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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 27, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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usa, there are two sides here, one side , of course, is ongoing hysterics, but let’s call it nuclear-space, yesterday sergei rebkov not by chance noted that the contact that was, it did not bring any results, that in fact, yes, russia maintain the position of not withdrawing from the treaty of sixty-seven, but these hysterics and incomprehensible accusations, they seem to continue to remain, the second part of this security problem, it seems to fall on the ukrainian context, that is, the result... of the secret visit of robert burns, director cia, well, information about the appearance, more precisely information about 12 so-called secret american military bases on the territory of ukraine, it is, of course, somewhat, but not that it changes the emphasis, the information itself, in general the creation of american intelligence bases, positions in ukraine, it has been known since 2016, they systematically created their own intelligence centers, but today in fact... this means a new level
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of escalation, that is, where is the line between intelligence activities? and burns doesn't understand that if you say that, they will move, they will become objects of legitimate attacks by the armed forces, that is, this is a completely new level of escalation and dmitry medvedev is right, who says that through ukraine it is possible to aggravate the scenario, so to speak, of this nuclear missile prison. even than, as he rightly notes, than the period of the caribbean crisis, against this background, of course, it is very important that, in fact, this is, you know, but it’s not that, of course, this will continue, but the results, not the results, or rather the entry of the thirteenth package of sanctions, of course, there are all the things known to us, the point is not even in expanding the physical and quantitative composition of individuals, legal entities, the point is different, the point is that, willingly or unwillingly, the west, within the thirteenth package, well... actually admitted
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a picture of the presence of a powerful hundreds of hundreds of military-industrial enterprises , it technologies, and the automobile industry, which does not fit at all with the same picture that these same european politicians gave within the framework of the twelfth previous package, and these are the companies that compete with them, these are not the companies that work for the military-industrial complex, these are the computer companies that enter world markets and...
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well, i would say so of the ideological narrative of russia, as if the basis of the emerging updated ideology, when victoria says: we wanted another russia, it’s clear what kind of russia they wanted, the 2:0 yeltsin-kozarev russia, but they got a completely new, updated russia, well, actually and economically in terms of society and the state, this is a new powerful russia, and this is the trigger.
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will call even a switched off phone and the telegraph will carry out, if necessary, the question is what to talk to zelensky about to putin, to talk to zelensky to putin, just recently burns was in kiev, everyone thinks why he came, well, our president putin, pitcher carlson, he explained why, even before his arrival, when carlson asked who runs ukraine, he said to the cia, so burns came, that is, to putin porang, yes , it turns out that burns is zelensky’s boss, with zelensky’s boss, who should speak to putin’s subordinate? yes, well, not putin and
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zelensky, who is this person so that he i hoped that putin would talk to him, he said, okay, listen, burns is of course a very good scholar, he is a very great expert. russia, he is indeed a very, very experienced diplomat, we don’t know what kind of intelligence officer he is there, and even in our foreign ministry, he is still treated with very respect, he is called almost the best ambassador of the united states to russia, despite the fact that it’s clear that this is the same opponent, but nevertheless, a person with whom we found a common language, but did not come to results, unfortunately, but to talk with it was.
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union, they are destroying themselves because of anti-russian propaganda, that’s all. right now they are playing some games, painting some kind of camouflages on their faces and talking about some kind of total war with russia, but i am sure that even those people who were interviewed are not into this they believe , well, for them it’s just a game , you only need to play like a computer in life, they don’t play it and for zelensky it’s all a game, so he said, a lot has already been said about the losses, i won’t go back, i’ll say as he said, yes, that many more will die. ukrainians, yes , a million ukrainians, if the united states gives 60 billion. for me it felt like, you know, like , well, a terrorist is being held hostage, i will kill thousands of ukrainians a day until you give 60 billion. well, out of these same 60 , 60 billion, how much? almost everyone will remain in the united states. well , even nulan, all zelensky’s bosses
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say that this works for the us economy, and not for ukraine. isn’t it really disgusting for them to perceive themselves like this, right? who are you asking for money for? for americans? well, sitting on in ukraine, by killing ukrainians, you are asking for money for the americans. who is the president of ukraine, no , of course, just the six people for whom he is asking for this money, well, well, what else to call him, i don’t see anything in him, for him the value of a ukrainian, well, i don’t know, that’s probably what - a cross between an italian bag for his wife and a swiss watch for him, by the way, about switzerland, so they are inviting a peace plan, but they say that russia will be invited or something else, to discuss zelensky’s peace plan, they have already said that there are plans not only zelensky, also brix, well, sort of an intrigue, yes, to invite more countries, but switzerland is no longer neutral.
