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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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the only macron, i apologize, this is not the same president who a few weeks ago refused to fly to the city of kiev in order to sign security guarantees, fearing for his own life, this is not him, this is someone else, yes, well anna lena berbock came to kiev , but macron did not come, so if someone ever wants to talk like a man with macron, they must... ask him to pass the phone to bridget, well then we can talk about something , apparently, but in general, what would you order this to do? man, this is what a president should do when he is kicked like a trash can inside the country , he wants to look like a world leader, well, he needs to make loud statements, make a claim that he is laying claim to european leadership, so today he is making such a claim, moreover , in fact, there is absolutely no risk of risk when we talk about a possible conflict with... nato, we must
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understand that those people who live in western europe have their own philosophy of attitude towards everything that happens, for them there is three lines of defense, as many as three, one is ukraine, the second is the borders of the european union, and the third is western european countries, they are, you know, a little special within the european union, so when they talk about their readiness to fight, this is a signal to whom, this is a signal to whom the poles, the balts,
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to this conflict, in fact, when we say that the americans are solely to blame for everything that happened in ukraine, i don’t think so, and i think that the europeans are no less to blame for what happened to ukraine than it's the americans' fault, no less completely, if not for this european constructive uncertainty, starting with the security guarantee for yanukovych, ending with all the other political decisions that they made, well, i think that this war could have been prevented. by the way, very few people paid attention to zelensky’s press conference, the main emphasis was on losses, there were many other facts, but in fact, he confirmed what an important important fact that on december 9, 1919, putin was more than a two hour meeting actually convinced zelensky that it was necessary to disperse the troops. and he, zelensky, said his
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counterargument that this will not work, because we need to withdraw troops for more than 20 years. i, of course, apologize, but if he is the president of the country, let him ask his people what is better for the people of ukraine, to withdraw troops for 20 years or to live for 2 or 10 years in conditions of war and the hell that zelensky organized, but on for some reason no one pays attention, although western leaders keep saying that putin is not wants peace.
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that it is still possible to make some kind of breakthrough and give some result, but it won’t be like this, it will be different, i assure you, as soon as the front collapses, believe me, peaceful plans to try to stop the russian army will pour out of the cornucopia, this will be in the very near future, all these macrons, scholz and everyone else will say, no, how come , let’s sit down, talk, negotiate, and so on with one single goal, they will try to do this, but... to build the russian army , that’s it, they won’t have any other goal, in regarding farmers, i want to say a few words , here against the backdrop of everything that is happening, it means that the european commission came up with an initiative where to say, well, you know, ukraine should enter into the position of european farmers and so on, you know, if the president of ukraine, just enter in a position and stop selling their grain, and stop selling theirs perfectly, so...
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the ukrainian held an explanatory press conference, not even a press conference, a kind of briefing for the deputies of the verkhovna rada, where they said, well, no, please, don’t stare there, of course, not 3100, of course, he didn’t lie, he just meant something a little differently, he said that 31,000 is who died, and another 9,000 missing and wounded, for a total of 40,000, well, that is, as it seems to them, they tried to save the situation, but they didn’t save it.
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it was worth it, you look at the front line, they are not moving forward, in the opposite direction, as for the contour of the offensive, shaigu also said that the ukrainian armed forces, after the collapse of what they called the counteroffensive, are trying to prevent the collapse of the front, the russian armed forces took the important avdeevka defense center of the armed forces of ukraine came under control, then everything went downhill, the armed forces of ukraine were knocked out, from severny to the dpr, and swallows were also liberated within a week. victory, these are tiny settlements, but the point here is not their size, the fact that the defense line was built, it crumbled, and what happens next, they simply move away uncontrollably, because there is nothing to cling to, also on average for day since
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the beginning of the year, ukrainian troops have been losing more than 800 military personnel per day and 120 units of various weapons, he said. shaigu defense, we also saw how the abrams burned. we'll be back in a minute. i need yours. you see, we are investigating your murder, wait , you see us, but this does not mean that we want to see you, anna medium, premiere, today on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea has been drunk, how many stories have been told, i would
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let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, trouble, listen, let me help you, look at the weekend, business cat, in general - then i'm here i’m working, it’s okay, you’ll excel, right?
