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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 25, 2024 11:00am-11:50am MSK

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“i wanted to be in time for your arrival , i didn’t have time, here’s nora, let me introduce myself, i’ve gathered everyone, yakimenko, lyokha, the good healthy guy, krechitov, vitaly, arsenin, andrey, andrey arsenev, hello, nora, it’s very nice, everyone is here, well, who are the criminals catches, if everyone is here , then dovzhik and teshak, they are on duty, and we are also now..."
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with his hand, i don’t care, emik, emik, come here, look at that woman i told you about, aunt pesya, sha , this is a hole, she will live here, well, we’re having lunch or relaxing, why are you so sad today, and andrei viktorovich again submitted a report on transfer back to the far east, but he was turned away, vitaly, work, work. there is emika, you better be silent, emik, hands, arms , emik, no, look, he still found himself, ah, emit, amy, what are you doing, i’m bringing bread, and you’ve been in odessa for a long time, the third goth, what, yes, your dialect is not odessa, but we can do it in odessa, it’s a couple of trifles for us, it’s just a shame, you spent so much time on the correct moscow accent, even hired a tutor, huh?
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did you know shamina? quartermaster first rank, shamin? i didn’t know, it’s strange, you were an investigator, in 1943 he was put on trial, it was still a high-profile case, then he was acquitted.
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amark det er. mark,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. it's good that they are not charged. here is alshe. pava, from alsha, rise, rise, rise, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly. move, take the chikan urgently,
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now the evil chikan will kill me like a fly, but he won’t kill me, but he won’t kill me. “you’ll say i’m coming, they’ve taken it , now we’re all screwed, well, what did you think, i won’t give out the coinage, yeah, but i’ll show you where?” keep weapons, we need chikan, i don't i know where the chican is hiding, i really don’t know, i don’t have to believe it, okay, i agree,
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write the address, but where is the weapon, i don’t know the address. can show? i knew you would want to meet me.
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show me where it is, thank you, you’ll break my arm, it’s okay, come on, come on, come on, bye, what is this, counterintelligence? again he got ahead of us, and the ambush,
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come on! we leave as they leave , so what! that's it, don't shoot, i'm going out, vitali, where's the food?
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why do you need to come here, look, just shoot, who, well, let's go together, whoever wants, okay, to hell with you, i give up, david markovich.
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david, what? nothing, what? well, did you and i want to sign? yes, let's
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put it off, okay, if you want, i 'll take you tomorrow. david markich, jump, guard sergeant kostyuchenko, what’s your name? so what do we have?
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yes, a neighbor, he cut off a neighbor’s head, but did you just cut it off, well, that’s what the district police officer said, and arsenin didn’t show up, krechitov, and they called him to the prosecutor’s office, so, lenya, tishak, stay, find me arsenin, i really need him, but maybe he started drinking because of rapport, but he almost locked it up from you right away, david markovich, well, lenya, lenya, i ask you, find it from underground, come on, come on, excuse me, i don’t know your rank, lieutenant colonel, uh, comrade lieutenant colonel, allow me to address you, i’ve already addressed you, i understand, comrade lieutenant colonel , well, he picked up the car today, yeah, well, i’m telling the mechanic why they didn’t wash it, yeah, but he looks at me, excuse me, like a soldier, i say, where is the previous driver, why did he return the car in this condition, he also got caught , asked for 5 minutes, and he turned around and left, and that means you wanted to be washed, that’s how it ’s supposed to be, the old one the driver must return
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the car in proper condition, come on, come on where i was cooling off, i fought with the lieutenant colonel, the second belarusian, that’s what a stern warrior is, every morning you will crush this machine of brilliance. that's it, that's right, tach lieutenant colonel, i understood everything, why are you standing there, seryozha, let's go, the second belarusian says, that's right, but didn't you hear about quartermaster shamin? i definitely heard, he was, says such a varyuga, they said that he was a varyuga, but he was acquitted, so
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in the front-line department they wrote, come on , stop it, lyosha, work without me, an eternally young and wonderful festival. together with him we greeted the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival, live broadcast on march 2 on rtr. what kind
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of job are you planning to look for? anyone, just to get to steif. what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out. come up with money. i take. to work, thank you very much, cleaning lady, me it seemed that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly it seemed that talent cannot be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be stolen. the entire collection has disappeared. albert, what's wrong with the hall? there will be a fashion show of my collection. you still have nothing to show. it turns out he was deceiving me, not just me. lace, on saturday. nart. we go to
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the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a reverse the side with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what should you pay attention to? attention, there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources.
