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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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and we are also observing another reaction, this is the reaction of comrade scholz, very correct, which with the old communist greetings, thus showing us, conveys to the dances, you know what, comrades french and british, let’s do it yourself, we have already gone, us every time they killed, and every time you gave a goon from dunkirk somewhere there, as usual, we won’t go, thank you, let’s go without us, and of course, i think this reaction, i think, will now also be more and more common among other europeans. states squeeze out of themselves drop by drop, they, they are very they are well aware, but there the baltics don’t care, they have the mindset of lemings, germany, many there, the czech republic, for example, some other hungary, countries, all this is completely unnecessary, they understand well that they will be the main victims of this conflict , because simply no one will notice them, in their place that same radioactive desert could really remain, why do they need this in principle, or something, really well done, you can also call them kremlin
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agents, he himself said: “i won’t go , and his friends surrendered, everyone, these are on the territory of ukraine, these are the same, they give details there, they don’t just aim at targets in crimea, it was the british who, with the help of scalp , helped strike the crimean bridge, chancellor scholz also said this when he seemed to if they asked about the taurus, they just took it, handed it over to everyone, well done, come for the order to the kremlin, please, yes, if..."
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it’s clear, if we talk about this weapon, it is highly accurate, remember which abrams we knocked out, from which we removed all high-precision latest equipment, countries the west is not inclined to transfer technology to ukraine, just as they do not transfer technology to other natives, therefore , these missiles should be maintained exclusively by military personnel of the supplier countries, otherwise they will simply teach these natives to use and, as it were, assemble such missiles themselves, they are not inclined to transfer technology, therefore, scholz’s statement is not groundless, in fact, these crews and crews of these missiles, and engineers and technicians, they really prepared them, because a ukrainian soldier would not be treated as an officer trust these technologies first of all, this is not a projectile that was brought and fired, this is a serious machine, so scholl is right here, as for the participation, in addition to the calculations of such... high-precision weapons of this kind,
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well, we know that the french were there too , there were the british, the americans, whoever was there, by the way, the germans were also in the ranks of the ssu, the so-called mercenary volunteers, france generally has a legion, a legion of france, we are probably no longer surprised by volunteers and mercenaries, especially after the destruction v in the kharkov region, those same frenchmen, we are talking about professional military men, scholz created professional military men. but more often than not, either intelligence officers or special forces of a certain country are camouflaged as mercenaries, so-called military volunteers, who do not simply show off their shoulder straps in the territory of, let’s say, third world countries where some kind of war is going on, they simply support, if we talk about blaming russia for maidan 3, it sounded like, yes, well, it’s utter stupidity, the fact is that ukrainian citizens there are enough reasons to be dissatisfied with the current government.
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for example, now in ukraine they are going to film a certain zelensky minecamp, a television one, they are going to make a film about how zelensky from a clown became a president, and this should cost the people of ukraine more than 100 million dollars, despite the fact that zelensky travels all over the world with an outstretched hand asking for money for homeless piglets, so in ukraine there are enough reasons to be dissatisfied, and as for... warning about nato's war with russia, we have already fought with almost nato, we have fought with the entente, we have fought with napoleon, we have fought with hitler. eh, well, let's just say that we are ready to fight again with the same gang, but i doubt whether this gang is ready to fight with us. unfortunately, we are already at war with the north atlantic alliance, the only thing missing is nato’s official boot, because when clearing out the coke plant, this is the one that is located near avdeevka, it is not easy there. western-