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who are you to my wife, a lover, and who are you to my daughter? i came to talk to you man to man. listen, you don’t want to kill someone, can you arrange it? zorka is only a heart. on sunday on rtr. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not lend our memory and do not refuse.
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it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have it too, let’s sleep with him, he’ll let me go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me , do you love him, daughter? i see it, it means you love it, by the way, about butterflies on saturday
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on rtr. everyone, of course, continues to painfully comment on mr. macron’s scandalous statement; by this moment, poland, the czech republic, and sweden do not seem to be going to send their military to ukraine, as the deputy ministers of defense and poland found out. for sweden, strictly speaking, and the czech republic, the issue is not relevant, direct quote: for ukraine, this is not need to. in paris itself, macron’s idea is called a harbinger of the apocalypse, sheer madness, the leader of the parliamentary party, jeanluc milanchon , calls on europe to talk more often about peace negotiations, and not about escalation, and twice the candidate for the post of president of the fifth republic , maren leppan, believes that macron is crazy. understand the seriousness of such a statement. emmanuel macron plays military leader, but he speaks with such nonchalance about the lives of our
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children. peace or war in our country is at stake. sending troops to ukraine make us warring parties. a war against russia would be madness. this belligerent verbal escalation by a nuclear power against another major nuclear power is already an unanswerable act. parliament must say: "no, no to war." the time has come to negotiate peace in ukraine with provisions for mutual security. we are transported to the european union by direct communication from the head of our italian bureau, asya emelyanova. hello, hello. so, macron, sir, is gathering colleagues, representatives of the most, well, in our opinion, yes. aggressive western countries, in fact, all western countries make a statement, the reaction was seen, as it was, and the coalition, but for sending long-range guns, how to treat this? well , there is a sure sign: as soon as the french president begins to pull the blanket of international politics over himself, then things
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are very bad internally, it is unlikely that the european farmers who are destroying the capitals liked what... was discussed behind closed doors, because really everything is closed doors ever open, disappointed participants come out, to for example, the prime minister of slovakia with the words “not a word about peace.” this means that they discussed , of course, how much, in what quantity, by whom , what kind of cartridges, what kind of bombs should be sent to kiev, so that everyone would finally stop talking about being tired of ukraine, finally stop talking about how the source of help is being cut off, and the loss of the girl was a completely random fact, it is also important to look at the context, macron convened this large conference, by the way, on the run at the last moment, it turns out that he publicly humiliated the prime minister of italy, who reminded her the seven, which in general in kiev looked , of course, like a half-seven, he himself did not show up, but in response she became so angry that she sent only the deputy minister
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of foreign affairs to paris, well, in general, this is an correspondence competition that everyone was watching directly broadcast, nedzatmila. the event itself and the news that we are all really discussing now, indeed macron took the initiative, or rather, fulfilled the request, which very much resembled the order of vladimir zelensky, to send long-range missiles to ukraine, which are needed, i’ll quote macron here, for deep strikes, to what depth the french president is ready to plunge in this conflict is unknown, but this is indeed the ninth coalition that is dedicated to supplying... weapons to ukraine. the deep impacts are, of course, not the only thing that shocked so many. the french president, indeed, breaking a taboo that had really been a taboo until that day, began to speak publicly about sending european regular troops to ukraine, trying to speak for himself and his colleagues, but you still need to listen to your colleagues. indeed, neither
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slovakia, nor greece, nor the czech republic are talking about sending them; for sweden, this is not a pressing issue, well, in general. 2 years france believes that 2 years has already been saying that it would seem that in a little more time, everything will come to the defeat of russia, but is the french president the only french leader who has such napoleonic plans, how these napoleonic plans end, we all know , it’s worth reading history books, well, let me remind you what the options are, deep internal strikes and regular troops in europe, let's see how the allies react to this.
