivery for a similar price , but what did i buy from kolya from the moldavian kolya, no, i didn’t want it yet, well, you know, for kolev, and he also says, buy it, buy yourself a rooster with a twist murderers, but i don’t need to turn around, kolya moldavian was shot three weeks ago on balkovskaya, and i was drunk and thought that kolya? why couldn’t you give her the paper, i must spoil my eyes, it’s my fault, i didn’t think, i didn’t think , thank you, good health, take, son , a piece of paper, a pen, write it down legibly , legibly, you understand, yeah, i understand, son, come on, what, your son, nephew, well, what
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did you say, son? sisters, late son, what kind of dog do i do, tortzanchik, tortzanchik, small, go eat, tartan of sausages, go, chicana. "you'll say, to the strength of him one of these days let's get him out on the street, for now he's wet himself, but that's understandable, it's clear to you, a fool , he has his own twists in his head, but i'm going , what to say, what's he saying, don't say anything, you haven't seen her, where she doesn't know , they gave you the note, he’ll find out where and he’ll turn your head off, he was walking, and the note, right?” “slava, well, he decided to let him go
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, he’s already let him go, it looks like he’s drawing money, the elite won’t raise their hands when they’re wet, but the thieves can put it on the knife, they also set up their own surveillance for it, here we need to look at it. where i am i’ll take people, those pistols are a thorn in my soul, and the boys are from different areas, and their drivers are different, and the pistols seem to come from the same tray, considerations, but for now there are none, well, you’ll go to the theater, but no, i’ll go put a pillow on, for a couple of hours, otherwise it will get dark, the carousel will start, okay, tomorrow morning i’ll be with you, for tomorrow, tomorrow. let's talk,
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emik, what is this? mom, this is ours , she’ll be standing by the room, oh, oh, this is a gorgeous thing, let’s start living, mom, bring it quietly, hush, hush, who did you tell, look with your eyes , you’ll scratch it, what are you going to do, madam, and what are you the first time, quietly, carefully, put it down, put it in the thicket, and look, son, what a beast, and oh, and where did you get that? couldn't the bandit have rammed everything at night while markovich was at home? calm down, mom, this is tsilya , he gives for self-devotion, that wait, wait, wait, wait, tsilya, tsilya, mom, get out of here,
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you cheromishnitsa, mom, calm down, she’s my wife, and what kind of wife is here for you, here’s your mom, you have a mother, get out of here, i told someone, and take your piano, take it to the back... mom, did you understand what i said or not, mom, look, probably, i will be screwed up , but she was daydreaming, but mom, mom, calm down, you ’re driving mom into the very coffin, son, and even stupider, they signed, right there, i realized, david markovich, i have the right to screw up not the piano back, goals, come here, goals, come to me, come, little one, go, “mom, and we will live here, like this, you saw where it is, and you mom has another room, what another room, what that means another room, i’m in my house or where, no, you, she’s already here
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with her junk, and why are you looking at me? you’re yelling, i’m yelling too, there’s no need to yell , i don’t notice when the hands of revenge are on me, there’s no place, no place? where did it come from from my dear family that it’s so bad that this time and that in the other five vols in the grease of the number there’s a shot down revolver and two sawn-off shotgun, ochretin, that's right, luzhov, that's right. that 's it, come on, start the first one, this is ironed, what's ironed , this is that tav, antonina petrovna, no one will see from the stage, i'll see, i'll see,
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that's not enough , okay, let’s add it, tanina petrovna, you look brilliant today, vitaly, let’s avoid these vulgar compliments. i don’t need these vulgar things, what are you doing here anyway, you need to change your clothes, don’t talk to me like that, oh well, get out. i say, don’t talk to me like that, well, excuse me, i need to tune in, yes, of course. sorry, get ready, i'm leaving, darkening
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the night, the light, well, it's knocked off , why are you digging around there, well, i said, only one seam, not the whole dress, hang it up, motya, you're great, i don't know how, you saved your life, great, vitalich, sit down, you should carve out a monument for yourself during your lifetime, yes don’t wait, david markovich, moti, i was silent, i ’ll tell you, here’s the revolver we took on you, look here, you see, the numbers, so what? they are there, but now
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look here, there are no numbers, no, so what, and here, too , no, also no, now look and think, what do you think, you have how many classes, five, i mean three, as many as three whole ones , i have to die, so, look at the judge. here, here, where is yours? here’s mine, and so, here, here, here, and where is yours, and here’s mine, and why didn’t you take it for your aunt , sanya, he doesn’t know, he charged such a price, oh, my, don’t be funny , i don’t know, i didn’t see it, i didn’t see it, but he had a solid box there, this is the
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one, i still don’t understand what’s with the trunks back and forth and that it’s the mother? don’t think for them, but your hands are competent, a prisoner citizen, a boss, you should be able to play trump cards, but i had a platoon team, that one was a master, the cards ran on their own, and i was so on seeds, you don’t value yourself, david markovich.
