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tv   Privet Andrei  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 5:50pm-7:54pm MSK

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even when you see him, that he has done something, the whole process. over the past year , the number of employees at the tracked vehicle plant has increased by 40%. and in the near future , the irkutsk transmission and gearbox plant will appear here. an agreement on this has already been signed with the governor of the irkutsk region. the enterprise will create about 100 new jobs . daria markova, alexander mokin, lead irkutsk. in lugansk, they are testing a prototype of the tiikhan unmanned control system using a development from moscow. designers it will be possible to deliver products, items essential needs to the front line, as well as evacuate wounded soldiers. about the first tests roman smagley. it looks like an ordinary car, its uniqueness can only be seen close up, there is no one in the driver’s seat, the car is controlled remotely using the modern tihan complex, a new development for soldiers at the front, being tested today.
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now the car can be controlled from a distance of up to 2 km; if you install a signal amplifier, communication coverage will be 10 times higher. at the same time , the robot is easy to control; according to the developers, it is even easier than controlling unmanned aerial vehicle. the developers of the complex, sergei ivanov and maxim kunitsin, designers from moscow, often come on humanitarian missions to donbass. create such a robot. the soldiers themselves asked
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, there is a need to deliver food and ammunition to, say, the front line, and the most important thing, probably, is the evacuation of our guys, and without losses, for this to happen, this is the first prototype, a trial in the development of the second, where more compact and cheaper to manufacture, parts, chips and microcomputers made in russia production, it can be installed on any car, including... such a car control system will be the first at the front, if it confirms its effectiveness, the developers are ready for mass production. roman smogliy, daniil vetrov, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk. another step in the fight against cancer. novosibirsk scientists have identified and are now studying enzymes that can increase the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of malignant diseases.
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tumors. the study helps to understand one of the most important, but still full of mysteries the process of restoring dna structure. report by olga durnykh. dna damage, although it sounds scary, occurs every day in the human body under the influence of various factors. normally, the cell repairs itself with the help of special enzymes called repair. the process is very important, but still not fully studied and has attracted the attention of novosibirsk chemists. and here is the main character of the study, the enzyme. u... scientists know what it looks like, but they don’t know how this complex system works; to understand this, some areas replace, for example, this little blue ring, an amino acid, see how it will behave without it, so by taking away one part or another from the enzyme, scientists have found out which of them is responsible for what, knowing this, you can learn to control the enzyme, including deactivating it, this can be useful, for example, in the fight against cancer, these cells very actively fight the consequences
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of drug therapy, that is, therapy can also be carried out with the participation of methylating agents, these agents damage the dna of tumor cells, they should die from this, but due to the fact that they have too many of these enzymes that correct damage, they cope with this and continue to multiply, and if the enzyme is turned off, it will not interfere with the work of the medicine, until a specific drug is created , of course, there are still years of work, but the first step has been taken. in addition, fundamental knowledge about the repair enzyme can be useful in diagnosing or selecting treatment for a particular patient. high- level medicine, almost all of it is personalized, we now we are seeing this revolution, when a person will receive a medicine, personally, or created directly personally for him, or for a group of people who have a certain genomic status. this is not the end of the study of the enzyme; next , scientists want to understand how it interacts with other cell proteins. perhaps some of
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them improve repair, which will also be useful in the medical field. evgeniy zhivaev, novosibirs news. hard scientists found heavy impurities in groundwater. that destroy reinforced concrete structures high-rise buildings. this is a new phenomenon for mala, and therefore requires careful study. lala hasanova went on a scientific expedition to drill hydrogeological wells. thank god it went! in a lady's backpack there are not lady's things at all. valentina polomarchuk is, first and foremost, a scientist, so in addition to measuring instruments, she always takes wrenches, screwdrivers, and even a pickaxe with her for route research. today, together with his colleagues, he is engaged in the equipment of hydrogeological wells, monitoring of soils under buildings in yamal has been carried out for a long time, in contrast to the study of groundwater and its influence on objects. we are now more concerned with the topic of engineering
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construction, that is, groundwater, underground water, including surface water, they can influence construction conditions. the very presence of groundwater. at the construction site, it affects the design, well , some design decisions during construction. alas, one of the striking examples is nachipaev’s house in salikhard. scientists studied the condition of the soil under the collapsed building. when inspecting the wells, groundwater was discovered. today bright minds are drilling more and more wells. every month, scientists take samples and examine it for macro and micro components , a kind of water dna. in the first.