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weapons when there are no personnel, so that tanks and other heavy equipment can help us , maintain equipment, artillery, etc. no one here is talking about an offensive, we only see retreating tanks. in these
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footage, russian units are literally sweeping away ukrainian militants in the vicinity of their work; the intelligence officers are skillfully leading them on. handsome guys, there's an army on the zaporozhye front zelensky was thrown back to the defense line, which russian military units erected almost a year ago in anticipation of the summer counter-offensive in the armed forces of ukraine, reports a military analyst of the german beltrebka, in order to assess the situation on the ground, sirsky is again sent to the trenches. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine called
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the situation difficult and announced the transition of the armed forces of ukraine to maneuverable positional defense. against the backdrop of military failures, tsirsky allegedly began drinking in this footage, he and him . if nothing changes, we will ultimately have to make a decision from which we will refuse the city. after a series of defeats, the armed forces of ukraine are awaiting an inspection, zelensky said at a press conference. the ukrainian president for the first time named the number of military casualties during the entire conflict, 31. killed, even in the west were surprised by such estimates. the american new york times immediately recalls that
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as of last year, intelligence reported about 70,000 killed ukrainian soldiers; over the course of a year they could become exceptionally more, and not vice versa. zelensky refused to disclose information about the wounded and missing at all. 31 thousand ukrainians died. 31. ukrainians. suspected members of the supreme commander-in-chief's own headquarters, but did not
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name their names. the ukrainian president refused to disclose plans for 2024, but supposedly there is a plan, it is good and strong. we timidly do everything possible and impossible, we do everything possible and impossible in order to make a breakthrough. plan 2024 already exists, we don’t talk about it publicly, it’s powerful, it’s strong, it gives not only hope, but will also give results in 2024. it is not necessary to support ukraine completely, now, turning to western allies, zelensky, who is for for a month and a half, he has already lost three settlements, jokes, and then basks in applause, as if returning to his happy youth, when he performed at concerts in moscow. if putin calls you at night today, will you pick up the phone or not? he doesn’t have a mobile phone, how can he call me?
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it is a turning point, because, as i told her, it’s a year of elections, unpacking, everything at once, challenges from outside, inside, and so on, someone is tired, someone is talking about it.
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more than a million people live, and we understand that if we lose kupinsk, which is a large railway knot, also, unfortunately, we will have a very high chance of losing kharkov. secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine danilov literally lost his nerves in public. in an interview with the british newspaper times, danilov said that the west does not want kiev’s victory, and the signature of the us president is ultimately worthless and scares the americans. biden's national security advisor on cnn. said putin wins every day until zelensky receives
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american money. the reality is that putin wins every day that ukraine doesn't get the resources it needs. suffers. europe is gripped by farmer protests. in poland, farmers blocked the highway to germany, the a2 road near the city of słubice. protesters are outraged by environmental restrictions , high taxes imposed by the eu and... competition from cheap imports from countries outside the bloc, read ukraine, and this is footage from madrid, spanish farmers burning stuffed animals, the country's prime minister sanchez and... minister of agriculture of planos. planes himself and other heads of agricultural departments of the european union are holding an emergency meeting in brussels. it's hot there. angry farmers with almost thousands of tractors broke into the euroquarter in the center of the capital of belgium, the european union and nato. the police use tear gas and a water cannon. protesters
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respond by throwing eggs and hay at the security forces. the entrance includes pyrotechnics, smoke bombs, fireworks, the street.
