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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  February 25, 2024 5:50pm-8:00pm MSK

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everyone knows that it is solid, but do we have to go far? chechnya at one time voted in a referendum for its fate as part of russia, after all, also relying only on putin’s word. and how prescient it was, chechnya today is perhaps the most warring russian region. chechens are sincerely fighting for the freedom to live their own way of life, as they could not have done if not for russia. the firmness of putin’s word means the word of russia. attractive to the countries of the world majority. china has reached a level of sincerity with moscow like no other this is a fact. it is also a fact that arab countries have radically changed their geopolitical trajectory, turning towards the multipolar world proposed by russia. within the country there is unity of the people, at least. in
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terms of approval of the president’s activities - 82% according to fom’s latest measurements, but what is much more important is that this is active approval, people are united in common steadfastness, mutual assistance, in a single impulse to defend russia, we work, we feel each other better, relations themselves have become cleaner and more clearly, yes, someone made a different choice, but this is even good, when everyone stood under their banners, the situation is clearer, who... with whom for what, we are for peace, but peace is always the result of war, for us the war became forced, which means we will again win our peace through victory. russia, as a result, both for the planet and for ourselves, now appears in its new, natural greatness for it, as a very healthy, strong and attractive structure, in fact, the way it should be, no one can cancel it, like...
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this is the news of the week, further in the program: what it turned out to be for ukraine. and what was celebrated in kyiv
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western sponsors of the war? in a campaign video, baidin swears that he will never bow to vladimir putin, so what about the american president? and alexander rogatkin, about the new life of the legendary bam. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 on rtr. what kind of job are you planning to look for? i love it. what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out, come up with
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something for me. i'm hiring you. thank you very much. cleaners. it seemed to me that this the new girl can help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be stolen. the entire collection has disappeared. albert. what about the hall? there will be a fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show. it turns out that he was deceiving me and not only me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together,
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what will remain with you, they went against god, we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia is coming and the city is alive. boris kovchevnikov's program life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. why are you alone? there are suitable ones, but they are married. premiere on rtr. where, at home, are you talking like that, what? anya ran away from home. and with whom? what meeting, are you coming to me? it seems to me that mom didn’t go anywhere, she just left because of us. i want my wife back, anna the medium. to be continued on monday at rtr. forever young wonderful festival. together
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with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on... like the black sea, russia again opens its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast: march 2 on rtr. i couldn’t think of a more cynical action, western
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leaders flocked to kiev, some by train, some by zoom, so that in a solemn atmosphere to mark the tenth anniversary of the bloody coup d'etat in... ukraine. it is clear that they present the tragedy that happened 10 years ago as a manifestation of democracy, but for some reason they do not allow anything like that to happen at home. it is now clear that 10 years ago a civil war began in ukraine. puig was financed from abroad with cubic meters of cash dollars. the americans brought hundreds of dollars of cash to boryspil by diplomatic mail. in red bags, for some reason , not only people come to the plane to pick up diplomatic pouches a diplomatic vehicle, but also a cash-in-transit armored car, why does ukraine need money? on the other hand, we understand how much it costs to maintain the maidan, how much protest
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actions cost, how much it costs for travel, food, warm clothes, those who disagree with the coup, crimea in...
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gathered in kiev has nothing to console zelensky with, except perhaps a protocol photo as a souvenir. weeks brought up an archive from ten years ago and this is what we reported about the events in ukraine in the sunday edition of february 23, 2014. let's update the events in comments and reports our correspondents. yes, another important point, now everything will be blamed on russia, but please note that at that time there was no trace of russian intervention in these bloody events. ukraine, the situation there is such that it’s time to talk about the end of statehood, because
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the main function of the state is to ensure the security of its citizens, if the state does not provide them with this security, the state, in fact, does not, to the sound of beaters on resonating rusty barrels, to the shouts of glory to ukraine glory to the heroes, with the star-blue flag of the european union, smoked in the smoke of burning tires, country. life has become a penny. those killed this week weren’t even really counted, and if they were counted, they were plunged into a state where the human body was sluggish, discordant and rounded. it looks like they will kill more, deliberately and carelessly, with delight and stupidity. despite the signed agreements, no one is going to hand over their weapons. there is a radical force in ukraine, initially aimed at... another argument in favor of the end of the statehood of ukraine, the country has been put
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under external control. the word itself independence today for many kiev residents sounds like a bitter joke. ukraine will not last a quarter without external assistance. well, here are three foreign ministers sitting in front of yanukovych. the pole sikorsky, the german stanmay and the frenchman fabius, and they say that the political system needs to be changed. yanukovych, warning him not only from protecting the constitutional order of ukraine, but also from establishing basic order. as a result, the corpses began to be stacked like logs, and the authorities appeared. tripod. the bullets
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hissed on the maidan long before the police issued firearms. this is not some kind of glass, this is a natural bullet. our children's sticks, which are used to hit children's belly buttons. armaturino, look. you see this, it hits your head. every day berkut waited for the order to attack and was ready for it, but the police commanders remained silent, even when the special forces suffered losses and were wounded by radicals.
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they cut off our heads, it will be democratic, right? at this time, on institutskaya near the ukraine hotel there is a real battle, the special forces were given weapons and now shots are heard from two sides, snipers are holed up somewhere, and both the attackers and the police are dying. when the foreign ministers of germany, france and poland appeared in kiev on thursday afternoon, there was still an opportunity to overcome the crisis through a series of successive forceful actions, worked out including in the west, but the agreement was saved.
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in berlin at the beginning of the week, at which they received assurances of support, maidan was understood as a signal for the start of an armed rebellion. at the same time , the mechanism of political and informational cover. in the north. we have reached the famous khonka, i have been wondering for a long time if
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it would be extremely luxurious to visit here, so it came, the euphoria of victory, a little more on the maidan from the residence. yanukovych will be dragged away with golden toilets and paintings, not for the sake of demonstrating the luxury of the pharaoh, but as proof that the enemy is defeated, the government quarter, which seemed like a fortress, was taken without dust and noise, he fell asleep under the protection of battalions of internal troops, woke up under the supervision of no longer guards, new owners streets squares. kyiv at yanykovich there is not a single square centimeter left, even his citadel of the presidential administration is empty, a few more.
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he flew away, definitely won’t return anywhere , swiped the pieces of paper slipped by europe, flew away, abandoning everyone who was ready to fight for him, fought, died from a bullet of stones on the streets of kiev, when the peaceful offensive of the maidan on the verkhovna rada crossed out the word peaceful from the program, when the radicals presented the authorities with an ideal a picture for a video report to the states and europe, that’s who you’re giving ukraine to. from europe, our correspondent mikhail antonov with details about the anti-russian efforts of the united states and the european union using ukraine. against the backdrop of the dramatic collapse in western public opinion that ukraine is capable of defeating russia on the battlefield,
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the visit of a group of war sponsors to kiev looked like an attempt to convince a hopelessly ill man that he still had a chance.
