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tv   Narisui menya schastlivoi  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 9:00pm-12:37am MSK

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go there yourself, hello, hello, why were you kicked out of the house again so early, man, we still need an electrician, lyubka, i’m not in the mood for jokes right now, samir, come in, well, we didn’t expect you, you’re our savior, so, let's start with the simplest things, with contours, excuse me, please , but on your website it says that you teach how to draw portraits, well, in three months, not earlier, first the basics, no, this doesn’t suit me, you understand, my goal, and how would i go towards it, i am ready to pay, we can agree on individual lessons in private okay, let's agree, we have a person, you're not alone here, excuse me, i'm just not interested in the potty, gentlemen, let's get by.
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no conflicts, now we have group classes, everything is on schedule , i will have free time at 2:00 in the afternoon from 2 to 7, if you are satisfied, i will be at three, so, contours, why are you alone, there are suitable ones, but they are married, the premiere on rtr, where are the houses, why are you talking like that, anya ran away and to the houses with whom? what meeting? you to me? it seems to me that my mother never left. she just left because of us. i want mine back wife. anna is a medium. continuation, watch on monday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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they protect me through the rains, blood flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, i will still give birth to a child, i will marry dima, the child died, we watch on the weekend, “i your son, that you lied to me all
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these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha was alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and for me it’s a turnaround, i’ll solve this problem, it’s difficult to pass over the abyss of lies, the spine, because of it our son may remain disabled , she took everyone’s whole life, she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even harder to take a few steps towards love, today on rtr.
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in the morning we went to the orphanage, the guardianship called and offered to get to know the children first, like take a closer look at how to they came to us, you remember, of course , i remember, i liked one boy, red-haired, just a miracle, we’re taking him to stay this weekend, love, sister, but i don’t understand, well, who knows what he’ll grow up to be, that’s what his parents were like, but suddenly alcoholics or even bandits, beckoning, now you will be his parents, as soon as you raise him, he will die like that, yes, uh-huh, yeah, love, you know how to control the brain, after all, huh? oh,
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look how diligent you are, samirka, will you call a wedding, will you hold a wedding? no, man, i won’t invite you, we’re here to celebrate a wedding we won’t, we... we’ll fly to me, i promised my father that you would also go with them, of course, but this won’t happen soon, lera may even give birth, i need a lot of money, but you ’ll spend money on tickets alone, and it’s your birthday, which means you’re holding your own, but again, lyuba, it’s your birthday soon, a normal son-in-law, your mother-in-law’s anniversary is coming soon, 40 years in two weeks, she doesn’t know anything, oh, just think of the event, i’ve never seen it anyway. .. i’m celebrating, that’s what i’m talking about, if only i had a blast at least once, well, yes, we need to make a holiday, but they haven’t celebrated 40 years, love, don’t you understand at all what’s the difference, 30, 40, you have to thank the almighty
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for every day you live, oh, and we ’ll eat normal pilaf at least once, i’m for it, i, lyuba, lyuba, don’t tuli, you’ve only lived once , deserved it, listen, this is nonsense, let's work , dude, no, no, no, the middle line has completely gone, it needs to be corrected, the pencil is just so inconvenient, i understand, yes, yeah, correct, correct, no, this is very tough, it needs to be a little softer, but maybe that’s enough for today, right? let's finish, no, i'll try one more time, okay, be careful, well, if that's what you need maybe i’ll draw this portrait, and you’ll say that it’s you yourself, i have to do it myself, yeah,
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mom, are you sleeping, mom, go to the kitchen, we are waiting for you, oh, it’s ten o’clock, i overslept, yes, come on quickly! congratulations, congratulations, hurray, oh, what a beauty, you need to put it in the water, oh, i
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’ll bring a vase now, so, sit down, love, surprise, how are you feeling? it’s okay, everything is simple, guys, they set the table, gave them flowers, and i still don’t have a gift, come on. and i know what i’ll give you, so why are we sitting, why aren’t we eating, come on, come on, what are you you've got it in mind, now you'll find out everything.
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no, you know, i’m not happy , i’m not happy with the schedule, then nothing has been decided about the vacation, how long i’ll endure everything, you know, i kind of have my own affairs, my own problems, anna borisovna, dear, that this time we’ll make up, no, today i brought my daughter to you, please, hello, make her the most beautiful. anna borisovna, why? it's probably very expensive here. can i afford to please my daughter-in-law at least once in my life? well, in principle, it’s interesting, there’s something to work with.
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oh, will you help me, how to put it on , it’s necessary, there should be beauty, so, well, it seems, everything, we’re standing, standing, standing, well, that’s right,
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watermelon, so that’s it, well, beauty, well, yes, yes, huh?
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“love, well, i don’t want to give him there , why are they delaying adoption so much, we have to wait another whole month, be patient, well, be patient a little, think better about what kind of life awaits you, with your son, he has all the best if it happens, i’ll get him a job, everyone will be jealous.”
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can i tell you, tell me, love, i used to think that the main thing for a man, well, to be strong , is to earn money, there is a career. then you appeared and i don’t know if the world somehow became brighter, do you remember, he told me that if you want to bring a person back, you need to draw him, then he will come back, i want you to come back, mom, let me see, you yourself
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i drew this, look, show me, look, what a beauty, my god, mom, look, yes, any, lyuba, you will be with me, lida, lida, yes, what are you doing, you won’t find this hospital, that’s all ok, don't
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worry, ok, ok, i was sent a very good ore, yes. i'm crazy, what an abortion, that's it, that's it the doctor said that it’s too late to have an abortion, you ’re such a blessing, really, of course, but what will i tell my mother, will you tell everything as it is, and will you also say that you and i will get married? everything will be fine, i will find a job, i will , i will study and work and somehow we will live, so i don’t see the joy on your face, come on, smile, what if
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nothing works out for us, so throw away these thoughts out of my head, your mother won’t go anywhere now. this is her grandson, by the way, dima, i 'm afraid she hates you, and if she finds out about everything and kills me, then let's go where, to you, i'll talk to her myself, dim, don't you dare, trust me, everything will be fine, let's go, but there won't be any wedding, come here, mom, don't you understand? “we love each other, we will have a child, come here, i said, natalya viktorovna, i will do everything so that larisa is happy and my family does not need anything, but you have already done everything, get out of my house, you poor thing, natalya viktorovna, i love larisa, get away, and if i ever
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see you near my daughter, i will destroy you.” mom, why are you doing this? stupid, you're underage, do you even understand that your life could have been based on this? end, instead of college and a career , you’ll get bogged down in diapers, and even with your husband as a baker, and i’ll still give birth to a child and marry dima. go into the house and don’t go anywhere, you hear, until i arrive. where are you going? to save your life , i won’t let you go anywhere, you hear, you can’t tell me , i’m already an adult, i want to live the way i want, mom, you have to understand me, i love dima, stop being hysterical, go into the house, pasha , start
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the car, let's go. larisa, i don’t know where your mother went. but she was very angry, listen, let's run away, how will we run away, where, anywhere , the country is big, i have some money, i’ll borrow from my parents, we’ll leave, it won’t work, my mother
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has a lot of friends with the police , they’ll look for us, let them look for us, we won’t disappear forever, you’ll be 18, we can get married, then we’ll come back, she won’t do anything to us, dima, i’m afraid, i’ll be there, i ’ll do everything to make you happy, you’re our child, you agree, right? now go, she 'll be back soon, okay, i'll call you in the evening, i love you, let's go! hello natasha, long time ago
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haven’t seen each other, but you still live in this barn, you haven’t changed at all, let’s not get into the lyrics, i’m on point, natasha, maybe we won’t ruin the lives of our children? they love each other, mine will forget as much as she loves, but the fate of your son doesn’t interest me, apparently, he’ll just have to live in this hellhole, why are you doing this? dima is not guilty of anything, and don’t you think that our past, natasha, should not concern our children, don’t you understand that? i will never forgive you for this past. and family i don’t need your poor soul next to me, so, i hope you remember that my cousin works in the police, and that if tomorrow
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your son does not disappear from my daughter’s life, he will go to jail for rape of a minor, what are you talking about, you’re just you can’t prove this , and you think that i ’m going to prove something to someone, tell you how things are done, so yours will go... to a colony for 7-8 years, and from there, as you know, normal people rarely does anyone come back, so think about whether he needs such a life, pasha, let's go
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, dima, dima, you are going to the army, i agreed that our neighbor, nikolai nikolaevich, on the landing, you know him, he works at the military registration and enlistment office and said that the autumn conscription begins now, mom, what army, i worked specially for a whole year after school so that i would have money for college, you’ll serve, you’ll enroll, i won’t go into any army, i’ll go. and this is not discussed, but it’s that your mother larisa scared you so much, and they decided
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to get rid of me so that life would be calmer, well , shame on you, natalya is going to jail you for raping larisa, that larisa will never confirm this, and this is not necessary, my dear, now is the time that you can put anyone in jail for money, and even if you have connections, and natalya has them, rest assured, dad about he knows this , he’ll come home from work, he’ll find out, but he still hasn’t had enough of these problems, and so at this plant he plows from morning to night, mom, calm down, dimka, i don’t want you to go to prison, you understand, i don’t want to, you ’ll serve, you come back, and then look, natalya will understand that it is better for the child when there is father. everything will work out for you, right?
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and my daughter, hello, you have now decided not to talk to me for the rest of your life, and i just came from the maternity hospital, i liked your doctor, the hospital is excellent. the main thing for me is that everything is okay with the child. well, you know, a doctor is also important, a good woman, an excellent specialist, many people recommended her to me. yes, by the way, you will have a separate deluxe room. for what? what do you mean why? i can do it with everyone. no, in general it’s better for you not to lie down. you are afraid of shame, a child is not a shame, mom. this is when you have a husband, and the family is well off. this is happiness.
