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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  February 27, 2024 10:25pm-11:31pm MSK

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together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. on saturday. on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and the subsequent official registration of the union. on saturday. can taste microbiomes with a kiss. my experiment just went well on... not according to plan, we know these experiments,
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even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have them too, let's sleep, they'll let you go , i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me, marry, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means... you love him, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. post nuclear weapon. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places.
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there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you, biden continues to be very nervous, very nervous, biden said something special before dmitry’s speech.
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we have a lot of work ahead of us, we need to figure out how to finance the government, these are important problems, an important solution, we need to find, i think we can, and ukraine, i think their needs are urgent, i hope we can talk a little about this, i think the consequences of inaction are becoming more deadly for ukraine every day, but by the way , i understand biden so poorly, i’m somehow used to the fact that if biden opens it, he immediately puts ice cream in there. "can you give us an idea of ​​when you think the ceasefire in gaza will start, sir? well i'm hoping by the beginning of the weekend, i mean the end of the weekend, at least my national security advisor tells me we're close , we are close to this, not everything is done yet, i hope that by the next monday we will achieve a ceasefire. by the way, bibi netanya from this is just so, well, he already gave a comment, i don’t know anything about this at all, but mind you, here’s a man from’.
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opens his mouth, well, he really opened his mouth, he should speak further, but his mouth is already open for ice cream, yes, well, he has a text written about why they are torturing the old man, well, how is it already painful to watch, they gave ice cream, i every when i look at this, i just think, leonid, forgive us, dear, we were giggling at leonid brezhnev, but he was just a young pioneer in compared to this.
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okay, first of all i just really want to defend cynicism, you know, it still seems to me that it’s kind of cynicism, despite the fact that i personally am not a cynic, but still cynicism, it’s still quite it’s like a healthy attitude towards life, well, it’s like a person honestly says that he doesn’t believe in any spiritual impulses of the soul, well, no, let’s say there is only love.
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belongs to a tradition, such a religious tradition, being himself a non-believer, well, so to speak, an agnostic there, this is average something, but nevertheless he is on the side , of course, so to speak, of the religious tradition, this is firstly, secondly, as for the north and south, it seems to me, yes, there is this show-off in
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the southern states about the fact that everything is underplayed, but i think that they were also deceived, through hollywood, this is gone with the wind and so on, in fact, who won the civil war, no? an international company, he is absolutely sure , well, any person who is involved in using the labor of cambodian children, or anywhere else, even their own lured ngos from time to time reveal the use of this kind of labor, so
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any globalist is in a sense a slave owner, it’s clear why, because if you trade on the global market, you need to constantly reduce costs, so the southerners were like that, yes, slavery disgusting, and the northerners said a lot that, so to speak, slavery was also letting our republic down, but basically, of course , the point was that we don’t need this free trading of yours, and the southerners said that we don’t need your northern goods, we do not need import substitution, we do not need technological sovereignty, so to speak, we will sell cotton for british money, we will buy everything, and yes, and we will keep money in pounds sterling, because this is international.
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war, so to speak, their emotions are on the side of the north of the real north, not depicted in the book and the film "gone with the wind", the real
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north and against that south, not drawn, again, as it were by hollywood and the writers, just like the real south, south, which is generally global, who do not have such a concept is our state and so on, in fact, this kind of thing applies to all countries of the world, the uniqueness of america here, in my opinion, is that... here or there or some other country there, in general, look, in europe they managed to turn almost everyone into globalists, there are no people there who will speak out from a national position, but there are individual parties, but they were crushed, in our country the minority is just globalist, but in america there are exactly half of them, so it’s kind of direct the path to civil conflict, moreover, on in my opinion, they don’t even have a step left , all the steps they need to take towards a civil war are only half a step... this is an attempt, i don’t know, to occupy some state, if we take the previous civil
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war, i’ll remind you that it became clear that a civil war was inevitable, then when one of the parties to the conflict, it was true the presidential power, it was abraham lincoln, a northerner, when he did not give a damn about the decision of the supreme court, well, to be more precise, the chairman of the supreme court, the court was simply on vacation, but it's was equivalent then, now texas did not care about the decision of the supreme court, that is, it actually did not comply with the decision.
