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tv   Vibori Prezidenta Rossii-2024  RUSSIA1  February 26, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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called gasnit, the range of new sanctions packages starts from the automaker aurus, which makes limousines for the president. remember how on friday they laughed about the russian automobile industry. yes, putin has an automobile industry,” meller laughed at the press conference, but i didn’t know that the russians had found their own transport. by saturday, the russians are not easy. they invented a vehicle for themselves, well, they drove it into american sanctions, they banned baskovo in america, they banned kirkoroov for a very small concert in the city of gorlovka, and for some reason they also banned mipt, however, these restrictions do not contain any really sensitive measures. the washington post also suddenly realized that biden had gotten excited when he said that the american ones.
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useless, well, the russian economy is growing , and growing even faster than many western countries that impose these sanctions, against this background there is an interesting revelation, it turns out that the sanctions were not supposed to work, said anna lena, head of the german foreign ministry, they are just sanctions. apparently they were very necessary to destroy the german economy to help the usa, how else to understand it the thesis is not clear at all. for example, basw, germany's largest chemical company, began cutting budgets and laying off workers due to high energy prices and declining demand. and this despite the fact that europe continues to buy russian gas and oil. the financial times writes today that the european union is finding itself. paid russia for
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the purchase of oil and gas only in the twenty- second, more than the same european union allocated money for ukraine. funny. total against. 600 sanctions have been introduced in russia against individuals and legal entities from russia and eleven other countries, including china, serbia and the united arab emirates. sanctions were imposed against a leading russian producer of steel used in military helicopters, the moscow bank railway company and the russian-iranian supply chain for deadly attack drones used in ukraine. these restrictions have led to significant consequences for russia's ability to wage its aggression.
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ukraine is running out of ammunition and russia has enough money to continue supply your war machine, at least in the near future. how intense will the pressure from these sanctions actually be? isn't it clear? the very fact that there are now over 400 sanctions against russian individuals and businesses makes you wonder what the point is if they couldn't stop the hostilities. biden administration officials say they are...
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less than the united states, and slightly more than most of europe, less than italy, but significantly more. than all other countries. for comparison, here is ukraine, whose economy fell by 24%, this is also reflected in the stock market. when the war began, many people, including me, thought that the russian economy.
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still feels good. it started, so the russian economy is true, the russian economy and its war machine have been resilient, and we must continue to destroy it with sanctions. we must be ruthless. the latest round of sanctions was aimed at identifying banks and other instruments through which they are trying to get around our sanctions so that resources will continue to flow into russia, allowing them to keep them running.
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expected that they could stop the war. russia has a very strong shadow economy, which was built over 70 years of communism. we have also seen a large increase in trade between countries such as germany and central asian states, with unexpectedly large quantities of goods entering russia through these countries, including spare parts for aircraft, helicopters and drones. much remains to be done and the first thing that comes to mind is to give russian assets to ukraine. there are a lot of them in european financial capitals, but there are fears that if this...
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it is especially strange that the russian economy has grown, its gdp growth now, which we would be proud of, is 2.6% per year. putin has already put his economy on a war footing, now he spends 6% of gdp on military spending, and at best we spend 2%. and then, if you approach the calculation creatively: 1/3 of russian income is spent on military needs, and its economy is growing. the difference in the material base of ukraine and russia, significantly.
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trump, and even donald went crazy from such sycophancy. meley shouted: “my president, how happy i am, you have been a great president and i hope you will be again.” trump himself is really destroying biden's ratings.
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trump, look, on his page, following his own son, he published an edited video of an elderly biden. pilosi does not lead to boarding the presidential helicopter, but straight into the house, it’s outdated. at a campaign rally in that same southern carolina, trump went all out serious, first he depicted how biden was trying to leave the stage, then he said that with such an american president, america would definitely lose the third world war, even before the start of the third world war. moreover, trump said that biden is so incompetent that he even lost the cocaine found in the white house, as they say, what is he wrong about? chief european diplomat barel also agrees with trump; he just literally said that putin and trump will definitely win the elections, and
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in this regard, it’s time for europe to wake up, well wake up biden, who is having a blast again. this time, joe confused russia with china and said that... he walked 2,700 km with the chairman of the people's republic of china, sijin pen, whom he for some reason called the head of russia. the biden administration has in this regard. and a new, unexpected tactic so that joe, and joe is 81 years old, is no longer considered an old madman, the white house launched a new story that self-propelled grandfather biden is a beast in bed. delhi mail pulled out an article in which biden himself said that the secret of his happy marriage with jill was good, daily sex. neska joe very often told his assistants about sex with his wife and
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he tells you, you still won’t believe it, he says that the best time for sex with his wife, write it down, this is while the children are sleeping, i’ll just remind you at the same time that his son, hunter biden is 54 years old, and dad has sex when he puts him to bed, that's one thing. on the other hand, joe has really been married to jill for 47 years, that is, maybe what he says is true, but the republicans, of course, are mocking, joking that the main thing for biden now is simply don’t forget what jill looks like and how the fly on a briuk works, look.