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especially if he was born in love, you know a lot about this love, first grow up, gain experience, and then talk about happiness, talk about where yours ran away to join the army, no hearing, no spirit, it’s none of your business, yeah, but where he, dima , is yours, he sang songs to me here, like a nightingale, i love you, i’ll get married, and then once in the bushes, shut up, dima couldn’t leave me, why are you torturing me, and i told you, you don’t need him, the guys around full, beautiful, healthy, young, and she fell for this poor fellow, here you are sitting now alone with a belly, don't you dare talk like that, ah, ah , quiet, quiet, quiet, larisa, quiet, calm, calm, daughter, okay, let's go to the hospital, i think everything is ready there, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's
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go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, calm, calm, come sit here, i'll pack my things now, and you breathe, hear, breathe, breathe deeply, it will become easier, i am now, daughter, mom, what happened to me, you lost a lot of blood, but now it’s all over, well, how do you feel, it’s normal. and how is my son? larochka, is the child dead? no, no, no, this can't be true, that's it it was good , mom, what happened to him, answer, what happened to him, the birth was difficult, it’s good that she remained alive, the doctors said that these were complications as a result of a nervous breakdown, they did everything possible, i told you,
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but not wind it up. well, it seems like the opening of the store was a success, yes , there were a lot of buyers , it was just great for the first day, katya, you ran a good advertising campaign, this is my job, i don’t even know what will happen now, either you will have to
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raise your salary, or you. let's go somewhere after closing and celebrate in a human way, your success, and you know, i’m so tired, i’ll probably go home, are you upset because of mikhail, listen, as always, he has another business dinner, she’s good, i like her, she’s beautiful, okay, don’t start , well, you understand everything yourself, business comes first.
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i had a normal relationship with a man, but this business scoundrel has only money on his mind, oh , give it up, don’t say it, mikhail is a respectable businessman, promising, you can’t find a better match, but what about love, that you’re serious, here you are married for love, yours this loser has taken everything out of you in 10 years, and thrown it away, but i have a daughter, she’s smart and beautiful, the greatest happiness in my life, yes, that is, yes, of course, well, i can offer you this is the model , well, now it’s the most fashionable, anechka, a good girl, yes, larisa should have her own
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children, yeah, she’ll marry mikhail, she’ll have everything, oh, somehow i very much doubt it , that’s it, that’s enough, i’m off to go, thank you, then you’ll close everything and set the alarm, yes, thank you, mom, if i didn’t get too carried away, yeah, i ’ll outlive you, katya, if you confuse larisa, i’ll fire you. larisa! “i’m sorry, dear, i’m sorry, i couldn’t, and i couldn’t call either, well, i had a very important meeting, really, you know who i met with, the deputy mayor, i now have a very good chance of getting a contract for road construction, can you imagine , congratulations, thank you, and i was waiting for you, mish,
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well, listen, you and i see each other every day for something, mish, you really need me, of course, you still need me, listen, i’m, i’m here, with you, now, i think it will always be like this"? okay, how do you decide all your affairs, then call me, deputy mayor, hello, larisa, what are you doing? what are you doing here? larisa maksimovna? ​​how do you know how my name is, who are you? hello, my name is sergei, and don’t be afraid, i won’t do anything bad to you . well, i’m not afraid of what you need. well, okay, if you don’t
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want to talk, then goodbye. wait, i just don’t know how start, listen, if you want to tell me something, say, i had a very hard day and extract every word from you, i have i have absolutely no strength for this, okay, i... i’m your son, what’s this, how is your tongue turned, you’re a fraudster, i just called the police, my son
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is dead, get out of here, no, he’s not dead, i lived for 2 years in an orphanage, then my father took me and adopted me, i’m very happy for you, i won’t call the police, but you won’t haunt me anymore, of course, get out of here, take it. where did you get that? this is my dad. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream.
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i will forgive your debt to victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, do you have a camera in your office? after me, he kicks me out of the house, we need to act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you. your daughter doesn't respect you. sometimes understanding other people's problems is easier than overcoming your own fears. why did your father reinforce the barn door? who was locked there? pure psychology. on friday on rtr. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is
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forearmed, any remedy has a reverse the side with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that , what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five... .why are you alone? there are suitable ones, but they
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are married. premiere on rtr. where is home? why are you talking like that? anya ran away and went home? with whom? what meeting? you to me? it seems to me that mom didn’t go anywhere, she just left because of us. i want my wife back. anna medium. we'll see the continuation on monday...
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wait, wait for me, of course, yes, natalya viktorovna, yes, i would marry her, even tomorrow, but she wants children, so she puts pressure on me all the time with this, but now i have plans i don’t have children, my business has just taken off, now is the time to make money, you know what to do, money, make money, you know, yes, i’ve almost reached the golden trough, just one more step, i’m a millionaire. .. misha, you better propose to larisa,
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then we’ll celebrate. listen, it's simple some kind of gift of fate, honestly, when your future mother-in-law is not your enemy, but a friend, whatever, more, a comrade-in-arms, a son-in-law, let’s go and have a drink, no, no, that everything is of course fine, but i, well, you understand, oh yeah. oh, that’s it, that’s it , so far, for so many years i didn’t know that you were alive, but why didn’t you come earlier? my father said as a child that you abandoned me in the maternity hospital. i didn’t refuse, my mother said that you died during childbirth, that is, not you, but my child, i was completely confused, everything was somehow unexpected. believe me, i didn't give up
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you, but why didn’t dima immediately find me, why didn’t he say, i would have come immediately when he found out that you got married, he thought it was a betrayal that i had never been married, but at least that’s how it is for him your mother said. lord, she ’s been lying to everyone all her life, okay, but why did dima only tell you everything now? irina died a week ago, this is my stepmother, but my father broke it, he started drinking very heavily, he couldn’t stand it, he told me everything, i sincerely sympathize with you, thank you, you know, i’m in the army
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leaving soon. and i’m very worried about dad and sonya. and who is sonya? and sonya is my sister. please understand, i don’t need anything from you, but i’m afraid that my father in this state simply won’t be able to cope with sonya. here, take this, this is my phone number, our home address, i have to go. i'll accompany you. seryozha, can i give you a ride? no, thank you, i ’ll get there myself, i’ll definitely come to you, i just need time to think everything over, yes, i understand, goodbye, goodbye, lara,
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what is this? you had a boyfriend, you were attracted to young girls, but oh well, mikhail begged me, so that you forgive him, ah, he is so funny , rich, why did you lie that my child died, i don’t understand what you are talking about, my son is alive, he was with me just now, his name is sergei, this cannot be. what did you ask for money? and so, i’ll call whoever should, how could you, my son is alive, you lied to me all these years, dima adopted him, he lived with dima, how could you, you’re my mother, how could you, lara, stop hysterical, let's go
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talk calmly. don't waste time, i have to know the truth, mom! i paid the head doctor, and he wrote it down as a mother me, not you. this is how i managed to pass off a living child as a dead one. is this possible? you can do anything for money. and
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then i, as a mother, wrote a refusal from the child. did you know that it was dima who adopted him? no, there is a secret of adoption, stop drinking , why did you tell dima that i got married and went to moscow, a stupid question, so that he would leave you, finally, you are a monster, you ruined my whole life, but i made your life, thanks you have become successful to me. and if i had married my dima, i would have become a housewife in a washed-out robe, but i i would be happy, oh, but actually you need to think, is this really the same child, i will never forgive you for this, i hate you,
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lara, think, do you need their problems? dad, daddy, lie down, it's time for you to rest, i 'm here now, daddy, lie down, everything is fine, baby, i myself, okay, everything, everything, everything is fine. sonya, go to sleep, go to sleep, dad, you said this morning that you wouldn’t drink anymore, but i don’t drink. i’ll give you some light here now, i said, don’t you dare raise your voice, but pull
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yourself together, aren’t you ashamed to appear in front of sonya like this, you’re not even can you imagine how bad i feel now, dad! this definitely won’t help you, please go to sleep, listen, natalya viktorovna, if you need to eliminate competitors, i’ll invite you, okay, no, really, well, to pull off such a multi-step, it was necessary. pass off a living child as a dead one, then send this living child to a boarding school, and then he appears
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in your house yesterday. you know, i would love to laugh with you, but i have very big problems with larisa, she does n’t want to be angry with me, i understand that you didn’t talk about me, yes, what can i say, the recipe is not complicated, buy a good bouquet of flowers, all your life and so on and so forth, so what do you think, of course, after 2 years i fell in love with someone else, ah, everything is
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simple with you, just remember , misha, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtships, you know what, natalya viktorovna, larisa loves me, and i’m sure of it, and if this dmitry gets into our relationship, i’ll kill him this goat , eh... you're a street baller, okay, okay, don't be offended, he's just achieved, respect, but you know what, tell me everything about him, where he lives, what he does, you can, of course, i have connections everywhere, and call at any time, now i need your wedding more than you yourself , okay, i’ll show you the car. spend, where will you go? i'm walking, i'm walking, who's there, it's sonya,
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yes, and who are you? and i’m larisa, i came to talk to seryozha, i mean, you’re seryozha’s real mother, yes, how do you know? “i accidentally overheard dad saying this to seryozha, and dad is at home, yes, only he’s sleeping, can i come in, yes, come in, thank you, you undress, and i’ll hang up your coat now, yeah, i can put it here, yes, yes, of course, oh, now, here , thank you, well, let’s go, let’s go,
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come in, this is ours the kitchen, it’s beautiful here, yeah, i’ll put the kettle on now, we ’ll drink tea, okay, sonechka, this is for you, oh! thank you very much, he is so cute, wow, i bought a lot of all sorts of sweets here, just in time for tea, but why so many? well, i didn’t know what you liked, so i decided to take as much as possible so that you had a choice. mother she used to buy us so much too. sonechka, your mother is next to you now, you just don’t see her. indeed, she is for me. i often dream, she looks at me and smiles, well, you see, you ’re not alone, she’s looking after you,
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maybe she sent me to you, right? well i do not know. well, somehow i ended up with you, maybe so, but where are the cups? here, uh-huh, sonya, sonya, who are you talking to here? hello, tim. what are you doing here? i came to help you and the children. we don’t need your help, get out of here, dim, let’s talk calmly, show you the way out or you will find it yourself, sonny, bye, bye, if she appears here again,
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don’t open the door, understand? and so that i don’t see this here, do you understand me? yes, hmm, pim-pim, larisa, hi, what else is this statement? you? here it turned out, the secret of the farm, of course, my mother let me in, why did i come, wait a second , i wanted to apologize to you, i was wrong , yes, a woman needs attention, she really needs it, of course, yes i see, you grab smart thoughts literally on the fly, laris, well why are you doing this, well,
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wait, well, wait, really, yes, we we are friends with natalya viktorovna, in general i should be glad that my son-in-law is not like a cat and a dog, i ’m like these two, boots, here, well, you give , from you, well, peace, smile, larisa, mish, you know, i have something in my life -what has changed, i know, you have a son, how do you know? natalya viktorovna said, i’m very happy for you, really, well, of course, maybe in honor of such an event you’ll forgive me after all, please, okay, i forgive you, let’s go, listen,
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let’s celebrate this, huh? here you are reproaching one, in the sense of a business partner, he brought me a bottle of chilean wine from chili straight , can you imagine, i’ve already cooled it, and well done, where did you cool it, like somewhere in a bucket of ice, laris, wait, seryozha, there are people here, they can see, maybe we’ll go with you somewhere in a cafe, to a club, nastya , i can’t today, i really need to go home, well , seryozha, you couldn’t yesterday, you... because yesterday you couldn’t, i’m like your girlfriend, and we only see each other once a week, and then we hang around the corners. nastya, well, you have to understand what ’s going on at my house right now, well, yes, i can’t leave my father and sonya for long, that’s another story with my new mother, everything is very complicated there, it turned out that carefully, she thought that i died, hold on, her mother
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lied to everyone, yes... okay, your grandmother? well, yes, what a strange family! okay, nastya, forgive me, i have to go, i ’m really very worried about them, yes, i understand, they need you more now, i’ll call you tomorrow, yeah, come on!