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boris johnson, the magic of promises worked but these people did not give, collective unlimited support for the fact that nato and the eec will happen to ukraine literally tomorrow, but not tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, this is not it happened. i assume this will not happen before the european parliament elections.
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140 companies of the russian military-industrial complex, manufacturers of missiles, air defense systems and drones, several belarusian and chinese enterprises, as well as the minister of defense of north korea. hungary didn’t object, why? brussels has figured out how to ignore budapest’s position, but it remains of its own opinion. unfortunately, there are no proposals on the agenda today aimed at establishing peace. moreover, the european union, suffering from war psychosis, wants to follow washington’s lead liberal.
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germany, great britain and france will not be legally binding, no international legal or financial obligations arise from the text, and no automatic guarantees of political or military support are provided. in general, it’s window dressing, which the kiev authorities are trying to feed to society to maintain.
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teach us that anyone who decides to compete with russia will end up either like napoleon in 1812, or even worse, like in 1945, i would like to remind you of this in connection with your intention
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to supply taurus missiles. if german if the taurus missile is aimed at a nuclear facility on russian territory, i don’t know how they will react. i am afraid that this will lead to a strong escalation. and what will we do if a russian missile is targeted or fired here at the plant where the taurus is produced?
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will be able to defeat russia, but it was a fiction. ukraine, with all the military support from the west , will never defeat russia. the western concept of defeating russia on the battlefield gave way by last fall to a plan for a protracted war of attrition to wear down the russians force them to accept unfavorable peace terms. but based on the real capabilities of ukraine, they do not have as much time as they would like. by the end of the second year of hostilities, the west had clearly driven itself into a corner and... failed strategies. and only two options for further actions are visible: either accept defeat and try to come to an agreement with russia, or raise the level of the conflict even more, risking getting hit on your own territory. in the west, of course, they really hope that this will not happen due to external signs, between negotiations and escalation, while they are choosing the latter. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lisitsin and andrey putro. news of the week, germany. let us recall that
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in our last program we showed an official request signed by me for an interview with us president biden, sent to the white house. all the deadlines for decency have already passed, and there is still no answer. instead, joe biden is choosing an increasingly boorish tone towards russia. my colleague pavel zarubin turned to vladimir putin for comments. i don’t know if you had time today report or not. you fly and drive. president biden, us president biden again. your address was made with a boorish statement , with a boorish statement, yes, i don’t want to quote, but still this is the president of the united states, i will say, he said, your address is a crazy son of a bitch, you have never addressed any leader, not that you have never said anything like that, but you didn’t even allow yourself to make any incorrect statements, now you will also react, listen, we talked recently, and you asked me who is preferable for us in as the future president
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of the united states, i said that... that we will work with any president, but i believe that for us, for russia, biden is a more preferable president, and judging by what he just said, he said, i’m absolutely right, because this is an adequate reaction to what was said on my part, why, because he can’t tell me, volodya, well done, thank you, you helped me a lot, we understand that... what’s there happens from an internal political point of view, and this reaction is absolutely adequate, which means i was i’m right, and what i said, i said primarily for our audience, and not for the american one, you’re a russian journalist, that’s why you asked me what’s best for us, that’s what i said then, that’s what i think now, and i can repeat biden. meanwhile
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, brazil hosted a meeting of g20 foreign ministers this week. russia was represented by sergei lavrov. it is clear that us secretary of state blinken also spoke these days in the usual boorish american style. lavrov remained within the limits, but did not smooth things over. the most beautiful thing is his statement that all countries, i quote, have a choice. being at the table of the international system.
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i understood the question, look, we believe that these sanctions are working, but for some reason the american media no longer makes predictions about the collapse of the russian economy, instead they write: after 2 years, the russian economy has recovered, its factories are humming, oil and gas exports are relatively high, and people work in a system that has been converted to military footing. vladimir putin, meanwhile , remains firmly at the head of the kremlin, despite hopes that the russian elite will turn against him as economic pressure grows. relations with moscow and further assistance to kiev have become the deepest fault line of the american elites. democrats blame republicans for colluding with moscow, and biden, who himself spent half his term on vacation. the point is that congress went on vacation without giving kiev money, but speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson makes it clear that allocating money to kiev is still a long way off. instead of consulting with biden, he is demonstratively meeting with trump and only intensifies the panic.
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the problem at the moment is that in the short term we have nothing, only a large number of hymers. but even under trump this would not have happened. this is not about trump or anyone at all. another reason is that the republicans do not give the go-ahead for the allocation of money because of trump. the point is that our military industry is in decline , we need to restore it, and the biden administration has failed this process. in the meantime, as cnn reports, the pentagon is secretly spending money on ukraine from its own reserves to its own detriment. 430 million since october last year have been spent on training personnel of the armed forces of ukraine and the delivery of military equipment. the pentagon saves on building barracks for its own. soldiers, but these supplies were left for 2 months. unless we receive more funding from congress, as we have said we will, we will not be able to provide this critical military assistance. ukraine will have to make a choice and a decision.
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which city or town should they hold and which should they not. about business in war why is it beneficial for the west to prolong the conflict? journalist tucker carlson wanted to ask the former british prime minister. immediately after the interview with the president of russia. he offered boris johnson to answer for the breakdown of negotiations in istanbul, but here it all came down to money. johnson would talk to me, i was told, but it would cost me a million dollars, in cash in gold or bitcoin. by the way, this is the one who stopped the peace negotiations on ukraine, he will not explain anything to me until i pay him, and i replied that i interviewed vladimir putin, i i’m not defending, but he didn’t ask me for a million dollars for...
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against this deep state, trump is building his own, christian nationalism, as the future ideology of the united states, for him the center for the renewal of america is developing, an analytical group that, if trump returns to the white house, plans to replace almost 55 government employees with conservative christians loyal to trump, god created.
