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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 26, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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i was right, and what i said, i said primarily for our audience, and not for the american ones, you are a russian journalist, that’s why you asked me what is best for us, that’s what i said then, that’s what i think now, and i can repeat, biden, thank you, thank you, cool, no, but we see our president’s good sense of humor, and this reaction, which... since it was heard that the president commented on the words that crazy joe said, but here i say again, there’s nothing to add, i’m just returning to your conversation for just a second, but no there are no western european politicians and leaders, there is a washington regional committee, which simply dictates to everyone what needs to be done, so i’m abstracted from the plot for one second, look, the european commission adopted in 1919, at the end of 1919, the so-called... pact
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for europe, why did they accept it, who benefited from it? europe accepted. well, today we see what is happening to farmers in europe. for one simple reason, because according to this green pact, which supposedly includes ecology, everything else, simply a tax is introduced on diesel, on other other things, farmers are simply suffering , grain is sent from ukraine in transit through europe through poland, to european countries. and who today , starting from the nineteenth year, right now...
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is capable of doing anything, and this example is just the maidan, ukraine, noland cookies , everything else, and the president, as i already said, is in good shape, wonderful humor, of course , the president said, biden, now let trump comment, the words of vladimir vladimirovich, trump is careful there, trump pursues the interests, as he thinks of the americans, both his personal and political, so of course he does not allow it. nothing like that in relation to putin, on the contrary, he says that putin, si, are smart people with whom you need to sit down and talk, while, naturally, he does not feel any sympathy for either putin or si, but understands that you need to talk , because it’s useful for his country, in addition to what you just said about green energy, but they have an excellent excuse:
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no, no, we can’t have our own windmills launch solar energy, because putin, it’s very easy, that’s the hub today. according to the estimates of an expert in the field of economics, we have hope, for 2 years now russia has been waging a war in ukraine, for all 2 years we have only been talking about this in our hall, it is the special military operation in ukraine that is the reason why we are in very turbulent times that are reflected. the only thing we attacked germany with was to build this ungrateful country a pipe for 7 billion euros, which they, or their the owners blew it up.
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in the marina direction, the 255th guards motorized rifle regiment raised the banner of victory over the settlement of the same name. this footage shows our fighters attacking the positions of ukrainian militants on the last street of the village of pobeda. the ssu is experiencing an acute crisis and cannot find replacements for the exhausted soldiers on the front line, foren policy admits. the militants admit that they simply do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. the mood is quite gloomy,
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the soldiers in donbass, almost without exception, told me that they are suffering from critical shortage of ammunition, but statements made by official people. we, of course, did not communicate with the soldiers on record, even on record the deputy commander of the third assault brigade, which is considered an elite ukrainian unit, he was sent here in the last attempt to hold avdiivka, but they were very quickly withdrawn, their deputy commander stated that the russians have whatever it takes to move further west, they will do it. these images were taken southwest of liberated avdievka. our dredgers destroy armored vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, yes, on this section of the front the russian army is actively fighting for pervomaiskoye and nevelskoye, from ovdeevka itself our soldiers continue to evacuate equipment abandoned by bandera’s supporters. the ministry of defense reported that over the past 24 hours
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, two infantry fighting vehicles, a bmp-1 and two american m-113 armored personnel carriers have been added to the list of trophies. besides the western one. mercenaries from the usa, canada and the european union took part in the battles for the city, the military department said, evidence confirming this was found on oporniks the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the railway station, they were charging batteries, light, that is, they had it, and there our soldiers found mortar ammunition made in the usa and the czech republic and canadian dry rations. this is a canadian packed lunch. approximately based on the interrogation of the company commander. azov battle there were about 10 people , canadians, and there were also georgians, these are mercenary troops, mercenaries, nator cartridges supply them with 762, the capture of avdeevka is certainly a major success for our armed forces, all
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participants in the operation to liberate the city are heroes, so another victory for the russian deputy prime minister medvedev commented on the weapons, and these are personnel from... the ukrainian side, the military officers complain that the command massively abandoned the wounded in avdiivka, here are your guys, there are no documents, no weapons, nazis, azovites, and ordinary soldiers turned out to be of no use to zelensky and syrsky, avdeevka, we need urgent evacuation, dozens of wounded are brought to us every day, they need to be urgently taken out of here, since soon the road will be completely blocked, they will remain here forever, i’m... i’m wounded. the doctors abandoned us when the third assault team left. they brought them out, but they abandoned all of us, all those who cannot walk. i stayed here in the basement. even the new york times admits that when the armed forces of ukraine fled from avdiivka , up to a thousand ukrainian soldiers could have been captured. in kiev, the publication
