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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 26, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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aromatized by the sinful yavor, come on, all together , in chorus, a show of unprecedented scale, this is energy, this is drama, friday at 21:30 on the russia channel, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing! the armed forces of ukraine lost another 800 mercenary soldiers in one day, 13 tanks and other armored vehicles were shot down. in the capital region, a storm warning expects freezing rain; in st. petersburg, fishing in the gulf of finland almost turned into a tragedy. trump beat nicky haley in her home state of south carolina. his fight. it's getting closer with biden. the news
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will tell you about the main thing, vera tarasova. hello. we start with the latest information from donetsk, where shell explosions have not subsided in recent hours, retreating to the west, the ukrainian military is striking residential areas. one civilian was killed, the number of casualties increased to six, multi-storey buildings were destroyed and cars were damaged. with the latest information, vadim topalov. employees. committee arrived at the scene of another war crime by militants of the kiev regime in peaceful neighborhoods of the kierovsky district from the village of kurakhovka, the nazis hit with large-caliber shells. as a result of the inspection , fragments of shell fragments were found, presumably a nato sample from a 15-mm caliber shell. a direct hit on a house on petrovsky street caused the cars parked near the house to burst into flames. as a result of the shelling of the microdistrict, a textile worker.
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two women were injured. meanwhile , donetsk utility workers are choosing the consequences of an equally monstrous shelling of the dpr capital. a huge crater near one of the popular donetsk restaurants. militants of the kyiv regime with the use of rszzo haiers hit the wedding. through the window you can see that there are glasses and snacks on the tables, to which the ukrainian militants added fragments from multiple launch rocket systems. at the time of the shelling, there were up to 50 people in the hall; it was only by luck that no one died. the ambulance arrived at the scene within 10 minutes. help was provided to them in the emergency department, the patients suffered from mine explosion trauma, shrapnel wounds, well , wounds that are typical during shelling of residential areas, the severity of the patients corresponds to the severity of the injury. they get all the treatment they need. vadim topalov, vladislav medyanik, lead donetsk. 800 ukrainian
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mercenary soldiers, as well as 13 tanks and other armored vehicles, were destroyed over the past 24 hours in various areas of the special operation. aerospace forces pilots attacked the hub station in konstantinovka. at the time of the attack , an echelon arrived there with personnel and weapons. the infrastructure of the station, which the ukrainian armed forces used to supply their group in the vicinity of gorlovka, has been destroyed. local publications also reported explosions in kiev, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk and other regions. on the zaporozhye front, active hostilities are taking place in the area. work. the assault troops managed to drive the enemy out of the school and the eastern part of the village . a winter storm warning has been issued for the metropolitan area due to freezing rain. muscovites are urged to stop traveling by personal transport. there is strong wind and snow in the tula region. trucks are slipping on the roads. in st. petersburg, where it is now 3°c during the day, in the waters of the gulf of finland the ice floe with the fishermen broke away. 35 people were saved. almost half of the snow cover has melted in the northern capital. many streets and courtyards were under fire. in rostov-on-don
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, landscape fires have already begun; strong winds dispersed the flames across dry grass. in sochi the sea warmed up to 12°. people don’t yet dare to swim, but there are many who want to admire the views. and in the mountains at the ski lifts, tourists lined up. in poland , the tractor blockade of the ukrainian border was supplemented by traffic jams on exits to germany. farmers on sunday began to block main highways leading west. the farmers are threatening to cut off transport links with germany for a month. the authorities begin negotiations with the protesters. the police are currently redirecting trucks along alternative roads that are still free. according to preliminary estimates, the shares will cause the polish economy to lose up to 11 billion euros in march. and in spain, the indignation of farmers reached the canary islands, even in tenerife, the traditional carnival began with hundreds of tractors driving through the city streets. in the usa, niki halley. stated that she remains in
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election race, at least until march 5, this will be the so-called super tuesday, when primaries will be held in most states. over the weekend, donald trump won a landslide victory in the primary vote. his rival haley's home state, where she was twice elected governor. statistically, the candidate who wins south carolina has been the definitive republican nominee for president for the past 40 years. at the moment, he has won all the primaries that have already taken place in iowa, new hampshire, nevada in the virgin islands. in seventeen provinces of ecuador , after heavy rains, powerful floods began, rivers overflowed their banks, and rapid streams carried away everything. paths, hundreds of houses were sunk. in populated areas that have suffered from natural disasters, evacuations are carried out the most. a destructive tornado swept through eastern brazil, with wind speeds reaching 120 km/h. the whirlwind smashed at least 17 houses to pieces. in the forests
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of kuban, snowdrops and cyclomena bloom, primroses are listed in the red book, sellers of endangered plants have also become more active, reporting by maria zaripova. this is a highway in the apshoronsky district, we carefully look around in search of a shop on wheels, we don’t have to wait long, we notice a primrose merchant on the side of the road. why do you choose? seeing the camera, the seller begins to quickly turn away. when asked whether there is permission or whether he knows that such goods cannot be sold, the man prefers not to answer. we move on, a few minutes pass and again we see another florist on the road. please tell me, what do you sell? ya mushrooms, i see flowers too, you sell such flowers, there is silence in response, but judging by the counter, these are primroses, which are listed in the red book, the man also has not heard anything about fines, for selling these flowers up to 5,000 rubles. for legal entities up to 1 million rubles.
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however, despite this, trade on the roads does not stop. the life activity of such plants is very short, say ecologists. during this time, they need to have time to open shoots, whistle, pollinate and form seeds. but this growth phase is quickly interrupted by man, it may be necessary to review the amount of the fine and increase it significantly. maria zaripova, andrey tadakov, lead. don't switch. a resident of magnitogorsk organized a canteen for wild boars. every day, about two dozen animals come for lunch, without one. feeding, they would hardly be able to survive the snowy winter. report by yana skonechnaya. having laid several heavy bags on sanya, evgeniy carries the luggage into the bushes near the road, then divides the contents - wheat and flax seeds - into two dozen neat piles. to prevent wild boars from fighting
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among themselves for food, because the boars, which are adults, will drive away the kids. so from the food, but there is enough for everyone. first , a flock of bullfinches arrives to taste the treat, then a wild boar cautiously appears from the bushes, notices the film crew and immediately disappears into the thickets. the first to decide to go out for dinner are the teenagers, the pigs who were born this summer and have not yet seen the danger. it is for the sake of such shots that photographer evgeny bachkarev retrained as a public huntsman, as he calls himself. it took many months to then... the science of camouflage so that wild boars are not afraid of him, gradually the desire to photograph hunt was replaced by a feeling of pity for wild pigs, because the hunting season for them is almost year-round, now this is how a man helps the animals survive by feeding them if they are hungry , will go into the fields, where their snowmobiles will be overtaken by those who see boars
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as just prey. the boar dining room opens here every evening, evgeniy brings the wheat at the same time, and after dinner he says the herd goes to the neighboring pine grove. they have theirs here spa-center. the wild boar comes up with his head like this , scratches himself against this pine tree, eats, scratches himself and goes to his room to rest. these families of wild pigs could not live so freely, without his care, evgeniy is sure. this winter is very harsh. multi-centimeter snowdrifts fell after freezing rain. it is almost impossible to get roots through the icy crust of snow. and without feeding , some of these animals would definitely die. yana skonechina, natalia radko, sergei melyutin. lead the southern urals. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, stay on the russia channel. let's start.
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come on, come on with a smile. more more more. great. okay, so, morning in russia. excuse the main thing, good morning, good morning , you are greeted today by anastasiabrovina, andrei petrov, it’s very nice that we met, whoever comes to visit in the morning acts wisely, you come to us, we come to you , it’s working out great, it seems to me, well and what’s more, we always have something to share, for example, you and i have a unique opportunity to go to a panda’s birthday, or rather a little one little panda, you all know, her name is katyusha from the moscow zoo, we are constantly monitoring
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the fate of this baby, she celebrated her first 6 months, congratulations, yes, in honor of such an event, they held a gala dinner in the enclosure, prepared a bamboo carrot treat instead of a cake, edible and nutritious number six, well, just what the baby needs to grow, katyusha tries carrots for the first time, as you can see, she seems to like it, even the baby understands that she needs vitamins in the spring, she would also... we already have such a spring + 5 there will be sunshine what’s most important is that in the south it’s already
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such a cool spring +14, that’s right, but i’d like to point out this very serious anomaly in the north, that is, it’s really very big 16° above normal, tomorrow is february 27th , international polar bear or polar bear day bears, it’s precisely in these northern latitudes that they live, in particular on dikson island, this thaw. it’s just not very good for them, for their lives, yes, just the same, this in this case does not affect for the better, after all, for our lives, here’s the mari palona, ​​please, something for ours, because polar bears are polar bears, but we are not them, the southern regions of russia will be in the area of ​​a vast anticyclone, so there will be few clouds over the region, and significant precipitation is unlikely, in such a situation the air will be able to warm up quite well during the day, at midday hours in the crimea in the kuban up to +11, +16, unannounced... volga and don up to +5 -10. in the north-west of russia, fields of frontal
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clouds will shift, carrying, along with precipitation, ports of air warmed by the golf stream. prevailing daytime temperatures in the north and east region -2 +8, southwestern part up to +1 +6. central russia will be on the far periphery of this cyclonic series, so light precipitation is possible here only on some days. it will be freezing at night in the region, but during the day the sun will peek out. bursting clouds will be able to warm the air to zero +5. in the urals, thanks to the anticyclone, significant precipitation is unlikely, but rather warm air masses will be able to seep into the area of ​​this outbreak. the prevailing daytime temperature here is 0. -5. on monday it will make its way to the shores of the iertysh a ridge of snow clouds from a warm atmospheric front and during the day it drops to zero -5. then this warming will begin to spread across the territory of southern siberia on wednesday-thursday and will reach the yenisei and lake baikal. in the south of the far east. a center of high pressure will dominate in the atmosphere, so it is mostly sunny here, daytime
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temperatures in the amur region are down to -7-12 in the south of primorye down to zero -5. mary pavel, thank you very much for the forecast, i wanted to clarify something about siberia, because there are some meanings there, somewhere there really should be it should get cold, in tatarstan, in addition to siberia , it should also be, if you take the north, northern siberia, then we have a plus there, very unfavorable weather, a thaw, very heavy snowfalls, and if you take the south of siberia, then yeah there. thank you very much, the forecast for the week is from maria borisova, if anything, although we have decided on the next 3 days. the golden collection from azer
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tea is a breath of luxury in every cup. start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning is the time to brew azerchai. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live. february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. that’s it, or we’ll still die on the asphalt, just lie there for now, we’re now behind the rescuers and back, there’s three ice. american nutritionists have found that in the menu of adherents of a healthy lifestyle, fermented foods should alternate with plant foods, this way the body can be protected
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from diabetes and heart disease, and the person will definitely get everything they need. and such a system also implies a limitation the share of animal protein, an increase in legumes and vegetables: beans, lentils and peas are rich in protein and fiber, and don’t forget about the diversity of your diet, but if you feel a constant loss of strength, apathy, then you definitely don’t have enough nutrients. the ancient georgian delicacy churchkhello will help quickly fill the deficit, if it is correct, of course. tatyana matveeva learned all the secrets. this is... such a worthy, nutritious meal, it turns out, a rich snack. muscovite lissan gazizova tried churshiela for the first time on vacation in georgia, where during long walks, the girl recalls, it was this oriental delicacy that helped kill the worm and gave energy, so now in moscow lissan buys churchela for snacks instead of the usual bars. they have a high sugar content,
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but churchela is still more natural, it contains grape juice and nuts. this. the sweet treat was invented in georgia. in this country, this is a national dish and its recipes are passed down from generation to generation. although at first glance everything is simple. nuts, strung on a thick thread, they are immersed in a thickened mass of freshly squeezed grape juice flour and hung out to dry. the result is either a sausage or a candle. there is ongoing talk about it among scientists. they call churchela a natural energy bar because of the unique combination of grape juice and nuts. this is a combination that gives us instant energy. the body wakes up, the brain becomes very productive, this effect is provided by iodine and selenium, which are abundant in nuts, grape juice is rich antioxidants that not only strengthen the immune system, but also help the brain function , all this works if the churshkhela is natural, you have to try hard to find one these days, enterprising manufacturers add sugar for a taste for a bright color, by the way, it is made from apple, and it can also
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be made from pomegranate juice, inside there may not be a walnut, as in the classics, but hazelnuts, almonds, dried fruits and even marmalade, pataca can also be worn, for thickening , use, for example, pectin, even agar can be used if the surface cloudy, which means they were rolled in flour, for a natural churshela it should be slightly glossy and of natural colors, from light brown to burgundy, and there should be more nuts than the syrup itself, there are no breaks or breaks on the surface, it bends well, yes... you can make it yourself, and instead of freshly squeezed grape juice, concentrated ready-made juice is suitable. pour grape juice over cornmeal . on fire, this grape potion should become like jelly in consistency, then you can immerse walnut beads in it. we just dip it in there, pull it out, wait until it cools down a little, and do the same thing again. chkhur, cold, chkhur, hot.
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actually, the translation reflects the essence of making churchkhela. first, it is immersed in a hot mass, and then. it cools down, suspended like this by strings, how long does this process take? i ’ll have to stand like this for 5 hours to cool down, well, it’s worth it, because it turns out to be real churchkhela, which you can safely eat, by the way, it’s better not more than 50 g at a time, the delicacy is high in calories, good news, everything is open in the country more and more children's clinics; within the framework of the national health care project , 17 modern treatment facilities have already begun their work; the vast majority of these facilities have the necessary equipment and everything has been done for comfort. mother and child, let’s go two, it’s great, evgenia and her son are learning new exercises, that this is the physical therapy room of the city clinic, only a sign at the door reminds us of the surroundings of a modern fitness club. here we were prescribed physical therapy for the child, here we have respiratory
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gymnastics, it seems to me that there was no such room in that clinic, and of course it’s also a big plus. the fact that there is everything here, for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system , a dozen different simulators were installed, after moving to a new building, this children's clinic became one of the largest in khabarovsk, now 28 thousand patients are assigned to it, not only own microdistrict, but neighboring ones. for each procedure we have a separate room, in one room we have the opportunity to do a study of external respiration, this is spirography, we have a separate room for electroencephalography. in the new building , an emergency radiological department was installed; in total, within the framework of the national health care project, the clinic received more than 200 units of various medical equipment. the parents are of course happy , it’s very convenient if... near your place of residence in the clinic where you are served there is an opportunity to undergo hardware treatment, in principle
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there were no such opportunities before in full volume. all this was made possible thanks to the national healthcare project. over the 3 years of its implementation , 2,715 children's clinics were fully equipped with modern equipment, and more than 2,000 units of medical products were supplied. this is within the framework of a large-scale state program. a new children's clinic appeared, a three-story building was opened on the territory of the central district hospital for 350 visits per shift. a very modern portal appeared, namely, two expert-class ozi devices, which fully equipped the orthoptic treatment room, physiotherapy the department is fully equipped. in order to find out an accurate diagnosis, patients no longer have to travel to the capital of the republic; thanks to specialized equipment , doctors conduct the necessary research right here in ruzaevka. i am very pleased and happy. that's why we have such a clinic, such wonderful doctors, medical workers, for their kind, attentive attitude towards
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patients and our children, i really like it here, there are all sorts of drawings, there is an elevator, music plays in the elevator, game rooms for children, convenient information stations for parents, and in general, the whole situation creates a calm mood, now you don’t have to worry about the health of the children, the clinic decided... to separate the flow of patients with viral diseases , they are admitted separately with other ailments already in a sterile area. please, acquaintance and roll call can be done without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea he drinks, how many stories he tells. i was.
