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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 29, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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with the designers we have developed a proposal and which we are immediately implementing in two directions, how to increase the protection of products of our manufacture, that is, the first is precisely increasing the protection, that is, we propose, we already use anti-fragmentation blankets to protect wheels, sheets, that is, currently we protected only the cockpit and what saved a lot of lives was to increase the protection also... everything related to the allocation of funds, determination, approval of delivery schedules for corso missiles, for shells, for the vehicles themselves, transport-charging. launchers
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, in general, the schedule is being met, the president’s instructions are being fulfilled, this of course cannot but please us, the changes are serious, in some things we have moved away from the concepts of 6 months, 8 months, three quarters, the concept of a month, a month and a half, and up to two days, please , well, we see that... the success of a special military operation, it consists of a number of components, one of the most important of which is the defense-industrial complex, the personal inspection, the minister of defense, and here we see the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, the chief of the grau , a number of other key figures of the central apparatus of the ministry of defense and the high command of the ground forces, this is the attention that, of course, is now being paid to inspecting the work...
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they detect the launch positions of both operational-tactical missile systems of the armed forces of ukraine and artillery systems, gives target designations and, accordingly , accurately targets strike, this is the most important, most important component, in the actions that we are conducting today along the entire line of combat contact, judging by the words of the minister of defense, serious progress is evident, plus the main thing, of course, is...
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say, bank loans, or subsidizing the interest rate, because today it is quite high, and this is an additional burden on the defense complex. now, as for macron , our reaction must be, and not just , say, some expert assessments that we give, but also practical actions where we can respond to france, the first is africa, this is a colonial possession, in fact, well ...
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natural resources, so we must help the new liberation movement of africa, a number of states are asking for our help in the form of military advisers, in the form of the russian african corps. in the form of supplies of certain types of weapons, which we can , while simultaneously saturating the front, give this to our units in africa, we need to cut down the roots of french influence in africa, knock out, displace the french colonialists, their puppets, their proxy formations, which exist in a number of countries the african continent is a sore point for france, it critically depends on african uranium, on... replace ours
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military bases by the french, here we must also respond and react to this, so that the french colonialist’s foot is in uniform, and the french foreign legion could not gain a foothold in the south caucasus region, here we need joint work with our allies, partners, in order to beat paris hands, cut off their tentacles that they are pulling into the post-soviet space, you mean armenia, i won’t... name specific states, i want to say the most important thing, france today is following the direct instructions of senior partners from washington, for in order for russian military bases, we know where they are, to be replaced by french ones, this is no longer hidden, it is declared, so cutting off the french
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tentacles, the french colonialists who are reaching out to the southern caucasus, well, finally, we must understand, again, that this is not just like...
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russian weapons, very significant quantities of soviet -made and russian-made armored vehicles were delivered there, all of this was modernized, maintained in good condition, large quantities were delivered there interesting missile systems, and short -range ones, also modernized and effective, today washington is working on all this huge arsenal so that greece transfers to ukraine, i think, with athens there should also be enough.
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from the point of view of greece, you know, i say again, here we must use the tools of the big geopolitical, well, that is, bananas in ecuador, greece, northern cyprus.
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claim that russian formations are attacking from four directions at once, but primarily in the northeast, trying to advance to west and liberate the entire territory of the dpr. in these footage from the savdeevsky front, a new episode of the famous extraction operation, the ukrainian armed forces abandon their positions and chaotically retreat from lastochkin to the west. in a populated area on...