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on the one hand, there is no consensus on sending nato troops to the territory of ukraine, we see that this consensus did not immediately appear. robert fitza, other representatives of various countries say: “we don’t want to.”
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well, stoltenberg suddenly woke up and finally made some kind of statement about the structure that... seems to be in charge, but another phrase from macron attracts attention, it should not be excluded, but in today’s situation, i certainly wouldn’t do anything someday exclude, can anyone say that this is possible or impossible, well , let's try to figure out why macron said all this, we very often say that europe is not independent, it is controlled by the united states of america, this is indeed the case , on the other hand, the same macron has repeatedly demonstrated desire. greater freedom, these constant desires for the creation of a european army, the death of the brain of nato, remember, he, in fact, once said this before the start of a special military operation, so in my opinion look, macron's statement. is, on the one hand, a consequence of lack of independence , that is, someone asked him to voice this, macron’s very status as an unofficial person in nato, one of the european politicians, well
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, he seemed to say, let’s see how russia, other countries, the french public react to this , the european public, the world community, in fact, american voters, because the statement about sending nato troops to the territory of ukraine is, first of all... in theory , a statement about sending american troops to territory of ukraine, of course, in single copies, they are there, of course, but to do this, as they say , officially on a massive scale, is a completely different story, that is, such a sounding, so this is a consequence of europe’s dependence on the united states of america, on the other hand side, but this addiction, when it appeared, in order to figure it out. in this we remember recent statements, statements after the second world war, but i rummaged through newspapers of the soviet period, 1926, 26,
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a century has passed, boris efimov, cartoon called on a golden chain, or it means that bourgeois europe is moving forward, america is dragging it somewhere in a dollar collar, which can sometimes be confused with a life preserver. drags somewhere forward, forward - this means to a cliff, has been dragging for 100 years, this is a caricature long before the second world war and after the first world war, so the second world war, it was provoked and organized by the anglo-saxons in order to increase dependence europe, so that even the chain should not be so gold, but it would be possible somehow with slaps on the head or behind cracks to drive europe where it is necessary, we agreed to the point that for expansion.
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shut up, get ready, why, i'm not for you, anna is my woman, i love her, she loves me, you understand me, anna is a medium, today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program they perform:
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fantastic, some morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. what kind of job are you planning to look for? i love it, if only kstaif to get there. what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out. think of something for him. i'm hiring you . thank you very much. to the cleaning lady.
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it seemed to me that this new girl could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will try. talent can be stolen. the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what's wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection , you still have nothing to show , it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not only me, circling on rtr on saturday, we are going to the doctor takes up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go...
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from monday to friday to rtr, you will return the money to me now, if you do not repay me this week, in a day i will take everything from you there, that's it, you will soon meet your father, well, my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat
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if you find...
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on average, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 various units every day weapons, including foreign ones. total time during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 44 thousand military personnel. watch the news, bye. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our
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podcasts. and so as not to miss anything. subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation. first podcasts we watch. trouble. listen, let me help you. let's see on the weekend. my business cat. actually, i work here. it's okay, you'll excel. yes, what a shame. already a mistress, or maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you divorces, i understand, just dare to go outside, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how survive the blow to the very heart, what are you doing, denis, this is my child, get lost, now no longer, you are not my lover, but my daughter who, and i came to talk to you
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as a man. with a man, listen, don’t kill someone, hunting, you can arrange it, only the heart is vigilant, on sunday at rta. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal, hello, today in russia they celebrate the day of special operations forces, i thank all the personnel and veterans for their honest, conscientious military service, defense minister shaigu called the loss of ukraine for all the time of the special operation over 440. 400 military personnel,
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important statement at the board of the ministry of defense, the fsb of russia prevented a terrorist attack in zaporozhye using. macron should focus on thoughts that are safer for europe. four undersea communications cables were damaged in the red sea, with the main damage in the gulf countries and india. in warsaw, 10 thousand farmers marched in the city center. so, the ukrainian army lost 444,000 troops during the entire special operation. figures that are more than 10 times greater than those voiced by kiev were presented today by sergei shaigun at a meeting
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collegium of the ministry of defense. the head of the military department spoke about the liberation of new territories, the equipping of russian troops with new types of weapons and equipment, as well as the strengthening of our eastern borders and security on the southern borders of the csto. stabilize the situation and prevent
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the collapse of the front. almost half a million casualties among military personnel in the ssu. such data completely refute the figures from kiev, because zelensky a day ago spoke about only 31 thousand of his soldiers killed. and even then he called with this statement. western politicians they said last summer, and the advance of the russian army shows that zelensky’s generals are tight with weapons and personnel. since the beginning of the year , about 327 km of territory in new regions of the russian federation has been liberated from the nazis in all directions. over the past week, vysu was knocked out of populated areas by pobeda and swallow. avdeya enemy defense center
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after taking control of the most important grouping of russian troops continue to improve their position in the donetsk and kupinsky directions, gradually taking over new frontiers of positions in the ssu. a united group of troops with high-precision weapons... of the states of america on containing russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians and large-scale military-economic support for the kiev regime. the russian army has set tasks in other areas of state defense. the main focus is on conservation.