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let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on рrt, trouble, listen, let me help you, look at the weekend, model cat, actually i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, right?
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who are you, my wife’s lover, and who are my daughter? and i came to talk to you man to man. listen, you don’t want to kill someone, can you arrange it? only the heart is vigilant, on sunday at rta. whoever renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not refuse.
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and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. my name is anna ostrovskaya, i work in the investigative committee. premiere on rtr. four people, an entire family, died. can you see me? yes, this is my gift, then we will investigate your murder. she's not afraid of ghosts. how could i not have realized before that you were mine? fate, get out, you can’t forget him, she’s afraid to be among them, i’m telling you about death, it’s inevitable,
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it’s always... we continue today on rtr. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal. meeting live broadcast on february 29 on rtr. what now you will see on your screens - this is the first space balloon and it is ready to fly. us engineers have completed construction of a test ship that will take people into the stratosphere. a round capsule made of carbon fiber, its diameter is almost 5 m. it is for private flights for eight people.
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comfortable inside. excellent view from the windows, spa and wi-fi, you can travel lying down in the bath, admire the stars overboard and post photos on social networks. they promise to take off on the first flight this year, tickets have long been sold out, the cost of a seat is 125 dollars or 11.5 million rubles, i wouldn’t give a penny for the first flight, well, traveling through the internet is easier and practically free, today we’ll stay with self-taught masters, well done, you did it, really, that’s good it doesn’t really look like the hermitage, in kindergarten they asked for an exact copy, well, the parents don’t regret it at all , let them guess later that it’s the hermitage, not the hermitage, someone spares neither effort nor time to make a real masterpiece, just look on this egyptian pyramid, as in antiquity, it all starts with the creation of bricks, more than 11 thousand of them had to be made, and then painstakingly assembled into
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a pyramid from them, and where is the pyramid from? it was made from cardboard, first cut into dozens of blanks, and then glued together layer by layer. a couple of hours of work , that’s how much was spent on this tajimahal made from newspapers, i can’t even imagine, i had to twist a bunch of tubes of curls, and this work is no less impressive , it’s a very big job, which requires a lot of effort, of course, perseverance, but i decided, what do you think this one is made of? st. basil's from 60 thousand paper parts, each such detail is a small origami, which is then combined with other parts to create a work of paper art. you know how to get to the statue of liberty, what should i turn around, but it’s incredible. this symbol of the usa is made from an ordinary doll, her toga is napkins soaked in a mixture of glue and water, a crown, a torch tablet,
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fake beads and wire. all the statues were painted in the characteristic color of oxidized copper, or maybe let's make something bronze and no less majestic, and the famous tsarpuska , take a pencil, this will be the barrel of our cannon, we need to drill through the pencil, wind threads on it to give it a shape, from the scraps of a pencil we get the wheels and bases of the cannon, connect, paint, and i can’t explain how the engineer was able to make the cannon fire, one thing is clear, it couldn’t be done without matches, just like in this big ben, they are the main building material here. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. is that it or are we still going to die on the asphalt? just lie there for now. we are now for the rescuers and back.
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we started 3 years ago, come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. ukrainian troops shelled donetsk again. retreating to the west, militants carry out terrorist attacks on residential areas. the ukrainian armed forces fired eight missiles from a multiple launch rocket system in the kuibushevsky and kievsky districts. textile worker in the microdistrict a shell hit a high-rise building. cars caught fire at the scene of the emergency. the head of the district called on
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the locals. residents should not leave the shelter and be careful. in just one day , one civilian was killed at the hands of ukrainian militants, and six more were injured. 800 ukrainian mercenary soldiers, as well as 13 tanks. and other armored vehicles were destroyed over the past 24 hours at various sites of the special operation. aerospace forces pilots attacked the hub station in konstantinovka. at the time of the attack , a train with personnel and weapons arrived there. the infrastructure of the station, which the armed forces of ukraine used to supply their group in the vicinity of gorlovka destroyed. local publications also reported explosions in kiev, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk and other regions. on the zaporozhye front, active hostilities are taking place in the rabotin area. the assault troops managed to knock them out. enemy from the school and the eastern part of the village. volunteers of the marine corps of the russian armed forces conducted a large-scale exercise in urban combat. tatyana dubovaya will tell you how the most brave people train. the private sector is covered
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trip wires, petals and anti-personnel mines, what the enemy left behind. the instructors themselves went through this more than once, but in a real assault. they know how well the enemy can be prepared. the liberation of a populated area is being carried out in several groups; the main obstacles may be the lack of a detailed location diagram and reliable intelligence data about the enemy; the actions of drones cannot be ruled out. now the evacuation group is carrying away a wounded soldier from the conditional contact line, the task is to save the life not only of the serviceman, but of the to be saved. the guys coped with the task, completed the task, did everything right. and he built a house and raised a son , now he is defending his homeland, recently an attack aircraft became a father for the second time, he congratulates his little daughter and wife along with the detachment, hurray, hurray, hurray, tatyana
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dubovaya, magomed bashir aliyev, yana alyoshina, conduct lugansk, in the capital a storm warning has been declared in the region due to freezing rain, muscovites are urged to avoid traveling by personal transport, and precipitation is forecast to last for several hours in a row. in the tula region there is strong wind and snow trucks are slipping on the highways. in st. petersburg, where it is now 3°c during the day, an ice floe with fishermen broke off in the waters of the gulf of finland. 35 people were saved. in the northern capital , almost half of the snow cover melted, many streets were flooded. the counting of votes in the elections on a single voting day has begun in belarus. preliminary results will be known in a few hours. this is the largest campaign in the entire history of the republic. voters had to determine 12,500 deputies of local councils and more than 100 deputies of nizhny novgorod for the next 5 years chambers of parliament. the new election format was introduced after updating the constitution in february 2022 . its peculiarity is that
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citizens of russia can vote for deputies of local councils, but only those who permanently reside on the territory of belarus. head of state alexander lukashenko also voted, and he also announced his intention to participate in the presidential elections in 2025. the number of victims of israeli actions in the gaza strip today is approaching 30 thousand dead, the palestinian ministry of health reported. sunday israeli air units attacked hamas targets throughout the gaza strip. and as a result of a week-long idf ground operation on the territory of a hospital in khan yunis, 200 terrorism suspects were detained. the destruction in the gas has made it impossible to live there. eu high representative joseph barel accused israel of exploitation. hunger as a weapon. protests in support of palestine do not stop. over the weekend they took place, in particular, in berlin, nuremberg, and other cities in germany. there are several thousand people in india
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took part in a ritual bath in the waters of the ganges. according to tradition, rituals are first held on the shore, and then everyone plunges en masse. this is done on a day considered one of the most auspicious in the hindu calendar. believers believe that ablutions can... wash away sins. and according to legend, it is on this day that god vishnu himself performs kaveniya in the sacred river gan. therefore, bathing has a sacred meaning. this is a message, don't switch. the bahcesarai zoo has received a new addition to the little antelope valentina. paraphilins also became parents, appeared baby goat light. the park employees have more worries . victoria talberg's report on spring preparations. look at this eared beauty, her name is valentina. this baby was born just a few days ago. great joy in the antelope family.
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small and inquisitive, despite her strict mother, she still poses for us on camera. well, why not a model? i got back on my feet a few weeks after birth. the postpartum period is not easy, so mother and daughter are temporarily in a separate room. say zoo employees, parents from birth, they teach their offspring to stand up for themselves, even in the wild there are often cases when antelopes enter into a fight with a lion and win, especially since valentina’s dad is wayward, these are two males, each worried about their own territory, now in the month of march, our deer will fall into a hurricane, and we will have a silken one, then that is, he will no longer be a competitor to him, he is not a competitor at all, he will not even be a competitor to us, as spring approaches, there are more and more animals in the zoo. become young parents including those with many children, and some
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are raising more than one generation of grandchildren. we are now about to begin a real video hunt for the little eagle owl. it’s not easy, but it’s dangerous. only the operator can enter the cage, and if this family does not like him, they will sign his name. the claws of these birds are long and sharp, hospitable, it is difficult to call these predators, and their appearance in the family makes them more aggressive. in order to enter the cage, zoo staff resort to cunning and try to lull the vigilance of the fiels with the help of meat delicacies. the shooting time is limited by the time of the family's meal, but our cameraman still manages to catch a shot with a small eagle owl. this is a kind of renatal center, mothers with their babies have been here for three weeks already, balanced nutrition, enhanced diet, and as you can see, the guys are quite playful, they feel good, but...
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in the belgorod region they will create a special economic zone for recovery more than 3 billion rubles have already been allocated to enterprises of damaged infrastructure and another 4 billion funds will go to the local budget , among other things. for business support. with details anastasia krovtsovskaya. burnt metal structures, collapsed walls and roofs, all that remained of a large shopping center in shibikino after being hit by an enemy shell. the complex was completely destroyed, like all goods in the stores. in an instant, the business of the center’s director and seventeen other entrepreneurs collapsed. damage more than 50 million rubles. today the building is taking on new shape. here, as you can see, 60 percent has already been restored, we are waiting favorable. situation to continue.
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the losses incurred significantly affected small medium-sized businesses and large enterprises, among them there are many who are leaders in terms of the level of implemented technologies, not only in the country, but in the world. today we have become the fifth company in the world to master this technology; we have been working on it for 4 years. regional authorities do not leave entrepreneurs alone with the problem; they work with each individual individually, help restore infrastructure, and purchase the necessary things. huge financial assistance is provided by the federal government. today, issues of supporting the border regions of our country are under the special control of president vladimir putin. entrepreneurs, despite the difficult operational situation, continue to conduct business and do not close their enterprises. production and jobs are preserved. moreover, managers are already working on plans to increase volumes after the restoration of facilities. it is very important that all enterprises, even those that are now operating at a level of 40-50% of what they... could have been restored, but they still work, they fight
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to preserve their markets, they still think about the future, at all enterprises, so we need to restore all elements of social life, business, work, yes, uh, housing, so this is a comprehensive solution for restoration, yes , it seems to me that it is happening now; the special economic zone that will be created in the belgorod region will also help entrepreneurs in the restoration process. government is under control, so we think that the government will consider it quickly enough and it will will go to the state duma, the zone itself is, well, let’s say, the most favorable regime that exists today, the special economic zone will allow increasing the volume of output, obtaining the right to preferential treatment, and will ensure a decent level of salary for employees. anastasia krovtsovskaya, evgenya kravtsovski, vesti belgorod. all news is always available on the media platform in the app or. on the site, stay tuned.
