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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 28, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we cannot exclude the possibility of the topol m strategic missile system, a single-block version with an increased nuclear charge and increased power, so that france will instantly lose at least a significant part of its nuclear teeth. everything is possible, they say in paris, and here in moscow we answer, yes, such scenarios are possible. and the most dangerous thing, of course, is providing ukraine with long-range
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weapons systems. we do not call for a nuclear war, we do not threaten the peaceful cities of europe, but the rights to nuclear self-defense, in response to aggressive or terrorist actions of the western coalition,
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this is russia’s legitimate right to defend itself. in the very near future, the relevant documents on the nuclear planning of the russian armed forces will be revised, and maybe very soon, in a few days we will learn about new strategic weapons systems of the russian federation, which will be put into service in the very near future to ensure our security. russia will not allow the west to start the third world war, much less start it. with impunity, in this regard, i think we have there is political will and the appropriate resources to confirm their words with practical deeds, practical planning options, and, if necessary , the adoption of appropriate military-political decisions. to be fair, yegor yuryevich, today the kremlin, when commenting on this crazy statement by macron, peskov did not say anything about a nuclear response, he spoke about
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inevitability. absolutely crazy once again and i will repeat macron, this is how lavrov reacted. the french and president macron, they are, in principle , very keen on convening various events, don't worry too much about what happens after that. yes, indeed, for the first time in everything, during all the discussions on how to further
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support ukraine, macron not only announced. said that we can’t , they can’t allow a revision of the borders, well, here you can just ask emmanuel, where is yugoslavia, they can’t allow borders, of course they said a little, you know, from macron’s statement i got the impression that france is in europe now it’s like lviv used to be in ukraine, that is, the further from
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front, the bolder the statement, but after the start of the northern military district, lvov became convinced that the distance to the front is a relative thing, because the missiles fly with high precision, now of course i understand them, that you can say anything, by the way, these are the ones
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that are closer to the front... this money is catastrophically insufficient, now they are waiting to see what will happen in the usa, whether they will give the money or not, and the republicans are already saying that before the first, from march 1, if they do not vote on the budget by march 8, then from march 8 i will remind you what the agreement is for yes about association with the european union and free trade area, that is, the european union already knew back in 1414 that no one would let ukraine into the european union and there would be no zone, but the grain that was there was, the poles understand what they are getting for,
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because the eu subsidies go big there, that is, for the population for land, but for farmers, if ukraine becomes a member of the european union, then almost half of all agricultural subsidies will go to ukraine, and that’s not what the poles and everyone else will lose. they traded grain with our help, all this time before the war, with the help of russia, that’s right, and russian agricultural holdings, you and i we love the oligarchs, but nevertheless we also owned significant land, but we did not behave like monsanto, we still complied with the legislation of the country in which the rulers did not take away land, like monsanto, and the poles have now shown them the place, so she is all the brotherly love
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of the poles, yes, that is, they and volynskaya... i just imagined it from the year fourteen , but here is the situation, i simply cannot imagine it , when in russia they say that we need to help donbass, yes, because this the russian military-industrial complex will be revived, yes, pushilin says give me all this, but not this.
