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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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firstly, not us but you, secondly , what goes around comes around, i sowed the olympic champion, well, my seedlings were devoured by your bookworms, during the period of falling in love , the subcortical areas of the brain are activated in a person, which are responsible for the production of the euphoria hormone, dopamine and norepinephrine, which is why lovers... feel so happy, but at the same time serotonin decreases, critical thinking turns off, fixation on the object occurs , sleep and nutritional patterns are disrupted, what in the philistine world we call losing your head from love, and this period lasts from 6 months to a year and a half, but then the hormones subside and people find themselves face to face with reality, which, as shown...
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the feeling of mutual love, relationships according to my system are many times more durable and stable, and also are a reliable prerequisite for marriage. what's behind these conclusions? is this just a hypothesis? no, no, this is not a hypothesis. for 2 years i conducted an experiment. i formed two groups. the first group formed pairs at their own discretion. eventually nine out of ten couples tried relationships for about a year, the tenth. the couple stayed
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in a relationship for one and a half years, in the second group they formed relationships based on my system, and, as the result showed, the percentage of successful unions is 10 times higher than the minimum significant error, all couples still maintain relationships, maintain relationships, but did not get married, it’s a matter of time, excuse me, this is a matter of principle, all the projects that i have put forward for a grant have already... now have justifications fully proven in practice, but it’s impossible forget about social significance, the influence of the color of toilet paper on sales is one thing, and the increase in the number of marriages throughout the country is another thing. does anyone have questions? anastasia petrovna, social significance is really important, but then we should talk about the official registration of marriage, and so your work on marriage turns out, sorry, a little defective. the members of the dissertation committee
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laugh. i am confident in my system and ready to test it for myself. if you want a wedding, there will be a wedding. boldly, that's bold. and suspicious. a maybe you already have a fiance who is ready for anything? the whole experiment will take place before your eyes. allow us to begin testing on unmarried men. exclude, and if i don’t succeed, i will stop my scientific activity, right now?
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thank you, hello, neighbor, hello, klav, what, do you play sports? oh, i approve. well, yes, i’m warming up before cleaning. it’s been a year since genochka passed away, and i’ve never been a general at the dacha. are you on time, huh? well, that's right, that's right, we have to move on with our lives. i understand, oh, oh, mommies, the back is jammed, yeah, oh, wait, wait, don't move, i'm a mik, oh, oh, hi, sing, hello, wait, stop, don't measure yourself, don't measure yourself, oh! wait
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, where, where, where, here, oh, okay, ira, ah, this is not, not what you thought, this is for the sake of... maybe even a hernia, nastya, you’re so early, and i’m not even i still managed to bake a festive cake, don’t rush, nastya, what happened, nastya, well, maybe it’s spinal, sacralization, sacral, sick, it’s necessary. i didn’t feel any pain, but maybe so, hormonal changes affect the hardness of cartilaginous bone tissue, so maybe i need to somehow take these hormonal changes and correct them, oh yes, come on
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, lie down, lie down, lie down, come on, oh, drink, i’m sorry that i’m coming to you with such questions, but still you're almost a doctor, which means almost, i'm a certified massage doctor, wait, wait. so i’m asking you from a medical point of view, maybe you can’t find someone, well, it’s not for health, if you have someone, there’s no one, so you started massaging me today, so i felt something, come on, you are a prominent woman, look at you all the summer residents are looking in, i didn’t notice something, and even you didn’t notice me through the fence, yeah, yeah, well, that’s why you’re all standing on the site, singing, well, thank you, you somehow saved me, “this is my job, okay , klava, rest, i’ll probably go before ira loses me, 31%, result 14%, nastika, it’s already
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dinner time, and you haven’t had lunch yet, mom, wait, i don’t have time for this, select 64% is not bad, this what's your project?" “something didn’t come together, are you redoing it? everything came together for me, i just need to get married. 3%. no, that’s no good, get married? who do you want? why, when, for whom? yes for the one with whom my compatibility will be more than 65%, to prove to them that my theory is actually correct. wait, wait, do you want to get married in order to protect your project? what is this? many scientists are ready for science. 67% are compatible, so artyom gennadievich maslov , 28 years old, junior researcher,
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laboratory of zoopsychology, which is psychology, by the way, i have never seen him. oh, what a horror, damn it, mom, well, you can’t spy on someone else’s phone, it’s unethical and illegal, and i didn’t even spy, i’m talking about bread, you can’t gluten, it’s gluten-free, you bought it yourself yesterday, yes, here’s your ex, she could never remember what you have a food intolerance to, what you’re allergic to, yes, that means you did peek, yes, well, your gaze fell , i'm sorry your mother has eyes. but i also accidentally looked at her post, blocked my brother, but this slut is not there, and i’m sure it was she who seduced him, she, yes, mom, that’s enough already, i’m 28 years old, i decide who, who seduced him who should i block, you know, yes, keep in mind that vlad never offered you nuts,
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unlike her, but what does allergy have to do with it, well , why mix everything together, and given that betrayal is not fatal, unlike anaphylactic shock, my god, my god, what is that? son, son, i forgot that you can’t get emotional, breathe, breathe , oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, breathe, breathe, oh, oh, what are you doing, your heart is bad, now, i can’t do it either get so emotional, mom, take a pill, okay, mom, forgive me, yeah, you want, you want to block, right now, here, here. yeah, look, now, now i’ll do it, yeah, blocked, blocked, blocked, that’s right, you understand, you need a smart, responsible girl with a good memory, who will finally read the
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ingredients on the food label so that she remembers what you can eat and what you can’t eat ?