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tsygl-tsyger, then on february 13 , the star of the film the diamond arm, victoria, passed away ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess of love. immediately after this, our editors received chilling footage of the last days of her life. here's to waking up and not waking up. is it true that evil fate is haunting the brightest actresses of gaidai’s famous comedy? where is the other actress of the film svetlana svetlichnaya now? good morning, good morning, it’s very nice that we were joined by anastasia chernobrovina, andrey petrov, today in the studio of the russia channel, and of course, don’t forget about our telegram channel, the telegram channel of the morning program russia, you can go there either in the morning or in the evening, whenever you want, well, there are some things that are different from the usual broadcast, there are additional interesting things there, well, by the way , in the morning of course you can’t offer this to people, here’s
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lunch or dinner, a cinema restaurant, in china this is very fashionable now, a comfortable chair with tables on each pot of boiling broth... a set of meat, vegetables and seafood. while the action is unfolding on the screen, you throw the ingredients into the pan, everything cooks very quickly, in just a few minutes, and you can enjoy your food without taking a break from watching. such two- in-one establishments are equipped with a special ventilation system. tickets for the sessions sell out instantly; visitors say they feel almost at home there at the family table. oh, i want to eat something. in general, such a board is still more useful than
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sitting without looking up... whether a curvature of the little finger can be called a professional deformity is a moot point, although there are scientifically proven ailments characteristic of smartphone lovers, for example, those who prefer to work with the phone with one hand, more often than others suffer from the so-called tunnel syndrome. if we work with a smartphone in one hand, our hand and muscles are in a fixed position. the shoulders are forced to hold her, we immediately feel fatigue, then pain in the forearm, then the so-called tunnel syndrome develops, which leads to very serious diseases, that is, compression of the nerves that serve the hand, working with a smartphone tires and much smaller muscles, those , which distorts the crystal eyes
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if you actively use the gadget for reading, then after 10 years you risk worse vision in the distance; for those for whom reading with a smartphone is inevitable, ophthalmologists recommend abandoning complex fonts containing many serifs and decorative elements, however, there are fonts that minimize eye muscle tension, such as arial george, verdana , those who like to scroll through social networks before going to bed face not only worsening vision, but also insomnia: the blue light emitted by the gadget screen reduces the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. if a person is really in in the evening, he spends a lot of time in front of a source of bright lighting or lighting with a blue spectrum shifted towards light, then it is outside. the so-called reading mode, the harm from blue radiation in this case will be minimized, although it will not disappear completely; however, even the seemingly most harmless use of a gadget as a phone is fraught with health problems. a smartphone
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is a transport for bacteria that are contaminated with various pathogens from hands, including. staphylococcus aureus can transfer to more sensitive facial skin. of course, even when put together, all these factors hardly make a smartphone a deadly gadget, because the ailments described above develop exclusively over time and most often appear in old age. nevertheless , observing the simplest rules of digital hygiene, such as using a comfortable font, regular eye exercises, as well as periodically cleaning the gadget with alcohol-containing products, will certainly be useful for those who want to reduce negative impact of digital. is n't that what hours of working on a computer leads to? practitioners say that the number of patients with complaints about this condition is steadily increasing; over 70% of respondents report episodic tension pain; according to statistics,
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people take the most painkillers to relieve headaches. why does this happen and what can we do about it? let's find out from our guest in the studio. the boss was in a bad mood at work there, in the morning the boss said: “you’re not doing well.” his job,” so a person works all day, and in the evening he goes home, begins to think, why suddenly? the boss did this to him, why did this happen to him, this mechanism
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for the development of tension headaches is triggered, this is due to that there is such a structure in our brain, now it’s difficult to say in these words, it ’s called the limbicicular complex, and this system works on serotonin, so as soon as this systematic complex begins to crumble, the patient experiences a headache, disorder. hands sweat, chocolate is not curable, no, it is curable, but coffee, for a tension headache, two cups of coffee is a positive effect, not everyone probably understands that this is a tension headache, because how to differentiate, it probably has some symptoms , this is a bilateral headache, a pressing headache is a headache that does not get worse from physical activity, that is , it drags on every 2 days, he endures this pain, maybe it’s time for him to go somewhere , he no longer needs to sit and what should he do absolutely certainly - on the one hand - there are such reasonable prevention programs, this is jogging, this is healthy sleep,
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this is a balanced diet, but it is clear that not everyone - due to the rhythm of life, it is possible to comply with all these rules, therefore there are such programs for stress management, stress management, and this includes yoga, this and meditation, these are also simple methods that the patient can use non- pharmacologically, as a rule, to reduce the severity. the theoretical basis for this is serious research that it is these are methods that are effective for headaches, unfortunately not, i would probably recommend two simple methods, the first method is the so-called palm exercise, well, take it like this, press for 10 seconds in one direction, the back of the head, yeah. which is very
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well used, the patient inhales, counts to four or five, exhales, counts to 8:10, if the patient learns to breathe within one and a half to two minutes, then such an emotional reflex of gerring breer is formed, and this can help. probably still very much it is important for people to understand that a headache is still some kind of bell to something more complex. when considering the problem of headaches, we highlight the so-called red flags, that is, those symptoms at which the patient should sound the alarm and must consult a doctor. this is an increase in the duration of the headache, an increase in the intensity of the headache, this is the constant nature of the headache, this is a headache. which is combined with vomiting, impaired vision, some kind of
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neurological symptoms, in these cases, such a patient is obliged to go to bed, it would seem that he needs to get enough sleep, he may already have a normal diet, there is no need to go to any doctors, absolutely, why are you writing her off, thank you very much, our guest was a professor, the president of the national association of experts in comorbid neurology, andrey rachin, listen, i ’m always hungry, it’s fine, thank you very much, that’s normal. my head doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t hurt, thank you very much, message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 at 12:00 moscow time. we figured it out and figured it out, automakers seem to have decided to rely on air taxis, at the air show in singapore, where leading companies showed their futuristic developments, this was the key topic. officially launch such a needed one in the city. transport is expected in the next 4 years. the electric mini-plane is designed for a pilot and four passengers, has a range
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of up to 60 km, and takes off and lands vertically. the tests begin here year. the main thing is to understand the legal restrictions on air transport, which , unfortunately, still exist everywhere, and are different in all countries. well, no one is giving up ordinary cars yet. our colleague ivan zenkevich will talk about new models of compact crossovers. hybrid crossovers. a popular segment lately. almost every major manufacturer has such models in its line. therefore, we will look at several of these new products in the compact crossover class. the xsit brand has updated its hybrid modification your lx suv. the car was slightly refreshed in appearance and received special aerodynamic wheels. but most importantly, it is based on a new generation of hybrid architecture, which improves fuel economy and reduces charging time. batteries, the power plant consists of a one and a half liter internal combustion engine and an electric motor with a total power of 326
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horsepower, an electric range of 80 km, and a maximum total... range of up to 1,000 km. sales at home began the other day, but soon the car will be exported. the chingan cs-55+ crossover is already well known on in our market, in china they recently introduced a hybrid modification based on it, which they decided to release under the chiin brand. externally , the rechargeable suv with the q05 index differs from its counterpart with a traditional internal combustion engine, except that it is covered with a radiator grille. the main feature, of course, is the technical filling based on a one and a half liter naturally aspirated engine with a capacity of 110 horsepower; it can be supplemented by one or two electric motors of your choice with 190 or 215 horsepower. the box is an electronic variator. there are also two options for traction batteries with electric range 46.95 km. in hybrid mode, it will be possible to cover 1,150 and 1,215 km, respectively. and
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our third hero is a compact crossover. hs-3 ends. this is the most affordable model in the premium brand line, which has now become a hybrid. true, you can’t plug it into an outlet. the advs not only charges the batteries, but can also rotate the front wheels if necessary. peak system power is 190 horsepower. the declared consumption is about 6 liters, which is on average 20% lower than that of the gasoline version with a two-liter turbo engine. hs-3 is expected to be officially launched this year will arrive in russia, but most likely. this will be an option with a conventional internal combustion engine. however, we will not be left without hybrid compact models either. several such premieres are planned for this year. for example, the jq brand will bring a rechargeable version of its j7 suv. so, let's wait. artyom maslov.
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i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me for the purpose of generation. already there, we’ll sleep with you, they’ll let you go, i ’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, oh butterflies on saturday on rtr, favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go,
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birthday. words of love are understandable to everyone without translation. the ethoplast of culture is the golden fund of soviet and russian pop art. hi andrew. evening show by andrei malakhov on saturdays on rtr. what kind of work are you
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planning to do? look for anything, just to get to steif, what? irina shtaif is a very famous fashion designer. i'm hiring you. thank you very much. cleaners. it seemed to me that this new girl could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent is not allowed buy. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what ’s wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection , you still have nothing to show , it turns out that he deceived me and not only me, lace, on saturday on rtr, i’m drawing
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you. i'm drawing you, a married couple from the american state of texas decided to spend a highly artistic weekend. the husband and wife sat down opposite and decided to paint each other. no. they are not professionals, they just wanted to see how someone it turns out, well, what happened, the woman has a very decent portrait of her husband, well, in some ways even similar, but his husband didn’t immediately find what to say, but he came up with it, i see, it’s also generally cool to bring it like this on the weekend, but i see this in a dream, this is already a phrase from the heroine of the detective series anna is a medium, seemingly an ordinary housewife, but with extraordinary abilities. to investigate the crime that the dreams suggest , we will find out today at 21:20, where is home, do you even remember what your name is, who you are, tanya, my wife, wake up, she said to take your hands off,
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nightmares do not let go of the heroine maria poroshina after waking up, because her visions tend to come true. an amazing gift of communication with the other world helps a freelance employee of the investigative committee, anna ostrovskaya, solves the most intricate criminal puzzles, but few people know. what is such an ability worth, she cannot live with it, because there is a choice: either you help people and do good as a result in the end, or you are with it and do not save, an absolutely unnecessary extra thing that makes you feel discomfort, torment and fear, which is really expressed in such a way that she is simply afraid of some situations and wants... to get rid of it. the authors involve the viewer in solving the mysteries, forcing them to build their own versions at every stage of the investigation, because things, ostrovskoe’s dreams and visions are just puzzles. and
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each time someone’s life depends on how quickly the medium assembles a complete picture from a mosaic of images and scattered facts. what's this? a hint on how to expose a murderer is not just living under the same roof with a phenomenon whom modern science refuses to take it seriously. but the heroine maria poroshina earned the love of tv viewers, who throughout the series tries to combine her superpower with the responsibilities of a mother and wife of many children. if there were no criminals, my mother would spend more time with us. and the last line was good, if there was a bigger mother, she would be at home with them. every day there are new investigations, behind which there are great human dramas. my sixth sense tells me to watch how the medium solves the puzzles. interesting, a non-trivial detective story will begin today at 21:20, well, we are finishing our program for today, but this does not mean that monday is ending, it is just beginning, as they say, everything is just
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beginning, so i wish you a good mood today, regardless weather, our weather is different now and not always very pleasant, just dress warmly and set yourself up for the positive, our positive attitude is always the same, see you tomorrow, we’ll see you tomorrow, we’ll share the positive, hello, this is news from alexander’s studio efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. ukrainian militants fired large-caliber shells at donetsk and beat an elderly person.
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employees of the investigative committee arrived at the scene of another war crime by militants of the kiev regime. at noon , the nazis hit the peaceful neighborhoods of the kiirovsky district from the village of kurakhovka
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with large-caliber shells. fragments of shell fragments were discovered, presumably this is a nato sample of a 155 mm caliber shell. direct hit to a house on petrovsky street from a shell explosion caught fire. two women received. meanwhile, donetsk utility workers are cleaning up the consequences of an equally monstrous shelling of the capital of the dpr, a huge crater near one of the popular donetsk restaurants. the night before, militants from the kiev regime attacked the wedding using rszzo hymers. the rocket arrived during the newlyweds' first dance. unfortunately, the doors of this establishment are closed, we cannot get inside, but through the window we can see that there is a glass on the tables. snacks, to which the ukrainian
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militants added fragments like these from multiple launch rocket systems, the shelling took place during a wedding ceremony, the hall was cut by shrapnel, and you can see unfinished champagne there. at the time of the shelling , there were up to 50 people in the hall; it was only by luck that no one died; an ambulance arrived at the scene within 10 minutes. help was provided to them in the emergency department. patients have mine explosion trauma, shrapnel wounds, well, wounds that are typical during shelling of residential areas, the severity of the patients corresponds to the severity of the injury received, all the treatment they need, they receive. in total, over the past 24 hours , one civilian was killed and six people were injured at the hands of ukrainian militants. vadim topalov, vladislav medyanik, lead donetsk. 800 ukrainian mercenary soldiers, as well as 13 tanks and other armored vehicles. destroyed over the past 24 hours at
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various sites of the special operation. aerospace forces pilots attacked the hub station in konstantinovka. at the time of the attack , a train with personnel and weapons arrived there. the infrastructure of the station, which the ukrainian armed forces used to supply their group in the vicinity of gorlovka, completely destroyed. local publications and eyewitnesses also reported explosions in kiev, nikolaev, dnepropetrovsk and other regions. in the zaporozhye direction, active hostilities are taking place in the rabotin area. assault troops, with the support of armored vehicles, managed to drive the enemy out of the school and the eastern part of the village. in the kherson region, on the right bank of the dnieper, paratroopers liquidated a temporary deployment point and an ammunition depot. in the kupinsky direction , the geotsint howitzers were targeted by camouflaged enemy dugouts and armored vehicles. new ones have appeared on the internet.
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black soil and moving so carefully and carefully you constantly hear volleys, a lot of volumetric work. the tulip is leaving. its mines for tens of kilometers, all hits are recorded by a copter, this self-propelled gun also participated in the capture of avdievka, the artillerymen then resorted to cunning. we have determined the time, early morning, around the morning, while the enemy is still sleeping, so to speak, does not expect our big greetings from us. lancet takes off. our camika drone is so versatile and easy to use. deployment that it is possible. launch even
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through a window from a room, at a speed of 100 km/h the lancet reaches the target with surgical precision, a tank, infantry fighting vehicle and self-propelled gun scatter into pieces. over the past month , more than ten tanks, four self-propelled guns, one command post, and enemy cannon artillery were hit. this ammunition is used at ranges up to 25 km. this means that at a distance of several tens of kilometers the enemy has no. chance to hide his location, lancet notices the slightest movement even in the forest and quickly follows goals. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. donetsk people's republic. and now to the news of the presidential election campaign. early
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voting has begun in russia for the presidential election. members of precinct election commissions will visit polar stations, reindeer herding camps and hard-to-reach settlements, as well as ships that will soon set sail. portable voting boxes are delivered by helicopters, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles. on sakhalin, border guards are among the first to vote on the islands of the lesser kuril ridge, employees of oil and gas production enterprises. in kamchatka and yamal there are reindeer herders, hunters, fishermen, loggers, miners, and employees of lighthouses in nature reserves. residents of 42 regions, including new territories, will be able to vote early; the main voting will take place from march 15 to 17. how. they are preparing ballots, albert musin saw. at a fantastic speed of hundreds of sheets per minute. the printing press works almost non-stop. more than 3 million ballots need to be prepared in a week. how many voters live in one only in the sverdlovsk region. a multi-level
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system of protection when voting for the president of russia was built from the stage of production of ballots. there are cameras everywhere. members of the election commission are always present at the enterprise. admission to the workshop. has only a limited number of employees, almost all bulletins in the history of modern russia have passed through the hands of printer alexander yarin for 27 years, he is the oldest most experienced employee, able to immediately identify a defect or a fake, this is a dentitometer, he measures the density of paint, and this is a spectrophotometer, he looks, well checks delta. their circulations are printed in every region of russia at specialized printing houses. the appearance of the ballot, the list of candidates, the font, and the size of the form are the same for everyone. but, for example, the fine safety net differs from subject to subject. there is no way to fake it. we have a gel mesh
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that has a special pattern, uh, which is known and agreed upon with us. we can always check it for compliance. and, the second degree of protective printing is the special composition of the pontoon and its color. we can also define it and distinguish between ours and ours. they print two types of forms at once: for ordinary ballot boxes and kaibs, these are automatic processing complexes that immediately keep statistics on votes and spoiled ballots. unlike regular ballots, the forms for kaibs have a protective green grid on the back side, so that the machine can correctly distinguish all the printed symbols, and most importantly, read the voter’s mark opposite one of the names. in the urals, at the start of printing, there is always a leadership about '. election committee, it endorses control signatures forms, thereby approving the entire circulation. after completion of the work, ballots will be transported exclusively with police escort. a certain number will be transferred to territorial election commissions; ballots are taken under guard as soon as
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they enter the territory, well, as soon as they actually leave the printing place. in a week , an additional security stamp will be applied to each ballot, and the molds will be physically destroyed so that there is no temptation to print. extra copies. albert musin, ksenia klimina, maksataliev, gennady lugunov and ilina goleeva. news. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. this is for you, well, got some sleep , gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen you for a long time, man, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, fall in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, we look, there was no sadness, the woman hooped the pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. “this is an incredibly charming face , to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored
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at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake , hearts skipped a beat ours, you are the most..." an understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, and why are you alone, there are suitable ones, but they are married, it premiered on rtr. where are you at home, why are you talking like that?
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anya ran away from home, with whom? how is aristich, are you coming to me? it seems to me that mom didn’t go anywhere, she just left because of us. i want my wife back. anna is a medium. continuation, we look at rtr today. favorite songs are played in our studio! go! birthday.