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hello, miracle, oh, hello, why aren’t you sleeping, well, i put dad to bed, washed the dishes, now i have it. her free time, oh, she has free time, come on, seryozha, don’t look, these are my unsuccessful attempts, so, where are you? i took the fluffy one, aunt larisa gave it to us, we had her, yeah, i really liked her, um, really, dad drove her away, seryozh, and dad... he’ll never forgive her, i don’t know, sonya, seryozh, please, do it so that you forgive, but she’s still your mother, no, she
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’s really very very good, okay, i’ll try , that’s it, go to bed, it’s late, yeah, i’ll put everything away right away, i’ll go to bed, we agreed, sunday, from the first notes, beauty, repen, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in
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one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile , back of the head, belov, or something , first class and i are together, everything we do, we also answer together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, brigade, slow down from the car, run , the whole brigade, just on the platform, look. the floor is garaging, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we
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are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there will be a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality. yes, look, let big changes into your home. every sunday on rtr. russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145
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million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote in almost 100,000 polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected. about 1 million election organizers help with this. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, convenient. hello, hello, can i
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help you with something? yes, i would like larisa maksimovna, is she here? coming soon, who are you? and i, her friend. i know everyone larisa knows maksimovny, i don’t know you. well, i'm her new friend. what kind of interrogation? no. that you just asked, okay, then i’ll probably come by later, oh, here she is, hello, hello, seryozha, hello, hello, i’m glad you came. we would like to talk, but of course, come on in, let's go outside, okay, let's go then, goodbye, come again, i 'll definitely pick you up something, seryozha, maybe we can go to a cafe here , they cook well nearby, but no , thank you, i ate at home, i know your father kicked you out, right? yes, i was with you
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as you asked, but nothing happened. dima was so angry, does he drink heavily? yes, but i struggle with it. you do it right? i told him the whole truth. do you think he believed it? i don’t know, he’s in such a state now that he sees everyone as an enemy. seryozha, i don’t want this to affect our communication with you. and sonya, she is your wonderful sister. yes, she really liked you too, right? you know, maybe we’ll all go somewhere together, me, sonya, you, dad, with pleasure, but dima is unlikely to want it, i’ll take him, you agree, of course, that’s it, then i ran, i’ll call
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, yes, i’m listening, hello, natalya viktorovna, hello, but i found out everything, so that’s it, dmitry simakov is engaged in woodworking, he has a small workshop on lesnaya street, oh, to be honest, it’s a small place , then again, there are only industrial zones all around. yeah, how's his business going? well, not really, lately it’s all been a pipe, what? i mean, excuse me, he is suffering losses, yeah, in general it seems to me that his offices are in very large debts, but where does such detailed information come from? i went myself, talked with the workers, for a bottle of wine they they laid out everything for me, yeah, that’s what i thought, but...
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well, yes, yes, it looks like that, well, family, nothing has changed, goodbye, natalya viktorovna, all the best, misha, let’s go! thank you.
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sonya, do you want to go to the park tomorrow? really want to. “we haven’t been anywhere for so long, dad will come with us, i would like, well, like dad, dad, remember how mom and i used to go, and now i just sit at home, to school and back, dad, well, let’s go.”
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tomorrow we'll go to the park, hurray, hands, soap, miracle, yeah, show me, well done, bon appetit, thank you. yes, seryozha, great idea, yeah, that's it we agreed, we’ll meet tomorrow at 10, yeah, thanks, bye, katya, i have an offer for you, what? listen, tomorrow seryozha sonya and his father are going to go to the park, where we should meet by chance, but if dima understands that we set it all up, he will drive me away again, you see, i see that youthful love does not give you peace, but no, that
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you, no, that’s not the point, it’s just that after the death of his wife, dima drinks heavily and has completely abandoned his affairs and children, and sonechka is very little, she sees everything, understands, i want to help her, support her. yes, will you come with me, maybe? well, of course i'll go. hurray, thank you. or maybe with you for cover. of course, cover is just what we need. so, everything is agreed, tomorrow at 10 we will meet in the park. sorry, i have to leave for an important call to make a contract. that's it, until tomorrow, bye. why are you so excited? it’s okay, i’m worried about larisa. dad. thank you for the balloon , to your health, well, wonder, which rides did you like best, i liked the boat, and i got dizzy on it, the ferris wheel is cool, dad, maybe we’ll have a snack, there’s a nice cafe not far away, sleepyhead, how
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as for the ice cream, of course i don’t mind, but i ’d rather eat two cakes, okay, let’s go eat. hello, dim, sleepyhead, let's go home, dim , listen, we haven't seen each other for so long, let 's sit and talk, we'll remember our school days, we wanted to remember our youth, there's nothing to do , yes, we decided to ride the carousel, listen, don't excuse me, remember, how we climbed here at night, you also said that
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you can turn on any attraction, dad, but you really can turn on all these attractions, sonya, your dad can do anything, sleepyhead, aunt katya was joking, let's go to. home, dim, something is wrong, everything is wrong, dim, let's go talk, sanechka, i 'll steal your dad for a minute, okay, i 'll return him soon, sonya, what do you want, cake or ice cream, whatever you want, i would i wanted to take care, but dad is not in the mood today. okay, let's wait until dad is in the mood and we'll eat all the pies and have some ice cream. yes. dim, well , you know that larisa is not to blame for anything. it was her mother who came up with everything. yes, but i’m just not in the mood for that right now. i know everything. i really
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feel for you. well, everything is fine, everything is fine, you did it first step, i don’t know, but everything will be fine, hello.
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what are you doing here? we have agreed? well, yes, we agreed to call. i called you. your phone is inaccessible. where have you been? at a friend's? and now you will constantly watch me. i'm just worried. and in order not to worry, seryozha, you just need to be next to me. ok. well, don’t sulk, how’s your family vacation going, it’s fine,
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you know what, seryozha, go join your army. mom, is that you? me, who else? sit down to dinner. hello, you're in a good mood today, i prepared dinner. i’m just in a good mood , mom, don’t you think that larisa
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could have a good family, yes, just you know, you can’t return the past, you can’t step into the river twice, we all know this, but it seems to me that there are no barriers to true love, only if she is real, yes, you are probably right, by the way, larisa and her son have a good relationship. and sonechka does not like her soul, but dima, dima is angry, that’s understandable, mom, but how do you like sergei? it seemed to me that he was trying to bring the family together, have you fallen in love? no, daughter, you’ve only known him for a couple of days, maybe he has a girlfriend, and anyway? how's your vadim? vadim, mom, he and i have been hand
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in hand for 10 years, day after day. i don’t like him, but as a friend, this is not love, and sergei means love, right? i don’t know, but it seemed to me that he liked me too. that's it, leave me alone, let's go eat. these are your favorite cutlets. mm, god, what a beauty, mm, well, let's try, good morning, mom, here's larisa, mish, hello, what are you doing here so early? lara, i invited misha, he has something very important to do what message for you? eh, well, in general, are you here yourself? without me, have a heart-to-heart talk, misha,
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larisa, so, i would really like for our quarrels with you not to interfere with us in the future, and what should i do for this? marry me, wait, well, this is somehow unexpected, did you come up with it yourself or larisa, don’t mock me, please, you see , it’s hard for me to talk, well, have at least a drop of respect, please, that’s it, forgive me, please continue , continue, i won’t interfere, i’ve been thinking about everything for a long time, and i think that the time has already come, here i am, believe me, this is my decision, and not, in general, what
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you thought, just answer, yes or no? “i agree, really, yes, larisa, larisa, i ’m so glad, it’s so great, listen, i’ll go, today is a very difficult day, there’s a lot to do, so i’ll be there tonight.” i’m taking a restaurant, it’s good, yeah, we need to select a team to organize the wedding, everything should
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be of the highest standard, larisa, the city will tremble from our celebration, yes, yeah. that's it , i ran, my love, that's it, don't be bored, uh-huh, hi, seryozh, this is anya, hi, glad to hear from you, mm, you're not busy, maybe let's meet now, but something happened, we just need to talk, mm, where? you're in central park in an hour, can you? okay, i 'll come, then see you, bye, bye, mom, yes, can i go for a break? hmm, listen, are you already hungry, have you just had breakfast? i really need. okay, go,
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just don't be late. after lunch, the goods will be delivered and will need to be sorted. thank you, you are the best for me. that's it, don't suck up! sit, bye, take it, please, yes, come on, didn’t fit, unfortunately, no, uh-huh, anya, anh, hello, hello, vadik, what are you doing here, we didn’t agree, but i thought, you’re on a break, maybe we’ll go somewhere, maybe to a cafe, but i can’t, my mother sent me to a company. on business, great , i'm with you, no, i'm on my own, this is work, you're not happy to see me, oh, vadik, stop it, please, let's do it next time, please, i'm in a hurry, really, okay, come on, bye.
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and i already bought tickets for the slide, well, let's go , well, okay, that's it, let's go, i only have one condition, money for the tickets, i'll give you back the ice cream from me, accepted, hello, dim.