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in these frames, aerospace forces pilots deliver powerful attacks on ukrainian positions in the hour-long ravine. in this video, paratroopers destroy an enemy infantry fighting vehicle. the assault troops have come close to the outskirts of the city, and the fighting is taking place just a kilometer from the administrative borders. two shells. he is building defensive fortifications, the official said. representative operational-strategic group khortytsia, the ukrainian military complains on
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social networks about russian ace pilots. the sky is at rest and russian aviation flies with impunity. in the west they are not hiding the drama of what is happening. biden's press secretary karinjan. after the statement of the ukrainian elites that avdiivka has no strategic importance, called the city critically important. after the loss of avdiivka , new defeats for zelensky’s army continue to retreat in the mtr without american help, the official representative of the council predicts national security. the situation is very difficult, i cannot determine a clear time to say that by a certain date they will lose the war, but they are definitely starting to lose territories, territories. which they conquered from the russians, and now they have to give them to the russians, because they cannot fight them
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off. if they still do not receive support from the united states, in a month or two it is very likely that the russians will make large territorial gains, and will have great success on the ukrainian fronts, mainly in the east, then potentially even in the south. this is what one of the ukrainian positions looks like now, a destroyed german leopard 2.6 tank driven into the ground. all around it is broken. armored vehicles, empty boxes of ammunition, according to publications, kiev lost more than twenty leopard tanks, seven of them were destroyed, part-time work. berlin is announcing a new package of military assistance to kiev, the ukrainian armed forces will receive 14.00 artillery shells, enough for about a week, as well as mine clearance equipment and vehicles for the border services. this is one of the mobile air defense units of ukraine in the kiev region.
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the european union plans to increase defense industrial production, however, brussels will be able to independently provide half of its purchases only in 10 years, writes bloomberg. britain needs a huge increase in ammunition supplies, with arsenals
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on the verge of depletion due to the ukraine conflict, the chief of the defense staff has said. just recently, us president biden went to the walter reed center in maryland for a medical examination. exactly another american grandfather, pentagon chief austin, was treated there for prostate cancer. in general, only frail pensioners have access to red buttons in the united states. cnn warns that biden has serious problems in the primaries in michigan.
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of course, joseph won the primary, just other candidates from the democratic party. no, but democratic supporters showed low turnout. in addition, biden is not supported by those on whom he generally relies. black latino and muslim youth. these voters turned their backs on biden. of course, because washington's policies regarding the gaza strip, attacks by israel, which the united states fully supports. cnn believes that unless biden changes a similar course in the middle east, he may win mechugan in november. don’t count on it, but the old man’s rival joe trump is celebrating another triumph. michigan is the sixth state in a row where donald easily defeats his competitors. he received 68% of the votes, his main rival niki and haley only 27. trump and biden himself are ahead.
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donald leads joa by six points in new poll - fox news reports. 53% versus 40. the main reason for trump’s lead is biden’s failed immigration policy, and, of course, dementia. biden eats ice cream in public and just looks like an idiot. “i will go to walter reed to undergo a medical examination,” president biden said.
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nice liberal, there would be a war in europe , and migrants would be killing our women , hire me for a younger and more recent one, the last thing i would do would be to go have ice cream with a comedian, i certainly wouldn’t bother him when they ask about the border. why you are you going to the border right now, mr. president? you seem to be going on thursday, why now? yes, i planned to go on thursday, but i didn’t know that my good friend was also going there. seth meyers took his grandfather out for ice cream so he wouldn't worry so much. about the fact that he forgot his text , the reporter also asked biden, that’s what, can you name at least the approximate dates for the start of the truce in gaza, i hope that at the end of this week on the weekend, my national security adviser tells me that we are close to this agreement, but i hope that a truce will be reached next monday, this would be the answer of the real
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head of state, which gives hope, if he did not speak, it was while holding an ice cream in his hands. the time has come to bring peace to a region that has experienced a huge tragedy, of course, diplomacy goes well with desserts, at the yalta conference there was a chocolate fountain, not the most noble way to convey news that will change the world, i... i remember the photo of the obama team, on which they watching the capture of bin laden wearing balloon hats. despite biden's predictions, neither hamas nor israel spoke. that they are close to a ceasefire agreement, but biden’s optimism does not surprise me, when you have an ice cream cone in your hands, you think that everything will be fine, which is why they always buy it