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directly behind me on the right is the headquarters of the european commission, which is completely surrounded by barricades. you can see the smoke, it's spreading from the fires burning right under the bridge. we are very close to the european commission. just a couple of minutes walk. here there, behind the smoke, opposite this house, there are quite violent protesters. a street battle with the police broke out there. there are fireworks going off in the last few minutes. hundreds of farmers paralyzed the european quarter in brussels on monday morning as a high-profile event took place in the belgian capital. meeting of european agriculture ministers, on the agenda is a relaxation of the union's new agricultural policy, which farmers consider too burdensome. we would like them to be guided common sense towards us, so that they work with us at least for one day on the ground, with horses, with other animals, so that they see that it is not easy. the history with ukraine
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is also discussed. for many european farmers, especially polish ones, importing cheap products from ukraine. formed fair competition. this all really looks like
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a class struggle, a world revolution, a struggle between capitalism and socialism, please! well, let 's start with the northern flows, because today denmark also stopped investigation of this largest infrastructure terrorist attack, and we remember that sweden did before this, it seems that after waiting a pause, each of the countries that conducted these investigations are quietly pretending that nothing happened and... are moving into the phase of trying to forget this story altogether , who blew it up, it is unknown who, and after some time they will generally start saying, well, there was some kind of incident, yes, there was a small incident, uh, no one was really hurt, so why do we need to do this investigation at all, when in fact it happened these explosions, we turned
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attention to the fact that the places were chosen quite interestingly and competently, and... they were outside the territorial waters of denmark and sweden too, but in fact within their economic zone. and it would seem, why this was done, now we are getting an answer, sweden was the first to answer this question , that is, it said: you know, the explosion did not formally occur on our territory, although we also know this from the convention, it is by sea indeed, there really is a concept of economic zones. it is wider and there the state, for example, cannot ban the passage of ships, there is a concept of territorial waters, and sweden picked up on this, said, and you know, a year has passed. and sweden discovered that the explosion occurred outside the territorial course of this state, and also even funnier, sweden stated that they
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conducted an investigation and found out that not a single swede participated in the terrorist attack, this is also interesting, how they conducted this investigation, then yes, all the swedes were interviewed, where they were at that time, no, all participants in the terrorist attack were interviewed, the swedes in there were no countries, that is, a really strange situation, sweden says, we don’t know who did it, but we found out that not a single swede is in this either...
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flows, here is also his statement today that he is not ready to support the supply of missiles
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taurus to ukraine, let me remind you that last week there was an amazing vote in the german parliament, when on the same day they voted for two resolutions, one was for the supply, specifically it was written there, of taus missiles, the second was simply for the supply of attack missiles, although in general - then other missiles there is no germany; in fact, they didn’t dare to vote for the taurians, but for the long-range ones. it seems like they said yes, but it’s like they didn’t say it, we hope that the voter decided to vote for such a rocket and also, as it were, appreciates the cunning, but at least let’s give credit to scholz for a minute, that at least he has enough courage to say that germany is being dragged into a direct military conflict with russia, and he is not ready to support this story, but that germany has been dragged into recession and... and the supply of leopards are not dragging germany into a direct clash, i agree, i agree, but you understand that in the case of
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taurus missiles, especially after the attacks on belgorod, it is clear that we can talk about using these missiles to attack russian cities, this situation is everything - somewhat different compared to leopards, although i agree with you that indeed german technology is already a participant in this conflict, and this is also, of course, a drag...
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at the end of last week, a fairly large number of sanctions were introduced into in relation to the russian economy, there are more than a thousand positions there once again, that is, on
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the anniversary there was such a sanctions... salvo, these are certainly problematic stories, let 's also honestly analyze this situation, they mainly concern the military-industrial complex, well, it got it there too oil and gas industry, but again we see that over the 2 years of the north-eastern military district, our oil and gas complex has seen a fairly large number of sanctions restrictions, and if we are talking, for example, about our key export product, about oil, i think that here after all...
