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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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and my who, and i came to talk to you as man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone , you can arrange, vigilantly only the heart, on sunday on rtr, and so the white house announced an emergency meeting of biden with congressional leaders to to unlock that same 61 billion dollars for... the united states, it turns out, what we were talking about, over the last few years has placed 12 secret bases on the border with russia, which, among other things, coordinate terrorist attacks on the russian rear. russia is well aware that the c.i.a. other american
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departments have begun to actively work in ukraine, the kremlin has just announced. look. the wiretapping post in the ukrainian forest is part of a network of spy bases created with the support of the cia over the past eight years, including 12 secret facilities along the russian border. a narrow circle of ukrainian intelligence officers diligently courted the cia, and gradually these connections became vital for the americans. in 2015, general valery kondratyuk, then head of ukraine's military intelligence, arrived to meet with the deputy chief the cia station handed over a stack of top-secret files without warning. this initial tranche contained secrets about the russian navy's northern fleet, including details about the latest russian nuclear submarine designs. soon, cia officers began regularly leaving his office with backpacks full of documents. “we realized that we need to create conditions of trust,” the general said. kondratyuk, as
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the partnership deepened after 2016, ukrainians became impatient with what they saw as unjustified caution from washington and began to organize assassinations and other deadly operations, which violated the conditions of some. according to the white house , the ukrainians agreed. furious officials in washington threatened to withdraw support, but never did. the relationship became stronger and stronger because both sides saw value in it, and the u.s. embassy. in kiev, our base there became the best source of information, signals of everything else about russia, said a former senior us official, we couldn't get enough of it, the new the head of the cia station in ukraine began regularly visiting general kondratyuk, whose office was decorated with an aquarium where yellow and blue fish in the national colors of ukraine swam in circles around a model of a sunken russian submarine. the two men became close, which contributed to the development of relations between the two agencies, and ... the ukrainians gave the new
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station chief the affectionate nickname santa claus. shortly thereafter, he requested cia assistance in planning a covert mission to send gur from the commandos to russia for installation explosive devices at railway depots used by the russian military. if the russian military tried to seize more ukrainian territory, the ukrainians could detonate explosives to slow down the russian advance. when the station chief informed his superiors, they went as crazy as you... to make sure that the mission was canceled and that ukraine complied with the red lines prohibiting lethal operations. general kondratyuk canceled the mission, but learned another lesson. in the future, we tried not to discuss these things with your guys - he said. this information suggests that such subversive work was indeed carried out, carried out, of course, with the help of the cia, they also forgot to name mishest.
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no, it’s already a cage, he says, that’s it, the pilots are gone, of course, jake salevan didn’t specify, there isn’t enough quantity, it ’s zero or it’s a little more than zero, well, it’s clear that ukraine won’t get the f16 at all from the word, and since the americans are they said, then the european partners will also talk in every possible way about the fact that the f16 will not arrive, throw information that supposedly they have already arrived, are already flying, well, maybe one will fly by , well, what about the lonely abrams, so one f16 , as if for formality, to take a selfie there, it will fly by, maybe they will even show it at the airfield , by the way, there has already been such a fake, remember , they showed a digital one with identification marks on it, but what is europe doing, europe is doing what america used to do, they are looking
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for scraps, where to find more weapons for ukraine, they need a lot of shells yes we are we saw the reports, america can make 720 thousand, europe can make 400,000. but these shells are not for ukraine, europe discovered that all the warehouses that they once filled with millions of shells are spent, they need to be replenished, europe was so scared by russia that they said they were preparing for war, but if you are preparing for war, where are the shells? first of all , let's go, you will be sent to your warehouse, you need to train your military personnel, they are conducting exercises near our borders with shooting, including live fire, they are preparing, they are afraid, they themselves woke up the russian bear , now they are afraid of him, there is, there is a thread left of the northern stream, turn it on and you will live happily, but the europeans do not want this, the europeans were instructed to help ukraine, and so that
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this does not happen there, anna elena berbek is already there, it was probably broken in the confusion or the shoes were worn out, so we could find some way to help. ukraine, but slovakia makes me happy, there was a report that in slovakia a memorial to fallen soldiers was opened in one of the cities, the residents paid for it themselves, without taking anything from the treasury, they also invited our ambassador to slovakia, unveiled a monument, that is, everywhere in europe to the secular union, yes, decommunization is taking place everywhere in ukraine, and so on in the baltic states this has been a process for a long time, but slovakia is still...