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forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday. i called, he doesn’t answer the phone, i checked meetings around the city, there are no similar corpses, let’s go to his apartment, interview the neighbors, let’s go see him, so what, you take my car. only by 17:00 please return it back, you need to make a request to the gray house, maybe because of this arseny’s report was turned down, just don’t poke your nose in then, am i a knocker? tisha, move to the apartment, this doesn’t change your mind, you have to
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solve the crime. and not just one, there are a bunch of them, which means you must be alive, and i would even said, healthy, this is our best detective, our legend, david markovich gotsman, head of the anti-banditry department, andrei ostapich, come out for a second.
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was vitaly egorovich krechitov an investigator in the second belarusian? what are you talking about - this is just an official request, whether you were there or not, that’s how it should be, i came back, dropped by for a minute to take you to the theater, you won’t go, unfortunately, i can’t. business, touching, put the vase, tanya, i have one small request for you, speak quickly, i need to get ready, throw away this broom, damn it, i i understand that you are creative people,
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unique people, each with their own habits. i understand that this is how you get ready for a concert, but it’s just a habit, maybe you can change it, at least for a while, but why for the sake of a child, maybe you shouldn’t give up the stage altogether, no, no, no, whatever, don’t even think about it, and i 'm thinking. that's it, i'm tired of you.
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hello david markovich, don't look at me, i look very bad, tony , hello david, come to me, yes , we need to talk, come on, let's talk at the theater, david markovich, take this one to your place, or better yet put me in jail for a day, i’ll get there myself, goodbye. and what’s not king, i’m in the mood for a concert, someday i’ll strangle her, a beautiful woman,
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she’s beautiful, she’s beautiful, but she has no more strength, okay, she’ll give birth to a child, she won’t go to the theater, well, come to me, let’s better come to me, let’s take a walk to management. well, let's go, autumn is almost here, yes, the chestnuts are falling.
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through the flow of people, the steam room, fragments of childhood, neighborhood friends and the appearance of the new one emerge in the memory, sashkanets, blue-eyed daredevil, cheerful friend about my words, generally a wonderful, nice guy, sasha, do you remember our meetings at sea, sit down, let's take a ride to the control room, but i wanted to eat something.
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to you, joy in joy in trouble, and i will never forget your smile and eyes. sasha, do you remember our meetings in a seaside park on the shore. remember also for the burned deception.
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you, here’s an interesting detail , after the ringing is good, i also made a request for a long time ago, only you are my guitar, previously wounded, david gottsman spent the entire forty-third year in a hospital near rostov, and then there was luck after the attack of german saboteurs, the hospital burned down, revenge with all the documents, and david gotsman lay there, or not, we know
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from his own words.
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oil painting, oil painting, one thing doesn’t add up, you now have a gun in your hands, there’s a warrant for my arrest in your pocket, if you were an academician, you would have already made a hole in my forehead, and then said, the academician resisted arrest, stupid here
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to shoot, there are a lot of people, right, that's why i came here, you killed us a bull in battle, i have a song in my heart, and the song has a kaina, if you want, i have a heart, asyara it’s tied, and it’s peslit...