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for children, parents, to announce their divorce , you know who lights up when they see ice cream, kids are elderly, that's why they give it to nursing homes, according to the alzheimer's association, ice cream loved by those... who have a decline in mental abilities? quote: ice cream has the ability to instantly induce a feeling of calm from the first spoon, that is , professor, well, what can i say, from an academic point of view, please, polls in the usa mean very little, what? the fact is that elections in the united states are not direct, they are designed so that you can have incredible popularity, but winning in this state means much less than winning. yes, in some gray small state, which will give more electors, but that’s not all, how they say, the trick of american democracy, the problem is that the entire state nominates
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electors, you voted for one candidate, another won in your state, which means your vote went to that candidate, there were precedents when electors were divided, there were always precedents for them, you voted for biden in your state... begins to think: why doesn’t my vote count for the sixth. nothing really? that's the problem for americans going forward. now let’s get back to macron and his very interesting
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statement about the deployment of nato troops. the point is what is that the fifth article of the washington treaty provides for assistance in case of aggression, but it does not prescribe anywhere that they will help you if you commit aggression. by the way, they had a precedent: the famous suedi crisis of fifty years, when great britain and france started a war against egypt, the soviet union demanded the withdrawal of israeli troops from egypt, they ran to the americans, the americans said that, in fact, firstly, this is not within nato's coverage area. secondly, we are not obliged to defend your colonial adventures. if you want to fight, fight, nato has nothing to do with it. but the same thing happened with turkey, when they shot down our pilot and we were thinking through response measures, nato said. no, no, on your own. yes, so i do not rule out that nato will go for this option. they will select countries that have territorial claims against ukraine, namely poland, romania, hungary, and they
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may send troops there. if there is a clash with russia, nato will say, but we have nothing to do with it. poland wants to fight with russia, please, but without nato. this is the first option. option two, remember, in the first days of our special'. operation there was an interesting situation when euronews suddenly began writing lemberg instead of lviv, then the poles themselves said: “yes, we considered the scenario that if the russians had taken kiev, then we would have taken control of our former eastern polish regions, but this the scenario suits us, if someone divides ukraine and leaves us what we need, then let them.” probably yes, because lemberg is for us? lemberg is absolutely for us, people who are unsympathetic to our culture live there, the problem will be a friend, if they are, for example, lemberg, then god be with him, but
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if, for example, they put them somewhere in poltava, somewhere in mirgorad, or somewhere in kremenchug, which will be very close to our non-contact, or maybe being in kharkov will be a problem for us, and it will be an even bigger problem if, for example. in a very wide stripe, in order to come to the aid of transnistria, we still have to take nikolaev, ochakov, kherson and odessa, only
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then will we be able to reach the border. odessa, ochakov, nikolaev, and for this, they they are drawing romania in so that at this very moment... that’s why they need romania, that’s why anti-russian sentiments are constantly maintained in romania. moldova itself is not dangerous, but in tandem with romania, moldova becomes very dangerous. and then, who knows, if they still worry me very much about the russophobia that has gripped bulgaria and bulgarian circles, if
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they... involve bulgaria in this operation, then a very serious problem could really arise here, and then, as if they collide with us, then they will say: and we and we have nothing to do with it, nato has nothing to do with it, it was a voluntary desire of poland and romania, they and bulgaria, they entered into a military conflict, so negotiate with them or fight with them, but do not touch their national territory, that’s actually the plan, on which... nato is probably going to act. this is why macron is not afraid that his words and actions will lead to a clash with russia. macron wants to find pawns to direct them into conflict with us, and then calmly step aside and say that france this has absolutely nothing to do with it. their task - or yes, the maximum plan is to preserve ukraine, not the black sea ports, the ukrainian presence on
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the left bank of the dnieper. or a minimum plan: if the kiev regime is overthrown, then urgently hold referendums in western ukraine in order to give part to poland, part to hungary, and worst of all, in southern ukraine, where the black sea coast is, to give to romania. these, in fact, are the two plans, a and b, that nato is thinking about. at the same time, looking at macron, one gets the feeling that this weak-willed citizen is not capable of finding at least some kind of pawn, he himself is more likely a pawn. he is forced to comment on the upcoming nuclear armageddon, well, that is, it looks funny and sad, but again, this is modern france, and the child is aggressive, what kind of search for pawns is there, he himself does not really understand what