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experiment number 27, the influence of the microbiota of opposite-sex individuals on the formation of attraction, we introduce the microbiota of a male to females of group b, this means that after a while... that in a good day, hello, in 24 artyom aslov, yes, yes, artyom aslov, you have v the questionnaire says that for the sake of science you are ready to do anything, well, almost anything, yes, great, then i suggest you, as part of my scientific project , enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official registration of the union, and i have already completed the stages of checking compatibility spent, we have 67%, this is the best indicator for the institute, and i already have the materials. i sent it to you by email, okay, check it out quickly, we’ll try,
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yeah, all the best, goodbye, i told you, they won’t bend over, are you doing this on purpose, no, you’re a dog, but it seems to me the people were stretching, stretching, well, it’s strange to stand and lie down, that’s all you can do now, i don’t know how to thank you, this is the second time... it’s already helping me out, nothing, we ’re neighbors with you, almost relatives, relatives, yeah, here you go, i love my job, drink , wait, you know, honestly , there’s nowhere to put this cognac, cognac, you know, work at mostvodokanali leaves its mark, you see, a whole closet of gratitude, yeah, you see, well ...don’t drink alone, maybe have some drinks, i won’t, it turns out to be love,
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dafamilia trap, bought , activated, cool, uh-huh, yes, yes, we ordered food for the roof, yes, yes, i ordered it, put it in the corner, please, i also brought pizza, without lutenov, as you like, actually i’m not hungry , what do you need, well, as you want , but i want to eat, i’m dying, listen, could you eat this somewhere else, well, maybe that’s enough, well , 5 years have passed, men in general shouldn’t quarrel over women, anyway more brothers, actually she’s not a woman.
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what's tamara's anniversary? well, yes, it’s already screwed, but what did you mean, i didn’t remind you, i don’t know, there i wrote a message, how can i write to you , you blocked me everywhere, well, yes, you blocked me, that’s right, by the way, your natasha then attacked me herself, i’m not an iron man , that’s right, uh, tem get out of here, tem, well you what, it’s okay, get out of here,
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i’ll call security, you animal, huh? oh, no, damn, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it doesn't work, you broke a unique device, i, i was just walking, sorry! why do i need your apologies when they don’t fix the multireceptor detector of subjective experiences, what does this device measure? feelings, well, tell me that this is a useless thing, it’s an experimental sample, and you broke it, neatly, well, in principle
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, it can be fixed, let me take it, yes vladislav. no, it won’t do that you don’t like my name, but you just want vladik, it says here that you repair household appliances, this is not some kind of mixer, this is a high-tech device, turn the business card over, look, computers, gadgets, smartphones and so on, give me your passport, why, give me your passport, i’ll take a photo so that just in case i know where to look for you, oh, you are all women, you are saying this to find out your family status. yes, i’m not married, i don’t plan to, anastasia gracheva, but for your health, yeah, and oh, what a good one, yes,
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so the most expensive, yes, yes, this is a gift. head of the district administration, wow, he dug such a pool for himself, you can organize swimming competitions, not like your paddling pool, maybe it shouldn’t have been opened, we don’t really have a reason, well, there’s no reason, but the opening of the summer season, but definitely , oh, god, i kept this gent, kept, kept, kept, you see how, come on for him, come on, don’t clink glasses, well of course, “let’s not be too big, let ’s be like, sorry, cool, you opened such an expensive cognac for me, and i just gave it to you, drink it, yes, yes, yes, you gave it to me opened it, gave it to me, yes , thank you, klav, i, you know, i’ll take it with me then, i
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’m a medium, i see, i can talk to them? are you kidding me? no, that’s why they’re attracting me, well, of course, not officially. premiere on rtr . you will. this is an article about you. well, i didn’t give an interview. your pass was denied. please turn it in. what’s going on with your job search? as soon as they find out it’s my wife, that’s it. goodbye. do not worry everything will be alright. anna is a medium. continuation, watch on monday on rtr. let's look. melodramas, please, acquaintance and roll call, it is possible without construction, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in white
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, look, and i begin, christ to the people, how many secrets were told, as a man, i am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let ’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday, narter, drop everything , go quickly, to a restaurant for a garden, why, your semyon with what- then a woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me, olga kobo, he called me,
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ideal, or even ideal, you can hang noodles on your ears. cuckold you , dmitry frid, partings can be for the better, i don’t know, now it’s as if i’ve been run over by a cat. oleg almazov. irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair. just think, i'll try to win her too. can you imagine, our irka, the tifushnitsa, immediately had a ton of gentlemen. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right. for later happiness, listen, maybe we can start everything from scratch, march 8, nart. oh, temochka , well done for coming, my dinner is ready, great, great, mom, hi, hi, mom,
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oh, can you imagine, they called my wife today, what, what, damn it, mom, well, no what, who, in short, we have one crazy person on department, she has a social project , there’s a system, a formula, you know what she says: that we have 67% incompatibility, think about it, saying that means we’ll get married, look, and what is she, a scientist, well, the psychology of interpersonal relationships in isolation from biology - this is most likely philosophy, i or science, yes, yeah, a responsible reasonable approach to each other, reading all the individual characteristics of partners, temperaments, interests, even food preferences, the topic is that we need to talk, then... i ask you , without emotions, you know i have a heart, subject number 17, cristina botapu is 21 years old, what do i think about