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they are guessing, where we will attack there in kharkov, there is coal and so on , this is fortune telling on coffee grounds, this means that they don’t know where we will attack, they are trying to play a guessing game, well, this is not russian roulette, so, but what we do, yes, we improve the lines, combat contact, at the moment when we consider it necessary, an order is given and such rapid operations take place, as happened with savdeevka, and there will be many such operations, and the enemy will lose more and more people, more and more ukrainians will be disposed of, 31. this not an indicator, these are numbers from around the beginning of twenty -two, maybe zelensky just found an old report and thought that they were finally keeping him informed about how many losses were happening in ukraine. 383 is our figure, abroad they called the figure under 500,000,
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but these are only the dead, there are also missing people, there are those who will never return to the front because they have become disabled, although they are also being rowed to the front, but... they act on the western public, just like with him in unison they sing of western politics, but do not improve the strategic situation as a whole and they demotivate people in the trenches, they definitely demotivate those at the helm in the trenches, so a lot of people surrender, but the strategic situation is such that ukraine is losing the war along with the nato countries. and another success.
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koch tanks and other heavy weapons when there are no personnel to service equipment, artillery, etc. no one here is talking about an offensive, we only see retreating tanks. in this footage, russian units are literally sweeping away ukrainian militants in the vicinity of the work; the scouts skillfully fly komikaza drones into strong points and force the enemy to flee. the assault troops, with the support of armored vehicles, managed to gain a foothold in the southern part of the village; fierce fighting is now taking place in the center. work off the smoke crews in shelters for now two smokes for now leave it like this city while there is smoke fire come
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on come on come here come on the street handsome men on the zaporozhye front zelensky’s army has been thrown back to the defense line that russian military units erected almost a year ago on the eve of the summer contour offensive in the ssu, a military analyst reports german beltrebki to appreciate. the situation on the ground syrsky is again sent to the trenches. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine called the situation difficult and announced the transition of the armed forces to maneuverable positional defense. against the backdrop of military failures, tsirsky began supposedly drinking in these shots. he, along with the ukrainian minister of defense umerov , visits a soldier training center in lviv, where, as it seems to many, he can barely stand on his feet. these soldiers received the coordinates of russian artillery positions, but their rocket. the hail system will not work, theoretically it can fire 40 rounds, but the military only has
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four rounds left at its disposal. if things don't change, we'll eventually have to make a decision about which city we'll give up. the armed forces of ukraine are awaiting an inspection after a series of defeats, said zelensky at a press conference. the ukrainian president for the first time named the number of military losses during the entire conflict, 31. we were surprised by such estimates even at...
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already there, we don’t talk about it publicly, it’s powerful, it’s strong, it gives not only hope, but will also give a result of twenty fourth year, result in lesson 24, support ukraine. it is not necessary until the end, now, addressing his western allies , zelensky, who has
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already lost three settlements in a month and a half, jokes, and then bathes in applause, as if returning to happy youth, when i performed at concerts in moscow, if putin calls you at night today, will you pick up the phone or not, he doesn’t have a mobile phone, he doesn’t have a mobile phone, how will he call me, and i no longer work with the 1917 telegraph. some of which ukraine will disappear, the third third year, he works, he won’t call me , he won’t call me, he doesn’t want to end, he doesn’t want to end this war, and then , returning to reality, they ask for money, you don’t know what, a turning point, it's a turning point because, as i said, it's an election year, unpacking, all at once calls from the outside inside and so on, someone is tired, someone is talking about it, someone is silent about it, and this is such a turning point year. we need courage and resilience, we need courage and resilience in order to survive, whatever
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fate lies ahead, i think the format of the end of the war will depend on this year. time simultaneously enters into the discussion, kiev has no chance of defeating putin, even with the help of the collective west, according to the magazine, without supplies of american weapons, the armed forces of ukraine will collapse this year, new packages military assistance will only prolong the conflict and lead to greater concessions. in favor of moscow. the situation is grim for kiev, writes the hill. after the capture of avdiivka, russian units are developing an offensive in all directions, the city could become the key to...
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public nerves in an interview with the british newspaper times, danilov said that the west does not want kiev to win, and the signature of the us president is worth nothing in the end, scares the americans on air on cnn , biden's national security advisor salevan said putin wins every day until zelensky receives american money. the reality is that putin wins every day that ukraine doesn't get the resources it needs, it suffers. oleg anatolyevich, please! ukraine, if it receives resources, will lose every day, by the way, in any case, whether it receives them or not . i wanted to stop and comment on a few pieces of news, right? here is nuland, who said that we do not correspond to the image that they
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came up with for us, that they wanted. dont be upset. yes, of course we are, everyone we cry, but... in fact, it’s not just this western ambition, yes, when they don’t consider us people, but in fact , i remember very well when brzyzinsky was still alive, when he went here to the yaroslavl forum, and then i went to america and met with american political scientists and they seriously discussed this issue there, i looked at them as if they were... going, but they had a story when they really wanted to make a kind of battering ram out of russia, and against china, roughly speaking, what ukraine is now against russia, yes, then there is a puppet regime sitting here that is fighting russia in american interests, they had an idea, an idea, in russia there is a similar regime
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that would then fight china, and how to drag them into a war and so on, it’s kind of a matter of technology, several provocations and so on.