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trade, that is, they are trying to remove us from world trade here, too, but let me remind you that 10 years ago obama said that the russian economy was in tatters, so in 2 years we have found tools to overcome these sanctions regimes, i repeat again , all of this, of course, is not chocolates, and this is quite serious, but we already have experience, so i think that this package, including... and above all regarding the oil and gas complex, the oil complex will be able to be overcome, yes, konstantin vasilyevich, except for one thing, you said regarding the fact that the sanctions are mainly intended for companies associated with the military-industrial complex, but not everyone is connected there, okay, it’s already ironic about aurus, but from the point of view of fintech, from the point of view of banking services, there are also small banks that are mainly
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aimed at financing smes. small medium-sized businesses, and not those that serve global corporations, there are large factories, large state corporations that produce weapons, these sanctions are an attempt to make the lives of ordinary people worse, including if they see that we have indeed , small medium-sized businesses began to develop at an unprecedented pace, the number of individual entrepreneurs, the number of self-employed people, the number is growing simply geometrically. are related to servicing , by the way, international parallel import transactions, that is, yes, they support their previously adopted sanctions, but it is unlikely that these small banks, let’s not name them, will once again advertise to the united states, somehow related to
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production. weapons, they are related to our daily life, everyday life a huge number of russians, so they beat them because they consider it important for the citizens of russia. abrams tanks will burn in the same way as others, as the russian military sands talked about, and a video of abrymets burning. peskov in the destroyed abrams tank, our soldiers said that the tanks would burn, they would demilitarize. ukraine and do this every day. we'll be back. forever young wonderful festival. together with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to topics. to whom
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does the future belong? their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. on saturday on rtr. trouble. “listen, let me help you, look at the weekend, my business cat, actually i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere with you , you can withstand a stab in the back, i
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won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare you, who is my wife’s lover, and who is my daughter? and i came to talk to you man to man. listen, i want to kill someone, can you arrange it? zorka is only a heart, on sunday on rta. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i'm very glad you are. came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i begin, then
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markolievich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i had there will be a completely different husband, and... how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, and what kind of job are you going to look for? anyone, just to get to steif, what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with something for me, i’m hiring you, thank you very much, cleaners, it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s it it seemed that talent cannot be bought, i need
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to create my own collection to show it to people, i will try, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared. albert, what's wrong with the hall? there will be a fashion show of my collection. you still have nothing to show. it turns out he was deceiving me, not just me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. canadian prime minister trudeau, after meeting with zelensky in kiev and signing an agreement on security guarantees for ukraine, went to warsaw and there, as they say, handed over a base. albeit involuntarily. trudeau joint press conference with polish prime minister tusk said. quote: we must do everything for russia to win this conflict. then he realized that he had misspoken and began to wish victory for ukraine. we will always
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help ukraine, give it what it needs. we provided them with $10 billion in assistance, including significant military support, drones, infantry fighting vehicles, guns, ammunition. we will continue to provide them with everything we have at our disposal and will make purchases for ukraine on international markets; our allies are also doing the same, we we are increasing our support wherever we can, because we know that russia must win this war. ha ha ha, how funny. igor yurievich. two such important news of the day that are worth talking about. the first is a new system of military-administrative division of the russian
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federation. and the second is the cia operating base in ukraine. as for the change in the previous system of military districts, this is primarily due to the fact that there are two. previously neutral scandinavian countries, namely finland and sweden, became nato members. in sweden today, the last remaining hungarian parliament has already voted, so it is obvious that stockholm is a full-fledged nato member. in this regard , two districts are being recreated on the basis of the western military district, these are leningrad and moscow.