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metals, iron, manganese, etc., to understand how clean and safe the water is, the chemical composition will tell about the corrosiveness, how aggressive the liquid is to concrete, reinforced concrete structures; today , scientists are no less interested in the accidentally discovered deposit on a stream. flying is a phenomenon that can be dangerous from the point of view, again, of construction engineering structures, for example, ice due to the fact that ice statically presses on structures on foundations. piles and so on, can destroy them. a phenomenon more typical of yakutia, the north of the krasnoyarsk territory, was noticed in yamal, and now it is eye to eye. now we are going to install such a camera trap on that same stream, it will monitor any changes, take photographs twice a day, shoot ten-second videos,
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but to install a camera trap, you need to go through a decent field, you need to install it in such place so that no one interferes with observations. today scientists are developing a new one. wells are planned to revive wells that were drilled back in the seventies. the scientific community will have a large layer of valuable information. by comparing new observations over many years, it will be possible to draw conclusions about changes in natural conditions and transformations of groundwater invisible to the human eye . lala hasanova, sergey kozlov, vesti imal. preparations for the fire season have begun in the amur region. parachute service employees take exams in knowledge, equipment and rules of radio communication. a at the training camp, they practice landing in hard-to-reach areas. galina makushchenko attended a training session at the amur air base. while one group is preparing the ammunition, checking the equipment, the presence of carabiners and ropes, the other group is already ascending to a height in the helicopter,
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and from there the air firefighters are descending with a special device. now the helicopter is rising to a height of approximately 10 m. subsequent descents will be from 15-20 and. forty, practicing the same actions helps to avoid mistakes in the future. honed to automatic skills are needed to deliver cargo to people in hard-to-reach areas where it is impossible to land an aircraft where other equipment cannot reach. the training goes on non-stop, dropping one group, the helicopter immediately returns for the next. in the hands of fire paratroopers there is only a cord, in their heads there is a clear algorithm of actions, which has already been debugged during training on a ten-meter tower. helicopters differ very much, here the wind, weather conditions are completely different, the altitude is higher, in training, in simulated descents, it’s completely different there, there’s no such adrenaline, you need to perform five launches from different heights, this is practice for
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employees of the amur air base, the final after a whole course in preparation for the next fire season, disciplines, putting out forest fires, airborne training, surrender. insecurity and teamwork, skills that save lives in the daily fight against fire. in a real emergency , there must be complete mutual understanding in the group. adrenaline, no, nothing complicated, you know your job, you do it. in total in this amur region in the spring , 168 paratroopers and paratroopers of the amur air base should receive permission to extinguish wild fires. annual training sessions where they practice their knowledge help them do their job perfectly. galina makushchenko, leonid kasavan, lead the amur region, well, by this time we have all
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the information, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all the news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you. it’s such an infection, lyobka, do you hear, look, be careful here, otherwise you’re about to grab a bag of garbage got caught, almost went over, i'll need a janitor. ask, let him take it out, otherwise we’ll break his legs, i’ll take it out myself when i go home, oh, i see, you
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’re doing this nonsense again, you’re always painting these birds, beckoning, this is our trademark, we are for the people who will live here, we leave a piece of our soul so that they can feel comfortable, you think they need your cave paintings, they just want to do the repairs faster and cheaper. by the way, here's your advance. continue, i already kept my part, thank you, yeah, when you you’ll already buy yourself a normal bag, but this one is 100 years old, but it’s reliable, you’re always saving on yourself, oh, can you imagine, the owner said that she bought this apartment for her daughter, she’s 15 years old, the snot still goes to school, and already... . your own apartment, and you, too , could have lived like this if you hadn’t left the institute for the sake
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of your asshole, god forgive me, you can’t do that about the dead, but don’t make things up, i’m fine, i’m happy with my life, yes, you some kind of abnormal love, then you were always like this on the other hand, paint over, i’m happy, that’s enough, borisovna, look, i’ve received a payment. well, i haven’t paid that much for electricity in a long time, maybe they used chemicals for something? well, we
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pay so much, since that month the tariff has been increased, haven’t you heard? i didn’t hear, that means, oh , yours is coming, she’s carrying full bags again, you’re lucky with your daughter-in-law borisovna, she’s dragging herself, she’s eating herself , i don’t need much, she was delayed, but i don’t understand, borisovna, and you’re off to the market yourself you don’t go, i pinned everything on lyubka, she ’s young, she has a lot of strength, and i didn’t retire so i could bend my back, okay i've settled down, don't be jealous.
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why did i buy the gutted one, the ice cream is cheaper, and this one was even cheaper on sale, but what is this? can you imagine, farmers left kuban and gave everything away cheaply, rotten or what? why are they rotten? i checked everything, oh, i almost forgot. so these are for living, the rest are in a box, we save, save, and then give it to someone else’s uncle, why do someone else’s uncles need to study,
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others study for free, but no luck. two points were not enough, otherwise lerka would have studied for free, but we are not the only ones, they pay for half the course when we have food, now in half an hour everything will be ready, yes, i don’t understand how to balance the annual balance, well, it just doesn’t add up, uh-huh, well, of course it doesn’t add up , i had to change this with this, i had to, wait, damn it, economics is so boring, i should have applied to become a psychologist , the girls said it’s easy, i’ll give you a psychologist, what kind of profession is this, i worked as a chief accountant for 40 years, we’ll put you in a good place, just study, what are you doing, i’m studying, here you go,
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here i am studying. "hello, anna borisovna, hello, lyubka, tell me, can i reach you by phone or not, and i called all evening, sent text messages, no hello, the phone was dead again, and i was thinking, when are you going to buy yourself a new phone, huh?” “normal, why are you sitting there, get ready, we have a new gig, an urgent order, quickly, quickly, come on, we still have to go to the other end of the city, to the new buildings, i can’t do this right away, i still need to
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prepare breakfast, let’s do it in half an hour, and they ’ll handle it themselves, ours is on fire. it’s true, anna borisovna, you can handle it yourself today, yes, anna borisovna, there’s also chicken in the refrigerator, let’s go, i said. i'll say this thanks to my vanka, he heard his boss asking about renovation tricks, vaika advertised us to him so much that he immediately gave the toad the keys to the apartment. i called, there will be four of us, so now i need to get a good electrician, i was already his foreman yesterday, but what about yesterday’s
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apartment, forget about everything in general, we worked out our advance payment yesterday, we don’t have time to eat? they’ll find someone, no, that’s not possible, here they are, seryoga, i’m worried about something, but don’t worry, as always, everything will be fine, beckoning to your man. come on, yeah, lyuba, hi, hi, seryoga, hello, hello, then meet me, and where is the house, we’ll find it, come on, manya, what kind of roses, yes, the gardeners did their best.
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well, let's get acquainted? what's your name? samir. and where are you from? well, come or what? i'm from tashkent. do you have any experience at all? manya, you yourself will still run after him and call him everywhere. i haven’t run after men yet. i have my own too. this is our lonely love. and you yourself have a family, wife, children. i didn't have time. and this is our option, love, i heard, and i’m talking closer to the team, come meet us, we have new person, samir, and this is lyuba, very nice, very nice. go ahead, beckoning, they smell like that, listen here, this is a design
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project, the owner handed it over, i leave it in a visible place, study it later, and no amateur activity for me, have you already done it? “cover up, come on, otherwise the owner will come with a check, here is your art, earrings, then you’ll look, let’s get the money, how kind, write, you ’re new to us, so i immediately explain the rules, the order came through me, so i always keep my percentage , that's it, i understand, i understand, thank you. don't worry, i'm with i kept them too, i might not have taken it from my friend, why, this is business, yes, luke, yes, business,
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here, cover it up, this is what, she’s always like that, like a company, in general it’s good that lyubka has a good grip and an easy character, not just beckoning, just to bark. this is a very beautiful drawing, it’s a pity that you have to cover it up, it will still remain, we know that it is here.