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more than 1,100 ukrainian militants were eliminated from the front, and a dozen and a half artillery pieces and combat vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. in the area of ​​​​the village of mikhailovka, this is the nikolaev region, a ukrainian court-25 was shot down, 69 drones were destroyed. the participants of the special operation honorably carry out tasks in the most dangerous areas, showing courage and determination. vladimir putin spoke about this when congratulating military personnel on their professional holiday.
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for loyalty to the oath and duty, special words of gratitude to the soldiers, participants in the special military operation. in the most dangerous areas, on the front line, in the deep ashes of the enemy in raids, rapid attacks, you carry out with honor. act boldly, competently, decisively, special forces unit operations have proven in practice that they are ready, at the first order, to defend their homeland, to defend... let me emphasize, this is one of the key priorities
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for the long-term development of the russian army and navy. sergei shaigu congratulated the military personnel and veterans of the special operation forces. the minister of defense emphasized that these highly professional troops perform the most difficult tasks in defending the fatherland. during the svo, they demonstrate impeccable training, show courage and heroism. a terrorist attack using chemical weapons of mass destruction was stopped in the zaporozhye region by employees fsb. the operatives detained him.
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leg wounds were transported to moscow for treatment. the state duma adopted in the second reading a bill banning the placement of advertising on the resources of foreign agents. this applies to any platforms, websites, blogs, social networks. it is also prohibited to advertise the resources of foreign agents themselves in the media and on the internet. as the head of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, emphasized, financial flows going towards anti-russian activities must be blocked.
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the weather there is gradually improving, non-stormy snowstorm and squally wind with gusts up to 30 m/s have been raging in the northern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory for the second day, it is almost impossible to move along the streets on foot. dozens of flights have been postponed at the airport, and hundreds of passengers have gathered in the waiting room. today drivers of st. petersburg have to cross the roads. the thaw turned city streets into lakes, rivers and canals. on some sections of the road, cars simply float; potholes and bumps are hidden under water. the temperature has
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been above zero in the northern capital for the last few days; in chelyabinsk, due to a utility accident, a a flood, hot water rushed with powerful pressure onto the roadway and flooded the pedestrian crossing. a caring utility worker came to the aid of people and organized a crossing of the water barrier using a mini-excavator. but these are the northern kuril islands, the ebeka volcano threw out a huge column of ash and covered them. these territories, the head of state noted that we have now accumulated such
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potential that allows us to reach a fundamentally different level and dynamics of development of the entire country. contributions to these results were made through supervision federal districts, which is reflected in the monitoring data of the socio-economic situation in russian regions. the main parameters are grp growth, internal regional product, an increase in investment in the region, an... increase in the number of jobs, and of course, an increase in real incomes of the population. well, now to the news of the presidential election campaign. early voting has begun in the kherson region, the main task is to ensure complete safety for the residents of the new region, where the president is being elected for the first time russia. ruslan
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bikbulatov found out how the process is organized, what voters are talking about and what they are waiting for. these are the ballots issued during presidential elections. kherson region votes as one of them. the first in the country ahead of schedule , almost 3 weeks before the single voting day. for the khersun region, this is the first presidential election in russia, so many people came to the polling stations when they opened at 8 am. the main thing is that treatment is available, so that our past work corresponds to this life. they say they have already made their main choice back in 2022. referendum for union with russia, but now the future, primarily a peaceful one, is linked to voting. there should be peace, everything that is happening is genocide, it’s scary, but russia - it gives us hope. russia is tomorrow, it is a clear confidence that your children will be alive, healthy, with a good
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education. early elections in the kherson region are dictated by concern for the safety of all participants in the electoral process. we are located on the banks of the dnieper. we will vote in any case, let them do whatever they want. to those who once again tries not to go far from their apartments, mobile groups arrive with portable boxes, door-to-door voting is organized, the new kokhovka experiences