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at his national security adviser and he was standing next to me, it just doesn’t seem to me , he says, it seems to me, he says that everything will be fine there, in any case, that’s what my national security adviser told me, well, that is, how would you ask him, that means now, this is what concerns europeans, you see, they cannot be assessed politically, that is, as political leaders of their countries, this has been good for a long time since 1945 the system built by the american establishment is like this...
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regarding the fact that russia should not win, there is one very important thing, the rector said so, and the statement to journalists, the heads of the press service of the white house national security council and...
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needs to be put forward with a counter plan, guys, maybe the corporation won’t dissolve after all, let’s propose new tasks , so he says nine alliances, this is very similar to working groups, to task forces, according to which you set an action plan, plan of action, well, this is the type of thinking , he says: listen, maybe now we will be that meat, well, not us personally, but these are our
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people, these are walking around, who are like them, people , people, so, maybe they will now wage an indirect war, they will be an instrument. well, as it were, perhaps, i suggested , i’m certainly entitled to a golden parachute bunker, i think that this type of thinking is like this, we don’t need to exaggerate, as if to make them too really degol, but we’ve been like this lately we talk a lot about changes in scholz, this kind of peace plan has almost appeared, now all this has happened in europe, it makes me.
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you don’t agree, i don’t agree with everything that doesn’t disagree with the party line, and the party hasn’t said anything yet, like in soviet times there were three engineers with five points of view, each of them disagrees with each one, but i don’t agree with that i’ll say, you know, they are also carried out in large corporations, there are such evil psychologists who very often use their methods in order to...
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two evil methods that can be used to find out something that you want to use: the first method, the psychologist talks to everyone one by one, tells everyone that he is the leader of this group, no one else knows about this, then some task is going on , based on the results, the psychologist looks at the behavior, the behavioral state of this group, really determines for himself who the leader is, as a person, as a group or how a person acts, this is not always specific. people, it is very often given a task whole groups where some representative receives this kind of task, while the psychologist is on the sidelines, he does not take part in this in any way, and he only watches everything that happens, the second version of such a similar psychological game is, when the task is not given or it is said not that you are a leader,
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but of a completely different plan, it is like compromising evidence on one t...
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stability, in this regard, i have a question, maybe, or something, what, like freud, well, yes, almost according to freud, yes, but without no, no, well, this is our italian dessert, without cocainearo, i said so many good things about scholz, and we said so many bad things about macron, but i looked.
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it was said this way: we purchase all ammunition within europe. after this , it was suddenly said, not anything like that, representatives of eastern europe spoke and said: “i know where to buy them.” everyone is pointing fingers at india. for whom is this the main blow? is this the main blow to germany? certainly. what's the point of supplying taurus if they've already been produced? germany needs, no, and germany we need to create jobs in a falling economy. and they, looking at russia, understand well that the military-industrial complex is a lifeline for them.
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what germany is getting for this now and when he sees that some wet guy is suddenly trying to drag himself here with a hat with the inscription number one, he says: are you completely crazy, so i have no illusions about scholz, but when - you are very accurate about him... describing the psychological portrait, you said that he is a hanseatic, he is about pragmatism, pragmatic business is needed germany, they need to create jobs , they need to do something, they lost the car
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business, they lost the markets, they are behaving like crazy, they suffered the most from the break with russia, they want to get something for it, germany was destroyed as the locomotive of europe , of course, of course, they want to get something for it, they need the military industry, it is vital for them, when suddenly they say, we will now buy ammunition from europe. also, like give taurus, well, in general, of course, they don’t need to give taurus, they need to be forced to buy from the germans what they will produce, so this is a purely pragmatic position, that is, only about money, well, in my opinion, no, absolutely correct, i just proposed two versions, so as not to completely forget about the fact that there may be something else behind this , than what we buy at face value, i heard everything. speech, very informative, with a lot of hypotheses, assumptions, even forecasts, and i think, for myself, here it all sums up, what will happen, war, second, second, here, i
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agree, the agreement is almost rare there for lately , dmitry evgenievich and i have been saying that for the next 3 months they really don’t know what to do, they don’t know, firstly, what will happen on the fronts and so on, or they need to send their troops there a little bit format, whether to start this company, this is the first unknown, now, by the way, sorry, an interesting introductory speaker johnson has just arrived.
