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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 29, 2024 4:42am-5:01am MSK

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siberia, black bullfinch. he was seen in one of the city parks of tomsk. the bird, along with other relatives, flew to the feeder for seeds. luckily, a local ornithologist happened to be nearby and took some exceptional photographs. this unique color arose due to the genetic characteristics of pernatov. it's called melanism. this is a variant of the phenotype, which is characterized by a much darker color compared to other similar birds, animals or fish. well , maybe in the moscow region carefully they monitor illegal buildings, not ornithologists, of course, authorized structures; they monitor construction in suburban areas using aerial photography. alexander blinnikov looked into which objects the owners will have to register and which ones they will have to demolish. this is a permanent building, since it is located on a foundation, inside the building is on a foundation, thick steam sways every now and then, and birch brooms rustle, but it is not a bathhouse. the main object on ten hundred square meters of olga
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chizhov from the moscow region, however, according to the papers here clean field. the main structure is our house, here we have, so to speak, a barn, there is a bathhouse and a gazebo. all our buildings are not registered. in her village , olga is not the only one who is in no hurry to hang a sign with the address on her house. almost all neighbors have the same position, although buildings connected to the ground with a foundation are subject to state registration, all those located in the shade. now they see directly from space, here we have a green mark that indicates that the object is registered with us, here they are simply drawn in gray, yes, that’s already directly the work of our programs, it looks like an ordinary map, but if you hover the mouse over the site, you can find out who owns it, unaccounted buildings are also displayed here, if this object does not have rights, then we are just beginning to draw the attention of this citizen that he has he has an obligation to register this object from the point of view of the taxation system.
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has been working in the moscow region for several years, and over time it may appear in other regions, because the main purpose of aerial photography is essentially the verification of documents and getting acquainted with new landowners. what aerial photography gives us is that it makes it possible to see the outline of an object and further clarify whether it is a capital construction project or a canopy; such cases were also not uncommon. of course, the type of object has to be clarified from the ground, but no one will force the owners to move the building if they do not violate urban planning standards, that is, when the permissible number of storeys of a house or a bathhouse is too close to the neighbor’s fence is exceeded, that is, there is a risk of losing property. if your building is not legalized, and you erected it with rough violation of the rights of third parties, for example, a neighbor or a local government body, then these affected, let’s say, persons can go to court; if you lose, you will be forced, of course, to dismantle it. an object built in accordance with all standards, but not registered, is not subject to a fine, experts say. however, the owner of the site runs the risk of getting it over time.
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increased land tax on a land plot for individual housing construction must be registered within 10 years from the date of acquisition house. if this does not happen, then the land tax is doubled. 396 article of the tax code, so it is much more profitable to register all capital buildings . it will be possible to connect gas to them and receive a discount on electricity. in addition, if they decide to seize the land plot for state needs, the owner of the registered house can count on compensation. let's discuss this topic with our guest in the studio, member of the state duma committee on budget and taxes, nikita chaplin, nikita yurevich, good morning, we’ll discuss again, good morning , nikita, to be honest, we’re already lost, because it’s successful in enclosing such a permanent phenomenon, what’s possible, what’s not, what absolutely needs to be legitimized, registered , so as not to be demolished, it seems to me that we’re quite happy the dacha season of the twenty -fourth year should be, despite the flood, in the course of working with... gardeners, with
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summer residents, we were faced with the fact that houses are being registered there, here are some household buildings, especially household buildings that were built according to the existing then the standards before the advent of the civil code, before the advent of urban planning norms, new ones, they hung in the air and the rosreestry authorities refused to register them, people want to register them, they want to pay taxes, they cannot, well , everyone here has them.
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will give us the opportunity to register all the outbuildings on our site, this is a bathhouse, this is a garage, and other just outbuildings, maybe , yes, a barn, but some sheds. they don’t register, well, like me, for example, in the village, i don’t register the barn, it’s small, there ’s no electricity, and i actually, yes, from you can’t see space, but it won’t stay in state registration, it’s not an uncommon picture when you have these six acres, yes, a fence and a house with three floors, where, from all sensations, the owner walks with his back, squeezes along the fence, they continue to grow, okay, they did it there before, they understood that they would have to play with their fingers somehow, but now you’re right? the neighbors suffer from simply shading this area, and at the same time the house responds with a dacha amnesty, its a small apartment, they are going to register it, here's what to do in this situation, if everything is complied with, if it is not an apartment building, then
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, unfortunately, only through the court can neighbors challenge the number of floors of this building, violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards, well, if the meter is met, and if the meter is not... that's so that our real estate properties, houses, communal buildings are registered, this is the problem we saw, that people have difficulties with state registration with communal buildings, now the initiative will be considered in the state duma, i am sure that it will be found support from deputies, the russian government, and it will now be possible to register
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our public buildings, so you and i , together, taking into account the appeal and television viewers of all our citizens, are doing a lot of work to make life easier for gardeners. these amnesties corresponded to the meaning, absolutely, soon, soon there will be traffic jams in certain directions, thank you very much, about how to improve the lives of summer residents, we talked with a member of the state duma committee on the budget and taxes nikita chaplin, all the best to you, vaccines from tsarist times, how do you like this? in yekaterinburg, archaeologists found hermetically sealed ampoules with liquid.
