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tv   Shyopot  RUSSIA1  February 25, 2024 6:10am-8:01am MSK

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clearly difficult, i would say, for such constant communication, i have no real friends, in general, just as there was no beloved, such a unique, real one, in which all these songs, that’s how it didn’t happen, so there was no real friendship , you don’t let me in or you ’re not allowed in, i don’t know, it’s probably mutual, i just don’t not agree with... or do you not need this communication? or maybe i don’t need it, i feel comfortable in this sense. well, does that mean you live with your thoughts? probably, being in solitude, i don’t say alone, my head is still begins to work at a natural speed in a mode that is comfortable for itself, i am in such solitude quite rarely, i am constantly busy listening to audios.
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even when i’m sleeping, an audiobook is playing at this time, i fall asleep listening to it, i wake up with it, then i start watching some films, tv series, i really love cinema, there are decent films that i watch with pleasure, then for some time the creation of new albums is going away, over the last four years i have released four new albums, although this would seem ridiculous, an album of 12 songs. what is 12 songs, 12 days, because a song is either written right away, but i don’t know how to sit and pick it out for a long time, all my even best songs are written almost quickly, if you have time, then probably this can be seen, you devote to your health, but i don’t i like to be sick in general, i’m 77, and it’s like this for real, tfu-tfu-tfu.
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i went to the doctors, in fact, only twice, once i had inflammation in my ear, i had to have an operation, but in moscow i did not go for the operation, i went to abakan and, like an artist , lay in the restaurant where i sang, they fed me and me they got a job with this professor, and things got bad there. no, no, not there, i felt bad in thailand , there i used earplugs then, since then tfu-tfu-tfu, and i don’t advise anyone, you can’t use earplugs, because sooner or later you will get an infection in your ear with them, you understand , this is a harmful thing , i take six, you take clean ones, take them out of the bag , stick them in your ear, then you have to throw them away,
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use them more than once, the second time i ended up in the hospital when i opened my veins, here on my left arm, in my house renovation time, and i was alone, can you imagine, and i was carrying a glass table onto the balcony, i stumbled and this table exploded, opened my veins, if only i... then i hadn’t bandaged it, and i bandaged my hand too tightly, i shouldn’t have done that, i i bandaged it, walked to the ambulance, because it is opposite my house, there is a fire station and an ambulance opposite my house , there is such a block, then i ended up in the hospital, 14 stitches on this arm, you said, before filming had even started , what... and you live
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with your son, yes, with pavel, you moved in together, two bachelors, yes, well, time passed, he was married, then divorced his wife, and we got together in a bunch, because somehow at my age i would need someone to be nearby, all episodes of our program you you can watch it on the internet, in the app or on the website, like yes, everyone is at home. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project , to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and what follows.
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not according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have them too, we’ll sleep, they’ll let me go, even tomorrow ready to marry you, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means... you love him, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr, i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think , it’s not about thinking here, it’s all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions
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can’t, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i... am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only let's go have a look , it must be edible , of course i had in mind a bear when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there aren't 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, it's a five-on-one program. we urgently need to find out whether krechitov was really in the leadership group of the odessa
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underground, well, are you crazy, if you lose your temper, your head will be twisted, and for you and me, i understand, my business trip is over. show where there is sergei ursulik's film liquidation final episodes today on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. conversations in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform , watch the first podcasts we watch, good
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morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on ordynka, on the horde. the rains keep sweet flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, today on rtr, when everyone
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is at home, when on the pale negative of the sky... the point of the stone moon brightens, and it’s absurd to grieve for the past day, in the midst of this evening silence, all aspirations and thoughts are about the new day, while the candle pulsates in the ongle. just once more in this life, i have to start everything, i have to start everything. vladimir pavlovich, how does experience affect further creativity, when you know how
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not to, and how to, and at the same time a song is written, this life experience, it hangs on the wings, burdening the flight? not really. this has never bothered me at all, the autumn of life, when was it written, at what age? autumn of life is a song from the third album in 1988, it was written since... several years before that, and not her, there was another song, my wife worked for nikulin in the circus, his secretary, nikulina, this old circus was closing, and it was necessary to write a song about the circus, and i wrote poetry, and the music was written by the composer of this circus, thank you circus for your holiday, a short date with a dream. then from this came the song “autumn of life” with completely
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independent music with a different text, no longer about the circus, but about life, i had a dream, a short dream of a long dream, the earth in flowers , the earth in lights, the earth in silence, thank you life for your holiday, a short date. what profession did your son pavel choose? and he is a musician, unlike me, he graduated from music school, a music college, he writes most of the arrangements of my songs, he is a very talented guy, he has beautiful arrangements. does pavel have children? yes, he has a beloved daughter, my granddaughter. how synchronized are your mental age and physical age? that is, do i consider myself an old grandfather? it is you who will answer who
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you consider yourself to be, and how to deal with my years, my wealth, which keeps your memory, what is useful to you? but very little that i remember, you know, and the more time passes, the more i forget, is this punishment or protection of nature, god knows, i think that when a person... an old man falling into childhood over the gray sea
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, i hear the cry of the disturbed seagulls, this means that there is a continent behind the fogs, and fate will give me an unknown world, promise me, i will fall into love. i open my eyes in love, like yesterday’s blind man, who saw for the first time, and not in a fairy tale, not with a pen, but to write this sunny world, these colors are so alive, i fall a river flows into love, like into the sea, and from this
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love, i know, i can’t escape anywhere, my heart worries, a bird flies in the clouds, but what is there in the world more beautiful than a heart in love? i had a decent touring life, yes, i sometimes come to some city, they tell me that i worked there in the sports palace, i don’t remember this, you performed with laskovy may, no matter who i performed with, or whoever performed with you, you can say so, yes, yes, it was, i still prefer solo concerts, when specifically the audience comes to me, it’s much easier for me, i feel better, it’s all mine. you see, it’s easy for me then, because after all, i’m not a professional,
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not an artist, not a professional musician, and stage experience doesn’t make one a professional, but how can i say when i came on stage, when i was already 40 years old, when 5,000 people came to me, what do you think, i didn’t have such jitters, as many artists say, i’m so worried about the transition to... i’m not worried about anything, i’m going out completely calm, and from the way the public reacts , i get excited, 500 people don’t come by chance, well, yes, that’s why i...
