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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 4:33am-5:01am MSK

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and you can also look at the stars, astronomers just took a look and found the brightest object in the universe, a quasar 500 trillion times brighter than our sun, it turned out to be relatively close to us, its mass is approximately 17 billion times greater than the mass of the sun of our solar system, it is powered from a huge black hole, which in turn eats up the sun per day, the light from this celestial object traveled more than 12...
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venus and mars, these are the two planets that are responsible for our relationships, they are just now starting to disperse each other from a friend, but while they still keep in touch with each other on the eighth, who runs away on the eighth, most likely, so in general, it’s time for love, time for confessions, time for them to run away in any case or is it still necessary. invest in a gift , but it will be after march 8, yeah, well, we still have the tenth, it seems, and the new moon is also included in our discussion with you, but it turns out that we first experience such a bright time of relationships, well, from the point of view from the point of view of the holiday and from the point of view of some astrological indicators, and then everything ends with us, or better yet, begins with the new moon, yes, because this new moon, which starts next weekend for us, it...
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now designate for yourself march 10, that is , yes, yes, this is exactly the time of laying, initiating such a goal or for a month before next new moon, well, in theory, in fact, for about six months, you still moved to the tenth on the new moon, so galloped over the eighth, i can’t help but ask the men a question about march 8, maybe the stars are telling , what gifts, where to look, ask your star, she has...
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don’t worry, my star is already doing well, okay, if your star is doing well, then it’s possible, for sure men, in theory , have probably already checked with all their stars, and that’s the same thing, but from the point of view of astrology, it seems to me that the coolest gift would be on this march 8th - it’s some kind of trip, it’s convenient to spend 3 days there, absolutely true, so you can go somewhere, but it seems to me that beyond that, yes. yes, good advice, by the way, who doesn’t know what to give as a gift, a romantic trip and good for yourself to do, well, oddly enough, the air is responsible for classic gifts like a book, so they say a postcard is the best gift, right away, well, this time maybe it’s a book after all? well, after all, it’s a week, but he really says it correctly, as... if we jumped off, it wouldn’t be,
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well, yes, it’s short, but still, something will already happen or everyone will leave and we’ll just wait it out, but from the point of view astrological indicators are not very dense according to events, it’s just that everything happens, everything starts at the end of the week literally, that is on the new moon, well, for example, if we look at friday, then this is an interesting day, because this is exactly the time when, so to speak, some signs of fate can indicate to us what will happen next.
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i saw this car in my dream, ostrovskaya alone successfully uses her gift to work on something. and at home, dasha will die if we don’t move from here; in the most difficult cases, ghosts come to her aid. now the main thing is to expose who is behind this, i will tell you how to do this, but even they they can’t protect her from making mistakes. it's me, i let you know. a commission from the headquarters has arrived and is conducting an official investigation. we'll blame everything on ostrovskaya. subscribe. what to sign? resignation letter of his own free will, retroactively, let him now try to work without you. anna is a medium, we watch the continuation on monday at 21:20 on the russia channel.