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seryozha, no, if you need him, come in the evening, i wanted to talk, can i come in? where's sonya? sonya is at school, what do you need? how did you know that seryozha was alive? why do you need it? you haven’t been interested in this for so many years, why suddenly now? you can just say, this is important to me, how did you know? how did you find out? i returned from the army and immediately went to see you. your mother told me that you
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are married in moscow and live happily, but what about a child? and the child died. "i wanted to know where my son's grave was, but your mother somehow she hesitated, began to fuss, and i looked into her eyes, i immediately realized that she was lying, but you, you, how could you all these years, you weren’t even interested in where your son was buried, dim, yes, i was 17 years old, i she was stupid, underage, i didn’t understand anything, it was you who threw me into the army.” i ran away, they told me that the child had died, but it’s the mother, that’s all, but what’s the mother, you are of the same breed as her, berries, it’s your mother, she wanted to put me in prison for raping you, my mother was crazy, i was scared, i was young, i’m going to prison i didn’t want to, but i didn’t know it, dima, i didn’t
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know, everything turned out terrible, as it turned out, it turned out that way, do you need anything else? dim , maybe you need some help, don’t need it, we don’t need any help from you, we can handle it ourselves, just think, and sonya, she’s very little, what’s wrong with you, sonya, this is not your daughter , you don’t have to go after her, that you ’re tying her to you, and you don’t have to give your child empty promises, get out of here, you fool? look at who you've turned into, you drink, you don't do anything, you have children, sonya and i
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found a common language, i like her, let me should we communicate, well, don’t be sorry? so maybe we can go somewhere tomorrow, maybe to a cafe? no, i can’t do it tomorrow, i’m on combat duty, what a duty, i need to sit sleepy, this is my younger sister, otherwise i can join you, it’s more fun together, no, anh, i can handle it, but thanks for the offer, you’re a good friend . let’s go, i’ll take you home, but i’m not home, i need to go to work at my mother’s store, well, to the store, then to the store, listen, are you going to go somewhere
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after the army, but i don’t know, you still have to live to see that , you'll live somewhere no problem, i want to go to be a designer, what a designer, hello. yes, light, hello, dim, it’s so good that you ’re back, let’s tell you how you’re doing here, honestly? everything is bad, you can see for yourself, the work is almost worthless, i haven’t paid people salaries for 2 months, you’re gone, there are rumors that
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we’re closing for 2 months, so why didn’t i know about it, well, that means irina didn’t tell you anything, they’re swindling us all for a while they fed them breakfast, but now you can’t ask them anything, it’s clear, yes, okay. light, listen, you, prepare for me, please, documents, loading, shipment of debts for workers, okay, okay, i’ll bring it now, make you coffee, strong, as you like, and a spoonful of sugar, that would be good, okay, sorry, i forgot that you read other people’s thoughts, i thought that i like you and i can invite you to dinner, anna medium. on monday on rtr, we are watching melodramas, you are watching 100 to one,
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what is our task to open the entire board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbelly, the name of which character from the work. and pushkin everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work , speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this head set. god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, no one should
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know that i am hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid, the main thing is your task is to find this joker, that’s all i do this for your sake, i want to know who writes these nasty letters to me, you
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must... tsygel-tsyger, then on february 13 , the star of the film the diamond hand, victoria ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess of love, passed away, immediately after that the editor sent us chilling footage of the last days of her life, so you can fall asleep and not wake up, right ? that evil fate is haunting the brightest actresses of the famous comedy?
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we'll stop at a cafe, have lunch, yeah, yeah, thank you, just skip the soup, i hate it, we 'll see according to the circumstances, it's a long meeting, i hope not, i had a fight with a girl, i'm going to make peace, you have a girlfriend, what’s her name, her name is nastya, she’s terribly disgusting, sleepyhead, okay, don’t argue, run already, otherwise you’ll be late, that’s it, thank you, i ’ll try as soon
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as possible, have you forgotten or something, we ’re choosing a new apartment, actually ? no, i haven’t forgotten, but i ’m not sure that i can do it in half an hour, i don’t understand, do you have more important things to do than our future home? no, you understand, i’m with sonya now, and we’re going to have lunch, which cafe, i ’ll drive up on the spot and we’ll discuss it, on vladimirskaya, rainbow, got it, i’ll be there soon, yeah, bye, well, let’s go, let’s go? thank you please, i i finished this nasty soup, ugh, ugh, i hate these lumps, please, now you can have sweets, of course you can, so look, choose what you like, tiramisu, cheesecake, classic, cheesecake, raspberry, scramble, hi, mish, sorry, we now
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we’re already finishing our meal, meet me, this is sonya, so also, hello, hello, and sonya is sergei’s younger sister, he asked me to sit, and the younger sister means, can we, of course, mean that...
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let’s go, i’m up tomorrow she’s completely free, mish, well, she’s free, look at her, there look, okay, here are the booklets, choose where you want to go, okay, let's see, which one do you like best, this one, it's so big, cool, yes, let's go there, yeah, we chose, we like this one, okay, wonderful. go ahead, i’ll cry, yeah, thank you, we’re waiting for you in the car, don’t forget your jacket, it’s not very good without anyone. and the girl,
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dim, oh, i made you sandwiches here, oh, thank you. a lot of time has passed, of course, but maybe there is still a chance? it’s strange that i didn’t know anything about this; i was probably doing other things with i still have the contacts of their general director, i printed the contracts, bring them, maybe it’s not too late, it’s too tempting an offer,
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sandwiches to eat everything, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo. wow, well done, how beautiful, can i try it, uh-huh, wow, wow, cool, it suits you better, hmm, the all-rounders will be mine. yes, don’t you think differently about suitors? no, why? i have stasik at school, he wears my backpack, and he takes up the line in the cafeteria, what a good boy stasik, would you introduce me to him, yeah, interesting, i really like your collection,
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yeah, yeah, look, please, here we have a new one, hello, hello, excuse me, please, i didn’t keep track of the time, nothing, nothing, it’s a young business, we understand everything, right? so, what a beauty this is, sonya, all the suitors will be yours. what did i say? no, no, nothing, everything is fine, we are mastering a new collection here. sony, go change your clothes. well, have you made peace with your fiancee? yes, everything is fine. i wanted to ask, we will be holding a farewell party at our house on wednesday, our closest ones will be there. you may come? of course i'll come. great, i i was afraid that you wouldn’t come. and... will your nastya be there? yes, i’ll just introduce you. lord, who is really big? are you going to the army? a real man. sonya, why are you messing around there? hurry up. i'm already on my way. that's it, we
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'll go. bye. goodbye. let's put it on. anyut, is that you? yes, hi, hi, come on, my hands, let's have dinner. i do not want to eat. something happened? no. anil, did someone offend you? anya, no, anyut,
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what happened, tell me, he has a fiancee, who, vadim, sergei. “my girl, well, you hardly know him, well, let’s go for a couple of walks once so what? well, mom, well, i like him, i like him so much that i only think about him all day long, and what a fool i am, well, it doesn’t matter, it happens, in the end you have vadim, and vadim has nothing to do with it, but i i like sergei, so that’s it, now you’re going ma’. and to the table, i ’ve prepared so many goodies, come on, come on, come on!
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sonya, put these with water separately, uh-huh, hi, family, how are you here? oh, dad, hi, okay, it’s a puzzle, let’s put it together, and i have a mouth like a dog. sonya, how was your day? great, larisa and i were walking. oh how, who allowed? well, i had to go to nastya’s for half an hour, and did you prepare something to eat? yes, there are potatoes in a frying pan, great, dad, oh, and i really liked larisa, she’s great, but her fiancé is disgusting, what kind of fiancé is that, i don’t understand , did she introduce you to her fiancé, no, seryozha didn’t have time to tell me take. and they were on their way to look at a new apartment, seriously,
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you understand that this is too much, dad, how did i know that this would happen, thank you, sonya, i’m sorry, but i didn’t just break out on purpose, yeah, i broke out, that’s it try, mish, what are you doing, “tell me , please, why are you dragging this girl around all the time, larisa, this is our holiday, you shouldn’t take care of someone else’s family, mish, sonya is my son’s sister, well, first of all, you she ’s not her mother, secondly, you will soon have your own family, thirdly, this weekend, you and i have to find a restaurant for our wedding, so...” what, you can’t do it again? you
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understand, seryozha is leaving for the army, there is a farewell dinner on saturday, i can’t help but go. well, of course you can't, this is your son, you know, what, i'll go with you, why? well, somehow why? well, i have to meet your son someday, right? well, well, will we start working on the restaurant next weekend, without any excuses or excuses? oh, yes, well, eat, gramatey. listen, this is a must, a must, but can i do without it? it’s possible, mm, my dear, from
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your hands this sandwich is like nectar for a weary traveler, lord, where did you get this from, well, i’m trying, it matches your mother, she doesn’t like my proletarian origin, but she has some, what, mish, be yourself, i like you that way. well, okay, well, seryozha, this is the right thing, in our time they didn’t want to join the army. now it’s even an honor, you have grown into a worthy person
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, you are turning into a man, seryozh, i’m proud of you, really, well, the army, and what about the army, it will correct, if necessary, strengthen your character, again, seryozh, you’re doing well, for you. for you, for you, seryozha, for you, i will open, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, meet me, this is larisa maksimovna, yes, hello, it’s very nice, and this is my friend , mikhail, hello, it’s very nice, you sit here, natasha, move there, please,
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yes, of course, good, thank you, come in, i’m very glad... i’m not spoiling you too much, but i think this will come in handy, thank you, sergey, put the salad on , listen, no, thank you, here you go, it’s swiss, i bought the real ones in switzerland, they measure everything, pulse, blood pressure, everything, they even listen to your thoughts, sergey. take it, take it, thank you, yes , take it, it will come in handy, dmitry borisovich, but you didn’t agree, seryoga, let me see, no, that's it, i'll tell you later, champagne, champagne, seryozha, we missed a lot, but fortunately we still
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met, i want to tell you that we will be waiting for you at home, we love you, serve honestly . be courageous, be a real man, for you, hurray, hurray, for you, seryozha, for you, son, come on, oh, seryozha, for you, thank you for larisa, and maybe a salad, i prepared it myself, of course, well, of course it doesn’t count, put it in, thank you, these are my classmates, by the way, yeah, yes, very nice, very nice, and this is my nastya, hello, once again, yes, nastya
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, are you studying, yes, i’m studying at the law academy, my dad is just a lawyer in his footsteps, how are you coping with your studies, you’re just like my mother, not a day goes by without being questioned about your studies, how’s that taking the exam for all that stuff, well, i’m just interested, there’s really nothing interesting, studying is like studying, it just makes your head swell, but without education now you can’t get anywhere, you’ll later be a lawyer, you’ll earn good money, but i think that rich husbands earn more, that the wife should stay at home and to arrange comfort, and a man must earn money, and a woman subsequently spend it, so sergei will have something to think about while he is in the army, yes, i’ll go and bring some hot food, nastya, you can help, well , seryozh, i have a dress, seryozh, i
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will help you. let me help you, get the plate , please don’t get burned, yeah, seryozha, you ’ve been dating nastya for a long time, for a long time, 2 years, hold on, you love her, yes, she’s me, i’m sure, but what didn’t you like nastya? it just seemed to me that she somehow doesn’t like you very much, she’s nice, she just says sometimes the first thing that comes to mind, and
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people don’t always like it, is, i don’t want to interfere in your relationship, i just want my son to be happy. you just called me son , i liked it, if to begin with you could at least call me “you”, i would be happy too, i’m worried that i didn’t raise you, but it’s not your fault, in any case i’m very happy that i had such a mother, thank you, thank you. everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, i’ll go,
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and mikhail, excuse me, do you have your own business? construction worker, and you are the general there, i am the owner, by the way, all the roads in the city will soon be mine, can you imagine, right? this , this is cool, this is very cool, maybe you need young lawyers , this is you talking about yourself, or something, why not, it’s like you were going to spend as if you weren’t going to earn money, well, no one knows how life will turn out, right , well, yes, yes, so practice definitely won’t hurt. well, okay
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, here you go, the door is open to beautiful girls everywhere , that’s right, thank you, you’re okay too, yes, thank you, please, i’m trying to keep in shape, so to speak, but where is everyone? and... he looked at me like that yesterday, i thought that worries, you see, he is not your rival, but
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larisa may flare up old feelings for him, our task is to prevent them from getting closer, this is in the same way, but very simple: surround larisa with maximum care and attention, so that she i forgot to think about him.