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so, the first unknown is what will happen at the front, and accordingly, what europe should do, retreat or send some troops there. the second unknown is, sorry, the usa, as dmitry alekovich does not say in his version, i still don’t see march 5 , 1953, well, the leader, alive, yes, is leaving, here’s something unexpected, the death of stalin, in your opinion, in the american way. here i am, in your american way, explaining stalin’s death to you, yes, this is me explaining it to you, and you see, i don’t see a single twentieth congress, yours, i don’t know, passed, and the communists held their congress, united in america and walked through the streets of new york, chanting communists, returned, by the way, i heard that, yes, that they have a communist party is being created there, but not very much vazlavia geskhov, he can’t predict many times.
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this is deeply unknown to each of us, that’s all, see you tomorrow, each of us.
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only send you for death. oh, how did you figuratively say fyodor mikhailovich? i was late, i was late, sorry, the car broke down, i was walking and was cold as a dog. enthusiast, he could have the network in his prosecutor’s office, there’s nothing criminal here, the old grandfather is in his bed, but why did they call? yes, his daughter is kind of crazy, she came
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to visit her dad, and then there was a corpse, well... she picked it up complete anxiety, but the doctor and i looked at everything, a natural noble death, really everything is clean, well, go take a look for yourself, well, i’ll take a look, since i’ve arrived. you see, everything is clean, the order has not been disturbed , the old man is lying in his bed, he ’s about 80 years old, well, we don’t even have to do an autopsy, but are you really kidding me, fedor, that you couldn’t decide for yourself, or what? and this is to be conscientious? clean, otherwise shvetsova will ask you, the boss is responsible for me, he ’s coming back from sick leave tomorrow, i’m already sneezing, the doctor prescribed a sedative, petya, will you have some cognac,
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i will, well then run to the store. boorish, mash, thank god, she managed to warn you, you have a reception, and a visitor is waiting for you there, very scandalous, come on husband, let me get you, be quiet, i’m not your husband, god forbid, how is she family life, in my opinion, you’ve put on weight, that he’s only been married for 3 days, so what, look what he’s like, oh well, how’s his health, thank you, viktor ivanovich, everything’s fine, now he’s only reacting to the weather, to the cold... .that my colleagues received the first number, it’s good, at least they didn’t touch the suspended cases, i already they reported, viktor ivanovich, well, don’t get upset , i have nothing but jerks in my department, everyone needs to be taught to work, but kurochkin, he’s already carrying everything on himself, while i was lying in the hospital, he
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was fulfilling my duties, now he demands leave, well, come on, come on, so that at least by the end of the month it would be more decent, there is no need to stir up all sorts of nonsense, it would be a good idea, why mary sergeevna, oh, hello, where is the ring, at home in the box? ivan ivanovich, well, i was sick, i just got out last week. volodya, i heard that you got married? well, yes, there you go.
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this is from us, nina fedorovna, i wish you zhenya to live life the way we lived with nina fedorovna, thank you, and nina fedorovna asked me to tell you, yes, she baked it herself, thank you, ivan ivanovich, and how is nina fedorovna feeling, and already at home, she was discharged from the hospital, but so far under under the supervision of a doctor. ivan ivanovich, we still have your individual instructions there, yes, they’ve been lying there for a whole month, if you please, carry them out before i write to the head of the rvd, of course, well, all
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the best, volodya! “thank you, you hand over the prosecutor, i, what do you want, my father died, and the prosecutor’s office is inactive, why he died, he was found in the apartment , cardiac arrest, good, oh, i mean, sorry, not that good, but what does the prosecutor's office have to do with it, because..." they killed, why did you decide that your father was killed, what the apartment was broken into, something was stolen, there are signs of damage, no, the apartment was not broken into , nothing seemed to be stolen, we lived separately, i was just visiting my father, i know that
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he was killed, so, zoya, zoenka, please bring it to me , reports for when this happened, for the thirteenth, you understand, father, he is not an ordinary citizen, i understand, he is a front-line soldier. bearer, order of honor, two orders of the patriotic war, order of the red star, let's figure it out, oh, where are you going, to me, yes, i forgot that you are married, go to hell, just wait, where are you going, listen, my heart feels, the mask is planning to excite something, oh, volodya, this... it’s so bad for you, yes, bad, bad,
