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tv   1993  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 11:30pm-2:16am MSK

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please, so what do we have here? well, well, well, okay, i’ll hire you, really, thank you very much. a cleaner , but what did you want, my dear, after the sewing school in the city, kalashin, to immediately get a position as a tailor or designer, but that doesn’t happen, no, of course, if you work well and prove yourself, naturally i have prospects for you, but how can i prove myself if i work as a cleaner, maybe you’ll hire me at least to do buttonholes or stitching, i don’t care, the main thing is in my specialty. "my dear, the cleaners are coming to us
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it’s very difficult to get a job, actually you’re lucky, but if that’s the case, it’s good, the main thing is that i got here, really, oh, to the point, well then i agree, well, that’s it, that’s it, i’m waiting for you tomorrow, let’s go. lyuba, yes, yes, this is vera, our new cleaning lady, explain where everything is and what’s what. yeah, you’re the third cleaning lady in a month, you couldn’t stand it the previous two weeks, why? steif finds fault with every little thing, so i don’t even know... i don’t
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know whether to be happy for you or sympathize , i think i’ll be happy, i still got where i wanted, okay, let’s go, i’ll show you where we have what, well, here is everything you need, rags, mops, chemicals, there should be a vacuum cleaner somewhere in the corner. now it’s yours, girls, irina sergeevna asked me to tell you that you’ll have to stay until ten, again, well, for the fourth time this week, as long as possible, but what can you do, fitting, and during the day fitting cannot be done necessarily at night, my husband will soon be on the doorstep won’t let me in, i...
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she’s created such a mess for us, as if it ’s our fault, that she can’t come up with anything new, oh, girls, if only she didn’t go broke, and she’s all in debt, let’s go then i’ll start looking for a new job with you.
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natural, who allowed you to take it, who by what right? but i didn’t know, i didn’t know, aunt gal, well, it turned out beautifully, what it was, really, but who are you to give orders in my house, show up, don’t get dusty, and let ’s cut other people’s shit, well, get out of here, that’s it , that's it, that's it, gal, that's enough already, go to the kitchen , knock out some tea, calm down, come on, i 'll sort it out myself, let's get out of here, go, go, that's it, with your relatives, otherwise you've settled in well. you're still sitting on my neck bring yours here! uncle kohl, please excuse me, i didn’t want to spoil the vest! there is such a scandal in your house because of me! don’t be offended by your aunt either, she’s soft-spoken, but kind, she says, the devil knows what she’s going through later, just give her time, let her go away, of course, i , i’ll go for a walk for now, no, you’re better, another place to live ? i’m asking, do you have finances,
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yeah, that’s great, but when everything settles down, come back to us, okay. yes, kolya, well, go ahead, and if anything happens, call me, kolya, you'll be there soon, of course, goodbye, goodbye, where are you?
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girl, we're closing, oh, sorry, what for? or something, but how did you find out, well, you know people like you right away, i can greet you if you want, really, really, i’ve been on duty here all night, i’m bored alone, well, it’ll be
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more fun with you, well, let’s go, let’s go.
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oh sorry.
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you can’t sleep here, go to the hotel, sorry, but i don’t have money, it was stolen. if you knew how many times i have heard this story, i don’t know anyone in moscow? well, do you want
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to go to our department? thanks, no, y i have friends, yes. well, well, yes, 5 minutes. then we go to the department. victor, hello, this is vera, you remember me, yes, ver, well, of course i remember, of course, tell me how you settled in, i’m at the station, victor, you know moscow well, please tell me where i can spend the night . what, i'm about to be taken to the police, let's do it, i'll come to you now , you stand still, don't go anywhere,
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okay, i'm going, okay, i'm waiting for you, dear passengers, on the fourth, fifth and twelfth tracks, boarding takes place after 200 m, from the beginning of the platform, dear passengers, on the fourth, fifth and twelfth tracks, boarding takes place 200 m from the beginning of the approach, well, here i am, i didn’t have to wait long, yeah, let’s go, uh, just a minute. i say: wait, this is my client, no, this is our patient,
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how will he run straight to the station, the roof has gone crazy due to migration, dear, it happens, now there are a lot of people, well, yes, good luck, happily ever after. well, vera, i’m glad to meet you again, although under such extreme circumstances, well, where are we going, but to me, don’t be afraid of me, i’m not dangerous, but what about me, no, now i’ll bring you and leave for duty. well
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, here’s my verloga, look, now, here we have a kitchen, yeah, there’s a bathroom, and this is just a room, so settle in, feel at home, thank you, that’s it. and i’m studying in my sixth year in copper, so to speak, improving my qualifications, and i definitely won’t embarrass you, after all, you need to study in your room, you know, it ’s almost impossible to embarrass me , i’m on duty every night, but on the weekends we we'll figure something out, i have a folding bed, okay, here's the key, make yourself comfortable, i'm off, thank you.
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interesting, very, and most importantly beautiful, are you kidding me, some kind of nightmare, i’ve been struggling with this model for half a day, nothing works. i think there are simply not enough bright details here
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, how brilliant, you just saved me, i thought everything was ruined, i’m stunned, my name is dasha, and i - but there was no other job for me here, yeah, that’s what i’m waiting for, so as not to waste time.
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aw, great idea, missing a bright spot here. oh, but it shouldn’t be a scarf, but some kind of accessories, but some branded trinket, moscow fashionistas love it, well, a clutch bag, expensive jewelry or jewelry, in the fashion industry there’s nowhere without a brand, a big name, that’s what people need, it’s clear how long you’ve been into fashion, and
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i’ve been sewing since childhood, as long as i can remember , about 8 years old, i even managed to do it. tell me, but i have a chance that maybe someday steiff will notice me and take me to his team. you know, vera, of course you hope, but don’t count on it too much. steif is a tough , unceremonious shark. she will destroy you like creative unit and as a person. well, you somehow work with her, besides. "she , as a professional, is unlikely to be able to ruin something ’s creativity, i will never believe it, holy naivety, you can’t even imagine how many people she trampled, although if you so want to be a fashion designer, you know, i have something -what's the idea, well, to get
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the favor of the steif, really, yes, but i need everything. i need to think it over thoroughly, thank you, you are now, you just give me hope now, albert, i'm sorry, i don't know you like a patronymic name, but you can do it without a patronymic , in general my name is not albert, but andrey, wow, why is that, well, i told you, a brand is a name, but who would buy things from andrey pupkin, but from albert magarychev there will be. vera, steif, by the way, didn’t you call ira and kudashki in the village where you came from?
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mom, hi, yes, i'm glad to hear from you too, uh-huh, yes, mom, i settled in well, uh-huh, no, i found an apartment closer to work, yes, mom, i
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work, how am i... "i would like come on, mommy, please don’t worry, i have everything is fine, everything is fine, mommy, listen , now it’s time for me to run off to work, you also give svetka to igor, a kiss from me, tell them that i love them, that’s it, come on, bye. the white angel left his wings in the morning , shared it with you on purpose now, so that
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there would be joys, there would be tears, so that the heart would be filled with kindness , so that there would be joys and tears, so that the heart... would be filled with kindness, so that friends would call and come to visit, to sing i wanted a free soul, and you and your example would abandon your worries forever. these wings, whenever you want, and your worries forever abandoned, and try on your wings whenever
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you want, and roads, paths will be opened for you by these roofs. that the holy angel left, the winged can fly, sometimes, straight to a bright dream, against strict rules, the winged can sometimes fly, straight to a bright dream, against strict rules.
