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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 1, 2024 4:42am-5:00am MSK

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it's a bit late. russia is a sports country. this is exactly what the vast majority of citizens surveyed by sociologists think. more than half are involved in sports to one degree or another. every fifth of them trains daily, two to three times a week, every second. the most popular, of course, is fitness. every third person goes in for swimming, and a little less goes for cycling. also on the list of popular hobbies. strength training, yoga, pilates, gymnastics and football. well, here are some further statistics. sad: last year the number of accidents at railway crossings increased by 12%. sergei egorov figured out what the reason was and how to solve the problem. butterfly, please get up, i beg you. it is difficult for the daughter of the denisov couple to come to terms with what happened ; the car with her parents ended up at the crossing right in front of the locomotive. despite the fact that the driver tried to brake, the impact crushed the car and pulled it under the platform; there was no chance of survival. he was simply dragged and hit the platform, straight on. so it stepped
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and tore it apart. according to experts, an accident at a crossing is always a confluence of different circumstances, in some cases the driver lost his activity, in others he was in too much of a hurry, but such incidents also have common features. unfortunately, this is not the first case in our area, this has already happened this year. we have three such transfers. moving, adjustable lights, no hoselbaums. apparently, even professional drivers are not immune from the temptation to jump through a red light in the absence of a barrier. in the sterlitomagazine , an ambulance drove out on the rail in front of the diesel locomotive, hurrying to deliver the patient to a medical facility.
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after such an accident, there is rarely a culprit survives the accident, this is a fact, this is a fact , as a rule, there is no one to punish , he has already punished himself, the expert community also raises questions about the effectiveness of increasing fines for violators, the person who makes the decision to go to a railway crossing in circumstances where there is an expectation passing the train is a decision outside the logic of behavior, he is absolutely convinced that he will do everything in time, he did it 99 times before, he is sure that the hundredth time he will succeed. do, even if this information is about fines, about large fines, he anyway, this risk can be taken, while increasing fines can only become effective measures if cameras appear at all crossings, and this is additional money that can be spent on more reliable methods of increasing safety. as for safety, these are, of course, long-proven options; it is necessary to physically protect the motorist from the opportunity to go to the crossing. it must be said that until recent years , the installation of barriers was an extremely costly measure, because such devices required presence. at least one duty officer,
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so they were placed only on roads with high traffic. with the advent of automatic devices, the situation has changed. the system is innovative, it has been used on the railway network for two years now, this crossing has automation, which remotely ensures the closing of crossing barriers when a train arrives. a shift in emphasis towards the installation of such know-how today seems to be a much more effective measure than fines, while it would be logical that such devices in first of all, crossings were equipped where massive violations had already been recorded or accidents had occurred. and now about other dangerous cases in the sverdlovsk region, a hunter brought two shot foxes to the veterinary station. tests showed that the animals had rabies. in the nizhny novgorod region, a man caught lesa, and she also turned out to be infected. quarantine was introduced in lyubertsy near moscow. the reason is a mad cat that was picked up by a woman on the street. let us remember that rabies is a deadly virus. infection transmitted mainly
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way through the bites of infected animals. let's find out the details. with us today is the head of the department of biological safety and sanitary protection of the territory of the epidemiological well-being of the population of rospotrebnadzor, olga skudareva. olga nikolaevna, good morning. good morning. good morning. well, we were always very afraid of this rabies. why is it so dangerous? because there is no treatment for a developed disease that has already developed. this. that is, the fact of the bite before the development of symptoms . the incubation period from the moment of infection, well varies, and it can range from 7 days to a year, but on average it is 2-3 months, well , in any case, i’m not going by the clock, no, no, in no case are there any signs.
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by which you can understand that something is wrong with you, of course there are such signs, but this is already later, so to speak, and it’s better not to let it come to this, before they scared us that they would bite you, which means 40 injections in the stomach , probably now... there are fewer of them, and in any case these are injections against rabies, like vaccinations, or some kind of tests are being carried out for identifying whether there is a need to inject them or not? no, now - the most important thing is to contact the uh, point, as quickly as possible, but first wash the wound with running water, like 15 minutes with soap, treat the edges of the wound with an alcohol solution, any iodine or vodka, well... something like that and seek medical help as soon as possible, now, of course, they do not give any 40 injections, now the course of preventive injections is only six, this is on the day of treatment on the third, seventh, fourteenth, thirtieth, ninety days ago, as a dog owner, i
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try not to forget to get rabies vaccinations, the question arises, why we give them to animals, but we can’t give them preventive vaccinations for humans, since we have rabies declared permanently in all... regions, here and there, in our case, this is vaccination according to epithelial indications and it is carried out only to persons who are engaged in their professional activities, well, at risk of infection, these are hunters, catchers, who catch stray dogs, workers in shelters, and we can somehow visually determine what it’s better not to approach the animal, it’s clear that it’s not a wild animal, it’s a fox or someone else, although there are also specialists who want to feed the fox, well, there ’s a dog, a cat on the street, somehow you can understand what’s going on it’s better not to approach this one, well, it is in animals - it can be either an aggressive form of manifestation of the disease
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, or a passive one, when the state is depressed, ticks are now in season, they can bite a rabid animal, and then it won’t pass on to a person, although you’ve reassured us here, but they scared them pretty much, in any case, if the person bitten by an animal unfamiliar to him, we wash the wound and run to the trauma center, get our six injections, i understand correctly , there are no other options, but i also forgot to say that during this you cannot drink alcohol for 6 months, after this course of treatment too, thank you, the head of the biological safety department answered our questions. protection of the territory of the department of epidemiological well-being of the population of rospotrebnadzor olga skudareva, all the best to you, come on, be quiet, i said, this is a library, thank you, he only from your words he
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calms down, he’s also divorced, my husband survived for an hour, so the shelf needs to be hung up, the wife, when she told the shelf to be hung up, stories of a big country, premiered today after midnight, well, the gang of primates of the memphis zoo has arrived, a rare light has appeared , an endangered pygmy loris, a baby the size of a ping-pong ball, even crawled with difficulty in the first days, and the mother clearly did not have enough milk, the staff took care of the worries, fed them according to a schedule, arranged duty every 2 hours and at night, now... the insects, by the way, haven’t come up with a name for the baby yet, they decided to wait and watch his habits, he’s so cute, generally a proven, useful habit, though for soon tasty people and reading good books will appear in his diet. egor sirov
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will talk about new literature and republished works that you simply cannot pass by. good morning, the author of this book, our modern one. very good reading, because there is everything you need, there is a ship, there is africa, and there is the slave trade. defambile himself often visited africa, so he understands well what he is writing about, it is unlikely that he was involved in slave labor, but he also writes about it very convincingly to young people. the book will be interesting because it is travel, struggle, adventure, and for older people it is a good weekend to relax. this book has not been published in russia for 40 years, and its total circulation worldwide has exceeded 700,000 copies.
