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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 29, 2024 11:30pm-2:11am MSK

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why aren't you calling? and what? can i hear something not intended for me? perhaps it's a pity, i wanted to talk. sorry, ivan ivanovich, i brought you four more girls. okay, let them wait a little. wait here, they will call you. do you think angela was killed or kidnapped? i don't know yet. what do you think? of course she was kidnapped, her dad is cool, he has a lot of money. i mean, cool. that and the rich and all that. but he didn’t let me act in films. and she wanted, well
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, of course, let’s go and listen to what the students in the corridor are gossiping about, and the young she had a man, what a young man, i mean boyfriend, zoya, and where is belyaev? no, where is he? he’s working somewhere on kidnapping, oh , what, oh, he asked not to tell, even to me, but it’s okay that i’m also a deputy prosecutor, well, you can, there’s no chief either, and of course, will he let himself be taken care of? “what is this, an investigation plan for kolobanov’s daughter? come on, put it in its place, he left this to the boss, and why didn’t ivan ivanovich bring it to me for approval? version three, kidnapping with the aim of influencing kolobanov, to work off the lugansk man?”
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hello, hello, what is your name, from what faculty? olga? me, i'm from the library. and, of course, very much. ok, have you ever acted in a movie? no, you will, here ’s your business card, there’s a phone number in the studio, we ’re recruiting girls for the series, understand? we’ll arrange it so that you’ll get credit for your internship , that’s fine, just don’t talk too much, you know, there’s a lot of people willing, okay, call me , what kind of lady, what did you want, studio start, the administrative group of the series
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, that’s my job, i’m talking about i can believe you, i don’t understand, i’m leaving you, tell it to the boss, and i went, what is this? this is my report that i am relinquishing supervision of the polyanskaya case, are you crazy, who will supervise? yes, anyone, even kovin, even vilonov, but no, masha, don’t be stupid , wait, hello, girls, and i ’m here for the latest news... there’s talk in the city
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that kolobanov’s daughter was kidnapped, staroseltsev, well, at least you tell her that she’s a fool, zoya, what are you allowing yourself, and you, maybe a glass of martini as a sedative, if you want a drink, let’s go have a drink, if anything, i’ll go give an interview, zoya, bye, viktor ivanovich.
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what does it smell like? i do not feel anything. what's happened? mash, we need to, we need to call the police. no need, why an assassination attempt? that is why. “dima, don’t come home today, because, yes, anywhere , at least don’t come to moscow and that’s it, 18 interrogations is not enough, of course, but today
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it’s no longer possible, otherwise it will affect the quality, god, trust us, we let’s take everyone’s explanation halfheartedly, no, young man, i don’t like this simplification, here..." every word is important, every nuance. i have to interrogate everyone myself. ivan ivanovich, today you interrogated a bunch of people, so what? any valuable information? it's hard to say yet. so, you see, if we quickly interviewed them, you would save a lot of time. that's right, quickly. you can’t do this, guys, you can throw out the baby with the bathwater. here. what is this? i identified three young ladies who were offered to act in films. well. i don’t know yet, who suggested it? some kind of studio start, so they offered me today, exactly, even studio start, masha, don’t rub your eyes, i’m about to
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i'll find some drops. and damn it, here you go, stop my intrusiveness, but what does all this mean? this means that kolabanov believes that my husband kidnapped his daughter, but i know that dima could not do this, but so, so what? oh, vasya, finally, hello, the weather is disgusting, ivan ivanovich, where are you going, home or to the office? i need to take papers to the prosecutor's office, but i can't take them home? yes, why? because it's prohibited. and here they carry everything around like they’re cute. that's why our
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investigation has reached its limit. the instructions are not followed by the law with the prosecutor's office and at home. only to the prosecutor's office. how about home? no gentleman, i'll get there by metro. let's go, yeah, he's a good guy, smart, but sometimes he would kill him, yes, he's funny, but there's a lot to learn from him, and i see you took it seriously, but wanted to hide, oh, hi, it's good that you had time, oh , where are you from, where are you from, i want to take her home, but you think that there is no one else to help her? that’s enough, but i think that your wife is waiting for you at home, okay, i’m not home, i’m off to the university, bye, olya, wait, olya!
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"listen, i respect you very much, but don't you think you're a little too old for her? what did i imagine, i did with her here, by the way, of course i don’t have a gun, and maybe i didn’t show up, petka, what are you talking about, nothing. “i don’t offer martina or coffee, i still have a sore throat, me too, yes,
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viktor ivanovich, okay, yeah, you ask me to come to belyaev, well, if the authorities ask.” lord, what a ride, you ’re fine anyway, goodbye, goodbye, what is this, what kind of demarche? yes, and if you were me, marya sergeevna, why didn’t you call me? sorry, okay, at least yours the house was under surveillance. oh, another observation? well, calm down, calm down, this is for your own safety. yes, i am your safety. just imagine. so at least we have a photograph of the villain, although he disguised himself as best he could. the cap is on the eyes, the collar is raised, well, at least something.
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cap in front of his eyes, collar raised, so he walked past us on the stairs, you recognize him, well, except that he was noticeably limping by his gait, i must say to vinokurov, vanechka is coming, vanechka, oh, you again, and olya is not here, oh well, we need to discuss something. well let's go, let's discuss, yeah, great, hello, i wish you, on the summer business, go for a walk, on the business, where did you go here, the authorities with the prosecutor's office , you don't have to get up, you accidentally have a drink, no, but we don't drink at work, yes , but you can always run around the corner to have a drink there, i’ll run to you , how are things going, they have murders opening up like buds in the spring, but here, where should we go, at home, we haven’t yet achieved such mastery, according to angela polyanskaya, nothing i hear, petya, in my opinion, the matter is with ivan
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ivanovich, and this concerns us all. eh, petya, okay, you’ll work for five years, nothing will concern you, not even what’s in production. you won't wait. so, that means there are no traces yet. not yet. lord, i 've lost my mind. where could she have gone? they didn’t put a bag over her head right at the institute. so there had to be some good reason for her to leave with someone like that, could she leave with an acquaintance? well, she didn’t know my husband. marya sergeevna, firstly, you might not have known about this acquaintance, and secondly, we agreed with you, to sergeevich’s fault, we did not we believe, but we keep it in mind until we are sure. the only thing we were able to identify was a certain start studio, which invites girls to star in the series.
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lame, lame, somewhere i recently saw khromov, it’s not locked, killers, okay, you
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’re looking for such a polyansky girl, well, we’re looking, but it seems like she was found, or maybe not she, we need to identify it, but that the corpse is disfigured, but wait you, immediately a corpse, in what form she was found, but still alive, but it is still unclear whether she is or not, according to signs, a similar girl with documents, her name, and where i found it, right off the bat, in hospital number 18, let's go, damn, and again we have to go to bed at night, we don't know where, and the boss, by the way, has a jealous wife, you couldn't report in the morning, let's go, you if you don’t please, then report, then don’t report, viktor ivanovich, polenskaya was found, and what kind of crowd do we have here, oh, what are you in a crowd, an emergency, give us the documents, why do you want to take them, who will he sign them? let's sign, let's sign, hang up, let me call the prosecutor on duty, go ahead, don't waste time, i'll catch up with you, how's yours here,
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green button, red shutdown, pavlych, kovin is worried, yesterday at 16:10 a car drives up to the hospital, two people drop off the girl , take her to the emergency room and set off, and what happened to the girl, girl in memorylessness, apparently they injected something, i wouldn’t say my name, maybe, but how did you know that it was angela polyanskaya? so the hospital immediately told us, you put a watchdog on her, and she had a student card and money in her purse, did they tell her parents? no, first you, what? they brought her for a guy, number, car, everything is in order. in what sense? did they bring it right under the camera? our hospital is small, last year some thugs staged a pogrom, beat up the doctor, apparently they were looking for drugs, but after this case the local bollits found sponsors and put cameras around. so there is a tape and you can see something? well , there are records, something is visible, their faces are clearly visible, the car number is not complete, well, thank god, keep the swamps, through the duty station
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you will contact your head of the rvd, and instructions, convey the material, really, that we... take care of the girl and the doctor, guys , watch the video material, squeeze everything possible out of it, and ivan ivanovich and i, i’d better look at her things, you never know, well, good, it’s at least in consciousness, cloudy consciousness, our psychologist... worked with her to no avail, but what was injected into her, why is she in such a state? is this the effect of the drug or the effects of shock? no, is this a drug? there is a mark of injection on her arm and the symptoms fit into the picture. is there any damage on it? no damage. maybe traces rape? the gynecologist looked, everything was clean, we took swabs just in case, looked at them in the laboratory, there were no traces of sexual contact.
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yeah, can i look at it? well , look, but she's sleeping. please, thank you, and you sit, write, write, the police say her father is not easy, in what sense, well, not poor, maybe he will repair our toilet to celebrate, her dad himself lives at the expense of others and would rather do shit than do good she'll do the job, of course, and by the way, her clothes were in order, and... too, that's one thing i was alarmed that the shoes were very dirty, but the weather in the city was good.