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i feel bad, yes, yes, i feel bad, i know that she’s planning to excite, old grandfather died in his bed, i knew it, i ’ll take the reports to masha now, i’ll help you, now, oh, volodya, are you feeling bad, yes go, you all, i understand, i’m sorry, no, no, i won’t go, but go yourself, i won’t go. fedorov stepan sergeevich, yes, but i looked at the circumstances, nothing here indicates a crime, no, it indicates death naturally, the heart stopped, and why did it stop, well, excuse me, at that age, but what does age have to do with it, my father was an absolutely healthy person , i have more problems than he does, i demand that you initiate a case, what is your name, antonina stepanovna, stepanovna, more compelling reasons are needed to initiate a criminal case,
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than your desire, because you don’t even want to figure it out, there are reasons, i was in the morgue, they told me there, they found a fresh injection mark on my father’s arm, so what, so what, so what, i’m telling you that he was killed , and you don’t even want to listen to where he got the mark from the injection, he’s been a drug addict for quite some time, well, he got sick, called a doctor, they gave him an injection, nonsense, soon! he arrives, she leaves the ampoule, he didn’t call any doctor. antonina stepanovna, who had the keys to the apartment? who? i have only. so, if we open a criminal case, you will be the first suspect. there was no break-in. why are you scaring me so as not to do anything? i will find justice for you. petenka, what are you
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doing? to the morgue? i'm with you. petenko, you went on the thirteenth to see the corpse of fedorov, an old man in his apartment, on the thirteenth, just the protocol. i didn’t write a criminal work there, well, did you at least look at it, well, no, there was a new one there, he said, everything is clean, i looked at it with one eye , and what did i miss something, did something wrong, we’ll see, oh , hi, what do we have? the prosecutor's office forgot, but i brought the resolution? samples, and i’ll take a walk, well
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, let’s go, will you walk around the sections or something , in the expert offices, i just don’t understand what interested you, an ordinary old man, in your apartment, without damage, without damage at all, that you had this abnormal daughter him, she was and claimed that her father was killed, uh-huh, and why are you listening to everyone, she also proved to me that the old man was strong, so what, at that age the heart is no longer the same, is it enough of a child? experience, well, for example, but zenith is not like that played, and he was a fan, yes, he sang along, well, the saleswoman raved about the gastronomy, there was a trace of the injection, well, there was , look, on the inside of the elbow, so what, i wonder what they gave him, i have no idea, i’m after after his abnormal daughter came running, the blood , pieces of internal organs... was given for chemistry and that’s all right, if they injected something
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strong, we would have found it, no, there was an injection, but something mild, if the doctor had injected, he would have left the ampoule, by the way, why do doctors leave ampoules, and so that colleagues know what drug was given to the patient, what volume, what concentration, or maybe he gave himself an injection, or asked a neighbor, and where is the ampoule and syringe, but he threw it away, no, it’s garbage. yes, hello, yes, i’m on duty, where in the same house, and the floor, well, i’ll be there in about 40 minutes, in the same house, the corpse of an elderly woman with traces
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of an injection on her arm, that’s it for now, me. throw out the prosecutor's office, you sit alone to sing, i don't have time anymore, and so i went to the morgue to the detriment of business, of course, marya sergeevna, now i'm working, i'll see, let's go to the apartment round, okay, okay, call me, yeah. hello, hello, where is everyone, who is everyone, the criminal
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investigation department, the experts? what kind of experts, maybe they can send you sappers and managers, grandma is crazy, uh-huh, the district police officers are enough here , of course, contact the duty unit, tell them to be there in 10 minutes , why are you yelling, you understand me, i understand you. hello, finally, i've been waiting a long time, well, we're filling out the paperwork, no paperwork, we're waiting for the experts, we're working, god, now we 're going to work on every deceased old woman as a co-investigator , if necessary, we'll be where, there,
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hello, how can you read everything, and pitiunya, and you’re the one fooling around there, i’m fyodor, you should do a door-to-door tour, what kind of door-to-door tour, did you see that granny? yes , i saw, i saw who found the injection mark on her hand, or what? well me, what happened, what is this? don’t interfere with work,
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go into the apartment, go into the apartment, svetlana, please go home, we ’ve been waiting for you, there’s nothing interesting here. what's happened? fedya, do you have a gun? i have, but i won’t give it to you. oh, we definitely need an expert here.