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this is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, sign up , watch, watch, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie. we're on the air, we're continuing
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the show. the zelensky regime demanded the relics of saints from the nearby caves of the kiev pechersk lavra. the management of the reserve notified the monks about the impending seizure. there, the relics of the venerable pechersk dozens of other saints, as well as the hero ilya of murom and the chronicler nester, were called cultural treasures. it is possible that kiev is embarking on an operation that the foreign service previously warned about. russian intelligence. according to the svr, the ukrainian authorities, under the pretext of salvation, intend to transfer the shrines to museums in italy, france, germany and the vatican. the seizure of the lavra and the ousting of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church from it has been going on for almost a year. the main temple of the monastery, the assumption cathedral , is already under the control of schismatics from the so -called ocu. they perform their rituals there. in poland, to the tractor blockade of the ukrainian border, a traffic jam for dressage to
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germany was added. farmers began blocking major highways leading west. farmers threaten a month to stop transport links with germany. the police are transporting trucks along alternative roads that are currently free of tractors. according to local economists, due to farmers' protests, the polish economy could lose up to 11 billion euros in march. and in spain there is indignation among farmers. rolled to the canary islands in tenerife, the traditional carnival began with hundreds of tractors driving through the city streets. a rematch between trump and biden is becoming more and more real. donald trump won a landslide victory in the primary in south carolina, his native his rival niki haley's state, where she was twice elected governor. the politician who wins in south carolina, statistically, almost always becomes a republican candidate for the presidency of the united states.
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in the democratic camp of panic over trump’s successes, the american press writes about the emerging one in which, speaking to voters, he agreed with vladimir putin in the statement that biden is a more predictable politician for russia, and behind the scenes of the conference of conservatives, trump met with his big fan, the head of argentina javier meley. president, how happy i am, very glad to see you, i admire you. pylkov, the president of argentina, is often called the second trump. he is trying to copy his older comrade in everything, even borrowing trump’s election slogan, slightly changing the famous phrase “let’s make argentina great again.” in seventeen
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provinces of ecuador, after heavy rains , powerful floods began, rivers overflowed their banks, and rapid streams demolished everything in their path. hundreds of houses were flooded, in populated areas that suffered from disasters most of all, evacuation is being carried out, one person is known to have died, his car was sucked into a funnel. a destructive tornado swept through the east of brazil, the wind speed reached 120 km/h, a powerful whirlwind tore apart at least 17 houses, if the victims are now being identified, in norway, a funny thing happened while reporting on the weather. during a severe storm on the coast , a fish flew into the journalist’s face; it was carried by a powerful gust of wind, after which the man could not stand on his feet and was almost washed away wave. guests of the festival, which took place in dombay and was dedicated to the best winter drink, drank more than 500 liters of mountain tea.
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up to half a million people are expected at one of the largest ski resorts in russia this year. the growth in tourist flow will be at least 20%. travelers are attracted. new tracks, modern hotels and interesting programs. bulat shakieev about why it is worth visiting donbai. your tea? wow, what's there? tea with mountain herbs, because today we have a mountain tea festival. thank you very much, and can you imagine it? height of 3.00 m at the dombay ski resort. mm, delicious. the composition includes herbs collected on these slopes; they are very much appreciated here. it’s customary to share valuables here with guests, everyone is ready to help you, feed you, show you everything , it’s very cool, today it turned out that we were at a festival, they are held more and more every year and more varied, and the audience reach is wider, this time the rhythm of the whole event is set by a dj, accompanied by his best tracks, animators entertain children, and
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pensioners contemplate the landscape, for them the most benches were installed in viewing areas. we were in the crimea, the mountains were not at all like that, we were on the black sea, not the same mountains, it works out better here, there are some amazing ones here, everyone was able to find their own in dombay, especially since it became easier to search, a single tourist center was opened at the resort an information center, where to fly paragliders, what cable cars exist, what routes, what instructors to recommend, and the main task is for people...
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nowadays it’s mainly ski lovers , they try the most for them here, new cable cars, ongoing promotions and more . on dombay , the area prepared for skiing is constantly increasing. last year, as many as two new tracks were opened here, the resort is planning to expand this year 2024. lalchakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestyakov, news from korachaev, circassian republic. all news is always available. on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, see you later,
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message from the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, to the federal. straight broadcast on february 29 on rtr. nobody needs to know what i hire. psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid, your main task is to find this joker, i do all this for your sake, i want to know what these nasty letters are writing to me, you must stop going where you go, i don’t i can, timur, then he will find out everything, i advise you to look around when you walk down the street, because the person who writes you letters is really mentally unstable... he is dangerous, you were sitting in a restaurant with this a monster and you did this for us, my life is going to hell, why did i fall in love with you right now, i know who writes
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you these letters, who is pure psychology, friday nerte, there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power , beauty and history, conquer, a number of them are ready , explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it , oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, your mind will go away, this world is worth seeing, this is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole
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world, on saturday on rtr, artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project , to join me. in my stomach, i have it too, we’ll sleep with you, they’ll let you go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me , you love him, daughter, i hate him,
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that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories he told, i was daring in a white tuxedo, mark anatolyevich zakharov is leaving, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad represented i thought to myself that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more... ideas, i foresaw my destiny, now everything is only coming true, everything i give up with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on
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sunday on rtr. dear western media, you don’t have enough nerves to worry about our advertising campaigns , this is how i ironically commented on the panic in the foreign press, the editor-in-chief of the russia today media group and the tv channel margarita simonyan reports that the project to interfere in the new us elections is entering the final stage, the chipping of the object was carried out successfully , the operation was carried out under personal supervision, everything is functioning perfectly and...
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russians really have a sense of humor, i like this russian channel, i take my hat off to you guys, it’s not for nothing that margarta simonyan is proud of her employees and considers the channel her own. a second family, but how does she manage to find time for everything, to combine such an important job for our country and her main role as wife and mother. i remember well how 2 years ago in this studio we celebrated the long-awaited wedding of margarita simonyan and tigran kiasayan, the response to western sanctions in their own words, even my mother laughed, she said, this is the first time i’ve seen a man, who is so happy that he was ringed, to which tigran said: “notice,
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he took it with three children.” they live as a big, friendly family , raising three children, with whom, if not margarita , to talk about our traditional values, especially since 2024 in russia has been declared the year of the family, and margarita is part of the organizing committee for its implementation, why even in the west many look at russia as the last hope, where mom and dad are not called partners number one and two, what for... the european union is sounding the alarm, despite all of them attempts to ban the tv channel, close your mouth, ban your advertising campaigns, despite all this, they watch you, they love you,
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your companies raise millions. talk about this, but i’ll say it very rudely, well, that is , we create a large number of information sources that are not connected with us, while the cia finds out that they are connected with us, they already have a huge audience, sometimes they get to the bottom of it, they collapse it, it happens with us so, you wake up in the morning, 600 channels are immediately closed, right away, well, while they are closing them, we we’ve already made new ones, we ’ve been running after each other like this all this time, it’s even fun. this is a war, listen, well , this war is not fun, this is an information war, you can have fun, in the end, blood is not shed on either side, thank god, by the way, humor is a very strong weapon, you are you prove it every time, please put on my favorite video, in my opinion this is one of the last premieres in this genre of yours, put it on, report?
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new firmware for the object, download the crack, i inhale this air, the sun in the sky is looking at me, above me...
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we’ll finish the american elections, next year it will be interesting, the annual report is over, happy new year, i serve russia, help.
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thank you for this, i didn’t have a chance to tell you, it’s just so much fun, besides, how does it happen, listen, i know your family a little, tigran, i can imagine that you’re sitting here , maybe in the evening, with tigran, do you come up with such cool films together or how does this happen? how are you, how are you not together we rarely come up with anything, because due to our workload we both try not to talk about work at home, there is something to talk about without it, and this happens in two ways, either... the guys come and say: look what we came up with , or i come to the guys and say: look what i came up with, one of two things, this is a funny video, well, it’s funny to hear what you’re responding to, well, all this talk
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about meddling, well, it’s funny to me, but they’re serious about it they believe it, well listen, if you remember, my memory serves me right, i hope it is my favorite earrings , my aunt gave them to me when i was 20 years old, thank you for finding this photo somewhere, beautiful, listen, amazing, really, and the year was 2000 , i think the 17th, january holidays, i’m somewhere i’m resting like all normal people in our country, i’m coming to my senses, it’s true, what are we doing there, for example, on january 3, somehow i just recovered a little, then i cut olive, my hand still hurts, then i drank champagne until 7:00 in the morning danced, something else, come on, everything is the same. we live more or less and suddenly a report comes out, a joint report of all the intelligence services of the united states of america, the cia, the fbi, a bunch of some units there, i don’t remember their names, there are a lot of them, just a bunch, and that means a combined report, interference
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in the american elections, where is my name, dear one, in this report , is mentioned 27 times, and after that i receive a subpoena from the us department of justice to testify about election interference. usa, do you think this is serious or not serious? i only rest at home anymore, now i don’t go anywhere at all, just in case there is a fire department, ukraine also declared me international wanted list, i’m sitting at home , and apparently for the rest of my days, which i’m very happy about, well, if you remember your little homeland, i just spent an amazing week there, it was my first time in sirius, it’s a shame for the first time, oh this happiness . fought, he’s incredible, happiness, he’s incredible, i , i listen, i’ve been a lot around the world, seriously, i ’ve never seen such embankments anywhere in the world, only warmth, so, so, so beautiful, so safe, it’s huge, you can go all the way, better than the krasnodar region,
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there is nothing in the world, hello fellow countrymen, you can imagine with all this, returning, this video was seriously discussed, you saw this show somewhere on french television, where there are six people, seriously. they are seriously discussing the video, are we serious about hacking trump , you know, beyond good and evil, it’s all very serious, that’s how it is, another one of my favorites, it also has a lot to do with me, because in this eleventh package in question...
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oh god, i'm so tired.
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the second festival is already the time of heroes, i was lucky to go there, however, now it will be this one again i come to this atmosphere of such youth , life, love, simple, without barely, without any extra words, so simple and real, just love for the country, for the profession, for the business, for what we do, we are with now we go to different cities with him for this festival, we were even in turkey with him, can you imagine, you know, he works at my house, i started watching... i liked this so much question more constantly question more ask more ask questions then i saw your other slogans there, they think that you...
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we apparently have a natural talent for this , we do it well, and we also had, you know, we had amazing advertising in their subway, so it was like that, i just remember this slogan now, the cia thinks that we hacked the american elections, if you want to know what we think about the cia, go to the articom website, you get back the reaction from the world to that... and what of this reaction is especially dear to you?
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the most important thing is what we work for, our audience, 99% of that, the opposite opinion, yes, feedback, as they call it, that we from we receive them, it’s a huge thank you that you leave us the only window into reality, the only window into the real world, the world of truth, thank you, only you, well, these rallies, they go around france... what kind of posters do they have in their hands? merci is so hot, merci, thank you rt, thank you rt, the same thing when we were near washington, remember, those were terrible rallies, well, imagine there were terrible riots near washington, where they were, in baltimore, and terrible chaos, horror, horror , horror, cnn plays everyone else , first live, and then on records and obama's dinner with this correspondence they call it, well, for journalists, i was there too. moment on this man, because they still invited us then, you won’t believe it, but
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there are only us in baltingora, that is , only we are covering these protests, and that means some crowd sees a television dish and runs to destroy it, shouting television, television, let's smash them, he runs up, sees that it's us, stops, says: this is rt, no, no, no, that's it, thank you, brothers, you are yours, you are ours, they tell us, the americans in baltim, you ours, we won’t cut you down, that’s what we would do. what kind of story was there, to which the british press reacted simply terribly aggressively, what does rashi allow himself to do there, just everything we talk to people in india about what they are talking about in india, whether the american fleet poses a threat to india, they are talking about it people in india, this worries people in india, why shouldn’t we raise the issues that bother us... we raise them, but how else, this is our job,
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otherwise we’re worthless, put on this video, and if you want i will i tell you a secret? another video like, there are a lot of videos in ukrainian now about mobilization, about how bad everything is there, there was one video where there was a shot down car, i published it, it’s also ours, we just haven’t said anywhere that it’s ours , here is your counterattack.
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and i feel sorry for my children, but you are gone, now you have only one, last chance, to stay alive, this is your last chance, when the special operation began, you... could you then imagine what kind of war you could
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find yourself in? no, of course, listen, i could imagine what would happen a year before me three attempts, i couldn’t. i could imagine that i would be forced to change the circumstances of my life, worry and take some measures, and the state would take some measures, for which i am extremely grateful, yet i could not imagine that i would take some measures to ensure my own safety, the safety of my family, i am a journalist, i was and will be, i could imagine that i would be on the international wanted list, am i a bandit, am i running a drug cartel there, i don’t know. uh i sell children or what, weapons, well, the delirium of a madman, i am a journalist, i was and am, and i was going to do only journalistic work, but the world has gone so crazy, the same world that has been telling us for decades about freedom of speech, about
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the value of a different opinion, about dissent, now you’ve gone so crazy that if you just do your job and nothing else, you’re an international criminal. worthy of being chased by the intelligence services of several countries, even one country of ukraine, in order to physically destroy, this is me, this is how i live now, if you ask me, if i could imagine this, would i do it anyway, i’ll answer you, because i have the opportunity to benefit my country, interview in an interview, takerun said, i ’m afraid now it’s not exactly this phrase about the fact that... with the usa it is either very difficult or almost impossible to actually wage an information war, because all the main world media belong to them, they own the media, the media , yes, yes, but information war has long gone beyond the media; the audience on social networks is much larger than in the media.
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tucker's interview, just on twitter, the former, has already been watched by 50 times more people, 50 times, not 50%. 50 times than the combined audience of the three main american news channels , cnn, fox news, and msnbc, think about it, who needs this media, yes, the media is under control, no one needs them anymore, when they close this for us, we’ll come up with something another thing is, when they tell us, we are losing the information war, steadily, year after year, it’s true, well how can i tell you, it’s a tough battle, on the one hand we see how things are changing. the opinion of people there and how the opinion has fundamentally changed in europe, in germany, especially regarding whether ukraine will win, here are yesterday’s figures, 64% believe that it will not, and a year ago there were completely different figures, on the other hand, our huge vulnerability lies in , that we
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don’t have any weapons at all, we are fighters, fighters need weapons, we haven’t created them. no weapons on this front, but we have neither our own phone, nor our own tablet, nor our international social network, neither our normal search engine, nor our own internet, we have nothing, so you can turn us off, and goodbye, that’s it, and we have to look for some hard, very difficult and painful paths, where you skin your knees, well, how could it be , we didn’t lose it, we lost at some point, i remember how aska was the main russian messenger. russia icq is a russian product, the main social networks were odnoklassniki and vkontakte, a russian product, i remember when routeb overtook youtube, when google generally trailed closely behind yandex, and yandex was a russian company, we all remember how it could have been wasted, i don’t know, this is my pain, i don’t understand
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why we didn’t do this, before the special operation, we didn’t create a simple video, why do we still understand this, we were doing it, and i know that people are now. are putting enormous effort into this, the problem is that in many ways it’s too late, we ’re already in the position of catching up, but we were in the forefront, we blew it, everything, because we once decided that rutube was not needed, that if it doesn’t bring in money, then no one needs it at all, twitter was unprofitable, you know how many years of its existence, 15, and youtube was unprofitable, of course, but people didn’t understand this, people got too carried away with this commerce, got their hands on capitalism , you know, no, no, where is your monetization?