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arkady poltorak, nuremberg epilogue. the book is documentary, written very well, in general, many consider it one of the best books about... about this process, there are some events, about which, if you forget, you almost automatically immediately cease to be a person, gerring’s words are quoted that: he remembers how the united states conquered california or texas, and during the trial ribbentrop remembered that concentration camps were actually invented by the british in south africa, for the boers. arkady poltorak, nuremberg epilok. this book is a must-read. a merchant gathers for 3.9 lands, overseas, well, on his merchant business. and they ask their daughters, what should they bring you? and one says: “bring me something so that at night it was as bright as day." and the other daughter
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said: "bring me a toilet." the toilet is a mirror, but with the third daughter it was more difficult. sergei aksakov, the scarlet flower. the book is superbly published, look what she can do. and the pictures become voluminous and very beautiful and... the illustrations for this book were made by a wonderful artist sergei gavrilov, and i say goodbye to you with this, all the best to you, read and be happy, then snow surfing under sail, what speed does snow kiting develop, extreme competitions on kursk reservoir, we will show you soon, stay with us,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and
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subsequent official registration of the union, on saturday, maybe we’ll try to exchange microbiomes with the help of a kiss, my experiment just went a little wrong, we know these experiments, even if in there are only formulas in my head, sometimes butterflies flutter in my stomach. i have a scientific technique that allows get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, i have them too, they’ll let you have another sex, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies, in saturday on rtr. you received
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a patient with soft tissue bruises, not well , where is the policy and the history of a large country, premiere, today on rtl. “i see the dead, i can talk to them, are you kidding, no, that’s why i’m attracted, well, of course not officially, the premiere on rtr, here you are, this is an article about you, but i didn’t give an interview, you were scammed, pass, please turn it in, what about your job search, as soon as they find out, this is my wife, that’s it, goodbye, don’t worry, everything will be fine, continuation, watch it on monday on rtr. greetings from
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james bond, during the restoration of one of the castles of normandy in kamina , a message was discovered in a bottle, it dates back to february 26 , 196. it appeared 2 months after the release of the film enchantment with sean conor as a super spy. the secret note says 007 james bond scripted secret agent don't tell anyone on the return line. the signature appears to be a reference to the famous local artist edmund blampied, who lived here on the island of jersey. experts are still at a loss as to who came up with all this, why, and who is carrying it out for what purpose? on the kursk reservoir , the black earth cup, in the winter disciplines of sailing, we will now find out. snowkiting is called a sport that teaches you to fly, it’s like surfing, only not on water, but on a snow field or ice. the racer holds in his hands a sail, similar to a parachute wing, and moves snowboarding or skiing. in russia, this sport appeared in the late nineties, in kursk
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in the early two thousand. experienced athletes say that you can learn to catch the wind in a few hours, but beginners. starts with a small training kite, first it is lifted and placed in the zenith position , and then the lines are controlled, come on, kite lovers in the area of ​​​​about 100 people, racing against the clock and riding for vivid impressions are not the same thing, professionals say, the sport requires high control of skis, boards kite, in return a powerful adrenaline rush, a maximum of more than 100 km/h, you need to reach, it’s very scary, i tried it myself. let's just say, i have never accelerated over eighty , but already at eighty, it's very scary, because you are not protected by anything, you are your skis, your body is your kite, which is a very powerful force, it does not forgive mistakes. about 50 athletes arrived at the kursk reservoir for the competition; the competition is being held for the third time under the status of the chernozem cup.
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mikhail sukovatikh in sports for 15 years, before kiting was windsurfing, caught. wind sail for the first time realized that he was ready to connect his whole life with this hobby. when i launch a boat into the air and leave on skis or on water, i don’t think about anything else, that is, wind, water, snow, nature, unity, the sound of the wind in my ears, well, sensations in principle that you have to love. while kiting is new to the black earth region, there are plans to make the winter sailing discipline cup a brand of our region. come on, be quiet, i said. this is a library, thank you, he calms down only from your words, he is also divorced, his husband is separated they called for an hour, the shelf needed to be hung, my wife , when she told me to hang the shelf, i went to hang the shelf, and you are not a man, the history of a big country,
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the premiere, began today after midnight. come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, the country’s course for the coming years.


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