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its closeness to ukraine every day. we live every day in fear of unknown destination, we want to be faster than the world. i want everything to be fine, at the end of each voting day, members of the precinct election commission, in the presence of observers , will transfer ballots and safe packages from such boxes, open them on march 17 on the last day of voting for counting and drawing up the final protocol. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, conduct the kherson region. co-chairman of vladimir putin's election headquarters, artyom zhogo, today in izhevsk visited one of the largest defense enterprises in udmurtia at the kupol plant that produces anti-aircraft missiles. the dpr council inspected the workshop where the final assembly of the air defense system takes place, from where the complexes leave completely ready to carry out combat missions. this is the news and here's what it's all about. sergei
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lavrov believes that the proposal. there will be an ultimatum to russia. yamen houthis began cable war against the west in the red sea. and nato countries are discussing sending troops to ukraine. statement by the president of france. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. february 29 on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, slowly, to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded, return the nuclear weapons to me, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy and hail in places,
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the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and we will give one wheel, the second tank flew off in a hurry, the hero of russia will be on tour, we are all our own, including me. technological, original, open , great, so different, but dear to everyone, all
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of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me... with the purpose of generating love and subsequent formalization of the union, on saturday, maybe we’ll try one microbiome using kslov, it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, sometimes butterflies flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies, so they have me too, we’ll sleep with you, they’ll let you go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry
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me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr. forever young wonderful festival, together with it we greeted the thaw and perestroika, together we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea, russia again opens its arms to those who own the future, their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. i, together with russia, they are going towards their dream, the opening ceremony of the world youth festival,
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live broadcast on saturday on rtr, i’m very sorry, how this happened for they said, the premiere on rtr, what did he need, it looks like he was into me fell in love in the tenth grade, dad, probably naive.
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lavrov called this decision suicidal, and attempts to involve nato countries in the conflict by playing with fire. macron was careful to say that the possibility of sending individual countries was discussed. they really... don’t want to be involved, that is , to create the conditions so that someone could raise the question of article five of the washington treaty, which is why individual members of the alliance, like macron, and stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato, constantly says: we will not interfere with nato in this conflict, this should
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all be done through individual countries, i it seems that... those who not only express such thoughts, even admit them in their heads, they should still use this head for more rational thoughts, for thoughts that are safer for europe. the idea of ​​sending troops from western countries to ukraine was commented on in the kremlin, as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, in which case there would be a direct conflict between nato and russia. will be inevitable. well, in france itself, macron’s words caused a storm of indignation. macron's opponents called such statements unacceptable and frivolous. the belligerent position of the head of the fifth republic is not shared by many european leaders. we will continue the topic of asiilyanov. having counted the participants in the ukraine conference, macron can be pleased. a modest half-seven in kiev, which he
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did not fly to. his massive summit with twenty chapters. “i will go to paris, but the west’s strategy for ukraine has failed. shells are the only issue on which the allies are in full agreement. ukraine received from europe less than half of the promised million, vladimir zelensky complained. the netherlands