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now they are beginning to see and listen to us and will see and hear even better later, so we have now called this year, in which you and i are talking, the year of the family in russia, i love your house very much and i love your family very much, everything and you and tigran and what you write, talk about your children, i love everything, i want to ask you. so let’s finish here , but for you what is this, this is the year of the family, usually when everything is in order with the family, the country doesn’t need any years of the family, it seems to me, but i
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don’t know what, especially since it’s your anniversary now yes, in march of this year, it was 2 years since you officially became husband and wife , which has nothing to do with the family, it’s an empty formality, i still don’t understand why it was necessary, but tigran was really impatient this time, he told me did five proposal, but this time he said it all, i got sanctioned because of you, you’re not even my wife, quickly. zaks i say, okay, nothing , i’m an armenian woman, i was taught to obey , i don’t think that, well, listen, at that moment we already had three children, we lived together a long time ago, i don’t know what a year is family, although i go to his organizing committee for the only reason, i don’t just have a family every year, i have a family every minute, you know that we live as a huge family, we live together with both of our mothers, with my my sister, with her husband, with her children, with our children, with... with my aunt cousin, who is left alone and lives with us and with a bunch of other people, this is a family, i mean, we have
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helpers from there no one lives with us, and we are immensely happy, and we never quarrel, and every minute of our lives is filled with family happiness, and how do you do it, really, so that you are so happy, so big, you have such - your own laws that you adhere to at home, some rules, and so on? well these are just certain rules for this conservative, probably, but i can’t say that it’s very conservative, but rather in the traditional direction of upbringing, which, it seems to me, are clear to many in our country, we never pronounce them, it’s just how i was raised, tigran was raised that way , well, let’s say i can’t disobey my mother-in-law, we live together, and if she doesn’t like something, i don’t do it anymore, so she tells me, you don’t wear this dress anymore, i don’t wear it, i go out in the morning, she’s
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margot , you're going on air, no, okay, i'm going, changing clothes, what's the problem, what's wrong? is more precious to me, tigran can’t raise his voice at me, for example, because it’s simply impossible, well, how can this be, well, firstly, i... it seems that i’m numb, and secondly, he just won’t do it, because why, i can’t even imagine how i’ll react , should i allow myself to deceive him there, for example, say that i’m there, in fact i’m not there, it ’s simply impossible, yes, simple rules, this is not a rule, well, just this is how normal people live, that’s all, it seems to me, peace to your home, may god cover it, bow to those a big gran, thank you, this is life.
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catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty things be healthy? the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, science fiction, can scientific ones be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes again, every person in any region of russia can do it. not only tasty, but also healthy, and it lifts your spirits, that’s for sure, the formula
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food on saturday on rtr. artem maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and subsequently formalize the union. on saturday, maybe we'll try one with a kiss. it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in the head, sometimes they flutter in the stomach. butterflies, i have a scientific method that allows you to get rid of these butterflies in your stomach, i have them too, if we sleep together they will let you go, at least i tomorrow i’m ready to marry you, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr.
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watch a special edition of the 60 minutes program today, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes today on rtr, and what kind of job are you going to look for, any job, just to get it, which irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer, yeah. albert, figure it out, come up with something, i’ll hire you. thank you very much. cleaning woman. it seemed to me that this new girl could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be
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stolen. the entire collection has disappeared. albert. what about the hall? there will be a fashion show of my collection. you still have nothing to show. it turns out that he was deceiving me and not only me. lace. on saturday on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today. on rtr, my name is anna ostrovskaya, i work in the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, four people died, a whole family, you see me, yes, this is my gift, then we are investigating your murder, she is not afraid of ghosts, how could i i didn’t understand before that you are my destiny, get out, you can’t forget
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him, she’s afraid of being there. among them, i told you about death, it is inevitable, it is always nearby, i will die soon, anna is a medium, we are looking at the continuation today on rtr. poster on the tv channel culture - theater, music, fine arts on february 26. project the hd theater presents in the formula kino cinema chain the film tchaikovsky's opera the queen of spades, which was created by the helikon-opera theater and the culture tv channel. directed by dmitry bertman and valery spirin. singing: elena mikhailenko, ivan gengazov, larisa kostyuk, conductor valery kiryanov. anton botagov
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plays philip glass at niko's art gallery. the play masquerade with closed eyes based on lermontov's drama by arthur schnitzler a short story about dreams is staged at the chekhov moscow art theater directed by pyotr shirishevsky starring igor vernik maria famina evgeny perevalov and ilya kozyrev. the vakhtangov theater presents on the new stage the play paul i based on the play by dmitry merishkovsky, directed by natalia kovaleva. evgeny kosarev and elena miliottier play the main roles in the premiere performance of the miracle of st. anthony on the stage of the sovremennik theater. staging. paintings and drawings from museum and private collections. the leonid yakobson ballet theater presents a timeless performance, choreographic masterpieces on the stage of the marinsky
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theater. in the small hall of the st. petersburg philharmonic first concert of the cycle. plays and comments on selected brahms piano miniatures. theater-praktika begins a tour in the space of the levoshovsky bakery with a plastic performance alone, based on the poems of joseph brodsky. the st. petersburg exhibition hall manege hosts the exhibition "hero city leningrad" to mark the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of the city from the fascist blockade. the exhibition includes paintings and graphic works and historical objects from museum, private, library and archival collections. swedish the drotninholm court opera house broadcasts antonio vivaldi's opera giustina, which the composer wrote 300 years ago, in 1724. greek conductor and theaters. director george petrou used in his production ancient theatrical machinery from the 16th century, preserved in the court theater. in the golden hall of the vienna music assembly , the vienna philharmonic orchestra performs a work by bruckner and berg, with franz
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welser mst at the controls. london's somermerhouse is hosting a hello kitty exhibition to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of one of the popular popular culture characters white cat with a red bow, invented in 1974 by japanese designer yuka shimits. our exhibition is a whole show, seemingly just a cute cat, but it has become a cultural phenomenon that permeates many areas of life, from toys to design, cosmetics, objects, everyday life and various equipment. we tried to understand how this image arose, whether it had origins in the past, so at the exhibition you can see, for example, old postcards and many interesting things united by this concept like attractiveness. after a long scientific restoration, it was presented at the london national gallery.
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your task is to find this joker. that's all, i do this for you. i want to know who writes these nasty letters to me. you have to stop going where you go. i can't, timur. then he will know everything. i advise you to look around when you walk down the street, because the person who writes you letters is truly mentally ill and dangerous. you sat in a restaurant with this monster and this is what you did. for our sake, my life is going to hell, why did i fall in love with you right now? i know who writes these letters to you. who? pure psychology, friday on rtr. tsygl tsygr,
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ailyu-lyu, ailyu, then. on february 13 , the star of the film the diamond hand , victoria ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess of love, passed away. immediately after this , our editors received chilling footage of the last days of her life. go to sleep and not wake up, is it true that evil fate is pursuing the brightest actresses of the famous comedy of gaidai, where another actress of the film svetlana svetlichnaya, malakhov, is now located, today on rtr. good morning, talk about dr. misyakov, we are starting a program, you know, about the most important thing, that is, about our health, watch us, you won’t regret it, we are starting,
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today in the program about the most important thing, a sore throat, what causes it often occurs in children, why parents are often to blame for this, and how painful it is... those who drink rarely can become alcoholics, how safe are small doses of alcohol and how to deal with alcoholism, you need to drink at this time, otherwise it may be very bad, well at least there is someone to talk to, otherwise everyone is sitting
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like little flowers, mom, my throat hurts, this phrase is familiar to many parents, sore throats, tensylitis, farengitis, because of them children often miss school. and kindergarten, what to do to protect yourself from these diseases? we decided to figure it out. today in our studio we have a mother with children who often have sore throats. alice often gets a sore throat, and this happens even because of some little things; the child can freeze on the street, or drink cold water, or eat ice cream. at my daughter's chronic tansilitis, from autumn to spring she gets sick almost every month, the child has been sick with chronic tansilitis for 3 years. that is , we have constant sore throats, we don’t sleep, coughing comes along, to help children who often have sore throats, we invited an expert, together we will find out why
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sore throats and other throat diseases constantly develop, how to treat them correctly and what to do to prevent them from occurring? olga zaitseva, doctor of medical sciences, professor, honored doctor of russia, head of the department of pediatrics, russian university of medicine, ministry of health russia. well, olga vitalievna, here are the children, yes, my throat hurts, what are the reasons? well, you know, there are many points here. we need to take into account, let's look at what can affect immunity, and you know, in first place, oddly enough, i would put gadgets, children don't go out much, not to mention that they read little, they look at gadgets, it has now been convincingly proven that long-term, almost constant use of gadgets reduces a child’s immunity, everything is probably here, well, in an adult, probably too, well let's immediately turn these guys around, that they are standing with their backs to us, oh, tell me, are you wrapping up your children, we try not to... wrap him up
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, we try to make sure he is dressed for the weather, you can't wrap up children, they move a lot, they have a slightly different heat exchange, when a child sweats and somewhere later takes off this coat, he most likely can get sick, and in general cold air is hardening, you know, you need to not only prevent the development of the disease by the fact that he sweats there, it is important temper the child, the girls are playing something, they do, and the guy sits and looks and... thinks that the evil aunt wants to take the phone away and bend it out into the cold, listen, in the cold, it’s great in the cold, and i assure you, playing cossacks-robbers or some other game in the cold is not less interesting than watching a gadget, well , these are inadequate loads, what do we usually want from our children, so that they are the smartest, the most beautiful, parental ambitions lead to the fact that the drama club is a photo club, i also want to sing, you know , overload child, especially one who
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develops quickly, this is bad because eventually there will be a breakdown. we really overload the children, they still don’t integrate it into anything, at this age it doesn’t fit into anything, so leave the children alone, preferably, that’s what we said here, basically it’s still general immunity, healthy lifestyle, hardening, but what is local immunity? basically , almost everything penetrates through the upper respiratory tract, through the nasopharynx, through the throat, if you like. viral and microbial pathogens and therefore how much local immunity of the mucous membranes works for us, doctors call it nicely mucal immunity , how well it works depends on whether your child is healthy, well, this is just closer to the problem with a sore throat, let's talk about local immunity of the throat, because if the child has fallen ill with a respiratory infection, and respiratory tract infections always begin, as a rule, with a runny nose and a sore throat; sometimes the throat is as sore
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as a cactus. what can contribute to this cactus: dry environment, and it's winter, not everyone always has a humidifier, if you don't have a good humidifier, wet a terry towel or sheet, put it on the battery, it will be better. what do we have here? in almost every child, you can find incipient caries, if it is not stopped in time, unfortunately.
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no, if the child is sick, you can prescribe antiseptics, this antiseptic will kill everything good and bad, but you must immediately help the child populate your tracer with something good, beneficial bacteria are red - this is probably not useful, everything was swept away by a mighty hurricane , there is neither one nor the other, as a result a virus comes, well, the child inhaled the virus and immediately fell ill, what can we do for... this is really a very useful microorganism and it is contained in saliva, it is sometimes called saliva streptok, well, this is the composition of our normal microbiome, yes, but then again you understand, it depends on these external factors that we talked about whether there will be a lot of it or a little, we need there to be a lot of it, which we can do, and we can add it like any probiotic, and this streptok increases the protection of our throat, and, interestingly, it increases protection from...
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if something very harmful gets in, it destroys them, but i repeat once again that this is prevention, and we have prevention instantaneous, it doesn’t happen , yes, so this is always a rather long process, that is, if you want the child not to get sick, then any probiotic strain, any beneficial microorganisms must be obtained for quite a long time, the second uniqueness of this microorganism is that it can longer until... well, okay, you took it, and then you drank the water and washed it off, for this we recommend that the child receive this probiotic in the evening, when he has already eaten, drank, brushed his teeth, by the way, it is quite tasty, so they give it to him this probiotic strain
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of a beneficial microorganism , and it stays there for as long as possible, you look, nod, you don’t really understand, look, they all go to school, because what happens if we find... streptococcus in one child, we must identify carriers because we eradicate, we give antibiotics not only to girls, but if god forbid, to mom, dad, all the sisters, we are trying to eradicate, and if a child went to class, he went with a sore throat, but we don’t know what kind of sore throat, the whole class may well get infected , someone, someone will have trevocarditis, or incurable nephritis, so if it really reduces by 90%, it’s all worth sucking. a pill, well, or that you need to swallow it, the longer, no, the longer it stays in your mouth, the better, look, if we have a streptokos or varius k-12 in our oral cavity, as a result it prevents infection by other microorganisms, well, this is an interesting topic, of course, but i want
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to say again that amgin, all these things should definitely be consulted with a specialist, with a doctor, because streptococcal tonsillitis, it threatens the heart and kidneys, and that. .. something from which we should be protected, therefore, if this is really, like this, as we see, then it seems to me that this makes sense, moms, thank you for the daughter who drew, we will, i say that this is not a scarf, but a portrait, which is quite cute, but a cap i was also there for you, i saw that they were also gluing on a cap, by the way, a cap. thank you, everything will be fine with us. next, in what cases does toothache signal heart problems and which nuts help lower cholesterol levels. questions from the doctor.