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let's finish it, but i fell out of the oak tree, i can barely stand on my feet, i'm not strong enough, well , then let me move out myself and finish it all, i decided to cut down two trees at once, well, look, no get over it, then negotiate with the hostess yourself, you’ll get the rest from her, okay, good luck!
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you're not sleeping, i brought you milk, oh, mom! what are you missing and what are you learning? you will not understand anyway. mom,
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okay, then teach me, i won’t interfere. good night, oh, anna borisovna, good morning, forgive me that this happened yesterday. for two or three days, and then i won’t come so late, but at home again, which means it’s on me, i didn’t hire you as a maid, you just
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need to warm it up, i’ve already prepared everything. lera will buy fresh bread, yes, lera, you won’t forget anything, go, well, you can buy something after class , you’re sick of it, i’ll order a pizza for myself, they’ll take you to the door, lera, but something to be surprised about, you ’re not an authority for her, at night that’s all she sees, poor child, she grew up without a father without a mother, that’s it and be patient now. but i’m trying for her so that she doesn’t need anything, and don’t complain to me here, don’t, please provide for me, maybe you’ll reproach me with a piece of bread in my house, no, my dear, it’s you who should
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thank me, that i didn’t put you out on the street. when i buried my son, i regretted my head, luma, something happened to you, everything is fine, allergy to paint, it hurts your eyes, it will go away now, licking it, he’s already at your clinic.
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kill me, yes, well, take a closer look, he’s really cute, what if something happens, man, don’t be stupid, he’s very young, that’s good, i wouldn’t even think about it, take it while it rolls up, take it yourself, i don’t need it, but i’d i would have taken it if it weren't for my husband.
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why do i need this? it’s just that you are always very sad and i want you to rejoice. take it. imagine, samir, i need more. " i've never given flowers in my life, but my husband, sorry me, sergei just said that you had a husband, you never lived for 3 years and not a single flower, even on march 8, even a wedding, and i had a plastic bouquet in the zakse, they had some kind of dusty one there, creepy
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, and they gave it to me to take pictures." and i started to have an allergy to dust, i’m like, let ’s sneeze, my husband is swearing, but i keep sneezing, sneezing , i can’t stop, all the brides are beautiful, but my eyes are red, my nose is red, very beautiful rose, thank you, samir, hey, you, come on, let’s all do your noises only after work, are you making noise? yes, i scared you away there are some here, be jealous, shut up, okay, that’s it, go to work, come on, the walls won’t paint themselves, now i’ll just put a rose in the water, well, put it, put it!
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oh, she showed up, look what you need. throw it away, what are you doing? i’m putting things in order in the apartment, i decided to put my winter clothes in the closet, there ’s so much rubbish collected there, what’s that noise? cool, did you decide to open a brachacha? i like it, whose is it? my, oh well, you
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drew so cool, oh, that’s not cool yet, i developed my hand like that at school, and what have you never shown me? i don't know, i've had it for a long time i already put it away with old things from the orphanage and forgot about it myself. no, well, you’re just an artist , an artist, you don’t need much intelligence to paint a wall , oh, where did the flower come from, oh, really, who gave it, no one, i bought it for myself, i wanted it, i got the rest of the money for the previous apartment, we finished there, so now i’ll come home earlier, i received the money, why are you silent, come here. i see that i have some money, i immediately started squandering it, until i undressed, throw it all in the trash and need to wash the clothes here, we haven’t breathed dust yet, it’s beautiful, really, yeah.
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so i don’t understand, the working day is already over, i ’ll stay a little longer, honey, just a little, come out, okay, bye. lyuba, lyuba, can i accompany you, why, i was planning to go to the store there, well then. i’ll help, well, let’s go , what are you going to buy, but i need to buy vegetables, i’ll cook soup,
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well, let me carry something, but no, it’s not good for women to carry heavy things, we’re going, from the market itself, you don’t never rested my hands. i’m tired, it’s okay, it’s good for me, i’ve completely given up sports, my coach from the university would put me to shame, who did you study for? university, and also as a coach? no, we had a university team, they sent us to competitions, and so, according to my diploma, i am a translator from french, yes, but our translators earn little. i have a father, sisters, i need to help, so, and here i make good money, you know french, it’s crazy, how then did you become an electrician,
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you also need to study for this, my father is an electrician, he works in the theater, he taught me, and in general i also heard french for the first time in the theater, they brought us performance from paris, then you decided to become... thank you, thank you for helping, then i’ll do it myself, no, no, don’t, and let’s agree, no more flowers and no need to accompany me, but i thought, no, you want to be honest , look how many young girls there are around, and you know how old i am, my daughter is... already 20, so live and be happy while you
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’re young, let’s not make people laugh, thank you for helping, well, go, go, go, goodbye. “you think with your head, what kind of screams are you, you can hear the street, oh, look, your mother i connected with a government worker, brought him right under the windows, well, so that everyone could see the food, samir, samir just escorted me, he helped me carry things, is this really a crime, and samira - who, my new dad, anna borisovna, and he’s only 30 years. and what? is it normal
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for older women to be attracted to younger women? do you want adventure in your old age? lera, i'm not old. well, do you really think that no one can please me? of course, of course you can. just tell him right away that the apartment is not yours. and let's see how he sings. these visitors have only one thing they need, from fools like you. disamir, he’s good, he ’s a kind person, and what, it’s so bad that he liked me, cook dinner yourself, i’m sorry, what was it, do you see what’s happening? i can’t say a word, this
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guy, i won’t let anyone here, a stranger, only over my corpse, well, my mother has a crush, you can understand her too, almost 40 years. that this is the last chance, of course, some kind of bug has been found, you ’ve already hung up our simpleton, bah, and i know how to teach them a lesson, i’ll tell you now.