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conduct military operations against him, and of course, targeted, correct decisions are extremely important here, firstly, this is not just a reconstruction. former districts, these are fundamentally new command posts, both in those traditional places where they were located, and a system of protected reserve command posts, which will ensure that the commands of the supreme commander-in-chief and the general staff are communicated to the troops, in the event of certain decisions that are required to contain the alliance, this and... the new structure of the armed forces, we know
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that political decisions have been made, they are being implemented increasing the number of military personnel of the russian army and navy, so the deployment system will again be superimposed on this grid of the system of combat control, communications, communication of commands so that all forces the means that were, they, firstly, were centralized as much as possible, and secondly, all decisions... necessary for their use, including in a real war, must be quickly and effectively executed, of course, understanding that the configuration, purely, if we look at the number of forces opposing us, the enemy, the potential, and today both finland and sweden are potential military adversaries, in this regard, i am not saying this for propaganda purposes, from the point of view of the implementation of the deterrence complex, of course here we don't... to do without relying on russian
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nuclear potential, both strategic and non-strategic, to contain nato’s aggressive aspirations, but simply physically they outnumber us in population, therefore, in terms of mobilization potential resource, they outnumber us, well, roughly speaking weapons, military equipment, therefore the support for deterrence from potential aggression must be based, among other things, on our nuclear potential, this is not intimidation, this is elementary military planning and strategic goal setting, accordingly, changes are necessary in those documents that regulate these issues. now, as for, yes, in conclusion, i want to say that the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, the president of russia, is absolutely adequate to the emerging military-political situation, we will count on a very high-quality execution, including one that is not formulaic. decisions that the kremlin has made today in terms of the military-administrative division and,
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accordingly, the slicing of potential theaters of military operations, which will now be realized again. as for cia operating bases, well, that's nothing new either. let us remember how american intelligence langley acted during the afghan war. this is direct work with terrorist organizations, with the so-called mujahideen, further formation.
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a network of spy bases created with the support of the cia over the past 8 years, including 12 secret facilities along the russian border. a narrow circle of ukrainian intelligence officers diligently courted the cia and gradually these connections became vital for the americans. in 2015, general valery kondratyuk, then the head of ukraine’s military intelligence, arrived at a meeting with the cia’s deputy station chief and handed over a stack of top-secret files without warning. this initial tranche. contained secrets about the russian navy's northern fleet, including detailed
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information about the latest russian nuclear submarine projects. soon, cia officers began regularly leaving his office with backpacks full of documents. we realized that we need to create conditions of trust,” said general kondratyuk. the relationship became stronger and stronger because both sides saw the value in it, and the us embassy in kiev, our base there, became the best source of information, signals of everything else about russia, the former said. high-ranking american official, we couldn't get enough of it, the new cia station chief in ukraine began visiting general kondratyuk regularly, soon after he requested cia assistance in planning. missions to send from gur special forces to russia for installation explosive devices at railway depots used by the russian military. if the russian military tried to seize more ukrainian territory, the ukrainians could detonate explosives to slow down the russian advance. when the station chief informed his superiors,
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they went crazy, as one former official put it. brannan, the director of the cia, called general kondratyuk to ensure that the mission was canceled and that ukraine.
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but starting from this i would like to say in general that it is necessary to strengthen, of course, counteraction to western intelligence services, today the term main adversary is again relevant, this is the cia,6, it is necessary to seriously restructure the work of both russian intelligence and, of course, russian counterintelligence to counter this main adversary. well , in general, if the united states mines railway tracks in russia.
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the people will work to avoid an escalation of the conflict in ukraine. dear mr. macron, you started a war with the russian people a long time ago, and you will lose it. we'll be back. message from the president of the russian federation federation of vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream.
