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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 1, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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the statement and words, alas, are not taken out of context. that’s exactly what he said, apparently suggesting that russia surrender in ukraine before it’s too late, so that nato troops don’t come to our land. the baltic countries, according to the head of the american military department, will be the first to enter this war, but in the end no one will remain in the country. i believe that... a war between russia and the north atlantic alliance is a reality of the near future, said the head of the pentagon, but putin is not the aggressor to be confused anyway. washington perceived the address to the federal assembly as preparation for armageddon. a single phrase from our president, soon we will show you our sarmatian, caused so much noise and panic that... the united states was forced
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to calm the americans at night. the pentagon has not recorded any signs that moscow is preparing to use nuclear weapons and we can sleep peacefully for now, said government spokesman meller. however, no one believed him, on both sides of the atlantic. british sky news seems to have guessed that the united states cannot see everything that is happening in russia and is literally shouting that strategically, then there is me...
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that for western countries this will end in a real bloody tragedy, well, that is , they heard the main message, as for ukraine, the west suddenly realized that the president of russia is not going to in any way change his policy towards the kiev regime and about any peace negotiations, no matter how much stuffing there is in democratic minas.
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threatened the united states and nato. the words appeared to be in response to an idea floated earlier this week by french president emmanuel macron, who said that the possibility of nato troops stationing in ukraine cannot be ruled out. speaking about macron's statements, putin recalled previous attempts to invade russia by adolf hitler and napoleon, warning that this time it will be worse. we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now. the consequences for possible
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interventionists will be much more tragic. putin has repeatedly made veiled threats to use nuclear weapons since the war in ukraine began. i think that his rhetoric was intended to send a message of deterrence to the united states and its nato allies. russian leader vladimir putin spoke about a military initiative in ukraine and warned the west about the consequences of sending troops. he's making threats we haven't heard in months. he said that he had brought the strategic nuclear forces to full combat readiness, boasted about the new weapons that russia had recently developed, said that they were fully operational and ready to be deployed here, and of course, this caused concern. the first serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles were also delivered to the troops. we will soon demonstrate them in the home areas. on combat duty
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, work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues, we will learn more about the new achievements of our scientists and... engineers, he took the opportunity to highlight the technologies that russia possesses, in other words, how powerful they are, he mentioned hypersonic missile zircon, here it is being tested, it began to be used very soon after its development is used quite effectively, we have an image of this missile here, this missile is from the 20th century, there are not very many of them, he emphasized how effective this missile, the m-8, is in striking targets. it's all part of making russia
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great again. she's not going through hard times. its economy is growing. last year its growth was 3.6%. it has grown more than the american and european ones. and this is all despite the western one. sanctions. the west imposed 16,500 sanctions. this is a phenomenal figure. putin said that a strong russia is necessary for a strong world order. he accused the united states of trying to intervene to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. he also said that russia, of course, is ready to speak with the west. russia is ready for dialogue with the united states of america on issues of strategic stability. and we are dealing with a state whose ruling circles are taking action against us.
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this is saber-rattling, there is always a danger that this is a wolf-crying situation in wartime. part of this message was definitely aimed at foreign countries. audience. of course, putin took this opportunity to say that if nato is involved, escalation will follow. it is important to remember that for the last 2 years russia has been systematically trying to keep the west from participating in the conflict, there was an escalation when we first began to provide anti-tank weapons.
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responding to putin's threat to use nuclear weapons, a state department spokesman said today that the leader of a nuclear power should not talk like that. what is your reaction to putin’s speech, his accusation aside the west and the threat of a nuclear war? this is not the first time we have heard irresponsible rhetoric from vladimir putin; the leader of a nuclear power should not speak like that. we have previously engaged privately and directly with russia on several occasions regarding the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. but at the same time, we do not see any signs that russia is going to use nuclear weapons, but we will continue to monitor this closely. the russian president still describes his country, russia, as a state that defends its legitimate interests from
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the aggressive west, which he described in his speech as a destabilizing force. let's talk about what he said about nuclear weapons. obviously, this message is aimed at containing the west so that it does not become even more involved in the affairs of ukraine. in addition to the traditional russian strategic triad, it is expanding and modernizing nuclear capabilities. president putin said that 95% of strategic nuclear forces have been modernized; in short, our rivals are improving their positions in comparison with the united states and its allies, in at a rate that is significantly higher than a couple of years ago. as the war in ukraine enters its third year, russia remains a major strategic threat to the united states. moscow has the largest, most modern nuclear arsenal, which has a 1:10 advantage over... the united states in tactical nuclear weapons. russia has also developed new weapons that the united
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states has no analogues. it has nuclear transoceanic autonomous torpedoes and intercontinental cruise missiles. we are against such weapons currently defenseless. i always look at putin's body language at such events. he looks even more confident. he said the majority. declared to the public that he had not gone too far, had chosen his words very carefully and was ready to
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implement this idea. in shock, even the head of his foreign policy department, stephane sejornet, just said that the french will not die for kiev, the republic will not send its troops to ukraine, also a direct quote, now it remains to figure out who is more important there, the head of the french foreign ministry or? the president france, debit with credit , german chancellor scholz brought it together and also realized everything, speaking in dresdon, which i will remind you in february of 1945, anglo-american friends barbarously bombed in the middle ages, dropping 507 tons of high-explosive bombs on it in just one single night and 374 tons of incendiary bombs. schultz finally confirmed his refusal to be sent to ukraine.