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ivan ivanovich, the shoes need to be seized, i agree, marya sergeevna, i thought so myself, it’s too typical dirt. pavel semyonovich , in person, now it’s clear why they brought her to the hospital, it was too late to let her go, she saw something, but they were afraid to kill her, after all, kolobanov’s daughter, viktor ivanovich, yes, it’s not dima, she was kidnapped by those who they didn’t
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know that she was kolobanov’s daughter, well, it looks like it, it doesn’t look like it. and exactly, the attention of naryadovsky district, vasya, you don’t remember where i put the tape, that we brought it from the hospital, by the way, we didn’t formalize the seizure, it’s you yourself, oh, we also need a video camera, where can we get it, vasya, give it the key to the boss’s office, to the apartment where the money is, okay, don’t squeeze, what do you mean, we need a video camera, we’ll take a look and leave. it’s forbidden , vasya, don’t embarrass me in front of my comrades from the center, send the key, got it, through the store, tomorrow, tomorrow there will be a key, guys, 5 minutes, i’m to the office and back, wait,
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thank you, vasily, you’re a real friend, well and you i thought, let's go, so what kind of system is this? stop, let's see the number, fedit. i realized , i realized that tomorrow morning i haven’t gotten enough sleep, but i’m going to the traffic cop and rummaging through the file cabinet there, well done, lugansky doesn’t have such guys,
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well, they came to their senses, okay. then we’ll quickly decide. handles shoes with traces of dirt. well, i'll go to college then. good. and we, marya sergeevna, have the most difficult task. call kolobanov. kolobanov will not come. call both. we need to convince mr. kolobanov that your husband has nothing to do with it, why
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lived, but i won’t be able to talk to him, i hate him, you can, it’s okay, you can, he still won’t come, you know, he’s with the police, he has no business with the prosecutor’s office. no, well, well, well, you need to call him yourself, not his wife, but yourself. viktor ivanovich, call you nakurov. well, kindergarten. volodya, kovin, how did you manage to sleep? well, okay. listen, do you remember when we tried to grab kolobanov by the tail, you turned all his phones? do you have his phone number? that's it, i'm writing, that's it, come on,
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i'd better go to my place. pavel semyonovich, this is deputy prosecutor shvetsov, according to
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part-time wife of lugansky, i’m waiting for you at the prosecutor’s office with your wife, your daughter was found, all the details at the meeting, vanya, great, great, are you selling this to you, perhaps, for examination, huh? and we are not a society for the protection of consumer rights, stop kidding, this is for the examination of dirt, a new word in science, and i don’t have permission to examine dirt, like this, we just wanted to study the composition of the soil with the soles of confiscated shoes, here, learn to speak competently, otherwise you understand, examination of dirt, you won’t believe it, dear child, as these trackers put it, one brought me a fork and asked me to determine whether the fork was a bladed weapon, and that someone should plant a fork in a soft spot, well, yes, and... here’s another ruling, whether traces were left by a person’s fingers? so what? otherwise who else in living nature has fingers, a crocodile,
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or what? no, guys, seriously, dirt is not for me, you’ll also want to know where this dirt is located geographically, naturally, you need to become a biologist in the soil department of our glorious university, so guys, i wish you good luck, thank you, thank you, but you're welcome. where is this biological faculty located? i know where , let’s go, shveytsova, well, you shook your head , and talk to kolobanov the way i talked politely, didn’t raise my voice, didn’t use obscene language, but i’m not talking about that, tell me why you didn’t tell me that you found kolabanov’s daughter, huh? we agreed, you can be present during the conversation, and what if he arrives? i hope you rushed to complain, but yes, the boss
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called me to his place. and twisted his tail, saying i don’t know what what’s going on in my area, the deputy district prosecutor and the victim took, you know, an unacceptable tone. interestingly , kolobanov complained to the deputy prosecutor of the city, and said that on principle he does not deal with the police, the prosecutor’s office, he complained to someone in the administration, and from there they called my boss, then i snickered that you can trade your face, well, trade, h.. .come in, where is she? are you alone? yes, what about our girl? i will only talk in the presence of your husband. but he, he's not there. he is not interested in the fate of his daughter, but she needs medical assistance. and it is not known what the delay will turn out to be? how can you? yes, marya sergievna, you have it somehow, don’t worry.
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“we’ll tell you everything now, no, let pavel semyonovich come, but he, he, he’s abroad, i told you who’s waiting for you in the car, but what difference does it make, i repeat, i won’t talk to you , let pavel semyonovich come , i ’ll write complaints, at least 10, are you, are you, are you making fun of your mother, huh?” yes, i ’ll write you a report, write, nikolai petrovich, your right, i told you, go get your husband, should you really tell me it’s not a pity, it’s a pity, but it doesn’t change anything.
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oh, i ask you to go to her, she doesn’t want to talk to me, i beg you, please, i beg you, i natalie, i beg you, please go, i beg you, please, i beg you, come on! hello, hello, hello, pavel semyonovich, why were you immediately afraid to come in, uh-huh, why should i be afraid, i haven’t done anything bad in my life, i’m from the city
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prosecutor’s office, nikolai filonov. take off, where is my daughter? your daughter was kidnapped, it is unknown, for what purpose it is unclear, when they realized who she is like this, she was given psychotropic drugs and taken to the hospital, her memory has not returned to her yet, where is my daughter? want to know where your daughter is? in the hospital, she is receiving medical care as best they can, the hospital is not so hot, are you kidding me, in which hospital? i understand your feelings perfectly, but thank god, the girl... is safe in the hospital, and not in some dirty den, among armed drug addicts, right? listen to what you are saying, we don’t even know you, we know each other in absentia, come on, maybe you want money, you’re offering me a bribe, and i only want one thing, for you to leave my husband alone, if you don’t do this, i will poison your life, i’m not joking, you
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know it yourself. how can you break a business , they will come to you with a search, take away all your documents, seize your accounts, do you think that you are the only investigator in the city, of course, you can file a non-challenge, but on what grounds, write that i am biased towards you , because you once organized my kidnapping, and now you are extorting money from my husband, what are you writing, i will be only glad, this wanted, are you blackmailing me? your daughter is in hospital no . daughter, i’m
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taking you out of the hospital immediately, i don’t want any investigation, and i ask you not to bother me anymore. well, mother, you are strong , i respect, i respect, as you do him, and well, well done, it wasn’t me, it’s like it wasn’t me, oh well, listen, i respect him, but you? hm, it's good that you brought the shoes themselves. yes. kolya, why are you standing there? oh, will you trust me?
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hmm, don't worry, he's just kidding. yeah. in fact, he already has his dissertation ready. and i'm only writing the first chapter. hey, just prepare some samples, and i ’ll evaluate them with an authoritative look. fine. the owner of these shoes walked along a suburban plot of soil, she is a student, maybe she did an internship in the area, but no, no, hmm, then she walked with the cavalier, we specifically took samples from only one shoe, you can examine the second layer by layer and find out what kind of soil is it? at the beginning, and where then? is it possible to find out exactly where she was walking, uh, where is this soil? of course, it’s possible, but here, on the shore of the lake, the soil scientist is told
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that this place is right here, but we won’t get there, because it’s a private cathedral? “i promised old man bilyaev to find out about this studio, less need to escort other people’s girls home, immediately free up my time, i’ve long wanted to say, maybe the girl was lured out of the institute under the pretext of supposedly acting in a movie, but what is this idea, maybe angela
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and she wasn’t the only one like that, but maybe they were actually filmed in some guy’s room? well, guess what, you need to find out everything about the studio , so let’s go , well, nothing, they don’t know such a studio, they haven’t heard about such a series, well where now, they gave the address of one private studio, they film series there, but first in restaurant, oh great, why are you happy, i have a meeting with a porn tycoon, porn bastard, let's go.
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water from the tap, okay, in the morality police, i seem to know everyone, the tax office has no complaints against me, i crush my competitors like lops, because my girl is the most correct, yeah, i’m just talking about competitors, i crush them like bugs, and these too, but i don’t know. well, what can i tell you, my friend, these are not my competitors, this studio does not exist in nature, if they made even one frame of a porn film, i would know everything about them, i even know who makes home videos, and maybe they make what some banned films
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, well, with sadism, with masochism, i would definitely know about these, these are my main competitors, uh-huh, thank you, everything is clear, uh, wait, winner... no, thank you, yes, take it, take it , i'm pure heart, in a week in kan.
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still, check, irina gennadievna, bring up all cooperation agreements with film and television studios, and look for an agreement with the start studio, but i know that there was no start, but you will look anyway. yeah thanks. so, now we will take a wide shot of the crane. lenya, are you ready? get ready,
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darling. still ready as of yesterday. stop, you can’t come here, i’ll eat here. criminal investigation. major ganakurov, lieutenant ustinov, come in. subject. there is little blood. here you go, you got it. and hello, who are you visiting? hello, we are from the criminal investigation department , we need a director, over there, please, girls , i asked for a blow like this, like this, not like that, look how he hit, like this, like this, you know, what do you tell me? done , then there is blood, thank you for the umbrella , thank you very much, there is blood here, criminal russian, there quickly,
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start studio start studio start, what is this, what kind of studio is this, i don’t know such a studio, what do they do, what do they film , about the strangeness of love, idiots, closed topic, worked on by me a long time ago, thank you, why strangers in the frame, but i’m already leaving, but who is this, why are you looking for a studio, why aren’t we filming, all artists, masha?