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decided to support the czech initiative to search and send kiev." ammunition from third countries, the prime minister said that the country would sponsor this idea, allocating 100 million euros for this. this is a czech initiative to increase the supply of ammunition, at the same time we must focus over the air defense system. in paris , they tried very hard to create the feeling that no one is tired of ukraine, western help is not cut off, and the failure in avdiivka is completely accidental, according to the nato secretary general, only because the united states it takes too long to decide on the package. new military assistance, but this french psychotherapy session did not reassure kiev much. the european union should not get involved in a confrontation with russia, said arnaud klarsvelt, a member of the french council of state. europe should not get involved in a war with russia, which the ukrainian regime is pushing it towards. in europe, today's existence, which became possible as a result of the victory over nazism, should not be silent about the fact that since 2014, the ukrainian
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regime has been destroying monuments to victory. stadiums and avenues named after ukrainian collaborators who collaborated with the nazis during world war ii and destroyed thousands of jewish families. macron will report personally on the results of the conference to vladimir zelensky, who will soon fly to kiev. the february meeting was postponed due to security reasons. in ukraine they are waiting for him with great demands. in 2024 , in terms of the amount of military assistance, paris looks much more modest than great britain and germany. with the word thank you, ukraine has problems, so it prepares thanks as best it can, a list of names of europeans who, from the point of view from kiev, they do not think as they should, they sympathize with russia and its president, which means they should shut up; whether there will be, in addition to names and surnames, also recommendations on how this should be done, will soon become known. assia emilyanova and anton chagaev, lead the south european bureau. another topic that
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was discussed today at the meeting of the heads of the foreign ministries of russia and... yemen was the situation in the red sea. noting that moscow does not justify houthi attacks on commercial ships, sergei lavrov stressed that the united states does not have the right to fire at yemen. russia believes that it is up to problem. it is necessary through diplomatic means, but in the meantime, the yemeni houthis attacked the global internet in the red sea, as a result of the attack, four underwater communication cables that connect europe and asia were damaged, the israeli publication glops writes about this. the accident caused major network disruptions in the gulf countries and india. in the event of a complete failure of these communications, international communication lines will be disrupted, which will inevitably hit geopolitical stability and financial markets. repairing submarine cables may take at least 8 weeks. half of the total grain volume in russia was produced by farmers and small agricultural organizations. they occupy more than 60%
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of all cultivated areas. these figures were presented today by minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev at the thirty-fifth congress of akkor, the association of peasant farms and agricultural cooperatives. representatives from more than 70 regions are participating, including the lugansk republic and zaporozhye region. besides. production of milk, meat, vegetables and berries is also growing in the country, with in this case, small medium-sized agribusiness has equal access to all government support mechanisms. the state annually allocates almost half of all funds allocated for the development of agricultural production to small businesses. funding for targeted measures is also steadily increasing. this year, 14.6 billion rubles have been allocated for them. i would like to note that all types of grants have been retained, but we are trying to increase the limit for the most popular ones. meanwhile , polish farmers who demand the abolition
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of benefits to ukraine and the ban on the manure of its products, the change of the announced cancellation of the green deal announced by the eu authorities paralyzed the center of warsaw. miners and hunters joined the march of dissent. thousands of people moved in a column through the center of the polish capital, past parliament and... dozens of tractors were driven into the city and the amazed abrams was driven through the streets, well, really, he was made of hay, the procession passes to the sounds of bugles, sirens, drums, demonstrators explode firecrackers and burnt ropes fires. the all-russian samba tournament, dedicated to the memory of the feat of the sixth company of the airborne forces, started at twenty for the fourth time in st. petersburg. more than 600 athletes aged 16 to 18 years participate in the competition. the guests were servicemen of the sixth company and families of fallen soldiers. the tournament is organized with the support of the united russia for sambo project. let me remind you that in the spring of 2000, soldiers of the sixth company of the airborne forces blocked the path of a gang of international
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terrorists in the orgun gorge. the militants outnumbered the paratroopers by 20 times, but the blue berets did not retreat and, at the cost of their own lives, stopped the advance of the terrorists deeper into the country. being here, i have the honor of '.


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