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i know from around the country it doesn't seem like biden has a very busy life, but i have some pretty terrifying news for you because apparently, according to a new book, eighty-one-year-old joe biden likes to tell white house staffers what the key to... a successful marriage is attention, good sex, perhaps this is not what you wanted to see. sunday, but it's my job to talk about such things, maybe it's from the same series as these stories that he tells about the fact that last week he met with the leaders of other countries who died long ago, if you know what i mean, biden’s rating may be at a low level, but this certainly cannot be said about his libido, according to new book the eighty- one-year-old commander in chief likes to tell aides in the west wing of the white house that the key... to a successful marriage is good sex, just one side of the lust of the leader of the free world,
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says the author of a tell-all book american woman. the transformation of the modern first lady from hillary clinton to jill biden, from the pen of new york times writer katie rogers. the book traces numerous instances over the years in which biden has been strangely open about his proclivities in public. i would now much rather make love to my wife while the kids sleep, biden once told a group of supporters in 2006 on the eve of his second presidential run, a statement that prompted his spokesman to to say that the senator, frankly, is just crazy about his wife. the book, which will be published on tuesday, also reveals the controversial accounts of chita biden's fleeting romance in the seventies, which occurred shortly after the death of biden's first wife, as well as the intimate details of their nearly half-century marriage. while working in the senate, the fast-talking delaware politician sometimes embarrassed his staff when he asked them to respond... to his own dubious statements, but then after winning the elections in 2020, he moderated
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his behavior and began to talk less in public about what was happening in his bedroom. however, he sometimes tells white house staff that good sex is important for a happy marriage. such statements cause his wife great grief, the book says. biden also spoke about the sexual and emotional connection he had with his first wife nelia. in an interview from 1974, when he was looking for a life partner after his wife and one-year-old daughter naomi tragically died two years earlier, she has the best body i've ever seen, she looks better than playboy models, doesn't she, he said then in an interview with journalist kitty kelly, where he also boasted that how he managed to lure his wife away from the republican party into the democratic party, and how it helped him become a senator. in the beginning, she stayed home with the kids while i worked on the campaign, but it wasn't very good because i came home too tired to talk to her, i could satisfy her in bed, but that's all...
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he himself could not do this, because he was the president, he could not travel, but i walked xi more than 27 km throughout the country, our country and... yes, throughout china too. it looks like we'll likely see a return match between trump and biden. trump's team is already preparing for the election, as is president biden's team. in a new statement, he says that despite the threat trump poses. i will repeat to the american people what i have already said. i have never felt more optimistic. trump also
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had a little fun at joe biden's expense during the election campaign, portraying. president trying to leave the stage. he always leaves the stage like this. we'll win this state and then we'll tell corrupt joe biden, you're fired, get out of here. nato exercises dragon-24 begin in poland, which will take place directly next to the russian border, according to the general staff of the polish forces, 20,000 people will be involved in them, of which 15 thousand are polish
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soldiers. this is how official warsaw openly demonstrates its commitment washington, and also strengthens.
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wheat from eight freight cars, with a total weight of almost 160 tons, was sent to the port of gdansk. kiev naturally sees the kremlin’s hand in this, saying that polish farmers are now doing the unthinkable on putin’s orders. well, following this logic, french, spanish and german farmers also go out on actions on the orders of the russian president not at all because of incompetent foreign policy. ukrainian prime minister shmygal personally came out to deal with this disgusting scourge of their own authorities, here he is, look, formidable, standing on the polish-ukrainian border, waiting for his counterpart, but a problem arose, the poles themselves refused to come to the ukrainian spit,
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the ukrainians stood for an hour, but in the end they left, in general, only the lazy do not humiliate. the fourth case of ukrainian grain being scattered by polish protesters, as you can see on these screens, this is really the largest action in poland, unfortunately , unknown persons there spilled ukrainian grain from as many as eight wagons, this is the fourth such incident in the last day, according to polish media reported that there was corn inside;
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the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine responded by saying that it was damaged. they punctured the wheels and were unable to continue driving, another driver showed in the video that they assembled a ring from nails and screws near one car. look how much we collected, this is only for one car.