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was immediately accused of spreading fake russian propaganda. the group's spokesman , tavriya likhovoy, said that there were supposedly an order of magnitude fewer prisoners. but against the backdrop of fairy tales that... there are no losses, kiev is going to mobilize another half a million people , it is increasingly sending women, these terrible ones, to slaughter footage, one of those who visited the front line, and here is another manifestation of humanity and nobility from our soldiers, a russian soldier captures a frightened horseman and shakes his hand to calm him down, the video was filmed in the zaporozhye direction. there the russian army is fighting for rabotin, near the village there is a real cemetery for western armored vehicles, here is a british challenger tank shot down from the carnet atgm, and these are mutilated german marder infantry fighting vehicles, according to the ukrainian
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command, in so they are repelling the russian offensive in zaporozhye, as well as in others key sectors of the front, where the russian army , after the capture, is exerting serious pressure, like this pressure on... rszzo tornado esa worked at the location of the armed forces of ukraine in zagryzovo, a village south of kupinsk, dozens of militants were reported killed. problem. the armed forces of ukraine in the ugledar direction , tsn military propagandist kiriyenko writes that the ukrainian group there is in danger of pincers , according to her, the city may suffer the fate of bakhmut and avdeevka, that the liberation of avdeevka freed up the forces of the russian army to capture ugledar, writes the new york times.
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an officer of the fourth operational brigade , rubezh roschuk, claims that at this rate the russians will reach dnepropetrovsk. the infection directly affects the rich. now in many directions the enemy is advancing, using the same tactics as in mariupol and in bakhmut, in avdievka, they are using a huge amount of equipment, an insane, simply unrealistic amount.
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with fuel management and the aviation system, this made it possible to abandon analog instruments; the aircraft cockpit is completely digital. the flight route was kept secret, military secret, the flight itself lasted 30 minutes, as a result, ilya muramits, who temporarily became board number one, landed safely, releasing brake parachutes. putin, right on the runway, i shared my impressions with journalists. the technology is excellent , these are the first words on earth, the plane is reliable , easy to control, but the main thing is that this is a truly new generation of aircraft, so ilya
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muromets, valentina tereshkova, timir shaimiev, that’s what they decided to call the plane that putin inspected the day before, you can safely accept the composition of the vks, the president said. so, the main ones frames, attention to the screen.
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the technology is excellent, it’s really of a new generation, as i told the commander of the ship and, uh, i’ll say it again now, and the leadership of the ministry. of course, you can take the composition of the armed forces, as
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compared to how it was 19 years ago, you know, this is a really new, new machine, new in many ways, it handles better, it can be seen even with the naked, non-professional eye.
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to pilot, i must say that it is a very pleasant feeling, i think that they fly like this in a dream, like some kind of military aircraft. putin’s decision to fly into the air on a combat aircraft matured during the inspection of the same
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missile carrier, which will receive the name of the first president of tatarstan mentemir shaimeev, another modified white one. named after the world's first female cosmonaut valentina terezhkova. this is not, as you understand, putin’s first flight on our world-famous strategist. in 2005, he already flew and even flew the pavel taran plane. the departure was from the olenia airfield in the murmon region, the president actually took a direct part in the launch of the winged aircraft missiles for training purposes. all of them were successfully hit. meanwhile, zelensky, with a slight delay, took off in an f-16 to... intercept putin in the sky, the internet was literally blown up today by memes with a ukrainian clown who still dreams of getting an american f-16. there is hysteria in the west; today they thought that this is how a nuclear war begins. bloomberg writes that putin took off on the latest strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear
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weapons. the times emphasizes that it is the tu-160 vks. strike military targets in ukraine. reuters does not even remember about ukraine; he directly writes that putin sent a signal to the west today: they say that the russian nuclear triad is in perfect order, unlike, for example, the british. president vladimir putin flew one of russia's newest strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in a show of military might as... in ukraine appears to be turning in his favor. putin made a thirty-minute flight on a tu-160m from an aircraft factory that produces these planes are in kazan. the bomber's route has not been disclosed. we are getting new technologies, excellent equipment,” putin said after the flight. russian president vladimir putin on thursday flew a modernized tu-160m ​​strategic bomber capable of carrying