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look, david markovich, as you remember, the loop that was used to strangle my family has disappeared, but i remember the knot, it’s already sick? a tricky knot, and in extreme moments i have a photographic memory, at some moments, and critical ones, oh, i pulled this knot, a samurai knot, a whistling snake, and now put it all together. arseny served in the far east, everything started after he arrived in odessa, he knew the people no worse than we did, he left the office,
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5 minutes later the bell rang, like they strangled, they strangled luzhov, that’s right, luzhov appeared in odessa at the same time as arsenin. well, okay, let’s say arsenin is a traitor, saboteur and spy, but he served in the far east, the academician was in odessa throughout the war, maybe there is no academician, no one has seen him, an abwehr legend, a false trail, why would arsenin disappear ? , for good reason, i don’t know, i felt it was coming. everything is getting to the end and most importantly i’m tired, let’s take a break, what,
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it’s already 14, we’re wasting time, can you let us go right away, interrogate lenya, did you find arsenin? i’m not there anywhere, i strained the local police officer to ask all the neighbors, while it’s empty, come on, everything ’s on the side, take care of arsenev’s priest. i need to eat mukro, i need to go home, i didn’t sleep at night , i’ll be there for dinner, no, well, david, well, let’s not start right away,
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what again? well, i said, we
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will decide everything with your leadership. but i already understood, i’m for someone else, what? we urgently need to find out whether krechitov was really in the leadership group of the odessa underground? well, are you crazy? is this top secret information? i know, i'm not asking for the entire cast, i have an interest to one to the speech, where does the information come from? well, on delivery, i heard you can, help me, i beg you! ok, come out! wait, if anything, i will.
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come in, well , it was, of course, you can. well then it’s clear, then it’s a different matter, i thought that he lied, but well, the matter is different, but i was already imagining it, i thought that he wasn’t, but he was, if he was, then it’s completely different the oil painting is just different,
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alive, and we were thinking, where or there, wash yourself and sit down, already...
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when we leave, in two or three weeks, maybe earlier. i have to finish here, you are someone owe something? yes, now i have to, if i didn’t agree, they would just shoot you, i gave my word.
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what? we won't leave here anywhere. great, good, how many today, it was 19 , now they brought four again, well , interrogate, david markovich, he can
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let him go right away, but as long as he can, i say, interrogate, take testimony, everything is according to the law, la, am i made of iron or something? , all night again, and where? san, he was a bandit, my father said, if you don’t leave the house, we’ll kick you out of the house, okay, well, tell your father that we’ll find what we’ll find there, yesterday they found me, released me, today they brought me back again, oh, that’s it, david markovich, i
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still have five more signatures to sign, so... well, why are you standing there? what should i question? where are the detainees? well, who is where, who is in the corridor, who is in the office? come on, lead the fireplace, bekitsar, what about you? like me, don't make me angry. i’m not a revolver to shoot and shoot, but the tsar’s policeman could not stand guard over the law. a completely different calico, our hot-blooded policeman, he is bloody-blooded and hairy. from the hair, our reliable friend is the protector, and this is our best the investigator, so to speak, the menace of thieves and other underdogs, lieutenant colonel, comrade gotsman, david markovich, what do you want
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, tell me who they are, the night shooters, you release them on your own interrogation. ouais se noticia.
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great, zakhar, of course, my vaska was a bandit, why is he like this, without a trial,
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like a dog, and that with a trial and investigation it would be easier, easier, then at least in a human way, i won’t give up on you, david, and don't hold out. seems to be on the right, but we are on the left, no, on the right, that
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there are clues, no, no clues, no one saw arsenin, they were in his apartment, in the apartment is also okay, here it’s different, david markovich, arsenin lived in that entrance, in this one on the top floor, well, we interviewed all the neighbors, all of them, so we interviewed in that entrance in this, in short, lekhtor, in short, on the apartment on the top floor is locked, i rented it when i was born, they saw him there twice, and he ... was seen twice, the owner, who is engineer avrutin, for six months, no one saw him , who has the key, well, probably the owner, but there is such a master key for the management dozhik, any lock is a debtor in the management, and it’s illegal. you’re here, step behind me, yeah, belt,
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come on, why, i’ll spank you, why, help, hold, hold.


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