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even if we assume that this is a kidnapping, well
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, well, a person who voluntarily freed the kidnapped person is exempt from criminal liability if his actions do not contain another corpus delicti, hell, a different corpus delicti, after all, she was injected with something potent, well, once we prove that it was they who injected her, they will say that they found her unconscious on the road and, out of the kindness of their hearts , took her to the hospital. okay, what are we going to do? yes, we need to get to them somehow. be careful, but apparently they are experienced guys, it’s dangerous to push opera on them, you need a real journalist. anton, just don’t pedal, calm down, i understand the task, i need to ask for a meeting. i’m listening, hello, this is start studio,
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what do you want? i am a columnist for the world of crime magazine, we are preparing material about tv series, i would like to meet and talk. hello, where do you want to meet, where are we meeting, and square stories, when, when at 9, today at 9:00, we agreed. take off, they won't come, yes, that's how it is already
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you stand for an hour and a half. well, how can i tell you, now they don’t even go with me and even a journalist, watching my wife doesn’t talk, so far nothing has yielded contact with the man at the cottage, i see only one option, how to lure them out, olya, olya, i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know, i doubt it, well , are we going to put the girl at risk, especially the future employee. but for now she’s not an employee, i object, and i object, but she agrees, call her here, uh-huh, olya, come in,
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vladimirovna, summit, what do you say, no, well, if i were hired, then about this it would be out of the question, but why not, i agree, and it’s not scary, well, of course it’s scary, what if i do something wrong, but they’ll back me up, right? of course, you just need to get in touch, we’ll do the rest ourselves, not only, not only, there could be all sorts of unforeseen situations, for example, yes, whatever, no, in my opinion, you’re all crazy , this cannot be allowed, viktor ivanovich is absolutely right, anything can be there , she needs not only
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to get through the connection, but to penetrate into the channel, otherwise there will be no evidence for us unless we find a couple of fresh corpses or video recordings of the orge, here. and if she gets into the cottage, and the gate is closed in front of your nose, you’ll take it by storm, no matter how late it is, wow, why are you telling horror stories, everything will be okay, i’m sure, but i ’m not sure if she was an employee of the criminal investigation department, where can i find you an operative now, can i tell you, they refused to talk to the journalist, it’s not a fact that they will want to talk to the operative, this woman saw me at the institute, she was the one for me gave this card, only she will believe me, that’s right, only olya can get to them. i still object, but you, petya, i really have no words, well, viktor ivanovich, we need to decide, i don’t know, i don’t know, you can offer anything else, but there are no other proposals, wow, we’re wasting time, where is the guarantee that now they’re not spuding up just another student , right now, while we’re arguing here about what’s possible and what’s not, i can only accept one
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option: well, let olga call this woman, make an appointment, she’s nowhere to be found doesn't go. and you already grab your aunt and drag her until she takes her where she needs to go, uh-huh, olya, you understand, of course, marya sergeevna, well, little ring, hello, my dear, well done for calling. help out dear, take the shortest route to
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the cottages. come out, come on, come on, let's go, well, let's storm, just wait.
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come on, come on, move it, come in, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, calm down, everything is fine, let's get out of here, yes. yes, put it back, by the way, they will be looking for fingers, on the stick, by
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the way, there are traces of blood, i don’t understand at all, why kidnap decent girls if there are a lot of prostitutes around, then the clients probably wanted decent girls, not prostitutes, so we’ll find clients if this woman gives testimony today, and if she doesn’t, we’ll flog her with this very whip , and the girls , he said that he found three who were here under the pretext of... samples, and we’ll present the girls with the clients for identification, well , naturally, we’ll present them if they didn’t have this on them, but come on, you’re not paws, that’s all, the investigators will come, they will hit you in the head, and you don’t tell them, and i won’t tell you, then your fingerprints will go like the clients’ fingerprints , hello, look, an underground brothel for sadists has been exposed, students were kidnapped for sexual slavery among
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vip clients, and where are you going to meet your husband at the airport, so let's go, i'll accompany you, no need, i understand, pavel semyonovich, this is for you, mashenka, hello! everything is fine, mom, well, i missed you too, mashenka, can you imagine, we flew with this opir on the same plane, so he didn’t even come up, how i love you, mashenka, well, in moscow, he walked around a thousand offices, the issue was finally resolved, yeah, we became part of the holding under the auspices of, you know who, well, don’t be tormented, but now it’s clear why he didn’t approach you, i warned him, but he didn’t believe it.
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well, now i’ve forgiven vinokurov, well , let’s go home, try it, now, maybe for the first time, i’m not ashamed to admit even to you that i’ve been singing in my soul for 20 years, i’ll try mua, try it. songs for 20 years, suddenly, according to official data, 100 million views per day of jagamania all over the world, now having just interviewed ours, he got nervous, her life was not always marmalade, what you had to endure over these 20 years, your parting then with alexander volkov, how much misfortune befell your life for this man, went on. lawsuits, i was very wounded in my soul when igor approached me, you have your marmalade, i say: no, but what, can i be one, i
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think, well, yes. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. onostrovskaya is very nice. and that means you are that same psychic fortuneteller, right? premiere on rtr. this is our new opera. anna borisovna. very nice. help him. let's drop the formalities. come on, yura. she can work with anyone. can you somehow see or feel something from things? even with ghosts. and 1 2 3 4 5 come out and look for me, i have to find someone, but not everyone can work with her, you dreamed about this kidnapping, you started some kind of amateur activity here, a kindergarten, by god, just take my word, believe me, no contact with ostrovskaya, she’s
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fired, anna. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. artyom maslov, i suggest you, as part of my scientific project, enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and subsequently formalize the union. on saturday. maybe we’ll try exchanging microbiomes using messages. it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have it too, if we sleep together they’ll let you go , i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me me, marry me, you love him,
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daughter, yeah. i hate it because you love it, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr.
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now let's continue, sit normally, one moment, i'll be a second, mash, makhbara,
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makhbara, makhbara. why go get some champagne, and i still have two more entrances to clean, well, wow, i have guests, wow,
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congratulations on your return to our ranks. thank you. “i, i will justify it, honestly, viktor sergeevich, you can’t even imagine how grateful i am to you, well, gratitude is a rare quality in these days, but for one beaten, as they say, in general, listen, i really hope i don't have to regret this decision. you won’t have to, viktor sergeevich! well, the wound is deep, one and
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penetrating, uh, bloody, as if a whole army was fighting here, it also leaked to the bottom floor, well, it seems to me that everything is logical, look how he fell, the blood flowed into there the gap under the battery and went down... egor fedoseev, when was the last time you saw him? last night he came with guests. how many people were there, what did the women and men look like? i didn't see, i only heard a little. and he’s often a guest stink? no, he worked a lot and came late. or maybe you had an argument with someone, don’t you remember anything? i was quarreling with my brother... pyro, pyro is his name, everyone calls him that, what have you got here, a bloody
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dawn, yes, the whole dawn is dawn, uh-huh, male, 50-5 years old, cause of death... deep penetrating wound in the abdominal cavity, time of death, about one in the morning, after midnight , in general, yeah, and anna mikhailovna, i took blood samples, and while i’m sorting out the traces , you can see for yourself what kind of dancing there was, and, by the way, there’s more someone was running barefoot, of course, but i identified three groups of traces, some belong to... valer had missiles, but no, that means four. where is avdeev? avdeev? well, yes, who is avdeev,
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a comedian? piuro is lazy and drunk all the time, he borrowed money and didn’t give it back. but fedoseev didn’t have a wife, what? yes, he’s divorced , i’ve never seen her, it’s clear, so, if someone comes suspicious, or you remember something that’s calling, uh-huh, forgive me, please, what kind of mood fedoseev was in yesterday, he was cheerful, he told mahbarak, champagne i have guests, and you don’t know what they were celebrating, well, suddenly by accident, and so he sold the car, but what kind of car did he have? i
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don't understand them. anna mikhailovna, there is a lot of money in the sideboard, so we rule out the robbery version, but this is so, just in case, in case anyone is interested, interested. sergey lad, hello, i found a man who bought a car from fedoseev, andrey viktorovich chizhov, he immediately left the car market for a rosonic dealer, the traffic cops stopped him at the entrance to moscow before midnight. so, so minus one suspect, i wish you good health, as in the sovereign’s service, while you’re enjoying yourself, but this it will pass quickly, yes, yes, i talked with
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the tula guys, on a different matter, and so they just took two clonidine guys that they had been developing for a long time, so i thought, maybe your client is also some kind of specialist, but the devil knows , maybe clophilinics, it’s still unclear. but i understand what is clear, that nothing is clear, ugh, let’s go. death was caused by a penetrating wound to the liver, inflicted by a sharp metal object, presumably a knife, found at the crime scene. in addition, intravital marks were found on the body. numerous abrasions and bleeding. so, before his death, fedoseev resisted? and how? is his shoulder joint even dislocated? yes, and since there was such a serious fight, there is a possibility that the killer was also wounded. it may very well be so. blood type, i also found
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a third, judging by the traces, there were four people in the apartment, the owner had three guests, and one guest was basa, i will give a report on the blood later, there is a lot of material there, and the prints, well, the prints on the knife are erased, and the apartment is, of course, full of prints and not all belong to the murdered man, so there is a lot of work there , there was nothing suspicious in the glasses, for example, clofilin , no, there was nothing in the re-glasses, but... clofilin in our case disappears altogether, why? sergei ivanovich, don’t you remember how he works? well, did you drink a glass of wauti? well, yes, something like that. clafilin has a pronounced sedative effect, that is, the person becomes lethargic, sleepy and switches off rather quickly, rather than running around the room or fighting with the attacker. exactly, yes, by the way, no one took the money. okay, okay, what are you
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everyone jumped on me? i haven’t gotten into normal shape yet, and ovdeev gave me the version about colofilin, but i don’t have my own version yet, well, what two years, everything is still ahead, i hope it’s ahead. excuse me, i'm eating , so fedoseev worked in the construction company babylon, babylon, babylon, this is the one that is building a new microdistrict, she herself, and who did he work there, was listed as an economist, but in fact he was the right hand of the director, interesting, who needed it. this
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right hand, but the fact of the matter is that no one there, look at the story, fedoseev was in babylon not long ago, and before that he spent his whole life working in some kind of gas company. kaluga, building a project, or something like that, but that’s not the point. i worked with documents and had a cheap salary. wait, how did he turn out? listen to the end, someone brought him to babylon, then it turned out that fedoseev is an extremely useful person, he has connections in all government offices. he knows everyone, yeah, a valuable personnel, prices are not the right word, they carried him in babylon, they paid him very well, but why did he sell the car then, maybe debts? no, i replaced it with a new one, a week ago he bought a jeep, kept it in the office garage, of course, yes, hello, well, yes, i say.
