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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 8:00am-8:20am MSK

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doors, everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. about the main topics. our issue briefly. ukrainian fighters lost about 7,500 people. report from the front line for the week. the assault troops are supported by nona. artillery shells destroy the fortified area in isu. the acceptance of applications for participation in the “time of heroes” program has started. great career prospects open up for special operations fighters and veterans. german generals discussed supplies. long-range taurus for
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scholz's back, a scandal in germany, kiev asked for missiles to aim at the crimean bridge. participants from almost 200 countries, scientists, athletes, cultural and artistic figures, today a world youth festival opens in sirius. the ice has turned red on the shores of the primorsky territory, what do environmentalists say? and at the beginning of the progress of the special operation, the results of the week from the ministry of defense delivered more than two dozen high-precision strikes on the enemy’s military rear areas, the situation in key areas was improved, in a separate line the avdeevsky section, where the fighters of the group of troops center liberated three villages and continue to shift the front line to the west. ukrainian formations lost almost 7,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers. in the southern... german direction
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, hurricane multiple launch rocket systems are delivering crushing blows to the enemy. the high range and large area of ​​destruction make it possible to conduct effective counter-battery combat and eliminate fortified areas, ammunition depots and armored vehicles of the enemy, including in the deep rear. we stand here for our own, for our people, for our homeland, we want to eradicate this fascism, which our grandfathers eradicated. now it’s our turn, we thought we won. it turns out that they are all gone, i think this is wrong, we must help our people who are here, they believe us, and we will not retreat, victory will be ours, our su-35s are patrolling the sky, these are one of the most maneuverable fighters, with this means their combat load is up to 8 tons; by being in the air, the s-35s crews do not give the enemy the opportunity to even take off from their home airfield, combat sorties,
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a series of precise salvos and the crew of a self-propelled the nona guns of the suryan paratroopers change position, the enemy may strike back. nona stands for the newest ground artillery weapon, for those who don’t know, the weapon is very formidable, maneuverable, can be afloat, and therefore overcome fords, also airdropped, positions of ukrainian armed forces militants under the vigilant control of aerial reconnaissance of the airborne forces. our reconnaissance drone is in mode.
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they are transmitting an image online from the village of andreevka, here you can see a pick-up truck or suv of militants moving along the outskirts settlement, enemy vehicles are moving behind the canal, and they are doing the usual rotation on these vehicles. at night the enemy is especially active; in this direction the enemy has also concentrated quite large forces, and they rotate every three days or so. night time, our enemy is cunning. here , at the forefront of neo-nazis, our drone spots a sniper couple. both are wearing white mask robes, setting up their fishing rod, preparing for the night hunt. one of the shooters is most likely a woman. very much resembles a female soldier. that there is, this is the cutting edge, they are the women who walk on here, right? yes, but pay attention to all the actions, all the movements that it performs. the front edge
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is approximately 300, but a maximum of 400 m from our positions. the landing crew has already received the coordinates of the targets. self-propelled mortar. nona the weapon is unique, it fires with any 120- caliber shells, both russian- made and nato-made shells. in a matter of minutes, the gun is deployed at the firing line, all amendments have been made. one of the most effective means of aiming a gun at goal, the most accurate way. tair, tair, i’m a teacher, point 474, west 200. they try to gain a foothold on the lines, mostly in the dark, but we don’t let them do this a little,
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we knock the enemy out of dugouts, from trenches, from fox holes, the so-called under continuous mortar fire from the syrian paratroopers only in... in this area the enemy loses up to a platoon of his soldiers every day. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead the way! we have started accepting applications from soldiers and veterans of special operations to participate in the project. "time of heroes". the personnel program, which vladimir putin announced the day before in his message to the federal assembly, opens up great prospects for those who have passed the combat test. with his courage he proved his readiness to serve his homeland and is worthy of holding high positions. alexey konopkov. the participants in the special operation already form the backbone of the russian armed forces, and should also become the basis of the country’s leadership. the hero fighters will still be taught the necessary skills in the management school, but they already have the most important thing - love for their homeland. looking at these courageous people will certainly
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not retreat, fail or betray. such people who think about the country, live by its destiny, can be transferred to... and entrusted to russia. i ask the ministry of defense, the commanders of combat units, to support the desire of military officers, to try their hand at the new personnel program, to provide for them the opportunity to apply for participation, to go to full-time training. participants of the svo with higher education without a criminal record and experience in managing people can enroll in the course. he is anyway almost any officer or warrant officer. in combat conditions. where the price of a mistake is as high as anywhere else, especially since these guys, like no one else, know how to lead, what direction to lead, how to engage in the patriotic education of our youth, what they need to say through their examples, artyom zhogo has walked the path to public administration himself, in the militia 10 years ago he signed up as a driver
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shooter, now he is the chairman of the people’s council of the dpr, sergei efremov served on the same fronts with him in the last 2 years, back in in the mid-nineties, the marine fought against international terrorism in chechnya, mikhail minenkov defended the country’s security during the second chechen war. in october 1999, a group of the then senior lieutenant helped rescue special forces from encirclement. was seriously wounded in the leg, but continued to command under fire, the most important thing is when people are all alive, my soldiers are all alive, i am very grateful to them that i remained alive. they filmed stories about the paratrooper hero back then, a month after the amputation, he returned to duty, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, and now
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successfully manages an innocent claim. the main one in our country is the person who loves his country, this is the norm, it’s like the sun shines, that a person defending his homeland today, he... must be number one in the citizenry. the site vremyaheroev.rf accepted the first applicant profile today. for those currently at the front, remote assessment centers will be opened, where soldiers should be sent to submit applications, essays and interviews. current ministers, governors, and heads of administration will become mentors of future managers president and head of major companies. the adjustment period will be faster and more efficient if they have the right mentors. this help will simply allow you to find yourself in a peaceful life and realize your potential to the fullest. those who have passed the selection will study at the runhicks base, but even those fighters who do not get there, but only register on the site, will still receive an online education course, and the new program will be expanded. alexey
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konopko, dianna happy, vitaly marchenko, news. 100 german taurus and at least one french fighter daso rafale, according to the conspiracy.