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is happening, what exactly is his... ukraine, however, did not say whether he was personally in favor, but he did not rule it out. ruled out sending western soldiers to the united states. could we end up in a situation where french soldiers fight alongside each other? shoulder with the ukrainian army? the first question we have to ask ourselves is, will we like the prospect of russia winning this war? and the french president replied: no, i don’t want my and the next generation to live in a world where you could be threatened by a country like russia, so the president was asked if anything was excluded from the agenda, he said no, nothing cannot be ruled out, but we are talking about french soldiers, and not sleeping bags; undoubtedly, 2 years ago many did not want to send weapons so that she could defend herself, and now
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they are sending her. can talk much more professionally than about the conflict between russia and ukraine. we'll be back. very nice, khromov, leonid, premiere on rtr, i’m sure that ludashev was killed, we didn’t find the body, and we never will, the girl is alive, healthy and unharmed, which can’t be, it’s a disaster, i was wrong, i don’t want such a life ,
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today. tr. you're looking a hundred to one. what is our task to open all the boards? let's cope, if you ask, then with the swelling: the name of which character from pushkin's works is all they know how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with yuvar, i am oak, chop, not, pluck, problems with water.
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our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. artyom maslov, i offer you, within the framework.
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a technique that allows you to get rid of these butterflies in your stomach, i have it too, they will let you re-sample, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me married, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr, every sunday... mom makes cheesecakes. tradition. grandma loves to tell me the history of our family. tradition. dad and brother support the same team. tradition.
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taking care of each other and helping is our tradition. we also have a tradition in our family, together with the whole country, to elect a president. march 15, 16, 17, please accept. participation in the elections of the country's president. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. well, zelensky, apparently, still went down in history. he is probably the first person to come to albania, one of the poorest countries in europe, to beg for money. and, of course, the showman’s tour was not complete without a stand-up performance in tirana . zelensky, with a serious face, said that... macron’s idea to send western soldiers to ukraine came as a surprise to him , he was not warned about this, he was not consulted, but he says: if necessary, then i, of course, agree, and i don’t think that this
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is an occupation; zelensky also promised to find out everything from macron when he’s in the middle march will come, as zelensky put it, if he wants to come to kiev. proposition.
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nothing about ukraine without ukraine, the principle is observed, as we see, by europeans and americans, unquestioningly and strictly. ask! yes, of course, the same thing is happening with fate in transnistria, yes, they say there who will go to war in transnistria, either ukraine or moldova, but ukraine had chances. by the way, when did the special military operation begin? the talk was that ukrainian brigades were amassing on the border with transnistria, they were about to attack, but they didn’t attack, but the fact is that now a special military operation has put this situation in a bit of a stalemate, because if moldova were to begin military operations against prodnestria, where russian citizens with russian passports live, then the territory of the special military operation could extend to this state, because this is direct aggression against russia. there is an interesting wording, they asked
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parliament for help, taking into account the experience that the russian federation has already used to protect russian citizens in transnistria, and we’ll just remind you what kind of experience it was, general lebed came in, stood on the dniester and said, at least one bullet on one side or the other, that’s it, it’s all over. will consist in the fact that sabotage operations will be carried out, because
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on the territory of transnistria there is a well-known ammunition depot, if it is blown up, and this can be done with the help of several drones, then there will be a colossal explosion of about twenty tons, ammunition from six-inch guns has been stored there since 1913, six-inch is 152 mm, when some they say that these ammunition can be used by the ukrainian army, so go live, they are unsuitable for use, they were not so suitable back in 2014, they can only be disposed of, but due to the fact that ukraine has stopped resolving all these issues with us, just like moldova , now recycling is a very explosive process, uh, now what macron says , yes, he says, send in troops, all this, of course, is going on in poland, in another, as they say, there's rhetoric there, but don't forget foreign minister cameron great britain, who said, let