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and california, the second trailer for the film civil war about the collapse of the united states and internal conflict this time came out just in time in the story, a coalition of the states of texas, california and florida declare war on washington after the next election. and in life everything goes according to the script, so florida governor ron desantis sends new reinforcements to texas, which is experiencing invasions. 50 national guardsmen and 70 highway patrol officers will help maintain the border with mexico; texas authorities
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announced that they are starting to build a military base and gather their own army, for now, to fight migrants. at the same time, even regarding their biggest nightmares, americans it’s impossible to come to an agreement. and the democrats are changing, and the republicans are calling china the main threat. russia is not even in the top five climate voters are most afraid of the main american fears, but the white house continues. on friday we celebrated one of the most important and favorite holidays, defender of the fatherland day. about how it was, dmitry petrov. festive fireworks over the entire country, from moscow to the very outskirts, is a crucial moment. in honor of such a great holiday, i am very proud, because my
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grandfather fought, my great-grandfather fought, we have our own heroes every family in volgograd on the mamayev kurgan was honored in memory of the soldiers who fell during the battle of stalingrad. on february 23 , a winter sports festival took place in kamchatka with demonstration performances in hand-to-hand combat. in ufa, despite the twenty-degree frost, townspeople bring flowers to the new monument to those who died in battles for their homeland. in the cities where the northern fleet is based, memorial walls, or as they are now called, murals, were opened in honor of their hero officers. in the stavropol region, in the village named after kirov , a memorial plaque was unveiled to our colleague, russia-24 correspondent boris maksudov, he was mortally wounded near zaporozhye. eternal flame at the walls of the kremlin. the head of state lays a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. next to the president
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are the minister of defense and veterans of the armed forces, cadets of the capital's military institutions, volunteers, wreaths from moscow mayor sergei sobyanin and chairman of the federation council valentin matvienko. in the alexander garden , accompanied by pastors and archpastors, the primate of the russian orthodox church, patriarch kirill. cosmic forces without exaggerations are the most belligerent, every day they see the enemy up close, marriage and heroism shown during the performance of a combat mission, the supreme commander presents military orders to army aviation units. 344 center for training and retraining of army aviation flight personnel order of suvorov, 15th army aviation brigade order of zhukov and 487 separate helicopter regiment order of kutuzov. the order of the president...
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is worthily awarded for this only forward,
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only to victory, inspects the headquarters of the group of troops-center. shaigu notes the role drones and reports that it is planned to supply the troops with devices that are controlled using artificial intelligence, this is efficiency, application, training, we may have operators, russian troops are developing success in most directions over lastochkina. it was to the west of avdeevka that the russian flag was raised to the south of donetsk near marinenka, they took the village of pobeda, and at the same time a brand new german leopard tank. the ukrainian crew lost control and drove into funnel and simply abandoned the combat vehicle. in the north, in the kupinsk region, our artillerymen are ironing out the enemy, hitting with high-explosive fragmentation from 122-mm howitzers. the fugitive fired four shells. grouping of troops dnepr with coordinated actions. with artillery support, it inflicted fire damage on two more
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ukrainian brigades in the rabotino and verbovoye areas. and another serious success in the destruction of the american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. these frames show how the launcher is moving towards the shelter, where the loading machine and ammunition are already hidden, at that moment a rocket arrives there. and here is the latest data in the central communications center on the attitude of russians towards the special military operation. the level of support compared to the twenty-second year increased by three points. now. 68%. seven out of ten russians agree that everyone should make a feasible contribution to the successful completion of the northern military district, and two out of three support the thesis that one must live by the principle: everything for the front, everything for victory. dmitry petrov, news of the week. continuing the theme of the special operation from the zaporozhye sector of the front, a report from our military correspondent anton stepanenko. in a group of volunteers from the bars-11 detachment, go on rotation tonight. the average age of the fighters is 40 plus.
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reliable men, who have seen life, trench hard workers. they change their positions to part-time work and defense.
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i’ll go with my guys, they know me there, i’ll be with them, as my mother endured them, my mother, like all mothers, like all mothers, after the youngest, belomor went to the front, it’s already the fifth month here, belomor, the armored man is already ready to the exit, yes, it’s always ready, always, i’ll show you five stores, yeah, and the turnstile, the turnstile, scissors.
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early in the morning the group on their way out seems to have a corridor. compared to the guys , we, of course, with the operator vinokurov and the light tourniquet, we only have armored armor and helmets, the guys also have ammunition, weapons, personal backpacks, gas cylinders in their hands, water and gasoline for the unit, they have to carry it all on foot. things in the back
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are laid out so that the primer does not get scattered on potholes, where sometimes you can only drive a tank. are there any signs? signs? well, i only took a metal spoon from home with a promise to return it back, i took a tablespoon from my mother, that’s all, well, i’ll return it, of course, getting to the unloading point is only half the battle, you still have to get to the trenches, and there are some nuances here. almost everywhere in the combat zone, within the radius where cannon artillery hits, there are submunitions from cluster shells, respectively. almost this entire area is a place where you could potentially be blown up by a cassette. cluster soup, ammunition, a missile warhead that fills trenches, forest plantations, roads, everything . they hang on the trees like christmas trees decorations ready to explode even from the wind, with a white ribbon, fragmentation, with a yellow
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high-explosive ribbon, this is the road the group should take to the positions. the guys were lucky, the rotation point and the unloading point coincided, that is, up to... the ural we are driving is hopelessly slipping, there is less than 2 km left to the meeting point, now we’re going to hell, so that’s it, come on, unsupported, let’s load, let’s go , good luck, guys, that’s exactly why rotation is perhaps the most unpredictable operation, we planned to drive one closer, but get through. managed to unravel the road so much, it broke the rut, that the car didn’t go further, even, even the ural, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, to the group from the front line to the car.
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positions, that the most difficult thing is to run to the toilet, because drones fly, distract, it all flies, everything flies, and they fly all the time during the day, for them now there is a week of silence, when they will enjoy every hour, and then back to the front region, mom, hello, everything is fine, alive, well, that’s all , i say hello, don’t worry, how many times i went there, i didn’t read, a lot, arrival, home, sweet home, nooch, the only one in the group who in the rear he didn’t exhale, on the contrary, he held
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his breath, he had 2 weeks before demobilization, 3 months before he called me, he said, dad, remember, we said, i’ll go, i say, and you remember, i told you that if you go, that means i ’m going too, he says, i remember, here we are, nucha is talking about his son, 21 years old, a student at the higher school of economics, we filmed him and escorted him to the front line in the urals, call sign rage. the talisman is a spoon, which he took from his mother in order to return to her. both of them, father and son orderlies, took field medicine courses while still in moscow, preparing for the svo. when if you provide assistance, naturally you cannot afford any sentimentality. you start talking to him, talking, asking how the family, children, work is, it doesn’t matter , as long as the person is not sleeping, they met with their son at the rotation point, hugged, exchanged phrases, a minute, no more, and went their separate ways, he’s already knows you. how long in their trenches, how on schedule the enemy tank will start working and now the clock is counting down for him, son there anton stepanenko,
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valery vinokurov, lead the week, zaporozhye front. on the eve of the holiday, the government decided to support the front, new troops have now begun to arrive, this urgently needed work allows our defense-industrial complex to increase efficiency. techniques and equipment on the battlefield, and as a result save many lives, both of the military themselves and the civilians they protect. therefore, i ask you to intensify the process of modernizing existing combat systems as much as possible, including by expanding their functionality . will be increased refinancing of the defenders of the fatherland fund, which provides social support to military families. we will send a grant of more than 18%. rub. these funds are intended to help our children and their families in solving life situations.