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come, dean, i want to talk , i’m listening very carefully, i once separated you from larisa and deprived you of your future, if you knew how much i reproach myself for this, and now i want to ask you not to repeat my mistakes, you about what? larisa loves mikhail very much. "she constantly tells me about what a wonderful person she is and how she would like to be with him, yes, i am very happy for her, but now
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she has taken care of you and sonia, she has gotten it into her head that she must save you, but this could destroy her union with mikhail, you know , free larisa from all this, i didn’t ask her for anything, i know, i know, i know, she knows, she knows, well, since it will be better for everyone, thank you, i won’t read it, at least.
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march into the bus one at a time. excuse me, please, i'm in a hurry to get to school , we're late, goodbye, listen, so the weather is good, maybe we can go for a walk in the park , well, i’m all for it, dad, and you, sunechka, wait for us for a minute, okay,
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laris, let’s go talk, laris, please don’t come to us again, yes, come on, that’s it. you're getting married soon, you'll have your own family, you won't be able to devote a lot of time to sonya, she'll worry, i really liked mikhail, he won't mind, i'm not interested in your mikhail , and that means it's all about me, what do you say? that i don’t want to communicate with her, this doesn’t concern you, dima, well, we’re not strangers, that ’s not possible, that’s it, i said, the conversation is over, goodbye. sonechka, bye, bye.
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well, let's go, let's go. this is a catastrophe. we were sued by a company that...
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what and where is happening at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only
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songs are fulfilled, but also desires, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, my wife says, yes, you don’t understand,
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sergei ursulyak’s film liquidation final episodes tomorrow on rtr, here’s your cocktail, but i told you i don’t want to, well, let’s go somewhere, maybe go to a club to unwind, otherwise you’re kind of sad, no, i don't want to go to the club. anya, what's going on? so the fact of the matter is that nothing is happening, then another proposal, let’s go to the sea, wherever you want, vadik, my mother sent you, not
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my mother, well, you just need a change of scenery, to unwind, i’m very tired today. what about home, let's go, yes, of course, anya, wait, so, oh, uh-huh, ah... come on, wait a minute , let's eat faster, i really want to eat, oh, so, listen,
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we need to decide where we will go on our honeymoon, i don’t know , i don’t care, well, then it’s my taste, let ’s go to warm countries, we ’ll have fun there, come on, come on, we ’ve decided on the apartment, i’ll buy it, but i probably won’t sell mine, why? ? well, you never know how things will turn out with you, wait, who don’t you trust, me or yourself? laris, well, you and i are adults, anything is possible in life. happen, maybe then there’s no need to start a wedding, maris.
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i love you very much and want to live a long, happy life with you. well, well, our future children will eventually need an apartment. wait, did i hear right? you didn't want children, did you? yes, i’ve just seen enough of your sergei, sonya, they are so friendly. “yes, i want children, this
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is very surprising, you have never been burning with this desire, i really want you and i to have a strong, happy family, dad, where are you going, but i’m just for a couple of days.” and you can live with the world for now, dad, why can’t i live with larisa, well, because larisa is getting married, she will soon have her own family , well, we can sometimes meet or call each other, go for walks, no, don’t, get involved in someone else’s life, but she herself told me what is interesting to both of us , that’s it, that’s enough, i said, the conversation is over, you’ll live with sveta, don’t meddle with larisa. sleepyhead, sleepyhead, well, sleepyhead,
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sleepyhead, well, it really will be better this way, well, that's it, good night, bye, dad, bye. anyun, why don’t you eat, eat, come on, i don’t want it, so that means i don’t want it, i got up early on purpose, prepared everything, my mother wadded me the sea called, listen, it’s a great idea, that is , you don’t mind, but of course not, i would go myself if someone suggested it, but what about work?
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i’ll come to an agreement with larisa, mom , you never let me go anywhere for a long time, i trust vadik, he’s reliable, you set it all up, listen, what kind of words did you set up, baby, i just really want you to be happy, but really can you be happy without love? but it’s easy to love unrequitedly, listen to me, go, you need a change of scenery, okay, i’ll go, and then we’ll see, well, here we go well done, eat, come on, delicious
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, uh-huh, yes, well done, you’re doing well, you’ve got enough for a lita, thank you very much, mikhail, oh well, nonsense, nonsense, i’m always ready to help, maybe then you won’t refuse me one more request, that brazen old happiness, yes, yes, well done, right, well done, i like it, come on, tell me what the request is. well, maybe we could
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go with you, celebrate my first day at work, have dinner? so, stop, stop, stop, stop, it seems like you have a boyfriend, what is he? and he is far away, and you are nearby? you see, nastya, i am a famous person in this city. i’m getting married, so going to a restaurant with a young, beautiful girl might compromise me a little, as i understand it, you’re not refusing the dinner itself, okay, let’s go, first we’ll write a statement, but what kind of statement? you need
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to get a job, you need to write an application, i understand, i understand. thank you, uh-huh, here, uh-huh, hello, good afternoon, hello.
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it so happened that irina and valery crashed in a car when they were just driving towards them, but what a horror, they were such a beautiful couple. "i sincerely sympathize with you, why do you they thought that they were not a couple, it seemed to me that way, when we met, a month ago, for some reason it seemed so to me, that’s when we
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worked out the whole agreement, but what about the agreement, well, we concluded a preliminary agreement, there were small nuances , we removed them, and i was going to call you for the final signing, we still don’t understand anything, yes, me too, let’s do this, if you are ready, then we can resume our cooperation, yes, of course, you will forgive me, yes, yes, of course, yeah, hello, dim, sonya is sick, the temperature is high, 39.8, lord, what happened to you there, i caught a cold , ran around sweating during physical education, drank cold water, came home from school, everything is burning, i understand you, call
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the local doctor, he’s already come , he prescribed me the medicine, i bought everything, now i’m drinking raspberries, doctor he said that if the temperature does not subside, sonya will be taken to the hospital, i am very worried. that’s it, i understand you , just don’t panic, okay, okay, i ’m leaving, i’ll be there soon, uh, forgive me, what happened, yes, yes, my daughter fell ill, i need to go urgently, of course, here are my coordinates, yeah , well for contacts, if anything, and thank you very much again , goodbye, see you, lenochka, come to me, please, please prepare a new agreement for this company, okay, oleg vyacheslavovich, as quickly as possible, yeah, thank you, i’ll do it, so, somewhere he was here, oh,
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laris, ah, come here, so, now, uh-huh, go, hold the sandwiches, uh-huh, uh-huh. look, i really like this, they have a very cool chef there, he said that he will personally take care of our banquet, and that’s great, let’s just sign and fly somewhere, maris, what are you saying, what are you saying, we have important guests larisa, the deputy mayor himself personally promised, and my partners have been preparing gifts for you for a long time, well, what wouldn’t you like to receive? but no, i won’t tell you in advance, then you’ll find out everything yourself, mish, do you even love me? well, it’s natural that i would marry you, wait, you ’re just somehow crazy about this wedding, you know, you’re just talking about your business partners, about guests, about gifts, and you asked me what i want,
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finish your drink, finish your drink raspberry tea is good for you how are you feeling, better, but... where's dad? go home. it’s already night, and he keeps driving and driving. moreover, i call him, but he doesn’t pick up the phone. why does he have it? forgive this larisa, i just thought you
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would like all this, i'm sorry, please, hello, aunt larisa, hello, hello, sonechka, how are you, i got sick, and dad disappeared, how... and who are you with? i’m with sveta, well, she’s with my dad’s work, and your temperature is high? i’m already better, but i’m very worried about my dad, give me the phone to this light, please, yeah, you’re the light, and hello, larisa, hello, what’s wrong with dima, he went to negotiations in berezovsk, should have returned a long time ago and the phone is not available. okay , i understand everything, i’ll come now, yes, okay, that’s it, she
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’ll come, yes, i’ll bring you some medicine now, yeah, mish, i’ll leave, i’ll call you, where, wait, wait, larisa, what happened , dima disappeared, well, so what, are you his nanny or something, i don’t understand, well, a grown man, well, he went on a spree somewhere, so what? dima would never do that, larisa, he could have changed 100 times over the years, and anyway, you married him are you marrying me or marrying me, i don’t understand, misha, he is the father of my child, you understand this , instead of saying all sorts of nonsense, call our andrei from the police, he will find out faster what could have happened to dima, larisa, misha, help me needed, the person has disappeared, you understand, okay, okay, okay, i'm with you. i’ll go and call andrey from the car,
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yes, it’s here, yes, thank you. hello, hello, svetlana, how is sonya? she’s feeling better now, asks where dad is, she’s in her room, yeah, i’ll come see her, of course, thank you, misha. sonechka, hi, hi, how are you? are you feeling? well, okay, my forehead is hot. where's dad? dad, you know, his
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car probably broke down, he will arrive soon. i’m so glad you came, i’m also very glad to see you, i miss you. i don’t understand why dad doesn’t allow you and me to communicate. i don't know, don't think about it. the main thing now is that you recover as quickly as possible, and for this you need to sleep a lot and gain strength. yeah, aren't you going anywhere? no, i'll be with you. yes, hi, andrey, where, so, so. yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank
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you, well done, keep going, yes, we’ll be in touch, that’s it, come on, bye, larisa, yes, now, i’ll go away for a while and come back, get well soon. what's happened? andrey just called. dmitry had an accident, he is in the hospital, we performed an operation. so. shall we go to him? yes, sveta, can you sit with sonya? yes, yes, of course, what hospital is he in? at thirty-two, thirty-two. that's it, we're off, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my god,
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good evening, hello, and simakov has come to his senses, in a moderate state. the operation was successful, he is still very weak, do not disturb him, come back tomorrow, thank you, doctor, well, i told you, everything is fine, but you were worried, okay, that’s it, let’s go home, it’s time to go to bed, i have very difficult negotiations tomorrow, mish, wait, thank you for helping, but i’ll go to sonya, why are there lights there, listen, well, dima is in the hospital, i can’t leave her, but that means you can leave me, larisa, actually, you and i are almost a family, but what kind of family are we? i really don’t like all this, mish, what are you saying, you’re an adult, and sonya is a child who recently lost his mother, i’m going to her, it’s even not discussed, that’s it, i’ll call you, larisa, misha, we’ll call you.