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they decided not to open the ampoules, since they are of historical value, but who knows what it all turned into, from the end of the nineteenth, we still, let’s quickly fast forward to the end of the twentieth, 1993, that’s the name of the film, which will premiere this saturday at 23:30 on our channel, the story of a turning point for the country is presented not in broad strokes, but through the life of one ordinary family, here you are, a former teacher of marxism for... for red or white, i am for private property , perhaps every resident of our country born before the mid-eighties heard such a conversation in the kitchen with friends, any feast ended with an attempt to figure out how to continue living while politicians are changing the usual way of life of an entire
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state, and you believe in a bright future, you will tell your grandchildren later, this is a story, but director alexander veledinsky is not concerned about intrigues in the offices, but about the real life of an ordinary moscow family. about people, after all, first of all about people and about sympathy for people, not just the specific ones who are in the frame, in general for everyone, he is a former researcher whose mind is no longer valuable, his hands will always come in handy, she is a native muscovite who just wants a normal and stable life, their teenage daughter is ashamed of both parents, because they are not as cool as their neighbors, difficult times will force an already established family to look at their relationships in a new way, and about family and about motherhood and... about what kind of wife you can be, what kind of friend you can be, what kind of you can be a person. duet of evgeny tsiganov and ekaterina vilkova creates on the screen a bright , recognizable portrait of everyone who was also angry, desperate and confused in the turning point of ninety-three. love, friendships, and even relationships with children were tested for strength. in
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the darkest hour, each character finds himself alone with himself, each needs to make a choice, he is on his own or with his family. this movie is not, in general, not about who is right and who is wrong, it is. the story is told through a person who cannot separate himself from this happening. instructions from the nineties on the screen is the business card of alexander veledinsky, but it is important that he does not repeat footage from news reports, but shows how people looked at these events from the inside. recognizable little things, hit melodies, every detail of this film brings the picture with the loud title 1993 closer to the real viewer, and invites him not to relive the events of those years, but to ask himself fundamental questions and find answers to them in front of the screen together with the whole family. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life
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will never be the same again. this will set everyone up an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i don’t get bored either, because each of them is a real star. the secret of dreams , how did you agree to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me
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with the goal of generating love and subsequent official registration of the union, on saturday, maybe we’ll try exchanging the infrabiome with a kiss, it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in our heads, sometimes women flutter in our stomachs. i have a scientific method that allows you to get rid of these butterflies in your stomach, i have them too, if we sleep together, he’ll let you go, i ’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr. forever young
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wonderful festival, together with it we greeted the thaw and perestroika, together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is: the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. on saturday on rtr.
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is it a real yok or a video created by a neural network ? disputes have flared up on the internet over footage of a person. the question is also: is the person who is meditating in the himalayas during a snow storm a person? he is wearing a vest and light trousers. oh, i saw it, i thought it was a yogi, but yoga, extreme conditions are not distracting, it ’s surprising, of course, he looks like he’s sitting on the warm sand, on the shore.
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long, the first thing you should think about is protecting the body, as the most expensive element. yes, modern cars undergo anti-corrosion treatment at the factory, but it may not be enough. especially. this applies to chinese models, which are not always adapted to our conditions, with sudden temperature changes, dirt and road reagents. therefore, an additional layer of protective composition will be useful, and it is better to apply anti-corrosive agent to hidden cavities, welds, and body panel joints. this procedure costs from 20 thousand rubles for a sedan; processing a crossover
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will cost more. if you plan to visit the dacha and generally move off the asphalt, it makes sense to install it... the main thing is to choose it correctly so that there are no problems with installation and ventilation. developed directly for the car, crankcase protection has no contraindications such as engine overheating, special thermal gaps remain at least 10 mm. such a metal protective sheet costs from 3.00 rubles. plus installation. another useful element is fender liners; they are installed in the wheel arches and protect the body from reagents and minor scratches. one fender liner costs from 1,500 rubles. there are models that provide additional noise insulation; it is also recommended to install radiator protective meshes, since modern cars have a fairly large cross-section of the grille, which does not prevent stones from driving ahead from hitting the radiator cars. also , owners often neglect to install mud guards, but in vain,
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the front one protects the lower part of the body, the bottom of the sills from dirt and minor damage , and the rear ones take... everything that flies from under your wheels towards other cars, so buy a hood deflector or in common parlance, a fly swatter is a dubious idea, only if you are not a frequent guest on off-road roads, otherwise it only collects moisture and debris under it, which causes the edge of the hood to rust faster, and it would also be a good idea to put a compressor in the trunk, replace the standard cable a jack and a wheel wrench for a more reliable one. dealers, alas, supply the most inexpensive options in the kit. well, the rest, the rest is optional, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, a toothy passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, you hear, soon! come on, come on with a smile,
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more, more, more, excellent, good, so, it’s the morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is, today exactly on... moscow time, vladimir putin will announce his message to the federal assembly, final preparations are underway. sergei shaigun checked reconnaissance radar systems and stations on the progress of the state defense order in the defense industry in the tula region. life has become more expensive, salaries are the same. nationwide strike in greece.


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