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the world's most advanced landscape robot , verdi, will blow away the leaves, trim the bushes, mow the grass, not your husband. almost like werther, it is slightly larger in size than a vacuum cleaner and thanks to its built-in artificial intelligence can be trained to perform. conditionally captivating, today even those who are not very versed in floriculture are trying to get them, but meanwhile this plant is quite capricious, it’s just starting to wither. elizabeth, good morning, good morning, vera, who do we have here? well, there was a folinopsis recently, but it seems to me that it urgently
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needs treatment. yes, this is not treatment, this requires resuscitation. you will help me, doctor, of course. the main reason why a home orchid no longer grows, blooms or smells. care, and it primarily involves regular replanting every 2-3 years, although there may also be several reasons to please the plant with an unplanned move: firstly, it is the depletion and decomposition of the substrate; over time, it loses its nutrients, becomes too dense and blocks the access of air to the roots of the plant, secondly, the roots may become too crowded in the old pot, which means they will have nowhere to grow, and thirdly, if the flower was sick or was attacked by... pests, timely replanting can help him recover. let's start by examining the roots. so, scalpel, scissors, early sister. first we need to make a diagnosis, here we see that the root system is very rotten, and the roots are falling off, because
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the soil has been very wet for a long time, and it is locked. and we don’t need such roots. yes, such roots, this is the inner root you need. this one might be alive, we can clean it up. and it will continue to grow. this is what a healthy root system looks like. it should be light green or silver color, hold its shape when pressed and completely occupy the container in which the flower grows. i see that yours is transparent, plastic, a clay pot will not work here. it has a weak spot, the roots stick to it very strongly, then when we replant it, it is difficult to tear them off without injuring the roots. in transparent ones it is easiest to look at the roots, at the state of the root system. size. also matters, it should be only one and a half to 2 cm larger than the root mass; a flower that is too voluminous will not be able to absorb all the moisture from the root will begin to rot, it is important to choose the right substrate, which will provide good drainage and allow the plant to breathe; on the roots there is
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a layer of dead velomen cells, and it works like a bubble, that is, it absorbs water and retains it near the root, so they should dry out quickly after watering, and we we use pine for this. here the pieces are of different sizes, which ones are better, which ones are needed, it depends on the size of the plant, for this plant we will take slightly smaller pieces, of a finer fraction, but because here more water will be retained, and here less, this is for large plants with a very powerful root system. if the air in the apartment is too dry, you can mix a little sphagnum into the bark, no more than five percent, this will be enough to retain the required amount of moisture in the substrate. and we tuck these roots inside, these roots, yes we tuck them inside, it’s no big deal , it’s broken, this happens often, it’s completely broken, what should we do with it now, there’s nothing wrong with it, we even often break the roots a little to fit them in a pot, the spine is broken
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it will overgrow, or together with the break it will give another branch, a new root, now they have made a pick, yes, but there are mistakes that the orchid does not forgive, for example, deepening the root collar, the place that most needs access to light and oxygen. even in nature, these flowers usually grow on the surface, clinging to the bark of trees with their roots. just in a transparent pot we can see the roots when they become white, like this silvery, and this color, we can already water, and with filtered water, hard and chlorinated orchids they complain, all because the salt in its composition prevents...
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as for lighting, the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is better not to place it on a windowsill on the south side, but in winter you need to add up to 10-12 hours of light, ordinary full-spectrum led lamps will be enough, what a beauty, they need to be lived wisely, many folinopsis on the flower stalks form pecks, these are babies, we just take scissors. and we cut it straight into the ground, straight into the ground, and we, doctor, will follow all
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the recommendations, this is very good, because i have a busy schedule, well, we’ll just ask, then shoes in the shape of flamingos, boots with rat cages, what shoes are now in fashion and whether it’s even possible to wear them, we’ll tell you in a couple of minutes. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, a couple of days ago dima and i got married, how you pulled it all off, i don’t understand, sergey gorobchenko, it seems to me that it’s good that this happened to us, yes, everything is for the better, glofira torkhanova, kirill grebenshchikov . “i’m guilty before you, and i need you, isn’t it because my business