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you piled up, how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, so rural, oleg gazmanov’s song at full volume, turn it on, just wait for me, they keep it through the rains, sweet flowers, some kind of fantasy. morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. no one should know that i am hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid. your main
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task is to find this joker. i do all this for you. i want to know who is writing these to me nasty letters. you have to stop going where you go. i can’t, timur, then he’ll find out everything. i advise you to look around when you walk down the street because... who writes letters to you, is really mentally ill, dangerous, you sat in a restaurant with this monster and you did it for our sake, my life is going to hell, why did i fall in love with you right now, i know who writes you these letters, who is pure psychology , on friday on rtr, ukrainian president zelensky underestimated losses in the ssu by at least 10 times. said that supposedly kiev lost 3,100 people in 2 years, while the real losses in the ssu, according to estimates by the russian ministry of defense last month
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, exceeded 400,000 militants, killed and wounded. the russian foreign ministry stated that every citizen of ukraine, primarily the military , understands perfectly well that zelensky is lying. ze himself began to get confused in his lies and began to habitually beg the americans for weapons, declaring that without washington’s help, millions would die. let him talk to civilians to understand what will happen to them without this support, he will understand that millions will die without american help, they will simply die, whether it’s
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millions or 31 thousand, it’s time to decide. igor naymushin, ria novosti correspondent in washington, in direct communication from the american capital. igor, hello, what are the prospects for allocating 60 billion or another amount to ukraine, after all , there’s a meeting tomorrow for that. democrats have high hopes. evgeniy, hello, indeed, for the american administration now the allocation of assistance to ukraine is a paramount task, and the stakes are higher than ever are high, which is why biden is meeting with the top of congress from both chambers , the senate and the house of representatives, to once again convey to them, first of all, of course , to the republicans, because the democrats are already on his side, the need to allocate 60 plus .. . billion dollars in military support for kiev, but so far there are no changes from the point of view of the position of the republicans, i remind you that the house
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of representatives is still formally on such vacation, it returns only this week, their agenda is the budget, in general the country's budget, which does not separately include national security goals, including those same 60 billion for ukraine, at the last meetings of the republican leadership, which took place during their... vacation, ukraine was discussed very actively, but again, everything depends on the speaker of the house mike johnson, his position remains unchanged, he still believes that the country first needs to resolve the budget issue, take care of more important matters and tasks, and only then consider everything else. regarding the intelligence bases on border with russia, which the cia has been forming since 15, is here on our doorstep. why is this leak provided by the new york times, do they want us to be scared or to resist? i think that
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, first of all, this is aimed at the american audience itself, in order to show how high the stakes are now, it is absolutely no coincidence that this is being done in a situation where ukraine is losing not only territories, but also losing american military equipment, abrams, the same the one that was literally hit by ours. all this should show the american the population, how important it is now to continue to support kiev from the point of view of pumping it up with weapons, but at the same time, again , the majority of republican voters say that it would be necessary to suspend aid to ukraine. as for the republicans sitting directly in congress, again, among them there are no , well, decisions, firm decisions yet that it is necessary to change their position. and all this, again, is part of one big strategy led by the american administration. cia in this case, such, it is shown as one
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of the elements of investments, investments. the united states to ukraine, for which, in fact, they needed to support kiev all these years, and if now the republican leadership in congress backs down or, again , simply does not agree to provide additional assistance, then this will be another argument like this, say so, against the republicans in the upcoming elections. well, wow, an investment when the cia is conducting operations, at least under their command, to mine railroad tracks. on territory of russia, such a normal business , thank you very much, igor naimushin, staff correspondent, re novosti, in direct communication from washington, moscow mike, now they call the speaker of the house, show us the photo, it’s remarkable, it is, of course, yes, if someone speaks against the democrats, that means the kremlin’s hand is there, please, well, mike, as
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moscow as mike’s sponsors simply don’t get. orders and do not receive profit from them, this, in my opinion, is obvious, i , evgeniy, you know, do not share your surprise as to how it is with since the fifteenth year, the americans have been carrying out subversive activities against russia and oh, they mined the railway, evgeny , we are of the same generation, born in the same year, we were brought up on the same films, on the same books, including about foreign spies, but no matter how important the national affiliation, behind the backs of these spies there were still either the british or the americans , at some point the germans, and we were talking... including about mining railways, and we were talking about mining factories, canals, that is, subversion, if we talk about the 20th century, it was carried out there starting from 2000, 1904, from the russian-japanese war, from those unrest that were largely inspired on the territory of our country by the same british, ending, well, in fact, even when
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in ninety in the first year, the americans won the cold war and put russia to rest... nothing has changed anyway, it just doesn’t surprise me, but they are not afraid that this will give us a free hand if they, the americans , blow up trains and mine railway tracks on russian territory, well we have it too resources to mine railroad tracks in minnesota, they have historical experience , we knew that they committed these crimes, moreover, i am sure that the leadership of the country, that the past leadership of the country, that the current leadership of the country knows about many...