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we are talking primarily about the acquisition of appropriate medical products, technical means of rehabilitation for those dismissed from service, as well as the restoration of documents, training or professional retraining and further employment. additional measures the support will also apply to volunteers. now it's settled. among the per capita income for determining the right to a single benefit, one-time payments made in compensation for damage caused to life and health in connection with participation in a special military operation will not be taken into account. a decree has also been signed according to which volunteers as part of the russian guard will be able to receive a certificate of a combat veteran, of a single type, and, accordingly , the right to social benefits due by law. this is the news of the week, next in the program.
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the traitor helicopter pilot kuzminov wanted a sweet life, but received six bullets, just as he deserved. by february 23 , another monument to soviet liberating soldiers was solemnly opened in slovakia. farmer riots are taking place throughout europe, and the poles are tightly blocking the supply of ukrainian food. and maxim kiselev. about what surprises the ivanovo region today. we surprise you in every program, volodya, well done, with new shots and unknown details. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, when everyone is everywhere. they are monitoring putin's work, there is only one program, assembling a strategic missile carrier
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on board a helicopter that will show all the turns. big politics, you won’t believe it, but this, apparently, is not all, and even what is not intended for prying eyes, along which country roads putin’s motorcade drove, the president completed the meeting, stopped again on the way back, where the president took bushlad from russia, failure, every week we see show more.
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which means this is a threat, if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive the debt to your victor, this work is important to us both, but tell me, you have a camera in your office, you all talk after me , he kicks me out of the house, i need to act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter doesn’t respect you, sometimes understanding other people’s problems is easier than overcoming your fears, why your father? secured the barn doors, who was locked there? pure psychology, on friday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never
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be the same again. will set everyone up. and this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and well i then clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, trynk-trink , the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, i first shoved a red snake in, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program. animals in a circle of friends in a circle of friends - a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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tsygl tsigr a. victoria ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess of love. immediately after this, our editors received chilling footage of the last days of her life. is it true that evil fate haunts the brightest actresses ? the famous comedy of gaidai? where is the other actress of the film svetlana svetlichnaya now? malakhov on monday on rtr. provocation -
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we will watch the continuation on monday on rtr. on
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monday it became known that the traitorous pilot maxim kuzmi was found dead in spain. who, at the direction of the ukrainian special services, hijacked an mi-8 helicopter to ukraine , shot two crew members who refused to go over to the enemy’s side, resulting in a shameful death on... special forces officers of the main intelligence department of russia, nameless heroes for us, were closed orders many times awarded the highest state awards , having gone through all the armed conflicts over the past 25 years, last summer they spoke confidently about kuzmyanov’s future, the order had been received, and its implementation was a matter of time, and as soon as the spanish news agencies issued... with whom he served directly, well and how can you let something like this go, we can’t let this go, we’ll punish it anyway, the director
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of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation commented on kuzmyanov’s death, as expected, without insisting on the agency’s participation in his fate. this traitor and criminal became a moral corpse already at the moment when he was planning his dirty and terrible crime. at first a moral corpse, but now it seems to be real, as confirmed by a number of western ukrainian sources. here is a rare case when an organization under the very appropriate acronym vru, the military intelligence of ukraine, told the truth. the main department does not hide the loss of kuzmyanov. the fact of kuzmyanov’s death is not denied by the secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine, who seems to regret that the traitor went abroad. our country’s proposal was for him to remain in ukraine, he would definitely be protected here, and i don’t think that they could do such outrageous things in our country as happened in spain, what the ukrainian special services did with kuzminov on
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in professional language it is called adjali, like a lemon in a glass, and as a carrier of intelligence data, the lemon was initially empty, but what kind of pr, a photograph for memory, zelensky and budanov did not deny themselves the pleasure of being featured. against the backdrop of a stolen russian helicopter, but even they disdained to stand next to kuzminov , today we have an unexpected one, well, there really is a guest, and this is a traitor walking along khreshchatyk with a ukrainian journalist, along the road there is russian equipment , an open-air museum of imaginary victory, in these esau tanks they were burning and the russian guys, real warriors, did not give up. kuzminov's uniform as captain of the russian aerospace forces was replaced by narvanny. already a month after the escape he called ukraine our country and said that he believed in the victory of the nazis, he
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, just like those who accepted him, forgot history his country, his people, he violated the memory of his ancestors, he did not care about the memory of his grandfather, an honored pilot of the air force of the soviet union, he is a traitor to his homeland. listen to what his own father says about kuzminov. how can you treat a traitor? i have no words, you know, there is a traitor, there is a traitor, well, this is judas, you know, judas. the traitor was in hot demand. another meeting with the press, organized by ukrainian military intelligence vru. and they lied a lot at that press conference. believe
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killed for money 500 thousand dollars, if to what the ukrainian media reported in hryvnias, at the exchange rate of a jar of jam, he loved money very much, he always said that i had all the best. and he really loved cool cars, and well, he just loved money, despite the proximity of the line of combat contact, it was an ordinary transport flight, they were transporting cargo from point a to point b, but unexpectedly for the crew, the commander decided to descend to the minimum altitude, literally 5- 10 m, and the car abruptly crossed the front line. to assume that the equipment did not notice the second number, how...
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now forever in the school museum, calm, responsive, always had his own opinion, even it did not coincide with the opinions of others, but he, so to speak, did not impose his...
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the airfield, like a captain of the aerospace forces, seems to also be a pilot and even a crew commander, he sold out , let’s just say, he doesn’t understand that he sold himself cheap, yes, that everything that he lost, uh , let’s say, the respect of his friends, his homeland, yes, really his homeland, the opportunity to visit the graves of his relatives, yes, ancestors , dead, no amount of money can replace this, the cabin smells... of oil, metal
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and with their skin, with their eyes closed , any of these guys will recognize their airfield, find their combat vehicle, they are born pilots, it’s in the blood, and if they betrayed their own by blood, then no one will forgive him, if you love your country, love your loved ones, love your relatives, then deciding to do such an act is not just a stupid decision, it’s very vile? very low and it seems to me that the punishment should have been harsher, his act was vile, he bought our comrades, friends with whom we also served together, they were good guys, and there is no pity towards him, words just in september last year, the ukrainian authorities issued kuzminov a passport in the name of igor shevchenko, who was born in donetsk on september 15.
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ukrainian by nationality in the northern military district from the very first day. he covered us in marinka when twenty-year-old mikhail medvid died while filming the report. squad commander of a mobile company of the fifth separate motorized rifle brigade, junior lieutenant. i am remembered for not bowing to shells. eternal memory to you, russian warrior. well that's far enough.