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nuclear weapons. this move will likely be perceived in the west as a clear reminder of nuclear weapons. potential of moscow, a giant tilt-wing aircraft, codenamed blackjack, is a modernized version of the aircraft during the cold war. the tu-160 is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and is currently being actively modernized. nato has repeatedly said it sees no signs that russia intends to use nuclear weapons, but russian officials have repeatedly threatened to start a nuclear war. it is believed that putin expects support for ukraine to end. by the us-led coalition. in the united states, a new result of scandals surrounding the biden family. lawyers for the presidential snkanter are trying to turn the investigation into his drug use before and after his purchase of a pistol in 1918 in fars. under american law, hanter did not have the right to purchase weapons and was required to report his drug addiction. and now
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biden jr.’s lawyers said that on his phone there is not a photo of crack and cocaine at all, but an image. indirect financial interest in his brother's business, republicans have a different opinion, they are convinced that members of the biden family and their business partners in the period from the fourteenth to the nineteenth year, quote: by selling joe biden as a brand around the world, they made money more than 24 million dollars. at the center of the scandal is even joe biden's dog, a shepherd named
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commander, who attacked secret service employees in the white house 24 times, reports. with reference to internal departmental documentation. one of the agents was particularly badly injured, losing a lot of blood and requiring six stitches. from a funny point of view, secret service management recommended that subordinates be creative while protecting the us president and hiding from his dog. the agents breathed a sigh of relief only last october, when the dog, who had gone wild with life with biden, evicted from the white house. well, an explanation of why the dog is so angry in these shots, the grandfather beat the shepherd, kicked him, trying to take him out of the yard. commander biden, president joe biden's pet dog, has bitten u.s. secret service employees
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in at least 24 incidents at the white house and elsewhere , according to a new internal document. president biden's 2-year-old german shepherd was removed from the white house after a string of incidents in which commander bit at least a dozen secret service employees. this number does not include additional incidents involving staff at the presidential residence and other white house employees, but new documents reveal the extent to which the situation has become a serious workplace problem for hundreds of employees supporting white house operations and how agency employees have changed their habits to avoid injury from german shepherds . the commander bit the secret service agent again, this time the victim was a girl. the former secret service agent calls cmdr. wrote the unnamed assistant special agent in charge
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presidential protection unit, warning that agents must get creative to ensure our personal safety. meanwhile, the bidens aren't giving up, at least not while dr. jill biden's office says the white house can be a stressful environment for pets. source. someone close to the biden family said that the biden family felt terrible, they were heartbroken over the string of bite incidents, they were heartbroken because of this, they apologized to those who were bitten, they brought flowers to some, they feel terrible, the commander was overprotective of them, and although they tried to deal with it, they had to let him go, live with other members of their family, the source said. please, atalbilievich, yes, i just said that. commander, what you need to know personally, in fact, this is his handwriting, i now remembered the year ninety-nine, when he personally wanted to know how things were in the north caucasus, in the fight against international
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terrorism, the fate of the country was decided, in fact, in 25 years it didn't go anywhere for him, he really wants to know everything, to control, despite the fact that the systematic development of military equipment in recent years is absolutely obvious, but nevertheless... they offered the united states to prevent, or rather, to build a unique system of world security, a system, and we even said this at
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territory of the united states, to the then president, we explained and said that if we are talking about world security, you don’t have to worry about iran, and you remember that this was the pretext that they were expecting danger from iran and north korea, we said, here let's. about the modern usa, russia, europe , well, accordingly, they abandoned this, i am definitely convinced that today , after two decades, why did they do this, they did not believe in our potential, and accordingly we also know what happened then , we created intercontinental systemic strike systems, we created hypersound, avich, i remember this time very well, it was putin’s visit to kinebankport, bush sr. and... bush jr. met there, i was then working in the united states and covered this visit as reporter, it was like this a very friendly meeting, they
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went fishing together at the elder’s ranch, talked, smiled, putin brought a business proposal that any person who was really in the mood for dialogue would be obliged to accept, he said, here you go, we have a friendly azerbaijan, it stands there. station, let’s use it together, let’s use it together, you will see everything that iran does, of course not,” bush said, quite rudely, at the same time, we have other plans, here we go, the czech republic, aegis systems, according to the whole world built their air defense system against russia, of course, of course, they did not at all expect that we would really give that very adequate response in the form of modern weapons, hypersound of all... main types of weapons, but accordingly, this is true, they always use it , and we're out of this warning pattern.