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a holiday, congratulations, jake prochult died, this of course doesn’t change anything, but it’s still nice, let’s come back, i’m very sorry how it happened, the brakes were turned off, the premiere was on rtr, what did he need, it looks like he was in love with me in the tenth class, that's probably it she shook her head, but as soon as yana appeared, he didn’t want you anymore, shut up, get out, what do you want? “anna is my woman, i love her, she loves me, you understand me, anna is a medium, today on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think here, here it’s all, play or don’t play, yes, yes
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, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have them..." as many as five, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m beyond competition, here there are questions about how everything is running , wow, i i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 it won’t, zhenya will add his own, something that many people use. the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one, five-on-one program on saturdays on rtr.
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fifty-five-year-old millionaire alyak akhunov took his son from his twenty-five-year-old former
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common-law wife, model and owner the title of miss crown of yaroslavl, which now requires multimillion-dollar elements from him. according to the businessman, their relationship began to crack when the man installed a video surveillance camera in his apartment and caught his lover having sex with an acquaintance. i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and then formalizing the union on saturday, maybe we’ll try exchanging microbiomes with the help of it’s just that my experiment went a little wrong according to plan. we know these experiments, even if we are alone in our heads formulas, sometimes butterflies flutter in my stomach , i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach,
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i have them too, they will let you re-spring, i ’m ready to marry you even tomorrow , marry me, marry me, you you love him, daughter, if i hate him, that means you love him. speaking of butterflies on saturday on rtr. forever young wonderful festival. together with him we met the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the banks. black sea. russia opens its arms again to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with
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russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. on saturday on rtr. the urgent news of the destruction by poddeevka of the first american abrams tank during a special operation dispelled the myth of its invulnerability, tas reported in the rostec press service. the us department of defense refused to comment on the report about the tank destroyed in ukraine. abrams redirected the request to the ukrainian armed forces, a pentagon spokesman said. but the best comments about american technology are given by american stock exchanges and shares of general dynamics corporation, which. produces abrams , they have begun their rapid decline, the stock exchanges have just opened, but the pentagon will not comment further, look at the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, trouble, listen, let
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me help you, look at the weekend, my business cat, actually i’m here... it’s okay , you’ll get some treatment, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to take sides, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive a blow to the very heart, what are you doing , denis, this is my child. get out, now no longer, you are my wife’s lover, and my daughter’s who, and i came to talk to you, like man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone , you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, on
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sunday at rta . we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory, for the sake of this is why we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr, what kind of job are you planning to look for? anyone, just to get to steif, what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with something for me, i’ll hire you. thank you very much. cleaners. it seemed to me that this new thing could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent. you can’t buy it, you need to create
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your own collection to show it to people, i ’ll try, talent can be stolen, the whole collection has disappeared, albert, what’s wrong with the hall, it will be there fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me, and not just me, kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs sound, real feelings know no boundaries.
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andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation
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of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation: the first podcasts we watch. hello on the russia tv channel , denis polanchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing is for this hour. a terrorist attack using chemical weapons was prevented in the zaporozhye region. shot. russian paratroopers destroyed a large concentration of ukrainian armed forces infantry in the special operation zone.


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