11:53 pm
oh, sorry, i made a second key. bon appetit, thank you, it looks very tasty. maybe we can have breakfast together, after all, we live in the same place, we live and don’t even see each other or communicate, but i would be happy to, but it’s time for me to go earn money, i can’t
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i’ve been abusing your kindness for so long, yes, it’s me who’s abusing your kindness, i know, i couldn’t even dream before that i would have such a wonderful, caring neighbor, thank you, well, anastrovskaya is very nice. and you mean that same psychic fortuneteller, yes, the premiere on rtr, this is our new opera, anna borisovna, it’s very nice, help him, let’s switch to you, come on, yura, she can work with anyone, you can somehow on things see, feel something, even with ghosts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come out and look for me, i have to. find someone, but not everyone can work with her, you dreamed about this kidnapping, you started some kind of amateur activity,
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a kindergarten, by god, please, well, believe me, just my word, believe me, that’s it, no contact with ostrovskaya, she fired, anna medio, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. this is news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray you. the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, warriors of the northern military district. what's on the front line now? our military officers are from the hottest spots. we go to the position on foot, it’s just western direction from avdiivka, how macron went to war with russia and scared europe, which is how
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he always ends up. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov on sunday on rtr. hello, i'm looking for you
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everywhere. hello. did something happen? no, listen, i thought all evening yesterday and this is what i came up with. you should come to our design institute to become a fashion designer. with your abilities, you definitely need an education. yes, i, i will definitely apply next year. so, why waste time? so. there are some sketches and developments. well, of course, i gathered everything with me, i wanted to show it, but she didn’t even look. that's it, collect it, bring me your portfolio, i'll show it to the teacher , maybe it will work out, really, do you think it will work out, well, yes, lisa, where is the waist here, irina sergeevna, i tried to emphasize it, but the tuck of the fabric was placed incorrectly breaks, just don’t blame your incompetence on the unfortunate fabric, but what is this, who did it, me, what is this line, well,
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marina. i thought that you were studying to be a tailor, but it turns out that you are an ordinary seamstress, and this is boring, sad, give me the boa over there, or maybe some other one here, do as i say, okay, but it seems to me that marina is right, there is extra fur here, take it, yeah, especially the arctic fox, he simplifies... maybe we, here , let's take this hairpin, it will create a compositional center for us, the coat will become chic, well, not bad, very good for a cleaning lady, but still i think you better return to your immediate duties, i
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see you haven’t washed the floor here. uh-huh, oh, wait, hi, i didn’t see faith, hi, i went somewhere, shteif, i just screamed at her, it’s just some kind of horror, okay, i went, what are you, don’t pay attention to her, well, yes, yes, i’m explosive, absurd, she’s easy-going and not evil, you’ll see , she herself has long since forgotten that she snapped at you, i decided, it’s my own fault , i decided to show that i can do something, well , draw attention to myself, well , i did, well, move it, she’ll fire me altogether, they never paid attention.
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albert, what do we have with the new girl and who? well with this one, what about this? is it normal for the floors to be cleaned? yes, that’s not what i’m talking about, i need comments today showed up. i asked you to take a closer look at her, what do you think about her? yes, i looked at it, i don’t think anything, the ordinary one is the same as everyone else , there are hundreds of such people, it’s a pity , i thought that she knows how to think outside the box, and maybe it will be useful for us, i understand, i understand that what’s wrong with my collection - something is missing, it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly what it seemed like,
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when it seems like what needs to be done? that’s right, to be baptized, there’s nothing to present, the whole collection is bullshit, you’re a socialite, you express yourself like a recivisist, this is the softest thing, what can i say in such a situation. god , how tired i am, oh, why are you tired, my beauty, from the fact that these fashion experts are only thinking about how to finish me off, they will again ask these idiotic questions about my creative plans, and what should i answer them, what i can have creative plans, if i haven’t been able to compose anything for a long time, this makes it even worse. well, as always, in principle, no, you don’t understand, all this is reflected in our financial situation, if you noticed, noticed, and this is exactly the issue
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i’m dealing with now, you have ideas, of course, have you forgotten, i’m super creative, you haven’t been creative for a long time, it’s not super , but just wait, everything will change soon. what are you up to? you will be the first to know about it. vera, hello. vera, did someone offend you? yes, well, clearly, you don’t want to, there’s no need to talk. you know, you were right about steif, she’s impudent and unfair, well, you just have to be patient a little, everything will work out , i hope you haven’t forgotten that i promised to help you, to win her trust, i remember, i
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just wanted to help, well, that means everything is fine, of course, faith, faith? we already woke up, so today is a day off, sunday, and my schedule and i are already confused about the days of the week, but now it’s my day off, great, let’s go have breakfast. wow , has something changed? oh, yes, i decided to alter the curtain, it seemed to me that it would be much better, i also sewed the pot holder myself,
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yes, it’s amazing, you know, vera, the hostess will just kiss me when she sees me. the apartment became cozy, well, there’s nothing complicated here, even a first-grader could do this, and your landlady, by the way, probably sews herself, store it in there’s such a treasure in the house, a treasure was found, no , something more interesting, let ’s go, i’ll show you, let’s go, oh, wow, what a dinosaur, well, it’s not a dinosaur, but an antique value, and besides, it’s... now, you know , faith, my hands won’t let me fix it, but my favorite jacket, oh, ding-ding-ding, now.
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well, it’s ready, ver, thank you very much, great, thank you, or maybe we’ll go for a walk in the park, there’s a lot of leaves there now, i won’t refuse such an offer, let’s go, let’s go.
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i was waiting for such a chance, this is our way, but you know that faith, i believe in you, like this, young people, wait, help me out, i... the competition is disappearing, and i desperately need a third couple, come with me, please , come on, oh, thank you, oh, you helped me out, well, it looks like we have a third married couple, and we are not exactly a married couple, we just live together, it’s not scary, many people live like that now, but i hope that soon you will be ripe for official marriage, what’s your name, victor, yeah, and... vera, the third married couple , victor
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and vera, applause, and we begin, our first couple, egor, i invite you to malberta, please, yanochka, i have a question for you. maybe it's not too late to run away? well, katerina? by the way, i’ll say right away, i want to eat up the children, and we can move on, at least during the competition, otherwise it’s under threat, okay, you, too, unfortunately, are losing in our competition, and we have our third time coming up, vera and victor. vera, please come in. my man
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is a conservative creature and victor probably has some item of clothing that he will never part with, think about it, victor, write it down, and this is a jacket, well, let's see, great, well done, spectators , let's applaud the contestants, okay, my friends, then the second question: what signature dish does victor know how to cook, and these are sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches, wait a second , sandwiches, we have contenders for victory, friends! okay, the third question will be more difficult. can you, vera, name
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victor’s exact height? 184 cm, bust 100, hips 96. oh, wow, we'll find out the details. victor, that's the girth, right. well, my friends, congratulations to victor and lera, they! asked
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to our participants, you know, when i was so scared of me, suddenly you have not only a jacket, your favorite thing, that is, we switched to you after all temporarily, right? i'm sorry, i forgot, nothing, when he asked this question about the signature dish, i was so scared, i think , well, he won't remember, well, how can he forget yours, now i'm sorry, but what happened, he lost consciousness, so, come on , oh, the pulse is not normal, the pressure, i think, has dropped sharply, but it ’s not a heart attack, call an ambulance, they called, so there is water, yeah, come on, yeah, right, he needs a strong one.
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where the patient looks like he has a hypotonic crisis. and you are a doctor, a paramedic, baby, well done, i feel it quickly. i’m so confused, i’ve never had such a day, me too, so happy, i’m glad i met you,
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really, i’m glad too. hi, hi, come in, hi, oh, what's so happy, guy, uh-huh, wow, but i hope it's not albert, otherwise i noticed that he likes you, are you crazy, it's victor, yeah, i'm alive in his apartment,
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wow, you live, who is he, a muscovite, who he works, what he does, dash, what does this even mean? mean? well, yes, the main thing is that he loves you, oh , excuse me, just a second, hello, hello , vera, good afternoon, yes, hello, vera, do you want to help me choose fabric for the new collection, i don’t know, i’m suitable for such responsible work, of course, faith , this is exactly what you are suitable for, oh, yes, of course, i will come, i will, thank you, goodbye, albert called, he offered me to help him select the fabric, can you imagine, wow, yes, cool, yeah, come on, good luck, oh my god, thank you, hang on, i'll go, yeah,
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what a beauty, amazing, simple, oh, there you go this is how everything here combines with each other, texture and color, class, but what can you say about it? the fabrics are good, but they won’t suit us, our entire collection is in warm colors... these are so cold, this lace is excellent, it’s suitable for decorating corsets, wonderful, vera, you know, you’re great, let’s go and show him some more fabrics, let’s go come on in, be careful.
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“mom, mom, some aunt came here, hello, hello, where’s victor? yes , he’s already gone to work, and you’re probably vera, vitya was talking about you, but you’re coming through, come on in, oh!” “so you, that same vera, yes, i see you’ve completely settled in here, cleanliness everywhere, yeah, i usually keep an eye on this, i’m here every 2 weeks, i do the cleaning, and what are you doing, vera, where do you work, i
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work in a fashion house, that’s it, misha , but why do you need vitya? “you have to sit, dress, get dressed, but he’s a simple guy, it’s not all his removable stuff, there’s nothing behind his soul, here’s another thing for my daughter helps, she's sick with us, you know, i'll probably go, wait, wait, where are you going, i found an apartment, i'm moving out, goodbye! wait, what can you do,
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popped out like a cork, no wonder, how can two housewives get along in one kitchen, oh, actually, hello, hello, i got tickets to the theater, so let’s get dressed quickly. you won’t have time, listen, can you imagine, here one actor was screaming, but we put him on an iv, and he’s a contrarian, because i don’t want to hear you, how could you do this to your daughter, i myself grew up without a father and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone, ver, what daughter, what are you even saying, don’t call me anymore, goodbye, vera? the called party's device is switched off or is it out of network coverage?