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they destroyed all the structures of the concept that were built over the centuries, where is this capitalism, where is the american dream, where is the market economy, there is none of this, how can you not remember, yes, we are ours, we will build a new world, this is real now is happening, and we are building it, not them, not according to the rules, not according to the rules, we don’t know what the rules are, we know what it is... who spent 500 dollars, an armored vehicle
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worth 9 million dollars burns to the ground. on the one hand, it is good for ukrainians that they they have at least such window power at the front. on the other hand, this tank is used the same as all other ukrainian tanks, regardless of whether it is the soviet t-64 or the brand new german leopard 2a6 from germany, or this american m1 a1 from the usa. they go to the front line, shoot quickly and retreat. ukrainians use the car as a kind of... they didn’t hear anything, they were seeing footage of burning equipment
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in the pentagon, they allegedly saw the loss of their tank for the first time. the us department of defense refused to confirm or deny message about the destruction of an american abrams tank in the conflict zone in ukraine. we are redirecting you to ukraine to talk about this in particular and about their operation in general ,” the pentagon spokesman said. sending abrams to ukraine, the coordinator for strategic communications at the us national security council, kirby called the tank invincible. this, as the president said, is the most combat-ready and powerful tank in the world. it is necessary to undergo special training. in addition, there are complex maintenance requirements . a whole supply system. in him a gas turbine engine is used, essentially a jet engine with 1,500 horsepower. operating these tanks in the field requires a lot. armored vehicles are very important. you know, you don't go after alligators with a corn stalk. are in service with nine armies of the united states, australia, poland, taiwan, morocco and
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the middle east. the vehicles experienced baptism of fire in the gulf war. the hull is protected by multi-layer armor made of kevlar, ceramic and steel, and a computer fire control system is installed, which automatically calculates corrections for shooting. all-round visibility is provided by six devices, surveillance, there is even air conditioning, and before being sent to ukraine, all sensitive equipment was removed from the tank. abrams are modified to remove sensitive technology, a necessary precaution in case the russians capture one of the vehicles and use it for reconnaissance purposes. this could give russia the opportunity to test them to find vulnerabilities, said colin smith, an expert at the rand think tank. corporation. 23 abrams were destroyed in the perset gulf. during the first 2 years of the iraq war, more than
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100 american vehicles were disabled. the houthis destroyed about 45 abrams from the saudis. the incident highlights the evolving dynamics of modern warfare, where the use of drones and anti-tank weapons can challenge even the most sophisticated and heavily armored vehicles. the conflict in ukraine showed the vulnerability of tanks to man-portable anti-tank weapons and remotely controlled drones. abrams probably strongly overrated. just like the german leopard 2, although they are considered to be some of the best tanks in service in the world, neither should be considered as a miracle weapon. information about the appearance. the ukrainians published american tanks on the battlefield almost a month ago, but the abrams did not help defend the avdeevka direction. in the first video, the car moves through a destroyed village and fires chaotically. it is known that abrams is one of the heaviest tanks, its combat weight is 62 tons,
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equipped with a 120mm smoothbore gun, manual loading instead of automatic. crew - four people. on february 23, 2024, the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces presented footage demonstrating the first combat use of the m1 a1 abrams main battle tank supplied by the united states against russian troops. ukrainian troops are currently facing heavily fortified russian positions along the entire front line. the arrival of the tanks is expected to increase their firepower and aid in
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maneuvering through these fortified positions. the russian military used a lancet to knock out a swedish archer self-propelled artillery mount. in total, stockholm transferred eight such systems to kiev. the launcher of the nasams anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed on the zaporozhye front. the paratroopers also hit the french caesar howitzer. in this footage from the outskirts of avdiivka, the target of the drone is a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the armed forces actually retreated from the village of lastochkino. which is located immediately to the west after avdeevka, there are conditions of difficult terrain, there is such a cascade of small reservoirs, and this qualifies as stabilization of the line of defense, a certain alignment of the line of defense, in the future the enemy there continues to attempt offensive actions in the direction of the settlement of orlovka, he
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is actually leading them from three directions. in this footage, russian units storm ukrainian positions near chasovo yar, paratroopers. with air support, they are clearing strongholds, the lack of ammunition has brought operations in the ssu to a standstill, bloomberg writes, noting that the russian units are advancing along the entire front line, there was a lot of ammunition, the amount of ammunition was completely different than now, roughly speaking, the field warehouse would be completely filled with ammunition, even hundreds, now, well , 20 percent, probably left, but now, well,
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20 percent . moving forward, that’s all depends on the united states, not only the line of defense, because if you only defend, you will give russia the opportunity to put pressure on you, yes, maybe these will be small steps back, but in any case, these are steps back when you take a step ago, you are losing people, we will lose