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well, how is she 37.2, fell asleep, i feel so sorry for dima, why is he having such bad luck lately, you need to find a common language with sonya, yes, sonechka, we communicate perfectly, she’s just drawn to you, well... i mean, well, actually, i have my own family, husband and son, but what about you, is it a weird office romance, or what? what? are you crazy ? my husband and i have been working in dima’s company
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for many years, i can help him sit sonya in a friendly manner. “yes, my husband brought me here, forgive me, i’m completely different i thought, excuse me, it’s no big deal, listen, maybe you can sit with sunny then, and i’ll go see dima at the hospital, well, of course , well, say hi, i’ll definitely tell him, i can cook him something, don’t you?” there’s nothing to cook yet, i ’ll find out what i need to say, then i decided, okay, thank you, and i’ll sonya, while i make raspberry tea, yes, that’s great, yeah, thank you, so, sorry, i forgot that you read other people’s thoughts , i thought that i liked you, i
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can invite you to dinner, anna is a medium on monday on rrt, resurrected. you will return the money to me now, if you do not repay the debt to me this week, in a day i will take everything you have, everything, you will soon meet your father, well, my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means this threat , if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive the debt to your victor, this
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work is important for both of us, but tell me, you have a camera in your office, you are following me , i am out of the house, i need to act, your wife has there is obvious hostility towards you, your daughter doesn’t respect you, sometimes you need to sort out other people’s problems easier than overcoming your fears. why did your father strengthen the door of the sharay, who was locked there? pure psychology, friday on rtr. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a little help, the name of which character from the works? pushkin, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services , i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for the head. god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, tomorrow on rtr, yes. dim, hi, how are you, i’ll live normally,
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sonya, how? sonya, it’s better, the temperature seems to be subsiding, don’t be afraid, i won’t leave her. listen, you don’t have to do this, i ’ll ask the light. dim, let me stay with her until you get better. and i’ll boil it for sergei, i decided not to say anything. fine? fine. “listen, you have a wedding soon, you have your own life, so you better mind your own business, dim, now this is not the main thing, the main thing is that you i’ve recovered, i ’ll come to you every day, there’s no need to come here, why are you doing this, please go away, oh, i beg you, okay, get well."
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hello, natalya viktorovna, hello, what happened, your faces are on your face no , we had a quarrel, it's worse, now we can't do without your help, so tell me, well, what can i tell you ? dmitry is in the hospital, he got into a car accident. what is it, something serious? no, i don’t know, he was operated on, he’s leaving . well, why are you so worried about him? no, i’m not for him, i’m for larisa. now she spends all her time with him in the hospital, and then goes to see his daughter, what’s her name, to sonya, babysits her, and turns me off, how’s that? yes, just like that, simple. i don’t know what to do with this, i don’t have the strength, sorry, to drag her home, right? phew, i’m so tired of this family, but i’ll solve this
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problem, what a horror, how is dmitry borisovich feeling? nothing, everything seems to have worked out, he’s better now, you know, nastya, we just decided not to tell sergei anything about it, well, yes, that’s right, why bother him? he is now our defender of the homeland, don’t be sorry, please, just if he calls you, don’t tell him anything, yes, of course, and i also really wanted you to help us with sonya, sometimes we need to sit with her at school, take her to english, you can help, you know, i just got a job in the evenings , i’ll pick up my textbooks, so i don’t have any time, wait, you weren’t going to work, i changed my mind and decided to become a lawyer. nastya, do you even love me? "excuse me, please, but you yourself recently found out that you have a son, and what are you doing, you need business develop, why are you doing this, i
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spend all my free time with them, i just sometimes have things to do, so i have things to do too, i’m in a hurry to get them done, you call, if i have time, i’ll definitely help, until dates, something tells me that you won’t have time. i brought you food, you need to recover , i don’t want to, so sayings are not accepted, i tried, i cooked, okay, okay, leave it, i ’ll eat later, what do the doctors say, what else can they say, rest in peace, pills in the morning before evening, well, get some sleep, then , come on, well, at least eat one cutlet, light, we ’re good here, they feed us, okay, i’ll leave it, eat it for dinner, i know how they feed you in hospitals, okay, leave it, you’d better tell me , sonya, no matter how capricious she is, oh, sonya, everything is
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fine with us. larisa helps a lot , we take turns with her at night, they get along so well with sonya, well, just a sight for sore eyes, light, where ira and valera were going, well, to sign this agreement, where else, light, they went to discuss the agreement a month ago, after that no meetings were scheduled dim, let's talk when you get better, sveta, i'm not a bar. i won’t cry, tell me, i’m asking you, well, in general, i was exhausted myself, i didn’t want to tell you, irina and valerie had an affair for at least three years, which i found out by chance, and not...
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that’s all time we went to different holiday homes, they told everyone that i was on a business trip, but i didn’t fill out any documents for them, yet it goes through me, dim, dim, dim, well, forgive me , well, well, dima, oh, hello, misha, hi, hi, what are you doing here, i’ll come in, thank you, thank you, i’m here for a toy i bought it for sonya, and again, sonya, they came to you, i’m coming, thank you, hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, so to speak, a bear from...
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goodbye, well done! larisa, let's make peace already, or what? well, how little are you? yes, but seriously, i'm wrong, right? what? of course, you can sit with sonya all the time while her father is in the hospital, well, well, since it so happens that she has no one closer to her than you. how unexpected, it feels like it’s not you who’s talking, i just realized that i put too much pressure on you, especially lately, but if people love each other, they somehow have to give in, well, isn’t it, golden words, sorry, not mine, well, you still agree to marry me, now you definitely agree.
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laris, i have to go, my break is ending, but of course, run, yeah, everything is fine, come on, mish, yes, i’ll stay with sonya today, okay, of course, no problem, do as you see fit, that’s it, come on, that’s it , ran around, that’s it, bye, sonny, let’s go have tea and cake, here’s the wine, please join us at the table, what kind of fish are these, i don’t know, you’re a designer did, so beautiful, right?
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but leave these fish alone, let’s better celebrate your first day of work, i’m for it, so am i, for you, for your future career. your beauty and youth, oh, well, i’m about to cry from emotion, no need, thank you very much, i’m pleased.
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it's not too early, we've just started. but life goes fast, why put off the inevitable, you know what? you will make a great lawyer, why? you have no principles and i like that.
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so, sonechka, let's see what your temperature is. hold it, oh, sorry, yes, hello, larisa, good morning, you don’t have a good accountant, you need to sort out the company’s accounts, and i don’t want to bother dima with this. yes, light, good morning, and i do my accounting myself, i will help you. oh, that's great, just someone to leave sonya with. i'll solve it. send me your address with a text message, please.
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anya, do you remember her, we met in the park? of course i remember. she is so kind, not like nastya. so i’ll stay with anya. so neat. let's. so, help me with my leg. yes. like this. so, here it is. fine. nothing. hu. and why? larista didn't come, and you didn't tell me i’m glad, i just spoke to her very rudely yesterday and wanted to apologize. tim, never mind, she’s not offended, that’s for sure, she’s looking after your daughter like her own, oh
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my god, excuse me, good afternoon, oleg, hello, how are you? well, i found out what happened to you and decided to come. how did you save me with this agreement, it’s like a lifesaver for me, maybe you can tell me some good hotel? so, ask katya, does she know there is a very good hotel nearby, katya? well, yes, my classmate,
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i just decided today to feel like a sister of mercy, get well, thank you very much, goodbye, you run, otherwise he will leave, goodbye, goodbye, katya, wait, oh, sorry, dmitry told me that you can show me where not far from hospital hotel, by the way, my name is oleg , katya, although you already know, very, yes, yes , of course, let’s go, i’ll show you, yeah, what kind of agreement are you going to sign, you’ll forgive me for asking, just from dima there’s a bit of a dark streak in life right now, yes, but what happened, his wife and daughter died. the little one is left, we, of course, help, but you understand, no one can replace his own mother, yeah, yes, at least everything would work out for him, yes , i think everything will be fine, it seems to me that we
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have found a common language with him, well i ’ll be here for a few days, i’d like to see you again, right? of course, you know, i 'm late for work, maybe we should go? yes, yes, of course, let's go. oh, well, everything is so unfair , you won again, everything is fair, well, mm, it’s very tasty, and you teach me how to cook it, i’ll teach you, and not only that, i do a lot of things i can cook, cakes, pancakes, salads, and in general anything you want, cool, how is seryozha doing in the army? it’s okay, i recently took the oath,
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would you like me to say hello to him from you? no need , he has nastya, but it’s better if he fell in love with you, you’re good, thank you, of course, but you can’t command your heart, and it would also be great if dad and aunt larisa lived together, oh, of course. yes, i won’t forget mom, but it would be nice for dad and aunt larisa too, yeah, but where are we going to put mikhail, and let him marry nastya, they’re both disgusting, oh, you’re mine good, well, let's continue to play , well, come on, i'll take revenge, so, here are the contracts for the last six months, i couldn't log in, there's a password there, nothing, i'll try to figure out
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what i have, you're just saving us, yeah , the main thing that helped, i don’t even understand where all our money went, it even came to this, all this is really very strange, why irina, being dima’s wife, didn’t keep him in the know, maybe there were some - there's a problem, svetlana, if you remain silent, i won't... be able to help you, irina and valera, dima's companion, had an affair, that's probably why. it's clear. does dima know? only yesterday i had to tell him about it. he is, of course, very worried. yes. it's clear. sit down, i found something else here. recently, money from company accounts was transferred to oleg’s company. is this your daughter? company, no, i’ve never even heard of such a thing, then it was all very strange, large
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transactions, only the fifth transfer was caught, everything was signed by irina, but i don’t know what we should do now, i’ll try to figure it out, and you dig into the contracts some more, yes , okay, i’ll do everything, or maybe we’ll go to hell, well, since we’re in the same team together, of course, with pleasure, thank you, but i have to run, i ’m meeting with one person, like once on this issue, and then i’ll go to sonya to spend the night, oh, sonya, hello, i’ll definitely tell you, thank you, bye, bye, so, lar, about the olympus company, of course, i’ll find out what i can, but why do you need it,
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there’s a whole deputy chief of the internal affairs directorate, you’ll find out everything, just don’t say anything to mikhail, please, well, that’s also understandable, he’s ours i’ll find out everything i can, i have no doubt, you ’re a jealous person, well, there’s a little, okay, i ’ll call, thank you, andrey, but no problem, thank you, bye.