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see, but believe and love, i learned from you, you are my brother in love, and this cannot be taken away, just think we could meet, but everything seemed to me, i’m not ready for the meeting now. now i can’t reach you and tell you at least a few words, now i can’t call , now i can’t reach you, and i can’t tell you at least a few words, the main life-affirming words
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in our program are traditionally spoken by the parent’s heart: you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child who will have you, today volgograd meets us, and we are going to one. from orphanages in the volgograd region. hello, meet everyone while everyone is at home. this is a large, very friendly family, including a younger sister, miriana. hello, sister liana. hello. brother zinul. hello. liana, are you serious
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about dancing? yes. you make your own costumes. what's your favorite costume? well, now? they sew suits for us, tights, licking suit? wow, what a complex word , how well you pronounced it, it’s such a beautiful dance, yes, i even heard, you also dance the lisginka, liana, you are fascinated by dancing, what else fascinates you, well, sports , i play football, and you love accept your team of girls, yes, who is more resourceful, boys or girls? girls, boys, whether the girls are standing at the gate or not, yes they are, what volgograd girls, wow, liana is a very active, positive, friendly girl, she has a lot of friends, in kindergarten the team loves her, respects her, can help with some advice, can help with studies
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, suggest something, help do something, there are situations in life when a child can... seek advice, that is, she understands, she perceives , she is grateful, she appreciates the care and necessary advice that an adult gives her, guys, i know you have the title of ecopatriots here, what does this mean, these are volunteers who help, clean, where you clean, on the embankment, embankment, we take packages. we remove all rubbish everywhere. zinula has qualities of a leader , a very active boy in life, also does not miss a single event, well, zinula is also a very versatile guy, he draws well, he is very danceable, flexible, but he moves well, the main thing is that he does it all with
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great pleasure. i also know that during quiet hours you have a beauty salon . the bedroom opens, did you oversleep the beauty salon today or not, yes you overslept, and you probably visited, yes, what are you doing in your beauty salon, putting on makeup, we put on makeup, braid our hair, do our hair , miriana is a kind, affectionate, gentle girl, her relationships with adult children are good, she herself determines the rules of the game and... tries to be the main one in it, but at the same time miriana does not forget to empathize with others and help always in everything, in classes and preparing for school, always very diligent, she listens very carefully, tries to complete all tasks, gets very upset if something doesn’t work out. zinula, the girls
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are opening a beauty salon in their bedroom, who do not sleep, and the boys, when they sleep, just lie, and i know they lie and dream, i dream of becoming a builder about husky dogs, but in this case, husky dogs. it’s best to live in a house, in a private house, she will feel bad in an apartment, that is, you want to build a house for yourself, and for your sisters, i dream of growing up, becoming a choreographer in volgograd and teaching dance to other children. lian, do you think that dancing can be done by any person or person who has the ability to do so, any person who has there is a desire, and what do you want, what are you dreaming about, mirochka, a teacher, what a good profession, let mom hear, let mom
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come, let mom definitely find me, because the world shouldn’t be like this, for children to be lost, because it’s not like that there must be light for children to be lost. i don’t remember when and at what concert someone gave me this, i call it complete happiness, this is what i want to give, thank you, vladimir pavlovich, from everyone present i would like to... wish you a good life, thank you, simply and clearly , we wish this to everyone, until dates when everyone is at home,
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good morning, friends, it is known that... that when you smile, almost 50 muscles in the face contract, to make them work you need to work more often, and most importantly, smile wider. there is a trainer for your smiles on air, morning mail, and i am its smiling trainer nikolai baskov. the first reason to smile in her letter was given to us by antonina alekseevna from kirov. dear nikolai, hello, i want to brag. i am a heroine grandmother, i have 12 grandchildren. wow, that's how fast it needs to be. bake pies to please everyone. today is my day birth, the whole family will gather at the festive table, the population density in my apartment will be like in china. now i’m preparing my
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signature cabbage pie, it will turn out much tastier if you play the song of my beloved stas mikhailov, thank you very much. dear antonina alekseevna, i love cabbage pies so much that i even wanted you to be my granddaughter. i congratulate you on your birthday and wish... i wish you to quickly become a great-grandmother heroine, your beloved stas mikhailov joins my congratulations, the cranes are flying to china, the cranes are flying to china, just don’t fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, don’t leave me on this planet. i bake from point i to you on my own planet earth , lumpen dreams live on it, poets and marginalized cats
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spend their hours in their own way, bankers are homeless dogs, normal and shifted, now i only trust you, cranes are flying to china, then the plane, then he will take me there, where nothing needs to be decided, and you can just fly, cranes. flying to china, just don’t