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style weapons, there are books in english, there dry rations, the american army , there are pentagon seals there, that is... we are in avdeevka, well, it would seem, yes, it’s crazy, we fought with nato in avdeevka and are still fighting now, that’s the question with nato soldiers, it’s just hung up a little, we are, of course , waiting for comments from the russian authorities, because what austin said is, of course, dashing, once again, in the event of ukraine’s defeat, nato enters the war with russia, once again, this is like an offer to us. surrender now, if you don’t surrender now and achieve the defeat of ukraine, then they will already fight with you big guys, well, apparently american, look how this is happening now, on
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etidr alligator crews are launching missile attacks on ukrainian fortifications, developing an offensive towards chasnoy. we are really looking forward to help, we need it urgently, the more ammunition we have, the more ukrainian soldiers will survive. in these frames, su-25 attack aircraft are attacking the fortified area in the vysdievsky direction. the flight takes place at
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an altitude of only 30 m at a speed of 900 km/h. the crews of su-34 bombers drop tons of explosives on the militants. russian army is conducting an offensive in the avdeevsky and kurakhovsky directions with superior forces, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. syrsky was sent to the front again. reserves have been deployed to hold the crumbling defense line; assault troops are advancing in the vicinity of orlovka, tonenky and berdychi. a unit covering the russian state border destroyed a ukrainian buk anti-aircraft missile system, a fuel tanker and an ammunition storage facility. these are all action films. hid in a hangar for agricultural machinery, artillery struck it using a high-precision krasnopol ammunition, aiming at the target and adjusting the flight of the projectile is carried out using a laser beam. in this footage , after a precise hit, the vault literally
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breaks into pieces. russia discovered and hit another ukrainian buk m1 air defense system, presumably 26 km from ukraine. plant, the largest enterprise of this type in all of europe, which the armed forces of ukraine turned into an impregnable fortress; kiev began building defenses there back in 2015; mechanized rifle brigades were stationed on the territory of the plant.
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and we occupied the next line , a line abroad, building by building, we began to secure ourselves in the tallest building and put up our russian flag in order to indicate our presence here, the enemy fled quickly,
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very quickly, threw away their weapons, abandoned their weapons, communications, reconnaissance, advancement russian troops may gain significant momentum, but the ukrainian defense risks crumbling. along the entire front with a length of 1,500 km, bloomberg writes. in this regard, kiev created a system of fortification lines. defense of the north directions of kievskaya. the area is constantly being improved. several defense lines with a length of about 1.0 km have been created around kiev itself. the first line of kiev is located quite far from the capital; reliable systems of fire destruction of the enemy have been built. engineering barriers of all types, air and anti-tank defense, comprehensive support. ukrainian cemeteries are bursting at the seams. officials have to look for places for new burials, reports the american channel cnn, noting that
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the ussr lost 68 american soldiers on the battlefield. bradley infantry fighting vehicle, reports national interest magazine. in total, washington transferred 186 such armored vehicles to kiev. without help from the united states , ukraine faces a shortage of shells for artillery and air defense, the pentagon chief said. austin called the daily advance of russian units very alarming, speaking at congressional hearings, the us secretary of defense seemed to be going crazy. according to him , if ukraine.
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walks around has no idea who he is, but , as is known, they decided not to conduct a cognitive test for biden during the medical examination, saying that it was obvious to everyone that biden is fine, no better than joe feels now, and the pentagon chief, who officially refused all foreign business trips for health reasons, was called in the day before...