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has gone well, i’m tracking down my sister on your car, guess what will happen next, do you want to crash it or something, i’ll start all over again, on march 8 at rtr, an eternally young wonderful festival, together with it we celebrated the thaw. and perestroika, together with him we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. russia is once again opening its arms to those who own the future. their motto: the world is changing because i am changing. together with russia, they are moving towards their dream. opening ceremony of the world youth festival. live stream. today on rtr, i am a medium,
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i see the dead, i can talk to them, you you’re kidding, no, that’s why they’re attracting me, well, of course, not officially, the premiere on rtr, just enjoy, this is an article about you, well, i didn’t give an interview, you were scammed, hand over your pass, please, what’s going on with your job search, how as soon as they find out, this is my wife , that’s it, goodbye, don’t worry, everything will be fine , we’ll watch the continuation of the medium on monday on rtr, micro nanoplastics are everywhere , how to get rid of it in drinking water, chinese scientists have found out, the method couldn’t be simpler, boiling, it works, though only for hard water, in quality. quite
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enough to get rid of 80% of microparticles. when boiling water saturated with minerals, scale appears, insoluble calcium carbonate, which binds plastic particles and then precipitates along with them. yes, i, too , was almost in a precipitate now, but now about experiments in the field of fashion, let’s just be in a precipitate, the designers decided not to adapt the invented one. shoes for catwalks and sent them for sale. let's drop out together with our expert anna aksyonova. good morning. you and i have already seen and discussed many fashionable impressions and always. as you remember, we made allowances for the height of this fashion, we thought in what form all these new trends would descend on people, how to transform, it has been transformed until now, but something went wrong, or this is a new trend, don’t complicate things life is adaptation and interpretation, that’s what the designer came up with, so nasiti, he came up with
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flamingo shoes, we wear ourselves, we don’t argue, apparently this is the plan, otherwise how can we explain that these flamingos are from a famous person? got to the store without any modifications, just as the designers were impressed with the swimming ring, so in the city, and even already not for 98 thousand, but for 49 for almost nothing, in new york they say there are so many rats that let there be even more of them, the designers decided to make boots with cages for rats instead of a platform, inside there are stuffed freighters, a little creepy, yes, good, cows don’t walk the streets there; shoes in the shape of red duck feet are offered for spring. you never know, rain, slush, in the form of a brain , if someone wants to add more convolutions to themselves, apparently, these will come out one of these days, if you don’t want them, then maybe wallet shoes, they say, open the money chakra, designers with a dog they offer to walk in such men 's feet, although why with a dog, a man on a bus rides normally, the main thing is not to step, or you can take racy
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sandals with heels, rubber ones, which fashion house invented them? the thai seller does not specify, but is proud. they are not going to adapt this catwalk model in any way. inflatable shoes made from recycled rubber. so far this has not been seen on the streets, well, the snow has just begun to melt. bags with them are also not boring. bag in the shape of a pack of veal chips leather for 160 thousand rubles. available in three colors. a supply of snacks is not included, but the most. who is already walking the streets with all his might, bags in the shape of birds and animals. sometimes they look so realistic that you want to say, let go of the pigeon, the dog, let the toad go too, so the trend calls for fighting boredom with available means, well, at least not rats in shoes is already good. this is for those who can’t go outside without candy, yes,
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a special bag for lollipops, but no cockerels or other living creatures, eat. round candies, was it a waste of time to buy a bag, well, how can i not remember, the latest ideas for men, no, these are not even mini-shorts, skirts, dresses and heels, although of course, this also sounds bold, these are tights, yes, yes, that’s right, it’s difficult to remember a fresh men’s show without this element of clothing, but the models are understandable, they are forced to do this kind of work, and ordinary men, in general, many women desperately keep their fingers crossed so that... all this outrageousness only remains on the catwalk, all the paraphernalia of goats for men, too let it stay there, because who said that are hats with ears popular now? probably some unfashionable person is in the trend of goat horns, apparently a mountain one, really, why waste time on trifles and let’s not forget about the size of the brooches that
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designers recently offered us, yes, then we thought it was exaggerated, that the head of a lion on the chest is life, of course it should... be more compact, but now doubts creep in, you are already a little stressed, then couturier has provided for everything, dress in a film with bubbles and pop them as needed, so if you have such bubbles lying around at home, don’t throw it away, you never know, how to carry it all on yourself, with a model gait, step from the hip , straightening your back, looking forward, mm, yes, someone is behind the times, now it looks more and more often... like this, strange, ugly , scary, ugh, well, maybe there’s some kind of secret meaning here, a message of a trend, it’s like you’re walking with such a model springy gait down the street, and no one will ask you for directions again , you’d rather give up this road and change the route, no one will bother you, again but whoever needs to deal with such beauty and charisma,
