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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 1, 2024 9:00am-9:25am MSK

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thanks to the figures of the late nineties, she discredited herself in many ways, became, you know, a kind of abusive, elite, sometimes they also say, i understand what kind of public this is. the president said today that the real elite of russia are not those who lined their pockets through loans-for-shares auctions or some other thieves' schemes, they are those of whom we are proud, those who serve the interests of the country right now, and this is according to words. .. putin and the valiant wars of russia, of course, the workers of the home front of our country, including employees of the defense industry, who wield weapons of victory and they do this in three shifts, every day, proving their devotion to their homeland. the president called on the participants of the special operation to form a new elite of the country, lead regions, companies, and educate young people. so, this is important from tomorrow for them.
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a new curriculum is starting, it will be called “the time of heroes.” also, participants in the special operation will be able to receive higher education as a priority, as well as a preferential mortgage for all participants in the svo, 2%. i constantly meet with participants in special military operations, including personnel military, and volunteers, people. with pride for our people , arms in hand, they stood up to defend their homeland , you know, i look at these courageous people , sometimes very young guys, without any attraction, i can say that my heart is filled with civilian professions who were mobilized for military service, all of them with for our people, for these particular people, such people will certainly not retreat.
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they live by its destiny, it can be passed on in the future and entrusted to russia. you know that, well, you know that the word elta has discredited itself in many ways. those who have no lost in front of society, considers himself some kind of caste, with special rights and privileges, especially, i mean, those in previous years.
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they filled their pockets due to all sorts of processes in the economy of the nineties, so they are definitely not the elite, i repeat, the genuine, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, proven by deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people. “ putin’s current message has become the longest in history, the most convincing and probably the most expensive, the exact amounts are still to be seen count, in this sense we rely on finance minister anton siluanov, let us remind you that he was in a great mood during the message, and russian prime minister mishustin was also in a great mood. the president spoke about large-scale plans for our near future; the minimum wage will reach 3,500 rubles by the thirtieth year.
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the president proposed extending the family mortgage until the thirtieth year; the preferential rate for families with children under 6 years of age will remain the same 6%. at the birth of a third state, part of the loan will be repaid almost half a million rubles. mortgages for participants in the special operation will be issued at 2%. residents of the far east, the arctic, donbass and navorussia will be able to take advantage of the same benefits. the regions will have 2/3 of their loan debt written off. the president proposed to give russian schoolchildren, designed to ensure development , the right to retake one of the unified state exams of their choice. education, sports, culture. in particular, the second chance to enter a university: the national project for a long active life aims to increase life expectancy of citizens. by the thirtieth
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year up to 78 years, then reach 80 plus. a program has been launched to protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, and the housing and communal services complex will be modernized. the regional public transport fleet has been updated, they will receive an additional 40,000 new buses, trolleybuses, trams , school bus fleets will be updated, all equipment will be produced in russia, 40 student campuses will also be built, another new national project is personnel, more than a million will be trained in 4 years specialists working professions, the approximate cost of all... initiatives announced by the president is almost 5.5 trillion rubles. all the president’s instructions, formulated messages, all the mentioned figures will be provided by budget items, silunov assured citizens. and there is money, the economy is growing. today russia ranks first in europe and fifth in the world
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in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity, the president said. there are plans for the coming years to become one of the four largest economies in the world. well that is the west imposed on itself, introduced anti-russian sanctions, by this minute there were 19,500 restrictions, russia tightened its allies. the clearest manifestation of mutually beneficial cooperation is brix, but the countries of the so-called g7 have literally cut down the soup on which they were sitting and falling. today russia is europe's largest economy by size.
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below 28%, but these figures are very convincing, because 10-15 years ago the situation was completely different, the trends are, you know, global trends, there is no escape from this, they are objective in nature, look, the share in world gdp at
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purchasing power parity of the g7 in 1992 was 45.7%, and brix , without even taking into account expansion in 1992, well, brix. then there was no organization, but strangely brix, only 16.5 in the ninety-second year, in the twenty-second it was already seven 30.3%, and brix 31.5%, by the twenty- eighth the situation will change even more towards brix, there will be 36 .6%, for the seven, forecast for twenty...
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of the russian budget for this year, almost half of the amount that the president spoke about, 4.5 trillion will be spent on modernizing housing and communal services, a trillion on construction, repairs, and equipping healthcare facilities, 400 billion each on
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major repairs of schools, kindergartens, on the construction of 40 student campuses, 1.2 trillion on support for the regions of the country, that’s how much they will save. .. until the thirtieth year due to the write-off of budget loans. 700 billion will be spent on the ambitious national project data economy. within its framework, it plans to form digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy; from other countries, of course, attention is drawn to 116 billion rubles for the development of the satellite constellation , there will be enough money for everything, at the end of the message, that is , having already realized everything in our program , finance minister anton seluan said: the necessary resources to carry out the instructions of putin’s message will be...
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an ordinary citizen who was sitting at the tv, listening message from the president, he can ask the question: wow, 200 billion, 500 billion, 700, but where will the money come from? you know, the peculiarity of the messages is that this is a very serious document, long, serious work is being carried out on it by the president himself personally working on the message, putting it there...
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the answer is clear: we have it, and it should
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pose not just a threat to you, but it should draw your attention to the fact that it’s better not to mess with us. now the news of american democracy, biden's main competitor trump has been excluded from the republican primaries in another state, he will not be allowed to participate in the primary elections, also illinois, where they are due to take place on march 19, previously donald was excluded from the electorate. usa, which prohibits officials from holding government positions if they participated in the rebellion. trump is not giving up, challenging the democrats who are trying to put pressure on him through controlled judges. democracy, controlled judges. donald is filing appeals; the us supreme court has already agreed to consider the issue of trump's criminal immunity.