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what happened? i understand, i’m on my way, i’m not going anywhere, please put it in the refrigerator, if we still had one, a refrigerator, tell me, what’s the urgency? i have a husband, anzur, i’m happy for you, he works here as a salesman in a store, i’m doubly happy, yegor’s brother came last night. wait, is this the one that's pyro? yes, i asked for the most expensive whiskey. oops, what time was it approximately? at 3:00 am. well, give me your husband here. no he won’t say anything, he’s afraid that he was selling alcohol a little after ten.
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it's clear, it's clear to you. there is, oh, anna mikhailovna, have you noticed that senior lieutenant belkin has some kind of animal instinct, you don’t have time to finish the work, and he’s already right there, valer, it’s called
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work enthusiasm, you’ve long forgotten what it is such, yes, anna mikhailovna, what are you talking about, i’m burning up at work, by the way, i’m finishing the conclusion on your thousand. or in other words, the blood on the banknote belongs to the murdered man, his fingerprints are there too, but what about it? by the way, did i get to you? it is known how, as a result of masterfully carried out investigative operations, by the way, senior lieutenant belkin, that is, me, wow, the brother of the murdered man paid with this bill in the store a few hours after the murder. this is the one who likes to drink, yeah, he’s the one, works as an electrician in a management company, periodically goes on a drinking binge, was fired from his previous job for absenteeism, yeah, why would he kill his own brother, well, how it happens between brothers, alone said something wrong, the other one
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remembered something wrong, pierre grabbed the knife and hello, yeah, what were the other two doing there, comrade investigator, this is what we have from the pen... we ask when we find it, oh, a little bit, a little bit, yes, like this, like this, it will be fine, here, ah, here, smell the smell, here... just smell the song, why? because not just fusel, no, a real drink for noble people with outstanding organo,
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organalyptic properties. come on. oh, our client, will you treat me? hello, who wasn't invited? "quiet, quiet, it’s quiet, and where do people get the money for such luxury, and are you from the tax office, worse, we’re from the police, so i didn’t take anything, don’t let him persecute him, my comrades
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gave me this money because they love me and respect me , but let them not persecute, it’s about who, about whom, well , who snitched on me?” “my only half-brother, he’s generally beckoning persecution, he needs to lose himself altogether, no longer needs it, last night your brother was killed, oh well, i just don’t need to put on a comedy here, you might think you didn’t know, mommies, mommies, brother. my, it’s bad for me, brother , how will i be, who did you leave me with, brother, there’s something spare here, uterine, not very good, pumps, in my opinion, this is the very thing
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, well, really, stylishly beautiful, ksenia, well why not right away, in my opinion, sneakers with a prom dress are too much, listen, when did i put pressure on you? in the end, it's your graduation, not mine, do what you want, no, no, i'm not upset and we won't fight, yes, just do what you think is necessary, uh- huh, go ahead, see you tonight, kisses, bye, yes , helicopter i will need it tomorrow, yes, okay, anna mikhailovna, hello, anna mikhailovna, you still remember me, you introduced us, hello, in my opinion, going to the prom in a tuxedo with sneakers is fashionable, of course, but not within any limits, very funny, but i
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have a similar problem only with my daughter, but seriously, a crazy generation is growing up, no authorities and no boundaries, no rules, i remember about 2,500 years ago in ancient greece one sage said about the same thing, so now you need to understand , or am i already ancient or am i a sage? no, just you from another generation, like me , however, forgive me, i need to run, yes, of course , if you allow, i can let you down, no, no, thank you, i’m here next to you, all the best, all the best, mikhailovna, i was glad to see you, let’s go , “fedoseev pavel ilyevich, why pierrot?
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yes, it’s from my youth, there was a stabbing , they cut off a piece of my ear, well, away we go, pierre bezukhov, then it was shortened to pierrot, well , tell me, pirot, bezokhov, where was the last time you saw brother, yesterday in a cafe, he sold his car and sat drinking, and i came, to borrow a little money..." i'm going through a difficult period now, i think my brother will help, it's a difficult period, and here i see you 're drinking expensive whiskey, but i'm not a person, or something , or only yegor can live beautifully, well, what, he gave you money, yeah, of course he did, then he caught up with you and gave you more, he sold the car, but he spared his brother for a bottle, last night you were at his house, but what should i do there? that means it wasn’t there, then where did it come from? this
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thousand-ruble bill, which you used to pay at 3:00 a.m., contained your brother’s blood, and i thought, if it doesn’t work that way, so i’ll take it myself, i’ll go and get it, well, for a long time , of course, i would return it later, i would return it, and approximately what time it was, but i remember, or what ? but at night i waited for him to fall asleep and go, i had the key, where, well , anything can happen, he has the keys to my hut, we are brothers, by the way, the door was open, i still thought that it was, he got drunk and didn’t shut up, and he’s scolding me, but how did you see in the dark that the money was in the vase, he always keeps it there, he’s seen it so many times?
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well, i didn’t take much, so i didn’t really borzet, this tile... i completely forgot about it, he was going to renovate the bathtub, but nothing skipped a beat when you saw that the money was in the blood, but i didn’t see it, it was dark there, i collected it from the floor and went, this was later in the store, so i thought that it was my blood, there are sharp corners, everything was cut, show it, show the experts, why did you lie to the sellers about the finger, so why am i going to tell him how i... what in it came to my head,
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well, that’s all, now we’ll take fingerprints, no, but i don’t understand, that’s why these show off, they wanted to put you in prison, well , let’s put you in prison, now we’ll do tests, they will prove your innocence, or involvement, yeah, i see that you have a carriage here besides me. she once took apart the drapes in a cafe, one of them was so broken, he was injured for a week, and she
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works as a waitress in a cafe opposite the market, well, let's get our fingers ready, let's go. it was great luck that fedosiev washed the floors that day, so i was able to restore the trajectories of all movements. come here. so, i’ll tell you how it happened. here we have dead body. now traces will appear. red color is our fedoseev. and blue is. unknown, first they intersect, and then blood appears. truck, for sure. this is where we have fedoseev’s blood, the first group. so, here is the blood of blue, the third group. wow, he didn’t give a damn, he hit him, apparently.
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he didn’t hit me, most likely he also wounded him with a knife. there are no traces of mucous secretions in the blood, that's why. not from the nose and not from the lip, so green footprints appeared, they go to the cabinet with money, trample, go back, there blood appears, on the tiles too, the first group, and this will be mr. pierrot, which means he really got hurt right here, he didn’t even approach the corpse, damn, but it’s good. what was the version, so where would you like to look for this blue one? wait, that 's not all, we also have yellow footprints, this man was barefoot, he did not participate in the fight, at first he stomped around fedoseev, and then moved away from the fighters, and do you know why? yes, because it was a woman, for sure, it couldn’t be more precise,
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look, anna mikhailovna, tell me, yeah. a woman’s foot line is more curved, the arch of her foot is higher, and her big toe is smaller, so mr. investigator chershe lafa, tying this with her lafa mami. now let's see what you have here, but you guessed right, alina? no, alen, you’re from
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the police, i didn’t guess right. hello, alina, we are investigating the murder of yegor fedosiev. what murder? will you have a seat? tell me, were you married to him? actually, i can. i haven’t been married for 2 years now and i don’t really know anything about him, but yesterday you saw him, he came here as a visitor, sat, drank, witnesses claim that you had a conflict, why did you quarrel with fedosiev, igor and i lived for 8 years, there was always not
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enough money, i begged him so many times, egor, find a normal job, that you are sitting on yours, pennies do you get it there? he was stubborn, it wasn’t scary, but why did they get divorced, divorced you, i was tired , we didn’t have children, we never even went anywhere abroad during all this time, it’s not like i’m feeling sad for life, so i decided start everything from scratch, and no matter what. and with him, you see, as soon as i left, everything immediately things got better, he bought a car, he now has a lot of money, no, how can it be, but it happens, it’s okay if he just stayed away from me, but no, he got into the habit of mocking me, tell me, how did he mock me, how did he buy
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a new one a jeep, came here to show off, an old car? i sold it, i also came here to celebrate , oh well, i would have just celebrated, but no, i started to show off, i would have started to endure it, i didn’t want to make a scandal in public, but then i just couldn’t stand it, i see, he came out and...