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hello, hello, why aren’t you sleeping, i’m thinking about you,
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oh, okay, i can’t talk. you will, well, firstly, i’m not lying, and i really like you, and secondly, no, i’ll refrain, i’m also very happy with you. but no one should know about this, about everything, okay, of course, smart girl,
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you pick it up on the fly. just remember, whoever you tell, i’ll destroy you, yes, i might not i have to say, my fiancé is still alive, yes , yes, i don’t need this gossip, you’re nearby and that’s enough, that’s all, well, the quarry, as you promised. and this is a shark, listen, we have coverage, oh, grab, what are you talking about, this is what you are doing to me, and what, this is what you are doing, and
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payment by card, okay, please apply, uh-huh. thank you, goodbye, all the best, ekaterina alekseevna, and i sold another skirt, well done, smart girl, katya, hello, hello, how are things going with us, great, just wonderful, yes, listen, you’re something special today mysterious, it’s just a good day, what are you talking about, let’s say it’s a cloudy day, come on, who is he, what are you talking about, well, i know that look. 100 years, you can’t fool me, yeah, come on, who is he, oleg, oleg, with whom dima signs a contract, wow, when did you have time, but we didn’t have time to do anything, so, we walked in the park, sat in a cafe, soon he when he leaves, everything will be over
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, so you will go with him, well, of course, i will be sorry to lose a director like you, but what won’t you do for the happiness of your beloved friend. lar, stop it, what if he's married, i i fantasized about everything, but we’ll find out everything, don’t, if i find out that he has a family, i’ll be offended, okay, we’ll find out everything, but we won’t tell you, i mean, and if i’m not married, we won’t tell you anyway, suffer. “dima, hello, hello, i stopped by to see your doctor, he said that you don’t attend physical therapy, but you need to recover, sonya has recovered, tomorrow
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i’ll bring her to you, we’ll fix everything in the company, i promise you.” dim, well, get away from your marriage thoughts, please, dim, wait, hello, yes, it’s me, what, the address of the hospital you say? yes, i understand, i’ll come, okay, lord, yes, what is this, huh? lord, what happened, seryozha the martyr injured his spine, he’s lying in the hospital, like god, the address is the hospital, i’m going to see him, but no, we ’ll go together, but you can barely walk. dim, they won’t let you go, nothing, nothing, you just need to pop home, change clothes, let’s go, what could happen?
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your son fell during an exercise during an obstacle course, i can see him, he was prescribed a rehabilitation regime after the operation, and you are like ball lightning all over nerves, calm down, a second operation will be needed, then he will have a chance to get back on his feet, seryozha cannot walk. very severe, two spinal discs are damaged , we don’t do such operations, he needs a spinal neurosurgeon, i want to see my son,
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he is in a state of deep loss of consciousness, he simply doesn’t recognize you, take us to the child, please. seryozhenka, son, how can it be, he can’t hear you, when can we transfer him, a medical commission is meeting next week, but the minutes count, so i i can call a car right now, it’s not that simple, this is the army. you can’t just pick him up from the hospital, well, wait, you yourself say that an urgent operation is needed, yes, only when a military commission meets
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and declares him unfit for service, an order will be issued only then, please, help us, we , we can’t be late, let’s take him under our responsibility, uh-huh, civil laws don’t apply here, well , some human laws apply, well, i don’t know, well, you can find some way, well, help... please, i’ll try, you must write an application addressed to the head of the hospital about the transfer of your son. okay, we are ready to write anything, we will sign anything, as long as it helps. i'll talk to the head doctor. thank you. yes, not yet . let's go, he needs some rest.
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dim help you? i still had to stay with seryozha in the hospital. dim, don't beat yourself up. well, you yourself understand that we need to find a good neurosurgeon now and think about how to transfer seryozha. yes. oh, excuse me, please, where am i going to finish you now? fine. hello, hello, larisa. yes, andrey, hello. i'm here with news on your question. large sums were transferred to the accounts of the olymp company, allegedly for the purchase of equipment. after that, all funds were transferred to the account of the spanish company that belongs to it. this is the news, listen further, in spain this valery owns a big house, irina also
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has an account in spain, there is a decent amount of money on it, so, that is, you want to say that they wanted to fly away together, namely, cheating on their friend and husband, i understand, thank you, andrey, you asked, i’ll do it, bye , thank you, bye, here are your room keys, hello, give me the documents, yeah, we could have two rooms, we’ll check now, only one is left, but it’s a double room, we’re checking out, but there are no other hotels, somewhere nearby, no, we have a small town, okay, give me the keys, i ’ll sleep in the car, dim, don’t think about it, we’ll find accommodation somehow, let me know. your passports, please, uh-huh, yes, please fill out
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the forms while i do the processing. it hurts, nothing, nothing, it’s okay, now i ’ll feed you, will you sleep? i want to eat dim, you need strength, yeah, yes, dim , i understand that it’s very difficult for you now, but you have to pull yourself together, you have children, little sonya, our seryozha is in serious condition, we need to hold on somehow , you know,
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for the sake of the children. “i understand, but i don’t understand why everything is like this, like this, everything fell on me at once, ira, valera, the whole business is collapsing to hell, me, then sergey, what are you doing, thank you very much, thank you for being there , you help, i swear, without you i would probably either go crazy or drink myself to death finally, and you, although, i don’t even know, maybe it’s for the better, if your mikhail is normal, he will understand everything, then get married and
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you will be happy. “i’m not sure about this anymore , i’m sorry, hello, hello, larisa, where have you gone, i’m in the hospital, seryozha, he has a spinal fracture, he fell unsuccessfully during an exercise, the doctor says that he may become disabled forever, oh, lord, okay, now the main thing is to transfer him to us, find a good hospital, larisa, everything will be fine, you hear, everything should be fine, i hope, mom, bye, bye, oh my god, what have i done? natalya
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viktorovna, that’s where, natalya viktorovna, oh, well, where is she, we’re in trouble, seryozha broke his spine, wow, wow, i shouldn’t have joined the army. i would have just excused myself and, oh well, where is larisa? i didn’t even think that i would worry so much. natalya viktorovna, you’re not starting too early, and that’s my fault. oh, come on, what is your fault? ay, misha, you don’t understand anything, but larisa understands when she finds out, okay, where is she? natalya
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viktorovna, larisa, where is sergei? yes, it's clear, eh this ex, he’s there too, yes, he escaped from the hospital, clearly, that is, they are there together, yes, that is, they are there together, i see you don’t care, they are parents, and what, larisa, is my fiancée . honestly, i don’t recognize you, oh misha, go, go!
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hello son. son, dear, how are you feeling? my back hurts and i can’t feel my legs. what happened with me? seryozha, is your spine damaged? it's okay, we can handle it. you 'll get better. will try. i am very glad to see you. we love you too, seryozh. how are you? why, look, i’m jumping on three legs, that’s all fine. she said that you are dying, who is
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she? well, natalya viktorovna. mom, did she call you? yes, why didn’t you call me right away? and... she said that you were on vacation and asked not to disturb you, you know, now this is not the main thing, now the most important thing is you, we will take you home soon, everything will be fine, i’ll be right back, laris, son, wait just a minute. larisa, she’s here again, you understand, i can’t believe it, i asked her not to talk, but you understand that because of her, our son could remain disabled, she’s all life took away from everyone, it ruined my whole life
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, well, that’s it, i said that, that’s enough, that’s enough, calm down, you need to think about your son, he needs you now, you understand that we can’t cope without you, do you hear me, that ? said, hello, nikolai petrovich , did something work out, yes, the chief physician met you halfway, you can transfer, great, in our city there is a thirty-second hospital, yes, the central one, that’s right, my friend works there, we used to serve together, and then he went to work in civilian life, first-classburg, what’s his last name? i'm with him i’ll contact you immediately, prince , i’ll call him myself, describe your case, thank you, thank you, i’ll prepare all the documents, i’m on a round, thank you very much, goodbye, all the best, dimo, well, i told you
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that everything will be ok, let's go, hello, seryozha, listen, we talked to the doctor, he allowed... to transfer you to our hospital, you will have a good neurosurgeon there, ok, what about sonya? sonya, it’s wonderful, she asks about you all the time, she’s waiting for you to come back, probably not soon, well, don’t be sore here, we’ll be there, in in general, relax, and we 'll pick you up in about an hour, okay, sleep before the road, okay, i love you, we love you too, come on! hold on, bye , son, bye, bye, dad, oh, wait, i'm now, uh-huh, okay, you can give me the phone, phone, of course, why do you
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need it, well, you have to, oh, well, you have to, that's it, bye . hello, hello, seryozha, how are you, how did this even happen, well, you didn’t want it for long. parting, so we'll meet soon, listen, i'm being transferred to the central one, you 'll come, of course, i love you, and i love you
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i love you, get better there, quickly kiss everything, bye, yeah, come on. you’re not ashamed to lie to your boyfriend, he may not get out of bed at all, and here you are, shining your shoulders, lying to your future wife, i’ll take an example from you, mish, don’t be insolent, i’m still too young to read morals, but that doesn’t stop you from being with me, okay, why are you wound up, forget this aunt, i’m nearby and i’m better, but what do you understand, she’s there with this... so maybe they didn’t have anything,
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they just went to the hospital together, yes, yes, yes, yes, just let's go together, just go together the night remained, she just doesn’t call, doesn’t pick up the phone, nastya, you don’t understand, i do everything for her, everything, and she wants this, that’s what you women need, i, for example, need you, yeah, and the money is mine. one thing doesn’t interfere with the other, that’s it, i need to go, where, to the university, listen, maybe it’s this university, i really need to. go, forgive me,
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bye, bye, okay, a little more, be careful, with him.