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sorry, i forgot that you are reading someone else's. i i thought i liked you and i could invite you to dinner. anna medium, on monday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and
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so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. first podcasts. which we look at: where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate. from monday to friday on rtr. no one should know that i am hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid. your main task is to find this joker. i do all this for you. i want
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know who writes these nasty letters to me. you must stop. i can’t go where you’re going, timur, then he’ll find out everything, i advise you to look around when you walk down the street, because the person who writes you letters is really mentally ill , dangerous, i despised the restaurant with this monster and you did this for our sake, my life is going to hell, why did i fall in love with you right now, i know who writes you these letters, who is pure psychology, on friday on rtr,
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are you crazy? i told someone to look into the project, come to terms with it , do you have any idea how much this paint costs , you will repaint everything at your own expense, you understood me, i wanted to try, you see, it’s better this way, and someone asked you what’s better,
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who are you, in order to be in charge here, you have to do as they tell you, quickly repaint everything, so stop, no need... repaints nothing, hello everyone, just before work i stopped by to see how you are doing, hello anton pavlovich, well you warn me, wait, we, we ’ll show you everything now, let’s go, don’t you come here take a look, we'll repaint everything, just a second, just a second, thank you, what's your name, lyuba, let me help. you know, lyuba, i like this interesting texture, color, and why did you choose this shade? the main thing is don’t worry, just a second, uh-huh, excuse
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me, here in the morning the sun falls directly on the wall, and i thought, when you wake up in the morning, you want your eyes to be happy, the same mood for the whole day depends on it. well, yes, but as it was with me - where is the project, show me, here you can help, yes, open it for me, find the color, but thank you, yes no, well, like of course you are better, of course better, but what else would you change here? that’s it, i just would n’t take anything from there, everything is very dull there, lighter is better, and lighter is better. do you have some kind of education profile, no , of course, i have an education, a second , i’m talking to anyone now, i don’t have any
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education, i just see it that way, just like that, my friends, that means you do everything according to the project , you check with him, yes, and you are a lupa? “do it as you see, i like it, i trust you, goodbye, anton pavlovich, we ’re running out of paint, maybe we’ll have to buy more, yes, i didn’t think about something, now, here. then spend the card as much as you need, oh, somehow i can’t use the card, i’ll suddenly lose it, cash is somehow more common, well, okay, keep
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it in cash, if something is missing, call them and we’ll decide, yes, whatever don’t scream like that anymore, okay, but i’m scared myself, that is, who needs her, okay, goodbye, goodbye, lyuba, it’s really better for... all the gray stuff that drove the money away? what money? didn't we see that? oh, if you took it, then it’s for paint, it may not be enough, otherwise we have there are only artists around, but money has to think about the budget, you give me some for tiles, there ’s not enough half a square in the bathroom, you still need to buy more, well, i said it’s for paint, you later... remind me, anton pavlovich promised to add, oh , don’t be mad, i say
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, don’t be mad at me anymore, that he kind of yelled at you under the heat of the moment, about the paint, of course, here you can paint the whole house twice , he’ll grab it, well, we’re lucky, that anton palovitch is so different, you know what he did, oh, how do you like him? who is anton pavlovich, i say, i liked him, ordinary , ordinary, you understand a lot, uh-huh , you knocked me down this morning, and vanka told me everything about him, anton pavlovich turns out to be divorced, his wife kicked him out and now he lives in a rented apartment and therefore is renovated they are rushing us, because such stupid women are divorcing rich people. i would hold on to it with my teeth.
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i didn’t want to say in front of the others, i’m sorry that yesterday it was so harsh with you, you were dragging my bags, and i’m lyuba, i understand everything, well, i’m glad that you’re not offended, let’s just be friends, like you are friends with manya, with seryoga, we agreed, but we agreed, peace, in general , i really like working with you, lyuba, let ’s all get together somehow... my neighbor in the dorm, my wife came and we want to have barbecue on sunday, i invite you, somehow it’s even inconvenient, but
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have you already called manya from the gray one? not yet, but i’ll definitely invite you, well, if they go, then i ’ll be with them, i haven’t gone anywhere for 100 years, you’ll see, you haven’t tried such kebabs yet, who will cook? oh, mom, you’ve already come, can you imagine, the seller is now at the market for me, it’s all just like that i gave it away, said that i’m always a buyer of it, it’s a gift, well , it was even awkward, i took it, took it, took it, mom, why are you surprised, you’re in high demand with us now, well, all the men are crazy, by the way, what’s up samir, you left him, well... we now have a seller from the market, we’ll at least have food, lera, lera, this isn’t funny, no, well, samir, are you dating? yes,
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i’m dating, but what? nothing, just wondering, you’re not a stranger to me, are you? by the way, this sunday samir invited me to visit, so i’ll be back late, you’ll cook dinner themselves, just a date. goodbye, one two, and i also have a date on sunday, what a coincidence, four, five, lyuba, why are you, i could bear it, i ran, i
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need to buy more coal for the barbecue, do you know the address? come, please, of course , i’ll be there in two hours, but i won’t be long, just please come, i’m important, don’t bother with pizza, otherwise i know you, so i’m home too , my son promised to go to the slasher, the boy is growing up, there’s no father he sees, guys, i won’t go without you, you’re stupid , calm down, the person wants to offend, he’s trying, go, go, what do you think, of course, i don’t even know, well, how can it be like that , but don’t bother, lyuba, bye, i’ll grab it, bye... “at least you’ll have time to change home or get you there, i have all the clothes here, i brought this tile , manya said that masha said that it’s all over , thank you, please, i thought you had a day off today, no, no, we worked, we worked, and you washed your hair, or something, yes, but how about
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that? alone, in a shell, right?" “sorry, i’m used to it, we’re always like this, and it’s definitely convenient, of course it’s convenient, darling, while you were changing clothes, i i sent photos to my friend, a designer , who did a project for me, he says that you have very good taste, why don’t you want to go to study, i study, yeah, what are you talking about, i ’m not at that age, well, it’s good for you to rest , love, thank you, goodbye, love , it’s so good that you arrived, i’m not too late, no, what are you talking about, we just
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lit the coal, let’s go, hello, thank you before... tell me i’m butting in, eyes to you i opened it, there was nothing, nothing, you understand, i just wanted to annoy you, but you don’t need to anger me, you see how she pinned everything on me, you took fashion, you hang around until the night, just so as not to take care of the house, anna borisovna, what are you saying, did i raise you like this? who raised her ? . “she’s collecting things there,
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good riddance, i took only the most necessary things, and she’s gone, she’ll come crawling back, begging on her knees!” come, friend, and live with us as long as you want. thank you for how much good you did for them,
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ungrateful creatures, just... don’t whine, you can’t break us from the grandfather’s house, we weren’t in such squabbles, stay the night, oh! then look in the refrigerator, we’ve already had dinner, and you have a snack, you’ll find something already there, cucumbers, i don’t want to eat, your lunchbox too, if i had a daughter like that, i’d kill her, you know, my friend, it’s hard without children, and who has children, won’t you envy?