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uh work uh the beginning of the 2000s and in general what kind of proposals we made to them, including uh readiness to join nato, but strictly speaking , uh they obviously believed that the united states gone for 50 years, as the state department stated then in the mid-nineties in the mid-nineties, that any
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country, not only the russian federation, needs 50 years for...
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developing military equipment, military science, it seems to me that the experience that we are now taking from special military operation, will work on precisely ensured world security, a system of world security, and maybe the most extreme thing, if you noticed, there is now a very serious call to transfer all the weapons that are currently on the balance sheet of the european union, european countries of ukraine, besides this, the united states threatens european countries, this is very much the case online, we receive information, and ukraine says so, tell us everything, the united states is scaring european countries, that a very serious danger today comes from russia and they continue to call to supply ukraine with weapons, this is not all in vain, today’s flight is very timely,
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because here ... the doubts that exist today in the european part, in european countries, should they be supplied or not, of course, this disarms everything, because if we have such equipment, is it worth supplying, spending a lot of money, supplying weapons that can be destroyed literally in hours by our side, so this is of course a very serious advantage, and at the very least, we are approaching today to a very serious...
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expenses for ukraine, it is clear that there are, they just don’t want to water them in the furnace of the ukrainian war or somewhere in zelensky’s villas, look, the remarkable cover of the economist came out, this, of course, is also a new reality, from europe ready, yes, europe is ready, putin is looking through binoculars, trump, as the future, perhaps, leader of nato, has turned away. at the same time, former employees and heads of american departments, for example, such as gates, robert gates, and the former secretary of defense, and the former head of the cia, claim that the initiative is in our country, in the russian country. during
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the conflict, the russian army recovered, at this time they put their defense industry on its feet, they produce a lot, receive a lot from iran, they are building defense enterprises. together with the iranians on the territory russia, they receive ammunition from north korea and many describe the current state of war as a stalemate, but i am afraid that at the moment it is not a stalemate, but the russians have taken the initiative again, the russians are the ones who are leading the offensive, the loss of avdeevka is very significant, this creates the opportunity for the russians to push the front line further to the west, and i constantly see that the russians are advancing along the entire front line of a thousand kilometers, they are constantly receiving more and more b
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do you see me? yes, this is my gift, then we will investigate your murder. she's not afraid ghosts. how could i not have realized before that you are my destiny? get out. can't forget him? she is afraid to be among them. i told you about death. she is inevitable, she is always there. i will die soon. we are watching the continuation of the medium today on rtr.
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i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think
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about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale. but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here there are questions, how is everything neglected, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said, such a stinky little one, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, is a five- on-one program, and i, oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you,
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as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love subsequent official registration of the union. on saturday. maybe we’ll try one interbium one using a message, my experiment just didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments. if you only have formulas in your head, sometimes butterflies flutter in your stomach. i have a scientific method to get rid of those butterflies in your stomach. so i have it too. we'll sleep together and they'll let you go. i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow. marry me, marry me. do you love him, daughter? hate means you love. by the way, about butterflies. on saturday on...
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immediately after this, the editorial office sent us chilling footage of the last days of her life. to fall asleep and not wake up, is it true that evil fate is pursuing the brightest actresses of the famous comedy of gaidai, where is the other actress of the film, svetlana, now? to a gas station, imagine the surprise
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of the truck drivers who saw the head of state coming down from the cab towards them. we are located on the territory of a multifunctional
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zone, yeah, we have 30 of these planned for 810 km, 18 are working, which means 5,500 jobs have been created and invested in this infrastructure already there is about 25 billion rubles. we have learned to build quickly and efficiently , this is an infrastructure service - that’s all we need, we’ll finish such a grandiose, you know, probably a historical event, we’ll finish tver this year on july 17, the anniversary of the state company, and it will be 1,520 km to kazan in the first category technical characteristics, and now we are here, here we are, we used to deal with fast and high-quality food, now everywhere here uh three meals a day is possible.
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news came from tas that putin arrived in chuvashia, given that today the president has already used the tu-160, kamaz for movement, the question remains higher in the air on what putin arrived in chuvashia, but we will soon find out the answer too. ask! yes, indeed, just like that, just take off your pilot’s jacket and climb the vertical ladder into the kamaz, well, i think that was the best answer to biden in general to everything. where we really see trump leaving europe, the back of his head, but
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there is another second interesting detail, binoculars putin, he is generally upside down, that is , europe in such binoculars, it appears to be somehow small, distant and generally insignificant, that is, putin looks... turning the binoculars upside down and really sees there all the insignificance of the european vector now, which is really for russia now has become secondary, because we understand perfectly well that in two.