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vera, i'm just here for one night. you have nowhere to live, okay, lie down, lie down, faith , you remember, i promised to help you, i remember, but i thought that you said that to support me, no, you know, i always keep promises, i hope you want how about creating your own collection and showing it to people? of course i want. this is good. steiff will not allow
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you to do this. next to her you will simply remain a gray mouse. at best, she will appropriate your collection for herself. well, naturally, all laurels. so what do i do now? do? we need to create our own collection to show it to people. i will help you. you need to understand that if it’s not you, it will be someone else, it’s just a matter of time and quality, for some reason i trust you, oh well, wait, i’ll try, it means i wasn’t mistaken in you, so deal with me ? well, handy, come on in, yes, the apartment is so-so, but it’s light
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and spacious, it will be convenient to create, we’ll put mannequins here, you can put a sewing machine there, yeah, and the table, listen, we’ll take a bigger table from there, you can cut on the floor, so i think it’s generally convenient, okay, no forget that we have a month to do everything, yes, i remember. well, i'll go, that's it, bye, goodbye.
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hello, hello, well, can i congratulate you? yes, i have everything ready, lord, faith, faith, this is something incredible, this is some kind of madness, look. listen, what is this? oh, this is a wedding. is this amazing, vera? so, that’s it, this should be noted immediately. so, i bought champagne, now we'll celebrate it. yes. okay, okay, here are
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the bananas. well done, he’s not afraid when he shoots, no, oh, well, let’s drink to you, yeah, to the genius, to the purposeful one, for the talented, well, for the discriminating person who was able to recognize this talent in you, yes, for success. oh, now excuse me, uh -huh, hello, yes, amazing, that's it, that's it, launch an advertising campaign, come on, i'll come and tell you, come on, vera, sorry , they called me, i need to go to work urgently, yes,
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of course, i'm still once again, i congratulate you on your success, and... thank you, vera, you know that you worked a lot, go home, rest, for two or three days, really, yes, okay, thank you, that’s it, i ran, all the best, thank you, goodbye, wow, what do you say? girl, sorry,
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hello! hello, can you tell me where i can find faith? what faith, fashion designer? but we don’t have a fashion designer with that name; we have a cleaning lady, vera. oh, well, the cleaning lady. young man, will you decide? the cleaning lady. how can i find her? well, not yet, vera is on vacation. excuse me, but can you tell me where she went? i don't know. when will he return? young man, come back in a month. and who are you, exactly? yes, it doesn’t matter, thank you, all the best, mom, here i am, mom, ah, daughter, hello, mom!
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oh, what a beauty you are, well, a muscovite, just a muscovite, how are you, how is your health? everything is fine, the doctor said that i’m already on the mend, but really, she just won’t let me go to work, and that’s right, mom, i brought you money, do you remember what you gave me, so that you didn’t spend it or something? why did i spend it, then earn it, save it, now i’m paying it back, wow, i really won’t need it, mom. okay, okay, oh, where, where is everyone? svetka signed up for dancing, runs after school, and igor got a job as drivers, they pay very well, yes, well how are you, tell me, and mom, i feel so good that i can’t believe it myself, i finally finished my first collection, can you imagine, oh my god, how great you are, what a pity that my father didn’t live long enough, he
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was proud of you, well... kolya, yes , it’s fine, look, daughter, don’t forget him, visit him, relatives, after all, yeah, i found a guy in moscow, but no, mom, they’re all some kind of guys there. unreliable, hello, surprise, hello, my dear, i think i saw it recently, it’s already grown again, yes, come on, let’s give birth now. oh, come on, valeshka, for now you go play with mishka, and i’ll go with i'll talk to my mom. katya, you met vera,
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well, yes, we met, she ran in, but somehow she got ready to leave very quickly, said that she had found a new apartment, we had just settled in with our daughter, everything is clear. with my daughter, she decided that you are my wife, and my daughter has her will, it’s normal, but i’m a fool, i’m racking my brains. lord, albert, yes, the whole collection has disappeared,
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someone was here, i, i’ll call the police now, no need to call the police, i ’ll be there soon, okay, i’ll wait. hello, hello, i don’t understand, i locked the door with all three locks, who could have done this, maybe owners of the apartment, now we urgently need to go to the police to write a statement, so, calm down, there is no need to go anywhere, i took the collection, why are you, you know, no one will go. for your collection, you don’t have a name , you need a brand, a big name, me and steif have been in the world for a long time, so if the collection comes out under our name, it will be a blast
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, well, no one will go after a simple girl from the street, yes, yes, i i understand that this looks kind of terrible, but you have a huge chance, next time you will do it the way you want, and i will tell you i’ll definitely help, that is, you and steif all this time... hello, hello, excuse me, but you don’t happen to know where shersnyova is, i know, but why would you, a believer, mm, and you don’t happen to need
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socks, warm, woolen ones , come on, that’s enough, uh-huh, that means, you’re walking straight between houses, between houses. straight ahead, then straight ahead, then you will see a street, at the end of the street the house is exactly the same, thank you, uh-huh , hello, hello, who are you going to, vera , thank you, mom, have you come to faith here? hello, hello, vera is here lives? no, vera lives in moscow. oh, the address, you don’t know her? excuse me, why?
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who are you to her? you understand, i believe you, friend, we met when she moved to moscow, so, but then she disappeared because she misunderstood something, and i came. explain to her, so tell her, but it’s clear, what’s your name, my name is vitya, vitya. well , wait a minute, vitya, okay, okay, that’s it, you don’t freeze in winter, but no, but it’s still on your nose, thank you, this is the address where vera lives and works on her collection, and i think you will tell her this yourself, thank you very much, but no problem, thank you if.
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vera, say hello from us , yes i will say, goodbye, goodbye , let's go, well, i did the right thing by leaving, i don’t know if the steif were involved in this scam, well , albertic is a slippery guy, i always suspected why i only arrived. i’d rather sit at home with my family, they would definitely never offend me or betray me, tomorrow i’ll go home, believe me, what are you doing, i just don’t recognize you, i can’t even leave you like this, i have to fight, so now you’ll come to me, you you live in a small room, i can’t help but come to me and we’ll think about what to do, hello
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, “i rented this hall, why are you looking at me like that, yes i dared, there will be a fashion show of my collection, i still want to show you nothing, it’s not funny, come on, stop joking, talk seriously, yeah, you want to talk seriously, okay, come on, i’ve long wanted to tell you that you killed my talent, crushing me with your authority, and i was a whipping boy,
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that ’s all. i hire only with a probationary period, 3 months, otherwise he comes here, they poke you with diplomas , but they can’t write a line, so if you agree, the salary is one and a half times less than in the advertisement, i agree, tomorrow, just don’t be late, we have
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fines, goodbye, see you, you see how well things are going, you will work in an atelier and study at the institute, what do you remember, that my work gave me my own, well, to show, well...
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it will take place this weekend, experts predict the collection to be a fabulous success, while steiff herself announced the cancellation of the show, according to her , the reason was technical problems, however, as we learned from reliable sources, the former fashion star was about to retire, come everyone, i promise you, it will be a sensation, we need to do something from petrikov especially for people to find out who the author of the collection is, i wonder how do i need to tell you the secret? well, now you know where he got this collection from, i kept wondering where he had so much talent, i also blamed myself for not really seeing him, yeah, it turns out he was deceiving me and not only me, and vera even wanted to go home , but then i decided to start all over again, i got a job in a studio, in
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a studio, uh-huh, only you can help us, we can’t leave it like this, let’s go, i’ll get my coat, i’ll quickly. okay, girl, excuse me, yes, but you don’t know, vera shersnyova, where? has vera quit? and, you see, i was with her relatives, they gave me the address, i came there, and she was not there, only the workers were taking her out. and you, victor? yes, she is at work in the studio, nizhnepokrovskaya 7. thank you very much, good luck. thank you. 728 rub. yes. we’re working until eight, come, uh-huh, hello, hello, but i’d like to talk to vero shresneva after eight, when the working day ends, i’m sorry, but there’s no way to do it earlier, young man, but
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i told you, faith works, if necessary, what do you say, i’ll tell you, yes, it’s necessary, tell me, you’ll say that urgent repairs are needed. verochka, there’s some crazy person here, he wants you to fix it urgently. vera, vera, where are you going, take it, you’ll freeze, i wanted to hand it over to you personally, thank
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you, ver, i miss you, but you don’t care, right? no, but you have a family, well, of course you do, katya, this is my sister, and valya is my niece, of course, wait, that is, a woman with a child - your sister is your niece , well, of course, they come to moscow, because valya has asthma, they come here for treatment, and why did your sister decide that we are not a couple, well , that’s how she decided, she cares so much about... me in her own way, the older one thinks that you need to take care of the younger one, maybe you’ll sew up your jacket, but you’ll definitely freeze now.