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no, am i supposed to stand in line for the toilet now, tell me where she ’s going with her apartment, because after grandfather they give it to everyone they gave you a separate apartment, right? have you forgotten what? lyubkin’s husband was a gambler and lost badly, they even threatened to kill him, but that’s why they sold the apartment, yes, and they themselves moved in with their broken wife, so then they cut him anyway because they were drunk, yes, no, well, it’s all clear why we must solve the problems of others. and for the food, charge her for the communal apartment and figure that, okay,
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you don’t need to pay for the communal apartment. mom, why are you jumping, it’s two o’clock at night, what if it’s mom, she won’t freeze, the night is warm, go to sleep, go, go. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast: february 29 on rtr.
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how did you know that serozha was alive? now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them stronger than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and
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i’ll turn the corner, i’ll solve this problem, it’s difficult to pass over the abyss of lies. i damaged my spine, because of her our son may remain disabled, she has taken everyone’s life away, she has ruined my whole life. it’s even more difficult to take a few steps to love, today on rtr, good morning, please come to the table. and i think what kind of smells are these, from the neighbor or something, she forgot that my girlfriend is lodging with me, oh, van, yes, i’m coming,
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oh, so, bon appetit, thank you, and your borisovna herself refused this, she’s a fool, i i’ll tell you, why don’t you sit down yourself, and i already intercepted it while i was cooking. “i ’ll go early, i found an ad on the internet, a woman is renting out a room nearby, well, i still need to look for an option for housing, but wait, what’s your hurry, no, i’ll go, thank you for sheltering me, where did she get the internet from? , she has it’s a push-button telephone, and it was she who heard you muttering at night, how she would have slapped you in the neck, but she lived in the square. do everything, everything,
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“so she’s offended by us, but no, what are you , vanya, you should rip out his tongue, worse than a woman , it turns out that she deceived about the grandmother from the apartment, but no, i’ll look at the ad today, i ’ll definitely find something, really, money at least there is, i left everything there for..." samirka, there are free beds in your dorm , i need to find a friend, but i can’t have a friend, we have a men’s dorm, women are allowed in, my friend’s wife flew in, they didn’t even let her in.
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principled, and you know that you are spending the night at anton’s for now, and that consider it a separate housing, even go naked, just don’t talk about samirka seryoga, they know less, they sleep more soundly, man, so not without talking, i also have luggage racks, a mattress, i 'll give it to you tonight. yes, we took the change and are still carrying it, yes , that’s it, i’ll give you a mattress in the evening, now let’s go to work, get up, go to work,
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lyuba, everything turned out so awkward yesterday , honestly, it’s stupid, i didn’t even know, that lera is your daughter, it’s okay, lyuba, i really like her, that’s good. you won't mind if we start dating. why are you asking me this? it is customary for us to ask our parents. i think you should work this out among yourselves. lera, today classes end at 19:30. you could talk. well, of course, if you have time, thank you, i will be in time. why are you talking about
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business here again, uh-huh, oh, business, man, there won’t be any problems, they’re definitely on their way. that's it, happy, bye, bye, bye, bye. hold the bed, friend, you will find shelter, than, and tomorrow i’ll bring you bed linen, myne, you know who, goat, i, i
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’ll twist my vanya’s horns today, the best thing, you, you ’re like my sister. but you know, live here, we’ll figure something out, thank you, that’s all, but i’m too lazy, that’s why i’m asking, so as not to end up alone without a report. i hope we will also be able to do something, in short, okay, tomorrow we’ll agree , bye, bye, girls , hi, hello, are you waiting for me, you, why, can i
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invite you on a date, i don’t know, where are the flowers, i fool, forgive me, well, what restaurant should we go to , but i think we’ll just take a walk in the park, are we some kind of teenagers or something, do you think it’s normal? lera, i’m sorry, i can’t go to the restaurant right now, i’m sending money home, i don’t know, samir, why do i need you like that, okay, let’s go. let's go, i'm serious, i turned around like that and just went, really, yes, great, very good, well, they've come, yeah, i'm not
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inviting you, sorry, i live with my grandmother , you don't like people like me, well, i mean visitors, well, we’ll see you again, which means come tomorrow.