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this experiment? i think that it is not only useless, but dangerous, this is interference in the sacred, replacing feelings with reason, dehumanizing a person and turning him into a robot, everything was fine with me until you intervened, you destroyed my... will we have children, that’s the most important thing, my mother is interested, if the experiment is successful, how long will they have food intolerance, that’s it. let's go to the management, to the management, yes, okay, let's go, cool guy, yes, so, i'll tell you
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i didn’t tell enough, he’s sitting like this , facing me, i’m finishing working on the cervical region, suddenly there’s a spasm in the limbs, he ’s grabbing my legs and can’t let go of my arms , that’s what to do, i took his head... to the lower back reach out to open it, exactly at this moment his wife comes in, and behind her the commission, seriously, oh sing, you should have written all this down, can you imagine, now you would be an unsurpassed master of legal storytelling or even a comedian, that’s what they said that this is what you have for comedians here, if only all your clients were men, yes, we wouldn’t have any problems being with you at all, but my clients... women, well, women, you know, are very specific, for example, swimmers, they have muscles, it’s steel, or let’s say, basketball players, i tell them in
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general, i breathe into everyone’s belly button, and tennis players, it’s better not to get caught by them, you know what their serve speed is, 200 km/h, that’s about right, damn, come on, he’s a good horse, isn’t he, huh? we’re not talking about your rats, but about a reasonable person, well, with a person it’s even simpler, you just need to kiss, that’s what you’re talking about, no, my the method is based on intelligence, it has long been scientifically
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proven that the intestines are the second brain, and maybe even the first, artyom, maybe you’re just hungry, no, don’t worry, come on in, this is our garden, parents? meet my fiance, artyom. hello, i don't understand who is who. subject. subject? oh, you too, right? i mean, no, i, pyotr pavlovich. yes, petropavlovich, this is my mother, irina vladimirovna. very nice. very nice. well, welcome. we've known each other for a long time. oh, about a day, but don’t worry. only in a month you will have time to get to know each other, uh-huh, uh-huh, and artyom, let's go, i'll show you your room, come in, glad to meet you.
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smile, smile, we know each other in 24 hours , the wedding is in a month, at this rate in 9, i ’m a grandfather, oh, the main thing is to be happy, so, we’ll start working tomorrow morning, move from your room. irka, you are so beautiful in general. well, shall we go? it’s awkward here, somehow nastya isn’t sleeping yet, then this groom? yes, this is the third time they have had a dream with such a groom. so, artyom
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gennadievich, from now on we will be on friendly terms, you can call me nastya, and you? subject. so, tyoma, our first goal is sympathy, the first technique is mirroring. how's that? we will repeat each other's poses and gestures. you can even breathe in the same rhythm, so the brain will perceive the opponent as one of its own, and trust will arise. it's clear? so, let's begin. so how are you sitting like that, so crooked? i don’t know, i always sit like this, well, this is a direct path to scoliosis, to stagnation of the pelvis, to infertility , by the way, this won’t work, you’d better repeat after me, yeah, come on, sit on the edge, you’re too tense, relax, sit up straight, straighten your spine, shoulders, well , lower them, let's lower, lower, that's right, cross your legs, put your foot on
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my. can this be a compromise, and i’ll straighten my back a little, and you’ll bend it a little, but health, they don’t tolerate compromises , that’s it, repeat after me, come on , why don’t you repeat, why don’t you repeat, are you kidding me, are you kidding me, i thought , you are a serious scientist, you thought you too, yes it is, i am a serious scientist, i have a simple understandable system, i don’t understand what it’s difficult to do as they ask you, i don’t know what i’m not repeating, you’re angry, i repeat, you ’re angry too, maybe you’re just angry, that for some reason everyone at your institute is afraid, what’s going on there, 2 days old friend swears as if we’ve been together for 20 years, who told you that, gusakov came by, of course, tell me who your friend is and i’ll tell you, we’ll continue after
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the break. we’ll continue after the rehearsal, sit down and rehearse, crazy girl, it’s not evening yet, if you had continued to deal with bitcoins, then we would now be somewhere on the embankment sri lanka, you should drink cocktails, otherwise you sit like an owl, poking around with all sorts of things, oh, those bitcoins are gone, i still have an apartment, a motorcycle,
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the question is: you can’t miss it so often, otherwise what’s the point? listen, let me ask a question, okay, please do so. why aren't you married? because i’m not confident in myself , i don’t trust men since childhood. and the only asshole i gave a chance to cheated on me with my best friend, which increased my frustration. okay, i don’t pay attention, tears, it’s just psychophysiological reaction to frustrating memories, in general, understanding psychological processes
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did not help me; on the contrary, the feeling of guilt intensified, and i decided to create a system for building safe relationships with guaranteed success. nastya, do you know? very similar, and my fiancee cheated on me with my cousin a week before the wedding , 5 years have passed, i’m still angry, so you know, i thought i would never want a relationship again, but then you showed up with this stupid proposal and i changed my mind, it’s not stupid, hello, yuri vasilvich, hello hello. so, well, the noise of the forest, the singing of birds, well, even the croaking of frogs, all this forms a corresponding associative series, i understand, in order for