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come on, come on! mahal mikhalovich, come on, take these honest fraters to us, take testimony, and tomorrow hand over the money along with the papers to their superiors. hey, hey, uh, david markovich, this is not the zhultman style, this is an honest jackpot, that money, sanya, money is trash, my jack for you.
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okay, let's go, but david markovich, well, that 's not possible! they ordered, marshal zhukov himself ordered , go to the wall, don’t turn around, otherwise i’ll gnaw you in the face, markovich, it’s a squeak, squeak , some kind of sick person, or something, i don’t know myself, don’t turn around, i don’t even care
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i know, davidkovich, tomorrow he ’ll make another batch, i’ll tell you, i’ll tell you honestly, where i ’ll say everything, i’ll tell you, oil painting, don’t kill me, david markovich, they’re leaving, they’re leaving, i see, let him roll, la, they’ve been waiting so long, but what do you show them, a kittiwake in the wild? and chicano didn’t come, so what? and the fact that i ’m starting to really like this, sorry, i forgot that you read other people’s thoughts, i thought that i
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liked you, i can invite you to dinner. anna medium on monday on rt. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier , who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, drove with a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes today, and russia comes and the city lives, the program of boris korchevnik. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. let's see on the weekend. i, your son. what? you lied to me all these years, how could you? you are my mother. what do you want? how did you find out that
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seryozha was alive? now your wedding is under great threat. and this boy binds them together more tightly than yours. it's even harder to take a few steps to love today.
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sunday on rtl , the investigation is over, it’s over, whatever the light is, you promised ten, they promise to marry, and we agreed, well, we agreed, i ’m sorry, now the agreement is changing, we ’re letting you go, you drive a car, right? yes, well, in one warm place, you need a vadila, the major debtor will tell you, get a job there, and there is
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a chance that a certain person will appear there, his name is chikan, as soon as you find out where he can be found. you call either me or dovzhik, well, that’s it, i agree, you didn’t understand me, senya, you think you’re smarter than the odessa ravin, i decided i’ll let you go, no, you write me a receipt of consent, if anything happens, this receipt will fall into the hands of thieves, i promise you. then run as much as you can, david markovich, they’ll cut me into belts, but why should i? so write me a receipt, i’m naughty senka, i agree to cooperate. we find the mint, i’ll give you a receipt and let you go, that’s my word. david markovich, it’s better to go to the zone, i’ve been hunchbacked for 10 years,
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like i’ll babysit a woman. vyshak, series, you are shak, and no top ten. well, shall i call the guard? i'll go, and you listen to major dovzhik, he's with us, yeah, see, you think that i you. i really asked, write, senya, in the last week there have been 38 cases of attacks only on military officers, 38, it’s like, why do our officers allow themselves to be robbed, are they military officers or women? allow me, comrade marshal , according to the regulations, all officers upon departure home hand over their service weapons, and the bandits are armed
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to the teeth, cancel the order, all officers living outside the garrison are not to hand over their service weapons, i obey, it’s my fault, comrade marshal, but there are cases, when the officers are tipsy, if the officer drinks he will shake with a weapon, he will sit on my bare bottom on the concrete, your... task is to ensure that he drinks in moderation and calmly goes home, preferably with a lady on his arm, what proposals will there be, comrade marshal, i several times suggested to comrade petty to arrest all the major authoritative thieves in the city, decapitate crime and take them hostage, so to speak, but he refuses. taking reason is good, why hasn’t it been done, well, how can it be, taking reason, think, that’s what your head is for,
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the main thing is surprise, it’s your fault, comrade marshal, but why am i going to take them, for what, by the balls, who's eyes widening there, it's hot or something, who are you? head of the ugro department for combating banditry, lieutenant colonel gotsman, what do you think, lieutenant colonel, about this proposal , i agree with comrade melnichuk, for what it’s worth, we’ll put you in prison, as it should be, according to the law, allow it, marshal, and not further than yesterday, as comrade lieutenant colonel promised shoot one of the bandits without trial. what kind of story is this, it’s my fault, i had to put pressure,
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somehow it broke by itself, i pressed, that’s right, there is a result, that’s right, i pressed, and there’s a result, i need a result, lieutenant colonel, we need to shoot the bandits, shoot, but ensure order, i need order and he... no, what do you think, cover up the authorities? no way, we can’t take them, we’ll just make people angry, there will be law, there will be order, and so we’ll get this, stop chattering, how will you take them, comrade marshal, well, those same germans, they shot, they lived in ovens, but what did you get, what do you mean? i'm crazy, lieutenant colonel, you 're comparing me... to the germans, no way, comrade, it's me.


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