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where did the poster come from at such rallies
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asking putin to deal with ukraine, brussels and the government? at the center for countering disinformation, a russian trace was found, they reported there that the action was organized rafal makler, owner of a logistics company and leader of the confederation party. it is this political force that advocates poland’s exit from the eu, and
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the spanish trans person got caught for the truth, so it turns out that he, a trans person, must now pay a large fine. the court noted
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that transiyabeda violated basic human rights by simply calling transgender people men and transvestites. according to icelandic laws, in addition to the term and fine, he was prohibited from teaching so that he would not teach bad things to children, and he worked. barcelona sentenced a transgender man to 6 months in prison, finding him guilty of committing an offense against fundamental human rights and public freedoms for posting transphobic comments on
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social media. the man was also ordered to pay a fine of 3,850 euros. the comments were made in 2020, who is anonymous in this proceeding so we 'll call him po, took to social media to complain about the transgender influencer. last summer... miko organized and led a tour of barcelona, ​​which showed the key areas where the sex industry flourished. the tour was organized with the support of the theater company trance tirity trans trans trans trans. in his post, poe called ferrer miko the prototype of the faggot with tits and stated that quote: he can't accept the fact that i'm a woman and has a pathological resentment towards me. poe claimed that he considered himself a real woman because he had undergone the drugs. because of transphobia, after reading
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a little more about this news, i realized that this entails very, very, very serious consequences. 6 months in prison is very seriously, just look guys at the news that i came across a couple of days ago, here it is, as i told you, about punishments for transphobia, such as deportation from the country and life imprisonment against those, quote: who attack or criticize lgbt people, and this is very important because the word attack here is not physical. no no no. no, i mean criticism, why criticism? because they think it incites hatred. therefore, these people are extremely dangerous, which is why such measures and are accepted. that is why they are seeking to expel them and imprison them. a barcelona court ordered the task force against online radicalism to examine his social media and analyze his comment history to look for further posts indicating hostility
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towards him. which belongs to the victims. a subsequent report found that the accused man was hostile not only towards non-surgery transgender women, but towards the lgbt community. among his evidence speaking out against the transsexual law that was recently passed in spain to make it much easier to change your legal name and gender marker. the investigation also found that between february and october 2020, poe published several messages on social networks in which. it denied non-assigned transgender people membership in the gender with which they identified. other posts deemed criminally transphobic included his claims that there are only two gender and that transwomen are transfestites. poe also said that the trans community disgusts me beyond measure. this is really some kind of madness, it seems
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funny to us here, but how does it work? there are so many transgender people in western enlightened society that they begin to quarrel among each other, among themselves and destroy each other, well, that is, if you step aside and look, then maybe everything will end well, and russia , too, no matter how you look at it, becomes almost the only guide in this a world of madness and normality and some kind of adequate values, because is it really true to look at it?
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betrayed western values, of course, this is a very big question, we understand what the rationale is, it’s about the reluctance to compete with ukrainian products, which the poles themselves and all representatives of the european union call low-grade, which has not undergone certain quality procedures, and in general, why ukrainian grain if you produce his own and would like to sell his grain, footage of shmygal’s humiliation on the polish-ukrainian border, we will tell you also already shown, shmygal said. that warsaw is acting on orders from putin is probably funny too. pushilin has just announced that the cleansing of avdeevka has been completed. we are transported to the front. our war correspondent vladimir razin is in direct contact. volodya was in avdeevka. how safe is this city now in principle, what is left of it, if at least something
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is left of it. what does it look like? streets, are there people there, what are the plans, is there an understanding, or is this what they call taking and rebuilding? olga, good afternoon, well, avdiivka really reminds me, like mariupol, like artyomov, but after such long and serious battles, whether it’s safe there or not, it’s not safe at all, yes, because the front line is one way or another, well, it’s actually there somewhere in two, somewhere in four. kilometers from the city itself for both artillery and fpv drones of the enemy, that is , well, a simple reach is enough, let’s say, yes, but our troops are moving further, moving further west of avgeevka on the approaches to orlovka, we now we are actually pressing it from three sides, there were reports that we had allegedly gained a foothold on the outskirts, but i wouldn’t get ahead of ourselves like that, i would still wait
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for some official confirmation. specifically our military from this line, regarding plans for avdeevka, i think everything will depend on how events develop directly near it on the front line, right? because there are things that can really be saved, let’s just say, yes, some small repairs will be required for certain buildings, but such buildings very few, yes, the buildings in which the spotters were located, especially on the upper floors, on the roofs, there, ukrainian drones, they were indeed subjected to quite serious influence of our artillery and aviation, yes, but the city, well, in fact, yes it is...