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two sinkers to like each other, each time placing them together, you need to feed them tasty food, yes, then an associative connection will be created between satiety and the presence of a partner, well, in this, people are not far from the grazuns, yes, but i like you. now, we need to record a positive moment, let's take a photo, come on, of course, come on, come here, yeah, that's it, so, no, come on, here, like this, yeah, yeah , by the way, can you imagine, we can conduct a joint interdisciplinary study with you, the influence of digestion on people’s indigestion of each other, you ’re laughing in vain, we are controlled by a bacterium, a microorganism, so, you keep your thoughts, and i ’ll go. i made little birds, okay, you saw them, well, they’re just a perfect couple, listen, our daughter is a genius, well, it’s clear she’s in a coma, mom , excuse me, there’s another scientist in the house, but of course, of course, but no one wants to work, hello, mom, hi,
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how are you feeling, yeah, yes, yes, yes, here we are everything is wonderful, by the way, can you imagine, nastya also does not eat gluten and dairy, like me , yeah, yesterday we tested her and it turned out that we achieved in a day... sustained sympathy is an excellent result. yeah. okay, mom, come on, i ’ll call you later, kiss you. yeah, bye. here you are. thank you, daughter. beautiful. how are things going with you and tyoma? is everything working out? yes, everything is great. the emotional curve is going up, everything is exactly according to my calculations. you are such a great guy. very happy, if only i had at one time such a system, maybe my life would have turned out differently?
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petrpavlovich, what are you doing? come on, why, let's go, damn, yes, pyotr pavlovich, where are we going? well, since he’s so smart, he could have guessed it himself. i'm smart, but i'm not a guide. that's right, intelligence alone is not enough for a family. yeah, what else do you need? well, what do you need? strength, you can chop wood , but firewood, yes, yes, you have gas at home, gas at home, wood in the fireplace, well, you can,
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but, of course, i can, yes, yes, an ax. it means you can’t judge by yourself, well, it’s peter
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pavlovich, dad, what did you do to artyom? experience negative emotions otherwise they will be connected to me in the subconscious, let's go , daughter, what are you saying, don't you dare interfere in our work, let's go, i know where my friend is, don't look at him, but i'm watching you, in general , my friend wanted to kill, fuck you, this , this is now work, it’s called, well , mistress, accept work like everyone else, but it can’t be, the tv hangs crookedly, listen, i...
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the rate is five times higher, so i pay her according to the rate, and the tv hangs crooked, so don’t argue with me, continue, if anything happens, i’ll next to me, i don’t understand anything, we are stuck on setting up, not installing equipment, my stage of sympathy, but attachment should already be emerging, yes, maybe it’s because of dad, no, no, it’s unlikely. or maybe there is progress, but intermediate, the bracelets would show the exact value, bracelets, i’m listening, good afternoon, this is anastasia gracheva, you fixed my emotion meter, and these celibacy bracelets of yours have been around for a long time, wonderful, then could you bring them today to my dacha, no, i couldn’t, i have work. likucha, maybe through i’d like to go to the dacha in a couple of days, then you’ll have
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a barbecue? no, i need the bracelets today, if your light is on, come yourself , i’ll be home in a couple of hours, the address is in my passport, well, i’ll come, some kind of idiot, no, well, now it’s exactly the same, well, you see for yourself that now it’s not exactly straight, but that’s right. because it was straight the first time, please make it smooth, just not like the first time, undress, if anything happens, i’m nearby, but your bracket is hanging crookedly, by all means.
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this is only possible in russia. games of the future - this is freedom from any kind of discrimination and double standards. authentic sport. a tournament that exceeded our wildest expectations. victories at the intersection of reality and the cyberverse. our champions have proven it. sport knows no boundaries, closing ceremony of the games of the future, on sunday on rtr, people's artist of russia.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention! today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cocky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions
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now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words. heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform we watch. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia,
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a couple of days ago dima and i signed, i don’t understand how you pulled it all off. narter, it’s you, just a second
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, did you like my call, or what, keep your bullshit, it won’t go well, i have to check whether it works or not, but of course. the free workshop is open, 24 hours a day, hand, but why should i? maybe on a table leg, there won’t be any difference, but for sure you need someone like a person, thank you, you see, it doesn’t work. how it doesn’t work, everything is blinking, this is not enough, it must show the correct value of emotions, listen, i broke the hardware, i repaired it, if your gadget shows the wrong value, this your problems are your emotions too, but these are not my emotions, these are some kind of nonsense, the scale shows that you and i have a sharp surge in neuropeptides, but in human terms,
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falling in love, well, many people are in love with me. maybe you too, i would notice, of course, i feel some kind of anxiety around you, but is it something like disgust? here's how, can we check? oh, it's you, hello, hello, come to me, bracelet, and what happened now?