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’s create an expeditionary force and send it to ukraine, well, it’s right that nato will wander. by the way, when poland spoke out that it wants to go in and get eastern lands, but at the same time says: let all nato countries with me, they said: “no, no, guys, poles, this is your war, ours, they say, for the country.” . by the way, ben horges recently said that article 5 is not a machine gun, that is, if some nato country. he's up to something there, it doesn't mean that they took everything up and ran, he even says to the baltic states, said, says that if suddenly you are attacked, then you will not last 2 weeks while we decide political issues there, whether we should go to war or not to go to war, i remember the bbc film, if you remember, it such a fictional film about how our troops there entered the dauga, were already preparing to capture the village, they gathered in a bunker to start a nuclear war or start, the film ended with the saying:
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let her, of course, try to say that it’s as if they are not there, but we know they are there there is, and we have plenty of evidence, our investigative committee can present macron with a complete list of french military personnel, including. those who died in kharkov, when they settled in the rospolagu under the guise of volunteers and so on, we know these volunteers, but the fighting qualities of the social paris recognized their death, yes it recognized it, but this also suggests that, well, it recognized , he didn’t say that these were military men, these were instructors, who are armed civilians here, but they just arrived
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these, what is their name, the support corps , who seem to have stopped by, they don’t seem to be fighting, but at the same time they don’t help, but it’s as if everything has nothing to do with it, but why weapons, just in case, it’s a war, right? you see, russian missiles fly with chips from these ukrainian microwaves, so we need to defend ourselves, that is, all this rhetoric comes against the background of the idea that was expressed in europe, get ready for a war with russia, 3 years, by the way, those countries who lay claim to ukrainian territory, they were given 3 years, those countries that will go next told them 5 years, well, in the uk they said 10 years, she is the least of all, more accurately, she will be preparing for the longest time, although she doesn’t have those there either... oh, she has territorial claims to crimea, great britain, yes, because great britain said, that ukraine can recapture crimea, either on its own, if it is given all the weapons it has, or with the help of the nato expeditionary force, well , it’s clear that now this entire operation is headed by great britain, and crimea has been a sore spot for them since
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1853, an easy attack regiment, light cavalry, yes, when the whole world is british the nobility was laid there as a result. the madness of his commander, but they believe that it is our fault, we should have let them through, given them tea, treated them with sushi and sent them back, as they say, to the location of their unit, but this did not happen, so crimea is still a sore subject for them , that’s the fact that it was then that the famous term cannon fodder was born, as for claims to ukraine, they can try to fight on dzhinsonyuk street, or on dzhonsonyuk street, this is already the capital of ukraine, yes... the same johnson said that crimea we will recapture, but no one else from the official spoke, only johnson, yes, johnson and some representatives of the historical community of great britain, who said that this is quite real, but if we say quite real, then for this we need to prepare, we need to build up weapons and so on , here
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very interesting things are happening with macron, because, remember, we discussed an artillery association, that is, france heads those who supply shells for... what are the next tasks? i'll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers directly from russia, from china, from others, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first thing they told me is that we
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have a lot of them, the buryats are not they are running on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about this, alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in guys. those forces that could hold him back, you are probably the first one here shows, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, yes, you learned from pasha that, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i there should always be connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much , come back on sunday. on rtr, you will return the money to me now, if you do not pay me back this week, i will take everything you have through the court, everything, you will soon meet your father, well, my father died in an accident
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when i was 22 years old, which means it's a threat if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive you... to your victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, you have a camera in your office, you will follow me, and he kicks me out of the house, you need act, your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter does not respect you, sometimes it’s easier to understand other people’s problems than to overcome your fears. why did your father strengthen the door of the sharay, who was locked there? pure psychology, friday. on rtr. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my the heart beats only for you. on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are performed, but also desires, my mother-