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lyuba, lyuba, don’t be afraid, it’s me, that’s you! you do it, how long? well, about nine, lyuba, did you sleep here? it happened, just don’t tell anyone, now i’ll get dressed and come. yes, good, good. hello, why are you without flowers again? well, i could
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at least pick it up at the club, look how many there are? hello, why did you kick luba out of the house? do you know that she sleeps on the floor like a homeless person? nobody kicked her out, she freaked out and left, someone like that, so as not to read morally. lera, for us parents are sacred. but you some day? you will be a mother yourself, you want your children to treat you the same way, in general, i never thought that you could do this, well, go ahead, you will teach me, samir, well, i don’t know how to talk to her, we are with her strangers, you know, have been with me since childhood. my grandmother was there, and my mother was at work, i was embarrassed by her, and i always asked my grandmother
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to come to school, i didn’t even tell my mother that we had a meeting, samir, tell your mother to come back, i will, i will definitely tell you, and don’t cry , please, i’m warming up the third one, at least i warned that you’ll come back later, i found out about my mother, she
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spends the night in the house, where she’s doing renovations, she sleeps on the floor, can she come back, let her decide for herself, eat, who did she cook for? so you told lera after all? well, of course, he told me. she's waiting for you. she is not the owner of that apartment, nor am i, and i don’t want to be reproached later. better here sometime. lyuba, the renovation will be finished soon. as soon as the money is paid, i ’ll immediately rent a room, don’t worry , i’ll manage somehow, it’s very tasty, it’s samosa, yes,
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samosa, my friends prepared it especially for you, so eat to your health, yes, i didn’t announce dinner, everything seemed to be very tasty. i don’t understand something, is he hitting on you again? man, i just asked, work, go, yes, why are you so nervous? yes, because some people are pissed off, the tiles fell off in three places, can you imagine, this is how he sculpted it, and by the way, we have to rent out the house tomorrow. i’ll redo it, you won’t be able to tear it off with your teeth, but why are you going back and forth,
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everything is ready for you, everything is ready for me, hello, hello, what do you have there? and this is for you, thank you. is there a narwhal here? yes, there you are why, let's hurry up and fine us? i'm kidding, i bought damn samira on the way, don't joke like that anymore. everything works like clockwork, yes, the best team in the city did their best, the palace, um, under your shoulders, yeah, two pairs, that’s how much you
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gave us, well, great, i really like everything, special thanks to the designer. here is the remainder and the bonus there, you’ll distribute it to everyone later , of course i’ll distribute it, thank you very much, anton pavlovich, let’s go, goodbye, my dear, can i talk to you for a minute? i wanted to consult with you here, now, if possible, i’m waiting for you, yes, goodbye, thank you, maria, here are the drawings. my daughter drew this, you have good taste, can you advise where i should hang this, some frames, how beautiful, yes, frames are a must, just don’t take massive ones, something simpler is better, yeah.
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“i just think, this drawing could be transferred to the wall, it would be even more cozy, well, take it, well, for money, of course, well, in general, there are no other orders now, i can try, well, great, vanya is hysterical, but well, i promised to wait for lyubka, yes. yes, i will be there now soon, yes, man, lyub, you don’t need money , no, what, well, then i won’t be able to wait, okay, go without me, then call me
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in the evening, when i’m at home, that’s all. then we agreed, yes, this is for you , tomorrow they will bring the furniture here, they will install it, work , then you write to me on the list, what paints are needed, what brushes, i will buy everything, so you can come, i don’t come here to work during the day, so calm, free, good, agreed, love, what about your things? can i drop you off somewhere? can i i just don’t know where, i mean, you have some problems, where do you live? to be honest, to be honest, nowhere yet, well, now i’ll get the money
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and withdraw something right away, but where did you spend the night? here you will swear that god forbid, no, for god’s sake, if necessary, i don’t want to get into your soul, if something is like, please, love, and you cook well, yes, but what? well, great, i really need a housewife, well, i mean... someone to help me with the housework, man, i can’t do it alone, there’s just a lot of rooms, choose any one, move in please live and help me , i won’t hurt you with money, that is, i can stay here now, of course, okay, then i
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’ll call manya, i’ll say that i need the mattress back, wait, there’s no need for any mattress, there’s no need for manya, tomorrow the furniture will be delivered, tomorrow maybe... we can move in, but today you can spend the night peacefully in a hotel, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, anton pavlovich, yeah. well , maybe you don’t need to go to a hotel after all, it ’s very expensive, you can buy a folding bed at the market, well, it will come in handy later, listen, you’re working for me now, that means i’m making the decision, that means you’re going to a hotel now, spending the night there tomorrow, move here, and lyuva, this is the case, you don’t mind if my friend lives with us, what other friend, well, i really hope that you like him . here you have a dog, oh, how big, i always dreamed of a dog, and
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meet, lyuba, this is garth, garth, meet, this is lyuba, you can pet me, well, i think he doesn’t mind, garth, how good you are, how big you are , give me your paw! recognized you, feels good people, that is, now i have to look for someone because of you as a partner, well, thank you friend, i made you friendly. man, but still there are no orders , don’t make excuses, but he just made a hotel for you
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, the things are already there, it’s just some kind of miracle, no, well, it was immediately clear from him that he was a normal guy, but why would that happen? or maybe you don’t need money, and since you are fully supported , i almost forgot, this is a bonus for you, oh, just tell your anton that i gave you away, firstly, he is not mine, and secondly, to samir and seryoga. will you also give away a bonus? manya, oh, i’ll give it back someday, not now, but i have the envelope
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you have what? grandma will go to the clinic tomorrow afternoon for an examination, so you come, what time, i
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’ll write, okay, bye. white acacia, the bunches are fragrant, but full of fiaramata, novi razlivaetstsa
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, hello, hello, i didn’t hear you come in, but i was stocked with something, by the way, love, beautiful voice, horror, i didn’t think you’d hear it , now i’ll feed you, that’s it, i’ve got everything ready, yeah, just wash your hands, yes, yes, i’ll definitely wash my hands. thank god we have saved up 300 thousand, kopeck by kopeck, when will you have to pay for anything? we’ll be late, not soon, only in 3 months, but
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where does the money come from? from where, from where, from there, god sent, let's get ready, oops, let's go, it must be, as he directly acknowledged you, my wife didn't love him, he, by the way, didn't love her either, but the children loved him. how many children do you have? two, margot 10, danili 6, it’s clear, but what do they like? you mean from food? i can cook something they like, but when will they arrive? but they won’t come, love. my wife forbade them
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to see me, this is of course none of my business, but what have you done if you are being punished like this? what have i done? i brought another woman into our house, my wife caught us and divorced us. i was very drunk, i still don’t understand why i did it. i didn’t know what you were drinking; you don’t have any alcohol at home. so am i. hall,
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just what's the point? no, no, i don’t regret that we got divorced, she never loved me, she loved money more, my mother, she understood this right away, she didn’t even come to our wedding, your mother probably had a bad character oh, what are you talking about, she was the director of the school, even the inspection was afraid to go to her, her father also worked as a teacher at the school physics. they didn’t always dream of me becoming a teacher, but now they are no longer there, first my father left, then my mother, it’s a pity, of course, but you are still a happy person, you had both a mother and a father, they probably loved you very much.