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what's back? yeah, why did you leave your little one alone for half a day, huh? and where he? where? he sits in the house, afraid to leave. subject, yes. i understood why we were stuck. so. i thought that treatment should be started as late as possible, but on the contrary, it should be taken as... early as possible, by the way, i have an interesting theory on this topic, yes, yes, great, these are synthetic pheromones, so called white musk, take it, maybe we can try it using my method, it’s like, well, this is an exchange. beloved with a kiss, but it’s late, or rather early, yes, you don’t have to distract me,
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and you have red clothes, yeah, the red color just activates those areas of the brain brain, which is responsible for passion, red shirt, great, then get a good sleep at 8:00 we have theory, put on your shirt and come to my room, we will start with touch theory, at 8:30 we will have a coffee break, at 8 :45 let's continue to study the theory of scientific eroticism, yeah, yeah, get ready.
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unfasten your seat belts and bring yourself into a horizontal position, and what did you say, let's take off. just to explain everything, nastya, wait, nastya, nastya, i, nastya, oh, anastasia petrovna, what
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’s wrong with you, the kisses are moved, the wings of the nose raised, teeth clenched, it doesn’t look like love , more like anger, it’s because of you, it’s not true, it was before, but when they saw me like that, they arched their eyebrows and lifted their nose, now that’s contempt. you are very bad at reading faces, oh, by the way, i defended physiognomy perfectly, you are ashamed, hello, yuri vasilyevich, hello, hello, klim, yulia, i didn’t even know that you had arrived, hello! yes, i’m tired of wandering around resorts, sanatoriums, i decided to go to the dacha, well , especially since it’s no worse here, everything is inclusive, so
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even flowers, how lovely, but what is the occasion? ira, what a reason, who needs this reason, when such beauty is nearby, yes, when you love, you discover so much wealth in yourself, i didn’t think that you were such a romantic, who would have thought, before you i’m far from it, i don’t quote chekhov, but that’s no use. when the husband is a cracker, we have a pearl wedding, but it seems to me that petya won’t even remember, irochka, men need to be helped to be romantic, we need to carefully remind them if i want a bouquet of lilacs or i want a pearl necklace, hello class, hello, and most importantly , we arrived on time, okay, take a walk, see you later, petya, hello, definitely. hello, you, that is, you, you, after everything
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that happened between us, so, let 's dot all the points, and what was, this, it was passion, a real animal, very rare, pure thrill, what a nightmare . what, are you married or what? yes, that is, no, i, i have one project, but it’s obvious that we are incompatible, but what about the kisses there, these bracelets of yours, listen, you’re definitely a scientist, and so i’m not interested in passion, i’m only interested in a serious relationship with subsequent official registration, it’s terrible how you formulated it, it’s simple, okay, in theory we can try, but... then we need to fill out a questionnaire, that’s 30 questions, yeah, and that’s
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just it first page, there's more. five, hi, neighbor, hi , so don’t lift heavy things, well, i don’t lift, but i have to take out the trash, who will do it for me, i’m alone, now the trash can should arrive, mm, listen, i have something to do with you, shall we go?
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but i don’t want to, yes, maybe, but for you it’s the same you can’t say, but this is simply not included in my plans, so in mine too, well, what can i do, stop, what can i stop, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, so i also have one hundred percent there’s no method, we’ll sleep with you and let you go, no, i have a scientifically proven method, but mine is also scientifically proven, i’ve done this many times, right? come on, see you tomorrow, go, go, go, go, go, come on, that's it, bye! sing, yeah, i’m worried about nastya, this guy suddenly left somewhere, can you imagine, he didn’t even say goodbye, he ran away, a coward, he ran away, you think that our poor
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girl met her fiancé some time ago. probably all the neighbors are already discussing it. who, well , who needs this, what are you doing? well, weren’t you and klava talking about nastya? when? yes, today. we didn't talk. i saw. we stood at the garbage dump for a whole 5 minutes. did you keep track of time? no, but i’m just wondering, do you have any secrets from me? what secrets? what's so interesting about this? we talked about garbage, about garbage, the garbage truck started arriving later, i didn’t want this topic at the table develop, that's all, sing, why are you so wound up, sing, petya, topic, when you finally introduce me to your bride, by the way, i found her photo on the website of your institute, beauty, beautiful, not like
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some , mom. yes it is, but it’s not because i’m saying it, because it sounds strange, you never cease to amaze me, son, mom, my god, what a beauty, girl, tell me, have you seen irina here, no, 30 years, the same joke,
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you know, some jokes get better over the years. better, however, just like you, where are you going, you don’t need to go away for a couple of hours on one matter, but i thought we would win somewhere together, of course, of course, i’ll come back and we’ll definitely have lunch together, so hi amsit, hi, but i was worried? that you better not be offended, but in my opinion there are a lot of free tables in the dining room, yeah, damn it, nastya, forgive me, please, i really, i wanted to apologize, and artyom gennadievich, we were on friendly terms as part of a scientific project when you ran away, you lost this privilege, listen, those, and i’m not the selection committee, so that
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listen, here, you see, this is the whole problem, i mean, listen, nastya, let’s talk to you in the evening, just in a calm atmosphere, we’ll discuss everything, in the evening i can’t, by the way, how to come to meet a person who doesn’t... come to this meeting, but that’s enough already, i apologized, i was just nervous, you know, i’m because i’m a person, i’m not a robot, i don’t mouse there, i’m not a rat, damn it, a test subject, just go ahead, can you please , for the future, take this into account in your system, you are not a rat, you are worse than a rat, because that you escaped from a ship that you didn’t even intend to, nastya, bon appetit, nastya, yeah.