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years, this is what my friends tell me, who have remained since the old days, who are sitting in kiev and who are not allowed out there now, but who constantly communicate with journalists and everyone there, all of kiev is packed, all the restaurants, they continue to be crowded with americans, british, who are sitting there drinking beer, who are constantly working there in these combat groups, training these same ukrainian students to work in our information field. work in our networks and so on and so forth, that is, there are simply thousands of these people, not just two people, not five, they are just theirs, they are visible as constantly present, another statement that, unfortunately, no, you can’t take it seriously and you can’t take it so
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that these are some thoughts of barel, that the war will last a long time. here in this studio we have repeatedly said that they want to wage a war until the last ukrainian, this is true, but unfortunately, it will not only be until the last ukrainian, because now, for example, the situation in transnistria is actively deteriorating and after ukraine , they definitely want to throw moldova under the wheels, as they say , putin, they think that putin is moving to the west, he steadily wants to take over everything, all of europe. like this with the help they will carry out some kind of provocations there, then the baltic states will be next in line, then someone else, that is, they will set this europe on fire, destroy it by any means, but thereby... as if weakening russia, that is, the idea is precisely this: ukraine , as a way to weaken russia, then , when ukraine ends, they will weaken it in other ways and the charge is precisely for this,
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which is why they are now trying to develop the military-industrial complex there, they conduct all these trainings, they declare exercises, they are already preparing their public opinion for a very long war with russia, while understanding how difficult the situation was for our country, without in any way downplaying... specifically after the istanbul negotiations , he said: “fight, you will definitely have money and weapons, the west will definitely not abandon you,
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now, when the west is either has already given up, or is preparing to give up, boris johnson arrives and is again greeted there as a foolish friend, well , stupidity, stupidity, it’s a shame, it’s a shame for those , especially those who were killed in the incredible. why are you alone, there are suitable people, but they are married, premiere on rtr, where are you at home?
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so you talk about what, and didn’t run away and at home , with whom, what kind of meeting, you come to me, it seems to me that my mother didn’t go anywhere, she just left because of us, i want my wife back. continuation today we look at rtr, you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then it will be a problem. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with
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humor, i am chopping oak, not plucking, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry , headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then... i suggest you, as part of my scientific project , enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official registration of the union, on saturday, maybe we'll try one microbium with a kiss. it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head,
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butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have it too, let’s sleep together, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me , you love him, daughter, i see that means you love him. by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr. we always do everything together. we support each other, believe in the best. we care and give
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warmth and overcome difficulties together, together we are strong, we vote for russia, but what kind of job are you going to look for, any kind, just to get to the staif, what? irina shtaif is a very famous fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out. i'm hiring you. thank you very much. it seemed to me that this new thing could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be
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stolen. the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what ’s wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection, i still don’t want to show you anything, it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not just me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. an incredible sensation, 10 years after the bloody coup, journalist daley. russia is also not worth snipers on the maidan, moreover, the material says that the west is most likely behind the snipers, and
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in general london should have been condemned. the legal overthrow of yanukovych and the bloody coup in ukraine itself, and not call these particular events the triumph of democracy. the material was published on the anniversary of the maidan and the anniversary of the execution on the square. it has been 10 years, not two, since the war in ukraine began, and once you understand this, you can begin clearly. think about it, what is britain's interest in this conflict, why are so many media politicians cheering the bloodbath that has devastated ukraine, a country they claim to love and admire, what ukraine has gained from it, what ukraine and its people can gain from it. let's start with what happened 10 years ago, this should shock you. the advanced units of berkut came close to the barricades, now we see that the wooden barriers are narrower.
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almost broken, only iron fences remained. in february 2014 , a violent mob entered the ukrainian capital of kiev and began to dominate what had originally been genuine democratic protests. during these bitter days, much was unclear, including the mysterious shootings of members of the crowd. let's just say there is a serious dispute about who is responsible that has yet to be resolved. in a leaked and irrefutable telephone conversation, estonian foreign minister urmas. told eu foreign policy chief catherine ashton that there is a growing understanding that it is not yanukovych, but someone from the new coalition, who is behind the snipers. what bothered us was that the people on both sides who were killed by snipers, both the police and people on the street were killed by the same snipers who killed people on both sides. this
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is a concern. that the new coalition that came to power does not want to investigate what happened, so now we understand more and more that yanukovych was not behind the snipers, which is why they must be careful. a un report published on july 15, 2014 concluded that 103 protesters and 20 police were killed in these events. i believe that at least some of the protesters were armed, death of twenty policemen. suggests quite serious violence on the part of protesters. thus, anti-democratic violence was followed by lawlessness. thus, the crowd overthrew the legitimate head of state, and now a shocking test has come. western countries, including britain, were expected to condemn this action. they are usually the vigilant defenders of law and democracy around the world, aren't they? but in this case they...


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