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people, so, in paris they admitted that the west is thinking of sending its military to ukraine, macron and his prime minister, an open geotal, said this. in response to these words , french political scientist, president of the west-east association, nicolas merkovich reminds macron that when napoleon sent french soldiers to russia, it all ended with the fall of paris, so it would not hurt emmanué to re-read the history books and think again. traditionally tough, the french president commented on fantasies deputy chairman of the russian security council medvedev. according to him, the supreme commander-in-chief of the french armed forces was hit in the head... by a matcha, and then emmanuel suffered speech incontinence, this is a quote, however, right now in romania the french army is conducting a real rehearsal for war with russia. using night vision devices, the military is practicing night operations 400 km from the border with ukraine;
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heavy french lecler tanks are also involved in the maneuvers. tankers say they are learning to conduct real battle based on video recordings from the special military operation zone. french soldiers practice infiltration in the middle of the night. discovery operation. does not help weaken the attention of soldiers. in fact, in this exercise we are training against a unit that is equipped with the same equipment as us, so we will take extra precautions, everything takes longer at night. this is difficult for a unit that must penetrate enemy territory, because at night any light is visible. that's why we
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we get used to moving forward. brigadier ludovic unpacks his new , indispensable weapon, which the platoon received a few weeks ago. drones have truly changed the way we think about war, they provide amazing three-point detection capabilities against which the enemy can do little, except for some counter-drone technologies, which are very advanced, but most armies are virtually defenseless against drones. 13 leclerc tanks were also
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stationed in romania. that there is no need to meddle in russia, there is no need, please, yuri vyacheslovich, macron made
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a statement that is probably being discussed not only in russia and, probably, not only in france, because for france this is the most serious challenge, and i saw how the already unconquered france of mélenchon on the left, and li pen on the right they started harsh criticism, i think that for the population of france in general it’s like a cold shower, though. on the other hand, you understand, macron’s position is once again an indicator of the degradation of the western political elite, elections in the united states, one strange candidate, the second strange candidate, there is no one in the reserve line , they can’t find anyone, scholz, one of the lowest ratings among all chancellors, and macron, i think that he will probably last until the elections, although this is not a fact, and then nothing good can happen with such statements by the way, i remembered when he talked about this today... another of his next adventures, which was in 2018, he then said, let's give up nuclear energy. france is one of
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the leaders in nuclear energy, we refuse everything, we close 14 reactors, 50% of nuclear output power engineers, we finish everything, everything failed, we couldn’t, already in the twenty-third year scholz criticized, he says that it’s germany that is coming out, such stupid people, he himself, that is , he is an adventurer by nature, and this statement is a continuation of his such... adventuristic nature, not understanding that there is neither the essence nor the depth of the opportunity, therefore, but it must be taken seriously, because we understand perfectly well, he is not petrushka, the head of state, it’s a shame, probably, it’s offensive to the french people and the assessment is political will given to him, but this is a serious state that is degrading from the point of view and authority in the world, but we must clearly understand that targeted... some steps can be taken, i think that these balanced statements and lavrov in the first place and peskova say
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that we ourselves need to react, but correctly, in the first part you say, there is no need to brandish nuclear weapons, because this is the very last thing that can be used to preserve the security of the country, by the way, this is sweden’s entry into nato , which is being discussed, hungary ratified this accession, we understood that sooner or later this would happen, this is once again an indicator that, of course , we must count on nuclear weapons as a deterrent system, but first of all count on... the army, the ground army, yesterday we in the program they talked about the president’s very correct decision to create the leningrad military district, the moscow military districts, because in fact these districts were in the russian empire, they were in the soviet union, and then serdyukov decided to reorganize, close, and it is possible in russia to have an army of 3000 to fight local wars,
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the ground army has fallen somewhere, which means repelling aggression, and nuclear weapons are the last point of deterrence, but they must understand that when this figure makes such statements, he is getting closer , brings the world closer to disaster, i am sure that sensible leaders, many of them, because poland immediately disowned, although it has the largest army in europe after ukraine, understands what all this can lead to, as one pole recently read, speaks: “listen, we may not like
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russians very much, but it’s better not to quarrel with a neighbor like the russians.” and they understood this due to the successes, including our soldiers, who courageously defend our homeland, and i would like to say one more thing, today is such a festive date, the day of special operation fighters, special operations forces in the fifteenth year, based on fact gru special forces, and the holiday was established, the troops in 2009 are truly courageous people who perform serious security tasks countries, we need to congratulate them on this holiday , in fact, their greatest feat, and what i saw in a telegram today is how in kharkov - residents laid flowers at the place when our fighters fought there with the kiev nazis, they came, realizing that they could be shot, killed, thrown into the gestapo for nazi scenes, but they came, this gives us
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hope that there are many sensible people in ukraine, they just find... message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live stream. tomorrow on rtr. not to him
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need to sign up. joke. he himself will come to. we start, he will always help , we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, he will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan potatoes for lard, a knitting needle like a child. but i don’t advise you to do this: a doctor who can be trusted 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health.