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you were 12 minutes late, well that’s good, i was late because i was choosing flowers that were just as beautiful as you, peonies are bad, being late is good, flowers are bad, peonies, by the way, are a symbol of passion, i know , but i can’t stand punctual people , i love peonies, but we have anti-dates, so it’s the other way around, seriously, where do they go on anti-dates, to the amusement park, to the upper house or to the anti-cafe, and what they give, antiseptic or anti-stress, come here. dentistry, uh-huh, uh-huh, you, of course , professionally scare off men , i’ve hated dentists since childhood, this is a calculation,
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our negative experiences will be extrapolated onto each other’s feelings, and in russian, i will think about you, remember the drill, i will it’s unpleasant on the contrary, anastasia, good afternoon, good, but everything is okay with my teeth, as well as with my head, i ’m not going to drill anything into myself, but the dental... nothing compared to the heart, interesting experience, i have completely different maybe maybe you just never loved, or maybe you just never had your teeth treated, yes, then yes , i have genetics in this regard, but it’s a wisdom tooth, i should probably stop being smart, don’t be kidding me, i’ve been afraid to come here for a year , oh, how, i decided to combine the unpleasant with the useless, let's go, the doctor is waiting for you, yes, uh-huh
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, so, so, so, stop, stop, stop, stop, i decided to tear, tear, well, please, i'm in i’ll come another time, i promise, well then come to me, since your method didn’t work, we’ll try. "unfortunately, you can't, this girl is mine, i asked the tooth fairy to work, please wait here, well, i don’t see any taxi.” i’m standing near the entrance, loaded with packages, well, where did you get to, the main thing is that you have very good taste, okay, woman, do you
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even know where you’re going you're walking, this is a roadway, well, i could run you over, maybe it's for the best, just pain? comfort, i know, and you get in, i'll give you a ride, no, it's probably inconvenient, yes, if you 're afraid to get in someone else's car, take a photo of the license plate and send it to your friends, get in, get in, you're just like
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my daughter, don’t worry , now... please, i, well, i ’ll stay nearby, i’ll just hold her hand, that’s all, okay, stay, since your fiancee is so anxious, thank you, open your mouth, open it, well, grown up we figured it out with our daughter, but how
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are things going with my husband? it’s just not clear with him, it’s like he’s sick, or what? oh , no, god forbid, he’s as healthy as a bull, he ’s about to hit, maybe even like that, a lie, the same alcoholism, like he’s dying. as you say beautifully, you should write novels, but no, what are you, it’s not me, it’s chekhov, but i’m just literature vet, specialist in creativity , anton pavlych, what an interesting profession you have, and something you are all about me, yes about me, let’s better talk about you, yes, everything is simple for me, by profession i am a plumber, but the truth i have... your company, one might even
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say, a whole network, i provide jobs for 23 people, by the way, they’re all family, it’s great, but i don’t have a family, well, somehow it didn’t work out, that’s not good, though. somehow i didn’t imagine it that way, were you planning to escape? no, of course, it's just i didn’t think that you would behave like this , turn away, well, if you can’t predict your behavior, there’s nothing to think about others, thank you, you really helped me, wow, what words do you know, this is unexpected for me, oh, fortunately, your irony neutralizes my positive emotions towards you, wait, thanks for the bread, not for the spread, i would like to get something more substantial. confirmation of
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gratitude, what do you want, money? well, not really, mm, freezing, uh-huh, sorry, for work, uh-huh, hello, no, i can’t do it today, i understand whose wife it is, that’s the problem, ok, i'll be there soon, i need it. your help, will you come with me to the call, i don’t understand anything about your affairs, i don’t need to understand anything, this is according to your profile, i need to understand the feelings of one client, okay, just so as not to be obliged to you, and it’s very nice here , yes, i love this place, yes, well, thank you very much for the ride and for listening, how much? i
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owe you, but it’s okay, i was very pleased to give you a ride, no, no, no, don’t refuse, you wasted your time, then gasoline, no, i didn’t spend anything, i it was necessary exactly here, my house, over there, across the house, so this was maria semyonovna’s house, did you buy it, not really, i inherited it, i’m aunt masha’s nephew, and glebushka, well, yes, yes, that’s how she she called me, my sabolez. regarding the departure of aunt masha , well, i congratulate you from home, we have a wonderful village, you know, i’ve already noticed, thank you, and maybe someday you’ll come to my place for tea, well, like a neighbor, well, not a bad idea, and then i’ll bake my signature pie, thanks again for the ride, you’re welcome. just remember, she's a wife
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my boss’s boss, be polite, okay, yeah, don’t worry, i’m a professional psychologist, i know how to communicate with people, so, well, finally, good afternoon. and who is this? and this is my girlfriend. you told me something urgent happened and i was in such a hurry that i didn’t have time to finish the date. wow, who are you? what about who? of course, for you, as the best husband, for every year of our life together, it turned out to be so inconvenient, inconvenient, why, well, i
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only have one gift for you, well, happy anniversary, grandfather, pita, m, what a beauty, and what did you buy me here? and sing, well actually, this is not for you, this is for me, but for myself , well, good, right, a beautiful wife is a gift to her husband, well, i just hoped that we would traditionally go to a restaurant together, you left, i decided that you forgot , well, then i actually saw you and claudia in the shopping center, of course, that’s it, sing, but what else should i have thought, and what should i have thought? suddenly it’s her husband’s death anniversary, you know, i took her to the cemetery, you know , out of gratitude, she helped you choose a gift, oh, drink, drink, well, well, forgive me , i’ll forgive you, forgive me, i’ll forgive you, but later , i like you better