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i loved them too, you can imagine what a scandal they caused me when they found out that i had taken the documents from the pedagogical institute and given them to the financial academy, a terrible thing, but what could i do, that i loved the numbers in the documents more than numbers on the board.
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urgent need to find out whether krechitov was in the leadership group of odessa? well, are you crazy, if you lose your temper, both you and i will have our heads twisted. i understand that my business trip is over. show me where? there. sergei ursulik's film liquidation final episodes tomorrow on rtr. the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand. from this absolutely faceless room we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, we have plans for eyes turn into projects, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, ami... you are becoming a reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on
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rtr, you will return the money to me now, if you do not repay the debt to me this week, in a day i will take everything you have, everything, you will soon meet your father, well... my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means it's a threat if you find that person, who is tormenting me, i will forgive your debt to victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, do you have a camera in your office? well, listen to me, he’s kicking me out of the house, we need to act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter doesn’t respect you, sometimes understanding other people’s problems is easier than overcoming... your fears, why did your father strengthen the door barn, who was locked there, pure psychology, on friday on rtr,
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now we’ll come home, i’ll feed you.
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and something smells delicious, and i poured some jellied meat on it, wow, you haven’t eaten homemade jellied meat in years. well this is for tomorrow, but today, here’s lula kebab, great, lyuba, i really want a holiday, do you have something elegant, elegant, no, well then, here you go, what is this, i can’t, it ’s very expensive. i’m in love , you’ll offend me, well, i want a holiday, well, let’s sit, eat deliciously, talk about life, well, i haven’t had a holiday for so long, well, well, well, i
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suggest switching to you, okay, love, you ’re a fantastic cook , it’s just impossible to tear yourself away, have a nice... thank you, maybe you can tell me something about yourself, today is my creative evening, you know everything about me, i nothing about you, i had a boring life, but i don’t believe it, love, well, something, where i was born, where i studied, my parents, oh well. my mother abandoned me in the maternity hospital, well, then i kept waiting for her to return me.
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“everyone was waiting for us, the girls said, if you want the person to come back, draw him, and i started trying, everything worked out for me, flowers, animals and birds, everything except people, i never learned to draw people”? that's why you started drawing, right? yes, and then i graduated and went to college to become a textile artist, we had a factory nearby, i thought, well, i’ll go there to work later. no, a fabric artist, that’s cool, cool, but i didn’t finish it, in general. i always wanted a family, and i
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got pregnant early, we got married, but my husband turned out to be, well, he drank a lot, i thought a daughter would be born, he would leave, but it turned out the other way around, he beat you. but all this doesn’t matter, the fact is that he played cards all the time and got into fights, in one of these fights he was killed, leri was only 3 years old, but i had to somehow raise her, and i began to work a lot, have worked, worked, worked. this is my whole life.
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lyuba, well, you can’t change all this, it’s all in the past, i understand everything, i won’t hurt you . i'm sorry, i'm sorry, please, i'm sorry,
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alik, are the tomatoes somehow wrinkled? i’m not uzbek, maybe i’m dreaming, but these are the same tomatoes, listen, it’s so hot outside, it’s hot, you know that in a couple of days i’ll have a good supply, i’ll pick it for you personally, okay, thank you, come on, dog, come on, man, what are you doing, why is he barking at me, stop teasing the dog, strike, be quiet.
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loeb, listen, hold your guard, now i’ll go, i’ll find out when this freak is released, do you want to beat him, why, he ’s already had enough, garty grabbed me by the pants like that , defended me, listen, good boy, let’s go, listen, i don’t understand at all, why don’t you i called, why is some man from the market calling me, saying that you’re going to the police, my phone is dead again, oops, you’re a smart guy, that’s a good one, wait, luke, i don’t understand, it’s a new phone, there should be batteries in there enough for 3 days, if it’s defective, let’s change it, no, the phone is very good, i’m with the old one i go, here i gave it to my daughter, i still don’t understand anything about him, i started communicating, great, let him come to visit us, i leave money gifts at the door, well, after today’s emergency everyone deserves it, now we’ll go buy a phone, no, no , i'm fine with the old one, i just need it.
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no one saw it, come in quickly, we have an hour and a half until grandma is dead, wait, do you like it? ler, sorry, i have to fly home urgently. my father had a heart attack, he is in intensive care, i am a bad son, i came here to earn money so that my father could be cured, i didn’t buy anything for myself and
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i earned so little, they think i’ll come, i have money, my father will be cured. i don’t have that much, why did i even leave home if my father dies, how much do i need? 300 thousand. ler, where are you going?