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fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, don’t leave me on this planet. the cranes are flying to china, just don’t fly away, not in winter or summer, don’t abandon them. me
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on this planet, the cranes are flying to china, the cranes are flying to china, china, just don’t fly away, neither in winter nor in summer, don’t leave me on this planet,
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look at the morning mail, and what, in my opinion, is correctly said, among for those who watch nina smetanina, here is her letter. dear nikolai, we have a very cold winter on the black sea coast, it has been raining for the fifth day, and it’s really cold. our viewers in the arctic circle are very worried about you. rain is predicted for the whole week; my daughter’s wedding is on friday. i don’t want a beautiful bride to turn into a cold wife. you probably have connections at the hydromicenter, maybe they can help there somehow, help disperse the clouds? ninochka , dear, the hydromid center doesn’t make the weather, it only voices it, let’s try it differently, they say, if you really want it, your wish will definitely come true, now there are millions of viewers on the screens , let’s all together really, really want it to happen in your area, and in all the others , too, the clouds went away forever, they wanted, but
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now... irina allegrova herself is rushing to our aid with the song: “i will part the clouds with my hands.” there is already another in the room where my shadow has not yet said goodbye to yours, your hand is still lying on it, and my farewell voice is heard, and my quiet, bye, and from the teacher.
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i’ll drive away with my hands into the past , i’ll close the door, i’ll hide behind seven locks, and don’t look for me now, i’ll drive away the cloud with my hands, in the past... i’ll close the door , i’ll hide behind seven locks, you beggar me to you, don’t look for me, now, you’ve guessed everything, the prophetic fortune teller who
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told me... about the king, in the calm sea promised a long journey, but... on the deck of another ship, i will disperse the clouds with my hands, i will close the door into the past, i will hide behind seven locks, and don’t look for me, now and... i will disperse the clouds with my hands into the past, i will close the door, i will hide behind seven
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locks you don't look for me now. i will disperse the clouds with my hands, into the past, i will close the door and... hide behind seven locks, you won’t find me, believe me, don’t look for me, now i’ll wait for the ship, believe me!
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this is for you, well, did you get enough sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, we have a big day today, a big holiday, ehee, the pressure is with us you. until now, you are responsible for your words, i always don’t ask stupid questions, now they love them until i answer for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! explore,
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nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is. there are 10 here . this world is worth seeing, spellcasters with her are the most ancient profession in india, they say, a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, secretly everything. light on saturday on rtr. no one should know that i am
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hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid. your main task is to find this joker. it's all me. for your sake, i want to know who writes these nasty letters to me, you must stop going where you go, i can’t, timur, then he will find out everything, i advise you to look back when you walk down the street. because the person who is writing to you letters, really mentally ill is dangerous , you sat in a restaurant with this monster, and you did it for our sake, my life is going to hell, why did i fall in love with you right now, i know who writes you these letters, who is pure psychology, on friday on rtr , come on, be quiet, i said, this is a library, thank you , he calms down with so many... words, he’s also
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divorced, they just called for the husband, so the shelf needs to be hung, the wife, when she told him to hang the shelf, went to hang it shelf, or you're not a man, history of a big country, premiere in friday on rtr, on kentiy, good morning, you and i have been running the program for several years now, i’m in charge, i’m in charge! who would argue, so i’m wondering how you got hired on television, who do you officially work for? a parrot, great, but what about a vacation, because a vacation is a break from work, therefore, on vacation you should stop being a parrot and become some kind of ostrich or woodpecker, parrots don’t rest, our tv viewer svetlana cherkasova from khaluga doesn’t rest at all either , listen to what she writes: hello, i work a lot, i come home
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late, one day i called my husband from work , asked him to cook some vegetables, i came home and asked why everything was raw and the fire wasn’t burning, and he, you said it yourself, put the vegetables on the fire and put them out, i put them out, basically, with my husband you won’t get bored, i’m sure he ’s not the only one, you probably also have something funny about our husbands, i suggest everyone laugh together, vacation, vacation,
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vitya, i went on vacation for the first time in 10 years, i asked you to call only in emergencies cases, emergency, what happened, can’t find your socks? you call me at sea 5.00 km away to ask where your socks are, in the closet, where is the closet, go into the bedroom , you see an angry bow-legged man in shorts standing opposite you, it’s a mirrored closet, move the man, there are your socks, socks, and they are long to the waist, these are my tights, screw