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pay attention, why don't you squat? as for the traitor, based on his new passport data in the document with strizubts, they shot him exactly at the age of 33. kuzminov falsely reached the age of christ, in reality twenty-nine years old, but throughout his life and even after death, he remained a judas. according to various sources, from six to 12 gunshot wounds incompatible with life, and then the body was run over by a car, essentially leaving a stain on the asphalt. sergey zenin, alexey yaldin, ruslan abubekerov, ksenia kolchino, sergey svistilnikov, alexander yevtushenko, veronika magazeyshchikova, lead the week. in europe, meanwhile, farmers are rebelling more and more violently, especially hotly in poland. an impressive delegation
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of ukraine led by prime minister shmygal on the polish-ukrainian border. they came to the negotiations, but no one from poland came to them. slovakia protests against the european commission's agricultural policy. prime minister robert fitz is on the side of the protesters. and slovakia about farmers and more, our correspondent, denis davidov. russia connected. the european union - our days under the russian anthem on february 23, the slovak city of krupino unveils a monument to soviet soldiers.
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and young people lay carnations at the monument to the twenty-six defenders of their city. krupino, remember. for the eternal glory and memory of the heroes, soldiers of the red army who died during the liberation of the city of krupino, march 3-5, 1945 . and the names here are tatars, uzbeks and russians with ukrainians. all of them are the 228th infantry division of the second ukrainian front, which, together with romanian soldiers and partisan detachments... squeezed out the nazis. in occupied krupino, the germans had a gestapo, whose brother killed dozens of local residents. the townspeople also invited the russian ambassador to slovakia, igor bratchikov, to the opening ceremony of the monument to the liberators. the monument was built at the expense of the residents of the city of krupino. not a single cent
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was taken from the state treasury or from outside. these are all residents of this city. however, there is money from the slovak budget to care for the graves of liberator soldiers. 250 thousand euros are allocated this year. we value every person with good will, no matter where he lives, in the north, in the west or east. we are very grateful to the former soviet union for the liberation of slovakia and czechoslovakia. the example is indicative against the backdrop of neighbors in the eu, where they are not only abandoning a common past, but a well-fed present. the severance of relations with russia affects large enterprises without business.
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this did not mean that i hate the european union, no, of course, we just need to protect our national interests in the eu. we are patriots, we are slovak. that's why i have two slovak flags here at once. we drive deeper into the country and come across a place where, next to the flag of slovakia, flags of brix, hungary, austria, kazakhstan and
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armenia. their history, if we know what they are, how they happened, that’s already enough for a person to bow his head and say thank you, miss...
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and take him to the detachment to his wounded comrades, and just at the same time in the village
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the ss arrived with a punitive operation, they shot the jewish doctor and the russian partisan. the bodies were found by residents of the village of ladkovtse, and they buried the dead in the cemetery. historian slawomir fjalka, when he learned about the grave, rummaged through slovak archives to find out the path soldier, and then went to pervushin’s relatives in arkhangelsk, wrote where their defender was buried, the descendants cannot come.
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and in may, the grateful residents of slovakia will go to the graves of the liberators, not with bulldozers, but , as always, with flowers, to say thank you to those who saved them. denis davidov, vitaly zhitnyuk and gleb napara, reporting for the week from slovakia. this week, builders completed excavation of the new duse-ilinsky ton. on a section of the baikal-amur mainline in the khabarovsk territory. at 2 km, 200 tons of explosives were used in the rock. alexander's report rogatkina. the drilling rig is putting the finishing touches on the permafrost-bound rocks of the dusealinsky ridge. now it's up to the barkers. congratulations. behind this wall , with a 3-meter-thick lintel, an oncoming barrel, now the explosives experts will place tratil bombs
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in these drilled holes and with a powerful explosion they will connect the second dusialinsky tunnel into a single whole. the excavation of the second duseolinsky tunnel was carried out using the drilling and blasting method simultaneously from the western and eastern portals. it took 1,200 explosions. just imagine, this tunnel will take 2 years. it was shot down, 180 tons of explosives were used up, what a power this is, the final crash was carried out via video link with moscow, with the ministers of the russian government. attention, face, carry out the repair work, now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much, once again for the work, thank you everyone. at 30°, very difficult
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climatic conditions, from -50 to +40, that is , such a fluctuation, of course, imposes special demands on labor, but people work heroically. bam cannot cope with the increased flow of cargo and requires expansion. for today day demand for... the new tunnel will be built according to new standards, absolutely, it will be completely waterproofed, there will be no problems with destruction. from water, from groundwater, here, it is larger in size and there will still
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be a velvet path, the path will be very soft, there will be no vibration, everything will lie on rubber mats, old. which is constantly flooded with groundwater, will undergo serious reconstruction. this tunnel is not the longest on the bama, only 1,800 m, but it is possible to make it in the duseolinsky ridge began already in 1939, when the construction of the baikal-amur mainline began for the first time in our country. so the bamovskaya construction project is not 50 years old, it’s all 85 years old, the tunnel was built by gulag prisoners, the ridge was cut through the western portal. brigades, from eastern men's. the prisoners worked in unbearable conditions, using pick and shovel, with primitive measuring instruments. moreover, when the oncoming tunnels malfunctioned, the deviation from the axis was no more than 20 cm. but at the beginning of the war, work was stopped, the rails were dismantled and sent to stalingrad for construction of a road along the volga to
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supply the city. these rails that i hold in my hands were removed. from the pre-war bam and went to lay the stalingrad rockade in 1943. at the end of the forties, work on the veseyalinsky tunnel was resumed. then , on the rise after the great victory, they even began construction of an underground passage to sakhalin, but after stalin, the amur mainline was abandoned again to baikal, and the duseyalinsky tunnel was covered with ice. the trunk of the tunnel froze right under the arch; it was only possible to break through it to...
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often as about komsomol detachments that left the kremlin directly by train, from here from the yaroslavl station to build this road. former minister of transport igor levitin, at that time an officer of the railway troops and military commandant of the urgal section, spent 3 years on bama. we dug into the frosty ground
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with shovels. it was a time of youth romance and komsomol.
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they were almost thrown there along with the people; in the nineties, only four trains a day passed through the railway. for us it was like a death sentence for those who built bam many years ago. it was predictable that that bright moment would come when bama would be remembered and bam would start working, now bam is being revived, a second track with parallel tunnels and bridges is being built, only now it has become clear how important the baikal-amur highway is for the country, and if there were no bam today , no matter what we did, almost painlessly, almost painlessly, the economy turned east to the detriment of our enemies.