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alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. there is not a boy, but a husband. a real lawyer. my name is anna ostrovskaya. i work in the investigative committee. premiere. on rtr. four people, an entire family, died. can you see me? yes, this is my gift, then we will investigate your murder. she's not afraid of ghosts. how could i not have realized before that you are my destiny? get out. can't forget him? she is afraid to be among them. i told you about death. it's inevitable. she's always there. and i 'll die soon. and anna is a medium , continuation, today we look at rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of
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the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty , you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it the taste, oh my eyes, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, artem maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project
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, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and the subsequent official registration of the union, on saturday , should we try? i sometimes have butterflies in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows you to get rid of these butterflies in your stomach , i have them too, we’ll sleep with you, they’ll let you go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow , marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, speaking of butterflies on saturday on rtr. forever young
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wonderful festival. together with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those to whom it belongs. future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are going towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast on march 2 on rtr. trouble. listen, let me help you. let's see on the weekend. “my business cat, actually, i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel
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, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i don’t like divorces ladies, i understand, just dare to take sides, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how can i survive?” “a blow to the heart, what are you doing, denis , this is my child, get lost, now it’s not , you’re not mine, who, a lover, but who is my daughter, and i came to talk to you as man to man, listen, no you want to kill someone, you can arrange it, only the heart is vigilant, on sunday on rtr. time for the section questions from the doctor, i will ask you questions, you will answer correctly, you will receive a prize
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, you will answer incorrectly, let's go to exercise, whoever is ready, raise your hands, let's go what's your name, hello doctor, my name is alexandra, you and i are aunts, apparently what is aunty doing, i’m a lawyer, and i’m also the mother of three beautiful children, what do you mean, the eldest will be nine soon. about to turn, let's go, so, toothache can be a symptom of heart problems, and you think, why am i saying, think, because i knew it, you'll hurry, because the word toothache, yes you immediately. and what does it have to do with it, but
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does it hurt a tooth, that is, you perceive it as a toothache, but it may not be of dental origin, pain in the jaw, so i’ll say, maybe the pain in your jaw is not due to a tooth, well, it probably can, well, if you hit the floor now, maybe your face will hurt, it will, i don’t know, the dog will bite you, it will, it will, it will. well, further develop the thought , well, probably yes, it can hurt in the jaw, and it will seem to me that the tooth hurts not a boy, but a lawyer’s husband, a real lawyer, yes, no, a fundamentally important question, because now very often it hurts, a tooth hurts , then turned pale, lost consciousness, had a heart attack, because very often it hurts not where we are used to seeing, but the neck, tooth, shoulder - this is classic, this is classic, so it’s strong for a long time. tooth, and you have high cholesterol, you’re a smoker, blood pressure, everything, but it’s still not
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possible, think about it, alexandra, i wouldn’t give any advice to some tatyana , well, we’re our own people, yes, yes, yes, antidepressants are addictive, well, yes, they have a lot of side effects, without them you often can’t do anything, antidepressants are also painkillers for neuralgia. this dramatically expands their range application, and getting used to them, moreover, many, in many it is written as a side effect. phenomena, and some were even withdrawn from sale, suicidal tendencies, and so, yes, it causes almonds, such nuts, helps lower cholesterol, well, just think about the question, would i ask it if i didn’t asked, i don’t know, turpentine helps lower
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cholesterol, as far as i know, nuts are very high in calories and contain cholesterol. everything contains cholesterol, some of it good cholesterol, there is bad cholesterol , that’s the question, what kind of cholesterol, here’s a child, you ’re 9 years old, you give him nuts, i give him, well done, why do you want to ruin him, because it’s healthy, well that means the answer is, yeah, alexandra, how are you i worked as a prosecutor, did you also call me on the phone, alexander? you 're there, easier, easier, easier, easier, well, that's it, let's go choose , gifts are all around, just like that, but whatever, there are three keys, all the keys, the three keys are yours, since there are three correct answers, no, there really is only one - for sure, one is definitely mine,
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now you know, they arranged a prosecutor's inspection. all three of mine found the key, there were so many, all were correct answers, three like that, like that, well, go ahead, open it, i’ll try , okay, it’s not scary, there are two more, no problem for you , okay, i’ll try the second one, there’s also no formality , you get the third one, well, you need more, well, nothing, nothing. maybe i'm doing something wrong? and if you were wrong about the almonds, wouldn't there be a third key? yes, that's right, oh, it worked, who would have thought that on the third key? hold it, come on, thank you, open it, get it, what do you want? a doctor, of course, i would choose your book, yeah, and i see that they are different here, i can
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choose any one. a good book, i think that i will need it, i will need it later, i will prepare in advance, you are an optimist, you, sasha, who, please sign, my father, his name is vitaly, i would like nikonovich. we will read together, sit down, thank you, if you want to review us, we are looking at this platform, an application on the website, and we move on, well, our topic is such a slippery one, to drink
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or not to drink.
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especially every evening when i come home, i want and well, i drink, but i don’t know whether it’s a lot or a little, there are three or four glasses of beer, a bottle of wine, and accordingly i have the following question, doctor, can this be considered alcoholism, or is it still normal for a person, well since there are no health problems, i feel fine, thank you very much, in fact, the doctors ... it’s time to quit, second, have you ever been hungover? third, did you have a feeling of guilt that you drank too much? and
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fourth, have any of your friends or relatives told you that it’s time to quit. four yes, you are an alcoholic, four yes, you are an alcoholic, everyone check yourself, ask all these questions, go, good morning. doctor, i heard that with excessive alcohol consumption, neural connections are reduced and microscopic particles of the brain die, which are then excreted from the body in cloudy urine, in fact, a hangover person defecates his own brains, is this true? but i’ll tell you one thing, how many brains do you have? the human brain is a kilogram, well , you have something left on you, no? no, hangovers, there are other problems, hangovers are dangerous the fact that the amount of alcohol drops dramatically , when you are on duty, a seriously
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ill, drunk person comes to you, well, look, he’s just drunk, well, put it, you take blood for alcohol , the alcohol is prohibitive, a lethal dose, well, if he’s drunk, but there’s no alcohol he doesn't have enough, that's a problem, he may develop delirium. squirrel mortality rate is 30%. the most dangerous thing is when the alcohol level of such people drops sharply, this is where we begin to take them out, this is where we need to take them out. i always say, a shaking alcoholic comes up to you on the street and says: give me money, give me money, and then i’ll die, give it, don’t take the sin, he’ll die, don’t take the sin on his soul, he needs a drink at this time, otherwise it could be very bad. next, how alcohol combines with medications and what to do to help a person. to get out of the alcohol binge, you still set some kind of limit for yourself, learn to restrain yourself , well, at least you have someone to talk to, otherwise everyone is sitting like little flowers, tsygel tsyger ailyu,
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ailyu then on february 13, the star of the film diamond arm passed away victoria ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess love, immediately after that, the editor sent us chilling footage of the last days of her life, to grow up and not wake up, is it true that evil fate itself pursues... thank you very much! cleaning woman! i thought this new girl could help us? that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot
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be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be stolen. the entire collection has disappeared. albert, what's wrong with the hall? there will be a fashion show of my collection. it still shows you. it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not only me. lace, in saturday on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes. my mother -in-law promised to give me a porsche kahn after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you, taxi,
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taxi, taxi, taxi, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, turn it on, just wait me, through the rains, stored. flowers still live in me, it’s some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. why are you alone? there are suitable ones, but they are married. premiere on rtr. where am i at home? why are you talking like that? anya ran away to the house, with whom? what meeting, are you coming to me? it seems to me that my mother didn’t go anywhere, she just left because of us, i want to return her.
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the program about the most important things continues, we answer questions about alcohol. hello, my mother is 55 years old, she lives an ordinary life, goes to work, communicates with friends, all this without alcohol, but after some time, as usual sometimes for about three months, my mother closes herself off in
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some kind of world of her own. without drinking alcohol, it’s not just the liver , it’s the heart, by the way, that suffers very much, i looked at american data, which seems to be that people don’t drink, every tenth death in their country is related to alcohol, that’s a lot, we don’t have such statistics, and this is not among people who drink to death, this is among people who drink like this, no, i understand everything, you see, sometimes our life
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is like that, but... i advise you all to try to learn to stop, this it’s quite possible when it’s hard to stop, when in company, come on, come on, they drank to us, to the special forces, to the caucasus and so on and so on, let’s go remember, so what, in the morning you’re not healthy and in general not, that’s if you know how to stop , even in company you can do what you took a sip, especially a big one, whoever is watching there, no one is watching, poured it out. you still set some kind of limit for yourself, learn to restrain yourself, then everything is easy, then, then it’s not difficult, because otherwise, otherwise there will be problems. hello, alexander leonidovich, my blood has she had heart problems and high blood pressure; she did not see a doctor. as a treatment, she uses heart drops, as well as cognac, several glasses a
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day. why does she do this mixed with medications? drops, cognac, drops, cognac. other relatives have no questions about this treatment, and i also read on the internet that if a person experiences flu symptoms, and if he drinks a glass of vodka, he will feel much better. so my question is: is it possible to take alcohol along with medications? of course, medicines and alcohol are incompatible. there are, for example, such antibiotics, you all take them for dental diseases, which can simply cause severe vomiting, or there are cephalosparins, the same medications for hypertension can change their effect, so you choose one thing, yes, or you treat hypertension, treat your illness, or you drink, your blood is interesting, but you yourself know the answer, you yourself
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know the answer, you know it, two or three... i have a question, rather a problem, my uncle is a drunkard, let alone he's drunk, he's if he doesn’t drink, then he’s a binge drinker. and i ’m very worried, i’m trying to help him, and somehow , in order to get him out of this state, i give him sleeping pills, but he feels better, but it seems to me that sleeping pills are not exactly what is needed, please advise what at home it can be used to
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somehow... get a person out of this state, thank you very much, well, you know, you can’t do much, but really sedative barbeturates are used... in hospitals for patients with developing delirium, to relieve these symptoms , so i don't even they ask the laboratory worker there, now let’s clarify who recognized themselves in these four, but stopped drinking , got a hangover, thought it was time to quit and was condemned from the outside, there are such people, you’re my good one, at least one normal person was caught, you know, lord, well at least there is someone... to talk to, otherwise everyone is sitting like little flowers, she looks like a beauty, but what about us? so, ten people have no addiction,
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three have a possible addiction, and one vladimir gromov has a severe addiction, you just told everything right, yes, but not me came up with a last name, who is vladimir gromov? we have another normal person, i wrote everything honestly, you know, what’s the matter that i don’t fit into this profile, i looked at 10 points, and look, one beauty, suddenly look at the guy sitting there, an eagle, and you know what this says, we all see these alcoholics, yes, we all see people,
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that’s why we find out, you know, that’s why we find out, so that the person can then decide which road he’s going to take next, i i’m not saying stop there abruptly and so on, you change your lifestyle , yes, it’s possible, but it can be like smoking, you know, you can quit right away, you can reduce it, so this questionnaire, questionnaires go towards this, because these are nice, nice people, they are nice and nice today, and tomorrow there may be social, okay, moderation, more moderation. confidence, medicine and poison differ only in dose, remember this , everything will be fine with us, time for the section questions to
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the doctor, ask questions, i will answer, alexandrevich, an unusual question, i’m now reading a lot about the keto diet, for the reason that i met a friend, i was surprised that she had lost exactly half the weight and felt great. i’m pretty happy, but when i read that such a diet has a good effect on the liver in case of fatty hepatosis, i became even more interested in it, tell me, is this true? as a treatment for epilepsy in children, this is a proven method, although just so you understand, it is used only in hospital situations, because the situation is like this, but you put a person into artificial ketacidosis, this must be monitored, and seizures disorder. she walks without medication , it’s a good thing, now it’s been released to the masses, but they’re losing weight on it, they’re losing weight on it, but i wouldn’t advocate for it, because it’s like in our country, you ’re reading it now, well, now people will start eating lard, overeating, reaching to pancreatitis
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, introduce tocidosis somewhere, fall into a coma , and so on, that is, here it is necessary, well, this is so, you yourself understand, if it is given to children, but it must be done in a hospital setting, in order to observe to help, you understand, potential, yes, this yes, yes, it... works, but it requires certain efforts, knowledge of observation, let's say. thank you, good morning, good, and alexander alenidovich, i have the following question, i am currently experiencing very severe fatigue, i am undergoing an examination, i took a blood test, i have very critically elevated deviations from the norm of creote kinase, i would like to receive your recommendations on what i should do, how... i just have to watch, but just remember that the first three lines of chronic fatigue are kept in place by lyme disease,
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briliosis, and a tick bite in the summer just through several months , by this time it could be, it’s systemic lupus erythematosus, depression, by the way, depression, fibromyalgia, just like that, and what did you do, the pictures themselves are elevated, it doesn’t mean anything, there should be talking to you, how much this fatigue interferes with your life goes away. it intensifies during physical activity or, on the contrary, and so on and so forth, this is one of the complex systems for examining a patient for chronic fatigue, thank you, yeah, you think i don’t have chronic tired, sometimes i don’t want to live, you know, i don’t want to live, i woke up, everything hurts and i think, you bastard, you’ll go with me , you’ll go, not in a fight, i say, you’ll go, where will you go, that’s the only way at our age, at my age , so in yours and in everyone. alexander leonidovich, good morning, throughout
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my life i have been bothered by nosebleeds, it can occur anytime, at any time, in any place, what could it be? well, you know, we traditionally say that you need to check your complete blood count and platelet count first, but if you have throughout your entire life and so on, you probably have individual problems with the nasal cavity, nearby vessels, something else, nothing like that. i’m still going to go to ent, do a general blood test, forget about it and live as you lived. thanks a lot. i'm done answering your questions. hope you are satisfied. and good luck to everyone. next in the program: to take statins or not to take them. and is it possible to cope with the side effect? message from the president of the russian federation.
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will you repay me this week, i will go to court . you will return the money to me now, if you don’t i will take everything you have, everything, you will soon meet your father, but... he died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat, if you find the person who is tormenting me, i will forgive the debt to your victor , this work is important for both of us, but tell me, do you have a camera in your office? after me, he kicks me out of the house, i need to act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter does not respect you, sometimes it’s easier to understand other people’s problems than to overcome them. and fears, why did your father
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reinforce the barn door, who was locked there? pure psychology, on friday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i would already demand that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently. technicians, we have only one driver there. second tank. the hero of russia will be on the tour. we are all with you, including me, we will go to the end. what is his image of victory for you?
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listen, let me help you, look at weekend, my business cat, actually i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, right? who are you, my wife’s lover, and who are my daughter’s?