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you, wear tights and don’t call me, i’m resting, now you’re my wife, but you want to eat, why is your voice so thin, tights are tight, make an omelette, well, an omelette, break eggs into a bowl mix milk with a blender, is it difficult to beat? plug the blender into the outlet, you idiot, you're already like that knocked it over, poured it into a frying pan, well, well , a frying pan, such a piece of iron with a handle, well, what do i hit you with when you come drunk, well , it’s as round as your eyes, when you sat on a hedgehog in the forest, found it, poured an omelette into it, it flows out there are holes all over the bottom, idiot, it's a colander, make some porridge. just wash and cook, why did you
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put the trash can on gas? i said, just wash the boil, and don’t just wash the cook, open the refrigerator, there’s a big white cabinet in the kitchen where you store the maggots, you don’t need to eat the maggots, you’ve already eaten them, spit them out, there are cutlets ready, put the microwave on to heat, a box with a glass door, put it in, press the button, what? wrote: the washing has started, how are the children, well, the children, well, the little ones in our apartment live on people? looks like, find the youngest, the youngest is the shortest , put a diaper on him , bit his tail, wag, it's a dog, found something in the night, give him dessert, well, such white delicious, what kind of vodka,
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yogurt, you bathed the children, one can't be washed, the whole drawn, this is grandfather, he is covered in tattoos. have you already washed half of it? in short, i i'm resting and call me only if the world ends. why are you stressed? i wanted to pull out pavlik’s baby tooth. i mixed it up and snatched it from my grandfather. the tooth fairy brought grandpa half a liter. grandfather asks you for him. he tore out his teeth, vitya , don’t give in, grandfather is cunning, he has main jaws, you pull one, all 32 will jump out, the tooth fairy will give away, you and ninochka learned the dance, you look like i’m having a matinee tomorrow, you don’t know, i can’t there to show, here
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on the beach everything is packed, there’s even nowhere to stand, i can’t dance for lyosha, ninochka is crying. okay, i’ll turn on the camera, press record, god, come on, we are funny nesting dolls, okay, okay, how our legs dance, okay, okay, i’m dancing, laughing, that’s how fast i ’m spinning, oh, high! you forgot to press record , as my mother told me, if a person is a moron, then it’s your vitya, come on again, we are funny nesting dolls, okay, okay, how
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our legs dance, okay, okay, i ’m dancing, laughing, oh, how fast , i'm circling. oh, i stepped in, i stepped in, oh, vitya, listen, i just now remembered, there are yours on the street the trousers are drying, seeing, go outside, take off your trousers, what, katya, is my guy walking down the street without pants? “give him the phone, vitya, don’t take off your trousers from the rope, vitya, remember, when my car broke down, i tried to fix it myself, you told me, sit, you fool, don’t touch anything with your hands, i’ll be there right away, you, go go home,
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sit down, you fool, don’t touch anything with your hands, i ’ll be right there!” why are you alone? there are suitable ones, but they are married. premiere on rtr. where is home? why are you talking like that? anya ran away from home. with whom? what meeting? you to to me? it seems to me that my mother never left. she just left because of us. i want mine back. anna is a medium. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left?
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they went against god and toured all the liberated territories. what impression does it make? russia comes and the city lives. it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly what it seemed like, talent is impossible buy, you need to create your own collection to show it to people. i’m trying, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what
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’s wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show , it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not just me, circling on saturday on rtr, how many animals are there in your the family is 16, why stop? at first i offered a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, windyucks, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, whether you’re a person, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, according to saturdays on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look,
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look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we let's sign up for one, two, three at the same time, sign up , watch, watch, maybe we'll go to my place and just watch a movie. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how long will it be, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor. i cut down oak trees, don’t pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry,
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algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, today, there is such a folk one. nikolay baskov. hello, my beloved viewers, i’m incredibly glad to meet you, have a colorful experience. how i wish i had rubber arms to hug all of you, my dears. nikolai, what happened? did you arrange it? animator for children's parties, my talent was by no means cramped in show business, so i decided to realize myself in painting and become
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a brilliant artist, i even took a pseudonym, yes, i wonder which one, baskov votkin, kalyakin-malyakin, or so-so, malevich , your sarcasm is pathetic, now i’m nikolai wangok, by the way, admire my masterpieces, so, attention, this is a squirrel, and this is a horse, you’re jealous, that’s not the right word, i still have to fall and fall to such a level, oh, in the sense of growing and growing, i have only one question: how do you distinguish a squirrel from a horse, oh, it’s immediately obvious you don’t understand art at all, it’s easy to distinguish them, where the squirrel is signed squirrel, and where the horse is a horse, now stop, freeze, i’ll draw your self-portrait. oh, oh, thank you, it’s better not to, in case you forget to sign it, and they will