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well, plus a bridge under the second tracks across the amur river komsomolsky on the amur. the sponsorship of the baikal-amur mainline is not only rails. rails are easy. but the problem is that there are people there, they live, serve, work, there are good places, good salaries, social services. educational institutions, so that people can stay and live there, this is the task, how to attract people to these harsh places, the authorities of the khabarovsk territory are racking their brains; the head of the verkhneburinsky
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district, together with governor dekterev, even produced a feature film about a kidnapped person at the beginning of the 20th century wagon train with gold. say, sub-zero temperatures, when the frost outside the windows is below 60°, this is especially valuable, let the youth
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go to the egg, enjoy working, we old people need to go to the pool , there are a lot of young people, my granddaughter constantly goes to the section, it’s very cool, in the nineties the population of this mining village, which is not far from the duselinsky tunnel, was halved, the brick building was closed a plant, a plant that produced non-alcoholic products, sausages... this is a necessity, the project was approved, the village of chakdomyn will grow. recently because we understand that the airfield will be reconstructed in the near future. now the construction of new residential buildings has begun ; the runway will be paved and will not only accommodate aircraft. this is no longer a road to nowhere, bam - this is a highway to the future of russia. alexander ogatkin, valentin
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rutkevich, farid khananov and sergey zavidov, especially for the news of the week from the baikal amur mainline. early voting began today in the russian presidential elections; this procedure is provided for hard-to-reach areas on ships that will be sailing on election day. about preparing for big vote olga armyakova. a new stage of the main political event of the year , the presidential campaign. just a few hours ago , early voting began in the easternmost part of russia. by air, land and water, ballots will be delivered to stations, lighthouses and deer camps. remote, inaccessible areas of a large country. 37 regions, here is another important figure: over 4.5 million voters are registered in the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, there too
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will begin voting early, in military units on the front line, as well as in the nearest settlements, so that everyone can make their choice. everything we do, we do in order to remove all barriers, the more we remove barriers, the more likely it is that a person who... countries of the world, but this is still a preliminary list, the final one will be formed only on march 9. this uncertainty is due to the fact that in unfriendly countries they are trying to prevent the opening of polling stations, including through information attacks on the election system. they are increasingly being recorded in the federation council commission for the protection of sovereignty. their plans include making maximum use of defectors from these. vacancies
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, some groups are created, they undergo training, these groups are given appropriate theses, these theses are thrown in so that those already living in our country, provoked to certain actions, go according to this plan. any attempts at external interference in russian elections will be suppressed. how will we respond to these provocateurs? well, firstly, maximum compliance with the law, openness, transparency, and so much, they are in different areas, but i would. i didn’t tell you everything now, i don’t want to arm our enemies. meanwhile, the candidates and their representatives continue the election marathon. throughout the campaign , the co-chairman of putin's campaign travels around the country to collect proposals for the development of the cultural sphere. events in the northeast military district zone, according to vladimir mashkov, should be reflected in art. now is the time for documentaries, documentary,
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talented cinema, when we... different regions, the candidate from the communists summed up the interim results of communication with voters, paying special attention to the development program of the far east, where meat, milk and vegetables are produced almost two times less than the national average. on the problems of the agro-industrial complex nikolai kharitonov. learns from personal experience, i worked for almost 20 years as the director of a state farm in the novosibirsk region, i perfectly understand what production is, it is essentially care 24 hours a day, the agro-industrial complex is a life-forming industry, and attitude towards this should be at the highest level. this week, the nominee of the liberal democratic party presented his election program, who is going to the elections under the slogan “zhirinovsky’s cause lives on,” and this is the country’s development plan for
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the next... 6 years, a ban on raising prices for food products, a reduction in loan rates the most important project is a home for everyone, everything in order to create conditions for a speedy victory, a decisive assault, this is what is needed to achieve our goals in ukraine, talk on the other side, alas, no one, we need to deal with them once and for all. vladislav dvankov devoted the seventh day of campaigning to the issues of rehabilitation of svo participants. in shchelkovo, near moscow, a candidate from the new people of the party of growth inspected the plant where prosthetics are produced and designed. and this is an example of how private business is now working in the interests of the state. it is very important that our soldiers, heroes, get the opportunity to get prosthetics as soon as possible and return to normal life.
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they will start broadcasting on our tv channel tomorrow. for the election debate at exactly 3:00 p.m. moscow time, there are 19 days left before the start of voting. on saturday, at the age of eighty-one, the chairman of the supreme court of russia, vyacheslav levedev, died. at the head of the supreme court, he stood for more than 30 years, the entire modern judicial system.
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dedicated himself to serving the law, made a truly outstanding contribution to the formation and development of the modern domestic legal and judicial system, legal science. the good memory of this wonderful man and true patriot will forever remain in the hearts of his loved ones, friends, students, our hearts. this is the news of the week. we'll be back after commercials. surprising. there is only one program - the assembly of a strategic missile carrier on board a helicopter, which will show all the turns of big politics, you won’t believe it, but this,
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apparently, is not all, and even that which is not intended for prying eyes, along some country roads putin's motorcade passed, the president finished the meeting, on the way back he stopped again, where the president took the pea coat from russia, bad luck to you, every week we see we show more than others, this is it straight to the point, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look right after the news of the week. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, yours , don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, turnip, the whole brigade, we only look on the platform, there are places that fascinate, because they part of the cultural code, because they contain bridge. beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means
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of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is , as my mother says, fuck off your godfather, this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the most ancient profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret everything to the world on saturday on rtr.
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we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family must be examined.
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the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. run yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday. on rtr russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. sorry, i forgot that you read other people's thoughts, i thought i liked you and i could invite you to dinner. anna medium on monday on rtr. on friday
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, the super final of the competition for young managers, leaders of russia, opened in manege. addressing the participants, first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko reminded that the competition for the leader of russia is... this is reality. to the surprise of the west
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, anti-russian sanctions gave a powerful impetus to the development of domestic industry. for example, just last year , clothing fabric manufacturers managed to attract for business development of preferential loans for 36 billion rubles. after all, interest in domestic clothing brands is constantly growing. the top three leaders in attracting funding are moscow, the moscow region and the ivanovo region. maxim kiselev begins his report from the ivanovo region, the textile capital of russia. our town is nothing, the population is such that unmarried cats make up the majority. the song, which half the country sang in the sixties, could be used as an anthem by any textile town in the union. whole region, only this, its entire history is woven
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like a giant canvas of manufactories, factories, grandiose construction projects and an endless sea of ​​fabric. they change technology and speed, but still meter by meter, as if page by page, in thousands of volumes they compile the history of the shuya sits. silky softness, recognizable from the first touch. this is the effect you see, right? it shimmers, it’s like silk, it’s beautiful, when a famous swedish customer left the market, it was possible to win back the losses by making betting on their own name, here they have always been able to solve lifting problems, few where else. one such heavy truck can handle a load of 16 tons, its tractive effort is 260 kg, it was a state order. a living machine capable of working in the most difficult conditions
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of loamy soils, in gavrilov posad they completed it in 5 years, bringing out the most powerful vladimir heavy truck, at the same time helping soviet cinema. you will be my friend in all matters. the huge horse of ilya muronomets in the first large-format film of the ussr and from those stables, where graceful property is preserved for centuries. and artel times under the difficult-to-pronounce
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name yves gosshvey. for the first 18 years, yves state sewing was engaged in civilian products. they mainly sewed men's jackets and trousers. the forty-first year forced me to change. throughout the war , landing parachutes, cargo parachutes, and parachutes for flare bombs were produced here. today the ivanovo cluster is the main site for parachute production in the country. here they know how to make fabric so that the flow cannot break through the weaving of threads. sling. domes only by female hands, too thin and complex knots, vuran parachutes, on the contrary, are exclusively a man’s job, the wing of a long-range flight cannot be laid alone at all, the latest system, which can compete with an airplane, is filled with air, it seems small and light, spread out to its full length will not fit into the frame. the fabric of this parachute has unique properties; it practically does not allow air to pass through; when the canopy opens in the air, it forms a wing. what allows a parachute to travel tens of
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kilometers? ivanovo fabric, here times are connected by its threads, no one will be allowed to break them people, neither traditions nor technology. a device that does not need human intervention, even if the thread breaks, it will find the ends itself, weave them and continue to wind them onto the bobbin. there is no more modern textile factory in russia, without interruption for a second, its 200 machines, connected into a single network, produce 45.00 kg of fabric per day, there is a fan attached to each thread to knock down cotton dust, and huge printers are the length of... printed patterns counted in kilometers per hour. we take the overall picture and lay it out for the required number of colors, for each color we prepare a drum on a laser stage, with the help of this drum we apply a pattern with rollers by rotation. the man-made gold of this land, it created capital and new people, and they created their own
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new world, where sometimes even sitits was agitational. now there are examples of it on the columns of the station, the likes of which are more numerous in russia. the reconstruction brought back the air of pomp of the thirties, when a huge building in the constructivist style hinted to those staying in ivanovo about who was next after the first two capitals, then unconfirmed rumors appeared that ivanov was going to be built in the capital of the russian federation and, accordingly , this metropolitan scale is seen in many buildings of that time.