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well, viktor ivanovich, let it be, let it be better here ivan ivanovich, viktor ivanovich, i found her, if i hadn’t come to the first incident, well, look, you came to the first incident, well, go and examine the deceased grandmother, and we are here with serious matters. let's get on with it, but i need an expert, oh, well, let's go , honey, i'll dictate the cadaveric findings to you, and
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the rest is up to you, a criminologist, but you go, go, petya, why do you need me there, why do you need to work off an apartment on your fingers ? , are you crazy, i have enough work here until the night, and you still want me a grandmother who is not a criminal slip it in, that means, i’m an investigator, and i decide who and what to do at the scene of the incident, i’m the prosecutor... the robbery, it seems, didn’t work out well, so what
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now, well done, he ’ll turn out to be an investigator, we should send operatives to the hospital, let him watch the moment when the victim wakes up, maybe he’ll say something , i’ve already sent you,
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you definitely need to go, this is the only way to save my case, well , at least tell me where you’re going, i’m going to moscow, i don’t know how long it will work out. that's all, that 's all you can say, masha, no talk to me the way, well, the way i should talk to you, i wish with all my heart, if death is instantaneous, if it’s small early, a knock on your tongue, what are you saying, don’t worry, you’re like that, everything will be fine, i’m telling you, you should n’t bother your head with my problems, that means it’s dangerous, here you go, well, masha, it’s just going to be all sorts of complicated moscow events,
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well, it’s a long story , they call you, it would be buevich, but how do you know that buevich? i don't know, i feel it. premiere on rtr. dasha will die if we are from here we won't move.
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there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, follow nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here moped drivers, taste it, oh , it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, the smiy caster is himself... an ancient profession in india, they say, done right the bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner,
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secretly everything. light on saturday on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet, once you get a pet and life will never be the same, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face. who forgives everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how you agreed to this, first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most
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understanding program about animals in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, program for everyone families. on saturdays on rtr. you will return the money to me now. if you don’t repay me this week, i’ll take everything you have in a day. all. you will meet your father soon. well, my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old. and that means it's a threat. if you find that person who is... being harassed, i will forgive the debt to your victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, you have a camera in your office, so come after me, he is kicking me out of the house, we need to act, your wife has an obvious dislike for you, your daughter doesn’t like you respects, sometimes it’s easier to understand other people’s problems than to overcome your fears, why did your
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father strengthen the barn door, who was locked there? pure psychology, on friday on rtr, are you from the police? yes, let's go, knife mogi. please, yeah, it’s really an injection, but you, you didn’t inject her with anything, but we’re
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injecting her in the other arm, look, here’s an iv. two stimulants, we didn’t have time to do anything else, well , everything is clear, let’s go, well, here’s the series again, maryaevna, what’s wrong with you, no, nothing, i remembered the series, and well, well, about...