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scholz said that right now the british and french military are already directing from the territory of ukraine, that is, they are on the territory of ukraine directing missiles, french scalps british storm shadow by regions of russia. once again, british armed forces officers in particular, according to scholz, launched their missiles at crimea. they tried to destroy our crimean bridge and kill
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russian soldiers, that is, britain and france are already directly involved in the conflict in ukraine, said german chancellor scholz, adding that he is not ready to send his german soldiers to ukraine. british and french critics gave scholz what is called a public flogging, the head's statement said. germany irresponsible, ally, blatant abuse of intelligence, the fact is that before, no one really reported that they not only sent stormshadow and scalp missiles, they also sent the military. the former commander of us forces in europe, hodges, advised scholz to remain silent and wait for the next order from london . the ex-leader of great britain wallis, who at one time... sent storm shadow to ukraine, made it clear how low olaf
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is in his eyes. according to wallis, scholz is absolutely the wrong person for such a job. important work. he is the wrong person, in the wrong position and at the wrong moment, he should resign. "german chancellor olaf scholz said that british soldiers are helping ukraine launch stormshadow missiles in the fight against the russians. this statement by scholz caused criticism. it was called a gift to russian propagandists. a big fuss arose after german chancellor olaf scholz said that british soldiers were helping the ukrainian armed forces launch long-range storm shadow missiles. some even accused the head of the german government of drinking abuse of secret intelligence. as , for example, the former head of the defense committee of the british parliament, tobias
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ellwood, claims, with such statements scholz only wants to divert attention from himself, since he himself does not yet want to transfer the mute to kiev. long-range taurus missiles criticized scholz in germany, in particular, the representative of the opposition party of the christian democratic union on foreign policy, norbert rötgen, called scholz’s statements that allegedly not only british, but also french soldiers participate in the launch of stormshadow missiles from the territory of ukraine. scholz was wrong and acted irresponsibly when he stated that the british and french military allegedly controlled long-range stormshadow missiles, which were in the ukrainian army. allowed from the territory of ukraine, says alicia kearns, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the british parliament. thus, the german chancellor answered the allies by counting, kearns stated. in turn, former british defense minister len wallis, who actually sent stormshadow to ukraine called scholz the wrong person, in the wrong position at the wrong time. did president putin threaten you this morning? i
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'm not going to make any geopolitical comments because this is not the place, that's enough.
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europe is sending completely different signals, how much does this harm the alliance? the federal chancellor of germany got away with it the most, perhaps it is very unpleasant for him to do all these things that he is forced to do now, sending weapons to ukraine, and modernizing the bundesfer, this is very different from what he had imagined it when he was a younger politician, but it was still inevitable anyway. now again about the united states, the craziest statement of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin , at the congressional hearings, he said that the united states , if ukraine loses, will have to fight with russia, they say the russians are putting pressure on etsu every single
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day, this is a direct quote and they are very alarmingly releasing more and more people. “austin said that the american bureaucracy is killing ukrainians no worse than russian shells, and that without help from the united states, ukraine will collapse, and putin after ukraine will not stop and will go to conquer the baltic states, therefore, according to austin, nato at some point will actually enter into a direct war with russia."
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the pentagon chief of urology was taken to the hospital, osin was unable to properly issue a sick leave, which endangered the security of the country, well that is, they simultaneously discussed the prostate and armageddon. congressman jim benck said that austin disgraced america, because his secret hospitalization was a gift for russian propaganda. moscow was able to say that the action of the us secretary of defense was discrediting usa. myself. stated that he did not require his subordinates to keep the circumstances of his secret illness secret from the white house , explained that biden completely trusts him, because...
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the country is run by sick people, not young people, and what’s worse, they still have access to nuclear suitcases, and they really dream of war with russia. kiev today is in a very difficult condition. so, 16 days later we are here in this room, everything looks as if we will fortunately soon come to a final decision on the package of documents for the twenty-fourth fiscal year. but the fact is that nothing happened to the house, there was no consultation with the senate. the speaker said that there would only be additional assistance.
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he will continue to take more aggressive actions in the region. also other leaders, other autocrats around the world, will be encouraged by this fact. i mean, they will see that everything worked out, and we cannot provide adequate support for democracy. and therefore, in my opinion, this is a very dangerous path along an inclined path. we still don't let's support ukraine, this is critical not only for ukraine, replacing the equipment we provide to the ukrainians, it also allows us to build up our reserves for future contingencies, this is a serious thing, in my opinion, what is happening now can stop the ability implement our strategy, the failure and inability to support ukraine, of course, all this affected the morale of the ukrainian troops, if we continue down this path, it will become...
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resources for more modern equipment in our own arsenals, all of this, of course, involves factories in various states throughout the country, billions of dollars are going towards expanding our own manufacturing capabilities, as well as increasing our production. if ukraine falls, putin will not stop there . he will continue to move forward, attack and seize the sovereign territory of his neighbors, for example, the baltic states. if you are there, then you are thinking. will you be next: they know putin, they know what he is capable of, and frankly, if if ukraine goes, then i really think that nato will...


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