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a catering plant for workers, here on the ground floor there was actually a kitchen, that is, cooking and so on, plus there was a dishwasher and all the appliances necessary were brought in so that food could be prepared and then served on the second floor, man climbed the stairs, it was almost like a temple, and of course he expected something interesting and tasty, and there were 300 seats on the tables, there was a radio, there were newspapers, there was... but most importantly, the worker for the first time had his own dishes for everyone, and the speed of their preparation was ensured by previously unheard-of electric dishwashers, bread slicers, and potato peelers purchased in germany; they were heated in huge cauldrons, sending trays with plates on mechanical
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elevators. on the opening day, they fed 600 people, and 4 years later they were already cooking here. 5,000 lunches per day. the newspaper izvestia called ivanovskaya... the best indicator of the new way of life of working people, the biggest thing towards the emancipation of women. ivanovo itself was once small, without a district, sprinkled with small towns on all sides like pearls. most of the region's residents are in them, those who seem not too eager to acquire a residence permit in the capital. megacities should not have monopolies on a good life. normal conditions must be created; it is clear that they will not be the same. but that's the beauty of it, people are different, cities are different, conditions are different, but there should not be such an obvious gap in the quality of life between small towns and megacities, so here we are trying to create just these conditions using specific examples. have already been created, almost all small
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towns are now connected into one transport network, and a light version of the orlan high-speed train runs between them and the regional capital. and do not work where there are no contact diesel locomotive, rail bus, it is capable of electrical networks. the first eagles from ivanovo we went to kineshma only 4 years ago; now 12 cities of the ivanovo region are already connected in this way. orlan accelerates the diesel engine up to 100 km/h, quite quietly and smoothly due to the air suspension; there are 14 trains on the route at the same time, which is believed to be enough for now to do without standing places. to work, people from work, people to the regional center, to the hospital, to go shopping for the same things, that is, here, this is the direction in which our route network has begun to develop. the nearest small town is kavanovo, shuya, there are views here for tourists, but rather for young metropolitan jobs.
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among russian landscapes with bell towers in the snow, computers have been assembled for three decades. in the late eighties, this particular plant supplied. the first domestic arctic equipment, the supreme soviet of the ussr, now in their line includes laptops, servers, all-in-one pcs, and tablets with special characteristics. one of the latest models. a tablet on a russian operating system, among the obvious advantages is powerful case protection, it can work at -20 and at +55 in a dust storm and in pouring rain, they say that even if you dip it in water , it will remain in working condition, today they started writing this sketch in the morning, it was sunny, a bright sunny day, literally 2 hours passed, they finished this, now the state has changed completely, plyos, volskaya a cultural anomaly, trains have never run here. here the landscape painters on the cathedral hill are not transferred to -26, and the local newspaper is still thrown into mailboxes, for a town where
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you can’t even get 2 thousand subscribers, eight pages are printed once a week, and there is enough news enough. the newspaper is such, you know , the second hand of plyos history, the latest plyos history and, probably, this is one of its main values, we record every second of the life of plyos in the little things, we try to make this arrow in plyos. not to push , but no one here still has enough time, like leviten once did, there was a workshop in the open air with pleasure working from the first rays to the last rays of the sun, he probably didn’t have enough time, because in the three seasons that levitan spent in plyos , he wrote about 200 works. in the city of levitan's glory, they do not like the word development; conservation is much closer to those who believe that they can see the remaining ones with their own eyes.
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it’s not a stretch here to repaint the fence or change the roof, everything must correspond, not even to the style, to the breath of this place, we take you by the hand, show you what and how you need and can do, that’s the only way objects appear, well, practically in hatch mode, for which we are not ashamed, that is, houses that, looking at which our guests say, is this a house from the 19th century, but this could be the building that is about to appear? even the ship traffic regulations had to be adjusted, now you can’t drop by here for an hour anymore, there’s a minimum parking lot of five in order to
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see its reach through levitan’s eyes. this staircase did not exist either in levitan’s or in soviet times, and in order to climb the mountain from which world-famous landscapes were painted, both health and appropriate equipment were required, such an important detail that the captains who come on board tourist ships talk about it . the pores here are considered city-forming, so much artists here per square meter of the town , cast aside from the industrial
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centers, their skill amazes with the colors of the unique smoothness of the lines, both on the walls of the cathedral and nearby, in the icon painting workshops of palekh, they say that every second person here becomes an artist, no wonder, because the village is the famous palekh. in the twenties of the last century , palikh was forced to abandon his main art. but miraculously something else was born: in painting lacquer miniatures they preserved the exquisite style, and gave the thin lines of icon painting to the heroes of new times, and so they were saved the skill, the magic has only become greater, the radiance of their iconostases reflects the flames of candles thousands of kilometers from the palikh, the leaves for gilding are thinner and lighter than a feather, you need to breathe carefully, thin micron sheets, and with any breath... they simply fly away. the wind of change almost blew away another miracle, which will soon be 100 years old. since forty-two
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, in these workshops they have been blowing, pouring, stamping it, the soviet dream - the ivanovo doll. they are one of the few who have preserved the entire technological chain. even the eyelashes here blink strictly according to guest each machine is unique, which alone is worth it. sewing machine for hair. all the devices at the factory were invented and assembled by soviet engineers back in the seventies and eighties. we tried imported ones, but... it’s inconvenient, it’s an automatic comb, you can, of course, comb the doll by hand, but then you can do a maximum of 50 pieces per shift, otherwise several hundred at once. for almost a century they have been creating not just toys, works of art, recognizable faces of eras, near and dear ones, like the sounds of a shuya accordion. the shuya accordion cannot be called lonely. recently the factory produced its millionth tool.