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, well, no, i don’t see, nastya, maybe you see, sorry, no, but what does your girlfriend have to do with it, she’s not a professional at all, yes, just like you, who’s a professional here, i , and i say that it hangs evenly, you hear me, professional, it’s very unprofessional to bring a girl to your work, and i would love to resolve my personal issues in my free time, but because of you i don’t have one, and excuse me, what is your name? marina igorevna? marina igorevna, as a psychologist, it is absolutely obvious to me that the problem here is not in the tv. and what? you like vlad, and
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your gestures and your facial expressions speak about this. but the problem is that vlad doesn’t like you, and his gestures show this. here. so, nastya, i asked you to make it easier, but you don’t see how everything is neglected here, it’s like teeth, you need to quickly and sharply, and not slowly and painfully, i can’t understand something, you’re kidding me, right? no, of course not, on the contrary, we want to help you, your condition is absolutely understandable, you have been married for a long time and your husband probably constantly spends time at work, and... and perhaps you are going through menopause and your hormonal levels are changing. what hormonal background, what are you carrying, what hormonal background, this is absolutely normal, every woman has it at a certain moment, marina igorevna, excuse her, please, after
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the operation the anesthesia is still working, she is measuring herself, she doesn’t know what, excuse me, why yes? are you kidding me or what? yes, yes, i will tell my husband everything. mom, hi, i'm home. mom, yeah, mom, yes, son, i'm here. mom, what are you doing, what happened? it's okay, everything's fine. you don't feel well, right? i do not want you upset. you. you're making me nervous, but i shouldn't be at all, i went to the doctor, and my worst fears were confirmed, well, mom, well, well, well, this is not a death sentence, yes, well, we can fight this, why, why , why
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, well, if you want, let me take a vacation, and you and i will be together, yes, well, or let me quit altogether, oh, no, no, don’t, don’t, my dear, “you’re already an adult, you have my own life, and i am destined by nature to be a grandmother, to take care of my grandchildren, well, you will have grandchildren, you will definitely have them, when, in a year, maybe it’s too late, you won’t get married in a week, i don’t know, maybe you will, i’m talking about helping you get rid of a client, not a job, i warned you, whose wife is she, who asked you to call me your girlfriend, of course this undermined her level of trust, do you really think that this is the problem, of course, what else is it? what did she say that she was an old woman no one needed? i didn’t say this, believe me, she heard exactly this, you, as a professional psychologist
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, should know about this, you know what, it was your idea, and it was you who brought me here, so there’s no need to shift the responsibility with your sick head onto my healthy one, you know, it seems to me that the anti-date was a success , a second one won’t be needed, that’s for sure, oh, so... no restaurants it’s necessary, you ’re my cook and pastry chef, so control yourself, remember, yeah, if you get up from the table hungry, you’re full, if you get up full , you overeat, after you overeat, you get poisoned, well, what a boring chekhov, huh? well, sometimes you can poison it, really, mom, dad, i need interview people who have been married for more than 30 years, collect evidence, and why do you prove a crime
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, you will have to sing, well, don’t squirm, turn here, that means, comrades, every happy family is happy in its own way, as the great chekhov bequeathed , it was not chekhov who said this, but the fat one, and he said the opposite, yes, you see how sleepy i am, what should i do, i’ll go find a corkscrew, but no, tomorrow is tomorrow, nastya, where is the medium, i see
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the dead, i can talk to them, you kidding, no, that's why i'm attracted, well of course not officially, the premiere on rtr , just look at it, this is an article about you, well, i didn’t give an interview, you were scammed, your pass, please turn it in, what about your job search, as soon as they find out, this is my wife, that’s it, until goodbye, don’t worry, everything will be... okay, anna is a medium. continuation, watch on monday on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without construction. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin, florisov. zakharov, and this was for i’m probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people
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, how many secrets have been told, i’m like a man , a hunter of women, i like to attack , dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now only everything is fulfilled, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov. on sunday on rtr, trouble, listen, let me help you, watch the weekend, my business cat, actually, i work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, yes, what a shame, my husband, mistress. or maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back
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, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to go outside, today i was practically kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how can i survive the blow to the very heart, what are you doing, this is my child, get lost, now it’s gone, you are my wife, who, my lover, and who is my daughter, i came to talk to you as man to man. listen, you don’t want to kill someone , you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, on sunday on the taxiway, i’m at the gas station for you he asked, he caught it somewhere, everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridors, what he caught, what and how he spied, to look away from watching. it will be impossible, during the week of the presidential address we saw more
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than others, there is no escape from it, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look on sunday. on rtr , hello, nastya, hello, anastasia petrovna, hello, anastasia petrovna, i still have your pheromones, let's... meet with you and discuss all the issues, how is this, ass, hello, hello, but i need master vladislav ustinov, vlad no longer works for us, but wait, he’s already been fired - i