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in the ukrainian consciousness now , some first sprout is finally breaking through that the west, it doesn’t give anything for nothing, everything that they could already suck and squeeze out of ukraine, they have already survived, and now, accordingly , sooner or later the question will arise, as was the case with south vietnam, with afghanistan, that this corpse of the state of ukraine will have to be abandoned to them, and yes, the question will really arise here, where will we find ourselves at this moment are we in odessa, in kiev? kiev, what part of ukraine will return back to the bosom of russian civilization, but there will be one more very important point, the west will not go anywhere, that is, the west will continue the cold war with us, this is already clear, it is clear why the cold war, because we today we saw these new strategic missile carriers, everyone understands perfectly well that
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in exactly the same way as america, which, let me remind you, after world war ii occupied almost 50% of the world. vvp did not risk fighting with the soviet union due to the fact that we had nuclear weapons in 1949, in exactly the same way, now, be it biden or trump, none of them will even allow themselves to think about an attack on russia on such a large scale, there will accordingly be a new cold war. and in such a cold war, of course, here's another one such a symbolic detail, they often say that the soviet union lost because life was bad, that we had strategic bombers, so... we didn’t have canteens, now they show that there is a connection between the front and the rear, the connection between peaceful life and readiness to defend one’s defense, one’s security, all this is organically connected, and it’s not just that we are making these new white swans again, but of the four aircraft that are today being transferred
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to the aks of the russian federation, ilya muromets is a restored machine, and two more cars - these are built from scratch, these are thousands of spare parts, these are four new engines for... the cold war, it will, of course, be difficult, but it will not be a repetition of the past, and we will definitely win it, daily mail, like many, many many western media react to putin's flight, on a strategic bomber, they say putin is mocking the west, read: vladimir putin is mocking the west by
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flying today on a modernized supersonic strategic nuclear bomber tu-160m, while the kremlin threatens nuclear war. which lasted about 40 minutes appeared to be aimed at boosting his ratings as he stands for re-election next month, but while flying on a combat aircraft used to strike ukraine with conventional weapons, he made it clear that it intends to continue hostilities, and the huge tu-160m, known as the white swan, is a key part of its nuclear strike force at a time when the kremlin is directly warning the west about the risk of nuclear war. putin flew a day after he visited a plant in the city where tupolev bombers are made. he climbed the stairs at the factory to enter the plane and spent 10 minutes in the cockpit. he then decided to fly one of his bombers himself. this is his first flight since he took to the skies on a tu-160 in
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2005. the giant tilt -wing aircraft is a vastly modernized version of the soviet-era bomber that the ussr could. use in case of nuclear war with the west to deliver nuclear weapons over long distances, about the rating, of course, it’s funny, daily wrote, it’s necessary in order to raise the rating, they probably haven’t seen the polls and don’t know the true rating of popularity and faith in the president in our country. we'll be back. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr.
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what is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down oak, don’t pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, a set for headaches, god forbid now pi, if you win , then hurray, 100 to one,
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every saturday and sunday on rtr, and what kind of job are you going to look for? anyone, just to get to steif, why irina shteif is a very unknown fashion designer, yeah, albert, figure it out, i’ll come. i’m hiring you, thank you very much, cleaning lady, it seemed to me that she was new, she could help us, that’s exactly it seemed, talent is impossible buy, i need to create my own collection to show it to people, i’ll try, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what happened, there will be a fashion show of my... collection, you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me and not only me , circling on saturday nart, favorite songs
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are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs are playing, wonderful,
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andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. biden supports the candidacy of dutch prime minister rutta for the post of nato secretary general, a us official told politico anonymously that the current secalliance gene stoltenberg will leave his post in october. the publication reports that they want to approve rutta’s application. before the candidate is required to be unanimous at the washington nato summit in july, 31 countries that are members of the military bloc support this. people like biden who want to start a war with russia are an existential threat to the world. thus, the us president commented on rusapov’s latest statements and his rudeness towards putin. security council medvedev. a clear confirmation of his words can be seen in the north-east of poland, not far from the border with our kaliningrad region, polish howls. and 1,000 us army soldiers are training to fight the russian army. the legend of the exercises names an abstract regional enemy, but
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they don’t even try to fight who they are going to fight in the west. there are increasingly serious concerns that the hostilities that vladimir putin began in ukraine 2 years ago could spread to nato territory. in the north-east of poland, therefore they are already training more de.