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and i came to talk to you man to man. listen, you don’t want to kill someone, can you arrange it? only the heart is vigilant, on sunday at rta. good morning. hello. many people over 50 are prescribed statins. to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent complications associated with the development of atherosclerosis, but quite often - many of those who take statins begin to complain:
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we started taking it successfully, but after a month we discovered a certain problem with the muscles, but they just started to hurt very much, sometimes it felt like there were some weights on our legs, i remember earlier, but we led an active lifestyle, oksana was involved in sports and fitness, her husband went fishing
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and hunting, now we can’t even go up to the third floor because our muscles hurt so much, we want to return to an active lifestyle, so please help us, what should we do? alexander and oksana are in our studio today, please come to us, good morning, good morning, hello, alexander, oksana, but you honestly follow the doctor’s orders, but you are experiencing serious consequences, well , to be honest, i would like to quit taking statins, my friends, i will repeat again, statins. like drugs that lower blood pressure, like drugs prescribed for the treatment of diabetes, should not be stopped under any circumstances. according to statistics, only 12% of russians follow all doctor’s recommendations; for comparison in europe, more than 60% follow all recommendations. well, the bad thing is that my muscles hurt, now i
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can’t even go down from the third floor, i don’t know how to deal with it, recently he had an attack, so.
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you can take a blood test, look at the function of the liver, kidneys, and also, of course , the lipid profile, and after forty it is recommended to conduct a duplex scan of the arteries of the neck, the so-called branchiocephalic arteries, and this is extremely important, because it is by these indicators that the doctor can determine the drug itself, as well as the dosage, you can change something if it’s bad is tolerated, but as a rule, unfortunately, all statins have certain side effects? well, let’s just take a look, there is such a substance in our body as coenzyme q10, which we produce in our own cells, this is the most effective antioxidant. it has been established that taking statins reduces not only total cholesterol, but also
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the level of the q10 enzyme. moreover, after the first month of taking it, it decreases by 50-80%. accordingly, this is extremely significant. after that. muscle weakness may appear, additional fatigue, decreased performance, and we can also note that previously tolerated physical activity is now much more difficult for us, all this refers to the side effects of statins. and, unfortunately, our synthesis of coenzyme q10 decreases with age; if at the age of twenty we synthesized about 300 mg, and this was enough for an active lifestyle, then by the age of 60 our synthesis is halved without any articles. coenzyme synthesis, and accordingly, we cannot bear the same load as at the age of twenty. statins also reduce coenzyme production. scientists have proven that. it turns out that a decrease in the production of coenzyme q10 to 75 mg can already lead to cell death, respectively, when we
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further reduce it with statins, this can have an extremely negative effect on our body. how to take statins correctly to avoid such symptoms? first of all, i recommend adding kenzym q10 to your statin intake. kenzyme is the source of energy for our muscles, the most important muscle we have is the heart, and accordingly, coenzyme is needed both by our heart and head. brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, that is, almost all organs. coenzyme q10 provides the heart with energy, helps normalize blood circulation and improve myocardial contractile function. coenzyme q10 is a powerful antioxidant, suppresses oxidative stress, the production of cetokines and, accordingly, reduces inflammation, including in the microvascular bed. by improving blood supply, normalizing blood supply, increasing activity. cells, it slows down the aging process in internal organs and improves skin cell regeneration. what other rules should you follow when taking
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statins? first of all, you need to follow the dosage regimen. statins should be taken an hour and a half before bedtime. because it is precisely atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots that form at night. when taking statins, you must follow a certain dietary regimen, that is, not eat certain foods. this does not mean that they need to be excluded from the diet completely; citrus fruits, unfortunately, have a negative effect on hepatocytes on the liver cell and thereby the concentration of statins in the blood serum may increase, and accordingly the negative effect of statins, in particular the destruction of coenzyme q10, may increase, so divide the dose if... you take it in the evening, an hour and a half before bedtime , then you can start your morning completely calmly with a glass of grapefruit juice.
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bran, nuts, even tuna also have a negative effect, because they contain neocin, it also affects liver enzymes and provides an increase in statin levels in everything body, so again you need to try to take these products in the first half of the day, and take statins at night. i understand everything about statins, but how to choose and take coenzyme correctly? it is extremely important to take into account that coenzyme q10 is a fat-soluble compound, therefore, the composition must contain oil, so the right choice must be made very carefully. unfortunately, cheap soybean oil is often used, which has a rather unpleasant aftertaste, while coconut oil has pleasant smell, pleasant taste, and at the same time contains fatty acids, short-chain, medium-chain and, accordingly, increases its yield. enzyme q10, so opt for coconut oil in the composition. first of all, you need to focus on the dosage, and
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the recommended dosage of taking conzyme q10 when taking statins is 100 mg per day. it is this dosage that reliably reduces the severity of muscle pain and other unpleasant symptoms that can be caused by taking statins. another important point is that coenzyme q10 is available in different forms, these can be capsules, tablets or drops. so , it is extremely inconvenient to measure more drops each time in order to achieve this dosage of 100 mg, so choose coenzyme, which is already contained in one capsule, the required 100 mg. what should the price be? a low price may indicate a low dosage of the active substance, as well as the questionable quality of the substance and little brand awareness. and the price is too high, mainly for imported condim q10, but it is inflated due to transportation and other costs. actually. products from well-known russian manufacturers working according to international standards are not inferior in quality and effect, but are much
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more affordable. and of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that these are well-known russian manufacturers with experience in working with plant extracts, and of course, those that work according to the international gmp quality standard; they are careful about production technology, selection of components and doses. icon. oksana, alexander, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that our advice will help you, and you will continue to take the prescribed medications, but you will not experience such unpleasant consequences. elena igorevna, thank you very much for being with us, my friends, you should not stop taking statins under any circumstances, but using our advice, our recommendations, you can significantly reduce it.
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on february 13, the star of the film the diamond hand, victoria ostrovskaya, who played the red-haired priestess of love, passed away. immediately after this, our editors received chilling footage of the last days of her life. here's to growing up and not waking up. is it true that evil fate is haunting the brightest actresses of gaidai’s famous comedy? where is the other actress of the film svetlana svetlichnaya now? malakha.
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you love me, daughter, i hate you, that means you love me, marry me, marry me, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr. forever young wonderful festival. together with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is peace
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is changing. because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast on march 2 on rtr. what kind of job are you planning to look for? anyone, just to get to the steif. what? irina shtaif is a very famous fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out. come up with something for me, i’ll hire you , thank you very much, cleaning lady, it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly it seemed, talent cannot be bought, we need to create our own collection show it to people, i'll try, the talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert,
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in the halls, there will be... my collection, you still have nothing to show, it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not just me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. about the main topics.
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worked out a scenario for the liberation of populated areas. the finale of tank battles and approaching the climax of the battle of robots, the tournament of the game of the future in kazan. and at the beginning , a report from the ministry of defense. as the special operation progresses , the offensive continues in the populated area the rabotina village in the zaporozhye region, having captured the enemy garrison in a fire bag, the assault troops, with the support of armored vehicles , managed to drive out the militants from the southern and eastern parts of the settlement. in the zaporozhye direction, the offensive actions of the russian troops are supported by the crews of the ognyagrad salvo rocket systems. they strike at any time of the day. fire
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is carried out at targets using fire carousel tactics. when there is one brigade. so, another is already reloading, the third is moving to a new position. protect our units from enemy air attack weapons are crewed by buk m3 anti-aircraft missile systems. deployment time to a position of just a minute can hit targets at a distance of up to 70 km, captures and destroys projectiles fired from haimers stormshadow cruise missile launchers, enemy aircraft and helicopters, as well as attack drones. a very effective weapon on the front line, fpv drones stand for first-person view, that is, the operator sees a picture tens of kilometers away on his monitor, as if through a sight mode. time, no control via satellite only directly. moreover, manual adjustment allows you to overcome electronic warfare. military correspondent eduard
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punigov saw how the uav operators of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia work. before each combat mission, the uav crew must conduct pre-flight preparation. the operator puts on special glasses, an antenna is attached to them, exactly the same one is on the remote control. a projectile weighing up to 3 kg is suspended from the drone. the search for the target begins. combat fpv drones have fundamentally changed rules of the game on the battlefield. it is extremely difficult to see and neutralize such a drone. this is what it looks like through the eyes of the operator: about 3 km to the intended target. the target is an enemy tank in the shelter area. the guided ammunition crashes into the equipment at high speed and disables it. here's another raid. a drone with a deadly payload reveals an enemy stronghold. this is a high-explosive fragmentation device.
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in the southern donetsk direction, attack drones play a key role, they help assault units move forward, sniper groups suppress machine gun points and destroy fortified dugouts. not a single rpg shot can reach up to 3 km, but we are, roughly speaking, knocking right on the door with this ammunition. the advantage is to deliver gifts to the enemy directly through the window. to destroy heavy equipment, cumulative anti-infantry shells, high-explosive fragmentation shells, are used. drones or whatever they are called. at the front , the birds also differ; the choice of models depends on the target and the weight of the projectile. as an engineer, it turns out, i prepare the shells, it ’s just that we use high-explosive fragmentation shells, we use all the cumulative stuff -
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we make it ourselves, we disassemble it ourselves, we sort of modify it, as a child i liked to make fakes from plasticine, well, now it’s basically the same thing, only this kind of plasticine is for adults. a charged bird always flies right to the target. it is not surprising that there is a real hunt for uav crews. it is believed that. calculating fpv is, well, the most important goal, to disable the uav calculation altogether is simply to leave it without eyes, the difficulties can be different, we usually face the complexity of the enemy’s work, we break through, look for corridors and still achieve our goal. one fpv drone essentially replaces a full-fledged combat vehicle; it is impossible to hide from it either in a trench or in a dugout. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the number of victims of israeli actions in the gaza strip is approaching 30,000 people, the palestinian ministry of health reported. on sunday , israeli army aircraft carried out strikes on hamas targets throughout the gaza strip.
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prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu stated that the operation on the territory of rafah in the gas sector could be postponed for some time, subject to a deal with the hamas group on hostages, but the offensive would take place in any case. according to him, four out of six. the results of the single voting day are being summed up in belarus. this is the largest campaign in the entire history of the republic. for the first time , elections at different levels were combined. voters had to determine 12,500 deputies of local councils and more than 100 deputies of the lower house of parliament for the next 5 years. on the belarusians walked until the evening, minutes before closing. students or families with children. nationally, the turnout was 73%. the new election format was introduced after updating the constitution in february 2022. the peculiarity is that
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citizens of russia can also vote for deputies of local councils, but only those who permanently reside in the territory of belarus. and, as stated in the central election commission, all 110 deputies of the lower house of parliament were elected, and all 1,200 were also formed. 84 local councils of deputies according to preliminary election results for all 1284 local.
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they come out on stage, the hundred best who have proven their right to this absolute victory. leaders, russia! the super final of a unique competition created on the initiative of the president 5 years ago, a talent forge. over the years, almost half a million contestants have received high-level appointments in a variety of fields, five have headed russian regions. russia is unique in terms of the opportunities it provides. that's what it did.
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our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, and this does not exist in any country in the world, here mechanism, when the president launched the personnel platform presidential russia land of opportunities, a whole system of such projects was created, when any person can apply to take his most important step forward. the tests have already been completed, today is a business program, the so-called educational day, people whose opinions they really care about speak to the contestants.
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this friday, march 1st, the world youth festival starts, tens of thousands of people from different parts of the planet will come to sirius, a total of two hundred will be represented states, an excellent opportunity to show your talent in your favorite activity and make friends from different countries. the federal territory is completely ready for the festival, our correspondent pavel melnik was convinced of this. together we can take the most inaccessible heights in the world. final preparations sirius university will be transferred to the atmosphere of a large international airport, it will even have its own duty-free trade zone, such a handbag, a russian bridge directly to the far eastern federal university. different languages ​​of culture, but a common dream to live in a world where you can be yourself, on stages in sirius, she is ready to spread her wings. in the near future , an airstrip will be built,
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discover new things, like this cheburashka in a researcher’s spacesuit, and make plans for the future together. the world youth festival brings together tens of thousands of participants from all over the planet. here is a big russia in miniatures, many of them. the objects were built by the hands of young specialists; the nizhny novgorod pavilion shimmers with the waves of the volga. our program in the pavilion, it was designed together with russian knowledge society, then here it will still be possible to meet our famous, young nizhny novgorod residents. everything is ready for the world youth festival: contactless
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currency exchange offices operate in several languages, new spaces have appeared in hotels along the coast. participants of the festival of different, for example, confessions, and there are rooms for malerina, for example , for...
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if you pay me back this week, i’ll do it in a day . you’ll return the money to me now, if you don’t take it from you, i’ll take everything you have, everything, you’ll soon you will meet your father, well, your father died in an accident, when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat, if you find that person who is tormenting me, i’m talking about...
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friday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, you should get a pet, and life will never be the same, will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face, to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i... i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to it, at first they shoved in a
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red snake , our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, among friends, program: for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. we always do everything together. we support each other. we believe in the best, we care and give warmth and overcome difficulties, in fact, together
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we are strong, we vote for russia. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act well landing, you need to warm up before that, what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from the onset of the disease to... its manifestation takes two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most
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competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. trouble. listen, let me give you i'll help. let's look at the weekend. my business cat. actually, i worked here terrible, you will excel, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we can go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you divorces, i understand, just dare to go on the side, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive a blow to the very heart, what are you doing? this is my child, get lost, now it’s gone, you are my wife’s lover, and
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my daughter’s who, and i came to talk to you like man to man, listen , you don’t want to kill someone, you can arrange it, zorka, only the heart, on sunday at rta, an eternally young and wonderful festival, together with... we celebrated the thaw and perestroika, together with him we celebrated the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world festival.
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you can’t forget him, she’s afraid to be among them, i’m telling you about death, she inevitably, she is always there, and i will soon die, anna is a medium, continuation, look at rtr today. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. marines of the russian armed forces
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conducted large-scale exercises on combat in urban environments. the task is to work out every step, because the lives of our soldiers depend on it. report by tatyana dubova. marines are practicing intra-city combat, moving forward, trying to hide in a safer place. the private sector is covered with tripwires, petals and anti-personnel mines, what the enemy left behind, the instructors themselves have gone through this more than once, but in a real assault, they know how well prepared the enemy can be. the liberation of a populated area is carried out in several groups, the main obstacles may be the lack
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of contact of a wounded soldier, the task of saving the evacuation group is to take the life of not only the serviceman from the conditional line, but also to save themselves. the fighter with the call sign ganik has both chechen wars under his belt; he has been in the donbass for more than
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six months; the guard sergeant was wounded in combat, but returned to duty. well, we need to bring this whole thing to an end. so that, as they say, our children feel normal. a fighter with the call sign boots in civilian life is a gas welder, he built a house and raised a son. now he is defending his homeland. the stormtrooper volunteered several months ago and immediately joined the marine corps. i talked with my wife, with my wife, that well, well, i need to go, because my guys are here, more than once, that is, i know how much combat force is needed here, that is, combat strength is required. recently a stormtrooper. became a father for the second time, congratulates his little daughter and wife together with the squad, don’t be afraid to fall, dad, mom love you, will support you and lift you up, hurray, hurray, hurray, our editors join in the congratulations and wish the family speedy peace. tatyana dubovaya, magomed bashir aliev, yana aleshina, conduct lugansk.