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mean, how so, and i, and i wanted to call him, we can offer you... great, great, thank you for that, that ida helped me choose a gift, oh
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, so thank you, it’s necessary on such a day, you found the time, took me to genochka about oh yes, you know, i never cease to wonder how he died, your wedding anniversary, i don’t know, mysticism some kind of fate, or some kind of mysticism, because we had a lot of fun with him, he has blood pressure, i warned him about this, but while singing, he went to the cemetery, today he dreamed about something, oh well, well, i was thinking about him. i remembered, i had a dream about you, but no, he asked me to sing about you, what was he asking about me, i woke up in the morning , as if someone was walking around, well, this is understandable, angry because
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he gave me the collection cognac? yursev sergey mikhailovich 30 years old, art of knowledge, 32%. come on, alexander ivanovich baroshev, 27 years old, terrible genetics, 88% intelligence. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, 5%, what is it, move on, i don’t like the external one, 18% that tyoma is the only one, so on. wow, and i’m wondering how they hired me back, how you managed it, well
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, i just thought and realized that it was because of me that you were fired, wow, you even know how to admit your mistakes. yes, i shouldn’t have taken on a task that i wasn’t sure about. well, in the end you helped me, marina igorevna doesn’t want to know me now, but maybe i ’m happy early, and now instead of her you’ll be my new maniac client? no, no, no, i only paid for the initial appointment, nothing for us no need to do it, can we say goodbye? no, no, no, no, no, come on, paid, show your work front. i said, you don’t need to do anything, leave, what’s paid for. why don't you need to do anything? and who will build the gazebo? i can't do it alone. dad. he has a different profile, come on, let’s go, i can gazebo, hello, i’m losing someone, hello, but actually i’m your neighbor, aunt marsha’s nephew,
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glebushka, yes, she called me that, she was a wonderful woman, she loved my genochka , was very sad when he died, and then the kingdom itself heavenly, and who is genochka? and this is my husband, and we express our condolences. and by the way, i’m claudia, it’s very nice, and you’re going to petra pavlovich, actually no, i’m going to irina, oh, to the peter and paul fortress, i mean, well, that’s what we called ilina, she had a admirer in prutprudi in her youth, only the wand was able to take her by storm, right? well, thank you, all the best, well, come on in if anything happens, in the neighborhood, okay, ah, interesting.
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well, at this rate we’ll quickly finish, that’s what it means that hands grow from where they need to be, and i’m generally an electronics specialist, a gazebo in my life for the first time, what, you notice, that’s how important this balance is, you know how to work with both your head and your hands, but in my family there is no such balance, just hands, two heads, scientists. for example, you have a wife, who? and i’m not married, that’s very good , i mean, well, it’s time for you to think, she’s still old, but
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who is she, some kind of scientist, a scientist, yes, don’t look at her now, don’t look, she’s her husband counting, yes, yes, we already had one candidate, counting, counting, counting, counting, missing something, ran away, oh, fool, of course you’re a fool, what about you? well, it's time to make a fateful decision, what about getting married? no, i love freedom, this is not about me, well, then there’s no need to make eyes at it, no need, you’ve been paid, work.
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nastya, which blouse do you think is better for an interview, a light one or polka dots, mom, science blouses are not important, wear any one, then perhaps i’ll wear a light one, pearls will look better on it, nastya... and who is that? ? some old friend of yours, or maybe a new candidate? no, of course, it’s just an accident, a mistake that needs to be corrected. vlad, vlad, vlad, vlad, how are you, vlad? vlad, vlad, please wake up, vlad, vlad, vlad, please wake up, vlad, please, vlad,
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vlad, i was scared, well, your scheme for exterminating butterflies didn’t work, so, everything worked for me, and once again kiss me without mine. permission you will be fired again, with such a character no science will help you, so you will be alone, you know that i’m actually getting married, it’s men like you who stay in alone, for now, oh, where is the master, that he also ran away, but nothing? we’ll call another, well, that’s right, come on, this one is unstable , completely inappropriate, i would say, not professional, yes, and i would say, very arrogant,
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yes, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, i’m talking about wine , where is the victim, the victim left, ran away. sing, oh, maybe there’s a break, a break , why, it’s a good thing, of course, it wouldn’t be there, oh well, what’s there, what’s there, your gene
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is jealous of you from there, give it to me? let's anger the spirits, oh, so, yeah, the recording is on, let's start, yes, here, look, yes, right into the camera, look , okay, everything, yes, great, mom, everything is fine, let's start, start, over time, true love does not pass, but comes, not immediately, but gradually, you experience the joy of intimacy. with a loved one, it’s like, it’s like with good, old wine, you have to get used to it, you have to drink it for a long time to understand its charm, mom, are you quoting chekhov or some winemaker, let ’s answer my questions, yeah, so, have you ever encountered adultery, here is anton palovich there are certainties, this is a stone on my neck, and i ’m going to the bottom with it, but i love this stone, and
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i can’t live without it, is this right with dad? well, in a way, yes, mom, we clearly answer my questions, whether we encountered them or not, well, that was the case, so the next question is, did you experience experiences that can be called painful, of course, and why did you then stay in... so nastya, that's it, put this thing away, close the camera, that's it, i don't want to talk about it, that's enough, mom, tell me honestly, are you and dad because of me?


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