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well, first of all, there are locks everywhere different, and then if the victims had found a stranger in their apartment, then a struggle would probably have ensued, there are no signs of a struggle, well, with an ax to the head, yes, i admit that, injections, this needs to be touched up somehow for the victims, yes, well, it’s impossible to do a person is given an injection against his will and no nicknames are left, so if one held it, the other injected, not later... it’s strange, first an injection, then a blow to the head, or vice versa, what is it? marya sergeevna, what do you think? what? excuse me,
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but do you have a scarf? masha, masha, what's wrong matter, who offended you? no one, don’t pay attention, this is personal, yes, so everyone is here at a meeting with the prosecutor, who is needed, wave, the duty officer is calling, an incident, deputy prosecutor shvetsov, where, is she alive? i set it on fire, so did you at least put it out? it’s clear that the investigator is in charge of the homicide department and food, call an expert, is there someone lying around with injections again? it seems like no, it’s an arson for profit, although it’s the same house, just
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a different entrance, bastards, huh? hello, hello, hello, a young woman with a knife wound, the victim had just been taken away, she ran out onto the stairs, i called my neighbors and fell , but the fire, yes, didn’t even have time to catch fire, they called the firefighters, but they were still sweating, someone was burning, yes, they went to the apartment, they’ll probably get there,
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hello, hello, oh, we must what an unlucky house, four comings in a week , hello, ivan ivanovich, it seems you live here somewhere nearby, but he’s in that front door, nina, hello, there’s another coming, again this villain with a syringe, no, i’m alive, how are you feeling? it’s already better, i started going out, yesterday i went to the clinic, had a fluorography done, nena fedovna, why? coolography, you have something else? how do i know, the doctor ordered it, i did it, okay, i won’t bother you, go to work, and after the examination i ask everyone for lunch, yeah, yana fedorovna, thanks for the cake, i liked it, well, of course, zhenya asks for the recipe, well, let him come , will... bake, the most reliable thing is not to write recipes, take them off your hands, nafennaya, because i tried a piece of your cake, it’s just delicious, i don’t understand how you cook and bake after such an operation , this is my occupational therapy, medicine, boss,
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understood what medicine, occupational therapy, you need to drink less vodka and work more , well, what vodka, now i can’t drink at all, oh boss, i’m looking at you, you’re not like that... nowadays we work well without vodka, okay, well i won’t distract you, come, i’m waiting, fedor, take care of the kids, maryana, just out of respect for you, hello, you’re not needed. yes, i’m ready, hello, inesa karpovna, don’t worry, simochka was taken to the hospital, and if you need anything, i’ll bring it now. wait, what enesa karpovna,
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was there anyone else in the apartment? enesa karpovna, how can you not found? no, that means she was killed. enesa karpovna is masimochka, she is disabled. sing, maybe i’ll have to sit there until nightfall
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, i don’t want to chase the old man, his wife is sick after all, it’s not far from home, let her look straight to the wife, okay, well, looking around the apartment is a simple matter, but you get the hardest part, oh well, uh huh. what happened to you this morning? were your eyes wet? ignore it, but still you couldn’t find another place? okay, i'll go, tell me if you want, listen, how much it’s possible, i just registered here, i travel every day, maybe i should just rent a room here, i’ll save all the gas for the headquarters, avarti, why are you croaking, go.
11:28 pm
at least she’s still alive, the only witness, poor aunt , as soon as i remember my wound, the pleasure is below average, volodya, why does he give injections and use other weapons, a knife, an ax, not everywhere, and mind you, where the injection is, there’s order , nothing is broken in the apartment, but where there is a knife or an ax, everything is upside down, in a hurry. well, can i question you? what are you talking about are you laughing? she won't be interrogated for three weeks. get out of here. you understand, she is the only witness. she saw the criminal, and we already have four corpses. yes, but even if she saw the criminal, she is unlikely to remember him. her last impression is that of an emergency room doctor. she talked about him all the time. doctor, doctor. yes, when she arrived soon, she was already unconscious, they loaded her onto a stretcher and carried her away. well, maybe...
11:29 pm
i came to my senses for a minute, but she kept talking about the white coat, okay, thank you, but we’ll call to find out how she is, for god ’s sake, yeah, let’s get out of here quickly, i remembered about my hole in the tank, everything started to ache again, where we’re going to the prosecutor’s office, or maybe to the scene of the incident, maybe we haven’t finished there yet , you know, petro, let's talk about... thank you very much, thank you, you 're welcome, just sit down, they are already on their way to the substation, they will be there soon, thank you.
11:30 pm
hello, i’m an investigator from the prosecutor’s office buevich, tell me, today you went to see a knife wound, and they took a woman from the stairs, how was she, well, they operated on her, while unconscious, what are the claims against us? did they do that or is something missing again? yes no, do you have any complaints against you? we would like to question you. who are we? well, that is , i, an investigator from the prosecutor's office. well, call the prosecutor’s office, but i’m here on duty, don’t bother me at all with my work in peace. sorry, our doctor lost his nerve. we just had such an emergency here, they dragged us to the police, to the prosecutor’s office, they suspected him, but now he attacks everyone. let's go, we can sit down there and talk calmly. and you do you have your passport with you? yes, what kind of emergency? yes , there was a complaint about... against us, that after our arrival
11:31 pm
the money disappeared, it’s very unpleasant, you should have interrogated her at the same time about this complaint, why, what it has to do with the case, i don’t know, but...


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