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take here 10 thousand is not enough, i bought a suit, i didn’t know, i can’t take it. “take what you need, yeah, that’s how i understood it, yes, this, this is the camera, look, you see, your focus is automatically adjusted, you’re shooting here, what are these arrows, and this is a selfie , let me see, now no, no, i won’t be that close,
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“i’ll take a photo”? that’s love, well, it’s a beautiful name , at least you’ve eaten, otherwise you haven’t had dinner, i don’t want to, i need to prepare for the test. bring more gifts from above, you’ve become completely insolent, so they’ll bring you a pension, i’ll put it on top of that money and immediately after "pay for the second course, and
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eat something to eat, calm down
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. i have to decide everything myself. petro, i called them, well, yes, they say that next month they will raise pensions by 100 rubles, well, yes, they will raise pensions by 100 rubles. and prices are a thousand, you understand, okay, listen, i’m already here, let’s go for now, i was happy, i saved my mother from a swindler, i did it myself
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she took all our money, gave him every penny , and said that her dad was sick, her dad was sick , but no one there was sick, they were just like you, stupid, they just needed money from you, how are we going to pay for school now, but this is all our money, for food, for life, for your studies, you stupid chicken! oh , out of conscience, it’s been a long time, charisanthemums in the garden, quietly, garth, ugh, sit, sit, and how did you find out, manka told me where
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to look for you, fortunately you live, i’ll take a look, actually, i work here, i see , and here you are making mistakes. but you don’t want to ask about us, how we are there, what happened , what happened, we have a problem, your guest worker robbed us, took all the money out of the house, who is samir, so you brought him into the house, you are sobbing, why can’t this be, samir is a good, normal person, it’s someone else, there’s nothing to pay for the institute, so think about it. and just keep quiet, anna borisovna, i will definitely find
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the money, look, look, no, lyubka, this is such a sum, 300,000? well , you can cheat, if you lend it, i’ll pay it back with interest, but why don’t you ask anton too hard, for him it’s nonsense, no, i don’t i can, i’m ashamed, he’s already one thing, then another, who died, that you’re sitting sourly, but here it is, lyubkina and lerka got caught, now they urgently need 3000. this is nice, but at the dacha we need to re-roof, we
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’ve already got craftsmen, and now that we’ve found craftsmen, we have to do it, then it’s the rainy season, you know it yourself, but we seem to be tight on money there, yes, well, yes , i’ll get out of it somehow, sorry, hatch. well, you should still talk to anton, but no, i don’t know, no, well, 3000, even if there is, suddenly he won’t return it, yes, yes. loans for any amount profitable right now, you only need a passport,
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loans for any amount are profitable , loans for any amount are profitable, you only need a passport, loans for any amount are profitable, girl, take for any amount, you only need a passport, loans for any amount, you only need a passport, profitable, loans for any amount, you only need a passport, profitable, girl, take it profitable, loans for any amount. the device is turned off, the device stinks.
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the device is turned off or is out of range of the family. well, i'll give it all for it, yeah, 10 thousand, for there are 10 thousand of these rubies, you have seen them somewhere just now, they are family ones, left from the kubchikha’s grandmother, they are 100 years old, maybe more.
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i need money, i don’t know, okay, i’ll throw in five more. okay, give me 15, just don’t put them up for sale right away, i’ll try to buy them myself, okay, come over.
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lyuba, look, you really need categorical advice from the one who decided, in short, to change the signs, well, which one is better, but it seems to me, this one, yes, well, i, i, i would make it more interesting, but how more interesting? well, for example, green background, red letters, okay, just... i sound great to pharmaceuticals, red, green, i ’ll send it to the marketers now, lyuba, haven’t you been yourself all evening, has something happened to you? “you can
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give me an advance, i’ll work for everything, but it’s not a question , but how much is needed is a lot, 3,000 rubles, yeah, that’s why you walk around so laden all evening, i just need to pay my daughter for college, lyuba, you don’t need to explain anything to me, isn’t it really too late tomorrow?” that’s it, tomorrow we’ll go to the bank and withdraw, it’s just that they’re already closed today, i’ll give them to my daughter, consider that it’s not an advance, this is not a salary , this, this is your help, this is your fee, you know how much these designers charge me, this is for this, and this is friendly, for letters, for letters, honey, money is the simplest thing how can one close person help another, we are
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close people, right? hold it, just hide it so no one can see what it is? where did you get so much? pay? for the second year here it’s exactly 3000, i don’t need it, mom, i’m dropping out of school anyway, what’s the matter, lera, did you need the money? i found it, take it, how am i going to study when i have a belly like this? will be, pregnant, 2 months already,
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and grandma knows, what are you doing, she’ll kill me right away? and samir, and he left , i found out later, he doesn’t answer my calls at all , but you know what, come on, i had an abortion and will study as if nothing happened, what an abortion, lera, what are you saying, what should i do? , mom, no one needs me, like no one, but me, grandma. and he, he really needs you, it’s okay, we can handle it, mom,
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you know how bad i felt without you, forgive me, please, for everything, whatever, well, it was and was. we are a family, in a family in every way it happens, i cooked vegetable soup, we’ll sit on our nap, we’ll save money, mom has money before... how much is enough here? 300, yeah,
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at least i’ll buy my jewelry, bayberry. rejoice! “mom also says so , she says correctly, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you this
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separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do, they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, fight immediately with russia and china, alien of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, the day begins with this and ends with this, first, what did they tell me"? we have a lot of them, the guryats don’t flee to helicopter port number one, we will be the first to know about it. alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here , who is showing this, pasha, you are filming this, hello, hello, yes, you learned from this pasha there, what you are doing, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course. i there should always be connections, moscow, kremlin, putin, we’ll see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much , come again, on sunday on rtr, i
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will still give birth to a child, i will marry dima, the child died, we will watch on the weekend, i am your son, why have you been lying to me all these years? how could you, you’re my mother, what do you want, how did you find out that seryozha remained alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start everything first, and i turn the lapel, i will solve this problem, it is difficult to pass over an abyss of lies, seryozha’s student injured his spine, because of her, our son may remain disabled, she has taken everyone’s life all his life.


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