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bad feeling, come on don't delay with the hot stuff and bring me coffee, how did you get me, you bastard , well, and then i went further, i of course told him everything that i was thinking about him at that moment, because you see, he didn’t feel sorry for the money for me, i’m a miser, i’ve arrived here, come on partying, drinking all sorts of people here, and i also drank under the pressure of it, god, what is this brew, i ’m sorry. you said he gave water to everyone, who exactly did he give to drink? well, there were two more people with him, and i understood that the one who
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bought him a car, the second, some kind of crappy goat, and i don’t know what the order was, it’s kind of nondescript, he i was so embarrassed in front of her, i was so angry about it, if i only knew that this was the last time i would see him, i wouldn’t have lost my temper like that, but... what did that goat look like? yes, it’s terrible , i don’t know what men see in such people, well , maybe more specifically, hair color, eyes, skinny and scary, that’s all the specifics, of course, so let’s do this, now you’ll come with me and help me draw up an identikit of this woman. “look, she’s normal, she seems to be, yes, well, but she said that she was skinny and
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scary, well, yes, everything is correct, that’s how women should understand you after that, i really i thought that there would be someone here who would be very skinny, very scary, subjective perception, now what..." to call it, that’s normal, she was talking about her ex’s new girlfriend, so, wait, elena evgenievna, your ex has a new one a friend, scary and skinny, i haven’t even seen her, thank god, okay, thank you, anna mikhailovna, but with yours, she just gave birth and she’s beautiful. so i’m saying that you don’t understand women at all, that’s the same , you seem to understand that the ex came to mock her, she is worried that his blood pressure is not allowed to drink, but he drinks, but what
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about the blood results? the blood in fedoseev’s apartment does not belong to his ex, and the size of the leg is not the same. this is what saddens me , that seryozh, it was easier on free bread , yes, well, i won’t say it’s easier, but there was less drive, and i love drive, it’s noticeable, okay , i left, come on, not, well, normal well, huh? well, yes, it’s her, liza, only
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she has a serious face here, and she was smiling all the time, and you knew her before, from where, in general, you saw her for the first time, and as it seemed to you, fedoseev and i've known liza for a long time, but whatever, they met in front of me. and lard seems okay, well , let’s make up our minds, i don’t even know, what if my wife doesn’t like it. you’ll like it, you’ll like it, how do you know, how could it be otherwise, the outside is calm, elegant, there’s fire under the hood , women like this, but you take it, or i’ll take a closer look, but don’t look closely, i’m the first to come, well, the first is the first. it turned out that he was also
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buying a car, but he couldn’t choose, so we met, then we finalized the deal, went to wash it, he invited her too, apparently that he had a crush on her, well, i sat with them for half an hour in a cafe, and then i went, approximately what time was it and what kind of cafe, but it was already close to closing, and the cafe was right opposite the entrance to the market, come on, my pass, i’ll give it to him i'll mark it, and you can go, goodbye, goodbye, phil, what are you doing, you need to check the recordings from the cameras at the car market in the cafe across the street, the day
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of the murder, the second... what do you have? here. valera printed out the photo from the cctv cameras. well, with the one at the entrance to the cafe. suspect. i will put him on the wanted list. yes. nice girl. oh, you, if if you want coffee, pour it over there. no thanks. i was examined here, and they told me that i am prone to hypertension. so now
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i need to quit coffee. “repeat what you just said, that valera printed out the photograph of the suspect, no, no, no, later, that he said that i now have problems with coffee, get up, why, because, let’s go.” why are we looking for mikhailov? first aid kit, where do you think it might be, here or in the kitchen? well, in my kitchen. well, go to the kitchen and take a look.
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i found it, remember, you said, alina, i was worried that fedoseev was drinking, but he couldn’t, yeah, well, because of the pressure, do you know what that means? no, that he has hypertension, this?
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i’m shocked, well, there really is clofilin, in the blood and in the kidneys, how can this be? len, but he was hypertensive, but really, elena evgenievna, can someone explain to me what his blood pressure has to do with it? colofilin greatly lowers blood pressure, which is why. lose consciousness, in severe cases even fall into a coma, and apparently, fedaseev’s blood pressure jumped from drinking in a cafe, and then... from the knocked-out clofilin, which the criminals added to him, his blood pressure returned to normal, yes, without knowing it, they relieved his hypertensive attack, instead of passing out, he, on the contrary, came
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to his senses, came to life, so to speak, would have thanked him, probably, if he had known, yeah, if he had stayed alive , that means he misspoke, that’s how he could know everything in advance, don’t answer, i ’ll ask him myself, and this my young friend is called intuition, plus the secrets of mastery developed over the years, you’ll behave well, before you retire, i’ll tell you everything, you i took the case out of the chair, but who would have known that while i i'm looking for murder here. they wipe the bunks in the kutusk for fraud, no one knew, not even the mayordeev, he didn’t know either, but what did he guess, andrei petrovich, sergei ivanovich, well, well, i didn’t even understand that they
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brought us here, we’re even in the colog we didn’t have time to work, but we actually managed to do it, only under a different article. fraud is one thing, but murder is a completely different matter, what kind of murder , there is no need to hang someone else’s things on us, why are you holding on to god, your liver is sick, liver, clearly, no one is going to hang someone else’s things on you, you won’t have your own for a long time enough. here now we’ll just wait for the results of the examinations , well, then we’ll figure out what we’ll do with you, it’s not the phone ringing, it’s your destiny
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calling, yes, anna mikhailovna, i’m listening carefully, sergei ivanovich, baldness, everything matches, remember the blue traces in valerie’s diagram? so, they belong to vasily, the blood of the third group is also his, and lisa ran barefoot with us. well, guys, let's do the arithmetic, your blood from the crime scene, plus your young ladies' footprints, add up to article 105, murder committed by a group of people, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 8 to 20 years, and how much each of you will be given depends only on you, so we are not silent, we tell you that you
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slipped fedosiyuvu clafilin in a cafe, we didn’t put anything on him, well, think about it. in the cafe, do you hear me, why am i wearing makruhi? no, i’m just a witness, continue, i thought he ’d pass out in the cafe, he had money in his pocket, i’ve already figured out how to get it out of there unnoticed. and vasily, as i understand it, was waiting somewhere nearby, sitting in the car at the cafe, but everything was already in jeopardy, until his ex she showed up, she was crazy, she started yelling, he suggested we go to his place, it seemed calmer there,
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i said, my brother is waiting in the car, maybe he can give me a ride, but we’re off, what are we going to do? why is he still not telling me? and i know, unfortunately, the champagne is a bummer, but i have something more interesting, so you sit down. now let's drink and dance. lizochka , i hope you don’t mind, i really
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didn’t understand anything, the dose was like for an elephant, but the bastard became even more cheerful, we didn’t even know what to do with him anymore, and his hands also became sore dissolve, why did you introduce vasily as your brother so that the client would fall for it, i never reached the active stage, everyone passed out before. and this one is so catchy, i’ll dance, little darling, why are you so charming, uh, young people, why, why am i here, listen, sit in the kitchen for now, what? well, take the cognac, go, don’t interfere with your sister’s way of arranging
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her personal life, well, you got your paws off her , i don’t understand who you are, brother, and what , well, you got out of here, brother, while i was shooting, what did you say, what did you do, idiot, doesn't yell, because of you that's it, i'll get out of here at speed, money, okay. bro, let's go, wait, i'll quickly, where are you
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hiding the knife like a freak, eh! let's go, yes, there were normal colophilinists, but they became murderers, i must say, natural progress, just don't treat us, it can happen to anyone, you better tell me, grandmas. where were they anyway? in a closet, in a vase?