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inferior person, mental dwarf, worst president in us history. it’s difficult to argue, but in the report, after biden’s annual medical examination, doctors are still trying to do this. grandfather's attending physician kevin o-con wrote that joe could well be the head of state and is a quote:
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a healthy, active, strong man. it's funny that the same report is attached. biden , an eighty-one-year-old man, has a long list of illnesses : atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy, hepelomidaemia, heartburn, arthritis, allergies and even apnea, this is a disease in which people stop breathing in their sleep, it is because of it that biden sleeps in an oxygen mask, otherwise may not wake up, the illness is accompanied by, among other things, deterioration doctors did not test the us president’s memory and intelligence, or even cognitive abilities, despite the fact that only a third of americans consider biden’s mental preparation to be normal. the white house disagrees. joseph bidan's press secretary, karine jeanpierre, stated that her boss could easily pass a fifteen-minute cognitive test, he just doesn't need it, because joe already,
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wow, believe me, they say. biden himself when asked how the medical examination went.
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mr. president, how was your visit to the doctor today? fine? everything is fine. have you have any health problems that americans should know about. they said i looked too young. everything is fine. and according to the white house, he was not tested for mental capacity as part of his medical examination. the president is not required to take a cognitive test. and this is not my assessment, this is the assessment of the president’s doctor, and his neurologist also believes. i want to emphasize that the president's doctor noted that if you look, the president, who is also the commander in chief, takes a cognitive test abilities every day, every day when he talks about different topics, while he understands each of these topics in detail. you saw him talk about fighting crime today, tomorrow he's going to the mexican border, next week he's going to
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address congress, so we have to remember that, this is a very demanding job and the president has been doing it for... the president feels well and today's medical examination did not reveal any new problems. he remains fully capable of performing his duties without any exceptions or concessions. the president undergoes therapy with a special mask that creates positive air pressure in the respiratory tract. he sleeps with the mask on almost every night for most of the night. president biden also experiences periodic symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux, causing him to cough more often. after a thorough radiological examination , the medical team concluded that the patient's stiffness was due to degenerative osteoarthritic changes in the spine. dynamic radiographic examination shows a slight decrease in mobility. the patient's current condition remains stable and under control. the list of current problems includes obstructive sleep disorder, vertebral arrhythmia
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with normal ventricular response, hyperlipidemia, gastroenterological reflux, seasonal allergies, and vertebral arthritis. i think people need to realize that the president takes some sort of mental test every day, if you look at what a cognitive test is, you you will see that it is done in 15 minutes during a doctor’s appointment, and it is often carried out by a person whom no one knows, and a team of doctors is with the president 24x7, doing complex work every day, and this is better proof than a fifteen-minute visit to the doctor. so, folks, today in washington, president biden had his annual physical, or whatever they call it .
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this is all just to make sure he's still alive, he had his annual checkup and i don't know if he's trying to make the point that he is in good shape, or he just really wanted to go to the toilet, but he's walking pretty fast, running across the lawn, and i mean he was really in a hurry, oh my god, wow, you know what, he deserved it. biden's physical took about 3 hours, one hour of medical examination, the second to return his pants. well, you won’t believe it on cnn,
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a big special report just came out, a kind of detailed analysis of our putin’s speech. putin’s main task, the americans tell us, is to demonstrate self-confidence. putin recalled that western leaders we must not forget what happened to those who invaded russia before. putin bloodthirstyly recalled the fate of napoleon, told what happened to him 200 years ago, recalled adolf hitler 80 years ago, well now, they believe, the consequences will be much more tragic, and that is, on cnn, apparently, they were scared. that instead of a powerful, independent and strong russia, the west again needs the russia of the nineties, such a dependent, fading, dying out, as
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the president of the space put it, where western countries can happily plunder again, chew, in exchange offer us beads, i don’t know, chewing gum or some new analogue of bush’s knife. the main goal of western countries , according to the president, is the collapse of russia for... achievement, all means are already good, including pitting the russian multinational people against each other, that is, the ukrainian scenario, which according to their plan should end in civil war, not you. putin specifically drew attention to the fact that right now at the front , russians, tatars, chechens, dagestanis, avars, yakuts, buryats, absolutely all representatives of the peoples of russia and they are all fighting for one natural... the so-called west with its colonial habits, the habit of inciting
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national conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development. instead of russia, they need a dependent, fading, dying space where they can do whatever they want. in fact, they would like to do the same with russia. what they did in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, brought discord into our home and weakened us from within. but they miscalculated, it’s already today an absolutely obvious thing, we were faced with the firm position and determination of our multinational people. our soldiers are officers, christians and muslims, buddhists , followers of judaism, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions. better than a thousand words have proven that the age-old cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal all -conquering force, together, all together, and
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shoulder to shoulder, they are fighting for one common homeland, we are all citizens of russia, we will together defend our freedom, the right to peaceful and a decent life, a pro-ukrainian life hack in order to not to end up somewhere under work, conscripts come up with new ideas to get over the cardboard, in these frames, the future zehie snik tried to fool the thermal imagers of the border guards with the help of esothermic blankets. according to the detainees , they found a route to a neighboring country through a messenger ; each paid from 3 to 8,000 dollars for the trip, but something went wrong and four young people were caught. the head made a whole list of crazy statements. terrorists of ukraine budanov. in an interview with the canadian cbc, chief gur has a blue eye said that


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