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doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. and then... are you planning to look for a job? anyone, just to get to steif, what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with something for him. “i ’m hiring you, thank you very much, cleaners , it seemed to me that this new thing could help us, that’s exactly what it seemed, talent cannot be bought, we need to create our own collection to show it to people, i’ll try, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what about the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection." you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me, and not only
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me. kruzhiva, on saturday, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to it, at first they shoved in a red snake . our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals in the circle friends, among friends, a program for the whole
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family, on saturdays on rtr, have you ever encountered adultery, that ’s enough, on saturday, iraq, it’s not what you thought, it’s for the coolies, vladislav. by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr, news of the week without the noise of dust, put it on the shelves, news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, sunday on rtr. republicans in the united states want to disrupt biden's address to congress, dae writes, the publication reports that congressman teri called on house speaker mike johnson to prevent old man ujo from giving
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his annual state of the union address to congress. in general, biden may not be allowed into congress. but he was invited to air the evening show on nbc, well, to somehow save the ratings. comedian aseth myers joe joked that the information about what he needed. what he's saying is what he 's been saying all along, he was saying it when he ran for office last time, look, the idea that any american president would say: putin, putin, come and do
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whatever you want with nato if the other guys in our team they are not paying every cent that they promised to pay us , what is he saying, what, god forgive me, the very idea that the president of the united states is inviting vladimir putin to invade eastern, that is, western countries. okay, she's absolutely crazy, she's completely against our interests, and by the way, i've known every major foreign leader for a long time. i know all these guys very well, they are scared to death about what this means for them. even from this point of view, joseph payden is being completely obscene, but that's not the way to wear suit pants and socks. for a piece of a leg to be visible, this is completely indecent, but this is probably the smallest flaw of the american president, and we, dmitrievich, want
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to ask you about those western weapons that have literally been destroyed in recent days , including archer, ptskha 2000, and of course, the same notorious abrams, well, if we talk about foreign types of weapons, they are destroying from... the beginning of the company, they fall into our hands like trophies for study again in our military institutes for , strictly speaking, study in order to copy something, do something better, or have
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which right now european leaders, they understand what the russian invasion threatens them with, because many remember the great patriotic war war, many remember, and above all mr. scholz, who just after the fall of avdeevka, when a new turning point came, made a statement that the issue with the taurus was closed, apparently he just leafed through the latest history textbook once again and realized that really russia's invasion of his country could turn it into a complete dresdan. as it already happened, here’s another detail about abrams , but how did it happen that he came within range of a shot from an rp, were our main forces there or scouts, because that’s about 800 meters there, probably the range of an rpg, yes , in fact, it was just reconnaissance, the advanced units, what abrams was doing there on the front end is a mystery to me, because he was brought there alone to the lbs, in
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the avdeevka area they photographed him, filmed him they are working from different... distances, well, it’s difficult to say where they are, because, let’s say, there is no confirmation yet of the participation of other tanks of this type in battles, that is, how many of them are there now near the front line, whether they are there is still a mystery, now what are the main tasks we have on the line of combat contact, our main task is to go forward without slowing down , this is the most important thing, if we talk about such serious outbreaks, this is first of all hours, everyone is discussing it now, the enemy is there... bought
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after falls after the fall of artyomovsk, excuse me, there were significant forces left there , but given the strengthening and strengthening of ovdeevka when we stormed it, let’s say, well, the garrison of the guardhouse itself has thinned out somewhat, because some units from there were transferred there, now, how skillfully they can organize the defense with a shortage in fact, personnel with a personnel crisis again. lack of some equipment, because something was transferred to the same avdeevka and we got the same trophy, well, let's see, now until yar's hours there are only a few meters remaining, practically , because the watch is literally in visual contact with our fighters, now our aviation artillery is working there most actively, that is, well, the garrison of the watch yar is doomed, it’s a matter of time, where did the third assault brigade go, which...
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they boasted so much and also like the abrams tank was put on display, yes, this so-called reincarnated azov, in the person of the third brigade, well, you can say that it was partially destroyed, partially just went into a stampede, as they fled from avdeevka, well, i think everyone saw these shots, how they just run and leave , there was nothing elite there, or after all, they were trained fighters, well, in fact, these are some of the best fighters, well, they are the best of the worst of.. .remaining, one might say, that is , this is the best of what zelensky has left, these are the best of the worst, they simply fled in panic from avdiivka, abandoning equipment, abandoning the wounded, abandoning their... dead, abandoning everything, just panic, we'll be back,
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premiere on rtr, he'll even die if we're from here we won’t move, the air here is unclean, well , where are we going to move, to leykino or something, you made the absolutely right decision, these are our first... i saw what would happen to the people who buy a house there, maybe it’s like -everything is connected, anna medium, today at rtr, an eternally young wonderful festival, with it we met the thaw and perestroika, together with it... we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto: the world is changing because i am changing.