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confuse me with a squirrel or a horse. laugh, laugh, you will see, in 100 years my masterpieces will hang in all the museums of the world. i'll definitely check it out, i have a suggestion. let's while away these 100 years by reading letters from our viewers. look, i picked out a letter from the artist’s wife especially for you. how interesting, i am glad to write to you nikolai, my husband, an artist, an advertising designer. he was ordered a logo for a company that installs suspended ceilings. but my husband has a creative crisis and can’t think of anything. nikolay, please include your program, a song that would inspire him with gratitude ulyana vosnetsova, nizhny novgorod. well, what kind of creative are you? plans, let me think, if the ceilings are suspended, it is important to know how they are stretched, with hands raised up,
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that... can inspire anyone, now and in 100 years, turn it on, and i’ll immediately start painting a portrait of sergei zhukov, when we were young, we valued each other so much, we loved each other anyway, you’re a year younger, and i’m 16, every day i was ready to fall in love with you. remember that it’s home, you and i are together and i’m playing my very first album for you, it’s raining outside, you and i are not sleeping, and you tell me that i’m your number one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, all hands, arms, one , one, one, more, more, more, uh, uh,
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my kadushka, i miss you, i don’t receive letters from you, you’re far away and not even turned on, but i will return, so that you know that i am far away, i turn on in you , i receive you in letters, you are far away and you didn’t even miss me, but i will return, i see that you found out that i am far away
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from you. you know that i am far from you, that i am far, far, far, far, i am far from you, in the evening i wander alone, you couldn’t. you can return her, the rain gently whispers to me, you know that i’ll meet you with someone else, it would be better if it weren’t you, but you’re walking next to me, i loved you so much, i loved you so much, i think that you were waiting for me, what did you do, i loved you so much, so much i loved you, but now i’ve lost
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you, we sing, and he treats himself, he says that he loves him and at night he hugs you, presses you, and i suffer from pain, with my love there are photographs in the album, and they will remind you of you, that’s it, get up, let’s arrange dancing, friends, don't be shy, ah... ay-yay-yay girl, where did you get those legs, ay-yay-yay, girls, top, top, path, ay-yay-ay, boys, everyone has already broken their eyes, ah-ah-ah, boys, look at her, she’s gone, ah, she’s dear to you, but
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i don’t know her name, ah, where did you come from? be happy, all the best to you, remember at the block, night, street, lantern, pharmacy, inspired by this... lines konstantin velikanov from novosibirsk created his masterpiece and dedicated it to the morning mail. day, studio , spotlight, kolya, letter, computer, jokes, laughter, artists, voices, sharps and bimoli, everything is super, basque, music, success. bravo, konstantin. alas, this is where our warm-up for
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your smiles ends. do not forget. you need to smile more often, and most importantly, smile wider. the main performer of all musical desires, nikolai baskov, was and will be with you. be sure to write, i will have something read, and you have something to listen to. love you. i divide the poems into quotes, where the words take you by the throat and the clock, a meaningless circle, i will give my heart as a gift, i am ready to drown in love, and breathe in a little happiness, you are dressed in mine again, i will force you. forget, every other day i live on a crucifixion, and you, why are you crying, counting mistakes, your feelings are like a stream of tears, you are nobody's, i will be nothing,
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i am writing a novel with a sharp battle for my heart, i am jealous of you for other people's smiles, jealous of others ... eyes, sharp , touch your words to my heart, i will hear obedient, yes, i will hear obedient, yes, yes, yes , don’t hope, you won’t become a stranger, look into your eyes, i’m waiting, i live and don’t live, the day of my hope is fading... it’s over, i miss you, i can’t, come back , i’m really looking forward to it, there are four steps to nowhere, i fly into dreams at night
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, i don’t need anything without you, and you, what are you doing, you’re crying, counting your mistakes, your feelings are like a stream of tears, you ’re a draw, and i’ll be there. i’m writing a novel for no one’s heart, i’m jealous of other people’s smiles, i’m jealous of other people’s eyes, your words are sharp for my heart, i will hear an obedient yes, i will hear obedient, yes, yes, yes, yes.
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i’m writing a novel with a sharp razor to my heart, i’m jealous of you in other people’s smiles. i am jealous of other people's eyes , your words are sharp to my heart, i will hear obedient ones, i will hear obedient
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ones, good morning, dear guests, good morning, dear tv viewers, on the air 100 to one, a fun weekend quiz, we have two guests today wonderful creative teams, and harmony, please, please,
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well, where is this, here you are, since you are without an accordion. we have a guitar next to us, so okay, let's get acquainted, maria, hello, hello, hello, introduce the team, well, we are all one big team from the moscow concert, but we are divided into two.