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your son really needs your support, thank you very much, doctor, thank you, good afternoon, and good, i’m sorry, i’m late, i was delayed at work, no, everything’s fine...
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yeah, are you married? yes no, of course, no , naturally, why naturally, well, no, i ’m really not married, listen , there’s an excellent cafe nearby, they make very good coffee, you’re like, yes, i’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, i’m for it, then you can , oh, of course, when is your operation? in 2 days. so what do the doctors say, will it help? i don't know. you look very good. thanks, i'm trying. you know, if you. you'll be there, everything will be
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fine, nastya, kiss me, seryozha, let's not be here, okay, it's just not very good in the hospital, hi, m, hi, an, ah, i, i’ll probably come in later, oh, come on, come in, my name is anya. this is the daughter of my mother’s friend, she looked after sonya, thank you very much, by the way, but you’re welcome, you know, i somehow don’t care, i ’m settled, so for now, wait, you ’ll come tomorrow, yes, i’ll try, bye, well, like you , the best, i brought you pies with
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apple jam, with potatoes, here are the pies, yeah, well, you give it, and if you don’t want it , i’ll take it away, and if you like it, i’ll bring more . i also wanted to bring a pie with fish, ah, let ’s not do it all at once, but ok, oh, don’t be offended just, yeah, i also brought a kettle , maybe you want some tea, come on, that’s good, aunt larisa sonya was going to come to you today, and then we’ll go for a walk with them, great, it’s a pity that i can’t be with you , well... you’ll be able to get better, we ’ll go for a walk again, i believe that everything will be fine for you, so i’ll go get some water, that’s it, right,
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daughter? you arrived, how's it going, seryozha , leave me alone, oh, larisa, i'm sorry, but i didn't want this to happen, i didn't want to, why did you call him, why did you tell him what happened, my son is dying , but you don't i wanted, well, i saw that you and mikhail were at odds, he walks around nervously, you don’t pay attention to him, you’re messing around with this girl, and you need to arrange your life, well larisa, well, i wanted it better,
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put your things in closet, there's enough space there, dim, and it's definitely convenient, i'll stay for a few days, rent an apartment, don't worry, i just can't live with my mother under the same roof anymore, well, that's enough, larisa, that's enough, everything's fine, you can live here as much as you need, that's it, let's settle in, settle down, dim, thank you very much, you such, larisa,
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if only everything could be returned back. well , why return, let's start all over again, you need to answer, i don't want to, well, if you want, i 'll pick up the phone, no. “i have to do it myself, but not now, i won’t let you go anywhere now, dima,
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mish, i have two news for you, oh, just go without these, here’s the good one, the bad one, let’s do both at once, why are you so angry, take it, thank you .. okay, then i’ll start with the good one, i broke up with sergei, well, these are your affairs, they are completely uninteresting to me, so, well, maybe then you’re interested in the fact that larisa is with dmitry is together again, what are you talking about, how did you find out, to me, sergey. said.
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i knew it, father, don’t answer the phone, mish, listen, well, since everything is going this way, then maybe we, that we, will try to be together, we... together, i don’t see a reason for fun, my dear, i’ll tell you i’ll tell you a terrible secret, just forget about it for the rest of your life, they just sleep with people like you, so he’ll marry people like larisa, but maybe something more delicate, with whom? yes, do you have brushes in your eyes, an inscription on your forehead?
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do you know where the door is? why are you doing this to me?
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the subscriber's device is turned off or is outside network coverage areas. hello, seryozha, i brought you a cake, chocolate, layer cake, just the way you like it. sonya told me that this is your favorite cake. i'll give it to you and you 'll lick your fingers. here look. anh, why is all this? why did you stupidly bake this cake?
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why do you wear your pies all the time? do you come here? what do you want from me? seryozha, did something happen? i haven’t been able to call nastya for a week now. well, maybe she went somewhere? if she had left, she would have said. okay, i'm sorry, i just want to be alone, okay, i then i’ll come to you later and you can try the cake, i baked it all night, bye. so, where are the balances from the last delivery?
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here, almost everything has sold out, there are only two dresses left, good knitwear from this supplier, i should order more, uh-huh, great, i’ll call him now, thank you, uh-huh, hello, vladislav mikhailovich, good afternoon, sorry, i’ll call you back, hello, hello, that's it, what do you want to hear? what do i want to hear? well, well, tell me about your impressions, about your romantic trip, did you have a good time, did you have fun? no, well, i i understand, we’re alone in the hotel, uh, yes, i know, that’s it, laris, i know, yes, misha, shut up, i was with my son, of course, of course, naturally , with you, with you, you can always find a reason, yes, absolutely right, laris, yes, you know, yes, you have bonuses.
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just tell me one thing, why him? misha , let’s not now, i don’t want to talk about it now, that is, wait, that is, you wanted it for 2 years and then suddenly suddenly you stopped wanting to, great, great, what’s the reason, my joy, but i know, i know that old feelings flared up is great, but it didn’t occur to you head that he’s just using you, for so many years, people , problems have started, it’s you, he showed up, so, larisa, i ’ll explain everything to you now, you don’t need to explain anything to me , no, well, if only you’d just cheat on me, but
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with my son’s fiancée, what a brute you are, get out of here, “so you’re leaving me, right? okay, okay, but you know what i’ll tell you, my dear, i’ll set up such a business for you, you and these clothes of yours will go to hell mothers will be kicked out of here tomorrow. mark my words, i'm afraid, i'm afraid, go already, you bastard, like that, where did we stop, hello, hello, what do you need, i was with sergei in the hospital, he said
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that you didn’t pick up the phone and was worried that you were missing, and what are you, his lawyer? “no , i just feel sorry for him, who would feel sorry for me, by the way , tell him that i won’t come to him again, why, but you don’t understand, if you like to take care of him, then i don’t want to spend my whole life looking after disabled people, thank you , so he will have an operation, he will get back on his feet, and then, all his life he works for a pharmacy, class, nastya, this is a betrayal, listen, but since you she’s so kind, just live with him.” “so he loves you, since he loves you, and why did you fall in love with him? no, oh, i’m in love, so tell me thank you, i’m making way for you, walk boldly, bye.
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what do you mean should? he has a mom and dad, so let them be next to him? or do you still like him? what does this have to do with it? does he need my help. did you decide it yourself or did he ask? are you running away from me and making me crazy? what are you even saying? he lies in bed all day long, you walk with your own feet,
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ride your bicycle, you don’t feel at all ashamed? ok, sorry. what if he remains disabled forever? well, that means i'll always be there. anh, are you going to ruin your life like this? vatik, this is my life, and now i’m ruining yours. you're a good guy, everything will be great for you. you will definitely find a girl who will love only you. and now?
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how did the operation go? sorry, we need to go to the room. fine. understandable, thank you, thank you so that he can, and when it’s a matter of time
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when he can get back on his feet, well, the main thing is, thank you very much, thank you, be there, surround him with care, as they say, the way the walker will be able to handle it, all the best, good-bye , everything will be fine, everything will be fine, now we’ll measure the pulse and we’ll verticalize , well, sergey, let’s try to get up, okay, we’ll try, don’t worry, we ’ll succeed with you, the main thing is trust, smart girl , great, everything is fine, well, let's go , that's it, let's go slowly, let's be careful, i 'll do everything carefully, we rise smoothly, listen to the sensations, in the cervical region, in the feet, listen, please, don't get dizzy, everything about' okay, okay, let's breathe, breathe, hello, good afternoon , can we, yes, i’m listening to you, yes, breathe, breathe, well,
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breathe, okay, okay, carefully, breathe, come on, well, well, you’ll try, maybe, and seryozha, come on, move your leg, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, do your legs feel like anything? seryozh, son, don’t be silent , come on, yes, yesterday it didn’t work out, today it will work out, come on, come on, try, well, try to move your leg, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, seryozh, well, try, you will succeed, we believe into you, come on, come on, come on, you will succeed, come on, son, dear, beloved, my, well, come on, well, well done , smart, well done, you organized a circus here, i ’ve already been here for a month, i can’t move my fingers, anya, sonya, see from here, hush, be careful, guys, let’s leave, sonechka, let's go, seryozha
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, son, i beg you, don't touch me, let's breathe , just breathe calmly, you know, our... company decided to open a branch in your city, that's good, you're developing, yes, we were looking for a manager for a long time, there was no suitable candidate , and i volunteered, what does it mean that you are moving in with us? yes, and i do it with great joy. what's happened? my head was reeling. this is from the experience and let me have some water. no, it's out of joy. is it true? i
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couldn't even dream about it. and that's all i thought about. simakov, you have your morning medicine on your bedside table, can you hear me, i hear you, and what is this, this is an order from the attending physician, come on, drink it, in front of me, you can visit patients later. but i’m his grandmother, okay, just for a little while, seryozha, hello, i
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understand you don’t want to see me, just listen to me, please go away, i once... really loved your grandfather, boris, dima’s father, but right before the wedding he abandoned me, then i swallowed some pills, they barely saved me, i was one step away from death. after that i hated your whole family, from this hatred i ruined the life of your father, my daughter and you, forgive me, please, i will pray for you to get back on your feet. hello lar, mom, what are you doing?
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you’re doing here, and i’m seryozha, what’s going on, i’m already leaving, i invited natalya viktorovna, she’s my grandmother after all, and i think that you need to make peace, daughter, forgive me, please, that natalya, as if it weren’t me. “forgive me for everything, mom, mom, what are you, god, get up, why are you crazy, what else can i do for you to forgive me, larochka, mom, well, forgive me, mom, mom, i’m here i brought seryozha some ointment, it’s very strong, but i need to run towards him, can you anoint his back, okay?”
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"yes, of course, seryozha, that's it, i ran , i'll be there in the evening after work, that's it, i'll run, okay, see you, seryozha, grandson, so, well, what's the news? everything's fine, the contract was signed, uh-huh, the first batch of goods i went, well, the clients are returning, the salaries have been paid, the debts have been paid off, there will be no trial, you see how great you are, i told you that everything will work out, well, what was seryozha doing in the hospital, how was he? seryozha? seryozha is depressed
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by the fact that he, he doesn’t see any improvement, i tell him that he has to believe, that he has to fight, but these are all just words, everything will be fine, believe me, we will cope with everything, i don’t know how, but we will definitely put seryozha on his feet, i promise you, okay, and you know, he’s me and my mother. i tried it on today, oh, how, uh-huh, yes, i came to to his room, and she was with him, i realized that he forgave her, he is somehow extraordinary, he is correct and good, everything will work out for him, i believe in it, definitely, but so what? delicious
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for you, yes, hi, how are you, i was a little late...


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