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hello, hello, verochka, sorry, but i need to talk to you, sorry. yes, one scoundrel stole her collection. in general, vera, my girl, i know everything. and this is what i propose. you are returning to to me. we are starting all over again together, i promise that i will give both you and dasha the opportunity to create your own collection, hand in hand, hand in hand,
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move there, okay, well done, well done, i don’t understand. and we ’re just sitting there scratching our tongues, but quickly, let’s dress in a rattle , what is this, you too, let’s go , well done, good, so with the sound, everything is fine, not everything is fine, everything should be perfect for me, you are you know, it’s ready, everything is ready, come on, go to work, what are you going to do for a day, and the dresses go to the dressing rooms, they go here.
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i can't look at this, please, let 's get out of here.
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i see you liked it, you did, didn’t you? well, i think it’s time to call the hero of the evening to this stage, welcome! who are you? what are you allowing yourself to do, now i’ll call the police, and the police
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are already here, senior lieutenant vasiliev, you are albert nagarychev, where is our albert? maybe we don't applaud enough, let's give it to him again. maybe right now the legendary irina shtaif would like to say warm words to her successor, let’s applaud, irina, please, thank you, i really want to say a few words, but these words will not be warm, albert is not a designer, wur. this collection was blatantly stolen from one very talented girl, i know that she
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is in the hall today, vera, vera, can i show you on stage? vera, come out, come out, i beg you. bravo, the creator of this collection, vera shirkhneva, i said, thank you, thank you. thank you, i hope
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that look who is shown on tv today, but she did it somewhere, she changed it for me, not for you, give it here, we’ll wear it together, and you should call your niece and congratulate her on her success, now she’s unlikely to forgive me, she’ll be right, thank you, sasha sprained her leg, we need to do something, sorry, minor technical problems, very good help out, let’s change into special dress, please,
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traditions cannot be broken, so i invite the creator of the collection to this stage to your applause, let’s be shocked! bravo, up, will you marry me, yes.
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when in the 19th century the owner or mistress in the village had a clay pot and... they the ganchers were not particularly upset and hurried to get new dishes, and the fragments were easily thrown into the ravine. today , shards collected from those ravines and river banks are brought to museums, such skillful objects were created by the masters of the past. nizhny novgorod potters
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were already stocked up and sent all the way to astrakhan, until now the place of this pottery pier in the village of khabarovsk can be very clearly guessed by the abundance of fragments of old ceramics, i’m holding the product in my hands, i ’m lucky, i like to catch fish, here this this is a toy jug , i caught a spinning rod quite by accident, it was all overgrown with shells, but now it has been washed, cleaned, now it occupies the place of our exhibition, and guess what it is, it looks like a jug like this at first glance, but... in fact, everything is much deeper, this is a thermos, then when they wanted to keep the product hot or cold in such a jar for a longer time, they took birch bark, cut it into strips, steamed it and wrapped it, then when the birch bark dried, you know what it did, it shriveled, this such a typical nizhny novgorod expression, it shrank, squeezed and was
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a heat-insulating material, on the other hand, this is the southern districts. and there was a completely different picture, there were no big rivers, so the craftsmen focused on the local market, they did n’t just make some ordinary objects, they allowed themselves beautiful noses, and some unusual hands, they transported them to the villages, in these carts all this was laid out with hay, straw and transported, if only we could find enough volume to pour it, that’s what they used to say. and for this volume to be, the product you have to twist it, dry it, then burn it, and before that you have to extract the clay, knead it, crush its sides, in a word, it’s hard work, and yet, the profession of a gancher was worth it, it was in demand, because everyone needs dishes,
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i found in.. there were approximately 300 potters in smirkin. what is 300 potters? let's do the math: each pottery was serviced by approximately six people. skopola men 6:38 1800 people in the village worked in the pottery industry, can you imagine, today there is only one potter left in the village of smirkina, peter merlukhin, well, that means we came to a clay pit, you see, this clay is black, here it is, very close to the edge, here it is, we take it like this with a shovel to a clean place, like this, we are not allowed to say that we we dug up a ton of clay, we didn’t have that, we dug up 100 lumps of clay or 150 or 50 lumps of clay, we call a lump of clay such
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a measure when you can pick it up in your hands so that it is not too light, not too heavy, well, a kilogram 15 kg, let’s say, something like that, then we’ll try to get it up to tractor with a cart, with a trailer, we bring it into the village, it was originally old believer, this is the old believer cauldron, kotseya, incense was set on fire, there is a hole in this pot , apparently they noticed that during this procedure there are fewer mosquitoes in the house, forest village, mosquitoes a lot, the size of a small sparrow, now everyone calls it domar, lucky ones are a surprisingly popular thing, the craft is really wonderful, very interesting, so if you want to plunge into the atmosphere of a tailor’s workshop, exactly the middle of the 19th century, i’m right i definitely advise you to go to smirkino, so we prepared clay, white and black, a bunch of white, a bunch of black, white clay is times larger, black is usually proportions, well, two to one, first we’ll put white, a little like this, a little black, white clay is plastic , soft, like butter, and
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black is hard, well, we begin to trample it, then trample it, just take it and get up, trample everything, only the right combination of these clays will give good dishes, thin-walled , light, and at the same time durable, smirkinsky, now we take a sickle, draw a strip from below and pick it up like this. we roll up such a roll, this is how it separates from the floor, this is our clay, we have a lump of clay, and he sits down in his small workshop and makes dozens, hundreds of pots, spoons , jars, makes them, puts them on a shelf, dries, makes them, puts it on a shelf, he has magic hands, magic, you know, they all work like that, but they magically, his fingers become thinner and he makes things like this...
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sometimes they just chose them, looked for them at the bazaar in the market, here’s an ornament like this, snakes, let it be a simple decoration, then we cut it with a wire like this, like this , oops, then we take it off somewhere before drying, when the products are dry, pyotr merlukhin soaks them in linseed oil, sprinkles them with glaze, then puts them in a furnace, that is, loads them into the oven , it’s fired in the forge, that’s what he calls it... selection, in other words, assortment, there are pots going down the furnace, it’s hot there, the firewood is close there, the platforms are like that, they are made at the top of the forge, otherwise they will
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simply bend from the heat, from knee to knee experience is given, how it is done, in each forge you need to have everything, well, a yard, so that there is a man, let’s say, he baked a potter, he carried pots, so that he has everything he needs, you know, i’ll take the stove now, but i’ll take it away. and i will accept pots, 400 bowls, 200 pots, 300 pieces of jars, plus small things, like mug lids, in total the oven is designed for about 1,500 products, the products that will go into the oven today, you have to lay everything down, this is very difficult work, but the impression is so magical, that is , it’s so alive, you just have to see it with your own eyes, it’s loaded full of pots is an oven. this is the round one at the top, you put not pots on top, but shards , so that the heat stays in, then the cooking process takes place, on the street in the month of may he dresses in a hat , he dresses like a carpenter, going down there,
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and the most important thing is that the firewood doesn’t just go there, it there are pine ones, there are birch ones, and some are thinner, some are a meter long, you need your own kind of sobriety to get exactly the firing you need, it takes a whole day to burn, even in the end. the time has come for wooden gunpowder, wooden gunpowder is a piece of wood, about a meter long.