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those people who have not been evacuated at the moment, they are constantly receiving humanitarian aid, yes, but in fact, i think now all people will be evacuated so that they can receive medical assistance, in order to provide them with some kind of humanitarian aid for that, so that they can establish contact with their relatives, because there are no connections there, no, no, there is absolutely nothing there at all, in fact , the front line, and on which civilians could not have anything, so they are establishing work with... relatives, people , their relatives are taking them away from the temporary detention center, so people are carrying it out, but they are being evacuated , this is the situation in the city right now, i just noticed yesterday from avdeevka, they were taking
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out a family, the family is a mother and a child, the boy is 4 years old, he came out of the basement for the first time , he sat in this basement for 2 years, at first they were afraid those. and then, really, when it all started, they were waiting for the russian army, and of course they waited, although of course, the footage was simply extraordinary, what is called domurashik, the child is 4 years old, two of which he spent underground, officially, the mother did not let the child out... street, then , how should the situation develop, why is there suddenly so much talk about kharkov, why on the other side, i mean our enemy, are actually announcing, well, as they
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say, our capture of kharkov, according to our liberation of kharkov, i also cited in my opinion, incredible data that the price of the apartment has fallen by half, that is, the people are starting the exodus, realizing that something will happen. is some kind of operation being prepared or is this just a premonition and a logical development of events? well, firstly, this is certainly a logical development of events, and looking at the front line, especially in the kharkov direction, what is happening in the kupinsk area, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is stuffing, let’s say, and information for the residents of kharkov that they left the city and to turn this city into another one. next artyomovsk, mariupol, that is, they are actually preparing for the city, most likely for urban battles, for defense and so that the military there on the ground in kharkov has more, let’s say, time and space for maneuvers for
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their own people there and for occupying those or other points, the preparation of certain strongholds there, trenches there in the middle of the streets, well, everything that we are basically used to seeing. plus, of course , the enemy feels the pressure that is coming directly on the front line close kupenska, yes, because it’s not only skupenska, if there really is a serious movement towards kharkov, and sooner or later it will, it will come not only from kupensk, most likely it will also come from belgorod, that is, from two or three sides kharkov will be under pressure, and therefore the civilian population is not prepared for the fact that you will have to abandon your apartments and leave them. on - let's say the use of the ukrainian army, yes, but this situation is not only in the kupinsky direction, this is the zaporozhye direction, this is the artyomovsky direction, that is, everywhere, in principle, the initiative
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remains with us, the advantages increase every day, albeit not by leaps and bounds, yes, but we feel it, the enemy’s fatigue is accumulating, this is also an important factor, so stuffing like this... it’s just zelensky even on his own of this strange press conference , the day before he announced information that the russians would go on the offensive either by the end of this spring or at the very beginning of summer, that is, it is clear that in his understanding this is more of a scare, but on the other hand, we too, as they say , we are not sitting, with folded hands, we are obviously preparing for something , the ukrainian truth is also amusing, they report in parallel that military exercises have begun in one of the districts of kiev, the purpose of the exercise, once again, the ukrainian truth, is to build up combat
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capabilities in preparing for and conducting a defensive operation in the event of an offensive russians, well, that is, they are preparing, i hope that we will really go this far, there is an understanding of the work, we retreated, left, where we are now, now in the orekhovsk direction. working on the verbovoe there along the line of combat contact, at the moment a fairly large gray zone had formed, yes, our guys entered certain positions there, which they recaptured from the ukrainian armed forces, then they had to retreat due to the fact that there was actually nowhere to consolidate there, yes, the next push to the next positions was, well, let’s say, enough it’s difficult to do, because the opponents bring in quite large reserves. this is not the first batch of those reserves that they
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are transferring to the orekhovsk direction; they have already been transferred directly to the line of combat contact, where they met with our guys, but the tenacity of our guys , let’s say, made it clear to them that they would need quite a lot of reserves there in order to hold back our military, again, a fairly large number of fpv drones, now there is such a thing, including this direction. the fight between our fighters and the enemy’s drones and, exactly the opposite, against our drones and the enemy’s soldiers are trying to resist us, that is, now such a positional war is certainly with the attempts of our troops to advance further to reach those positions in which we can more or less normally gain a foothold, because on the line where we are now. well, in fact, there is nowhere to gain a foothold, yes, because