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after a full examination of the president, no new problems were identified, although the president is still suffers from the following symptoms: drowsiness, irregular heartbeat, spinal arthritis, loose bones, pain in toe and scapular lobes, liver disease, macrota, weak knees, weak prostate, hyperactive bladder, weak lungs. but everything else is fine, everything is fine, what's the problem right? as they say, it really doesn’t happen to anyone, and he also sleeps with an oxygen mask, because if without it, he will suffocate. these people , it’s not for nothing that we also seem to laugh and mock , we laugh on the one hand, on the other hand, i personally am amazed that these specific people
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who are unclear are either alive, or dead, or are about to die . will go to another world, they are threatening us and starting a nuclear war right now, what has already been said, austin reported at a hearing where, among other things, the condition of his prostate was discussed, he publicly announced that if ukraine were defeated, the north atlantic alliance would enter into war with russia. i say again, the words, alas, are not taken out of context, that’s exactly what he says. said the holy prostate. peskov just commented on the statement and said that austin is behaving extremely irresponsibly. the nato conflict with russia is the end for all humanity. also peskov and the statement of the pentagon chief, this leads to increased tension and demonstrates the worldview
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nato, which sincerely considers ukraine its territory. i ask, of course, for a statement by austin and biden regarding russia, and the fact that , for example, they will use nuclear weapons can be interpreted from two points of view, if so, let’s say, sarcastically, they both underwent a medical examination, received a certificate that can carry any nonsense, but still austin, he has a more sound mind than biden and apparently gives an account of his words, but such statements that he makes, they also say what the united states is going to involvement. but in order to organize such a war with us, you need to prepare for it, yes, you need to prepare resources, prepare
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military personnel, logistics, money, well , they probably won’t have problems with money for such preparation, but - events show that with this, it’s precisely the preparation that’s going wrong, that is, they can’t provide ukraine, aid to israel is lame, they can’t deal with the houthis there, that is, there are some contradictions that indicate that they’re not ready, well then there are so frivolous, yes, statements on at the propaganda level they said to fight with nato, well , let’s analyze, things are bad here, they’re not good there, that is, we actually plan to fight with nato, no, we don’t plan, no olga. i’m talking about , by the way, in december, when there was another conference of our president, he said the following phrase: that russia is ready for war with nato, this was said, no, i’m telling you that this war will end very quickly , everyone around seems to want
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at least a little more, you know, in fact, if the use of nuclear weapons is the only form of this world war, this is wrong, well, it’s like incorrect information, after this there are still armies left, production capacities remain and the war will go on already at the dawn of contaminated radioactive fallout on the battlefields, but the fact is that nato is not ready, its they are constantly pushing for this, by the way, there is now a controversy going on in nato, the controversy is about how ready russia is after the end of the northern military district for a war with nato, these ones, remember, they said, you need to prepare for 3 years, 5 years to prepare, it turns out, these were assessments of our readiness to an attack on nato countries, that’s just it, they gave up in a situation where they frightened the population. europe, that’s it, tomorrow there’s war. russia is not going to attack anyone, despite the fact that all the reactions of the world media to the speeches of our president with phrases taken out of context were
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constructed as another scarecrow for europe, the united states, and america. and everything is fine with us with the production of weapons, military equipment, including modern ones. most of them, vladimir vladimirovich reminded that saying what we said in the eighteenth year is being put into service, now several more complexes will be delivered, everything, as they say, our words do not diverge from our deeds, but against the background of this there is another scandal that the division, let’s say, of consciousness, is in europe, where macron, scholz and great britain are involved in a debate about which of them helped ukraine more, who should help more, then macron says there, we will move the expeditionary force, but we will produce shells, they will beat him... but for that, what he said about the body they give a slap on the head. scholz, who was being pressed with these taurus, said, in general, great britain participated in all operations here and, as they say,
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caused its own stormshadows. and by the way, great britain and france. and france, yes. and maria zakharova generally said that all naval operations against our black sea fleet were led and developed by great britain. unfortunately, it wasn’t maria zakharova who said it, unfortunately he said it himself.
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forever young wonderful festival, with it we met the thaw and perestroika, together with
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with this we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live broadcast on saturday on rtr.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, it
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’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. just look at the platform, sunday, oh god, the whole country will know, let alone the body, now ours will be sore on our ears, i arrived, i only knew that everything was in russian.
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songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov's evening show on sunday on rtl. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official registration of the union. on saturday, maybe we'll try obina microbiums using exolay.
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daughter, i hate it, it means you love it, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr, politico reports that ukraine is really in an extremely difficult situation and a statement macron, about sending western soldiers there only aggravated this situation, the two french presidents exposed a split in the west over ukraine, the publication writes that emmanuel completely lacks understanding of the mood of his colleagues, and most importantly, the mood of european citizens. well, the wonderful british absolutely dai or mail, while the chatty macron unearthed juicy details of how
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it began on the front pages of all newspapers. emmanuel macron's daughter spoke for the first time about her mother's scandalous affair with the future president of france. in an interview, which will make both macron and first lady brigitte macron uncomfortable, téphane ozier admits she remains hurt by the forbidden relationship between a former teacher and her teenage student. ozier was only 10 years old when she found out that her mother, a teacher, was dating a student.


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