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i saw everything since childhood, we ran towards the end to warm up, well, in the winter it was to make pots, it was frosty outside, we ran there to sit, warm up, watch how everything was done, then i actually studied at the institute, it turned out that my father died and how -it became a pity that somehow there would be no more pots, you know, i took it by the heart, so i began to remember everything, and i somehow began to slowly, little by little rock it all, i was about 25 years old, at least they believed , even if you cry, but time is such time. further on there will be more robots for us to cook everything, in short, maybe some special ones of these, maybe the porridge will be cooked instantly, maybe i won’t cook, well, you know, a person doesn’t change that much, he likes to eat tastier food, such cooking does not give the same taste to castrol on gas, fish baked so gradually this kind of porridge with this, well, it’s standing up, it’s such a fragrant porridge, people know for sure from childhood, they were at their grandmother’s
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, they ate all this then they grew up in the cities, well, in general , they remember, these are all the pots that i just made, they come from there, this is all traditional from those ancient times , the potter smirkinsky has a more elegant, lighter, thinner mug, which means it will definitely sell more at the market, the potter kazarinsky reasoned, the potter smirkinsky thought, the ornament at kozarinsky’s is richer, which means there will definitely be demand... better , so, competition gave birth to a competitive spirit, the ganchar ’s creativity began to show artistry, it was difficult to understand where craft ended and art began, in the collections of our museum there is a magnificent collection of jelly bowls, this is an ordinary bowl, but its inner surface, it is decorated, very beautifully. the hostess
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cooked the jelly, then all this was poured into this bowl, cooled, and then, when guests arrived, they simply turned this bowl over, and this ornament remained on the jelly itself. the only traditional pottery workshop in the history of russian pottery received a mark with the blessing of the sovereign emperor nicholas ii. this is the workshop of the bogorodsky goncher steshovs. while in nizhny novgorod, he visited nizhny novgorod.
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a development center was opened in 2000 pottery art, later a museum appeared with it. the works of potters from all regions of russia, as well as from neighboring countries, are collected here. under no circumstances should we remain silent about this wonderful, simply amazing kozarin craft. the village of big kozarino, bolsheboldinsky district of our region. the master completed the burning without sufficient oxygen. the wood product no longer burned but was smoked, it came out of the oven either black or silver, in my hands... i’m holding such a wonderful piece of wood, i’ve never seen anything like it anywhere, right here there were ears, here was a rope, they tied it up and went to field work, took something to drink with them, but in order to carry something empty back, they most likely picked berries, hence the berry patch. alexander chernyshov moved to bogorodsk , the homeland of his wife from ryazan, having received a classical art education, he thought of staying, but he stayed, all because of clay, he works in a technique that is rare today.
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to be honest, we will now make a cylinder and then directly shape the lid, in general, the lid is such a vessel, very interesting, it is different throughout our country. above, these ones the proportion relationships of, say, this belly that i’m making now, the neck, depended on the fat content of the milk, because directly in the upper part, in this part, we have cream rising,
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which is then very convenient to pour into another vessel, here let’s say, in the north of our region, probably starting somewhere in the semyonovsky district, the jars already had a low neck, the milk there was still thinner, in fact, i’ve now made 10% of the total. ornament, i usually don’t mark it, after all, my hand is full enough, now we will have this field sown, and now it will be night, this is when we will now begin to cross these lines at the corner, well, i’ll put up this climate control, after the first, so-called waste firing, the products are impregnated with oil, the technique goes away as they say in ancient greece, there the oil... was an olive, here, of course, ordinary sunflower and everything is very simple, we take and soak the product with oil on all sides, so sometimes you have to soak the product in oil up to 15 times and simmer the product in the oven for
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different temperatures. so, the next stage is to load it all into a heated oven, the temperature in the oven is now 450° and a little trick called rosin, that’s it... the material is combined with clay, because a very interesting nuance begins , a moment, especially when in sunny you can see it in the rays, the clay gives some kind of incomprehensible transparency, the shard seems to glow from the inside, it can be compared there, i don’t know, delphic, that is, with... with something else, when the color layers glow one through different, and it is amazingly simply beautiful. this tile was made by modern artists
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tatyana and valery grishin, but in the tradition of the old bolokhnin tiles. architectural ceramics coated with glaze seem to be created to play in the rays of light. in general, tiles are architectural, they are directly connected with the air, with nature, we hung tiles on a wooden building in the village, birds constantly sit there and look, as if they were attracted to something like this, and then the glaze is liquid glass, where the transformation takes place light, light and every time they look in a new way. this is the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary on ilyinskaya mountain in nizhny novgorod, it was decorated with bolokhnin tiles at the turn of the 16th and 16th centuries, but in the thirties they were all destroyed. in the fifties and sixties
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, when the restoration began, they began to collect land, picked up these fragments, fragments, and collected no more than 40 original objects, and after that there was some kind of intermediate stage when... something was simply cast from concrete similar to the old ones bolokhninsky overgrowth. in 2004, artists tatiana and valeria grishin, with the blessing of the nizhny novgorod metropolitan, began work on recreating the izrosts. a total of 800 of them were installed. this is a very large volume, the deadlines were tight. at that time, the artists' workshop had only one small stove. and the grishins turned to the brick factory. we did 800 instead. 1,600 half of the defects were, because they have their own technology, brick, it’s fired using clay technology, that’s all, but there’s a slightly different design of the izrost itself, there’s a bunch
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these racial tiles lay there and the workers came and looked at it as if it were some kind of miracle; when it came out like a clapboard, these colored tiles lay on top, they just admired it, it was like some kind of museum. they are so beautiful, these outrages, that many simply no longer distinguish the 16th century from these amazing works, they seem to carry these traditions, they brought into our modern times, these...
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dreams, all types of art, everything in this
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material. the owl, of course, is beautiful in itself, but we decided to try it, what will happen to it under the glaze, now please note, there will be extreme firing; at the start, the owl blank takes a shower made of transparent glaze and emerald containing copper. well, yes, no more is needed, that’s all. after that all this is placed. into the oven, but it is fired at the required temperature, well, we fire our glazes at 1.100. so, well, this is our long-awaited sola, which we painted, now we take it out, here it is such a beauty , after six hours of firing, the red-hot owl is lowered into a barrel, covered with sawdust and completely blocking the access to oxygen. all, well, that’s it, now we’ve seen it closed, smoke started coming out, yes, that is. the work is hot, red-hot 100°, yes, it burns, the sawdust
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burns, in this case, it means fire, carbon is taken away from the oxides, the oxide is cuprum o, cuprum o2, there, bare copper is given up, cuprum remains, this process is called reduction, here is our dear owl, well , it shines, it’s grimy, it needs to be washed with powder, here it is , this copper appears, it’s restored from...