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together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. on saturday on rtr. trouble, listen, let me help you, look at the weekend, my business cat, actually, i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, yes, what a shame, my husband. mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to go outside, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive a blow to the heart,
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what are you doing, denis, this is my child, get out, now no longer, you are my wife, lover, and my daughter, and i came to talk to you as a man of... rank, listen, not to kill someone, hunt, you can arrange it, only the heart is vigilant, on sunday at rta, katya lel, the marriage broke up after 18 years of life, i can’t, when a person uses too much, i’m sick of it. a little bit of conscience, i understood why you stayed with igor, why without me, make a new version of the video for marmalade, so that no one would think the fate of a person with
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boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, no one should know that i am hiring. psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid. your main task is to find this joker. i do all this for you. i want to know who writes these nasty letters to me. you have to stop going where you go. i can’t, timur, then he ’ll find out everything. i advise you to look around when you walk down the street, because the person who
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writes you letters is really psychotic. plans for large-scale deployment of troops on ukraine, prime minister rishi sunak's spokesman said on tuesday in response to french president emmanuel macron's comment that european countries were sending troops to ukraine. apart from the small number of personnel we have in the country to support ukraine's armed forces, we have no
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plans for a large-scale deployment, sunak's spokesman told reporters, adding that a large number of ukrainian troops are being trained by the uk and london is supporting kiev military equipment. london on direct line, my colleague alexander khabarov, sasha, hello, of course, everyone was excited by macron’s statement, nevertheless, the restrained
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reaction from... there is no sending your people there and the fact is that even if it occurred to someone such an idea, then this issue definitely had to be discussed in parliament, the british parliament, the fact is that technically the british government has the prerogative to send its, let's call them that, expeditionary forces, where they as a matter of fact, he wants to, but especially in this situation, this issue is too acute for it to be resolved somehow behind the scenes or behind the scenes, but in fact, london
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is really like the rest... chicks in london, well, you know, london through the mouth of cameron, strictly speaking , through the mouth of prime minister ilisha sunak , he is actively pushing nato allies among the seven countries to take action to, let’s say, pluck frozen russian assets and transfer part of this money to at least ukraine, this is what they are focusing on, in fact, british politicians, now a minister. defense of great britain gran silk at one time called on colleagues in the european union to fork out
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for kiev’s military expenses for kiev’s needs, but at the same time, the situation is now changing somewhat and judging by the statements that are heard from local experts, and, in fact, those articles that are published in the british press, various options are being considered, that is , how to get out of this acute conflict situation, but president macron instead of looking for ways to peacefully resolve this conflict, he prefers to make statements like this. eugene. alexander, has the mayor of london’s call to take away houses from russian oligarchs continued? this is a very dubious proposal, which, as far as i understand, remained unanswered. the fact is that sadiq khan already in the twenty-second year, in may 202, can be formulated this way, was running around with this idea, or at least declared it. there was no follow-up action by the british government, the fact is that from a legal point of view
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this is absolute nonsense, and in fact, these are the figures that were called by sadiqhan, he said that if you take away real estate here from the russians, you will get exactly a billion pounds sterling, which can be spent on construction of 4,000 houses, but it seems to me that sadiq khan really liked this figure, an absurd billion, and somehow he decided to juggle it a little, here comes... thank you very much, i was the first to take this statement negatively, russian in the past, probably now a british citizen, former owner of the euroset, now oppositionist chichvarkin, who was named by the mayor of london. a socialist who is used to eating at other people
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’s expense, well, until chechevarkin’s house was taken away, but he seems to be all in debt anyway
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. they looked at photographic materials, but at least they could see what both russian and experience, i don’t know what kind of videos they have there, and ukrainian tanks already look somewhat different, taking into account the experience of the new weapons that are now used in the northern military district zone, well, in general, like abroms, by the way, too there was no barbecue upstairs, no barbecue , oddly enough, well, as hagen told us, indeed, maybe they brought it with pir for purposes, but it all ended very sadly for abrams and for those for his crew, i’m surprised. there arkady babchenko was in the driver’s seat or not, but, returning to the question about the elites, why the french and european elites in general are now so confidently saying that they want to fight with russia. i see that here it’s like this, you know, here’s the loser’s bet in the casino, that is, they bet everything on losing
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russia, let me remind you, since 2022 they have been saying