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it’s not by chance that you are gpt or not, no, no, no, everything is fine, this is not a neural network, everything is fine, a person sang in all genres, yeah, soloist, mozhkon, soloist mozhkon, someone should introduce, and maria tikhanova , she is not just a theater director who has received many awards wherever possible, but she is also not just a director of the moskconcert, she is the main director of the moskconcert, so now
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the main director looks like, okay , welcome to the program, the other half of the team, yeah, that is, there is a green mos-concert and there is a pink mos-concert, okay, ian, please imagine a pink mos-concert, yes, well, first, let's start with the fact that our team is called harmony, you will understand why at the very end ekaterina smolina, a brilliant soprano, opera singer and pianist, international laureate. welcome, ilya ushul, candidate of art history, director of the international festival timbre, in addition, my classmate at the gnessin academy. hello, comrades, i scared you, irina sukhanova, opera singer, actress, honorary artist of the city of moscow, a very brave girl, because she, together with sergei, is the only one of ours... she is not just
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the owner of wonderful harmony, she is the best accordionist of the bridge concert, the owner of a horse , or as a horse owner, yes, a father of five children, friends, it’s great, we have such accompaniment. it hasn’t happened yet, that’s why we are called harmony, harmony, we understand, we understand, great, that’s it, our most beautiful captain of the team, owner of a velvety baritone, singer, composer, and member of the academy of arts, it sounds like this, honored artist of russia for a minute, the only one among us all, thank you, thank you, that’s it.
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there are the bosses, there is an honored artist of russia, here is harmony, there is a melody, wonderful two teams, we are starting on the air 100 to one, a fun quiz, we have a simple ordinary game ahead, we are starting a game on the air 100 to one, we are having a simple ordinary game, i invite team captains here to the table, honored artist ian against the main director maria. so, well, a simple question for warming up: in what sport are competitions held on grass ? ian first. football. checking out the football.
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such rugby, oh maybe rugby, i wonder if it's on the grass, i wonder if it's on the grass, option, rugby on the grass, let's check the rugby, floor, on the end. no, they didn’t remember rugby, irina , field hockey, it’s a cool game, there’s even a sport where the name says it’s on the grass, something on the grass, okay, field hockey, it’s even called that,
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fourth line, seven votes, mikhail , well, after all, a horse, polo, polo, polo , the floor is on the grass, well, on the grass, okay, let’s check, baseball, no, our respondents are not friends with baseball, why nekaterina’s lop, lopta, come on, lopta is not a sport, look, the second
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line is not open, this is something very well known, something well known, yes, ekaterina, tennis is not our thing. well, of course, there are on clay, and there are on grass, tennis on grass, of course, it originally originated on grass, there were no rubber surfaces, tennis, tennis say, well, let's tennis , come on, yes, tennis on the grass, tennis on the grass, colleagues insist, i can't refuse, what else is there, well, you have to start somewhere, if you use it, as this is a very popular answer, of course tennis.
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i’ll listen to my respected colleagues lapta, lopta , let’s check the lapta, well, no, no, not lapta yet, so, friends, everyone gives one version, the captain answers, sergey, that means american football, american football, mari. badminton, badminton, polina, cricket, cricket, well, cricket, i wanted to say, too yes, as ranevskaya said , there is nothing stranger than ice dancing and field hockey, yes, yes, it’s true, so, well, in principle, if all these things, if we
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imagine throwing a javelin, that’s the same everything happens on the grass, that is, these or whatever they call it, track and field is like this. football just football american football you have different different things american different things okay ok american football american football checking american football no accordingly screams means harmony rushes forward and we check
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the last line, of course, you will be offended because this version of your team was on the sixth line, we have a badmin game, we are moving forward, then we have a double game, you are looking at 100 to one, the message of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly, direct broadcast on february 29 on rtr. for the good health of our empress, the wisest empresses in history. you have two lives, mine is yours, and i
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want the third to stay young, all of catherine and other historical series only on the platform let's watch, program 60 is on the air minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes. don't miss it tomorrow on rtr.
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immediately after this, the editor sent us chilling footage of the last days of her life: waking up and not waking up. is it true that evil fate is haunting the brightest actresses of gaidai’s famous comedy? where is the other actress of the film svetlana svetlichnaya now? malakhov on monday on rtr. my name is anna ostrovskaya, i work. committees. premiere on rtr. four people, an entire family, died. can you see me? yes, this is my gift, then we will investigate your murder. she's not afraid of ghosts. how could i not have understood before that you are my destiny. get out. can't forget him? she is afraid to be among them. i'm telling you about death. it's inevitable. she's always there. and i'll die soon. anna
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the medium, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the shifts are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with new renovations, a slight movement of the hand. from this absolutely featureless room we create three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants, i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. amiki.
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and so, okay, mosquitoes, god forbid, ticks , polina, let's inconvenient, inconvenience, inconvenient, inconvenience of what, sleeping is inconvenient, sleeping is inconvenient, how inconvenient, crooked, no, well , this mattress, what's his name, sleeping bag, inconvenient sleeping bag, geometric uncomfortable, good, uncomfortable, inconvenient. can’t sleep, we check, and it’s tough, right, tough, so, i think that, well, for example, i’m a girl who was born in moscow, for example, i don’t even have a dacha, on a hike it seems to me that i’ll die first of all from fear , i will be scared that i am in the forest, i am in a tent, i will be very scared, scared,
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the tourist can’t sleep, because he’s scared, we check , he’s afraid, and that’s why he plays badminton, yes, that’s why he plays, afraid of shorof, a bear in the forest, sergei, it’s cold, i’m very good option, it’s cold, it’s just cold , it’s just cold, it can’t be that it’s frozen , everything, let’s check, it’s cold, cheese, so, four lines, no, i think it might be oxygen changes.