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with salts, all this is very harmful, of course, we understand, indoors, absolutely for no one i don’t recommend doing this, because it’s very harmful, here we have an open veranda, blown by all the winds, we work with salts in a respirator like this and with gloves, in a different way, but there’s no way, when we put it all in the oven, then too we leave, in the end we get this beauty, several works of salami, they behave very interestingly, they are on glazes, it turns out like this... such smooth, such stains,
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completely watercolor, and somewhere in some places they swell in the salt, it turns out to be such an interesting texture, such effects, which you cannot paint by hand with a brush. so i’m thinking, where did my love for ceramics come from and, probably, it was in the village of tolakontsev, my grandmother lived there, i was sculpting on her porch then, it was summer, and the porch boards were so rough and heated in the sun, warm, this is sand, clay , this dirt, in general, water from a puddle, i just knew that my grandmother was coming out, she was looking at me, she was laughing and not scolding me, this was this love, this was the feeling of warmth and kindness, connected with clay, with these first sensations, it was actually a baby, today elena mikhailovna organized such kids and older clay lovers, every year, 100 people, in 1989... elena mikhailovna
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sometimes forced me to help her, i held the lid, like she does now, in general, i didn’t think that i would to study, and then life took such a turn that now i’m doing ceramics and i’m happy. in general, all my life i have been promoting ceramics. i want all people in general, everyone to adore ceramics, everyone to love and admire it. the more people they do ceramics, art, so that, well, life becomes more beautiful, brighter, more interesting. happier in the end. clay is a material that has served man for millennia, and at the same time remains ultra-modern. every
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year new ways of processing it appear; a lifetime is not enough to try it all. my planet tv channel presents. don. due to the low speed of the current, it really seems quiet. this is how
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this river has been steadily carrying its waters for 23 million years. throughout its course, in different eras, food arose along its banks. so, we start, right on course to the x century, literally, a turning point for the don. in 1953, for the first time in 23 million years, its channel was blocked by a huge dam to form the tsimlyansk reservoir,
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which is sometimes even called the tsimlyansk sea. this sea reduced the power of the bottom by almost a third, and it ended up underneath the water column. here is the river and here there were gardens in everyone’s yards , well, as you can see in samla there were gardens, here everyone had gardens, so they were offered to move to the steppe after all this they were offered to come to the steppe, to such a steppe, here the cossacks roared, there was nowhere to dress , a decree of the government party, and the party you know, then everything was, vera
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petrovna shubina, a hereditary cossack from the village of tsimlyanskaya, the same one that was transferred from... the bottom of the present sea, she is one of the few who remembers all the details of the resettlement, he remembers the villages and cities that stood on the site of the great water, but it is still difficult for me to imagine that only 60 years ago this sea did not exist, but there were streets, houses, people and the bed of the quiet don, it was here , right there, maybe 15-20 meters, everything is in the bottom they went for water, no, for a long time they were talking about the urals. vera petrovna added it not by chance: in 1929 her grandparents, a wealthy cossack, were dispossessed and driven into exile in the urals. their father, mother and nine faithful brothers and sisters were sent after them. and then after this place came
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under water and we loaded onto a cart and this cart lowered us along the road on a barge, everyone rode on a barge. that’s all it was, that’s it, the chairman of the stanza council, pavel matveevich mikhin, came into our house that same day, and their little hut was bad. romanova, and this building is not simple, it is the hunting lodge of prince yusupov. it is curious that it was in crimea that yusupov first saw his
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future wife. look what he wrote about this: i could not forget the young stranger i met while walking on the crimean road. among these beech forests , the prince, walking with his wife, one day discovered a river that once ran wildly here, it was here... feces, now everything was overgrown with moss and he ordered his workers to immediately build a dam here to breed trout and bring it to yusupovsky table. it must be said that the prince was an amateur, a fan of fish, loved fish, this trout was served to the table not only of yusupov, but also of nicholas ii, when he visited yusupov in the hunting lodge. it’s worth saying here that the lake doesn’t look very good now, love comes and goes, apparently this is the same fate that befell the lake, but it remembers. any felix irina yusupov. along this very path, along
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the cascades of the auzun-uzen river, felix yusupov and irina romanova loved to walk and discuss their future, but it was foggy. after the murder of rasputin, the prince fell from grace. despite all the hardships, they lived until the very end; they lived in exile after the revolution. so i want to tell you about their life, when hollywood people made a film about how yusupov allegedly killed rasputin because his wife cheated on yusupov with rasputin, the prince proved that this was not so, won a claim for 25 thousand dollars, but since then, all filmmakers began to write the following title in their films: all similarities with real events are accidental, all characters are fictitious, this is just after that very story with yuupov’s lawsuit. and we, when we take groups of tourists to these places, we always bring them to this lake, where
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the yusupovs probably loved to sit in their time, this lake is called the blue lake, it is interesting because the water in it is always +4, it is cold, invigorating, but the place is very romantic, recently they even began to call it the lake of love, the most important thing is that people here find each other, i can boast that of those who were with me on hikes, there are already two.
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wake up, that's it, get up, so get up, get up, get up, get up, what are you, that's it, i have to go. i've finished my clothes, breakfast is on the table, i'll go. wait, are you up late today? well, as usual, you'll pick up your tuxedo from the dry cleaner, okay? nastya, when are you, i have a rehearsal until late at night. oh, okay, well, i'll do it myself then. get up, get up, get up, get up, i love you.
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well, well, well, here, would you like me to make you some broccoli soup tomorrow? no, i have a very difficult relationship with cabbage, yes, i can’t stand its smell. well, actually, i know a very good recipe, my husband also refused at first, but then he tried it and fell in love, when he fell in love with you, mistress , kind, smart, beautiful, i’m ordinary, even very, i took the pills, yes, look, great, well, take an injection and rest, well
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, what would i do without you, here you go, they won’t be cherries , you’re fussing with me like that, i don’t fuss, this is my job, i don’t need anything extra, just what we agreed on, nastenka, well , it’s inconvenient for me too, you ’re struggling for pennies, oksana nikolaevna, how do we get up, oh, that’s it i have a strange feeling that someone is trying to bully me and wants to get me away from the stake, yes, just simple. i i feel, so what, it’s his problem that he decided to start early, no matter what, i didn’t receive any text messages, naturally i ’ll be late now, okay, vika, i’m flying, i understand.
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it doesn’t hurt, it’s good that you come to me, nastya, at least it’s not so sad, my son left again, he left, a business trip, well, yes. now he won’t be a month old, or maybe more, it’s convenient for you, let ’s put another pillow on him, no, don’t, everything is fine, and you sit down, rest, this thing will still drip for minutes, but can i quickly run to the dry cleaner, it’s nearby at all, i just promised my husband to pick up the tuxedo, run,
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of course. why can’t he do it himself? he has rehearsals from morning to night, he is preparing for a concert, is he pushing you? no , he’s not pushing me, he’s good, he’s just busy , he’s lucky to have you, and i’m lucky too , don’t worry, i’ll be there soon, oleg, calm down, nothing personal, nothing personal, why am i always the scapegoat? listen, well , the dress rehearsal, everyone is on nerves, especially since you were late, i didn’t know that he would start earlier, i didn’t receive the message. and i apologized, i understand, well, calm down, calm down, today you have already made two
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mistakes, you were late once, in the second measure of the fifth number you made an inaccuracy, that’s two, one more time and i’ll fire you, it’s easier for me to hire another musician than to endure your antics. you understand, he has already decided everything, i’m not going to put up with this, you know what, bon appetit, ilya petrovich, oleg will take your comments into account, thank you, calm down, do n’t escalate, what are you doing, and i’m not going to humiliate myself anymore and wait until he’ll fire me, i ’ll submit my application tomorrow, i’ve already got it, great, well, it’s up to you to decide, of course, only this is the best orchestra in the city, where do you... why find such a job? well, if you want, i ’ll work out with you tomorrow, we’ll meet early and go through the difficult parts, but why do you need this? i want to help, you promise me.
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girl, i see you love animals, take a puppy, i would love to, but i can’t, it’s a good puppy, healthy, the last one left, girl, i wish i could give it a home, i’m sorry, i can’t. hello, did you get your tuxedo?
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sorry, the dry cleaning store was closed, there was some kind of accident, i knew it, not only am i in trouble at work, but i’m not there yet tomorrow i’ll go dressed, not dressed, you won’t go, i’ve already thought of everything, i’ll put your own suit in order, you’ll go on your own. beautiful, nastya, what, what wedding suit, in general , what are you talking about, i’m too young, how many years have passed, i’ll sew up the buttons, but don’t worry , oleg, this is just for one time, no one will even notice, okay, mm, that i bought something tasty, uh-huh, what’s wrong with our breasts? what's this? i was assured that it was a dog, a dog? nastya, what a dog, she's gone completely crazy, why? oleg, what are you talking about, she’s so cute,
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i couldn’t pass by, but nothing that i have you're allergic to a dog, what are you making up , you don't have any allergies, but that is, you want it to be, okay, let's check, let's check, just before a very important concert, when my career is just... derailed, what it happened, i had a fight with the conductor, and if i fail tomorrow, he will kick me out, oh my god, but now you understand how i just need to give a great performance tomorrow, and for this i need healthy breathing, and i need to get some sleep, so what to do, i don't know, but i can't take the dog now throw it out of the street, let's do this , i'll give you a pill for allergies, we'll leave the dog here in the hallway for the night, you don't even... listen, presence, and in the morning i, well, i'll take her away, i understand everything, okay, okay, do it , as you know, leave it with you, and i’m not me, i’ll go where , i don’t know, i need to sleep, i can’t take such risks, or what, i’ll figure out everything, whatever you
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come up with, i don’t know, but love i’ll take it, maybe they’ll take it, and i’ll come back and do everything, don’t worry, it means yours refused, well, you know, he has a breathing problem, there’s an allergy, eat, eat , eat, this is when he had an allergy, well, suddenly, listen, a good man, well done, he’s settled in well, he sat on your neck, he’s shaking your legs, you ’re running all over the city serving pensioners, and he’s heavier than a pipe in his hands i didn’t hold anything, dude, and then my husband’s dog got in the way, love, no need, he wanted to leave it, but then he had to leave the house. oh, poor, unfortunate thing, i’m about to cry, you’ll take it, glory, what do you think about this, it seems to me that we should take it. well, if you
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want it so much, you want it, wow, well, you look, what a beauty , what should we call you, or maybe kashtanka, slav, well, no imagination, well, look, what a kashtanka i am, well, look, well, we need some fancy name here, dora or dionisia, right? well, that’s right, you can also call the mongrel disdemona, or maybe juliet, oh, that’s right, we’ll have dzhulka, dzhulka, i like it, you ’ll be a dzhulka, that’s it, you’ll be a dzhulka.
