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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 29, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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a man who rose from the bottom, the same gennady andreevich zyuganov, was born in a village in the oryol region, khatynetsky district, a politician not only on a russian, international scale, president of the russian federation, vladimi, it’s good that you don’t have a cult of personality in your party, vladimir vladimirovich putin , from the tver province, family, he himself was born in a simple leningrad family and due to skills, training, education, the desire to benefit the country, the president of the russian federation is indeed a very great world leader. the path of the people, we have this elite that stole, escaped, the president also spoke about it today, he said, in general, we need to create a class society, pass on power by inheritance, money by inheritance, but in fact this is a return to what was up to the age of seventeen, so of course, any citizen should have the right of a young guy to have opportunities. in
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sports, in politics, in culture, in all spheres, in the military, the decision is very correct, you look at the experience of the soviet era, if you take the fifties, sixties, the seventies, basically all the party economic leaders were front-line soldiers who went through this path, and the guys who are now defending their homeland should have real social lifts, the opportunity to achieve any success in all...
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in the old days, one-room apartments were 16-17%, now 45 -50 , that is, a one-room studio - this is the way for a young family with high mortgage loans that are difficult to repay, 40% of housing now in large cities is investment housing, that is, which rich people use as an investment system, by the way, in housing water in aleksandrich, you know, there is a fairly large part of the private sector, so the mortgage system... at those interest rates at such a refinancing rate, it will not solve the housing problem and grain today has not been talked about much about agriculture, indeed a lot is being done to develop agriculture , but let's see, grain is actually the raw material that we sell abroad, including who receives the main marginal profit? logistics companies, traders, they have big profits, and villagers, especially small medium-sized businesses, have big problems. from the disparity of prices
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, therefore , we need to look deeper into many issues, even where we have some successes, in order to avoid making the same mistakes as were made with the army, defense industry, sernuyu and others . i listened, i heard everything except the opposition, i can say one thing, the president is right when he talks about the consolidation of society, today the communist party of the russian federation is practically “i’m glad that many of the theses alexandrich, which we expressed, are being implemented, this is the task of the opposition , to give constructively, there is only one small nuance: the problem is that these theses are being implemented when this implementation is possible, because when your party was ruling, it managed to lose our homeland, therefore, every time we look at the recipes of the past, we are forced to take into account the mistakes, because this is our common tragedy, this is generally, this is a common tragedy, so we are not in any way now.”
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who was the destroyer of the soviet union, first - after all, the president clearly said, the leadership of russia, the leadership of russia, he said, we understand, they were from which party, the second point, he yeltsin betrayed the party.
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please. in general, we live in a time when it is very important to correctly analyze experience , simple recipes always lead to big, then troubles, big troubles, by the way, not yeltsin, yeltsin’s role goes without saying, but still there was such a person, his name was gorbachev mihalets, well, they are a couple almost each in their own way, that’s how they are traitors to the party, traitors to the country, no couples, traitor - this is a very strong word , it should be judicial, aleksandrevich, the collapse of the ussr, so for reference, the communist party of the soviet union consisted of 16.5 million people, i don’t know a single example when at least one of the communists came to the defense of their party , and on my part, but we can still return to the message, i would like to argue a little with my colleagues here, not even to argue, to say that the message
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was not primarily addressed back, this message is primarily addressed and is not addressed to the federal assembly, no, it is addressed to the citizens of russia, i here agree with the thesis that was voiced that in essence this is the program of presidential candidates vladimir vladimirovich putin, not only for the next 6 years, but for the long-term subsequent period, and that today a significant part of the message was addressed specifically problems of the internal development of the country, its tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, this is very important, there were a lot of numbers, very specific tasks, out of journalistic habit, i wrote everything down, covered it in my notebook. i thought about this, because what what the president said today, without exaggeration, concerns every citizen of russia, from an infant to an old man, because those specific tasks, specific goals, new national projects, new programs
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that were announced, that were voiced, they cover all environments without exception, but let’s let us just remember the new national projects, you said at the beginning that their 5. the first national project is the family, this is the foundation of society, it is no coincidence that the president said today that it is traditional russian values ​​that are the basis of the foundations of our ideology, our development in the essence of the existence of our state, within the framework of the new national project, huge funds that will be allocated to support the family in all areas, first of all, of course, the family, the young, but not only the national project long active life about whom about pensioners? about people who have retired, but still want to feel needed, useful, active members of society, want to live an interesting life and are not going to sit on the stove. the third national project is the youth of russia, it will allow us to solve a lot of problems of young people, to whom the president devoted
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a lot of time in his message today, saying rightly that today we have a generation that is not afraid to hand over the country tomorrow. the fourth national project personnel.
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they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray you. so they should take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in public associations, in state-owned companies, business, in state and municipal administration, head regions, enterprises, ultimately, the largest domestic projects are so genuine. successes, they do not utter loud slogans of words, but at turning points in history, it is precisely such people who come to the fore, take
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responsibility, such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can be passed on in the future and entrusted to russia. you know that, well , you know that the word elite has largely discredited itself by those who... are confident in their deeds, have proven their loyalty
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to russia, worthy people. and in this regard, about a new, i think, important decision, already with tomorrow, from march 1, twenty- four, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldiers. officers who are currently fighting in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let's call it the time of heroes. yes, thank you, well, indeed, the time of heroes without attraction without pathos, i spoke only about national projects, but the president voiced, i repeat, a huge number of new tasks that will affect every person. what is, for example, the procurement of public transport, forgive me, 40,000 units of new buses,
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trams or trolleybuses, i see this from the example of my region, where in samara today people are taking the tram by storm, since in the twenties in moscow they rode on the bandwagon, cramming in there like sardines in a barrel, what is the program regarding the resettlement of the emergency fund, this means that the people who live today in the same place i have again today in samara, with cesspools in their yards, with a lack of toilets in wooden ones. excuse me, barracks, they will move to high-quality, normal modern housing, environmental programs, which were announced today, saving forests, clean water, what was said today about the modernization of housing and communal services, huge funds are proposed to be directed there, again, this concerns each of us, roads, aleksan mich said about this, we live in the largest country in the world, where the sun never sets, where we have so many time zones, and at the same time... of course, we live in unequal conditions, the task is to make sure that a person
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, regardless of whether he is in the far east or in the east, , in siberia, the urals, the caucasus or central russia, i didn’t feel like a second or third class person, and the same express roads, high-speed highways, and this problem will be solved, i mean that the message is addressed to every resident of our country, it is not just a set of some numbers, not just a set something about the fact that unprecedented funds are being allocated to a satellite constellation that will allow us to solve the problem of communication and
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the internet throughout the country, it cannot and should not be the case that today you are driving along a highway in the same siberia, the far east, and a dozen you don't have kilometers communications, it cannot be that people today in the 21st century do not have access to the internet, because they live somewhere in a remote village, thank god, we will solve this problem today, and this is a policy document, a message, this... who really, everyone who ultimately just wants to live normally, today
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receives such an opportunity, in this sense , of course, a message, an absolutely unique document, from the point of view of its content and fullness and multi-directionality, because, of course, the foreign policy aspect and the military-strategic aspect voiced in it is, of course, the most important thing, without strong security. without a strong defense , there can be no development, of course, alexey said that in the conditions there there is pressure, such things cannot happen at all, there is not a word here. promotional budget , we can imagine the speech of moltov in 1941 or stalin, where he speaks not about, along with the tasks of the war, he also says that we need to develop this, master it, send it there, no, of course, about what does this mean, it means that the president and the leadership of the country...


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