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they drink water, they sing songs, well, like water, of course , they can’t sleep, because they sing songs around the fire, not really, we, we are artists of the moscow concert, we don’t only care about songs, i think that may be due to what could be he’s in the mountains with some kind of oxygen, no, let’s go back, let’s go back, that a person is on a hike, yes, on a hike, what might he not have at night grab, and this is separate.
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maybe a person can fall asleep, he can just polina, well, there’s a lot of oxygen because he’s on a camping trip, she can have a lot of impressions, he’s joyful, popular, choose the option now.
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okay, insomnia, i got into a routine, well, yes, the guys had a routine, they’re playing along with you , they’re playing along with you, well, a little, just a little, just a little, now, according to my simple
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calculations, i’m smaller, we need you guys, let’s concentrate , we now have less than six people. should, that is, this is some kind of bit, this is one, i don’t know, but i advise you not to think too much, because what is on the sixth line can only be guessed by chance. an idea has just been born, he
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is, well, a sick man, a sick man, ilya , he just wants to eat, he just wants to eat from hunger, ekaterinalo, he wants to drink, he wants to drink, ian, the result, i answer, no one will guess anyway, no worry, that is , such things happen, you somehow reassure us, you know, i’m paraphrasing mikhail’s version, he spoke in medical terms, i’ll say so everyday, he just really wants to go to the toilet , okay, let's check, check, check, all night, well, well, no, yes, oh, 100 people, in this order the reasons why a person cannot sleep are lined up, in
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sixth place , nevertheless, quite relevant, we open the sixth line, now i ’ll be right, this is a tent, the neighbor is snoring, the neighbor in the next one is just snoring, 86, it was a double game, we have a triple game ahead, where everything can change, you’re watching 100 to one, one hundred to one, we have mosconcert artists playing on the air in both teams, harmony, melody, triple play, i ask for the third number of the team here, come on, come on, come on, come on, now it will be even more fun than on a hike, much more fun, now
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we have, now we have a wedding, what a wedding, a wedding, a wedding, so, attention, the question is, what worries the bride most on her wedding day, ilya, no, her magnificent dress, wedding dress , plus hairstyle, well, okay, let’s check the dress , hairstyle, come back, let’s do it ourselves, it was a win-win option. yes girls, we remember all the weddings, hairstyle, makeup, groom, there, i don’t know that no one got drunk it’s good so that they don’t clean it up and so on, it’s your
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turn, open something, irina, iryush, come on, and for the groom to come, come, yes, actually come, well, of course, it’s the wedding day, he’ll get stuck, i don’t know, well i see, yes, okay, let’s see if he’ll show up? will the groom show up on time at all? only eight, imagine, i'm late at the office, mikhail , there's a hairstyle, there's a hairstyle, don't tell me what 's worrying the bride, it's the wedding day , the rings have been put in, the rings have been put in, the rings have been put in, we're checking where the rings are, oops, but somehow she's are you worried about the rings? yes, well i i think that a wedding is not only a trip to the tax office, not only a walk around the places of your beloved city, it is a very complex organization, yes, a very important element of a wedding is the wedding
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table, so, that’s how everything is there, is everything okay, olive oil, will there be enough food for everyone, enough drinking food, in this large wedding there was not enough space, and there was not enough money and food, so that there would not be enough money and food, and the guys, fight, fight, just a table or? or or else or everything, well, like everything that is somehow connected with this, some toastmaster came there, well, yes, of course, ok, organizing, so to speak, a wedding space, this is more understandable, a wedding space?
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well, okay, let’s look at the financial issue that has spoiled many, how much will they spend and how much will they collect, the balance, which girl will win or the match, when the money is collected , so far what has come to mind is whether he loves or doesn’t love, maybe the wedding day and it’s clear that he loves , but otherwise there wouldn’t be a wedding, if he didn’t come, then there will be questions, since he came, yeah.
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well, okay, we’re looking for a fight, a fight without riot police, yes , well, you ordered a fight, yes, let’s do it i’m asking you as a bride, what worries you most on your wedding day irina, oh, if the weather is good, if the weather is good, i just imagined something, let
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’s check it out, shall we? we check the weather, well done, well done, but it’s interesting to count how many weddings there were in each team, who had how many? you are very concerned, i see, so the proposal, sergey, by the way, from that topic , listen, i don’t, wait, any woman cares about how to photograph her, photographer, you said, don’t stop people from giving, photographer, photographer, if only i was at...
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her relatives will behave yes everything will pass it there guys here is the answer everything will pass it will all pass how it will pass relatives wedding photos good wedding photo check there is no wedding photo you won 259 yes some in this round. in this third round, well done, so let's check the fourth and sixth lines. what worries a bride most on her wedding day? people voted like this: outfit, hairstyle, of course, 36, how will everything go, 12, already significantly less, late to the office - eight, then in fourth place, that's what, we open, the groom
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drinks a lot, well... we had guests next, you watched a triple game between two bridgeconcert teams, ahead of us is a game in reverse, which will decide everything, an eternally young wonderful festival,
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with it we met the thaw and perestroika, with it we spent the velvet season, on the shores of the black sea, russia again opens its arms to those who belong to the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast on march 2 on rtr. watching the show! artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my
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scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and subsequently formalize the union. on saturday, maybe we'll try an exchange. they sent me with help, it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, so do i eat, let's sleep, let him go, i'm ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me! you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr, catch a fish,
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big or small, well, in general , you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count chunks, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins: can it be tasty? useful, try it, inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, science fiction, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in every region . russia can make its diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure. food formulas on saturday on rtr.