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that russia simply cannot... can bear germany, which may suddenly find itself without socially and internationally recognized borders, let me remind you that our signature is precisely under this agreement about the unification of germany, finally the last thing, what is the problem of ukraine now, the front is cracking, we now see the archers, abramtsy, which one of them? problems of ukraine, the last problem is that now the ukrainian front could collapse at any moment, and this really frightens the french and european elites, who really put everything on the line,
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let's come back, gonka is gone, vanya, anna the medium, premiere. today on rtr, i thought that everything is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it , there can’t be two opinions, because we have them as many as five, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i have no competition. there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go, it must be edible it was, i had in mind, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not, zhenya will add his own, and what many people use,
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the strongest love for the game is five- on-one program, opa, and five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. from the first note: beauty, repeating with the first phrase, better a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, finely floating braid, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, bells, or something, we from the first class together. we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you,
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the team, brake from the car, run, the whole team, just look at the platform. “catch a fish, big or small , well, in general, you’ve chosen the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty things be healthy, i try them, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, science fiction, can scientific ones? be clear, and you make a wish, yes, yes, m, m, yes, yes,
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yes, yes again, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and then formalize the union, on saturday, maybe we’ll try microbiomes with the help of a kiss, my experiment just didn’t go a little according to plan... even if in my head some formulas, sometimes they flutter in my stomach butterflies. i have a scientific method to get rid of those butterflies
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in your stomach. so i have it too, they’ll let me go if i sleep with you. i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow. marry me, marry me . do you love him, daughter? hate means you love. by the way, what about the butterfly? on saturday on rtr. well, the footage of the grandiose riot that took place right near kiev, a group of teenagers celebrated their birthday in a cottage village, the celebration was accompanied by shooting into the air with shouts of “akhmat force” near kiev. guys informed about the prospects of ukraine clearly better than their president volodymyr. wait, wait, wait, all together, all together, akhmat, look, it was 60
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minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you very much, look, love is when you look in the same direction, look, look, look, you want to look ? look , let's look, look, well, look at the screen , look at me, he takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign two at the same time, we sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, this is my first time even you i’m not embarrassed to admit that i’ve been singing in my soul for 20 years. songs for 20 years, suddenly, according to official
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data, 100 million views per day of jagamania around the world, takir karls, who had just interviewed ours, he became nervous, her life was not always marmalade, what did you have to go through during these 20 years, your separation then with alexander volkov, how much misfortune has befallen your life because of this man? there were trials going on, i was very wounded in my soul when igor came up to me: do you have your marmalade, i say: no, what? can i be one? i i think, well, yes! the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, how are you going to look for a job? anyone, just to get to steif. what? irina shtaif is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah. albert, figure it out. think of something for me. i'm hiring you. thank you very much. cleaning woman. it seemed to me that this new girl
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could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought, you need to create your own collection to show it to people, i ’ll try, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what’s wrong with the hall, there will be fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me, not just me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. forever young wonderful festival. together with him we faced the thaw and perestroika. together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their
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motto is, the world is changing because... together with russia they are moving towards their dream: the opening ceremony of the world youth festival, live broadcast on saturday on rtr. money you you’ll pay me back now, if you don’t pay me back this week, in a day i ’ll take everything you have, everything, you’ll soon meet your father, well, father. died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat, if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive your debt to victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, do you have a camera in your office? follow me, they won’t kick me out of the house, i need to act, your wife has a clear dislike for you, your daughter doesn’t respect you, sometimes figure out other people’s problems
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easier than fighting your own. and fears, why your father strengthened the barn door, who was locked there, pure psychology, on friday on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel, hosted by denis fonchukov in the studio and the main thing for this hour: ukrainian militants are fleeing from their positions, footage of the liberated lastochkin in the novdeevsky direction and new losses in the armed forces of ukraine. the american abrams tank was destroyed in
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a bucket. piranha, how attack


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