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i told you, let me see, i can’t stand everything from you , we’re getting out of here, we’re getting out of here, why did you take me away from here, i’m telling you, it should have been better , look, you, i can’t stand you, yes, yes, a table for three. that's right, we'll be there soon we will, thank you, i was upset, it means that everything was in vain, well, yes, almost to tears, the money was right under our noses, we couldn’t find it, and now they will have 10 years to think about it, and you’re great, congratulations on you, thank you, of course, but they don’t speak dry toast, of course they will hold a table for us, i agreed, but we would like to somehow speed up, so we’ll speed up. anna
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mikhailovna. yes. something happened? attempt on tumanov. his helicopter was blown up. he died, st. petersburg news, on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you, hello, themes of this issue: for the people and about the people, vladimir putin today addressed the federal assembly of russia. preparations for the presidential elections, the head of the st. petersburg
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electoral committee met with international observers. only once every 4 years in the tenth. the maternity hospital celebrated the birthday of children who were born last leap year. at the beginning of the main event of the day, the address of the russian president to the federal assembly , vladimir putin announced the launch of five new national projects. read more zhanna skvartsova. 2: 6 minutes. it was the most a lengthy message from the russian president to the federal assembly. vladimir putin noted that he formed his view of the future during trips to the regions and conversations with workers, doctors, teachers, large families and heroes, front-line soldiers. the proposals of the people of russia, their aspirations and hopes, became the core of the projects and initiatives that the president announced today. we are all citizens of russia, we will together defend our
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freedom, the right to a peaceful and dignified life. only you can determine your own path. take care the connection of generations, which means the continuity of historical development, to solve the problems that the country faces based on our worldview, our traditions, the beliefs that we will pass on to our children. i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through the crucible of military trials, risking their lives every day, the entire people bows to your feat. mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. a minute of silence is announced. the heroes of the special operation were invited to gostiny dvor, where this year vladimir putin voiced his message. in the hall
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are those who will soon implement the president’s instructions. senators, state duma deputies, ministers and heads of regions. and supporting families with children is our fundamental moral choice,” the president said of several new national projects at once. preferential mortgages and the maternity capital program are being extended until 2030. i propose to launch a new comprehensive program for maternal health, preserving the health of children and adolescents, including reproductive health, so that children were born and grew up with... healthy, in the future and they had healthy children. among the priorities of such a program will be the expansion of the network of antenatal clinics, the modernization of perinatal centers, children's clinics of hospitals; in total, in the next 6 years , we will additionally allocate more than
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a trillion rubles for the construction, repair and equipment of healthcare facilities. vladimir putin proposed encouraging people who take responsibility for their future health. retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects create
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this make this until the end of the admissions company in universities to catch up. submit documents taking into account the retake, such everyday things, but they are important for people. another new national project, the data economy, the development of digital technologies and the introduction of artificial intelligence, open up enormous opportunities. vladimir putin announced that over the next 6 years he will allocate more than 620 billion rubles to support industry in russia. the president proposed expanding the social gasification program and laying networks to the borders of dacha plots. this will solve the problems of millions of russians. modernization of housing and communal services economy, renewal of public transport, development of the airport network, all this is also in the plans. advanced developments will be in demand in the creation of high-speed railways, in an area of ​​special attention, the development of the northern sea route and the build-up of the arctic fleet. last year
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, the unique research icebreaking platform north pole launched a raid. at the beginning of this year on the baltic. the plant laid down the new nuclear icebreaker leningrad, and next year another ship of the same class, stalingrad, was laid down. despite difficult period, noted vladimir putin. we are planning long-term plans, and this is the program of a strong, sovereign country that looks confidently into the future. zhanna stvortsova, maxim lapin, vesti petersburg. the president's message became a kind of strategy for the country's development in the coming years. measures for the implementation of new national projects now have to be worked out in detail by the legislator. this was stated by the chairman of the soffed, valentina matvienko, following the results of the head of state’s address to the federal assembly. she noted the support measures. will give our citizens confidence in the future. the message reflects all the issues that concern
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our citizens, which are talked about at work, which are talked about in the kitchen, which are talked about in transport, what worries people, so i would say that this is a message about the people and for the people , each figure announced down to the ruble, it is calculated, it is thoughtful, balanced , provided with sources, therefore...
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for more details about the message of russian president vladimir putin to soffed, watch the federal broadcast of the rossiya tv channel. head of the st. petersburg electoral committee and international observers of the cis interparliamentary assembly discussed preparations for the presidential elections. maxim meiksin spoke about the voting procedure. so, 1,947 permanent ones will be opened in the northern capital. sites and another 47 temporary ones, including in hospitals, train stations, airports and pre-trial detention centers, as well as ships that will be sailing and at arctic stations.
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observers will be able to be present at all sites, the process can be monitored from the public observation center in the nevskaya town hall, there for anyone at any time, day or night from 8:00 on the morning of the 15th and until the end of the vote count, respectively. observe any polling station in real time, so ask to be shown a separate fragment on the screen. in total , tens of thousands of observers are waiting for the presidential elections in st. petersburg; let me remind you that voting will last 3 days, from march 15 to 17. let's find out the forecast for... word from leonid petrov. hello, look,
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studio forecasts leonid petrov. a slight minus is possible at night, but plus will remain during the day. on the first day of spring in the st. petersburg region. according to hydrometer of st. petersburg on march 1 in the leningrad region it is cloudy and mostly without precipitation during the day in the field of about 2° above zero. the same number is expected in tikhin and baksitogor. a degree warmer, maybe in volkhov and kirishi, from 2 to 5° with a plus sign, weather forecasters promise in gadchin and vyborg, not cool +3 without rain during the day in st. petersburg, everything in the capital is moderate, windy, mostly cloudy, but the sun may come out for a while, on saturday night it’s already -2 and also without precipitation, have a good day in any weather. in the maternity hospital number 10 today celebrated the children who were born on february 29, 2020
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, celebrating a real birthday for the first time. the head doctor congratulated the birthday boys, presented them with memorable diplomas, and their mothers with certificates for yoga classes. and today 13 babies were born at the medical facility. according to statistics, the probability of being born on this day is one in one and a half thousand. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best and see you tomorrow. today in our studio we have two things in one subject that were interesting and
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close to me in childhood and adolescence, this is the source electronic music , so to speak, a resemblance, i had only a pitiful resemblance of this instrument in childhood, maybe someone remembers how if you touch an acoustic cable connected to a speaker with your fingers, it can make different sounds, of course, the principle is probably completely different, but today we will talk about extracting sound from a magnetic field, as far as i understand. peter, hello, hello, please correct me if i'm wrong, here's an acoustic cable that... an electric musical instrument and accordingly, we need to transfer this electrical sound to the speaker, to the amplifier, so that everything sounds, for those who
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do not know, the term wox is voks. this is a voice, in latin, yes, and the term is the name of the inventor who is your great-grandfather, great-grandfather, i see here, well , in fact, probably five elements, this is a speaker, this is a power supply, an acoustic cable, the term itself vox, which has two metal antennas, antennas, these are antennas, i was afraid to say, yes, two antennas, actually around the right and left antennas are invisible electromagnetic fields, two fields, ah... and we invade their field, not that they read ours, yes, our body conducts electricity, when the hand approaches the instrument, then we change the sound parameters, this is where the volume changes, here is such an invisible neck, like that of a velocello or a violin, only invisible, and the sound range of the terminvo is larger, that is, it is 6-7, even theoretically eight acts of sound, full octaves, and on it you can
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play any note from these octaves. get out of it, well, in general i understand, but what to do next, that’s what i want play it, so i do this , nothing happens, the first thing we have to do is bring our left hand to the left antenna, because it works this way, closer it is quieter, further it is louder, so if we just turn on the instrument, it it will sound very loud, the maximum volume is if the hand comes very close, so i turned it on now, there is no sound at all, these touches are also not there, but if you raise your hand smoothly. up, then we will hear such a smooth crescendo of increasing sound, that sound is loud, it can be very loud, this already depends, without delay, and here we are already controlling the pitch of the sound, that is , you can imagine that between the antenna and the shoulder we have the entire range of the piano, let’s say this is how it happens, we
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can hear such smooth glissants at all frequencies. without the lowest sounds, as far as this dynamism can reproduce, as far as the dynamics can reproduce, of course, yes. that is, it turns out that the left hand is responsible for all the dynamic nuances, for ensuring that the sound is interrupted, because we are not we can play on a constant glisand, it would already turn into, i don’t know , some kind of musical chant, and
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it’s possible to play something fast, but not faster than a hand can move, not faster than a hand can... move, i would said that the most virtuosic work in the history of tormenvox, performed and documented at the moment, is franck’s sanata, for violin piano, all four parts were played by a student of levathermen and, importantly, leopold auer, yes, the father of the russian violin school, in fact, kwara rokmar, she is considered, in general, the only virtuoso in the history of trmenvox. in general, lev theremin’s idea was that... there was nothing superfluous between a person and an instrument, as when we sing, that is, the same immediacy of expression and what we want to play, it seems to me that on other musical instruments it is achieved. not by everyone and it’s very difficult, yes, because we overcome this physiology, and sound production, but here there is freedom, if we go straight to the point, i understand that i definitely couldn’t
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i would like to extract some pleasant sound from a violin the first time, well, from almost any instrument, do you think, there is a chance, of course, but the term vox is a little zen, yes, that is, we should try to concentrate on the sound. in principle, you can take any sound and try to carefully find from it what you imagine with your inner ear, but this is it, this is the magic of the moment, of course, you can try, of course, of course, that’s the main thing, i’ve already heard the instructions, closer, then we turned it on, left a little higher, now you can fold your right hand like this, yes, great, try moving it slowly from the shoulder to the content further...