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a special economic zone will be created in the belgorod region; more has already been allocated for the restoration of damaged infrastructure enterprises. billion rubles the funds will also be used to support business. with details anastasia krovtsovskaya. burnt metal structures, collapsed walls, roof, all that remains from a large shopping center in shebikino after being hit by an enemy shell. the complex was completely destroyed, like all goods in the stores. damage more than 50 million rubles. today the building is taking on new shape. funds were allocated for the restoration of the facility back in 2023, thanks to federal support. the losses incurred are palpable. affected small medium-sized businesses and large enterprises, among them there are many who are leaders in terms of the level of implemented technologies , indicators not only in the country, but in the world. today we have become the fifth company in world, which has mastered this technology, we have been working on it for 4 years. regional authorities do not leave entrepreneurs alone with the problem; they work with each individual individually, help restore infrastructure, and
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purchase the necessary raw materials. the federal government provides enormous financial assistance. today.
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a special economic zone will help in the restoration of entrepreneurs in the belgorod region. this instruction was given by president vladimir putin during a direct line and a large press conference. the law was developed, the government as a whole reviewed it, gave instructions to promptly coordinate it, we are completing all approvals, next week it will be in the government, the government is under control, so we think that is enough. the government will quickly review it and it will go to the state duma. the special economic zone will allow you to increase production volumes , gain the right to preferences, and ensure a decent level of salary for employees. minister of economic development of the country maxim leshetnikov and governor vyacheslav glatkov talked with entrepreneurs and potential residents, visited their production sites in shibekino,
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and answered a variety of questions at a meeting with representatives of small medium-sized businesses, including preferential lending, entering new markets, and sales.
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not a spoiler, basically everyone responds positively and this is very pleasing, the dynamics of the match of its tank battles allows viewers to concentrate as much as possible on following the 7:7 confrontation, where each round a card is played. i'm shocked, i have no words, these are tears of happiness, yes, i expected that everything would be like this, no
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, well, it was very difficult, but we were able to do it, thank you all very much, and he turns over, that means everything, the battle of robots is approaching the climax, where the quarter finals ended, one of the favorites flew off, a seemingly invincible machine. dance simulators beatsabors with virtual and real movements are present in games in demo mode, having the opportunity to later become a full-fledged discipline. in our country they dance and play a game at the same time, that is, not like in football, for example, or in hockey, yes you need to be in different locations to take part, and specifically what the game is about, what is the execution of the movement, performing the bo and performing it as correctly as possible.
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favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old. real songs sound, wonderful.
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i invite you, as part of my scientific project , to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and subsequently formalize the union, on saturday, maybe we’ll try microbiomes with a kiss, my experiment just went a little wrong, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in our heads,
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butterflies sometimes flutter in our stomachs. “i have a scientific method that allows you to get rid of these butterflies in your stomach, i have them too, it will go away, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me , you love him, daughter, i hate him, it means you love, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes, about the most important thing,
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we have a special edition. zaporozhye, kharkov and donetsk. the ministry of defense announced today that russian troops have achieved victory. the settlement is located 2 km south of marinka on the road to konstantinovka. the vsushniki, fleeing from victory, were in such a hurry that they decided to abandon the serviceable german leopard. well, now the leopard is a trophy. the collection is still lacking british challengers, american abromians and patriots. however, you cannot get the latter as a trophy.
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large-scale invasion, we need significant reinforcements, many people are tired, many people are tired, while one of the commanders of the fifty-ninth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine complains to british propaganda about the lack of personnel, the russian army continues to advance, in the maryansk direction the 255th guards motorized rifle regiment raised the banner of victory over the settlement of the same name. these footage shows the attack of our fighters on... the positions of ukrainian militants on the last street of the village of pobeda. the ssu is experiencing an acute crisis and cannot find replacements for the exhausted soldiers on the front line, foreign admits policy. the militants admit that they simply do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. the mood is quite gloomy, the soldiers in the donbass , almost without exception, told me that they are suffering from a critical shortage of ammunition, but the statements that are made
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by official people. we, of course , did not communicate with the soldiers on record, even on record the deputy commander of the third assault brigade, which is considered an elite ukrainian unit, he was sent here in the last attempt to hold avdiivka, but they were very quickly withdrawn, their deputy commander stated that the russians have everything they need to move further west, they will do it. these images were taken southwest of liberated avdievka. our dredgers are destroying armored vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. there is, there is, on this section of the front the russian army is actively fighting for pervomaiskoye and nevelskoye, from avdeevka itself, our soldiers continue to evacuate equipment abandoned by bandera. the ministry of defense reported that over the past 24 hours , two infantry fighting vehicles, a bmp-1 and two american m-113 armored personnel carriers have been added to the list of trophies.
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in addition to western technology. mercenaries from the united states, canada and the european union took part in the battles for the city, the military department said, evidence confirming this was found on the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the railway station, they were charging batteries, light, that is, they had it, and our soldiers found mortar ammunition there made in the usa and the czech republic and canadian dry rations, this is a canadian dry ration, approximately based on the interrogation of the company commander. the capture of avdievka is certainly a major success for our armed forces. all participants in the operation to liberate the city are heroes. so another one deputy chairman of the security council medvedev commented on the victory of russian weapons. and this is footage from
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the ukrainian side. vsushniki complain that the command abandoned the wounded in ovdeevka en masse. here are your guys, no documents, no weapons. nazis, azovites, and ordinary people. zelensky and syrsky did not need the soldiers. avdeevka, we need urgent evacuation, dozens of wounded are brought to us every day, they need to be urgently taken out of here, since soon the road will be completely blocked; they will remain here forever. i injured. the doctors abandoned us when the third assault brigade left, they took them out, but they abandoned all of us, all those who cannot walk, i stayed here in the basement. admits that when the armed forces of ukraine fled from avdeevka, up to a thousand ukrainian soldiers could have been captured; in kiev, the publication was immediately accused of spreading fake russian propaganda. the group's spokesman, tavriya likhovoy , said that there were supposedly an order of magnitude fewer prisoners.
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but against the backdrop of fairy tales that there are no losses, kiev is going to mobilize another half a million people, increasingly sending women to slaughter, in these terrible footage, one of whom was on the front line. and here's another one a manifestation of humanity and nobility from our soldiers. a russian soldier captures a frightened vsushnik and shakes his hand to calm him down. the video was filmed in the zaporozhye direction. there the russian army is fighting for work. near the village there is a real cemetery for western armored vehicles. here is a british tank hit by a carnet atgm.
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and this is the kharkov region rszz tornado-ess worked at the location of the armed forces of ukraine in the zagryzovo village south of kupinsk. dozens of militants were reported killed. the ukrainian armed forces have a problem in the ugledar direction. military tsn propagandist kiriyenko writes that the ukrainian group there is in danger of ticks. according to her, the city could suffer the same fate as bakhmut and avdeevka. that. the liberation freed up russian army forces to seize coal, the new york times writes. an officer of the fourth operational brigade , rubezh roschuk, claims that at this rate the russians will reach dnepropetrovsk. now
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in many directions the enemy is advancing, using the same tactics as in mariupol , bakhmut, avdievka, they are using a huge amount of equipment, an insane, simply unreal amount of manpower . these shots show the arrival of a russian carnet on a car of the so-called foreign legion. everyone who was inside died. in general, another lesson for foreigners. if you want to volunteer on the ukrainian side, know that
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you will be mercilessly destroyed. well, good news came from the zaporozhye direction today. the russian army has established itself in a former school building in rabotino. it is a dominant object in the sense that. that whoever holds it holds the village. of course, nothing remains of the school itself, but the ruins still have military significance. the ukrainian general staff is right now deciding which direction to transfer additional troops to, so as not to lose several large settlements at once. ukrainian commanders issued a stern warning. russia is on the verge of a major offensive on several fronts. in the east of the country, bombing kramatorsk, the next russian target after capturing the city of obdeevka. now the russian army is regaining positions lost during the ukrainian counteroffensive last summer.
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footage of ukrainian soldiers in avdiivka, their action cameras recorded them fighting for the city, moscow's superiority forced ukraine to abandon the industrial city, maxim survived the fighting, a polish war correspondent interviewed him briefly, shortly after the retreat. let's talk about the supposedly orderly
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retreat of the ukrainian army from avdiivka, which in the end turned out to be not so orderly and controlled. in fact , this was not a tactical retreat ordered by commander-in-chief syrsky. eat confirmed reports from ukrainian soldiers who now say that everything was very chaotic, that they did not have armored vehicles at their disposal to get out of the pocket. they fled to the next line of defense under constant artillery fire from the russian armed forces. how severe are the delays in the supply of western ammunition and the fact that the united states has not yet released $60 billion in military aid, how much does this contribute to the deterioration of the situation and how much did this affect the abandonment of ovdievka? well of course it's not it helps, that's obvious. at the same time , the europeans and americans have already transferred a huge amount of weapons, but this process has slowed down for a number of reasons, one of which is the american aid package that you... mentioned, the second reason is that it is difficult to maintain the required level
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of production of our military-industrial complex , in this case , ammunition is part of our general problem; we need to significantly increase this component. i appeal to the german chancellor to the rest, we must do more. if you listen to ukrainians, you will understand that they they are asking us for ammunition and artillery now. for our part, we decided to transfer all our artillery to them. and i apologize, friends, there are still warehouses in europe. there is ammunition lying around, this is not just a matter of production. this is not just a question of production. europe has ammunition, weapons, and air defense systems that we do not need. they must be transferred to ukraine. is she right, admiral? i think it is important to note that each country independently assesses what it has in its warehouses, what ammunition and weapons, then they assess the risk at which they go in case of transfer of a part.
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are accepted by individual countries that are members of the nato alliance, each government separately assesses the risks and threats that each state faces. ukrainians admit that they are experiencing difficulties along the entire front line. krymki is of particular concern because it is a ukrainian pavement on the southern bank of the dnieper river. the russians still control the southeastern part of this region on the very banks of the river. this section of the front is very important, because even then the ukrainians thought that they could advance along it crimea. but they were never able to do this. neurosurgeon roca
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armanda previously served as a doctor in the us army and now volunteers in ukraine. what's the hardest thing you see? the most severe injuries are penetrating craniocerebral injuries and penetrating neck wounds, all due to artillery explosions. snow has covered the recruits of the third assault brigade of the ukrainian army, the sergeants are forcing them to undergo urgent basic training. training in trench and city assaults and other maneuvers, every woman and every man score in a battle that seems to have returned to those difficult days when it all began. the twenty-eight-year-old says that two weeks ago he returned from lithuania to serve despite his health condition. the brigade says that they are training professional fighters, not cannon fodder. they report that their soldiers helped evacuate avdeevka, where russia has now raised its flag, but many. of their wounded still remained in the city, the atmosphere on the maidan in
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kiev is oppressive, one soldier is missing a leg, two more with wounded arms, or this one a man who can now only walk. decided to take revenge and gave an interview to the american television channel fox news. at the same time, let me remind you that carlson made an offer and zelensky was afraid of oz tucker. zelensky allegedly gave an interview with fox news right on the front line, less than 2 km from russian positions. true, judging by the footage, the interview was recorded at some sawmill in barshchagovka or somewhere
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near kiev. where is firewood harvested for the nazem armed forces? zelensky was asked a question directly. does he have a plan b in case the us doesn't will provide assistance to ukraine, he could not answer directly if there was some kind of backup plan. according to zelensky, without the help of the west, ukrainian troops will suffer more and more losses, or more precisely, some will die, others will have to be put in the hospital, will be wounded, and will become imprisoned. it is noteworthy that this part of the interview was recorded in a hospital against the background of ukrainian militants who had lost their limbs. reportedly. the number of disabled people among the ukrainian armed forces soldiers is growing, many of them have several amputations, the reason is the lack proper medical care, since the armed forces cannot get out of the combat zone during the so-called golden hour, that short period of time
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when doctors can still save a wounded limb, but in fact the wounded are delivered to the hospital very late, which is why doctors there is a lot. good evening and welcome to kharkov in ukraine, we have just finished our exclusive interview with ukrainian president vladimir zelensky, his very first interview on the front line amid 2 years of war with russia. zelensky is going to respond to all the criticism addressed to him by enlisting support in order to throw him back.
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you know, we don’t have enough ammunition, zelensky is very well guarded, and artillery shells flying here and there were heard throughout our interview. we need to do it faster, which means eliminating all the bureaucracy we have, otherwise we won't have another chance. so we need high technology, of course, speed. it's not money, it's human lives.
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cut off most of the limb due to tourniquets, which is why there are so many amputations. now there are terrible footage from avdeevka, fleeing all-ears soldiers providing first aid to their colleague. a very young woman, she received a penetrating wound to the head, her face was swollen with blood. the wound was washed, but it is unknown whether the girl was saved. now there are 62.00 women in the armed forces of ukraine, 1,800 are mothers who still have children in civilian life. 500 are directly on the front line, and they serve not only as pavarikhs or nurses, but also carry out combat missions, kill our fellow citizens, and trust women
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to control kamikaze drones, others are abandoned to sniper positions or given a place in mortar crews, it is worth clearly understanding that such military specialties are priority targets for our army, so it is not surprising that the girls are just like that...
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so there were no women’s underwear in the sets, that is all men's cowards, but nothing can be done, a soldier, according to the regulations, regardless of gender, must steadfastly endure hardships and deprivation,
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understands that, on the other hand, the russian army does not cease to replenish its personnel.
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there are now more women in combat in ukraine than in any other army in the world. 4,300 women are serving in the military right now. 18 thousand of them have small children, which is most remarkable: in ukraine there is no conscription of women into the army, so they are all volunteers. these soldiers, named mafka and elena lyutikova, came face to face with intense fighting. as well as sexism from male colleagues , but according to them, this only motivates them, she wears a jacket on my jacket .
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there is already a separate uniform for women in the army more than one year. 7 years ago, the ministry of defense presented women's underwear for the first time, since then it has been improved every year, and women receive men's boxers. this year they promise to purchase 100,000 sets of women’s underwear like this, so that nothing presses, does not cut, well, it’s like a universal model, now it is also supplied, they just have to buy it. irina says that they helped the ministry of defense develop a summer uniform model, were guided by the experience of the united states and nato standards, and are ready to share their experience and in the development of winter women's uniforms and even uniforms for pregnant women. they have already distributed 6,000 kits for free, and the need is only growing.


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