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the millionth accordion, released in the seventies, still... and it sounds like a shuya accordion, only here, and even in tula , they have preserved the factory, where the cases, bellows, keys, everything is done by hand, but most importantly - the voice, unique, like these people , cities and bell towers in the snow.
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a program that always surprises with new footage and frank interviews. volodya, well done! good evening! meeting with the minister of defense, assia forum, opening of the games of the future and working trips to tatarstan and chuvashia. schedule the president's office this week was very busy. there are many events, including unique and exciting ones. in kazan, vladimir putin took the helm of a modernized... largest supersonic aircraft in the history of military aviation. the flight lasted 30 minutes , everyone was impressed: the president was impressed by the capabilities of the new machine, and those who watched it were impressed by the president. after which putin got behind the wheel of a kamaz and drove along a new section of the m-12 federal highway. the next point on the schedule was chuvashia, where the president,
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despite the late hour, is very warm greeted by local residents and... of course, on defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin congratulated everyone who served in russia on the holiday. special words of gratitude to the participants of the special operation, our true national heroes. hello, and since there are a lot of events, this week our telegram channel zarubin was of particular interest , subscribe, because exciting footage was quickly published there about the launch of the tu-160m with putin on board from the airfield in kazan, but of course. we saved a lot just for our program, we are watching with you right now. all russian citizens believe in the strength and reliability of their defenders. we are proud of our dear army and navy. happy defender of the fatherland.
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the country's cabinet on saturday, when the fate of avdievka was being decided, the first reports to shaigu yerasimov putin were at 4:00 in the morning, then around noon, when the capture of avdeevka was completed, the final report in the afternoon, here is another meeting of the president with the minister of defense, judging by apparently, everything will take place here, in vladimir putin’s office. as for the overall situation in avdievka, this is an unconditional success, i congratulate you, it must be developed, development must be well prepared. provided with personnel, weapons, equipment, and ammunition, well, we’ll talk about this separately, well, in fact, we talk to you about this every day, the enemy, on the contrary, built an entire fortress there for 9 and 2 years, that is, everything there was set up for a very long-term, long-term defense, so our army was able to reverse this situation, the enemy was put to flight, although officially
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they tried to justify this with a belated order to withdraw troops. this was for political reasons, in order to cover up this move and give it the appearance of an organized withdrawal, we know that this is not so, that it was, in fact, an escape in the literal sense of the word. shaigu unfolds the cards, and the situation today, during the conversation , it becomes clear that putin knows in great detail about what is happening on the battlefield, the details of the unique operation, the diameter of this pipe, as the commander of this unit reported to me, he personally reported to me.
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everyone understands why. and on the eve of the holiday , putin did something that immediately began to be discussed by the whole world. we just saw that the president again climbed into the cockpit of a tu-160 strategic bomber for the second time in a row in 2 days. we don't know what this means. dmitry sergeevich, why did he go into the tu-160 again now, because yesterday he decided to make the flight. a shot that you rarely see, a presidential motorcade without the main passenger, driving along the airfield,
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driving away from the missile carrier. what is happening on board is unknown, everyone is watching listen to what is happening. putin is on board the most powerful, largest, highest-speed, strategic bomber tu-160m. the missile carrier taxis to the runway for acceleration. the strategic missile carrier tu-160m with
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vladimir putin on board is taking off, together with you we are now watching this truly unique event. so. lift off the ground , takeoff, now, of course, everyone is very interested in finding out what the route will be, this, as you and i understand, is a military secret, presidential press secretary peskov said that the flight will last about 40 minutes, and you and i know, of course, the tactical and technical characteristics, we know that this missile carrier can carry nuclear warheads.
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the news about putin's flight spread through millions of messages around the world, and of course, the residents of kazan rushed to their windows. words during the flight, which we managed to hear in our program, the country, and the whole world, froze in anticipation, waiting for every new frame and new message, return, vladimir putin’s flight lasted 30 minutes, of course, the most interesting thing is now to learn about impressions, it is hardly possible to do this right here, because it is very noisy and very frosty. but we, i think, will all try to find out about his impressions, then how cold can one judge from dmitry peskov on a windswept airfield? vladimir
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putin descends from the strategic missile carrier tu-160m, let’s try to find out about his impressions, the very first gesture says it all, like an impression, yes, it was possible... listen, that’s not the point, the point is that we are getting new equipment, the equipment is excellent , she is truly a new generation like me i told the commander of the ship, now i’ll say it again, and the leadership of the ministry of turnover, of course, can be accepted into the armed forces, this is really a new, new machine. it’s new in many ways, it handles better, it can be seen even with the naked, non-professional eye, the reliability is very high, well, it’s a new, new plane, that’s it, thank you, thank you.
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president putin's trip to tatarstan continues. you won't believe it, but apparently it is. that’s not all, the president is now occupying, yes, as we see, a place in the cab of a kamaz, now we see this moment, and further, as deputy prime minister khusnulin just told us, they are planning together with the president, so we see that vladimir putin is driving, they are planning to go along the highway with the president, the recently opened m12 highway, where you will go, i really hope that on m12.
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went or even flew with bks numbers, that's it, that's it, imagine, this is an event for life, that's it, said native of tatarstan khusnulin that he fulfilled his life's dream.
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well, before the congress, of course, i turned on the turn signal, yesterday i flew in a helicopter, now you look at the cakes, of course, it’s so nice. work rhythmically and be confident in yourself, 100% we will succeed, everything is running, normal, the machine is more controllable with one finger. they drive to the gas station
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, where they have everything at once, they don’t rotate it, it’s hot and the first, second, third is comfortable, tasty , you can take it with you, of course you can take it, but you need money, the drivers raise the issue of the amount of daily allowance, here i am now, with you. ..
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that evening not only in russia, but in other countries. a heated discussion began back at last week, when it was said: for us, who is better? biden or trump? biden. a few days later, another rudeness arrived from biden. please, it's freezing again, can i ask one more question? i don’t know whether we had time to report to you today or not, you are either flying or driving. us president biden again made boorish remarks about you. i don’t want to quote, but still, this is the president of the united states, i will say, he said, your address is crazy.
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what he just said, he said, i’m absolutely right, because this is an adequate reaction to what was said on my part, why, because he... can’t tell me, volodya, well done, thank you, you helped me a lot , we understand what is happening there from an internal political point of view, and this reaction absolutely adequate, which means i was right, and what i said, i said primarily for our audience, and not for the american ones, you , you are a russian journalist, that’s why you asked me what’s best for us, here i am as... i said then, i think so now, and i can repeat it, biden.


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