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well, my friends, i just saw off the mayor and he was absolutely delighted, promised to help with financing, my special thanks to you, today your solo was impeccable, thank you, thank you guys , don’t relax, because it’s possible, if everything goes well, we’ll go to the festival, and the mayor’s office will bear all the expenses, great, great, thank you, i couldn’t have done it without you, hello elen polovna,
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hello, nastya, olezhek, i’m home, i picked up your tuxedo, it’s like new. oleg, why are you so happy? i wanted to make it a surprise, who is it? could you call? how long have you had this? it’s not at all what you think, she’s my colleague, she’s my friend at the concert.
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i thought this would never happen to me will happen, i thought that you were perfect, i’m not perfect, nastya, i’m a normal guy with flaws, well, forgive me, please, forgive me, i don’t know that she found me, the devil confused me, i was all on nerves, i had to somehow relieve the tension, but you’re also great!
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you constantly spend time with your old people, it’s just an episode to somehow refresh the feeling, well, forgive me, come on, go for a walk, walk, walk. “girl, what’s wrong with you, everything is fine, what happened, thank you, everything is fine, yes, i see that everything is fine, no, i know how to help you, the best remedy for blues, guys, come to me, come on, sit down, here, get to know this. guys, of course,
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it doesn’t solve all problems, but it gives out a lot of positivity. well, pet him, don’t be afraid, he’s well-mannered. hello. hi, hi, it really helps, good, i think i now know exactly what i need, thank you very much, bye... goodbye, what are you going to do next? i don’t know, it’s very hard,
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well, you work all your life like karl’s dad, you bear everything on yourself, you have gratitude for everything, love, you know, everything is not so... everything was always fine, maybe that’s why he didn’t decide to have children in 5 years, but it hasn’t worked out yet, well, what’s next, what’s next , forgive, pretend, that there was nothing , i don’t know, i want to collect dzhulka, i mean... pick up your goat, maybe the allergy has gone away, life has gotten better, maybe i want him to go away, what do you mean, my god, my god, thank you for enlightenment of this foggy mind, so okay, that's it, let's go for a walk, we have to do stupid things, yeah, oh, thank you, we
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let's go for a walk, okay , i've never had a soul for him... i loved him, i felt it, we've never even had to take care of his hands, the main thing is that he fought with me all this time, nastya, how can you be such a fool , how can you believe so blindly, maybe he dragged women home for 5 years in a row, are you crazy? if you want, i’ll give you some advice, give up this half-baked genius of yours , find yourself a normal guy, at least stop rushing all over the city to serve pensioners, the guy can’t even earn a decent living for me, you know, that musicians are paid very little, nastya,
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you don’t have to love your man more than he loves you, that means you will become a servant for him, you should stand on the pedestal as a queen, allow yourself to be loved and do it to everyone, that’s what i understand relationships, then you will begin to be carried in their arms. he’s like a warbler to me, yes, your warbler is cool, so i feel like a queen with him, and you need to find someone like him, a normal guy, nastya, what you need, you know, he said that they went for a walk, listen to me, please, and not she wants with talk to you, i ask you, let us talk, nastya, nastya, if anything happens, i’m nearby. “come back, please, i feel bad for you, no, i understand, i offended you, forgive me
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, please, i made a colossal mistake, a mistake, this is not a mistake, this is a betrayal. don’t you understand that i will never be able to to be you anymore, you want to destroy the family, but you have already destroyed it, if i offer you to get a dog, you will forgive me, but what about your allergies, i don’t know, somehow, we’ll take a pill. drink, yes, we’ll take pills, no one needs your heroism, come to me, that’s it, bye, nast, wait , listen, i, i’m a total fool, i understand, forgive me, this won’t happen again,
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believe me, well, look at me, come on, come on let's get someone without fur, without a tail. the one we will love more than life itself, come on, have you made up your mind, i just want you to be happy. now everything will be different, i promise, everything will be different , you hear, well, deep, persuaded, and you believed, yes, my love, this is our life, do you understand? you're taking the dog, of course,
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well, go ahead, for new happiness, good luck, thank you for everything, well, let's go, let's go. darling, oh, i overslept, yes, sorry, breakfast , i didn’t have time to prepare it, look, i managed it myself, nothing even burned, that’s it... wow, i’ve only seen this in movies, but
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i told you so, now you and i will always be like this, you know, but i just wanted to show you something, i hope you like it, here? and i also noticed something here, maybe we liked the same thing, nastya, what should we do next, let's go, that's what i told you about, no feathers, no wool, no allergies, in my opinion, a great option. nastya, nastya, what is it? i just
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thought you were talking about the baby. nastya , i promise, we will have a child, but we need to wait at least one more year, but we need to get on our feet so that our child has the best, i’ve been hearing this for 5 years, give me one more year, please. “so you say, you’ve changed, yeah, yeah, well , you’ve become so attentive, gentle, i don’t even know what to think, sometimes everything is so good that i’m even scared, god bless you, you’re sweet, kind, who cares.” you’re destined for happiness, can you imagine , he suggested that i think about having a child, but in a year, what about in a year? “you’ve been living like this for 5 years , it’s time to get down to business, well, you need to save up money,
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after all, having a child is a big expense, i’m no matter how hard i try, i can’t put it off, nastya, nastya, if i didn’t have such a daughter-in-law, then my sashka would have to travel less on business trips, and where does he work for you, he always has such long business trips, oh? hmm, i’m afraid of making a mistake, solves some problems, you are my golden one, nastenka, be kind, take a small saucepan, pour your soup, i ’ll take it to a neighbor, he’s all alone, god knows what he eats, yeah, what about the children? and they don't visit him? he had a daughter, she died a month ago,
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then he stumbled in the bathroom, he was unsuccessful, dislocated his hip, now he’s all alone in a stroller, well, i could help, it’s not difficult for me, i still come to you, you understand, he won’t be able to pay you , no, no, you know, i ’ll talk to my son-in-law, let him increase your salary, and you can help? then ivan fedrovich too, everything’s fine, i’ll smear like that, no, this is inconvenient, and my children are not poor enough to give me a lift, so let me do it today. i’ll go to him, see what’s going on, and then we’ll figure it out, after all, it’s a miracle, you fought, ah, i was still young to fight, but together with other children, we still fought
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the nazis, well. .. i was on duty on the roof, i worked at the factory, i helped bury the dead, no, well, before they respected us, they were proud of us, but now it’s only may 9th that i remember, yes , well, that’s it, oh you kind soul, listen, i’ve had this for a long time there was no such order, you know what, but come on, sit down, let’s have tea with me, so, of course, there’s no special treat, but it ’s from the heart, and i’ll definitely try the jam, that’s my daughter lorila, yeah, now.
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“here you go, this is for your efforts , what are you saying, i won’t take it, well, listen, you have so many people like me, everyone needs help, ivan fedorovich, take away the money, otherwise i ’ll be offended, okay, i'm better." yes, varenitsa , good luck, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, you know, i still have a jar there, unopened, so take it home, well, at least i can repay you with something, thank you you’re welcome, you know that yes, tomorrow i’ll come
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, i’ll iron everything out, i’ll bring groceries, cook dinner, so i see... please, wow, what kind of occasion do we have today? and the reason is this, nastenka, that it seems to me that i have solved all our problems, sit down, did you win the lottery, not quite, you know, i found it. you have a very cool client, there’s so much money there, and he wants to negotiate with you, so wait, wait, what are we talking about, you understand, there was a problem with our conductor’s brother, he injured his spine while skiing, of course, he can’t take care of himself , the doctors are of course trying, but it’s unknown how long this will all last, but his family
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is ready to pay any money so that someone can take care of him, you can start on monday. so, what about the schedule? so, what's the schedule? schedule, as usual, full day, every day. wait, what about my other patients? nastya, why do you need them? understand, with this one client you can earn as much money as you can’t earn with all your old people combined. this is... a red offer, you understand, they are used to me already, so what? nastya, this man is a goldmine, you know, he can sit in a chair for a year, or two, or 10, well, listen, you will have full board, they will bring you in, take you away, come on, i’m sorry, this doesn’t suit me.