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active, very active military operations there have actually been going on for almost a year, yes, since the summer of last year, and well, in fact , serious shelling, artillery, and aviation from our side have not stopped there for a day all kinds of weapons, volodya, are you stuck or will you come back to us? obviously. of course, the front line, there are always nuances in communication, i just wanted to literally clarify, very briefly, you came back, no, volodya , yes, yes, yes, i think, yes, toots , they saw abrams, he’s scary, uh, listen, they didn’t see him, yes, they constantly write, talk about him and i think it’s unlikely whether they will bring it directly into fire contact, at most, what they will do, now , how they will use it, these are closed firing positions, in fact , they will use it as an artillery installation,
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so well, one way or another, it will soon be shot down, yes, i think it will soon be a trophy will fall into ours, yes, but for now these are all, let’s say, horror stories of this western technology, which there supposedly can somehow turn the tide of events on the front line, but a tank and a tank, that is , there’s nothing military there, if i may say so , there’s nothing in it, plus, there aren’t so many of them to waste let in, but tanks on the ukrainian side, well, in fact, they are consumables that are destroyed every day in all directions. i also got the feeling that this american abrams, like an exhibit at an exhibition of the achievements of the american national economy, they have either one or two, they periodically they take it somewhere, take pictures, publish it on social networks, and then hide it somewhere again. no one saw it during the war, well,
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no one. thank you very much, volodya. vladimir razin, our war correspondent, on direct line, front line. ask. i don’t agree with you, we saw abrams in iraq, they burned beautifully there, the arab guys were very happy about it all, so let’s hope that here we will soon see these epic shots that are normal for abrams. yes. so, now about how our propaganda is developing. the situation in western western media, the western press and politics, let’s call it that, which means, firstly, of course, a very interesting transition has happened regarding sanctions, a qualitative one. if earlier they said that more, more, more sanctions are needed, and this will finally ruin the russian federation, now, because this is a very effective and efficient method, a transition has occurred, now they say that more sanctions are needed, but we are from the very beginning were sure that this would not affect anything, it, of course, would, but someday later, according to the scheme of khadzhin sredin, or donkey, or according to
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deshah, well, something like that, then someday it will influence, we, of course, should not discount the negative effects, sanctions, pressure of everything else, yes. but this transition itself in the presentation of material to its own audience, it is positive and indicative for us, it’s just that if you impose sanctions on 746 military enterprises in russia, it means that russia has at least 746 military enterprises, if on friday you want to laugh about the russian the auto industry, and gave the example of this miller, who came out and said the auto industry in...
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then the question, europe, today, fully answers what the united states would like, would like in relation to europe with the destruction of production, with the destruction of all these civil conflicts, with refugees, with everything else, well, apparently it fully answers, but thank god that we have not become part of this europe, by the way, here you can also put and paste a video with spanish trans people, who are also an integral part of modern europe, let me remind you that 10 years ago all this... was so obvious, so vivid expressed, that means the second good news , this is of course biden, that is biden, that means sex, the old giant of big sex, everything, everything is fine, as it turns out, as it turns out, there is also a curious connotation here, which means
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the daily mail publishes this, of course , this yellow british tablet, which, as we recently found out, was apparently condemned by the democratic party for a series of materials that, for... ordinary people who are not very intellectual, present biden as such an interesting, powerful old man there, and so on, but if you pay money to a contractor, and check what he is doing there, because the article begins with an absolutely brilliant phrase, just brilliant british humor in full, it means that after 47 years of marriage, the romance between president joe biden and jean biden is far from death, far from death.
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you know what happened 30 years, 40 years ago, and as it turns out now, the daily mail not only writes about itself, they appeal to books that are now being published before the elections in the usa, suddenly.
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zelensky's press conference, well, that's what it is zelensky's first big press conference, i think that this is a forced chance, zelensky's step, why, because in fact everything turned out so difficult, he was forced to come to such a press conference, and i think that this press conference, it was aimed not at the domestic consumer, at the west, why, because they tried to gather the maximum number of foreign journalists, interest in ukraine is falling, we need to somehow break through this information...