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i probably look stupid now, but it’s so nice, whoever hasn’t tried it, be sure to try it, i even wanted a little - a little, but excuse me, i upset you, it seems that your instrument is irretrievably worn out, and if, for example, our viewers wanted to learn, i think it’s difficult to assemble it, you can buy it if you’re a radio amateur. maybe try. theremins are generally collected in different countries; in japan, there are very termenvox is popular in japan, by the way, there are thousands of fans of the instrument in latin america, in europe, in america, since
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the fifties of the last century, termenvox has been produced, so there is a small production in russia now, which our own school of termvox carries out, and in general there are regular such schools yes, there are two terms of vox in the world now, that is, it is ours authentically. to the tarmenvox school, its curator is, in fact, the daughter of lev theremin, natalya termen, a wonderful thereminvoxist and also my grandmother, in fact, here is the japanese termvox school, where they play simplified models of termvoxes, i can ask you for a favor, not me, not the audience, not all music lovers in our studio will not forgive if i don’t ask you to play something and... usually after the program we say goodbye, but i would ask you to say goodbye to us all with some piece, i will gladly applaud at the end, thank you, okay, of course,
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you know, i have heard this melody many times before, i i wanted to remain silent since we were almost we said goodbye, but not once did it seem to me that it was about to snow, in the south,
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the moon, and this is the darkest night, thank you very much, good luck, see you again, thank you, thank you. we touched on a very interesting and important topic of animal intelligence, and i don’t know if everything that we are discussing applies to animals, but everything that is not people is their intelligence, and today we will discuss insects. ilya, hello, hello. insects are spiders and all the bugs, and cockroaches, and ants and fruit flies, all these are insects. insects are those who have six legs, so spiders are not insects. yes
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, now we can already say, what about ants, and what about bees, literally 100 years ago, and even when karl von frisch discovered the language of bees, he also thought that a bee in general has such a set of instincts, today we know much more, yes, for example , the experiment of karl von frisch, he received the nobel prize in 1973 for deciphering the language of bees, these are their turns , yes - a bee, a scout bee, flies away, finds a flowering field, and this is usually the distance is several 2-3 km, it comes back and she needs. tell all the other bees where to fly, so that they don’t just roam around, again, it is always believed that the bee is a scout, she is more capable, she is such an intellectual elite of the entire hive, but therefore the bee returns, sits on the hive and begins to dance in a special way, she describes eights with its body, and the number of eights is the distance, and the rotation of its body is the direction where it needs to fly, the bee makes corrections for the movement of the sun, because the landmark is the best landmark - it the sun, all the other bees read this... and
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fly into the field, accordingly they easily find flowering meadows, it is known that bees learn from them, they have positive negative reinforcement, because scientists conduct experiments, they draw beautiful flowers or triangles, or squares, in general , something bright and a jar of syrup is placed in the center, the bee usually remembers which flower to fly to first, that a red flower, for example, gives it a sweet syrup, and there is a yellow one, there is bitter salt, well in fact, the bee... pushes the bee to learn, than they just gave it something tasty and it realized that it can fly there, in general, sometimes the whip method with bees seems to me that you should have seen such a comic video where a citizen purposefully spoils the reputation of an ant when he places some edible, tasty object on the road. an ant comes there, discovers
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it, goes back, calls its own, and this object is removed, and as if it leads them nowhere, i have not seen such a video, but this is, in principle, no different from what they do scientists, this is the discovery of our already scientists, our scientists, zhanna ilyinishna, reznikova and boris rebko discovered this back in the eighties, but then no one paid attention to these studies and returned only several decades later, when other scientists began to observe the same thing the most, that is, in general , they deliberately spoiled the reputation. they spoiled the reputation of the scout ants, and let me remind you, they are very smart ants, now it is known that they are only 1% of the population, that is, as soon as the population becomes strong if there are more smart people, then the population here lives much worse, because the pathosis of intelligence is our life expectancy, the more intelligence you have, the less you live, so there are few intelligence officers, they don’t live long, but they perform an important function, that’s all the rest ants are much larger, but they live longer. where does the connection between
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life expectancy and level of intelligence come from, do they just take more risks on themselves? in fact, intelligence is just development, apparently the brain is quite the brain in insects, the brain is the nerve nodes, and what kind of brain do they have? they have a brain - they have a suprapharyngeal ganglion - these are several clusters of neurons, it is not the same as ours, of course, it is located mostly in the neck, because ants have quite a lot, the eyes occupy many parts of the head, the eyes of insects are very large , so everything else is taken up. the brain goes to another part of the body, it is structured a little differently, it is more discrete, there is no such memory, there is no developed cortex, respectively, centers similar to ours, we will not find there, but there is a brain, here and ants remember, ants can count , and we also know this well from experiments, and there is a classic experiment with ants in a maze, which is always branched into two, and the ants need to remember how many turns they made to the left, to the right in each...
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at the end of the maze there are drops of either syrup or just water, and the ant, a scout, he just scours the entire maze trying to find this sweet syrup, he remembers how many turns he made to the left, how many to the right, they say which is better in total they count to six, after six they begin to make mistakes, because this is generally a rather complex direction, he returns, this scout ant and passes it on to everyone, he has his own group of foragers, that is, there are only a few of them who obey only him , another scout has a different group. so he transmits a signal to them, they already run unerringly through the maze and accordingly find this sweet syrup, and what kind of signal is this, they move their antennae, move their paws, so if with the bees we were able to embroider the movement of these antennae and paws, yes, yes, if you take it, in my opinion, these are still centipedes, and there is some kind of centipede that secretes some kind of toxin, in my opinion, limurs, they parasitize on them, getting... well
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, some kind of pleasure, that is they deliberately lick these centipedes and even there they get some kind of kick and, speaking, they lie in general and generally inadequate limurs and... this is still a process of evolution, it has nothing to do with their intelligence, that is, it’s not that they understand over time that they need to allocate something like this in order to survive, this questions of intelligence, evolution, what is responsible for evolution? intelligence is one of the stages of adaptation, different animals have different methods, in the case of centipedes, of course this has nothing to do with any intelligence, and the centipede did not think about the fact that it should produce poison, apparently in what way -at that moment a mutation occurred, this centipede became. so we cannot observe what will happen after a huge number of generations,
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again, since evolution is an extremely, extremely slow process, our lives will not that’s enough, but in order to trace the evolution of some other groups, we can, in principle, assume how things will go in me. what experiments are carried out with fruit flies, they were given different holes, this is a triangle or a square, and behind the triangle there was a tasteless syrup, and behind the square, for example, it was very tasty, and the drosophila fly quickly figures out that it only needs to fly into the square, to fly into the triangle no need, nothing good awaits there, that is, she remembers the shape, they can remember triangles by in fact, sometimes you can make one triangle, three triangles, for example , a muchadrosophila will know that behind three triangles there is sweet syrup, but behind one there is nothing. that is, she also considers when scientists began to select flies that think well, always cope, well , accordingly, this is a large population, a large sample, the smartest ones are selected, the stupidest ones are selected in the other direction, and the smartest ones are allowed to interbreed with each other, in which way -then we get a population where
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all the flies are super smart, well, that is, population of geniuses, but it turns out that these flies actually live very little, in general this is not very profitable for the population, it degenerates very quickly, because they do not ... have time to give the required number of offspring, so there should always be a number in the population, a small number of stupid ones, even a large number of stupid ones, thank you very much for the exciting conversation, so maybe it’s still possible to have a separate program about spiders, maybe yes, we’ll have to think about it, thank you, see you later, thank you. in our last meeting with ekaterina, we touched on the topic of the origin of ornaments and various techniques of embroidery and textile production, today i would like to delve a little deeper into this. ekaterina, hello,
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hello, what lies on the table in front of us, tell us. in front of us now lie objects decorated with embroidery using industrial techniques, what is it? and thus the craftswomen first sold what they had, and then individual craftsmen gradually formed in the artel, artel in the second half of the 20th century became factories, but if we talk about the beginning of the 20th
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century, it so happened that basing embroidery on folk, local motifs, they used local embroidery techniques, but at the same time... the production of these surviving products was already oriented towards the urban population, with the advent during the soviet regime , new motives appeared in general, but the collectivization of labor took place, and a new economic policy, and the ortels became a fairly powerful productive link, so embroidery brought a lot of money to the treasury, now speaking about what lies here, it means here are lying... already quite so decorated, stylistically, coloring , based on embroidery techniques, objects, for example, and my work is towels, it is called the birds of happiness, which is based on
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a drawing by margarita nikolaevna gumelevskaya, this is an artist who worked in a factory and developed tarusa stitch embroidery, this is tarusa translation, it is done by pulling, that is , the threads are pulled out along the base of the web and intertwined very tightly, so you see the red background here, in fact there.