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military analysts are sounding the alarm, because from the kaliningrad region to the country of putin’s ally belarus is only 60 km, if the kremlin attacks here, the baltic countries will be cut off from the rest of nato, holding such military exercises, however, was under threat due to the fact that the project... funding is stuck in congress, these exercises are critically important for both the us army and the ukrainian armed forces, and now very soon the end may come not only to these exercises, but to the supply of american ukrainian troops. according to a us army spokesman in africa and europe, martin odonel: “we are running out of money while the funding is coming, but if nothing is done, we will run out of money before the summer, if nothing
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changes. before the summer, before the summer, i don’t even want to think about it , this will affect our efforts on two continents in support of ukraine. this was the first time a senior us army official spoke on camera about the urgent need to approve a new package of military aid to kiev. he also admitted that the lack of funding threatens not only vital important arms supplies to ukraine, but us military operations in europe. the reason for biden’s rudeness, it just seems to me, because what kind of daily routine did they see? biden woke up, fell, hit his head, talked rudely to putin, ate his favorite ice cream with chocolate chips , everything, went into the sunset cats, this is the day that our president spent today, biden simply wouldn’t be able to repeat it, he would have melted away at the moment when he had to board the plane, and up these stairs, he can’t get his truck to his plane, where even the slope is much
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flatter, but here, yes, we watched the report: these media, that putin’s flight - he mocks them, well, of course, he mocks, because here is a new plane, yes, they will ridicule our equipment, and the president flew, that is, this is a huge trust in this equipment, in the reliability of this equipment, it ’s not like a kamaz, for example, would stand there somewhere on the road, this is the sky, and this in support of our military as they defend our freedom and security right now, we we'll be back. forever young wonderful festival. together with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing
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because i am changing. together with russia they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast on march 2 on rtr.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, this program performs not only songs, but also desires, she promised to give it to me after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish. what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi, so rural, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume,
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turn it on, just wait for me , flowers preserved through the rains still live in me, some kind of fantasy. morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. you will return the money to me now. if you don’t repay me this week, i ’ll take everything you have in a day. all. you will meet your father soon. well, my father died in an accident, when i was 22 years old. and... that means this is a threat, if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive the debt to your victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, you have a camera in your office, send for me, he is kicking me out of the house ,
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you need to act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter does not respect you, sometimes understanding other people’s problems is easier than overcoming your fears, why did you strengthen your father? who was locked up there, pure psychology, on friday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman hugged a pig, you just have to get a pet and life is already will never be the same, will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams,
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how did you agree to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat ours, are you the most understanding program about animals? with friends. with friends. program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. german chancellor olaf schualz continues to refuse kiev the transfer of the most formidable weapon of the bundesphere, long-range taurus missiles. olaf reportedly fears the conflict will escalate, since the taurus can hit 500 kilos.
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according to police statistics, last year the number of sex crimes involving migrants increased by 57%. there is something to worry about. now we are standing in front of the site. land on which village after village a shelter for migrants is being built, we are assured that the place was chosen purely by chance, we are just a small community that has always stuck together, everyone is everyone’s child, and as i said, we are about 3800 residents, and here
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just a lot of different cultures and people come, who then stand in front of us and say that we owe them something, our hands are tied, we can’t do anything, we can’t change anything, then we started a campaign to collect signatures, we created an online petition so that other...
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people, they should be settled in villages or cities, that is where they have connections, that is where integration is, that is where it works, here in the wilderness such integration has not worked for a long time, watch the news right now , it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye, trouble, listen, let me help you, look at the weekend. my business cat , in fact, i work here, you’ll excel terribly , what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to take sides, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive? to the very heart, what
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are you doing, denis, this is my child, get lost, now it’s gone, you’re not my lover, but my daughter’s, and i’ve come talk to you man to man , listen, you don’t want to kill someone, you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, on sunday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, you can do it without a country, i’m very glad that you came to visit me . how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, then mark anatoyvich zakharov leaves and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, how a man is a hunter of women, to attack, dad imagined that i will have a completely different husband, but how many in total?
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ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all anoint everyone with our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. chief of the general staff gerasimov visited the command post of the southern military district and presented awards to the soldiers. russian troops destroyed artillery batteries in the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depots in the ovdeevsky direction. in ukraine, with the support of the cia , an entire session was created.


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