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“sorry, but your old people will find other caregivers for themselves, and you have a chance in life, i can’t leave them, you can’t, or don’t want to, you need tea or coffee, no, thank you, i had breakfast in the morning, well, you can have some pie try?" “oh, well, just a small piece, how are you, ivan fedorovich, you look! excellent, i’m trying, that’s how you appeared, so life didn’t get better right away, when i opened
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the door today, i gasped, there was a dressed up handsome man, cheerful, he brought me violets, oh, yes, my favorite flowers, yummy, can i have the recipe, but there’s a magazine over there. very simple, the main thing is that the cottage cheese is full -fat, great, i’ll bake it tonight, my husband has such a sweet tooth, why wait until the evening, run now, especially since i’m clean, i take my pills on time, yes, run, dears, we’re already we can cope without you, i, i have such supervision, run home, cook something delicious and arrange a romantic dinner, if you let me go like that, well, i’ll go, of course
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, oh, hello, what is it, and you’re not happy, no, what are you, i’m glad, i just thought that you would come later in the evening, but what , have your old people already learned to do without you? no, they just let me go early so that i could be with my husband, so great, i was just thinking about what i could cook for dinner, can you help me? nastya, nastya, oh, i see you were already actively preparing, but you love, sort it with champagne, i know why, the box is almost empty, you you know, i probably got carried away and didn’t notice how i took away half of it, yeah. well, okay, we’ll just make do with champagne, yes, yes, i, don’t worry, i know where the bottle is, oh, there’s nothing,
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he was waiting for me so much that he drank it all, yes, i saw it, how could you? you swore to me that this would never happen again, and i’m glad that you caught me, you know, i’m so tired of pretending that everything is fine with us, i ’m tired of you, because you’re blessed, you know, you.. someone is dearer to you than me, some old people are dearer to you than our future,
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how wonderful, you bring a mistress to our house, you still dare to reproach me, how tired i am of you, how tired i am of everything that happens between us, how tired i am of your whim, of your reluctance to move forward, i even i forgot what you were like, you buried yourself in your old people and turned into an ordinary gray mouse, into a moth, i can’t see you like this anymore. when i married you, i thought that a family is when everyone is together.
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when there is no need to prove anything, explain nothing, because everything is clear without words, i well, all this time, i lived only for you, you didn’t refuse anything, and well... sometimes you had to refuse so as not to lose respect, if you’re so disgusted, get out of here and never come back, well, what are you doing there again, you’re chewing snot, you’re not tired of making yourself a victim yet, love, but it’s my own
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fault. i let myself go, he endured, was silent, accepted me for who i am, and now what, and now you pull yourself together, start living for yourself, love yourself , spend yourself, please tell me, when was the last time you bought clothes for i bought myself, i didn't i remember, but this one is unfinished. today, that’s what needed to be proven, he’s not like now, he should have been kicked out a long time ago, he’s also a guy for me, he can’t even earn enough for a hotel room, he takes a woman home, so she flipped it, forgot it and started life from scratch , you understand me, yes, okay, i’ll turn the page, start all over again.
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well, it’s nice to live for yourself, it’s nice, but lonely, of course, that’s okay. i think it won’t be for long, you’re right, i’m after dzhulka. lyub, i understand that you are already attached to her, but i really need her now. so, let's listen something small happened here, i didn’t want to call you, upset you, you’re so on edge, we’re all on edge here, what happened, and where is the dog, it ran away the
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other day. can’t close it, it opens on its own, slava came home from work, apparently he didn’t close it, she ran out, dzhurka, dzhurka, they ran to look, it’s nowhere, i even turned up in the dark, oh, and no one saw her, it was dark, she’s small, but please forgive me, but she trusted me, you idiots, you didn’t notice, i was counting on her so much, i even prepared a place. “nastya, i’ll buy you another one, or maybe it’s meant to be, maybe it’s not fate, i just can’t be with a man, or with a dog, why are you such a fool, and nastya, well, as long as you can, well, as much you can sit in this hole, well , it’s time to climb out , get to know someone, i don’t know what to do with myself anymore, why, but for self-esteem, he’s a warbler, with good friends, goes to the bathhouse, let him have
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you “i’ll introduce you to someone, i don’t need anyone, okay.” nastya, i’ll go, you won’t hit yourself like that again, bye, i’m so glad, sasha, why are you home, i’m just mom, how are you feeling, hmm, sit down, sit down, sit down, stop running around, oh, okay, i’m fine. “while i was waiting for you, i kept thinking , i’m going to die when you’re left alone, mom, that’s what you are, that’s why you are, you need to get married, sasha, 25 again, why, mom, well, you know, i’m not with whom i can’t, but maybe it’s worth
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trying, but why try?”? well, why try, wife, children, well, why do i need them, no, why do they need me. “nastya comes to see me, you haven’t seen her yet, she’s a lovely girl, kind, attentive, with a medical education , mother, recently separated from her husband, she’s sad, i ’m not forcing her on you, just..." communicate, maybe something will work out for you, but i really like her, she, sit, sit, sit, i'll open the door, hello, good afternoon
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, please come in, uh-huh, where's vera petrovna, and she's waiting for you, let's... and thank you, let's, thank you, oh , nastenka, hello, oh, hello, nastenka, oh meet me, this is my son, sasha, this is nastya, whom i told you about, hello, i ’m very pleased too. your mother missed you very much, i i’m glad you’re back , we kept telling you, well, you’re happy, of course, well , i suggest we make a small celebration, i
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’ll quickly wash my hands and cook something tasty, can you imagine, my patient’s heart rate returned to normal for the first time in a long time rhythm? what surprises you if she is under your supervision? no, that’s not the point , you know, her son just returned to her from a business trip, and she all blossomed, that’s what the care of a loved one means, come on, come on, come on, well, how is he, who? then you are the son again for my own, i didn’t even look at him, and you look, look, look, mom, you’ve already won him, the rest is a matter of technique, you know, i don’t need it, especially since i’m not divorced yet, oh, i
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i beg you, get a divorce, yours, you haven’t appeared, i hope on the horizon, no, well, fine, great , the evil eye has given, the heart is out, here we already have a new one looming, come on, you fool, come to me, come to me , go, stand, back, that's good, hello, hello, and i see you're in a good mood, that means everything is fine, well, yes, well, great, well, goodbye. well, aksana nikolaevna, cosmonaut, well
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, there’s a reason, the children bought a house on the oka river and told me to get ready, yeah, i broke down to begin with, well, why should i change the old women, that’s all. and then i thought, what is this suddenly old? that’s right, that’s right, i rummaged through the wardrobe, and then i found a suit, the most amazing thing, i got in, and now i ’ll be cutting along the embankment in this suit with my stick, for a long time. i think forever, so nastya and i will have to part with you, and i will miss you, me too,
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but what about ivan fedorovich, he can survive for... he has a neighbor for a reason, and i ’m taking him with me, really, yes, well, what can he do here alone, well, there’s air, nature, a spacious house, and his apartment can be rented out , can you imagine what a solid increase in pension, you are so great, i’m so glad, your children are wonderful, yes, the children are wonderful, they told me so, take whoever you want, so if you have a vacation coming up, you're welcome, we'll receive you as a queen, okay, although you're probably just asking the fedorichs from us i was stunned, well, what are you, like family
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, i know, i know, thank you for everything, we’ll sign you up and let you go, because we don’t seem to have anything else, that’s how we have it, let’s go, thank you, sasha for dinner, but no why, nastya, can i ask a question? of course, tell me, do you like me at least a little, well, if i didn’t like you at all, i probably wouldn’t have met you, ladies, please, thank you, my beloved, maybe i’ll open the wine for you, but my beloved , no need, darling, let us better gossip. nice man, restaurant,
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flowers, what doesn’t suit you, his pressure, we we know each other so little, a month is not enough, i don’t know in which monastery you were brought up, glory generally persuaded me to cohabit on the second day, people like him don’t lie on the road. “maybe the fact is that i have nothing for him , well, it’s good that he doesn’t, nastya, it’s great that he doesn’t, but what’s good, but you loved this unfinished goat of yours, oh, how you loved him, with a rug she was lying in front of him, but in the end, he wiped his feet, stepped over and moved on, but here it’s the other way around, this one is spreading in front of you, ready to do anything for you”? do you feel difference, without love all this
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does not matter, but love will come, believe me, with such an attitude love will not go anywhere, at least you will feel like a woman and not a draft horse, still it seems to me that this is not my person.
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so what do they write there, doctor? how much longer do i have left? it’s not all bad, but you should take care of your heart, don’t overexert yourself, avoid excitement, strong emotions, and lately all i’ve been doing is... i’m happy, doctor. joy is also a strong emotion. in general , i wrote everything here. please don't remember to take your medicine on time. and be healthy. thank you doctor. thank you. mom, you found me in the hallway. wait, i'm coming now. fine. your mother is a weak heart. and how weak, to be honest,
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not at all.


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