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in-law promised to give me a porshkan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you fighting devil, what have you done, how could you, taxi, taxi , play oleg gazmanov's song at full volume. just wait for me through the rains , treasured flowers still live in me , some kind of fantasy morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. yes, listen, let me help you, look at the weekend, my
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business cat, actually i work here , it’s okay, you’ll excel, yes, what a shame, my husband has a mistress, maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, understood? just dare to go outside, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive the blow to the very heart, what are you doing, denis, this is my child, get out, no longer, you are my wife, lover, and who is my daughter, and i came to talk to you as man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone, you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, on sunday on rtr. for the first time , i’m not ashamed to admit even to you that
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i’ve been singing to my heart for 20 years, try mua, try jaga, katya lel, songs for 20 years, suddenly, according to official data, 100 million views a day. marmalade, what did you have to go through for these , he became nervous, her life was not always 20 years, this was your separation then with alexander volkov, how much misfortune befell your life for this man, trials were going on, i was very wounded in soul, when igor came up to me, you have your marmalade, i say, no, but what, can i be one, i think, well, yes. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. so,
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we are looking forward to hearing from the clinic. biden undergoing a medical examination. these are the shots looking for dementia. to be fair, last year on february 16, 2023, no one was found. they said biden is absolutely healthy and fully fit for duty.
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we are transported to washington, american bureau chief dmitry melnikov, from 13th washington street, i think, on direct line, hello. and the image that the comedians create is created by biden himself, as if it were a red herring. behind this screen there is still a serious political
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discussion. for example, critically important for our soldiers at the front, for our entire country, 60 million dollars for the armed forces of ukraine, if only millions, billions of dollars for the zelensky regime, how far did biden and the republicans advance the day before? hello, colleagues, well, indeed, congress has returned to work again after a ten-day break , and first of all, the leaders of the congress of both chambers went to the white house, as they say, on the carpet, how the meeting went, whether this is how the comedians present it, we don’t know, but really - assistance to ukraine was the main issue, except - of course, the shutdown, which is only one day away, this is funding government, the main question is the timing of the very fact of assistance to kiev, which is now increasingly illusory, despite the fact that biden once again put on his
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famous badge with the ukrainian flag, it is clear that this badge does not yet work, schumer himself, on the eve of this visited meetings in kiev, talked with zelensky, brought him there again a lot of moral, but no financial support, and schumer called the meeting itself in the white house the most intense that he had ever seen, despite the fact that we know that the head of the cia was also present at this meeting, obviously he also put pressure on the republicans, talking about how deplorable the situation was at the fronts, perhaps he was talking about those cia bases, which, as we recently found out, have been around for several years. test after a general conversation, here at kamin, as we saw, he was summoned separately to the oval office, where they were already continuing , so to speak, face to face, to put pressure on the speaker
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of the lower house of parliament, but judging by the words... which he said when leaving after this meeting, he remained adamant, after all, the priority for him is really what remains is, firstly, the shutdown, and secondly, these are the southern borders with mexico, only then did he mention ukraine, while we still cannot now say what decision the republican faction in the lower house came to, since today here they are, for example , are engaged hunter, biden, we know that today they will not consider an aid package for either ukraine or israel, and today they are holding a hearing on corruption in the biden family. while the father actually went to the hospital, the son is now under interrogation, and this is also classified information, it also takes place behind closed doors, just as we are unlikely to learn the details of the tests and the details of the study of joe biden himself, despite all the demands for a test on the president's cognitive abilities, the white house categorically refuses to do this, says that there is no need for this, although indeed
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, after that report of special prosecutor khur, it is clear that if we use legal... terms that he cannot be charged with criminal guilt, then it turns out that this is indeed in the direct case an insane person, colleagues, demo, what is the probability that a really honest doctor will be found, say, dementia, or what will they check then, if this is not a cognitive test, what are they looking for and where? well, this is biden's personal physician, who carries out his examination every year, well tested, correctly recommended.