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we are talking about the west, it is not alone, someone allocates financial resources, some do not allocates financial resources, that is , he is trying to play on this and demands more and more finance from the west, but this idea actually failed because a little more than 10 thousand people in ukraine watched it online, i just want to say, you know, the ninety-fifth quarter was actually watched much more actively than zelensky’s press conference, the actor is the same, apparently the screenwriter is probably a bad one.
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maybe this is something new in military affairs, maybe it’s disinformation, maybe it’s not so, in fact everything turned out to be very simple, in fact, this is true about the jokes of the preparations that zelensky prepared there, about the telegraph, he hasn’t used it since the seventeenth year, but if he had the opportunity, he would have used it, but the question is different, you know? the principle of how a telegraph works, fewer words, cheaper than a telegram, but he likes to talk, what kind of telegraph, what are you talking about, in fact, if he had access to a telegraph, there wouldn’t be enough money for the war, well, about serious things, you know what zelensky said about 3,100 dead in fact, it’s good that he voiced at least some figure, because before that it was all a sealed secret, 3,100 people died, he says over these 2 years, for understanding. in ukraine there are about 32-33 thousand settlements in total. based on
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zelensky’s words, one must understand that in each settlement, on average, one person died. ukrainian soldier, in order to understand this man’s lies, i think, you don’t have to go far, every person, a citizen of ukraine, just needs to go to the local cemetery and see how many are buried there ukrainian soldiers, it’s good that he voiced this figure, those ukrainian soldiers who are sitting there in the trenches, and have been sitting without rotation for 2 years, before their eyes the deaths of these thousands of thousands of people are happening, let them look at the lies of their supreme chief.
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there are local elections in april, tusk has a complex coalition, he has villagers in his coalition , a party of villagers, what should he do in this situation, no one will make any concessions until the end of the elections, a meeting is possible, the result is possible under one condition: if the government of this shmigalya, yes, he will agree to fully respond to the demands put forward by the polish side, they will not be able to make any compromises on this issue. as for losses, again.
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returning to these completely insane zelensky data, those who are sitting in the trenches must understand that either they are not considered at all, their losses are not taken into account, they are simply not noticed, or they are not considered people, that is, they are really expendable material 31. for 2 years, according to statistics, 800 killed per day, 800 killed per day - this is data that, if multiplied by the number of days for 2 years. exceed zelensky’s data by 200 times, well, that is, to lie so much, i say, the new york times also reported, even they were a little stunned there, it would be better to remain silent, we’ll come back. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal
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assembly. live broadcast: 29. no one should know that i am hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid, your main task is to find this joker, i am doing all this for your sake, i want to know who is writing these nasty things to me letters, you should stop going there. where are you going? i can't, timur. then he will know everything. i advise you to look around when you walk down the street, because the person who writes you letters is truly mentally ill and dangerous. you sat in a restaurant with this monster and you did it for our sake. my life is going to hell. why did i fall in love with you right now? i know who writes these letters to you. who? pure psychology. on friday on rtr. i think
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that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, two there can be no opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i have no competition. there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said, it’s so smelly small, just a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is
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five-on-one program, i'm op. and five against one on saturdays on rtr me. my name is anna ostrovskaya, i work in the investigative committee. premiere on rtr. four people, an entire family, died. can you see me? yes, this is my gift, then we will investigate your murder. she's not afraid of ghosts. how could i not have realized before that you are my destiny? get out. can't forget him? she is afraid to be among them. i'm telling you about death. it's inevitable. she is always there, i will die soon, anna is a medium, continuation, look at rtr today, we are going
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we take a lot of his time to the doctor with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside. with the most necessary knowledge of health. we dispel myths and help you find out the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from the onset of the disease takes two decades before its manifestation, so everyone needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on
3:59 pm
rtr. trouble. listen, let me help you. let's see on the weekend. my business cat. something i work here is terrible, you’ll excel, but what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i don’t like divorces ladies, i understand, just dare to take sides, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive a blow to the very heart, what are you doing, denis? my child, get lost, now it’s no longer there, you ’re not my lover, but my daughter’s, and i came to talk to you as man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone,
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you can arrange it, only the heart can see, sunday on rtr, so the white house announced an emergency meeting. biden with congressional leaders to unlock that same $61 billion for ukraine, reports press agency, in order to reassure the ukrainian leadership, kiev even secretly visited cia director william bynes, new aspects of military cooperation between washington and kiev are revealed by the new york times, the united states, it turns out , has placed what we have been talking about in the last few years on the border with russia 12 secret bases at once, of which. this includes coordinating terrorist attacks on the russian rear. russia is well aware that the c.i.a.


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