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embroidery, where the mesh is formed by pulling a thread from the fabric, what you are now holding in your hands is called fillet mesh embroidery, the mesh is woven on a special shuttle, as fishermen did, many thousands of years ago, so women adopted this technique, they they began to weave these nets, perhaps this is the story, how it passed from a fishing culture into a home fishery, it is not clear at what historical moment it took shape and where exactly it was possible... it did not happen in one place at once, but the most ancient objects
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made using this technique can also be found; in fact, european museums contain objects made using this technique that date back hundreds of centuries ago. we have two exhibits left, on the one hand they seem similar, but on the other they are completely different, they are not connected to each other in any way, connected, but take it in your hands, this is nizhny novgorod. even in the name, probably, this embroidery technique is clear, its place of origin, yes, nizhny novgorod, nizhny novgorod guipure, but the word guipure indicates precisely the european influence, the fact that obviously this is already urban embroidery, although its base is exactly the same, stitched, made by pulling threads from the fabric, that is, look, the mesh is here, the mesh is here, here, and in terms of the technique of applying the pattern, it really resembles fillet-guipure embroidery
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, which you were holding a small piece of work in your hands, based on the technique of applying these flowers and ornaments, it seems that not all russian crafts that flourished in the 20th century are represented here, in almost every region of the ussr there was such an embroidery craft, unfortunately , many of them... in the nineties they broke up, someone else continued their work for some time, today there are literally only a few such factories that continue the traditions of their fishing centers, this is the work that lies on the table, and love, look, this is 3d embroidery made using the white satin stitch technique, monogram embroidery, class. it was very popular to embroider at one time, and speaking of the creative processing of one’s skills and knowledge, it’s like
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holding student work in your hands, that’s just a creative idea, our idea was to depict a bird like this, using the vladimir top stitch technique here, if you look at the flowers, at their crowns, then on the back side you will not see stitches, only dots, on this side there will be embroidery. that is, this is already an artistic author’s work of a modern master who used the knowledge he had on various commercial embroideries, i sincerely hope that our people will begin to increasingly appreciate manual labor, craft and skill, i am sincerely grateful to you for doing this are engaged in what they came, for what they showed, i wish you great success, i hope that maybe we will meet again in this studio, we could... discuss symbolism in ornaments, symbolism in ornaments is a very interesting topic,
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i would be happy to discuss it i'll talk, then see you again, thank you, goodbye, see you, my planet tv channel is presented by the way. matryoshka dolls appeared in russia only at the end of the 19th century; their prototype was japanese figurines of the god fukurumu, brought from the island of hanshu by the wife of the entrepreneur and philanthropist sava mamontova. what time, what time? at 12,
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where? in vistina, on suykinsky. yeah, here 's vistina, in vistina, on soykinsky, vistina, tomorrow's event in the village of vistina on the soykinsky peninsula is awaited by all the surrounding zhors, this is their annual holiday, for which, in addition to neighbors, guests from distant borders will also arrive. nikita needs to have time to hang up the last posters and prepare well, the whole holiday is on him, he and the reaper are a fool. besides, they are coming here tomorrow. like-minded people from st. petersburg. early the next morning the st. petersburg yard-well produces a very colorful group.
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everyone knows his song, the famous karelian-finnish epic kalevalo, but few people know that a good part of it is the ancient izhora runes. during the history of studying local folklore in the 19th century, more than 145 thousand songs were recorded from izhora. this is yurchi, yurchi, but not
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the only character, well, in the russian interpretation, yegor, it’s summer, why does he need it? warm himself, he protected his head from the bright sun, he put on a shirt thick enough to have protection from horsefly mosquitoes, so that calmly walk around the cows, gather their herd, disperse them to the farms, dolls for izhoras are undoubtedly more than toys sewn with their own hands in the old style, they are their friends, an extension of themselves, they are magical guides to the world speaking izhora. “she travels through the villages, where representatives of the finugor peoples originally lived, telling them ancient traditions and legends. the 20th century swept through the izhorians like a bloody
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wheel from their ancient runes, not a single period of their centuries-old history caused so many troubles to the people, survived those events in the summer of 1930.
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fishermen, they can’t live without fish, they go out to sea, they went out, there are bans on fishing, on going to sea, for local izhorians, this is a disaster, and then the war begins, most izhorians do not they manage to evacuate, they end up in this territory, on the soykinsky peninsula, under the germans, wherever i was, i was in a concentration camp, i was a miner, i was in finland. wherever fate threw us, the rapidity of the german advance in the north-west, which ended with the blockade of leningrad
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well known. the izhors had no chance of evacuation. in finland, which was fighting in the nazi country, free labor was needed. izhora’s way of the cross to work in finland lay through the notorious estonian concentration camp of kloga. during the war years. thousands of izhors left all possible labor in a foreign land.
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the country's course for the coming years in his message, the president spoke about strengthening sovereignty, security and support for the north military district fighters. one of the most significant areas is the social increase in microfinance, preferential mortgages, increasing the birth rate assistance to large families. tens of thousands of participants from almost 200 countries in the krasnodar region. the world youth festival starts today. they are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. the main news in the vera tarasova studio. hello. the
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russian armed forces successfully repelled the landing attempt. ukrainian landing on the tendrovskaya spit, this is a sandy island with an area of ​​38 km near the black sea coast of the kherson region. enemy losses included 25 soldiers killed, one captured. in total , 1,300 neo-nazis were eliminated in the northern military district zone over the past 24 hours. on in the avdeevsky sector, our units occupied more advantageous positions, destroying half a thousand militants and seven tanks. our fighters in the kupinsky and donetsk directions have improved their positions. active activities continue in the area. kleshcheevka, andreevka and beristovka. the enemy lost six hundred nazis. in addition, our attack aircraft gained a foothold in the village of rabotina, on the zaporozhye sector of the front. the main political event was the president's address to the federal assembly. vladimir putin covered the most important topics for the country. the head of state outlined the goals for the direction of the country for the next 6 years. and the working group is already preparing a proposal for their implementation. thus , the participants of the special operation will begin to be prepared for
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work in the civil service, in large business, in the field of education, and from today the “time of heroes” personnel program will start working for them. the creation of new national projects has been announced that will affect millions of citizens of our country. payments of maternity capital and family mortgages will be extended, the minimum wage will be increased, housing and communal services will be modernized, and the social gasification program will be included. will include a gardening partnership. the topics of improving the quality and length of life did not go unnoticed. vladimir putin noted that the west will not be able to contain it.
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important targets during a special military operation, the sea-based strike hypersonic complex zircon has already been used in combat, intercontinental -range hypersonic units vanguard and laser complexes peresvet are on combat duty, tests of the unlimited-range cruise missile burevestnik of the unmanned underwater vehicle poseidon are being completed, these systems have confirmed their ... high, one can say without exaggeration, unique characteristics, troops have been delivered and the first serial heavy ballistic missiles sarmat, we will soon demonstrate them in the areas where they are based on combat duty. vladimir putin’s message to the federal assembly was of a clearly social nature; a special national family project will be launched; large families will receive the greatest support. until the thirtieth year
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it is proposed. our multinational people, we see what is happening in some countries where they deliberately destroy moral standards and family institutions, pushing entire nations towards extinction and degeneration, but we choose life. russia remains a stronghold of traditional values ​​on which human civilization is built. our choice is shared by the majority of people in the world, including millions of citizens of western countries.
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the minimum wage will double , and by 1930 it will reach 35 thousand rubles. it is proposed to extend the family mortgage until the thirtieth year. mortgage for svo participants, as well as for residents of donbass, the far east, arctic and new russia will be issued at 2%. a new national project, youth of russia, is being launched; it will set goals for educational, sports and cultural development. in particular , it was proposed to give schoolchildren the right to retake one of the unified state exams of their choice. the long and active life project is underway; over a trillion rubles will be allocated to maternal health and children’s health. 4.5 trillion rubles will be allocated for the modernization of housing and communal services. all instructions formulated in the message will be covered by budget items. in the world youth festival starts today in the krasnodar region. tens of thousands of participants from almost 200 countries have already arrived in sirius. some of the activists are still in school,
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others have already proven themselves in sports. will visit 30 cities of russia. in other news, the number of victims of the israeli operation in the gaza strip exceeded 30 thousand. there were conflicting reports thursday that dozens of palestinians were killed in an incident near aid trucks in the north of the enclave. gaza officials said more than 100 people waiting for food distribution died from the fire. israeli military. the israeli army said the palestinians died in the stampede. there is a two-day strike by transport workers in germany. in many cities there are no buses or trams. subway trains, the union called the event a warning strike. among the main demands are improved working conditions, in particular a shorter working week and increased payments for overtime on nights and weekends. joe biden has undergone
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a medical examination. as a result , the eighty-one-year-old head of the white house was declared fit for duty. but the results of the examination are unlikely to satisfy his political opponents, who insisted on testing specifically his mental abilities. conflict. ukraine, despite pressure from biden, failed to approve the next tranche. don't switch. and now news of the election campaign. preparations for voting in the russian presidential elections continue at one of the polling stations in neftikumsk, the only youth election commission in stavropol has been formed, boris ostankovich has reported on its work. neftikunsky municipal district, polling station
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number 854. it is called youth, the age of members of the election commission is up to 28 years. chairman igor yakovenko is 19, studying at a technical school, preparing for state exams, going for a honors diploma, and studying at the same time. social and political work, notes that the polling station is completely ready, stands with information for voters, voting booths, a visual electronic security system, the premises have been checked for fire safety and terrorist protection, the youth election commission carried out active work on the mobile voter program, which allows citizens to vote outside their official place of residence, and actively worked with peers on social networks, especially campaigning in the areas of mass media on the internet. we are moving away a little from traditional methods and coming to something innovative, these were posts, it was generally informing that we have such a site, that it works, that it is young people who are engaged in it, in the bags of young linemen,
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an invitation to the elections, information materials about candidates, dates and forms of voting, talk about the features of the procedure that will take place from march 15 to 17, the interest of these guys, because they have a sense, ideas have appeared, there is a contrast with... they will only start march, 6. elections at polling station 854 are traditionally active, with at least 70% of voters voting. the guys from the youth team have a task not only not to let their elders down, but also to achieve great results due to the activity of the next generation. boris ostankovich, alexander pirkov, lead the stavropol territory. all news is always available on the media platform watch, in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel,
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let's start, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, good morning, hello, but look, it’s friday, and the first day of spring. and elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov - on air in the morning on tv, what else is needed for a good mood? perhaps it’s nothing, well , everything, or as women say, oh, that’s it, we survived the winter, but from spring it’s even easier to look here's to such icy videos. a new record,
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the country's first festival opened triumphantly.


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