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when it’s money, but i remembered that the money needs to be paid in advance, by the way, bender said about this, you are a rather vulgar person, you love money more than necessary, he loved and suffered , yes, he loved money, suffered from its lack, well , by the way, if they had read 12 chairs well, then they knew that there was a verdict for ukraine in this situation, the matter of helping drowning people, the matter of the drowning people themselves, yes, that is, not biden, you are drowning, it’s yours problems, where will you take money, from
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the albanians or somewhere else, that is, well , they’re sitting there, but now give me... money, it’s like zelensky, yes, that is, now everything is about his legitimacy there, when powers flow away, indeed, according to the constitution , the next presidential elections are held on the last sunday in march of the fifth year of power, that is, in a month, yes. of course, in 1996, when the constitution was adopted, no one could have thought that such bastards would come to power and plunge the country into such chaos, yes and martial law, nothing is written there , that is, there is a shorter one, but not one longer, but what is important for us is this legitimacy, it is clear that they will give him this piece of paper, like biden, and there, that he is fit for duty, here all legitimacy, but for us the main thing is that there is someone who will simply sign the surrender, they will write the expiration date, expiration date, well, if he remains alive, they, by the way, are cunning americans, they don’t write... use before, yes, well done, of course, the americans, of course, will write to him, give him a piece of paper, because, according to the constitution, of course, yes, the source of power in ukraine is the people, but whoever
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reads the constitution in ukraine, the source of power in ukraine has long been the us embassy, ​​if they recognize zelensky, yes, they are now talking about appealing to the constitutional court, but there is a catch , the constitutional court, its composition is 18 people, of which now there are only 13, and in order to make any decision. a quorum of more than 10 people is needed, but the catch of these 107 is poroshenko’s people whom he appointed, four of whom were personally appointed by poroshenko according to the presidential quota, he introduced three through the judiciary, yes, that is, the office of the president can appeal, that is , the constitutional court will come to the conclusion that the president of ukraine is petro alekseevich , quite rightly, all the legitimacy, let's go back, very nice, khromov.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig , as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either. because each of them a real star, trynk, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved
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a red snake into my head, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official registration of the union. on saturday. maybe we can try with help. my experiment just didn't go a little according to plan. we know these experiments. two of the same formulas, sometimes butterflies flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have them too , we’ll sleep with you, they’ll let you go, i’m ready
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to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me married, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr. glorifying the fatherland, this is only possible in russia. the games of the future are freedom from all types of discrimination and double standards, true sport. a tournament that exceeded our wildest expectations. victories at the intersection of reality and the cyberverse.
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our champions have proven that sport knows no boundaries. forever. the closing ceremony of the games of the future is on sunday on rtr. what kind of job are you planning to look for? any, just to get backstaff, what? irina shtaif is a very famous fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out, figure it out, i’ll hire you. thank you very much. cleaners. i thought this new girl could help us? that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. i need to create my own collection
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to show it to people, i’ll try, i have talent steal, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what about the hall, there will be a fillet of my collection, you still have nothing to show , it turns out that he deceived me and not only me, lace, on saturday on rtr. in the sun, again magnetic storms, which this time , thank god, brought to our planet not only migraines, but also rare natural anomalies, safe anomalies, look, the sky over the kola peninsula turned into a bright green emerald color, the northern lights were observed at night not only in the murmansk region, but in ryazania, leningrad region, yamalo-nenets okrug, well, it’s spring in moscow. the northern lights in ryazan are something new.
10:59 am
look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye, what are the next tasks, i’ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, that you fight directly from russia, from china, from someone else, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? this is where the day begins and this is where it ends, the first thing they told me is that we have a lot of them, the guryats don’t run, helicopter port number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich, again , hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here to show you, pasha, are you filming this, pasha, hello , hello, yes, you learned from this, upachita, in the first person. just tell me what and
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where is happening at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i welcome all viewers, i am maria sittal, hello, at exactly noon vladimir putin will address his annual message to the federal assembly, tasks will be set for the next 6 years. the russian armed forces have established themselves in the strongholds of rabotina, in the zaporozhye region.


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