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it is clear, of course, that we are forced to walk like this no one will force you, they won’t wrap you in cellophane , they won’t put rats in your shoes... it’s already good, but how can you unsee this on the subway, for example, in a queue, on friends and colleagues, ugh, many will probably agree, it’s better to look at such high beauty podium, on the screen, you can always switch, at least in general , have a wonderful weekend, be sure to visit our telegram channel, see you on saturday, let's chat, writing a dissertation is not easy using body language, showing what it is about is more difficult, but the biology student succeeded. the guy wrote a scientific paper about the habits of kangaroos and took part in a competition. dance your dissertation, well, you won. to do this , i had to write a song and invite friends to film a funny video. in it, all participants try to recreate the movement of a marsupial animal. they
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got so creative that the video became popular. well, our colleague, andrey petrov, is always positive. the creativity of talented musical groups gives him a charge of vigor. andrey, share with us who is with you today, what are you smiling about. good morning, studio, good morning everyone. well, we’ll add some music on saturday morning, we’ll definitely do it together with the children ’s choir giant, guys, i welcome you, hello, hello, well, you know, they’ve already been on our set and performed great, and today they prepared a song, i understand correctly, dog-drummer , that's right, yes, that's right, but before we sing it, because as they say, the artist must pass through himself everything that he performs, that is, everyone who has a dog, a cat, maybe some kind of something, so tell me, and from whom? and who doesn't have any animals at home without buying, not buying? no , why am i asking, because i know very well families where children said: dad, mom, buy
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me a dog, i will walk with it, i will definitely walk with it, and i meet these parents every day, they walk with these dogs, and i have never met children for whom the dog was actually bought, you walk with your pets, sometimes, sometimes, well, with a cat there is another way out, with a cat. well, with a cat, but we ’re not singing about a cat today, and rightly so, with a hamster, you can go for a walk, well, let’s take a walk today on the russia channel, since it’s saturday, we’ll perform a wonderful song for you by the children’s choir. the giant is singing, let’s listen. if everything in your life goes in circles, if
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there is no devoted friend nearby, days give way to nights, hides into weeks, somehow life is not very good... give, give, give me a dog, give me a dog, parabaku, she will be here now rainy yards, she's so hungry, she's long gone to bed, it's time, give me, please give me a dog, give me a dog, barabak, who could flea stretch out, and there is a lump in your throat, and you are not alone, you will become two. and listen to commands, my dog ​​is the most faithful, my dog ​​is the best, well, after school, we’ll learn his lessons, and his
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jokes, we’ll post them on tiktok, give him, give him, give me a dog, give me a dog, barabaka, she seems to be... she 's so hungry, it's time to go to bed , please give me a dog, give me a dog, that lump of fur is stretched out at my feet and there's a lump in the hole and you're not alone, give me a gift, give me a dog, give me a dog, to the barabak, she is now wandering through the waiting yards , she is so hungry, and it’s time
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for the blast furnace to sleep, give me, please give me a dog, give me a barabak dog , like a lump of fleas, stretched out at my feet, and there’s a lump in my throat, and you won’t let go, oh, thank you very much, guys , now you understand perfectly well what you need to tell your parents if you want to be given a dog, or maybe not say it, but just sing this song dog, barabaka. we had a wonderful children's choir on the music set today. oh, for yourself tell yourself. great, studio over to you, thank you andrei, thank you kid, we are waiting for another musical gift from andrei petrov, space guys, i’m falling into the sky,
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yes i’m wow. thank you, thank you so much , thank you for such emotions, this is a purely heartfelt thank you, i’m delighted, thank you, you can get 100, thank you, 100%, thank you, but they only need 100 votes, let me believe in you, you should do this, only 100%.
5:00 am
to all those who have not yet subscribed to the telegram channel of our program, do so urgently, all the most interesting things, behind the scenes and our personal story, everything is there, by the way, we had a funny thing today with our guests, they say they will definitely post it, they didn’t show it on air, have a good weekend, see you on monday. hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. ukrainian militants lost about 7,500 people, reports from the front line for a week. and details of the destruction of the first american abrams tank.


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