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from germany, however this is excluded, in our case it would mean that we are participating in the conflict. it turns out that the discussion in the bundestag is being conducted only as a diversion. taurus are missiles that will give ukraine the ability to hit targets. behind the front line, cutting off russian supply lines, time is running out, and ukraine has no more time. if a german taurus missile is aimed at a nuclear facility on russian territory, then i don’t know how they will react, i’m afraid it will will lead to a strong escalation, and what will we do if a russian missile is already aimed or fired here at the plant where taurus are produced, we will find ourselves in a state of war. that is why the name of the missiles was never added to the german list. assistance to ukraine, so that the bundeswehr does not appear in the documents, judging by the negotiations, this is also a concern, how to make
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sure that they do not think that germany is already participating in the war? a possible option is to provide scheduled technical support; theoretically, this can be done from büchel, provided that secure communication with ukraine. wait a minute, i understand what you are saying, politicians may be concerned about the direct closed connection between büchel and ukraine, what could happen.
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they must eventually understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. and here is confirmation in german reports that the bundeswehrd independently chose the targets for its taurus missiles. i would like to say one more thing about the destruction of the bridge. we have been intensively studying this issue ; unfortunately, we have come to the conclusion that the bridge is due to its size is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. i have an opinion. then the taurus will succeed, if they use the french rafale fighter, they will only be able to make
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a hole and damage the bridge, and this is definitely about the russian crimean bridge, officers more than once mention its important strategic importance, the most important of those who take part in the discussion, air force inspector inga gerhards, russia may have its own scores to settle, he lost a phalanx of his finger when he flew on our mig-29, oddly enough, they stood on luftwaffe weapons. there was also a conversation about how it would be possible, without being in ukraine, to remotely direct these missiles, but... one of the generals said to this, you know, this will still be our direct participation, that is, they understand, about what are they saying , in one of the exchanges it just sounds like, well , there are guys there in civilian clothes from the united states, it was straightforward to say, so here, i don’t know what to call it, but completely in fluff, the face of our nato, our
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nato colleagues, but i don’t know how they will explain itself to its population. the german military department did not respond to requests for comment. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, lead. the number of victims of shelling and stampede in line for humanitarian aid in the gaza strip has increased to 112. more than 700 victims were taken to the overcrowded enclave hospital. according to the israeli ministry of defense, the palestinians staged a massive fight for food when trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the city and opened it themselves. indiscriminate shooting. in palestine, the incident was called genocide and was blamed on the idf shelling. by according to eyewitness accounts, the military began firing from all types of weapons, including tanks, and an al-jazeera correspondent claims that after the attack, israeli armored vehicles began to crush those remaining in the queue. the west used the tragedy in gaza as a reason to announce a truce and an exchange
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of hostages in the near future is not worth talking about. france reacted more sharply than others. felt deep indignation. this world has not yet recovered from its indignation at macron himself; the same sijournet speaks for him , saying that the french will not die for ukraine and the mont newspaper that paris is still considering the possibility of transferring its special forces. canada, having decided that this is possible, is ready to send its soldiers to kiev, supposedly for training at the ssu. report by alexander khabarov. relations in the london-berlin-paris triangle have never been simple. british prime minister sunak was even criticized for the fact that he has not yet visited germany and there is less and less chance that he will fly there. chancellor scholz revealed what many had no doubt about. uk and france is involved in the use of missiles supplied to ukraine. scholz discussed his
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fears regarding the transfer of german taurus missiles to kiev, at the same time he attached allies who saw... the german chancellor as the wrong person. former british defense minister wallis, who was about to leave politics , called scholz’s behavior that from the point of view of european security, he was the wrong person, doing the wrong job and in the wrong place. echoed the head of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee, alicia kearns. scholz's comments are wrong, irresponsible and a slap in the face to allies. we have a choice, either we give ukraine what it needs, or we see even more bloodshed and a complete failure of deterrence. scholz must send the taurus missiles and stop holding back european security. a year ago, when they squeezed germany
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to agree to supply leopard-2 tanks to ukraine, it got to the point that it is not... generally accepted that by talking about sending troops to ukraine, he set everyone up at once. we just got there in london distance yourself from the loud words of french president macron, just as you have to deal with the statements of the german chancellor.
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threats against moscow. any russian attack or invasion of nato will provoke a stunning response. 3.5 million troops across europe could be involved. according to the british press, admiral tony radakin remains as british chief of staff for years longer than expected because he actively helped the ukrainian military plan attacks on russian warships. so chancellor shultz was well aware of how. said. alexander khabarov, ilya mardyukov and vlada tsurkan. news: london. another incident with us president joe biden, receiving the italian prime minister at the white house. twice confused the gas sector with ukraine, neither the teleprompter nor the cheat sheet on which he was


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