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we and... where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important
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information is from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy, and most importantly, from monday to friday on rtr. “we urgently need to find out whether the krechestvo was really in the leadership group of the odest subpulia, are you crazy, if you lose your temper, your head will be twisted, both you and i, i understand, my business trip is over, show me where to go, a film by sergei ursulyak, liquidation, final series. today on rtr , those who want to stay in the know are watching the week's program, the program for advanced, the week's show with dmitry kiselev today. we continue, you
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are watching a hundred to one, a fun, intellectual quiz, now the game is the other way around, we have two teams that represent the moscow concert, harmony and melody, now i ask a question, the teams think for 20 seconds, and we collect answers, attention to the question, in which cartoon is one of... i think it’s 101 dalmatians, 101
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dalmatians, answer accepted, this is a cartoon, this is a cartoon, well, i am a patriotic person, i am for the russian union, cartoon, i think that these are the bremen town musicians, the bremen town musicians, the answers are accepted, now it will be beautiful. who is friendly, not afraid of anxiety, we have any roads, roads, we have any roads, roads, who do you think is on the first line, yogurt, yogurt, open the first line, but wait a minute, yes.
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uncle fyodor the dog there lived a dog , yes there lived a dog, open the second line now i’ll sing for sure yes there was a dog there was a dog 30 what else is there or whatever who said meow who said meow or goyonok open the third line blue puppy bobik is visiting and this is definitely a dog man. the interviewed bremen musicians are definitely there with us, the people have arranged, the tension has been arranged , here are the films with the participation of dogs, right on vacation in prostokvashino, the dog bobik lived as a guest.
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there are, and damn, there are blemen musicians, we open the fifth, 180 is not enough , 60 are not enough for us, 60 points, and 29 points were not enough, minimal gap, 449, 420, harmony, what...
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if only you knew how dear i am, evenings near moscow, why are you dear , you look from the spit, bow your head low, it’s difficult to say.
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it’s hard for me to express everything that’s in my heart. and we have a super game, someone has to stay in the studio, someone goes into the scary black room, the captain stays, the captain stays, ilya will support us, ian, you and i have 15 seconds, five questions, try to answer right away, without thinking, it’s easier, let’s start,
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let’s go, what do the participants in a football match call, football player? what kind of black is it , what do you stuff a mattress with? rest in peace, what are they doing on the seashore? swimming, who is jumping on the branches? squirrel, great, please come here, check your answers, what are the participants in a football match called, you said football player and 19 people also answered. what kind of bread is it, you said black, and this is the answer that was given, seven people, what they stuff the mattress with, you said down, and this is the answer that was given, 17 people, amazingly, what do they do on the seashore, you said,
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sunbathe, no, swim, excuse me, swim, swim, and also. six people answered, it means sunbathing, sunbathing, who is jumping on the branches, you said squirrels, so, 30 people answered, 79, not bad, please return to the team, ilya, please return ilya to the studio, ilya, come out, please, here here to this point. so, ian won 79 points, which means you only have 100, 121 left, well, yes, you have the same five questions, you have not 15, but 20 seconds, because if you give the same the answer that ian has already given, a terrible
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signal will sound, like this, you will need to instantly give a different answer, right? ready, ready, mos-concert ready, always, yes, well , let's go, as they call a participant in a football match, player, bread, what is it, white, what they stuff a mattress with, cotton wool, what they do on the seashore, of course, sunbathing , who is jumping on the branches, a monkey, great, let's check the answers. what are the participants in a football match called, the football player said ian, this is the second answer, he gets 19, you said the player, this is the first by popularity answer, you get 28 points, what kind of bread is it, black - said ian
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, seven people also answered, the second answer is rye, and the main answer, the first answer is white, and so they answered 25. what they stuff the mattress with down - said ian 17, this is not bad, foam rubber 20 people most popular answer: cotton wool 27, bravo, what are they doing on the seashore? six are swimming, as ian said, resting, 22, sunbathing, 35, it remains to find out who is jumping on the branches, the ape is definitely jumping, the fifth question is who
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is jumping on the branches, and here is the most popular the answer was given by ian, he gets it. 30 points, you said, monkey, monkey, and just like you, you need. you said monkey intrigue and 26, 26 people answered the same, you get the main prize, 50,000 rubles. it was the bridgeconcert team, it was 100 to one, a fun quiz,
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hello, the news is on air, studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. the radar station in the dnepropetrovsk region and the bsu control center in zaporozhye were destroyed. the russian military has improved the situation in the donetsk direction. ukrainian. troops are experiencing enormous there is a shortage of ammunition, and zelensky's office is gripped by western media gloom about the situation in ukraine.


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